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Competency Development and Implementation among Direct Support Professionals in New York StateLoPorto, Johanna 01 January 2019 (has links)
Direct support professionals (DSPs) serve an important function in the daily supervision and care of clients with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) through standardization of technical, cognitive, and ethical competencies for all DSPs. It is not clear, however, how these DSPs and managers perceive the implementation process and utility of these competencies or whether implementation results in meeting the desired outcomes for clients. Using Donabedian's quality of care model as the foundation, the purpose of this qualitative case study in New York State to understand how DSPs perceived the implementation of the DSP core competencies under the direction of front-line managers. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews with 12 DSPs and front-line managers. Data were inductively coded then subject to Braun and Clarke's thematic analysis procedure. Findings revealed that DSPs and front-line managers implemented the core competencies inconsistently because of organizational perceptions and experiences. The implications for social change stemming from this study includes recommendations to the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals to add a practicum component to the core competencies training which may benefit people living in community residential group homes diagnosed with ID/DD through hands-on approach training that would allow full implementation of the DSP core competencies in various, every day real life situations.
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"Har han blå eller röda ögon?" : En studie om referentiell kommunikation och ordförråd hos personer med utvecklingsstörningBjörhn, Sofia, Nordh, Matilda January 2011 (has links)
Ett flertal studier har undersökt användandet av olika typer av efterfrågan om förtydligande i en referentiell kommunikationsuppgift. Bland annat har skillnader i kommunikationsstrategier mellan barn med cochleaimplantat och normalhörande barn påvisats. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka huruvida kommunikationsstrategier skiljer sig åt i en referentiell kommunikationsuppgift hos barn med lindrig till måttligutvecklingsstörning och en mentalt åldersmatchad kontrollgrupp. Vidare syfte var att undersöka hur barn med lindrig till måttlig utvecklingsstörning reagerar vid kommunikationssammanbrott, när personen inte har tillgång till en specifik referent. Studien har också undersökt vokabulär hos de båda grupperna och om detta har någon betydelse för vilka kommunikationsstrategier de väljer. I studien ingick två grupper. Den ena gruppen bestod av personer med utvecklingsstörning som har en kronologisk medelålder på 14:9 år, och kontrollgruppen bestod av barn utan utvecklingsstörning med en kronologisk medelålder på 7:8 år. Båda grupperna hade en mental medelålder på 8:6 år. Barnets kommunikativa strategier skattades av logopedstudenter i en referentiell kommunikationsuppgift och ordförrådsdelen i WISC-IV användes för att kunna jämföra ordförråd. Då idén till föreliggande studie föddes ur Ibertsson et al. studie från 2009 Deaf teenagers with cochlear implants in conversation with hearing peers har samma typer av efterfrågan om förtydligande använts som utgångspunkt i analys. Resultaten visade att personer med utvecklingsstörning kan skilja sig i användandet av olika typer av efterfrågningar från en mentalt åldersmatchad grupp. Vissa typer av efterfrågningar korrelerade signifikant med varandra i högre grad inom kontrollgruppen än inom målgruppen. Prestation på ordförrådstestet skiljde sig inte signifikant mellan grupperna. I jämförelse mellan medelpoäng på ordförrådstestet och typ av reaktion, som visar ordförrådets betydelse för hur personerna reagerar på den utbytta referenten, återfanns ett signifikant resultat i målgruppen. / Several studies have investigated the use of different types of requests for clarification in a referential communication task. The purpose of this study was to examine whether communication strategies differs between children with developmental disabilities and mental age matched peers in a referential communication task, and how the children react to a communication breakdown. We tested vocabulary to see if vocabulary correlates with different types of requests for clarification. Our study included two groups. One group consisted of people with development disabilities with chronological mean age of 14:9 years. The other group consisted of mental age matched children with no development disabilities. The mental mean age of both groups was 8:6 years. The children’s communicative strategies were assessed in a referential communication task. The vocabulary was examined with the vocabulary subtest of WISC-IV. Our results indicate that children with mental disabilities differ from mental age matched peers in the use of types of requests for clarification in this study. Different types of requests correlates with each other in both groups. This indicates that the persons in the groups use different strategies in solving the task. The vocabulary was not different between the groups.
