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Caracterización funcional de cotransportador Na<SUP>+</SUP>HCO<SUB>3</SUB>- cardíacoDe Giusti, Verónica Celeste January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
El objetivo general del presente estudio de Tesis es la “Caracterización funcional del cotransportador Na<SUP>+</SUP>/HCO<SUB>3</SUB>- (NBC) cardíaco”, investigando la implicancia de sus diferentes isoformas en la fisiología cardíaca y esclareciendo el papel que cumple la Angiotensina II (Ang II) en la modulación de su actividad. Para ello se utilizaron miocitos ventriculares de gato adulto en los cuales se midió el pH intracelular (pHi) por epifluorescencia y se realizaron registros de potenciales de acción (PA) con la técnica de Patch-clamp para evaluar la implicancia de las isoformas electrogénicas del NBC en su morfología y duración. La producción de anticuerpos contra la isoforma electrogénica NBC1 se utilizó para evaluar la expresión y función del NBC1 en los miocitos ventriculares.
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Vuxna personers upplevelse av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ II : En litteraturstudie.Gussing, Emma, Kristoffersson, Nina January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ II är en ökande folkhälsosjukdom där cirka fyra procent av Sveriges befolkning beräknas ha sjukdomen. Diabetes mellitus typ II är en kronisk sjukdom som kan leda till svåra komplikationer. Därmed är det viktigt att personer med sjukdomen får god information om egenvård för att själva kunna minska riskerna för att utveckla komplikationer. Inom diabetesegenvården är det viktigt med fysisk aktivitet, en god glukoskontroll, god fotvård samt en bra kost. En persons upplevelse är aldrig densamma som någon annan person i samma sist. Därför är det viktigt att sjukvårdspersonalen har en förståelse för hur personernas livsvärld kan förändras i samband med diabetes mellitus typ II.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa vuxna personers upplevelse av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ II.Metod: Studien som gjordes var en litteraturstudie med en kvalitativ metod, med åtta artiklar som grund för resultatet. Innehållsanalysen genomfördes enligt Graneheim och Lundmans tolkning av kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: I resultatet framkom det att personernas upplevelse av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ II var blandade känslor där dem upplevde oro, trötthet, förändrad personlighet och en känsla av skam. De upplevde att sjukdomen påverkade deras vardag genom att de var tvungna att lägga om hela sin livsstil, genom bland annat egenvård. Personerna upplevde olika känslor angående egenvården där de flesta uttryckte en svårighet med att få in egenvården i vardagen. De kände även en stark känsla av att vilja leva, för både sig själva och familjen, vilket gjorde att dem var redo att kämpa. Personerna upplevde en oro för att få komplikationer så som amputation, blindhet och njurproblem. Slutsats: Studiens resultat framhävde att många personer med diabetes mellitus typ II upplevde en förändrad livsvärld. Att leva med sjukdomen gjorde att personerna upplevde en rad olika känslor och tankar, som sjukvårdspersonalen bör ha i beaktning. Genom ett livsvärldsperspektiv kan sjukvårdspersonalen få en ökad förståelse över vad personen med diabetes mellitus typ II upplever.
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World War II: Moments in our FamilyRichter, Yvonne 11 September 2006 (has links)
This thesis explores the history of one German family during World War II, using the inspiration and background knowledge gained from historic scholarship and literature to create narrative closely following actual experiences and memories to help understand the peculiarities of war narrative and war memory. The sources are interviews with relatives, existing literature on the subject matter, and the writer’s imagination.
