Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tube"" "subject:"cube""
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CÃnicas : apreciando uma obra-prima da matemÃtica / Conic : appreciating a masterpiece of mathematicsLuiz EfigÃnio da Silva Filho 15 May 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho abordaremos alguns assuntos relacionados Ãs SeÃÃes CÃnicas: elipse, parÃbola e hipÃrbole. O trabalho està dividido em cinco capÃtulos: IntroduÃÃo; Origem das CÃnicas; EquaÃÃes das CÃnicas; Propriedades de ReflexÃo das CÃnicas; Construindo CÃnicas. No segundo capÃtulo, falaremos sobre o problema da duplicaÃÃo do cubo que, segundo a HistÃria da MatemÃtica, deu origem as cÃnicas e citaremos alguns matemÃticos cujos trabalhos contribuÃram para o desenvolvimento do estudo dessas curvas. No terceiro capÃtulo, estudaremos as equaÃÃes cartesianas das cÃnicas, bem como as suas representaÃÃes grÃficas e os principais elementos da cada cÃnica. No quarto capÃtulo, apresentaremos as propriedades de reflexÃo das cÃnicas e algumas aplicaÃÃes muito interessantes dessas propriedades. No Ãltimo capÃtulo, demonstraremos alguns mÃtodos para construir cÃnicas e em seguida faremos essas construÃÃes na prÃtica atravÃs de materiais concretos e por meio de um programa de Geometria DinÃmica, chamado Geogebra. / In this paper we discuss some issues related to Conic Sections: ellipse, parabola and hyperbole. The work is divided into five chapters: Introduction; Origin of Conic Sections; Equations of Conic Sections; Reflection Properties of Conic Sections; Building Conic Sections. In the second chapter, weâll talk about doubling the cube problem that, according to the History of Mathematics, originated the conic sections and talk about some mathematicians whose work contributed to the study of these curves. In the third chapter, we will study the Cartesian equations of conic sections, as well as their graphical representations and the main elements of each curve. In the fourth chapter, we presented the reflection properties of conic sections and some very interesting applications of these properties. In the last chapter, we will show some methods to construct conic sections and then we will make these constructs in practice through concrete materials and through a dynamic geometry program, called Geogebra.
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A Thematic Analysis on How Forensic Psychologists Conduct Personal Injury EvaluationsAutret, Denise M 01 January 2019 (has links)
Psychological evaluations administered by forensic psychologist in personal injury cases are surrounded by complex issues. Although empirically-based research has legitimized that psychological damages do exist in personal injury cases there is a missing link in the way forensic psychologists are conducting these evaluations. Prior researchers suggested that some personal injury evaluations had been dismissed or overlooked due to a lack of a standard of care. Addressing the current literature, this study examined how a diverse group of 14 licensed forensic psychologists, operating in different judicial jurisdictions (Daubert, Frye, and Independent) were conducting personal injury evaluations and their perspectives on the implementation of a standard of care. A qualitative thematic analysis design was used to gain a more in-depth understanding of this phenomenon. Systems theory was the conceptual framework that informed this study and guided the methodology employed. The identified themes were organized into steps reflected in an adapted version cube model. The study promotes positive social change by fostering confidence in the field of psychology and personal injury evaluations with regard to bolstering the overall credibility, reliability, and validity of the practice and processes involved. Further, positive change can occur through the development of framework that assists in leveling the practice by keeping evaluations flexible, but consistent; basing the decision regarding implementing a standard of care on the utility of the framework, along with future findings and developments in the field.
