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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

跨部門知識互動對企業創新之影響 / The Impact of the Intra-Organizational Knowledge Interaction on Business Innovation

蘇嘉偉 Unknown Date (has links)
創新來自知識的互動。本研究將創新知識來源分成客戶類知識與技術類知識,並將企業創新分成新產品開發、解決客戶問題與提高企業自身創新能耐,以探討知識互動特性對不同類型創新的影響。本研究針對業務端與研發端的知識互動,採個案研究的方式,蒐集14個企業創新個案。分析結果發現,高深度的知識互動是新產品開發成功的關鍵;不同客戶問題,所需的知識互動廣度與深度則不一;若欲提高企業自身創新能耐,需要的是高廣度的知識互動。本研究透過不同實際個案歸納出各類創新類型下的知識互動特性,除了有助於更加瞭解知識互動對創新的影響之外,亦有助於企業經營實務上的操作。 / The objective of this study is to understand the impact of intra-organizational knowledge interaction on business innovative performance. The study divided knowledge of innovation into customer-related knowledge and technology-related knowledge, and classified business innovation into product innovation, problem-solving innovation and general innovation capability. Focusing on the knowledge interaction between sales people and R&D engineers the study analyzed 14 business innovation cases in four selected companies. The results reveal that high depth of knowledge interaction is the key to product innovation while the level of the depth and scope of the knowledge interaction is highly related to the context of the problems to be solved. In regard to general innovation capability, high scope of knowledge interaction seems to be the influential factor. The findings about intra-organizational knowledge interaction provide insights about how different levels of the scope and depth of knowledge interaction affect different types of business innovation and offer useful guide in managing technology and customer knowledge in business practices.

以顧客知識管理提升顧客終身價值效益之研究-以記憶體模組產業P公司為例 / The research of customer knowledge management to promote the benefit of customer lifetime value: using the P company of DRAM module industry

李宗曄, Lee,tsung yeh Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,企業行銷理論從傳統的將注意力放在吸引新顧客上,轉而變成留意舊顧客的維持,如何留住舊顧客,進而從舊顧客中找出具有高價值的顧客,與他們建立長期且有獲利性的關係,則是近年來企業營運及行銷關注的焦點。 本研究使用了顧客知識管理管理來提升企業實行顧客終身價值管理之效益,並提供了顧客維持度、顧客貢獻度,顧客市場區隔三個維度來分析顧客,能更精確的指出關鍵客群,以「記憶體模組產業」作為研究對象,主要係在探討記憶體模組產業之顧客關係管理及顧客價值管理。 本研究透過次級資料收集與分析,以產業分析架構來了解DRAM模組產業現況及趨勢,並以Cambell顧客知識能力模型及SWOT 分析等策略理論將資料作歸納與整理,最後以深度訪談方式來加強或修正次級資料所得到之結論,得出適合個案公司之終端顧客之顧客知識管理作業流程及資料模型,以做為建議企業營運發展策略之參考。 最後,以資料庫結構面、企業流程面、顧客關係管理面及顧客知識管理面四個構面來歸納總結研究。導入顧客知識管理與顧客終身價值管理流程之目標,在於增進個體戶之顧客滿意度及忠誠度,進而提升整體顧客終身價值,另一方面,除了能提供更完善的顧問及技術諮詢的服務,亦能經由市場區隔之分析,使得產品銷售策略更符合市場需求。 / Recently, Business marketing theory is changed to the customer retention.It is important that find out and pay attention to key customers. Enterprises look out for to keep old customer and find out the customer with high value from the old customer.They focus on establishing long-term relation of having profitability with customers. The research used as an example of P campany in the case study.Based on the benefit of customer knowledge management and customer lifetime value,this study is mainly probed DRAM module industry’s customer ralation management and customer lifetime value .Then, it used customer’s retention degree, customer's contribution degree and market segmentation to analyse customers’ behavior. This research collected and analysed through the secondery materials and the analysis was based on industry analysis models such as Cambell’s customer knowledge ability model and the SWOT analysis model to analyze the pros and cons of DRAM industry’s trend and present situation.Then,the study strengthen or revise the conclusion by way of depth interview finally and get ideal end customer knowledge management workflow and data model of end customer ,regard it as the reference of enterprise's strategy. Above all, this sudy use four aspect such as database structue、enterprise’s workflow、CRM and CKM to summarize. The purpose of establishing the procedure of customer knowledge management and customer lifetime value is to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty, and then emhance whole customer lifetime value.On the other hand, except to offer better services and consultation, Enterprises also can gain more revenue by market segementation and product position.

