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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexuella övergrepp och missbruk : Kvinnor inom den frivilliga missbruksvården

Björk-Timm , Sofia, Lindemann, Frida January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomsten av sexuella övergrepp hos kvinnor inom den frivilliga missbruksvården samt beskriva kvinnornas situation utifrån utvalda livsområden. Studien bygger på material hämtat från DOK:s inskrivningsintervju 2007. Urvalet bestod av kvinnor inom den frivilliga missbruksvården som genomfört långa inskrivningsintervjun i DOK. Resultatet visade att 31,3 % av kvinnorna i undersökningsgruppen hade svarat ja på frågan om de varit utsatta för sexuellt övergrepp innan missbruksdebuten. Vid en jämförelse mellan kvinnor som varit utsatta för, respektive inte varit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp innan missbruksdebuten, visade resultatet att gruppen som varit utsatta hade sämre förhållanden inom flera livsområden samt ett tyngre missbruk jämfört med gruppen som inte varit utsatta. En slutsats som kan dras är att det är viktigt att vara medveten om att kvinnor inom missbruksbehandling kan ha flera problem än bara missbruket, medvetenheten gör det möjligt att erbjuda en bättre behandling för de här kvinnorna.</p>

An NMR Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Investigation of Hydrogen Bonding in Solids

Webber, Renee 25 August 2011 (has links)
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is used to investigate strong hydrogen bonds in a variety of solids. NMR measurements of the 2H nuclear quadrupole coupling (CQ) and nuclear magnetic shielding tensors are performed on samples of trimethylammonium chloride (TMAC), protonated 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)napthalene (DMANH+), and potassium and sodium bifluoride. 2H CPMAS is used to obtain high quality spectra while reducing experimental time. From spectral simulations, values of 127, 36, 59 and 58 kHz are determined for the 2H CQ of TMAC, DMANH+ CF3SO3-, NaHF2 and KHF2, respectively. The 2H CPMAS spectrum of TMAC shows a minor secondary component resulting from a solid phase in which the trimethylammonium cation is experiencing precessional motion. At high temperature the 2H CPMAS spectrum of DMANH+ shows unexpected spinning sideband lineshapes because of residual dipolar coupling to 14N. The experimental 2H CQ values are corroborated by ab-initio and DFT calculations; for DMAN and the bifluorides the 2H CQ values are averaged over the potential energy surface to improve the computational quality. Large values of the isotropic chemical shift (>10 ppm) are observed for all of the hydrogen-bonded deuterons. To complement the 2H NMR work, other nuclei in the compounds of interest are investigated, for TMAC these include: 35Cl, 37Cl, 1H, 14N, 15N. The 35Cl CQ shows a small, but observable deuterium/proton isotope effect. Quadrupolar and chemical shift parameters for assorted nuclei in TMAC are calculated at various N-H distances, demonstrating the strong dependence of the chlorine and hydrogen parameters on the proton position. For DMANH+ the 15N CPMAS spectrum of a static sample of DMANH+-d1 provides a value for the average dipolar 15N-D coupling constant of 870±30 Hz, corresponding to a distance of 1.29 A. Spectra of the counterions in the bifluoride salts are obtained, providing CQ values of 123 kHz and 1.141 MHz for 39K and 23Na, respectively.

Possible Modifications to the Accelerated Mortar Bar Test (ASTM C1260)

Golmakani, Farideh 11 July 2013 (has links)
The Accelerated Mortar Bar test (AMBT) is rapid, reproducible, and perhaps the most widely used technique for examining the potential alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates. Unfortunately, this test is often unreliable as it may identify non-reactive aggregate as reactive and vice versa. With the aim of improving the accuracy of AMBT, two modifications to the current procedure were evaluated: 1) the maturity of mortar bars prior to alkali hydroxide exposure and 2) reduction of the storage temperature. The original and modified versions were performed on six aggregates with alkali-silica reactive (ASR) components, and their expansions and ASR classifications were compared. Results show that increasing the maturity had no significant impact on expansions. However, modifying the storage temperature to 60˚C and extending the period of testing to 28 days can be very effective in terms of more reliably identifying the existing falsely identified aggregates.