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Occupation-based evaluation and intervention : validity of the assessment of motor and process skills when used with persons with mental retardationKottorp, Anders January 2003 (has links)
The ability to perform everyday life occupations is a critical component in both evaluation and intervention for persons with mental retardation (MR). While the ability to perform personal and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) has always been important for occupational therapy (OT) practice, there is an absence in OT literature and research with a focus on ADL and persons with MR. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the validity of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) for evaluation and intervention of ADL ability for persons with MR. In order to evaluate the evidence of validity of the AMPS ability measures based on relation to level of MR, two groups of participants with MR were evaluated with the AMPS (,#=22; #= 39). The results indicated expected moderate relationships between ADL motor and ADL process ability measures and level of MR, despite different methods used for evaluating level of MR. The results also indicated that the results of the AMPS evaluation could be used to directly describe and measure the consequences in performance of ADL tasks for persons with different levels of MR. The evidence of validity of the AMPS was further examined in a study including participants with different types of developmental disabilities (e.g., MR, cerebral palsy, spina bifida) (#=1724). An application of many-faceted Rasch analysis was used to examine goodness-of-fit of the responses for the tasks, skill items, and participants included in the study. All tasks and all items except one demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit to the model on the ADL motor and ADL process scales. An expected proportion of participants demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit on the ADL motor scale. On the ADL process scale, a slightly lower proportion of participants than expected demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit. The results indicated further that persons with more severe levels of MR and persons with more limited ADL process abilities demonstrated different response patterns across tasks and possibly items. The evidence of validity of the internal structure of the AMPS scales was also evaluated between persons with mild and moderate MR (#=178; #=170). Group specific ADL motor and ADL process skill item hierarchies were generated using many-faceted Rasch analyses and compared. The hierarchies of ADL motor and ADL process skill items remained stable across groups, indicating evidence of validity of the AMPS scales when used to evaluate persons with MR. The results also indicated that although participants with moderate MR demonstrated overall lower mean ADL motor and ADL process ability, they did perform some specific ADL motor and ADL process skills at a similar level as persons with mild MR. Finally, the utility of the AMPS ability measures for detecting change were examined in an intervention study including three female participants with moderate MR. The study was based on a single case design and evaluated the effectiveness of a structured occupational therapy intervention program. Improvements were found for the participants in relation to the implementation of the program, but the pattern of changes were different between the participants and across the dependent variables. ADL process ability was the only variable that improved across all participants. The results supported the ADL process abilities as sensitive measures for detecting changes in ADL ability of persons with MR. In conclusion, the results of these studies contribute to the evidence of validity of the AMPS ability measures and scales, specifically in relation to the evaluation of persons with MR. The finding that an OT program resulted in improved ADL process ability also suggest that the results of the AMPS can be used to plan as well as evaluate outcomes of OT practice. Further research is also suggested in order to improve validity evidence and utility of the AMPS when used with persons with MR. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2003</p>
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A comparison of general education and special education teachers' knowledge, self-efficacy, and concerns in teaching children with autismSchwarber, Laura A. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Educational Psychology, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 40-46).
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Construção e validação de marcadores de vulnerabilidade de lactentes para disfunções em seu desenvolvimento socioemocional / Building and validation of vulnerability markers of infants to dysfunctions in their socioemotional developmentDaniel Ignacio da Silva 10 August 2017 (has links)
Introdução. O desenvolvimento socioemocional da criança pequena é condicionado por fatores de exposição relacionados ao contexto, cuja presença define a vulnerabilidade da criança para as disfunções socioemocionais. A síntese dos fatores de exposição em marcadores qualitativos de vulnerabilidade favorece a construção de tecnologias de captação de situações de vulnerabilidade e proposição de intervenções que promovam o desenvolvimento socioemocional. Objetivos: Construir marcadores de vulnerabilidade de lactentes para disfunções em seu desenvolvimento socioemocional e realizar sua validação de conteúdo. Método: Pesquisa metodológica de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, que teve como referencial teórico o Modelo Bioecológico de Desenvolvimento Humano, e operacionalizada por meio de duas etapas de pesquisa: extração e síntese dos dados, e validação de conteúdo. A identificação dos fatores de exposição ocorreu mediante revisão integrativa, realizada entre abril e agosto de 2016, com critérios definidos de inclusão e exclusão dos estudos, e estratégias