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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The ecology and population genetics of a complex of cryptic bumblebee species

Scriven, Jessica J. January 2016 (has links)
Bumblebees are ecologically and economically important as pollinators, but some species are suffering severe declines and range contractions. In this thesis, three cryptic bumblebee species are studied to elucidate differences in their distribution, ecology and population genetics. As a result of their high morphological similarity, very little is known about the lucorum complex species: B. lucorum, B, cryptarum and B. magnus. In this study, their distributions across Great Britain were assessed using molecular methods, revealing that B. lucorum was the most abundant and most generalist of the three species, whereas B. magnus was the rarest and most specialised, occurring almost exclusively on heathland. Additionally, both B. magnus and B. cryptarum were more likely to be present at sites with cooler summer temperatures. Cryptic species represent interesting models to investigate the levels of niche differentiation required to avoid competitive exclusion. Characterising the niches of these species at a single site across the flight season revealed differences along three niche dimensions: temporal activity, weather sensitivity and forage-resource use. These species exhibited asymmetric niche overlap; a combination of ecological divergence and spatio-temporal heterogeneity may contribute to maintaining them in sympatry. Population genetic studies can be highly informative for understanding species ecology and for conservation management. The differences in habitat specialisation exhibited by these bumblebee species provide the opportunity to test conflicting hypotheses about links between dispersal and ecological specialisation: are habitat specialists selected to have low or high dispersal ability? Based on microsatellite analysis, the generalist B. lucorum had high levels of genetic diversity and little population structure across large spatial scales. The habitat specialist B. magnus had the lowest genetic diversity but similar levels of population differentiation to the moderate generalist, B. cryptarum. However, unlike B. cryptarum, B. magnus population differentiation was not affected by geographic distance, suggesting that this specialist species may maintain effective dispersal across large scales despite being restricted to a fragmented habitat. Bergmann’s rule is a well-known ecogeographic rule describing geographical patterns of body size variation, whereby larger endothermic species are found more commonly at higher latitudes. Ectotherms, including insects, have been suggested to follow converse Bergmann’s gradients, but the facultatively endothermic nature of bumblebees makes it unclear which pattern they should adhere to. This thesis reports caste-specific differences in body size between the three lucorum complex species in agreement with Bergmann’s rule: queens and males of B. cryptarum and B. magnus, which were found more commonly at higher latitudes and at sites with cooler temperatures, were larger than those of B. lucorum. Population genetic studies of invertebrates generally require the destruction of large numbers of individuals, which is often undesirable. Testing a variety of faecal collection and DNA extraction methods demonstrated that it is possible to obtain DNA of sufficient quality for genotyping from bumblebee faeces, without harming the individuals. This method would be valuable for studies of rare or declining bee species, for queens in reintroduction projects, and may be applicable to other arthropods. Overall this thesis contributes substantially to our knowledge of the ecology and population genetics of three important pollinator species. It provides data to inform species conservation, as well as understanding of ecosystem functioning and population dynamics. Furthermore, it successfully uses these cryptic species as a model to test several fundamental ecological theories.

Macro and micro-evolutionary processes within a complex of species, case study of the tropical invasive earthworm : pontoscolex corethrurus / Processus macro- et micro-évolutifs au sein d’un complexe d’espèces, cas d’étude de l’espèce tropicale et invasive de vers de terre : pontoscolex corethrurus