Possible Modifications to the Accelerated Mortar Bar Test (ASTM C1260)

Golmakani, Farideh 11 July 2013 (has links)
The Accelerated Mortar Bar test (AMBT) is rapid, reproducible, and perhaps the most widely used technique for examining the potential alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates. Unfortunately, this test is often unreliable as it may identify non-reactive aggregate as reactive and vice versa. With the aim of improving the accuracy of AMBT, two modifications to the current procedure were evaluated: 1) the maturity of mortar bars prior to alkali hydroxide exposure and 2) reduction of the storage temperature. The original and modified versions were performed on six aggregates with alkali-silica reactive (ASR) components, and their expansions and ASR classifications were compared. Results show that increasing the maturity had no significant impact on expansions. However, modifying the storage temperature to 60˚C and extending the period of testing to 28 days can be very effective in terms of more reliably identifying the existing falsely identified aggregates.

Soil and Landscape Factors Affecting Phosphorus Loss from the Fitzgerald River Catchment in South West of Western Australia

rxysharma76@gmail.com, Rajesh Sharma January 2009 (has links)
Following over 100 years of agriculture and continuous phosphorus (P) fertilizer application in the south west of Western Australia, there is a growing risk of P transport from cropping and pasture land to streams. However, soil and landscape factors affecting the likelihood of P losses and of stream water contamination have not yet been assessed for the South coast region of Western Australia. The present investigation was conducted in the Fitzgerald River catchment located ~ 400 km south east of Perth, to identify risk of P losses from agricultural land to streams, through an understanding of how P is retained within complex landscapes and released via surface and subsurface flow paths. The 104,000 ha catchment is in a moderately dissected landscape (average annual rainfall 450 mm) and discharges into the World Heritage listed Fitzgerald Biosphere. The main use of cleared land in the catchment is broad-scale agriculture, primarily winter grain cropping and pasture for livestock. The aim of an initial study was to identify the areas with high soil P concentrations and their relationship to factors such as soil type, topography, management (e.g. fertilizer and manure inputs, and uptake by crops or forage) and how variations in soil P concentrations were related to soil physico-chemical properties, P fertilizer management and landscape position. A wide variation in P concentrations was observed across the catchment, but few of the samples exceeded Colwell extractable P levels of 30 mg/kg in the 0-10 cm layer which is regarded as a critical level for crop and pasture productivity. The western area of the catchment, which was cleared earlier (before 1966) than the eastern area had a greater prevalence of loam soils, and higher Colwell-extractable P concentrations (average)22 mg/kg vs. 13 mg P/kg) due to soil type effects and higher P accumulation over time. Risk of P loss from the east and west of the catchment is expected to vary due to textural and topographic differences and P history (P fertilizer input and uptake by crops). The CaCl2-extractable P in the catchment was negatively correlated with oxalate extractable Fe (Feox) in soils. This suggests that P may be transported as particulate P (PP) on loam and clay soils due to sorption of P on oxides surfaces, while on sand soil leaching losses may be more likely. On loam and clay soils, higher sodicity and the dispersive nature of subsoils may increase the risk of both dissolved P (DP) and PP loss due to the effects on hydraulic conductivity of the profile. Hedley's fractionation scheme was used to quantify P fractions in the order of decreasing lability, viz: resin-P > NaOH-Pi > NaOH-Po > acid-P (H2SO4-P) > residual-P. Surface soil had higher resin and NaOH-Pi, which are regarded as water-soluble and readily exchangeable P forms, respectively and expected to contribute to DP in the runoff losses. The residual P was the largest fraction followed by the hydroxide extractable organic-P fraction (NaOH-Po): the former was positively correlated (r) with clay content, organic carbon (OC) and pyrophosphate extractable Fe and Al (0.48**, 0.61**, 0.69** and 0.58**, P < 0.01). A relatively higher value of NaOH-Po in the subsurface layer and positive correlation with OC (r = 0.45**, P < 0.01) suggests potential mobility of P as soluble organic P in run-off, throughflow and leachate. Phosphorus sorption and its relationship to soil properties was used to assess the potential P release from the catchment soils. Values of P sorption maxima varied from 1111-3333 mg/kg for surface soils and 1010-2917 mg/kg for subsoils. The P sorption isotherms conformed better to the Freundlich equation than the Langmuir equation. A highly significant negative correlation between CaCl2 extractable P and Feox in surface soils (r = -0.65**, P < 0.01) suggests that P was bound to hydrated Fe oxide surfaces and this may determine the concentration and dynamics of loosely bound P equilibrating with leachates and eroded particulate materials. On the other hand, high surface organic matter and the high proportion of total dissolved P in organically bound form may inhibit P sorption on clays and sesquioxides, which would increase P mobility through leaching or runoff losses. The relationship between soil P concentration and degree of P stratification in the top 0-10 cm of soils along five toposequences was examined to predict the effect on runoff P losses. The total Colwell-P content of the 0-10 cm layer of soils in the catchment was very low in comparison to other studies on P losses from agricultural soils, but soils showed higher P concentration at 0-1 cm depth compared to 5-10 cm (average 37 mg/kg vs. 19 mg/kg). The higher extractable P concentration in the 0-1 cm layer will create a greater P mobilization risk in surface runoff and leachate than analysis of the 0-10 cm