探討知識互動衡量指標之研究- 模型建立,建構發展與實證驗證 / The impact of knowledge interaction on innovation performance - model building, constructs developing and empirical validation

劉大銘, Liou, Da Ming Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive concept of knowledge interaction offering a robust understanding of how technological knowledge interacts with customer knowledge. There are three research questions: (1) How can we define the knowledge interaction between the two kinds of organizational knowledge (customer knowledge and technological knowledge)? (2) What are the indexes shaping the quality of knowledge interaction between customer knowledge and technological knowledge for innovation? (3) How do organizations develop innovation under the different forces driving the knowledge interaction? Through analysis of existing literature and examination of empirical data, this study will apply a theoretical framework and hypotheses to measuring the knowledge interaction between customer knowledge and technological knowledge.

Co-Creation : A platform to create more loyal and long-term customer relationships in the aviation supply industry.

Niklas, Sandor January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att bidra till ökad medvetenhet, förståelse och kunskap om Co-Creation. Genom att fokusera på flygindustrin som är mycket bekant för författaren är syftet med studien och forskningen att bättre förstå hur flygbolagen ser på samverkan och fördelar eller potentiella nackdelar med att använda Co-Creation för att driva ett mer integrerat samarbete mellan kunderna och leverantörer. Datainsamling har skett genom en blandad metoddesign som fångade både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Deltagarna i studien är alla från flygindustrin. Totalt deltog 43 studieobjekt i denna studie. Resultaten illustrerar att det för närvarande finns en begränsad nivå av samverkansaktivitet inom flygindustrin, men de flesta deltagarna bedömer att det finns stora fördelar med Co-Creation. Resultatet indikerar att respondenterna anser att Co-Creation är absolut nödvändigt för att driva innovation, skapa en samarbetsmiljö och ett verktyg för leverantörer att bättre förstå både flygbolagens behov och krav samt passagerarnas behov och krav. Denna studie kommer att gynna både leverantör och flygbolag genom att samarbete och partnerskap kan baseras på gemensamma värderingar, överenskommelser och mål. Resultatet kan ytterligare ses representera leverantörsrelationer mer generellt och därigenom gynna alla som bättre vill förstå hur Co-Creation kan användas för att förbättra och expandera leverantörs- och kundengagemang. / Sammanfattning: The purpose of this study has been to contribute to greater awareness, understanding and knowledge on Co-Creation. By focusing on the aviation supply industry which is very familiar to the author, the aim with the study and research is to better understand how airlines view Co-Creation and the benefits or potential drawbacks of using Co-Creation to drive more integrated collaboration between customers and suppliers. This is a study with data collection utilizing a Mixed Method Design Survey that captured both Quantitative as well as Qualitative information and input. The participants in the study are all from the aviation industry. In total 43 study objects participated in this research. The results illustrate that there is currently only a limited level of Co-Creation activity in the aviation supply industry, however the vast majority of participants’ assess that there are significant benefits with Co-Creation. The result indicate that airline respondents believe that Co-Creation is imperative to drive innovation, create a more collaborative environment and a tool for suppliers to better understand both the airlines needs and requirements as well as the needs and requirements of the airlines passengers. This study will benefit both supplier and airlines by collaborating and partnering can be based on common values, understandings and goals. The result can be further extrapolated to represent supplier customer relationships as a whole and further benefit anyone who would like to better understand how Co-Creation can be used in improving and expanding supplier and customer engagement. / <p>2017-08-16</p>

Skapandet av kundrelationer genom digitaliseringen : Med inriktning på redovisnings- och revisionsbranschen / Creating customer relationships through digitalization : With focus on the accounting- and auditing industry

