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Geoportal Rochlitzer Berg – PorphyrhausHeß, Viola, Heidenfelder, Wolfram 12 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamischer Partikelbruch: Modelldefinition, Kalibrierung und AnwendungBenvenuti, Luca 06 June 2017 (has links)
Um die Leistung eines Zerkleinerungsprozesses zu maximieren, kann die Effektivität eines Kegelbrecher-Designs schnell und präzise durch ROCKY DEM evaluiert werden.
Tatsächlich brechen Partikel, wenn sie einer ausreichenden Stoßenergie ausgesetzt sind. Diese Energie ist die ausgeführte Arbeit des Systems, um ein Teilchen zu brechen. Weiterhin berücksichtigt das Potapov-Donaue-Bruchmodell die Bruchfestigkeit der Teilchen und M. M ist eine Materialkonstante, die mit der Fragmentgrößenverteilung zusammenhängt.
Diese Parameter werden durch ein Kalibrierverfahren ausgewählt, das eine Reihe von Freien-Tropfen-Labortests beinhaltet. Die Anzahl der notwendigen Tests hängt von den probabilistischen Überlegungen zu den Ergebnissen.
Sobald die Parameter erhalten sind, wird eine ROCKY-Diskrete-Element-Methode-Simulation eines Kegelbrechers durchgeführt. Zuerst werden die Teilchen über dem Brecher kumuliert. Danach dreht und kippt der Kegelbrecher, um die Partikel an den Innenwänden zu zerkleinern.
Damit können wir zeigen, dass die Maximierung des Massenflusses für eine gegebene Teilchenverteilung erreicht wird.
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Integration der Diskrete Elemente Methode in domänen-übergreifende Systemsimulationen: Integration der Diskrete Elemente Methode in domänen-übergreifendeSystemsimulationenRichter, Christian 08 June 2017 (has links)
Viele Arbeitsprozesse in der Bau- und Fördermaschinentechnik, Lebensmittelindustrie oder Verfahrenstechnik sind gekennzeichnet durch die Interaktion mit Schüttgütern. Beispiele hierfür sind die Gewinnung und der Transport von Erd- und Rohstoffen sowie die Verarbeitung von Getreide, Mais, Pellets oder Granulaten. Zur Abbildung der partikel-mechanischen Vorgänge hat sich die Diskrete Elemente Methode (DEM) als geeignetes Simulationsverfahren etabliert. Für eine prospektive Analyse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Schüttgut und Maschine ist es notwendig diese Methodik mit einem domänen-übergreifenden Systemmodell zu verknüpfen. Es wird eine Lösung vorgestellt, welche eine geschlossene Modellierung und Simulation der DEM in der Software SimulationX ermöglicht.
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Ein unentwegter jüdischer Kämpfer. Artur Schweriner und sein „verpfuschtes Leben“Hartmann, Jürgen, Simon, Dietmar 06 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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”George Floyd och hans kriminella bakgrund…?” : En mixed methods-analys om hur George Floyd och ”vi och dem” representeras samt konstrueras i Twitter-kommentarer / "George Floyd och hans kriminella bakgrund…?” : A mixed methods analysis of how George Floyd and ”us and them” are represented and constructed in Twitter commentsSalomonsson, Herman, Harrysson, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
This study examines the user comments left on Twitter posts surrounding the murder of George Floyd, by the two biggest evening papers in Sweden. George Floyd was killed on the 25th of May 2020 during an arrest by Minneapolis police, which sparked outrage across the globe. People took to the streets to protest against police brutality and racial injustice, but thorough discussion also took place on social media and most notably, Twitter. Former research expresses a big interest in studying the public discourse tied to these topics, as it reflects public opinion. This study uses a mixed methods analysis, which includes a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The material studied are comments left on Aftonbladet- and Expressen’s Twitter posts from the day George Floyd was killed until a week after the police officer who was responsible was found guilty, almost a full year later. The purpose with this study was to deduce how the comments represented George Floyd, and how “Us” and “Them” were constructed. The study also aimed to find out which deliberative or non-deliberative qualities appear in the comments, and which of them generated the most attention. This was achieved with the theoretical basis of Critical Race Theory, Deliberative Democracy and Othering.The results show that George Floyd is mainly represented as a criminal, and that the comments constructed a strict “Us” and an even stricter “The Others”. The comments contained many non-deliberative qualities, and these were the ones who gained the most traction.
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Entwicklung einer gekoppelten FEM-DEM Simulation auf Basis ausgewählter BeispieleHuang, Wenjie 22 August 2018 (has links)
Um das Fließverhalten von Granulaten in dünnwandigen Metallsilos auch mikroskopisch detailliert beschreiben zu können, ist es wichtig, beide Kontaktpartner (Granulat und elastische Wand) detailliert abbilden zu können. Granulate können vereinfacht als Kugeln betrachtet werden, weswegen die Diskrete-Elemente-Methode (DEM) hierfür geeignet ist. Die elastische Verformung der Metallwand kann mit Hilfe der Finiten-Elemente-Methode (FEM) berechnet werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Simulation zu entwickeln, welche für beide Kontaktpartner eine gemeinsame Simulationsumgebung schafft. Dabei sollen zu Beginn einfache Beispiele für den Kontakt von Granulat und Festkörperstrukturen erarbeitet werden, die verschiedene Lastfälle abdecken. Um die Simulationsergebnisse bewerten zu können, sollen die Beispiele so gewählt werden, dass die Simulationen analytisch oder numerisch validiert werden können.