layer might suggest. Assessment of P risk using the 0-10 cm data would still be reliable as P concentration in the 0-1 cm layer was linearly related (R2 = 0.59) with concentration in the 0-10 cm layer. The sampling at varied soil depths will result in different critical P levels for estimating the risk of P enrichment in runoff. In a glasshouse study with intact soil columns, initial high P concentrations in leachate decreased with leaching events suggesting that macropore flow dominated in initial leaching events changing later to matrix flow. The hydraulic behavior of clay and loam soil below 10 cm depends largely on structure and the type of clay minerals and exchangeable Na. Higher levels of exchangeable Na in the subsoil might increase dispersion of clay particles resulting in low permeability leading to ponding of surface water or lateral movement of water at the interface of sand A and clay B horizons. Lateral water movements increase the risk of P losses in the form of DP, dissolved organic P (DOP) or PP. The P concentration in all the P forms (DRP, DOP and TDP) increased significantly with P rates of application (P < 0.01). The DRP concentration was < 2 mg/l in unfertilized columns but an increase to 11 mg/l was observed with P application at 40 kg P/ha. The higher proportion of DOP relative to DRP and its correlation with TDP indicates that the DOP was the major form of P in leachate. However, the estimation of DOP which was by subtraction of DRP from TDP generally overestimates OP concentration. The TDP load from unfertilized soil was < 0.20 mg/l in runoff and < 2.40 mg/l in throughflow but increased with P application (20, 40 kg P/ha) for both packed box and field studies. Under field conditions, higher P loss was found with broadcast P application compared to drill placement. The higher load of DOP as a proportion of TDP and its significant relationship with TDP in runoff (R2sand = 0.81; R2clay = 0.79) and throughflow (R2sand = 0.94; R2clay = 0.98) in field and box studies also suggests DOP was the major form of P loss from soil. Dissolved OP concentration increased significantly with increase in soluble organic carbon (SOC) in soil solution at 5 cm depth (P < 0.05). Consequently, the amount of organic matter dissolved in soil solution may influence P sorption and mobility. Relatively higher affinity of soil for sorption of DRP compared to DOP might allow DOP to be more mobile through the profile. Higher PP load in clay soil in throughflow indicates subsurface lateral flow along the interface with the horizon of dispersive clay might be an additional risk factor regarding P mobility in clay soils of the catchment. The runoff, throughflow and leachate were dominated by eroded particles of clay and colloidal organic materials. However, the soil solution collected though 0.1 m pores in the Rhizon samplers had a similar dominance of DOP to the < 0.45 jum filtered samples in runoff and throughflow. This reduces the likelihood that the so-called DOP fraction was mostly P associated with PP in the 0.1 to 0.45 jum size fraction. The composition of DOP in soil solution collected through Rhizon samplers (< 0.1 jum) might provide important insights for P mobility since this more effectively excluded PP than in the < 0.45 jum filtrate used for runoff and throughflow samples. The DOP in soil solution (< 0.1 jum) might be associated with fine colloidal compound such as silicates, metallic hydroxides, humic acids, polysaccharides, fulvic acids and proteins. If so, then most, but not all of the DOP fraction would be organically bound. However, this requires verification. In conclusion, soil P levels across the catchment were never very high when assessed in the 0-10 cm layer, but levels in the 0-1 cm layer were more than twice as high. Overall, < 1 % of land area of the upper Fitzgerald River catchment had Colwell-P levels > 30 mg/kg (0-10 cm) and hydrological connection to streams. In addition, another 7 % of land had Colwell-P levels > 15 mg/kg, which appears to be a change point in soils for the release of CaCl2 extractable P. These areas, which are predicted to represent critical source areas of the catchment, need careful management. The high proportions of TDP as DOP in runoff, throughflow and soil solution suggest DOP was the major form of P loss from soil. Phosphorus losses from the catchments are also likely in the form of PP in clay and loam soil but leaching losses are more likely in sand. High exchangeable Na in the subsoil of loam and clay soils increases dispersion of clay particles resulting in low permeability of subsoil and greater lateral P mobility as throughflow at the interface of sand and clay textured horizons. In general, soils of Fitzgerald River catchment had low soil P, but nevertheless significant risk of P loss at Colwell-P > 15 mg/kg. This study provides baseline information for P loss risks in the wheatbelt of WA. Stream water quality monitoring instruments were installed in the upper Fitzgerald River Catchment at 5 stream locations by CSIRO to measure base line concentrations of P. The measured P concentrations were higher than ANZECC trigger values (> 0.05 mg P/l) for management response over the three-year monitoring period (2005-07). Hence this and many other catchments on the south coast and wheatbelt of south west Western Australia need assessment for P loss risks. Previous emphasis in south west Western Australia on P losses from sandy coastal soils under pasture may need to be reconsidered. In the South coast region, cropping land in the medium rainfall zone may still represent a risk of P loss to waterways and risk to water quality. The present study evaluated the risk of P loss based on soil P forms and their mobility. It suggests greater attention needs to be given to the difference between clay and loam soils with dispersive or non-dispersive sub-soils, and to the composition and mobility of DOP. However, a more complete understanding of P loss risks depends on follow-up studies on hydrological flow and connectivity in the upper Fitzgerald River catchment and similar landscapes of south west Western Australia.

Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Community Supported Agriculture als innovative Nische

Wellner, Marie 10 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A mercantilização em contramovimento : relações de reciprocidade e coesão social na agricultura sustentada pela comunidade em Minas Gerais

Eckert, Daniele January 2016 (has links)
O modelo convencional de organização da cadeia de produção e distribuição de alimentos é baseado na dependência cada vez maior do capital financeiro e industrial, no uso de agroquímicos, adubos, fertilizantes industriais e de outras técnicas provenientes da Revolução Verde, na livre circulação de mercadorias nos países e na inserção de intermediários na cadeia de distribuição. Esse modelo representa um movimento de mercantilização da agricultura e prejudica a autonomia dos indivíduos sobre a sua reprodução material e social, fazendo com que a sociedade enfrente um incremento de pobreza, insegurança alimentar, êxodo rural, danos à saúde e ao meio ambiente, assim como uma perda do senso de comunidade e de solidariedade. Além da compreensão do conceito e das formas de expressão do movimento de mercantilização, a lente teórica, que tem origem em Karl Polanyi, possibilita capturar o conceito da pluralidade e da coexistência dos princípios de regulação econômica e também do contramovimento como uma forma de resistência e de resgate da autonomia relativa dos indivíduos. É nesse contexto que a Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade (CSA) surge como uma possibilidade de contramovimento ao mercado convencional de alimentos ao adicionar uma qualidade ao ato de alimentar-se pela produção agroecológica e ao reconectar produção e consumo mediante o encurtamento da cadeia de distribuição. O problema que norteou a pesquisa desta dissertação foi compreender quais seriam as formas de contramovimento que se configuram na Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade diante da generalização do processo de mercantilização. Por isso, o objetivo geral consistiu em compreender e analisar, em uma experiência real de CSA situada na região sudeste do Brasil, os padrões de troca não mercantil em operação e os fatores que favorecem a autonomia relativa e elevam a coesão social de produtores e consumidores que participam da experiência observada. O método empregado foi a observação participante, utilizando as técnicas da etnografia. Em termos gerais, os resultados encontrados na pesquisa sinalizam que os indivíduos não são passivos diante dos efeitos da mercantilização e articulam-se em movimentos que buscam proteção e ganho de autonomia. Os resultados confirmam a hipótese inicial de que nas atividades de CSA coexistem, com a troca de mercado, outros princípios de regulação da economia, especificamente a reciprocidade, que aparece em diversos momentos, desde as motivações para o engajamento dos indivíduos até a forma em que a própria troca é realizada. Isso porque ao privilegiar nas suas trocas o ato em vez do objeto e do interesse privado, há menção a uma relação mais humana que permite o estabelecimento de amizade, solidariedade, tolerância, fidelidade e comprometimento mútuos, mas, principalmente, possibilita a ampliação da autonomia relativa dos indivíduos e o estabelecimento de um senso de comunidade, que se faz em torno do alimento. Na pesquisa, foram identificados três fatores específicos desta eficácia: a forma de produzir o alimento, oposto ao da agricultura tradicional, o encurtamento da cadeia e as atividades em conjunto mobilizadas pelo grupo de agricultores e consumidores. Desta forma, a Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade constitui um contramovimento à mercantilização na agricultura e aparece como uma alternativa eficaz na construção da autonomia daqueles que estão entrelaçados nessa rede de alimentos e na ampliação da coesão social. Os resultados e conclusões apresentados ao longo da dissertação ganham relevância na medida em que contribuem com novas informações e possibilidades de atuação na reversão do êxodo rural, na diminuição da pobreza, na redução de gastos públicos em saúde com uma alimentação mais saudável, assim como na promoção de iniciativas de preservação do meio ambiente. / The conventional model of organization of the production and distribution of food chain is based on the increasing dependence on the financial and industrial capital, the use of agrochemicals, fertilizers, industrial fertilizers and other techniques from the Green Revolution, the free circulation of goods in countries and the inclusion of intermediaries in the distribution chain. This model represents a movement of commodification