Larsson, Elin, Arlestrand, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Kunder har historiskt kunnat besöka företag för att interagera och tillämpa tjänster. Idag sker en stor del av den kontakten digitalt vilket skapar nya möjligheter och begränsningar för företagen vid skapandet av kundrelationer (FAR 2016). Studien har undersökt hur företagens arbete med kundrelationer påverkats av digitaliseringen och automatiseringen av arbetsprocesser, där fokus riktas till om kundrelationer byggs på ett annorlunda sätt idag mot vad som tidigare varit möjligt. Teorin som finns inom kundrelationer kommer från en tid då samhället och digitala verktyg såg annorlunda ut. Det blir därför intressant att i denna studie undersöka hur kundrelationer byggs idag, finns det fortfarande ett samband mellan teori och arbetssättet eller har sättet att arbeta med kundrelationer utvecklats och förändrats? För att undersöka forskningssyftet har studien inriktat sig mot redovisnings- och revisionsbranschen, där en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts.  Datainsamlingen består av nio intervjuer från respondenter verkande inom ovannämnda bransch.   Resultatet visar att arbetet med kundrelationer, trots ökade möjligheter till interaktion, sker på liknande sätt idag som innan digitaliseringens utveckling. Fysisk kontakt är fortfarande viktigt för skapandet av kundrelationer och har visat sig vara en konkurrensfördel för redovisnings- och revisionsbolagen. Resultatet visar också att den fysiska kontakten är viktig för att lära känna och samla information om kunden och förstå dennes behov för att i sin tur kunna anpassa sina tjänster. Digitalisering har dock bidragit genom att frigöra tid för att kunna effektivisera arbetet med kunderna, bibehålla en kontinuerlig kontakt, erbjuda avancerade analyser och kundanpassade tjänster. / Customers have historically been able to visit companies to interact and apply services. Today, a large part of this contact takes place digitally, which creates new opportunities and constraints for the companies in the creation of customer relationships (FAR 2016). This study investigates how digitalization and automatization of work processes affect companies' work with customer relationships. The focus is on whether customer relationships are built differently today compared to what was previously possible. Theories on customer relationship comes from a time when society and digital tools looked different. Therefore, in this study, it will be interesting to investigate how customer relationships are built today. Is there still a connection between theory and working method, or has the way of working with customer relationships been developed and changed? To investigate the purpose of the research, this study focused on the accounting and auditing industry, where a qualitative study was conducted. The data collection consists of nine interviews from respondents active in the above-mentioned industry. The result showed that the work with customer relationships, despite increased opportunities for interaction, is conducted similarly today as before the development of digitalization. Physical contact is still important for the creation of customer relationships and has proven to be a competitive advantage for the accounting and auditing companies. The result also showed that physical contact is important for getting to know and gathering information about the customer and understanding their need to be able to adapt their services. However, digitalization has contributed by creating more time to make the work with customers more effective, maintain continuous contact, offer advanced analysis and customized services.

Electronic Customer Knowledge Management Systems: a multimodal interaction approach : an empirical investigation into the role of the multimodal interaction metaphors to improve usability of Electronic Customer Knowledge Management Systems (ECKMS) and increase the user's trust, knowledge and acceptance.

Alotaibi, Mutlaq B.G. January 2009 (has links)
There has been an increasing demand for commercial organisations to foster real-time interaction with customers, because harnessing customer competencies has been shown to be a major contributor towards various benefits, such as growth, innovation and competition. This may drive organisations to embrace the development of multimodal interaction and complement Electronic Customer Knowledge Management Systems (E-CKMS) with metaphors of audio-visual nature. Although the implementation of E-CKMS encounters several challenges, such as lack of trust and information overload, few empirical studies were devoted to assess the role of audio-visual metaphors, and investigate whether these technologies can be put into practice. Therefore, this thesis describes a comparative evaluation study carried out to examine the implication of incorporating multimodal metaphors into E-CKMS interfaces on not only usability of E-CKMS, but also the user¿s trust, knowledge and acceptance. An experimental E-CKMS platform was implemented with three different modes of interaction: Visual-only E-CKMS (VCKMS) with text and graphics, Multimodal E-CKMS (MCKMS) with speech, earcons and auditory icons and Avatar-enhanced multimodal E-CKMS (ACKMS). The three platforms were evaluated by three independent groups of twenty participants each (total=60) who carried out eight common tasks of increasing complexity and design based on three different styles. Another dependent group of forty-eight participants (n=48) was instructed to interact with the systems under similar usability conditions by performing six common tasks of two styles, and fill a questionnaire devised to measure the aspects of user acceptance. The results therein revealed that ACKMS was more usable and acceptable than both MCKMS and VCKMS, whereas MCKMS was more usable than VCKMS, but less acceptable. Inferential Statistics indicated that these results were statistically significant.