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Développements algorithmiques pour l’amélioration des résultats de l’interférométrie RADAR en milieu urbainTlili, Ayoub 10 1900 (has links)
Le suivi des espaces urbanisés et de leurs dynamiques spatio-temporelles représente un enjeu important pour la population urbaine, autant sur le plan environnemental, économique et social. Avec le lancement des satellites portant des radars à synthèse d’ouverture de la nouvelle génération (TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed, ALOS, RADARSAT-2,Sentinel-1, Constellation RADARSAT), il est possible d’obtenir des séries temporelles d’images avec des résolutions spatiales et temporelles fines. Ces données multitemporelles aident à mieux analyser et décrire les structures urbaines et leurs variations dans l’espace et dans le temps. L’interférométrie par satellite est effectuée en comparant les phases des images RSO prises à différents passages du satellite au-dessus du même territoire. En optant pour des positions du satellite séparées d’une longue ligne de base, l’InSAR mène à la création des modèles numériques d’altitude (MNA). Si cette ligne de base est courte et à la limite nulle, nous avons le cas de l’interférométrie différentielle (DInSAR) qui mène à l’estimation du mouvement possible du terrain entre les deux acquisitions. Pour toutes les deux applications de l’InSAR, deux opérations sont importantes qui garantissent la génération des interférogrammes de qualité. La première est le filtrage du bruit omniprésent dans les phases interférométriques et la deuxième est le déroulement des phases. Ces deux opérations deviennent particulièrement complexes en milieu urbain où au bruit des phases s’ajoutent des fréquents sauts et discontinuités des phases dus à la présence des bâtiments et d’autres structures surélevées. L’objectif de cette recherche est le développement des nouveaux algorithmes de filtrage et de déroulement de phase qui puissent mieux performer que les algorithmes considérés comme référence dans ce domaine. Le but est d’arriver à générer des produits InSAR de qualité en milieu urbain. Concernant le filtrage, nous avons établi un algorithme qui est une nouvelle formulation du filtre Gaussien anisotrope adaptatif. Quant à l’algorithme de déroulement de phase, il est fondé sur la minimisation de l’énergie par un algorithme génétique ayant recours à une modélisation contextuelle du champ de phase. Différents tests ont été effectués avec des images RSO simulées et réelles qui démontrent le potentiel de nos algorithmes qui dépasse à maints égards celui des algorithmes standard. Enfin, pour atteindre le but de notre recherche, nous avons intégré nos algorithmes dans l’environnement du logiciel SNAP et appliqué l’ensemble de la procédure pour générer un MNA avec des images RADARSAT-2 de haute résolution d’un secteur de la Ville de Montréal (Canada) ainsi que des cartes des mouvements du terrain dans la région de la Ville de Mexico (Mexique) avec des images de Sentinel-1 de résolution plutôt moyenne. La comparaison des résultats obtenus avec des données provenant des sources externes de qualité a aussi démontré le fort potentiel de nos algorithmes. / The monitoring of urban areas and their spatiotemporal dynamics is an important issue for the urban population, at the environmental, economic, as well as social level. With the launch of satellites carrying next-generation synthetic aperture radars (TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed, ALOS, RADARSAT-2, Sentinel-1, Constellation RADARSAT), it is possible to obtain time series of images with fine temporal and spatial resolutions. These multitemporal data help to better analyze and describe urban structures, and their variations in space and time. Satellite interferometry is performed by comparing the phases of SAR images taken at different satellite passes over the same territory. By opt-ing for satellite positions separated by a long baseline, InSAR leads to the creation of digital elevation models (DEM). If this baseline is short and, at the limit zero, we have the case of differential interferometry (DInSAR) which leads to the estimation of the possible movement of the land between the two acquisitions. In both InSAR applica-tions, two operations are important that ensure the generation of quality interferograms. The first is the filtering of ubiquitous noise in the interferometric phases and the second is the unwrapping of the phases. These two operations become particularly complex in urban areas where the phase noise is added to the frequent jumps and discontinuities of phases due to the presence of buildings and other raised structures.
The objective of this research is the development of new filtering and phase unwrap-ping algorithms that can perform better than algorithms considered as reference in this field. The goal is to generate quality InSAR products in urban areas. Regarding filtering, we have established an algorithm that is a new formulation of the adaptive anisotropic Gaussian filter. As for the phase unwrapping algorithm, it is based on the minimization of energy by a genetic algorithm using contextual modelling of the phase field. Various tests have been carried out with simulated and real SAR images that demonstrated the potential of our algorithms that in many respects exceeds that of standard algorithms. Finally, to achieve the goal of our research, we integrated our algorithms into the SNAP software environment and applied the entire procedure to generate a DEM with high-resolution RADARSAT-2 images from an area of the City of Montreal (Canada) as well as maps of land movement in the Mexico City region (Mexico) with relatively medium-resolution Sentinel-1 images. Comparison of the results with data from external quality sources also demonstrated the strong potential of our algorithms.