Taheri, Shabnam 06 March 2018 (has links)
Pontoscolex corethrurus est le ver de terre le plus répandu dans les zones tropicales et sub-tropicales ; il est par conséquent très étudié en science du sol. Il est présent dans toutes sortes d’habitats, des sols pauvres de prairie aux sols riches de forêt primaire, et ses caractéristiques écologiques sont bien connues. Ses caractéristiques biologiques ont été moins étudiées. Peu de données sur la variation génétique au sein de cette morphoespèce sont disponibles à l’exception de la découverte en 2014 de deux lignées génétiquement différentes dans l’île São Miguel des Açores. De plus, son degré de ploïdie n’est pas connu et sa stratégie de reproduction n’est pas bien décrite. L’un des objectifs de cette thèse était de comprendre les mécanismes et les caractéristiques qui font de P. corethrurus un envahisseur efficace. Notre deuxième objectif était de rechercher des lignées cryptiques dans le monde entier et de décrire leurs relations phylogénétiques. Un troisième objectif était d’identifier quelle lignée était invasive et de caractériser la structure génétique de ses populations dans les aires native et d’introduction. Le dernier objectif était de tester si les différentes espèces du complexe avaient différents degrés de ploïdie, ce qui pourrait expliquer l’isolement reproducteur entre ces espèces. Une synthèse bibliographique de 265 études couvrant tous les aspects des connaissances sur P. corethrurus a montré que la stratégie – r et la plasticité de ce ver sont les caractéristiques clefs qui lui permettent d’envahir avec succès différents habitats. Afin d’étudier la diversité cryptique au sein de P. corethrurus à une échelle mondiale, j’ai examiné 792 spécimens collectés dans 25 pays et îles différents. Ces spécimens ont été analysés à l’aide de deux marqueurs mitochondriaux (COI et ADNr 16S), deux marqueurs nucléaires (internal transcribed spacers 2 et ADNr 28S) et une matrice de données de séquence multilocus obtenue à l’aide de la méthode AHE (Anchored Hybrid Enrichment). De plus, un total de 11 caractères morphologiques, internes comme externes, ont été étudiés dans toutes les lignées caractérisées génétiquement. Quatre espèces cryptiques (L1, L2, L3 et L4) ont été observées au sein du complexe d’espèces P. corethrurus. Elles ont été trouvées en sympatrie dans plusieurs localités et des analyses basées sur des marqueurs AFLP n’ont pas montré d’hybridation entre L1 et L3. La possibilité d’isolement reproducteur lié à des degrés de ploïdie différents a été évaluée à l’aide d’expérimentations de cytogénétique pour lesquelles plusieurs obstacles ont été rencontrés, à différentes étapes. Des résultats n’ont été obtenus que pour L4 (2n = 70). L’une des espèces du complexe, L1, était géographiquement répandue. Cette espèce correspondait aux spécimens topotypiques (échantillons provenant du jardin de Fritz Müller où P. corethrurus a été décrit en premier en 1856). Nous avons ciblé cette espèce invasive dans une étude de génétique des populations et de phylogéographie. En utilisant le gène COI et des marqueurs AFLP, nous avons révélé une faible diversité génétique dans la zone tropicale, probablement due à des évènements de colonisation récents et à une reproduction asexuelle. Cependant, la diversité génétique relativement élevée dans certaines populations, associée à un déséquilibre de liaison relativement faible, suggère aussi des évènements de reproduction sexuelle. A ce jour, c’est le premier travail réalisé à l’échelle mondiale sur la diversité génétique cryptique, la génétique des populations et la phylogéographie d’une espèce de vers de terre pérégrine dans la zone tropicale. J’ai produit la première revue complète des caractéristiques de P. corethrurus. De plus, son statut taxinomique a été clarifié ainsi que sa stratégie de reproduction qui est mixte (parthénogénèse et amphimixie). Ces informations seront utiles pour les expérimentations et les recherches futures sur les espèces du complexe P. corethrurus / Pontoscolex corethrurus is the most widespread earthworm species in the tropical and sub-tropical zones, it is hence one of the most studied earthworm in soil science. Ecological aspects of P. corethrurus, which is known to be present in a wide range of habitats from poor soils of pasture to rich soils of primary forest, were intensively investigated but biological aspects are less addressed. In particular, information on the genetic variation within the morphospecies is scarce except for the finding of two genetically differentiated lineages in São Miguel Island of Azores archipelago in 2014. Moreover, the ploidy degree of the morphospecies is not yet known and its reproduction strategy is not well understood. One of the objectives of this thesis was to understand the mechanisms and characteristics which make P. corethrurus a successful invader. Our second objective was to look for cryptic lineages in the whole world and to describe the phylogenetic relationships between them. A third objective was to identify which lineage was invasive and to characterize its population genetic structure in the native and the introduced ranges. The last objective was to test if the different species of the complex have different ploidy degrees (polyploid complex). This could eventually explain the reproductive isolation among these species. A bibliographic synthesis of 265 studies covering all subjects of knowledge on P. corethrurus showed that the r strategy and plasticity of this earthworm are the key characteristics which make it a successful invader in different habitats. In order to investigate the cryptic diversity within P. corethrurus in a world-wide scale, I examined 792 specimens collected from 25 different countries and islands. These specimens were analyzed using two mitochondrial (COI and 16S rDNA) and two nuclear (internal transcribed spacers 2 and 28S rDNA) markers and a large-scale multilocus sequence data matrix obtained using the Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) method. In addition, a total of 11 morphological characters, both internal and external, were investigated in all genetically characterized lineages. Four cryptic species (L1, L2, L3 and L4) were found within the P. corethrurus species complex, and four potentially new species within the genus Pontoscolex. The cryptic species were observed in sympatry at several localities, and analyses based on AFLP markers showed no hybridization among L1 and L3. The possibility of reproductive isolation among species of the complex because of different ploidy degrees was investigated by cytogenetic experimentations. Due to different obstacles encountered at different steps of the experimentations, results were just obtained for L4 (2n=70). One of the species belonging to the complex, L1, was particularly widespread per comparison with the others. This species corresponded to topotype specimens (samples from Fritz Müller’s garden where P. corethrurus was first described in 1856). Thus, we focused on this invasive species in a population genetics and phylogeography study. Using COI gene and AFLP markers, we revealed low genetic diversity through the tropical zone, probably due to recent colonization events and asexual reproduction type. Meanwhile, due to weak linkage disequilibrium and relatively high genetic diversity in some populations, sexual reproduction was suggested for L1.To date, this is the first study investigating at a world-wide scale, cryptic species diversity, population genetics and phylogeography of a peregrine earthworm species throughout tropical zone. I produced the first comprehensive review of all ecological and biological aspects of P. corethrurus. Moreover, the taxonomic status of P. corethrurus was clarified as well as its reproduction strategy which is mixed (parthenogenetic and sexual). All these findings represent potentially useful information for future experimentations and researches on species of P. corethrurus complex

Mezidruhová kompetice spermií jeseterovitých ryb / Interspecific sperm competition in sturgeon