of agriculture and undermines the autonomy of individuals concerning their material and social reproduction, leading society to a status of poverty, food insecurity, rural exodus, damage to health and environment, as well as to a loss of sense of community and solidarity. In addition to understanding the concept and the ways of expression of the commodification movement, the theoretical approach, based on Karl Polanyi, enables to capture the concept of plurality and coexistence of the principles of economic regulation and also the countermovement as a form of resistance and rescue of the individuals’ autonomy. In this context, the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) emerges as a possibility of countermovement to the conventional food market to add quality to the act of feeding by the agroecological production and to reconnect production and consumption by shortening the supply chain. The problem that guided the research of this dissertation was to understand what are the forms of countermovement that are present in the Community-Supported Agriculture before the generalization of the commodification process. Therefore, the overall objective was to understand and analyze, in a real experience of CSA located in southeast region of Brazil, the patterns of non-market exchange and the elements that favor the relative autonomy and increase social cohesion among producers and consumers participating in the observed experience. The method used was participant observation, using the techniques of ethnography. In general, the results found in the study show that individuals are not passive before the effects of commodification and they articulate in movements that seek protection and autonomy. The results confirm the initial hypothesis that, in the CSA, activities coexist with the exchange market, such as other principles of regulation of economy, especially reciprocity, which appears at various times, in motivation for engagement and in the way the exchange itself is performed. This happens because, when they prioritize their exchanges act instead of the object and the private interest, they develop a more human relationship that allows the establishment of friendship, solidarity, tolerance, mutual fidelity and commitment and also enable the expansion of autonomy of individuals and establish a sense of community, which is around the food. In this study, we have identified three specific elements that contribute to the effectiveness of the process: the way of producing food, as opposed to traditional agriculture, the shortening of chain and the activities in group promoted by the group of farmers and consumers. Thus, the Community-Supported Agriculture is a countermovement to the commodification in agriculture and an effective alternative in the construction of autonomy of those who are part of this net of food and in the expansion of social cohesion. The results and conclusions presented throughout the dissertation are relevant since they contribute with new information and possibilities of actions to slowdown rural exodus, alleviate poverty, reduce public spending on health with a healthier diet, as well as to promote the development of initiatives to preserve the environment.

Osobní pohled dítěte na prožité sexuální zneužívání a jeho sociální dopad- rozbor monografie / Personal view of a child on experienced sexual abusing and its social consequences - analysis of monografy

LENDLEROVÁ, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The Master thesis entitled as "The Personal View of a Child on Sexual abuse and Its Social Impact" is a research work dealing with the analysis of the monograph "The Spider Games" by Zuzana S. The main aim of the work is to find out what social impact sexual abuse had on the author's life. The research was conducted as a qualitative investigation based on an anchored theory using a monograph analysis as a data acquisition technique. The Student has used the individual case studying method. The results showed that a sexual abuse had an impact on the author's life in all aspects. The sexual abuse has influenced the most the partner's relationships, the relationships in her family, the author's health, author's self-concept, and her sexuality. The work could be beneficial for the general public interested in this problematic, because it provides theoretical basics and refers to the direct resources. Furthermore, we can see the beneficial possibility of this work, to carry out a more extensive research to investigate the theoretical claims. The thesis can be useful for workers in helping professions, as to understand the victims of sexual abuse.