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Har revisionsuppdragens längd någon påverkan på revisionskvaliteten?Slivo, Jackline, Baczynski, Kamil January 2013 (has links)
Europeiska kommissionen är på väg att implementera en ny lag som kommer innefatta obligatorisk byrårotation för börsnoterade bolag. Tanken är att detta ska leda till ökad revisionskvalitet då ett antagande görs om att kortare revisionsuppdrag kommer öka revisorernas oberoende. Detta för att revisorer kan komma att bli mer kritiska i förhållande till sina klienters räkenskaper. Inom akademisk forskning är detta antagandet omtvistat vilket skapat en debatt kring huruvida lagregleringen är gynnsam för revisionskvaliteten. Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med vidare forskning kring huruvida det kan råda ett samband mellan revisionsuppdragens varaktighet och revisionskvalitet, vilket i så fall skulle rättfärdiga regleringarna från EU:s sida. Detta är intressant för revisionsbyråer, lagstiftare och företagens intressenter då det fortfarande råder ett akademiskt gap i Sverige kring detta. Vi studerar revisionsberättelser från 492 stora svenska bolag som gått i konkurs och ser ifall typ- II fel ökar under långa uppdrag. När en revisor begår ett typ- II fel så är det ett tecken på låg revisionskvalitet. Detta leder till besvarandet av vår forskningsfråga ifall revisionsuppdragens varaktighet har någon påverkan på revisionskvaliteten. Resultaten från vår studie indikerar att det inte råder ett direkt samband mellan längden på revisionsuppdragen och revisionskvaliteten. I övrigt fann vi också en anmärkningsvärd differens då vi utvidgat vår analys till en indelning i Big 4 och övriga byråer. Medan Big 4 byråernas revidering endast blir bättre med tiden så visar övriga byråer en tendens att vara sämre under långa revisionsuppdrag. Detta har en rad implikationer då börsnoterade bolag har mestadels Big 4 revisorer. Samtidigt kan det signalera att problematiken kring ett avtagande oberoende inom långa revisionsuppdrag endast är ett problem för mindre byråer. Nyckelord: Typ-II fel, revisionskvalitet, byrårotation, revisionsuppdragens varaktighet
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Role of Circulating Angiotensin II in Activation of Aldosterone production in the Central Nervous SystemAhmadi, Sara 30 June 2011 (has links)
Elevated circulating Ang II activates neurons in the forebrain cardiovascular regulatory areas to cause sympatho-excitation and hypertension. We hypothesized that circulating Ang II causes neuronal activation in the SFO and thereby activates efferent pathways to the PVN, and chronically causes activation of aldosterone production in magnocellular neurons in PVN and SON, which amplifies neuronal activation in the PVN and central sympatho-excitatory pathways. The aim of the present study was to determine the pattern of neuronal activation in forebrain nuclei by circulating Ang II and to elucidate where in the hypothalamus Ang II may stimulate aldosterone biosynthesis. Dose related effects of circulating Ang II on BP were first assessed. Wistar rats instrumented with telemetry probes were infused subcutaneously with Ang II 150 and 500 ng/kg/min for 14 days. The subcutaneous infusion of Ang II at 150 ng/kg/min increased blood pressure gradually up to 20 mmHg and at 500 ng/kg/min up to 60 mmHg. Ang II at 500 ng/kg/min increased plasma Ang II by 4-fold. To assess effects of circulating Ang II on CNS pathways, Wistar rats were implanted subcutaneously with minipumps infusing 150 and 500 ng/kg/min Ang II for 1, 4 and 14 days. Three patterns of neuronal activation were observed by sc infusion of Ang II. The SFO was activated during the first day and remained activated for 4 days, but at 14 days showed diminished activation. MnPO did not show significant activation during the first day but, after several days the activation was high and then less by 14 days. Parvocellular PVN (pPVN), magnocellular PVN (mPVN) and SON showed an initial activation that increased over time. Chronic intracerebroventricular infusion of an aldosterone synthase inhibitor or a mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) blocker attenuated the increase in Fra expression in PVN but not SON, and prevented the decrease in SFO after 14 days infusion of Ang II. A significant increase in mRNA expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), a rate limiting enzyme in aldosterone production was found in glia cells of PVN and SFO assessed by rt-PCR after 3 days subcutaneous infusion of Ang II at 500 ng/kg/min. Total expression of aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) mRNA was increased in SFO, MnPO, SON and PVN after 3 days of infusion of Ang II. After 14 days no significant changes were observed in the expression of StAR or CYP11B2 mRNA. In comparison, in adrenal StAR mRNA expression increased after 3 days but no longer after 14 days. In contrast, CYP11B2 mRNA expression in adrenal increased after both 3 and 14 days of infusion. These findings may support our hypothesis that chronic elevation of circulating Ang II increases neuronal activity in CVOs, presumably leading to activation of the PVN and SON to induce an increase in aldosterone production in magnocelular PVN and SON. In the second phase activation of CVOs appears to diminish, but an aldosterone-dependent amplifying mechanisms, causes sustained activation of the PVN and thereby hypertension.
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The Relationship Between Maternal Intravenous Fluids and Breast Changes in the Postpartum Period: A Pilot Observational StudyMyles, Sonya 16 April 2014 (has links)
Clinical Issue
Health Canada recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months post birth and then the addition of complementary foods with breastfeeding extending to a minimum of two years. Breastfeeding initiation rates in Canada are currently at around 87% but, by one month, about 21% of women have stopped breastfeeding. Engorgement and edema in breast tissue can lead to breastfeeding challenges which may contribute to early weaning.
The purpose of this pilot research study was to explore the relationship between intravenous (IV) fluids given to mothers during the peripartum period and postpartum breast or nipple swelling in the first ten days postpartum and determine if a larger study was warranted and feasible. The research question for this pilot study was, "What is the relationship between the amount of IV fluids given to labouring women and edema of the breast and areola complex experienced by breastfeeding women in the first 10 days postpartum?"
It is a prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort pilot study with repeated measures and a within-subjects design. Participants are first time mothers who planned to exclusively breastfeed and gave birth to a single, healthy newborn by means of a spontaneous vaginal birth, Mother and baby were discharged home together with no contraindications to exclusive unrestricted breastfeeding. Descriptive statistics are reported and linear regression analysis is used to model the relationship between IV therapy and postpartum breast edema.