ŠACHLOVÁ, Hana January 2016 (has links)
Sturgeon species (order Acipenseriformes) are prone for interspecific hybridization. Anthropogenic activities in river basins influence sturgeon reproduction by destruction of their natural spawning grounds. Consequently, spawning areas, as well as the time of spawning of sturgeon species overlap and different sturgeon species reproduce concurrently. This increases the probability of meeting of heterospecific gametes and pre-zygotic postcopulatory reproductive barriers, comprising of sperm competition and cryptic female choice, may play an important role in preventing undesirable interspecific hybridization. The goal of this study was to evaluate the role of interspecific sperm competition and cryptic female choice during interspecific hybridization of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii). Reproductive characteristics (fertilization rate and hatching rate) were described in each of experimental and control groups showing similar values for competitive and non-competitive trials. Parentage assignment was performed in hatched larvae using combination of mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite DNA markers. Obtained results revealed higher fertilization success of sterlet spermatozoa, when these competed for fertilization with spermatozoa of Siberian sturgeon. Total reproductive success of starlet spermatozoa was 78.9 % and Siberian sturgeon 21.1 %. Contrary, when spermatozoa did not compete for fertilization, males of analysed species showed equal fertilization success. In the trials, where eggs of both studied species were mixed and fertilized by sperm from each species separately, eggs of any species did not show a tendency to bias fertilization by spermatozoa of conspecific males. Probably, there are no pre-zygotic postcopulatory reproductive barriers that prevent interspecific hybridization of sterlet and Siberian sturgeon at the gametic level.

Les mollusques du Golfe de Gabès (Méditerranée sud-orientale) : néo-endemisme ou variations écophénotypiques ? / The Gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia) : center of Mediterranean endemism or ecophenotypic variations in extreme conditions ?

Aissaoui, Cherifa 24 October 2016 (has links)
L’originalité du golfe de Gabès (Sud de la Tunisie) a été reconnue par les malacologistes depuis le19ème siècle mais reste mal définie. Les espèces de cette région présentent des caractères morphologiques qui ont conduit à l’établissement de variétés, sous-espèces et espèces faiblement caractérisées. Certains auteurs les traitent comme des taxons endémiques tandis que d'autres les considèrent comme de simples variants locaux d'espèces à large répartition méditerranéenne. Le manque d’information concernant la valeur taxonomique de ces caractères morphologiques ne permet pas de traiter de façon robuste la question de l’endémisme dans le golfe de Gabès. Le premier objectif est de réviser le statut taxonomique des mollusques du golfe de Gabès en s’appuyant sur une approche de taxonomie moléculaire. La confrontation des différents caractères a permis d’identifier ceux qui discriminent correctement les individus en espèces, d’éliminer à l’inverse ceux qui ne remplissent pas cette fonction et d’en redéfinir de nouveaux. Le deuxième objectif est de relier les particularités faunistiques du Golfe à ses caractéristiques océanographiques et de discuter les phénomènes de spéciation qui pourraient être à l’origine de l’endémisme. Nos analyses ont porté sur six genres: Jujubinus (Trochidae), Diodora (Fissurellidae), Ocinebrina, Muricopsis (Muricidae), Aplus (Buccinidae) et Tritia (Nassariidae). L’approche intégrative utilisée a permis de proposer des hypothèses de délimitation d’espèces que nous avons ensuite confrontées aux données morphologiques et géographiques. Au final, l’endémisme est confirmé dans certains cas mais l’hypothèse qu’une partie des espèces décrites du golfe de Gabès ne sont que des variétés éco phénotypiques est également attestée. Notre approche moléculaire a mis aussi en évidence l’existencede nouvelles espèces et d’espèces cryptiques insoupçonnées dans la Méditerranée. Finalement l’hypothèse que le golfe de Gabès est un centre de spéciation est retenue. Plus de données moléculaires (reliées à des données fossiles) d’autres groupes provenant de différentes localités (spécialement du golfe de Syrte) apparaissent toutefois nécessaires. / The present Mediterranean marine fauna is the result of a history going back to the Messinian Salinity Crisis, with current biogeographical patterns mostly reflecting Quaternary to modern oceanographic conditions. The Gulf of Gabès, in southern Tunisia, is remarkable for its extreme ecological characteristics that distinguish it from "ambiant" Mediterranean conditions. Starting with the work of malacologists at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the molluscs of the Gulf of Gabès have been recognized as exhibiting morphological characters that set them apart from more typical forms that occur in the rest of the Mediterranean. At present, 6% of the species of the overall Gulf of Gabès mollusc fauna are treated as valid local endemics. Using an integrative taxonomy approach, combining molecular and morphological data, the objective of the study is to re-evaluate the status of these Gulf of Gabès local forms: are they valid, endemic species or do they represent ecophenotypic variation? Given the young geological age (6-8 ka) of the Gulf, where would local endemics have originated? The gastropod genera Jujubinus (Trochidae), Diodora (Fissurellidae), Tritia (Nassariidae) Ocinebrina (Muricidae), Muricopsis (Muricidae) and Aplus (Buccinidae) all have in common non-planktotrophic larval development. Our integrative approach confirms the validity of some of the endemic taxa, but also infirm that others are not valid species; molecular data also reveal unsuspected cryptic lineages both within and outside the Gulf. Regarding the question of the origin of the endemic species, various hypotheses have been proposed, one of them being that the Gulf of Gabès is a “speciation factory”. To formally test this hypothesis, more molecular data (coupled with fossil record data) are needed from other species groups and from other localities in the Mediterranean (specifically the Gulf of Syrte).