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Généralisations d'hypercubes et de (0, 2)-graphesMadani, Rafaï Mourad 07 March 1994 (has links) (PDF)
L'hypercube a suscité de nombreuses études engendrant une littérature très dense aussi bien en mathématiques discrètes qu'en informatique. Cet intérêt sans cesse croissant est largement motivé par l'utilisation de sa structure dans de nombreux domaines (architectures parallèles, transfert de l'information, décision multicritère,...). Chacun peut s'étonner des raisons qui font que le cube soit le cube?. Sa simple définition peut déjà apporter une réponse quoique partielle à une telle question. Plusieurs propriétés spécifiques à l'hypercube ont, soit, défini de nouvelles classes de graphes, soit, fait ressortir le rôle remarquable joué par celui-ci dans plusieurs classes déjà existantes. Les (0, 2)-graphes sont une généralisation naturelle de l'hypercube. Il est maximal dans cette classe. Le thème de cette thèse consiste en la définition et la caractérisation de quelques classes de (0, 2)-graphes obtenues à partir de l'hypercube par rajout d'arêtes ou identification de sommets. Nous caractérisons au chapitre II, le graphe de l'hyperoctaèdre comme un {2(n-2), 2(n-1)}-graphe d'ordre 2n, et nous prouvons l'unicité de son cycle hamiltonien et cela à une équivalence naturelle près. Nous donnons, au chapitre III, une caractérisation de l'hypercube en tant que graphe distance-régulier de vecteur d'intersection {d, d-1, ..., 1; 1, 2, ..., d}. Une classe de (0, 2)-graphes minimaux -les graphes de Shrikhande généralisés- y est étudiée et une caractérisation des graphes de Laborde-Mulder comme (0, 2)-graphes de diamètre minimum [d/2] parmi ceux d'ordre 2d-1 et de degré d impair est donnée. Au chapitre IV, nous caractérisons parmi les hypercubes généralisés ceux qui sont des (0, 2)-graphes. Nous présentons une construction de (0, 2)-graphes non sommet-transitifs. On montre enfin que les graphes de Laborde-Mulder et du demi-cube sont plongeables dans le carré de l'hypercube. Dans un dernier chapitre, nous nous intéressons au problème d'existence de (0, 2)-graphe d'un ordre donné. Nous donnons une condition nécessaire d'existence de tels graphes pour un ordre impair. Nous montrons ensuite qu'à l'ordre 18 et 20, il n'existe pas de (0, 2)-graphes, en utilisant à cette fin un algorithme de construction de (0, 2)-graphes. Nous présentons enfin quelques résultats sur la structure locale des (0, 2)-graphes
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Structure et comportement itératif de certains modèles discretsSnoussi, El Houssine 11 June 1980 (has links) (PDF)
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Hypercube coloring and the structure of binary codesRix, James Gregory 11 1900 (has links)
A coloring of a graph is an assignment of colors to its vertices so that no
two adjacent vertices are given the same color. The chromatic number of a
graph is the least number of colors needed to color all of its vertices. Graph
coloring problems can be applied to many real world applications, such as
scheduling and register allocation. Computationally, the decision problem
of whether a general graph is m-colorable is NP-complete for m ≥ 3.
The graph studied in this thesis is a well-known combinatorial object,
the k-dimensional hypercube, Qk. The hypercube itself is 2-colorable for all
k; however, coloring the square of the cube is a much more interesting problem.
This is the graph in which the vertices are binary vectors of length k,
and two vertices are adjacent if and only if the Hamming distance between
the two vectors is at most 2.
Any color class in a coloring of Q2k is a binary (k;M, 3) code. This thesis
will begin with an introduction to binary codes and their structure. One
of the most fundamental combinatorial problems is finding optimal binary
codes, that is, binary codes with the maximum cardinality satisfying a specified
length and minimum distance. Many upper and lower bounds have
been produced, and we will analyze and apply several of these. This leads
to many interesting results about the chromatic number of the square of the
The smallest k for which the chromatic number of Q2k is unknown is
k = 8; however, it can be determined that this value is either 13 or 14.
Computational approaches to determine the chromatic number of Q28 were
performed. We were unable to determine whether 13 or 14 is the true value;
however, much valuable insight was learned about the structure of this graph
and the computational difficulty that lies within. Since a 13-coloring of Q28
must have between 9 and 12 color classes being (8; 20; 3) binary codes, this
led to a thorough investigation of the structure of such binary codes.
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Fallet SAS : En studie i hur medial diskurs reproducerar maktförhållanden på arbetsmarknadenNilsson, John, Auvoja, Rasmus January 2013 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore how the media through a certain discourse constructs a view of the labor market and the power relations between companies, unions and employees. The goal is to explore this through studying the media coverage of SAS’ financial situation between September-December 2012 and our research question is the following: What view of the labor market and its power relations was constructed and reproduced by Swedish newspapers through their portrayal of SAS during September-December 2012? Method: This study analyses the findings with the help of questions based on theories of social constructivism, discourse, agenda-setting and power. A content and discourse analysis was compiled of 360 articles from five Swedish newspapers that addressed SAS and their situation from September-December 2012. The results of these analyses were further processed using power analysis and John Gaventa’s power cube. Results: In this study we conclude that the medial discourse constructs identities of the different actors and affect power relations between them, in favor of the company. We conclude that media’s portrayal of SAS benefits the interests, wishes and ideas of the company. The company’s acts and behavior is legitimized through the identities created by the medial discourse, and the portrayal of the causes and solutions for SAS’ situation. The identities constructed enable greater legitimization on the part of the company compared to the unions or the employees. Especially since their identities restrict them in complying with the company’s demands, or else they risk being seen as perpetrators through illegitimate actions. The result of the study highlights how newspapers have great influence on different actors’ ability to act. The social practice that is affected through the medial discourse is that readers may be less inclined to join unions, as they are either seen as obstacles or as weak organisations with no real power or purpose. The solution proposed is a heightened awareness of how medial discourse affects power relations on the labor market.