Women who received IV fluids during labour had higher levels of edema postpartum and rated their breasts as firmer as and more tender than women who did not receive IV fluids. Participants who had IV fluids appeared to be less aware of the fullness associated with lactogenesis II, and the pattern of fullness they described appeared to be related to edema noted. Participants who did not have IV fluids appeared to have unrelated patterns of fullness and edema, and therefore appeared more aware of the onset of lactogenesis II. The results support a larger study about the relationships between maternal perinatal IV fluids and breast or nipple changes.
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Type-II superconductors in high magnetic fieldsBruun, Georg Morten January 1998 (has links)
Superconductivity in high magnetic fields has attracted considerable atten- tion in recent years. The topic is important both for our fundamental un- derstanding of superfluids and for numerous practical applications. In this thesis, we consider several effects originating from the interplay between the Landau level structure of the normal state quasiparticle spectrum, and the tendency of the quasiparticles to form Cooper pairs below the critical tem- perature. A formalism designed to describe extreme type-II superconductors close to the upper critical field H<sub>c2</sub> is developed. The theory which utilizes the selection rules coming from the symmetry properties of the vortex lattice, simplifies the algebra describing a superconductor in the mixed state signifi- cantly. We are, on the mean field level, able to include the quantizing effects of the magnetic field on the electron motion exactly. A main achievement is the exact calculation of the expansion coefficients giving the grand canonical potential of a superconductor in terms of a power series in the size of the or- der parameter. The result is an expression for the grand canonical potential in terms of a polynomial in a finite set of variables close to H<sub>c2</sub>. Using this formalism, a theory for the experimentally observed damped de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations in the mixed state of a 2-dimensional (2D) superconductor is presented. The theory is compared with numerical results and the agreement is found to be good. A simple physical interpreta- tion of the damping is provided. The dependence of the damping on a finite Zeeman term, temperature, and the magnetic field is considered. A compar- ison of the theory with experimental data for the quasi-2D superconductor K-(ET)<sub>2</sub>Cu(NCS)<sub>2</sub> yields good agreement. The attenuation of a longitudinal sound wave in the mixed state is then calculated. In analogy with the dHvA effect, we predict that there should be damped oscillations in the sound attenuation in the mixed state as the exter- nal magnetic field is varied. Furthermore, the dependence of the oscillations on the sound frequency and temperature is shown to yield information on the low lying quasiparticle spectrum. Especially, the presense of gapless excita- tions due to the magnetic field makes the attenuation qualitatively different as compared to the attenuation in the Meissner state. Some formal convergence properties of the Gor'kov theory for type-II su- perconductors close to H<sub>c2</sub> are derived. We show that the theory is essentially a high temperature expansion; the convergence radius of the Gor'kov series is proportional to k<sub>B</sub>T when there is a Landau level at the chemical potential.
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Policing the warDonaldson, Roger January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Korean "comfort women" and military sexual slavery in World War IIAhn, Yonson January 1999 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the way in which sexualities and identities are involved in the creation of patriarchal relations, ethnic hierarchies and colonial power in the context of "Comfort Women". The women were considered sexual slaves for Japanese soldiers during World War II. I attempt to show the It) ways in which masculinity, femininity, and national identity were re/constructed through the enforcement of the subject-positionings of gender, colonialism and nationalism. The questions I raise and attempt to answer are: What kinds of masculinity and femininity of the Japanese soldiers and Korean "Comfort Women" respectively, and the national identities of both, were re/constructed through the comfort station system? How were the positionings of the "Comfort Women" enacted through daily practices and ideology, and what were the consequences of the re/construction of their identity? Finally, how did the "Comfort Women" position themselves in the face of the imposition of gender and national identities, by Japanese colonial and Korean nationalist power? I use personal narratives, including testimonies and life histories of the former Korean "Comfort Women" and Japanese veterans obtained from my interviews with them as well as from testimonies already released. I interviewed thirteen former Korean "Comfort Women" and seventeen Japanese veterans. Thirteen out of the veterans were 'rehabilitated' in China after World War El, the remaining four were not. I also occasionally use official documents on the comfort station system, which were issued by the Japanese military and the Western Allies. I argue that the development of gender and national identities contributed to the construction of Japanese colonialism, and that the "Comfort Women" system helped to produce and reproduce Japan as an imperial state with power over the lives and human resources of the colonies. In particular, the maintenance of the military system depended on the circulation of these concepts of masculinity and femininity. The regulation of masculine and feminine sexuality and national identities through the military comfort station system was a crucial means through which Japan expanded its colonies by military means.
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John Henry Newman's idea of a Catholic academy : contributions from his life and work towards a theology of education, with reference to recent documents of the Catholic ChurchWarner, David Brian January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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