半導體光電設備商顧客關係管理之探討 / The exploration of customer relationship management in semiconductor-optoelectronics equipment manufacturer

馮騰煌 Unknown Date (has links)
半導體光電元件普及於各式各樣的電子設備與產品中,可說是支持現代工業社會迅速發展的基礎,因此半導體產業一直是相當引人注目之行業。一般而言,企業要尋求及建立相對優勢,以保有相對之競爭優勢,其可茲運用之策略眾多,價格差異化、強化本身與顧客之關係、發展品牌、提升顧客滿意度,均是可使用之方式。對半導體設備商來說,除了價格、品牌策略外,本研究認為顧客關係管理對於半導體設備商來說,是相當重要的一項議題,半導體光電設備供應商的供應鏈必須具有高回應性才能滿足客戶需要。透過個案研究,本研究系探討半導體光電設備商顧客關係管理之面向與策略,以及顧客關係管理對半導體光電設備商之影響。研究發現,透過顧客關係管理,半導體光電設備商得以在提升顧客價值、客製化顧客需求、降低顧客成本、模組化顧客溝通模式的目標下,利用整合顧客知識、建置顧客管理平台、建立顧客認同、以及公司高階管理者涉入的策略下,得以降低公司在取得新顧客時所需的成本,同時提高既有顧客忠誠度、提升產品競爭力、並提高銷售績效。 / Semiconductor industry is still a promising business in high technology, and the companies in this field have to seek and construct their strength and superiorities to retain the competitiveness. In the light of the distinct tactics of business, customer relationship management is quite an important issue for semiconductor equipment manufacturers besides price and brand image strategies. For the supply chains of semiconductor equipment manufacturers, only the high responsiveness of customer can bring the high satisfactions of customer. The purpose of study hence is to discuss the dimensions and the tactics of customer relationship management of semiconductor equipment manufacturers, and the effect of customer relationship management to the development of semiconductor equipment manufacturers through case study. As the results, semiconductor equipment manufacturers can improve their product competitiveness, customer loyalty, and the cost of getting new possible customers via the tactics of customer knowledge integration, the customer identities, customer management platform, and the involvement of high level manager under the multiple feasible targets.

Greening the Banks - Are the Customers Onboard : A study into the effects of green banking products on Swedish retail banking customers / Att Göra Banker Grönare - Är Kunderna med på Förändringen? : En studie om effekten av gröna bankprodukter på svenska bankkunder

Nilsson, Thomas, Schwerin, Rasmus January 2019 (has links)
Increasing climate awareness, the Paris Agreement urging institutions to enable the economic transition toward sustainability and the looming possibility of environmental regulations are challenges facing the banking sector today. This study however chooses to see opportunities in a changing retail banking environment, investigating what green banking products customers want their bank to provide and how the introduction of green banking product might impact customer loyalty. The research was conducted through a mixed-method approach consisting of both quantitative and qualitative elements during the time-period of January to June 2019. 504 individuals engaged in the survey conducted and their answers were both analysed through the development of a customer loyalty framework and with theoretical support from the literature gathered. The results indicated a positive attitude towards green banking products while also not showing a clear preference or desirability for a specific product. Additionally, this study found a positive relationship between the introduction of green banking products and increased customer loyalty. The study concluded that green banking products suggestively have an advantageous position in the evolving financial sector, more specifically in a number of years. / Ökande klimatmedvetenhet, Parisavtalet som uppmuntrar institutioner att möjliggöra en ekonomisk övergång till hållbarhet och hägrande möjligheter till tuffare miljöregler, är utmaningar som banksektorn står inför idag. Denna studie väljer emellertid att se möjligheter i en förändrad bankmiljö, genom att undersöka vilka gröna bankprodukter kunderna vill att deras bank ska tillhandahålla och hur införandet av gröna bank-produkter kan påverka kundlojalitet. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en mixed-method approach som bestod av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa element under perioden januarijuni 2019. 504 personer deltog i undersökningen som genomfördes och deras svar analyserades både genom utvecklingen av ett ramverk för kundlojalitet och med teoretiskt stöd från den samlade litteraturen. Resultaten indikerar en positiv inställning till gröna bankprodukter, men visar inte heller en tydlig preferens eller önskemål om en viss produkt. Dessutom fann denna studie ett positivt förhållande mellan introduktionen av gröna bankprodukter och ökad kundlojalitet. Undersökningen drog slutsatsen att gröna bankprodukter sannolikt har en fördelaktig position inom den utvecklande finanssektorn, mer specifikt inom ett antal år.