Anopheles oswaldoi (Diptera, Culicidae): análise do segundo espaçador interno transcrito (ITS2) do DNA ribossômico e da susceptibilidade à infecção com Plasmodium vivax. / Anopheles oswaldoi (Diptera, Culicidae): analysis of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA and the susceptibility to infection by Plasmodium vivax.

Mauro Toledo Marrelli 28 March 2000 (has links)
Resultados anteriores sugerem que existem diferenças biológicas entre espécimens de Anopheles oswaldoi capturados no Estado do Acre e os do Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Esta espécie tem sido apontada como um importante vetor de malária em localidades do Peru e Acre. Entretanto, em Rondônia, somente um número pequeno de A. oswaldoi alimentados em pacientes com malária desenvolveram infecção nas glândulas salivares. Além disso, há suspeita de que espécimens identificados como A. oswaldoi, capturados em áreas abertas em Costa Marques, Rondônia, são na verdade A. konderi, e que A. oswaldoi sensu stricto estaria restrito a áreas de florestas. Estes dados, juntamente com as dificuldades encontradas na identificação de anofelinos do grupo Oswaldoi, baseadas em critérios morfológicos, sugerem que espécimens de A. oswaldoi são membros de um complexo de espécies crípticas. A distinção de espécies crípticas de insetos vetores é de grande importância, já que diferentes membros em um complexo podem exibir diferenças na ecologia, capacidade vetorial e resposta a medidas de controle. Análise de sequências de DNA, particularmente da região do ITS2 do cistron do DNA ribossômico, tem sido usada como um caracter diagnóstico em alguns grupos de espécies crípticas, tornando-se um instrumento para estudos taxonômicos e filogenéticos. A primeira parte deste estudo teve o objetivo de determinar as diferenças encontradas nas sequências de ITS2 de espécimens de A. oswaldoi capturados em várias localidades da América do Sul. As regiões dos ITS2 destes anofelinos foram amplificadas usando oligonucleotídeos iniciadores conservados das regiões 5.8S e 28S e os produtos de PCR foram clonados e sequenciados. Os ITS2 de todos os mosquitos capturados tiveram tamanho aproximado de 350 nucleotídeos, com aproximadamente 53% de conteúdo de GC. Análise do alinhamento destas sequências, mostrou similaridade variando entre 87% e 100%, e a análise de uma árvore de similaridade, neighbor-joining, produzida com p-distance usando as diferenças nas sequências de ITS2, separou estes espécimens em quatro grupos. Um deles está provavelmente relacionado ao A. oswaldoi sensu stricto, e um outro pode estar relacionado à espécie A. konderi. Os outros dois grupos podem corresponder a espécies cuja identificação morfológica permanece para ser esclarecida no complexo A. oswaldoi. Estes dados são evidências de que espécimens de A. oswaldoi estão incluídos em um complexo de espécies crípticas e que identificação por DNA pode resolver estas questões taxonômicas. A. konderi tem sido considerado uma sinonímia de A. oswaldoi. Embora estágios adultos e imaturos destas espécies de anofelinos apresentem características morfológicas idênticas, aspectos encontrados na genitália masculina podem distinguir estes taxa. A segunda parte deste estudo foi conduzida com o objetivo de comparar a susceptibilidade de A. oswaldoi s.s. e de A. konderi à infecção com Plasmodium vivax. A susceptibilidade foi baseada na proporção de mosquitos com oocistos e esporozoítos. Os anofelinos foram capturados no Acre e em Rondônia para obtenção de progênies F1. Após a emergência dos adultos, as genitálias masculinas dos mosquitos de cada progênie foram dissecadas e examinadas. Todas progênies originadas dos mosquitos capturados em Rondônia corresponderam a A. konderi, enquanto que cerca de 85,0% das progênies do Acre eram A. oswaldoi s.s.. Estas progênies F1 de A. oswaldoi s.s., A. konderi e A. darlingi foram alimentadas simultaneamente com sangue infectado com P. vivax. Estes mosquitos foram dissecados 10-12 dias após infecção e examinados para verificação da presença de oocistos e esporozoítos. Tanto A. oswaldoi s.s. como A. konderi apresentaram oocistos nos tratos digestivos, entretanto, a porcentagem de tratos digestivos positivos para oocistos foi maior em A. oswaldoi s.s. (13,8%) do que em A. konderi (3,3%). Esporozoítos foram encontrados somente nas glândulas salivares de A. oswaldoi s.s., com 6,9% de positividade. As taxas de infecção nos controles A. darlingi