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Further development of shaders for realistic materials and global illumination effectsGuo, Jun January 2012 (has links)
Shader programming is important for realistic material and global illumination real-time rendering, especially in 3D industrial fields nowadays, more and more customers of Visual Components Oy, a Finnish 3D software company have been found to be no longer only content with the correct simulation result, but also the result of realistic real-time rendering. This thesis project will provide a deep research on real world material classification, property definition and global illumination techniques in industrial fields. On the other hand, the Shader program for different materials and global illumination techniques are also created according to the classification and definition in this thesis work. Moreover, an external rendering tool Redway3D is evaluated as the reference and regarded as the considerable solution in the future development work.
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Fuzzy Association Rule Mining From Spatio-temporal Data: An Analysis Of Meteorological Data In TurkeyUnal Calargun, Seda 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Data mining is the extraction of interesting non-trivial, implicit, previously unknown and
potentially useful information or patterns from data in large databases. Association rule
mining is a data mining method that seeks to discover associations among transactions encoded
within a database. Data mining on spatio-temporal data takes into consideration the
dynamics of spatially extended systems for which large amounts of spatial data exist, given
that all real world spatial data exists in some temporal context. We need fuzzy sets in mining
association rules from spatio-temporal databases since fuzzy sets handle the numerical
data better by softening the sharp boundaries of data which models the uncertainty embedded
in the meaning of data. In this thesis, fuzzy association rule mining is performed
on spatio-temporal data using data cubes and Apriori algorithm. A methodology is developed
for fuzzy spatio-temporal data cube construction. Besides the performance criteria
interpretability, precision, utility, novelty, direct-to-the-point and visualization are defined
to be the metrics for the comparison of association rule mining techniques. Fuzzy association
rule mining using spatio-temporal data cubes and Apriori algorithm performed
within the scope of this thesis are compared using these metrics. Real meteorological data
(precipitation and temperature) for Turkey recorded between 1970 and 2007 are analyzed
using data cube and Apriori algorithm in order to generate the fuzzy association rules.
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Large scale group network optimizationShim, Sangho 17 November 2009 (has links)
Every knapsack problem may be relaxed to a cyclic group problem. In 1969, Gomory found the subadditive characterization of facets of the master cyclic group problem. We simplify the subadditive relations by the substitution of complementarities and discover a minimal representation of the subadditive polytope for the master cyclic group problem. By using the minimal representation, we characterize the vertices of cardinality length 3 and implement the shooting experiment from the natural interior point.
The shooting from the natural interior point
is a shooting from the inside of the plus level set of the subadditive polytope. It induces the shooting for the knapsack problem. From the shooting experiment for the knapsack problem
we conclude that the most hit facet is the knapsack mixed integer cut which is the 2-fold lifting of a mixed integer cut.
We develop a cutting plane algorithm augmenting cutting planes generated by shooting, and implement it on Wong-Coppersmith digraphs observing that only small number of cutting planes
are enough to produce the optimal solution. We discuss a relaxation of shooting as a clue to quick shooting. A max flow model on covering space
is shown to be equivalent to the dual of shooting linear programming problem.