The Future Bank : Banking services seen through the eye of Generation Y, risin’ up to the challenge of industrial transformation. / Framtidens Bank : Generation Ys syn på dagens och morgondagens banktjänster, i en tid av industriell transformation.

Kämpe, Kärsti, Näsman, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
The financial sector, as we know it, is radically transforming. As a result of the European regulation PSD2, customers banking data is becoming available for third parties by APIs [Evry n.d]. The traditional banks are now being exposed to competition from FinTechs and BigTech [Evry 2017]. The transformation is on-going and to the tunes of to new technologies, new regulations and new customer demands [Tornjanski et al. 2015]. This study aimed to identify the nature and behavior of the trend leaders, Generation Y (18 to 30 years old), and in the context of open banking, diagnose the transformation of banking services to meet new digital needs.To achieve this, a sequential embedded explanatory methodology was applied. The quantitative phase, identified and generalized the behaviors of Generation Y. The qualitative phase was exploratory, where multiple focus groups (38 individuals) developed the future banking services they request and want. This was analyzed based on Business Model Canvas [Osterwalder and Pigneur 2010] and a new service development framework for customer co-creation [Ozdemir, Trott, and Hoecht 2007]. The results imply that Generation Y, abide to be courted on their conditions and on-demand. They request a further expansion of the banks operational context, to supply with open banking platforms including both financial- and non-financial services. Hence, to meet these requests and remain the primary financial service provider the future banking services most transform into becoming digitally personalized and to seamlessly assist in everyday life. / Finanssektorn, som vi känner till den, förändras radikalt. Som ett resultat av den europeiska förordningen PSD2 blir kundernas bankdata tillgängliga för tredjepartsaktörer via API:er [Evry n.d]. De traditionella bankerna utsätts nu för konkurrens från FinTechs och BigTechs [Evry 2017]. Transformationen pågår och möjliggör för ny teknik, nya regler och nya kundkrav [Tornjanski et al. 2015]. Denna studie syftar till att identifiera trendledarna, Generation Ys (18 till 30 år) natur och beteenden, och inom ramen för open banking, diagnostisera omvandlingen av banktjänsterför att möta nya digitala behov. För att uppnå detta tillämpades en sekventiell inbäddad förklarande metodik. Den kvantitativa fasen identifierade och generaliserade Generations Y: s beteende. Den kvalitativa fasen var undersökande, där flera fokusgrupper (38 individer) utvecklade de framtida banktjänster som de efterfrågar och vill ha. Detta analyserades utifrån Business Model Canvas [Osterwalder and Pigneur 2010] och ett ramverk för utveckling av ny tjänster genom kundsamverkan [Ozdemir, Trott, and Hoecht 2007]. Resultaten påvisar att Generation Y förväntar sig att bli betjänade på sina villkor och begäran. De efterfrågar en framtida expansion av bankernas operativa kontext, till att förmedla öppna plattformar som inkluderar både finansiella och icke-finansiella tjänster. För att möta efterfrågan och förbli den primära finansiella tjänsteleverantören, måste de framtida banktjänsterna transformeras till att bli mer digitala och personanpassade hjälpmedel i vardagen.

Leveraging customer knowledge in open innovation processes by using social software