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Risk Assessment of Cyclist Falls in Snowy and lcy ConditionsBärwolff, Martin, Gerike, Regine 03 January 2023 (has links)
Experience and key data suggest that snow and ice lead to increased numbers of cyclist falls during the winter months. Reliable in-depth data concering the extent and characteristics of this issue are currently not available in most countries. In Germany, this is due to the high level of under-reporting in official statistics, particularly for incidents involving only one bicyclist. In combination with the lack of knowledge on exposure this causes difficulties to quantify risks for cyclist falls. This study addresses these gaps. lt aims at quantifying the risk of single bicycle accidents in inclement weather conditions. This study focusses on icy and snowy conditions as these are of relevance for the risk to fall. Cyclists are particularly affected by slippery icy and snowy road conditions; these might exist in clear, cloudy, or foggy weather, in situations with high or low humidity and with higher or lower wind speed. Variables from official weather data are purposefully combined in this study to identify time periods with snow or ice on the roads and to allow for the comparison of those with all other time periods ('other weather'').
We address the above-mentioned problems of exposure and underreporting by using multiple data sources for quantifying the risk of falls. This approach allows to compute clear risk ratios for icy/snowy and the other weather conditions and thus contributes to the scarce and fragmented literature that has generated such values so far. [from Background, AIM]
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Improving Sinkhole Mapping Using LiDAR Data and Assessing Road Infrastructure at Risk in Johnson City, TN.Fasesin, Kingsley, Luffman, Ingrid, Ernenwein, Eileen, Nandi, Arpita 05 April 2018 (has links)
Improving Sinkhole Mapping Using LiDAR Data and Assessing Road Infrastructure at Risk in Johnson City, TN.
Kingsley Fasesin1, Dr. Ingrid Luffman 1, Dr. Eileen Ernenwein 1 and Dr. Arpita Nandi1
1 Department of Geosciences, College of Arts and Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN;
Predicting infrastructure damage and economic impact of sinkholes along roadways requires mapping of sinkhole distribution and development of a model to predict future occurrences with high accuracy. The study is carried out to define the distribution of sinkholes in Johnson City, TN and risks they pose to roads in the city. The study made use of a 2.5 ft Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data acquired from Tennessee Geospatial clearing house (TNGIS) and an inventory of known sinkholes identified from topographic maps. Depressions were identified using the LiDAR-derived DEM by subtracting a filled-depressions DEM from the original study area DEM. Using a spatial join, mapped sinkholes were matched to depression polygons identified from the LiDAR-derived DEM. For all matched sinkhole-polygon pairs, three indices were calculated: circularity index, area ratio of minimum bounding rectangle, and proximity to train tracks and roads. The dataset was partitioned into training (70%) and validation (30%) subsets, and using the training dataset, thresholds for each index were selected using typical values for known sinkholes. These rules were calibrated using the 30% validation subset, and applied as filters to the remaining unmatched depression polygons to identify likely sinkholes. A portion of these suspected sinkholes were field checked. The future direction of this research is to generate a sinkhole formation model for the study area by examining the relationship between the mapped sinkhole distribution, and previously identified sinkhole formation risk factors. These factors include: proximity to fault lines, groundwater and streams; depth to bedrock; and soil and land cover type. Spatial Logistic Regression analysis will be used for model development, and results will be used to generate a sinkhole susceptibility map which will be overlain on the road network to identify the portions of interstate and state highways at risk of sinkhole destruction.
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Dynamic Element Matching Techniques For Delta-Sigma ADCs With Large Internal QuantizersNordick, Brent C. 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents two methods that enable high internal quantizer resolution in delta-sigma analog-to-digital converters. Increasing the quantizer resolution in a delta-sigma modulator can increase SNR, improve stability and reduce integrator power consumption. However, each added bit of quantizer resolution also causes an exponential increase in the power dissipation, required area and complexity of the dynamic element matching (DEM) circuit required to attenuate digital-to-analog converter (DAC) mismatch errors. One way to overcome these drawbacks is to segment the feedback signal, creating a "coarse" signal and a "fine" signal. This reduces the DEM circuit complexity, power dissipation, and size. However, it also creates additional problems. The negative consequences of segmentation are presented, along with two potential solutions: one that uses calibration to cancel mismatch between the "coarse" DAC and the "fine" DAC, and another that frequency-shapes this mismatch error. Mathematical analysis and behavioral simulation results are presented. A potential circuit design for the frequency-shaping method is presented in detail. Circuit simulations for one of the proposed implementations show that the delay through the digital path is under 7 ns, thus permitting a 50 MHz clock frequency for the overall ADC.
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