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Textur- und Mikrostrukturentwicklung bei der ionenstrahlunterstützten Laserdeposition von MgO / Development of texture and microstructure in MgO using ion-beam assisted laser depositionHühne, Ruben 18 November 2001 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Textur- und Mikrostrukturentwicklung von MgO bei der ionenstrahlunterstützten Laserdeposition auf amorphen Substraten untersucht. Das Wachstum der Schichten wurde in-situ mit Hilfe der hochenergetischen Elektronenbeugung verfolgt. Eine Auswertung der Beugungsaufnahmen ermöglicht qualitative und quantitative Aussagen zur Texturausbildung während des Wachstums. Anschließend erfolgte eine Charakterisierung mit Röntgenmethoden, mit dem AFM und dem REM. Zur Untersuchung aktiver Mechanismen wurden ergänzende Experimente an MgO-Einkristallen durchgeführt. Bei der Abscheidung von MgO auf amorphen Substraten ohne Ionenstrahlunterstützung können zwei Temperaturbereiche unterschieden werden. Unterhalb von 250°C entwickelt sich aus einer amorphen Keimschicht eine <110>-Fasertextur. Oberhalb dieser Temperatur wird in der Keimbildung eine <100>-Fasertextur beobachtet. Mit wachsender Schichtdicke führt ein Texturwechsel zu einer <111>-Fasertextur. Als treibende Kraft für diesen Prozeß werden innere Spannungen angesehen. Bei Verwendung eines unterstützenden Ionenstrahls findet eine orientierte Keimbildung statt, bei der biaxiale Texturen in einer Schichtdicke unterhalb von 10 nm ausgebildet werden. Unterhalb von 250°C werden Texturkomponenten mit einer <100>-Richtung parallel zum Ionenstrahl bevorzugt. Oberhalb dieser Schwellentemperatur wurde bei einem Ioneneinfallswinkel zwischen 35° und 55° und Ionenenergien zwischen 400 und 800 eV eine Würfeltextur mit einer <110>-Richtung parallel zum Ionenstrahl auf verschiedenen amorphen und glatten Substraten gefunden. Der optimale Ioneneinfallswinkel liegt bei einem Winkel von 45°, wobei Würfeltexturen mit in-plane Halbwertsbreiten von < 21° erreicht. Ursache für die in-plane Texturierung ist eine anisotrope Sputterrate, die bei Experimenten an MgO-Einkristallen gefunden wurde. Ein Vergleich mit molekulardynamischen Simulationen zeigt, daß entlang der <110>-Richtung ein Channeling möglich ist. Da in diesem Temperaturbereich die <100>-Richtung parallel zur Substratnormalen thermodynamisch bevorzugt ist, werden auf Grund des Channeling Keime mit einer <110>-Richtung parallel zum Ionenstrahl weniger gestört als anders orientierte Körner und dominieren so die Oberflächentextur. Oberhalb einer Schichtdicke von ca. 5 nm wird eine Texturänderung beobachtet, die zu Komponenten mit einer <100>-Richtung parallel zum Ionenstrahl führt und für die die starke Anisotropie der Sputterrate verantwortlich gemacht werden kann. In Experimenten an Einkristallen wurde das Minimum der Sputterrate für eine Ausrichtung der <100>-Richtung parallel zum Ionenstrahl gefunden. Auslöser für die Texturänderung ist der Einbau von Defekten auf Grund der Ionenstrahlunterstützung. Dadurch entstehen Subkörner mit einer breiten out-of-plane Orientierungsverteilung, aus denen über eine sputterbedingte Wachstumsauslese Körner mit einem minimalen Winkel zwischen Ionenstrahl und <100>-Richtung bevorzugt werden. Diese Argumentation wird zusätzlich durch eine beobachtete Zunahme von Korngröße und Rauhigkeit gestützt. Um dickere, würfelorientierte Schichten zu erhalten, muß die Keimschicht epitaktisch weitergewachsen werden. Voruntersuchungen an Einkristallen zeigten, daß mit PLD eine Homoepitaxie ab einer Temperatur von 300°C möglich ist. Allerdings wurde bei der Deposition auf würfelorientierten MgO-Keimschichten ein Texturwandel zu <111>-Fasertexturen beobachtet. Als Ursache kommen Spannungen oder eine schlechter Bedeckungsgrad der würfelorientierten Bereiche in Frage. Die epitaktische Deposition anderer Oxide führte nicht zum Erfolg. Das auf die MgO-Keimschicht direkt deponierte YBCO wies dagegen eine biaxiale Textur mit einer Halbwertsbreite von ca. 40° auf. In Vergleichsexperimenten mit TiN wurde in der Keimbildung ebenfalls eine Würfelorientierung gefunden. Dies weist darauf hin, daß die beobachteten Mechanismen der Texturentwicklung auf andere Substanzen mit NaCl-Struktur verallgemeinert werden können.
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