foram de 22,5% a 30,0%, para ambos oocistos e esporozoítos. Estes resultados indicam que A. oswaldoi s.s. pode transmitir P. vivax e sugerem que esta espécie é mais susceptível que A. konderi. Embora A. oswaldoi s.s. seja uma espécie exofílica e zoofílica, este anofelino pode estar envolvido na transmissão da malária humana como parece estar ocorrendo no Estado do Acre. / Previous results have suggested that biological differences could exist between specimens of Anopheles oswaldoi captured in the State of Acre and those from the State of Rondônia, Brazil. This species has been appointed as an important malaria vector in localities of Peru and Acre. However, in Rondônia, only a very low percentage of A. oswaldoi fed on malaria patients developed salivary gland infections. In addition, it was suspected that specimens identified as A. oswaldoi captured in open clearings in Costa Marques, Rondônia, were actually A. konderi, and that A. oswaldoi sensu stricto would be restricted to forested areas. These data, together with the difficulties found to identify anophelines of the Oswaldoi group based on morphologic criteria suggest that specimens of A. oswaldoi are members of a complex of cryptic species. The distinction of cryptic species of insects is of critical importance, since different members in a Complex could exhibit differences in ecology, vectorial capacity and response to control measures. DNA sequence analysis and particularly that of the ITS2 region of the rDNA cistron has provided diagnostic characters in some groups of cryptic species becoming a general tool for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. The first part of the present study was undertaken to determine the extent of differences over the ITS2 sequence of specimens of A. oswaldoi s.l. captured in several localities of South America. The ITS2 of these anophelines were amplified using conserved primers of the 5.8S and 28S regions, cloned and sequenced. The lengths of ITS2 of all mosquitoes captured were about 350 nucleotides, with about 53% GC content. Analysis of the alignment of the sequences, which showed that the similarity varied between 87% and 100%, and analysis of a neighbor-joining tree produced with p-distance using the ITS2 sequences, separated these specimens in four groups. One of them is probably related to A. oswaldoi sensu stricto, and another one can possibly be related to A. konderi. The other two groups may correspond to species the morphologycal identification of which remains to be clarified in the A. oswaldoi complex. These data are evidences that specimens of A. oswaldoi are included in a complex of cryptic species and that the DNA identification could solve some taxonomic questions. A. konderi has been currently considered to be a synonym of A. oswaldoi. Although adults and immature stages of both these anopheline species have identical morphological characters, features of the male genitalia can distinguish these taxa. The second part of this study was conducted in order to compare the susceptibility of A. oswaldoi s.s. and of A. konderi to infection by Plasmodium vivax. The susceptibility was based on the proportion of mosquitoes with oocysts and sporozoites. Anophelines were captured in the State of Acre and Rondônia and used to obtain F1 progenies. After emergency of adults, male genitalia of mosquitoes of each family were dissected. All families originated from mosquitoes captured in Rondônia corresponded to A. konderi, while about 85.0% of the families from Acre were A. oswaldoi s.s.. F1 progeny of field-captured A. oswaldoi s.s., A. konderi and A. darlingi were fed simultaneously on P. vivax infected blood. Mosquitoes were dissected on day 10-12 after infection and examined for the presence of oocysts and sporozoites. Both A. oswaldoi s.s. and A. konderi developed oocysts in midguts, however, the percentage of oocyst-positives in A. oswaldoi s.s. (13.8%) was higher than in A. konderi (3.3%), and only A. oswaldoi s.s. developed salivary infection with sporozoites (6.9% of positivity). Infection rates in A. darlingi ranged from 22.5% to 30.0% for both oocysts and sporozoites. These results indicate that A. oswaldoi s.s. can transmit P. vivax and suggest that it is more susceptible than A. konderi. Although A. oswaldoi s.s. is an exophilic and zoophilic species, it may be involved in human malaria transmission as it seems to be occuring in the State of Acre.