Kruse, Paul 24 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Involving customers in the creation and design process of new products and services has been dis-cussed in practice and research since the early 1980’s. As one of the first researchers, von Hippel (1986) shed light on the concept of Lead Users, a group of users who are able to provide most accu-rate data on future needs for organizations. Subsequently, many scholars emphasized different areas of contribution for customers and how they provide assistance to the process of innovation. First of all, customers may contribute to product innovation (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1987; Driessen & Hillebrand, 2013; Füller & Matzler, 2007; Gruner & Homburg, 2000; Sawhney, Verona, & Prandelli, 2005; Snow, Fjeldstad, Lettl, & Miles, 2011; Yang & Rui, 2009) and service innovation (Abecassis-Moedas, Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, Dell’Era, Manceau, & Verganti, 2012; Alam, 2002; Chesbrough, 2011; Larbig-Wüst, 2010; Magnusson, 2003; Paton & Mclaughlin, 2008; Shang, Lin, & Wu, 2009; Silpakit & Fisk, 1985), e.g., by co-creating values (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004), such as concepts or designs as well as reviewing and testing them throughout the stages of the process of innovation. From the customers’ point of view, being involved in innovation processes and becoming a part of the organ-ization is a desire of an increasing number of them. Customers are demanding more individual and more tailored products. They are increasingly knowledgeable and capable of designing and produc-ing their own products and services. Due to the fact that their influence on product development is positively related to the quality of the new product (Sethi, 2000), more and more organizations appreciate them as innovation actors and are willing to pay them for their input. Today, customers are not only involved in the qualification of products (Callon, Méadel, & Rabeharisoa, 2002; Callon & Muniesa, 2005; Grabher, Ibert, & Flohr, 2009) but also allowed to customize and evaluate them on the path to innovation (Franke & Piller, 2004; Piller & Walcher, 2006; von Hippel & Katz, 2002; von Hippel, 2001). Moreover, there is an abundance of studies that stress the customers’ influence on effectiveness (de Luca & Atuahene-Gima, 2007; Kleinschmidt & Cooper, 1991; Kristensson, Matthing, & Johansson, 2008; Still, Huhtamäki, Isomursu, Lahti, & Koskela-Huotari, 2012) and risk (Bayer & Maier, 2006; Enkel, Kausch, & Gassmann, 2005; Enkel, Perez-Freije, & Gassmann, 2005). While the latter comprises the risk of customer integration as well as the customers’ influence on market risks, e.g., during new product development, studies on effectiveness are mostly concerned with customer-orientation and products/services in line with customers’ expectations (Atuahene-Gima, 1996, 2003; Fuchs & Schreier, 2011). The accompanying change in understanding became known as open innovation (OI; first coined by Chesbrough in 2003) and represents a paradigm shift, where organizations switch their focus from internally generated innovation (i.e., ideation, in-house R&D, etc.) toward external knowledge and open innovation processes, thus, allowing them to integrate external ideas and actors, i.e. custom-ers (Chesbrough, 2006) and other external stakeholders (Laursen & Salter, 2006). Since then, OI has been identified as a success factor for increasing customer satisfaction (Füller, Hutter, & Faullant, 2011; Greer & Lei, 2012) and growing revenues (Faems, De Visser, Andries, & van Looy, 2010; Mette, Moser, & Fridgen, 2013; Spithoven, Frantzen, & Clarysse, 2010). In addition to that, by open-ing their doors to external experts and knowledge workers (Kang & Kang, 2009), organizations cope with shorter innovation cycles, rising R&D costs, and the shortage of resources (Gassmann & Enkel, 2004). Parallel to the paradigm shift in innovation, another shift has taken place in information and com-munication technologies (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Silvestre, 2011). Only a few years ago, when customer integration was still very costly, companies had to fly in customers, provide facilities onsite, permanently assign employees to such activities, and incentivise each task execut-ed by customers. Today, emerging technologies (subsumed under the term ‘social software’) help integrating customers or other external stakeholders, who are increasingly familiar with the such technologies from personal usage experience (Cook, 2008), and grant them access from all over the world in a 24/7 fashion. Examples include blogging tools, social networking systems, or wikis. These technologies help organizations to access customer knowledge, facilitate the collaboration with customers (Culnan, McHugh, & Zubillaga, 2010; Piller & Vossen, 2012) at reduced costs and allow them to address a much larger audience (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). On the other hand, customers can now express their needs in a more direct way to organizations. However, each technology or application category may present a completely different benefit to the process of innovation or parts of it and, thus, the innovation itself. Reflecting these developments, organizations need to know two things: how can they exploit the customers’ knowledge for innovation purposes and how may the implementation of social soft-ware support this. Hence, this research addresses the integration of customers in organizational innovation, i.e. new product development. It addresses how and why firms activate customers for innovation and which contribution customers provide to the process of innovation. Additionally, it investigates which tasks customers may take over in open innovations projects and which strategies organiza-tions may choose to do so. It also addresses which social software application supports each task best and how organizations may select the most suitable application out of a rapidly growing num-ber of alternatives. The nature of this research is recommendatory and aims at designing a solution for organizations that are interested in the potential contribution of customers during innovation, already involve customers in innovation tasks or plan to do so. Following the recommendations of this research should result in a more effective organizational exploitation of customer knowledge and their workforce and, thus, a value added to innovation and the outcomes of the process of innovation, e.g., a product that better fits the customers’ expectations and demands or consequently a better adoption of the product by the customer.

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