Efeitos do treinamento de força no músculo esquelético de ratos jovens e senis

Lopes, Giselle Nunes 27 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:21:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5576.pdf: 1152832 bytes, checksum: 13ad2d45c47c55991a6ab0c41eebb5e1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-27 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Introduction: The skeletal muscle is the largest tissue present in vertebrates and is involved in locomotion, posture and breathing movements. It is composed of elongated, cylindrical and multinucleated muscle fibers with fat droplets in the sarcoplasma, known as intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) used as energy during exercise. Another source of energy used by the muscle is the carbohydrate stored in the body as glycogen, which is stored in the liver and muscle fibers. Muscle fibers are also surrounded by an extracellular matrix (ECM) formed, among other components, by collagen, mainly types I, III, IV and V. The aging process is associated with loss of muscle mass, muscle strength and function, increase of IMCL, reduction in glycogen synthesis with consequent insulin resistance, and also fibrosis and deposition of ECM. On the other hand, strength training (TF) is considered appropriate intervention to modify, minimize or reverse some physiological changes in skeletal muscle, as a result of aging. Thus, this study aimed to assess the cross section area of skeletal muscle fibers, amount of IMCL, glycogen content and MEC properties of the gastrocnemius (GAM) and soleus (SO) of young and senile rats after TF protocol. Methods: 28 rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: Youth (J); Old(S); Youth who underwent strength training (JT); Old who underwent strength training (ST). The animals performed strength training protocol consisting in climb a vertical ladder with weight strapped in their tails of 65%, 85%, 95% and 100% of the maximum load of the animal 3x a week for 12 weeks. CSA of muscle fibers, detection of collagen and identification of adipocytes in the GAM and SO muscles, beyond determinations of glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscle were performed. Results: Senile animals had lower CSA values, greater amount of IMCL, as well as of connective tissue in both muscles, but did not change the glycogen content in liver and muscle. After TF, the CSA increased in young and old animals in both muscles, the reduced IMCL in SO muscle of old animals, connective tissue decreased in young and old animals in both muscle and, finally, the glycogen content increased in liver and muscle of young and old animals. Conclusion: The strength training protocol in old rats was able to increase the CSA, decrease IMCL, increase of stored glycogen and decrease the connective tissue present in GAM and SO muscles. These results showed that there are changes in muscle fiber size, in the quantity of IMCL, in glycogen storage and in properties of the ECM of the GAM and SO muscle after intervention, indicating that strength training minimizes some deleterious effects inherent aging. / Introdução: O músculo estriado esquelético forma o maior tecido presente nos vertebrados e está envolvido na locomoção, postura e movimentos respiratórios. É formado por fibras musculares alongadas, cilíndricas e multinucleadas cujo sarcoplasma apresenta gotículas de gordura, conhecidas como lipídeo intramiocelular (IMCL), e utilizadas como combustível durante o exercício. Outra fonte de energia utilizada pelo músculo é o carboidrato, estocado no corpo como glicogênio que, por sua vez, é armazenado no fígado e dentro das fibras musculares. Essas fibras também estão envoltas por uma matriz extracelular (MEC) formada, entre outros componentes, pelo colágeno, principalmente, dos tipos I, III, IV e V. No músculo esquelético, o processo de envelhecimento está associado com a perda de massa, força e função muscular, aumento de IMCL, diminuição na síntese de glicogênio com, conseqüente, resistência à insulina, além de fibrose e deposição de MEC. Por outro lado, o treinamento de força (TF) é considerado uma intervenção apropriada para alterar, diminuir ou reverter parcialmente algumas alterações fisiológicas que ocorrem no músculo esquelético durante o processo de envelhecimento. Desta forma, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o tamanho das fibras musculares, a quantidade de IMCL, o armazenamento do glicogênio e as propriedades da MEC dos músculos gastrocnêmio (GAM) e sóleo (SO) de ratos jovens e senis após protocolo de treinamento de força. Metodologia: 28 animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos experimentais: Jovens (J); Senis (S); Jovens que realizaram treinamento de força (JT); Senis que realizaram treinamento de força (ST). Os animais realizaram protocolo de treinamento de força que consistia em escalarem uma escada vertical com pesos, presos em suas caudas, de 65%, 85%, 95% e 100% da capacidade máxima de carregamento do animal, durante 12 semanas e com freqüência de 3x por semana. Foram realizadas contagem e morfometria da área de secção transversa (CSA) das fibras musculares, detecção de colágeno e identificação de adipócitos nos músculos GAM e SO, além das determinações de glicogênio muscular e hepático, seguido de análise estatística. Resultados: Os animais senis apresentaram menor valor de CSA, maior quantidade de IMCL e maior quantidade de tecido conjuntivo em ambos os músculos, porém não apresentou alterações na quantidade de glicogênio armazenada nos músculo e no fígado. Após o TF, houve aumento na CSA dos animais jovens e senis em ambos os músculos, diminuição na quantidade de IMCL no músculo SO dos animais senis, redução do conteúdo de tecido conjuntivo nos animais jovens e senis em ambos os músculos e, por fim, aumento no armazenamento de glicogênio no músculo e fígado dos animais jovens e senis. Conclusão: O protocolo de treinamento de força realizado em ratos senis foi capaz de aumentar a CSA, diminuir a quantidade de IMCL, aumentar a quantidade de glicogênio armazenado e diminuir a quantidade de tecido conjuntivo presente nos músculos esqueléticos GAM e SO. Esses resultados mostram que há alterações no tamanho das fibras musculares, na quantidade de IMCL, no armazenamento de glicogênio e nas propriedades da MEC nos músculos estudados após a intervenção, comprovando que o treinamento de força minimiza os efeitos deletérios inerentes ao envelhecimento.