Ocorrência de Chlamydophila felis e do plasmídeo críptico em gatis nas cidades de São Paulo e Osasco / Occurrence of Chlamydophila felis and cryptic plasmid in catteries in the cities of São Paulo and Osasco

Fernanda Fidelis Gonsales 06 December 2013 (has links)
A infecção de trato respiratório superior em gatos é uma afecção muito frequente em indivíduos que vivem em abrigos, com elevada morbidade e em alguns casos, fatal. O herpesvírus felino tipo1 (FHV-1) e a Chlamydophila felis estão entre os principais causadores. O FHV-1 ocasiona quadros de espirros, secreção nasal e alterações oculares como conjuntivite. A C. felis é responsável pelos piores casos de conjuntivite e apresenta um plasmídeo críptico como possível fator de virulência. A presença dos retrovírus da leucemia felina (FeLV) e/ou imunodeficiência dos felinos (FIV) debilita a função do sistema imunológico, causando imunossupressão e consequentemente aumento no índice de morbidade e mortalidade. Neste trabalho foram avaliados quatro abrigos, três gatis particulares não-comercias (um localizado em Osasco/SP e outros dois São Paulo/SP). Os gatis possuiam alta densidade populacional e a procedência dos gatos alojados era desconhecida. A detecção de FHV-1, como de C. felis e de três genes do plasmídeo criptico foram realizadas por PCR em amostras de mucosa oral e de conjuntiva ocular de ambos os olhos obtidas com swabs de algodão, secos e estéreis. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para a detecção do FIV e FeLV por meio de teste imunoenzimático. O sintomas clínicos dos animais foram classificados de 1 a 4, sendo 4 atribuído àqueles que apresentavam pior sintomatologia. A ocorrência de FIV e FeLV no 1° gatil foi de 4,63% e 3,70%, no 2° gatil foi de 0% e 6,45%, enquanto que no 3° gatil foi 75% e 0% respectivamente, estes vírus não foram detectados no 4° gatil. FHV-1 foi observado em 61,11% dos gatos no 1° gatil; 90,32% no 2° gatil, 100% no 3° gatil e em 89,74% dos animais do 4° gatil. No 1° gatil, 7,41% das amostras apresentavam C. felis, no 2° gatil, 58,06%; no 4° gatil, 23,08%; enquanto que no 3° gatil o agente não foi detectado. Dentre as amostras positivas para C. felis, os genes do plasmídeo críptico foram detectados; no 1o gatil o gene 1 estava presente em 62,50% das amostras, o gene 2 e 3 em 75%, para o 2° gatil obteve-se 61,11% de positividade para os genes 1 e 2 e 55,56% para o gene 3; no 4° gatil o gene 1 e 3 estavam presentes em 77,78% das amostras, o gene 2 em 55,56%. Os óbitos relatados no período do estudo foram de animais classificados com sintomas 3 ou 4 e positivos para C. felis e para o plasmídeo críptico. No presente trabalho foi observada uma elevada ocorrência de C. felis e de seu plasmídeo críptico, apesar da baixa ocorrência de FIV e FeLV nos gatis. / The infection of upper respiratory disease in cats is very common in individuals that living in shelters, with high morbidity, and in some cases, fatal. The feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV- 1) and Chlamydophila felis are agents the main causes. The FHV- 1 causes sneezing, nasal discharge and ocular abnormalities such as conjunctivitis. The C. felis is responsible for the worst cases of conjunctivitis and features a cryptic plasmid as a possible virulence factor. The presence of the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and/or vírus of feline immunodeficiency (FIV) weaken the function of the immune system, causing immunosuppression and therefore increased morbidity and mortality. This study evaluated four shelters, three catteries private non-commercial (one located in Osasco/SP and two in São Paulo/SP). Catteries possessed high population density and cats housed origin was unknown. The detection of FHV- 1 as three genes of the C. felis and cryptic plasmid was performed by PCR in oral mucosa and the ocular conjunctiva of both eyes obtained with cotton swabs, dried and sterile. Blood samples were collected for the detection of FeLV and FIV by enzyme immunoassay. The clinical symptoms of animals were classified from 1 to 4 , with 4 assigned to worst symptoms. The presence of the FIV and FeLV was in the first cattery 4.63% and 3.70%, in the second cattery was 0% and 6.45%, while in the third cattery was 75% and 0%, respectively, these viruses do not were detected in the 4th cattery. FHV- 1 was observed in 61.11 % of the cats in the first cattery; 90.32 % in the second cattery 100 % in the third and 89.74% of the animals of the fourth cattery. In the first cattery, 7.41% of the samples had C. felis, the second cattery, 58.06 %, in the fourth cattery, 23.08%, while the third cattery the agent was not detected. Among the samples positive for C. felis genes were detected cryptic plasmid; in the first cattery, the first gene was present in 62.50%, gene 2 and 3 in 75% of the samples; for the second cattery was obtained 61.11 % positive for 1 and 2 genes and 55.56 % to the third gene; in fourth cattery the first and the third genes were present at 77.78% of the samples in the second gene was in 55.56%. The deaths reported during the study period were classified in animals with symptoms 3 or 4 and positive for C. felis and the cryptic plasmid. In this study we observed a high incidence of C. felis and the cryptic plasmid, despite the low occurrence of FIV and FeLV in catteries.

Culturas como alternativa para elucidação de biodiversidade críptica do fitoplâncton: o caso das águas costeiras do estado de São Paulo / Cultures as an alternative to the elucidation of phytoplankton cryptic biodiversity: the case of coastal waters of São Paulo state.