Impactos ambientais e socioeconômicos do uso da água nas CSAs do DF

Santana, Gustavo Serra 26 February 2018 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronegócios, 2018. / Submitted by Fabiana Santos (fabianacamargo@bce.unb.br) on 2018-08-30T20:48:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2018_GustavoSerraSantana.pdf: 3018367 bytes, checksum: 89fd466072ddda3be15e8852038e01bf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Raquel Viana (raquelviana@bce.unb.br) on 2018-08-31T21:10:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2018_GustavoSerraSantana.pdf: 3018367 bytes, checksum: 89fd466072ddda3be15e8852038e01bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-31T21:10:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2018_GustavoSerraSantana.pdf: 3018367 bytes, checksum: 89fd466072ddda3be15e8852038e01bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-30 / O presente trabalho, de natureza aplicada e abordagem quantitativa, objetivou avaliar a sustentabilidade dos sistemas de produção orgânicos que contam com Comunidades que Sustentam a Agricultura (CSA) no Distrito Federal (DF), com foco na água, por meio de um questionário survey, juntamente com o Sistema de Avaliação Ponderada de Impacto Ambiental de Atividades do Novo Rural (APOIA-NovoRural), que consiste num conjunto de 62 indicadores integrados baseados no conhecimento dos produtores em relação aos seus estabelecimentos. Os dados do questionário survey foram obtidos através de 10 entrevistas, já os do APOIA-NovoRural foram alcançados em cinco propriedades localizadas no DF e entorno. Os resultados mostraram, de forma geral, que a implantação das CSA tem trazido resultados positivos para os produtores rurais, com excelentes índices de qualidade da água, bem como uma conscientização elevada em relação ao assunto, além de promissoras condições socioculturais e econômicas. Por outro lado, os dados relativos à qualidade do solo merecem, em todos os casos, melhorias por parte dos produtores, assim como a gestão e administração das propriedades. Além disso, chamou atenção a falta de participação dos produtores na gestão integrada de recursos hídricos, por meio dos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas, bem como a pouca capacitação técnica dos mesmos no que se refere à água. / The present research, of applied nature and quantitative approach, aimed to evaluate the sustainability of the organic production systems that have Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in Brasília (DF), focusing on water, through a survey questionnaire, together with the APOIA-NovoRural, which consists of a set of 62 integrated indicators based on farmers knowledge of their establishments. The data of the survey questionnaire were obtained through 10 interviews, while the APOIA-NovoRural data were obtained in five properties located in the DF and surroundings. The results showed, in general, that the implementation of the CSA has brought positive results to the rural producers, with excellent indexes of water quality, as well as a high awareness in relation to the subject, besides promising socio-cultural and economic conditions. On the other hand, the soil quality data deserve, in all cases, improvements on the part of the producers, as well as the management and administration of the properties. In addition, attention was drawn to the lack of participation of producers in integrated water resources management through the Watershed Committees, as well as their lack of technical capacity in water.

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