Karoline Magalhães Ferreira Lubiana 02 August 2013 (has links)
O fitoplâncton é composto por uma gama de organismos fotossintetizantes de diversas origens evolutivas. São os principais produtores primários dos oceanos embora sua biodiversidade seja muito pouco estudada, principalmente as frações do nano e picoplâncton. A composição florística dessas duas frações do fitoplâncton marinho é praticamente desconhecida nas águas brasileiras, entretanto diversos trabalhos ecológicos e oceanográficos relatam sua importância, pois são os mais abundantes nas regiões marinhas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo isolar espécies de microalgas, com ênfase nos fitoflagelados, a partir de amostras coletadas de Cananéia, Ubatuba e Santos, a fim de aumentar o conhecimento acerca da composição taxonômica desses organismos e permitir estudos futuros, envolvendo análises moleculares, ultraestruturais e fisiológicas. Para isso, foram usadas várias técnicas tradicionais de isolamento, como cultura mista, micropipetagem e diluições sucessivas, plaqueamento em ágar e diluição seriada. Foram isolados 49 cepas das classes Cyanophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Nephroselmidophyceae, Chrysophyceae e outros não identificados. Análises pigmentares foram realizadas em especial para o grupo das Cryptophyceae para confirmar a identificação em nível genérico. Vários dos táxons isolados representam novos registros para o estado de São Paulo e para a costa do Brasil. Os resultados do presente estudo são uma boa partida para a inclusão filogenética dos organismos isolados na costa do Brasil no contexto mundial, auxiliando a desvendar a biodiversidade críptica de espécies até o momento desconhecidas para as regiões estudadas / Phytoplankton comprises a range of photosynthetic organisms with different evolutionary origins. They are the main primary producers in the oceans but its biodiversity is poorly studied, especially on the nano and picoplankton fractions. Although the floristic composition of these two fractions of the marine phytoplankton is virtually unknown in Brazilian waters, several studies have reported the oceanographic and ecological importance of these groups, which are the most abundant in marine environment. This study aimed to isolate microalgae species with emphasis on \"phytoflagellates\" from samples collected in Cananéia, Ubatuba and Santos in order to increase the knowledge about their taxonomic composition and allow future studies involving molecular, ultrastructural and physiological analysis. For this, several traditional single-cell isolation techniques were used such as enrichment culture, micropipette, agar plating and serial dilutions. There were isolated 49 strains of Cyanophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Nephroselmidophyceae, Chrysophyceae classes and others unidentified. Pigment analyzes were performed specially on Cryptophyceae group in order to confirm their identification at generic level. Several of the isolated taxa are new records for the state of São Paulo and the coast of Brazil. The findings of this study enable the phylogenetic inclusion of organisms isolated from the Brazilian coast in a world context, helping to unravel the cryptic biodiversity of organisms hitherto unknown for the studied regions

Spécialisation parasitaire chez les Aphidiinae : existe-t-il des parasitoïdes de pucerons généralistes ? / Parasitic specialization in Aphidiinae : there are generalist aphid parasitoids ?

Navasse, Yoann 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les parasitoïdes de pucerons Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera : Braconidae) comprennent des espèces qui présentent un gradient de spécialisation allant d’espèces monophages à des espèces capables de parasiter plusieurs dizaines d’espèces hôtes. Le caractère généraliste ou spécialiste d’un ennemi naturel va conditionner son efficacité à réguler les populations d’un ravageur, mais également sa capacité à pouvoir exploiter d’autres ressources dans les habitats semi-naturels, et assurer ainsi son maintien dans l’environnement en l'absence du ravageur. L’objectif premier de ce travail est de définir s’il existe des espèces généralistes au sein des Aphidiinae, dans un contexte agronomique spatialement et temporellement délimité. Dans un deuxième temps, il s'agit d’étudier les facteurs qui peuvent influencer la spécialisation parasitaire à l’échelle inter et intraspécifique. Les facteurs ciblés sont l’hôte, la plante, de par leurs caractéristiques écologiques comme l’abondance et la fréquence, et le type d'habitat, cultivé ou non cultivé. Nous avons étudié au sein d’un agrosystème et au cours d’une saison de végétation les réseaux trophiques plantes-pucerons-parasitoïdes dans le milieu cultivé et dans les habitats semi-naturels. Nous avons cherché à identifier des situations d’exploitation d’hôtes multiples dans les deux compartiments de l’agrosystème et à définir les facteurs pouvant influencer la répartition des espèces généralistes et spécialistes dans le temps et l’espace. Puis nous avons étudié le parasitisme en conditions naturelles et contrôlées d’une espèce en particulier, Diaeretiella rapae pour déterminer son degré de spécialisation parasitaire et la dynamique d’exploitation des hôtes sur les plantes cultivées et sauvages. Enfin, l’existence de structuration génétique des populations, voire d’espèces cryptiques, a été recherchée chez les espèces les plus généralistes, grâce à une approche moléculaire de type barcoding. Nos résultats révèlent qu’il n’y a pas à proprement parlé de vrai généraliste parmi les Aphidiinae présents dans l'agroécosystème étudié. Les espèces supposées généralistes ayant un possible intérêt agronomique ont en réalité des spectres d’hôtes limités, elles ne parasitent que rarement et très ponctuellement des ressources dans les habitats semi-naturels. La plupart présentent des structurations génétiques de leurs populations (hormis A. ervi) en fonction de l’hôte, de la plante ou de l’interaction des deux. Des espèces cryptiques ont été détectées chez D rapae. La conséquence de cette spécialisation parasitaire et des structurations génétiques intraspécifiques est un rôle probablement très faible des habitats semi-naturels comme réservoirs d'Aphidiinae, leur gestion n'étant alors pas un levier pour la mise en place d'une lutte biologique par conservation. / Aphid parasitoids of the sub-family Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) include species with a gradient of specialization from monophagous to polyphagous species, able to parasitize several dozen of host species. Generalist or specialist trait for a natural enemy will determine its effectiveness in regulating pest populations, but also its ability to exploit other resources in semi-natural habitats and then to ensure its maintenance in the environment in the absence of pests. The first objective of this work is to determine if there are real generalists species within Aphidiinae in a peculiar agroecosystem over the time and in different habitats. Secondly, we studied the factors that may influence the parasitic specialization at inter- and intraspecific level. Targeted factors are the host, the plant, regarding their ecological characteristics, such as abundance and frequency, and the type of habitat, cultivated or uncultivated. We studied the trophic network between plant-aphid-parasitoid in cultivated areas and in semi-natural habitats in an agroecosystem and during a growing season. We sought to identify situations of multiple exploitation of different host in the two compartments of agroecosystem and to identify factors influencing the distribution of generalists and specialists species in time and space. Then, we studied the parasitism of a particular species Diaeretiella rapae in natural and controlled conditions to determine its degree of parasitic specialization and its temporal dynamic of host exploitation on cultivated and wild plants. Finally, the existence of genetic structure of populations, even cryptic species, was investigated in the most generalist species, with a molecular barcoding method. Our results reveal that there is no true generalist species among Aphidiinae present in the studied agroecosystem. The supposed generalist species actually have limited host ranges, they parasite rarely and very timely resources of semi-natural habitats. Most of them show a genetic structuration of their populations (except A. ervi) depending on the host, the plant or the interaction of both. Cryptic species were detected in D rapae. The consequence of this parasitic specialization and intraspecific genetic structuring is probably a very low role of host reservoir played by the semi-natural habitats for Aphidiinae species, their management then not being a lever for the implementation of conservation biological control.

Pour une meilleure caractérisation du registre fossile pélagique : diversité morphologique, biogéographie et écologie des espèces cryptiques de foraminifères planctoniques / For a better characterization of the fossil pelagic record : molecular, biogeographical and ecological diversity of planctonic foraminifers cryptic species

Morard, Raphaël 09 November 2010 (has links)
L’utilisation des coquilles carbonatées de foraminifères planctoniques comme marqueurs paléocéanographiques repose sur l’hypothèse fondamentale que chaque espèce morphologique correspond à une espèce biologique caractéristique d’un habitat spécifique. Cette relation empirique a été récemment remise en cause par des analyses moléculaires qui ont révélé la présence systématique de plusieurs espèces génétiques (espèces cryptiques) au sein des morpho-espèces actuelles. Il a été suggéré que ces espèces cryptiques ou génotypes, présentaient (1) des préférences biogéographiques et écologiques restreintes par rapport à leur morpho-espèce respective et (2) des différences morphologiques. Dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé la diversité génétique, morphologique et écologique de 4 morpho-espèces clefs de la paléocéanographie, i.e. Orbulina universa, Truncorotalia truncatulinoides, Globoconella inflata et Globigerina bulloides. Cette étude repose sur le développement d’un protocole d’extraction ADN non destructif pour la coquille calcaire, permettant l’analyse conjointe de la variabilité génétique et morphologique d’un même individu. Les variations de forme ou de porosité de chacun des génotypes des morphoespèces ont été quantifiées. Il apparaît que le fort degré de plasticité morphologique largement documenté chez les foraminifères planctonique et jusqu’alors interprété comme écophénotypique, est au moins en partie la conséquence du regroupement de plusieurs génotypes présentant des morphologies et préférences écologique particulières. Sur la base de ces observations, des modèles de reconnaissance morphologique permettant d’identifier les génotypes à partir de la morphologie de la coquille, utilisables à l’échelle populationnelle, ont été développés. Afin de quantifier l’impact de l’intégration de la diversité cryptique dans les reconstitutions paléocéanographiques basées sur les assemblages de foraminifères planctoniques, les fonctions de transfert couramment utilisées ont été re-calibrées en intégrant les distributions restreintes des génotypes d’O. universa, T. truncatulinoides, G. inflata et G. bulloides. Ces re-calibrations conduisent à un degré de précision jusqu’alors jamais atteint dans les reconstructions paléocéanographiques basées sur les assemblages de foraminifères planctoniques. / The usefulness of calcareous shells of planktonic foraminifera as a paleoceanographic proxy relies on the key hypothesis that each morphospecies corresponds to a biological species with a specific habitat. This empirical relationship has been challenged since molecular analyses have revealed a significant level of cryptic genetic diversity among modern morphospecies of planktonic foraminifera. Previous workers have suggested that the cryptic species or genotypes (1) display narrower biogeographic and ecological ranges than their related morphospecies, and (2) exhibit shell morphological differences. In this work, we have characterized the genetic, morphological and ecological diversity among four planktonic foraminiferal morphospecies of significance in paleoceanography, i.e. Orbulina universa, Truncorotalia truncatulinoides, Globoconella inflata and Globigerina bulloides. Our study relies on the development of a new single-cell DNA extraction protocol that retains the shell, allowing direct morpho-genetic comparisons. Shape or porosity variations within each genotype have been quantified. It appears that the high degree of morphological plasticity widely documented in planktonic foraminifera and classically seen as ecophenotypy, is at least partly the spurious consequence of lumping several genotypes that display morphological and environmental preferences. Based on these observations, we developed several population-scale models, which allow recognition of the cryptic species based on their shell morphology. Finally, in order to quantify the impact of integrating cryptic diversity in assemblage-based aleoceanographic reconstructions, we have re-calibrated transfer functions based on the ecological ranges of the genotypes of O. universa, T. truncatulinoides, G. inflata and G. bulloides in the southern oceans. Such recalibrations led to a great, previously never reached improvement in the accuracy of the assemblage-based paleoceanographic reconstructions.

Prévalence et mécanismes de résistance aux triazolés des espèces d’Aspergillus section Fumigati

Parent-Michaud, Maxime 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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