sistemáticas de busca. Os dados identificados foram extraídos e submetidos à técnica de análise temática categorial. Os fatores de exposição foram agrupados inicialmente ,conforme a sua semelhança semântica, e foi analisada a relação dessas categorias com os níveis de contexto (Microssistema, Mesossistema, Macrossistema e Exossistema) definidos pelo Modelo Bioecológico. Após, foi analisada a relação das categorias com os elementos de vulnerabilidade da criança para situações adversas em seu desenvolvimento. Da categorização dos fatores de exposição, ocorreu a construção dos marcadores de vulnerabilidade, seus componentes e seus manuais operacionais. Esses conteúdos foram submetidos a duas rodadas de validação de conteúdo com juízes peritos na área de saúde da criança e desenvolvimento infantil. Essa pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo por meio do Certificado de Apresentação para Apreciação Ética nº 57933816.8.0000.5392. Resultados: A amostra final de artigos incluídos para a extração dos dados foi de 112.No contexto do Microssistema e Mesossistema, os fatores de exposição foram categorizados como: difilculdades nas relações sustentadoras contínuas; adversidades nas relações familiares e no apoio social, e situação de adoecimento dos cuidadores que influem nos processos proximais. No Exossistema e no Macrossistema os fatores de exposiçãoforam categorizados como: vulnerabilidades sociais dos cuidadores e fragilidades das políticas públicas, que condicionam as condições materiais e sociais da família. A partir dessas categorias, foram construídos oito marcadores de vulnerabilidade, seus 39 componentes e os respectivos manuais operacionais. Participaram da primeira rodada 17 juízes, que tiveram concordância máxima de 100% e mínima de 64% na validação dos marcadores, seus componentes e manuais operacionais. O material foi revisado com as sugestões dos juízes. Na segunda rodada, participaram 11 juízes com concordância máxima de 100% e mínima de 73 %, validando os oito marcadores propostos com seus 36 componentes. Considerações finais: A síntese dos fatores de exposição, apoiada em uma teoria de desenvolvimento abrangente, permitiu a construção de marcadores de vulnerabilidade que tiveram alta aprovação. O consenso obtido pelos juízes permite que essa tecnologia seja testada na prática clínica, para verificar sua capacidade preditiva, com potencial de antecipação dos fatores de exposição subsidiando a prevenção das disfunções socioemocionais. / Introduction: The socioemotional development of infants is conditioned by the exposure to context-related factors, whose presence defines infants vulnerability to socioemotional dysfunctions. The synthesis of exposure factors as qualitative markers of vulnerability holds up the construction of tools, which capture vulnerability situations and promote the socioemotional development. Objectives: To build vulnerability markers of infants for dysfunctions in their socioemotional development and to perform their content validation. Method: Methodological research with qualitative and quantitative approach, based on the Bioecological Model of Human Development, and implemented through two research steps: data collection and synthesis, and content validation. The identification of exposure factors occurred through an integrative review, carried out between April and August 2016, with defined inclusion and exclusion criteria of studies, and systematic search strategies. The identified data were collected, submitted to the categorical thematic analysis technique. The exposure factors were grouped according their semantic similarity and it was analised the relation of categories with the context levels (Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem and Macrosystem) defined by the Bioecological Model. Subsequently, it was analised the relation of categories with the elements of vulnerability of children to adverse situations in their development. From the categorization of the exposure factors, the construction of the vulnerability markers, their components and their operational manuals occurred. These contents were submitted to two rounds of content validation with expert judges in the field of child health and child development. This research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo through the Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Appreciation nº 57933816.8.0000.5392. Results: The final sample of included articles for data collection was 112. In the context of the Microsystem and Mesosystem, the exposure factors were categorized as difficulties in the ongoing nurturing relationships; adversities in family relationships and social support, and the caregivers\' illness situation that influence the proximal processes. In the Exosystem and Macrosystem, the exposure factors were categorized as caregivers\' social vulnerabilities and weaknesses of public policies determining the material and social conditions of the family. From these categories, eight vulnerability markers, their 39 components and their operational manuals were built. The first round included 17 judges who had a maximum agreement of 100% and a minimum of 64% in the validation of the markers, their components and operational manuals. The material was revised with the judgessuggestions. In the second round, 11 judges participated with a maximum agreement of 100% and a minimum of 73%, validating the eight proposed markers with their 36 components. Final Considerations: The synthesis of exposure factors supported by a comprehensive development theory allowed the construction of vulnerability markers that had high approval. The consensus obtained by the judges allows that this technology be tested in clinical practice, to verify its predictive capacity, with a potential of anticipation of the exposure factors subsidizing the prevention of socioemotional dysfunctions.
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Avaliação do perfil psiquiátrico de pacientes com mucopolissacaridosesTatiana Malheiros Assumpção 12 November 2013 (has links)
As mucopolissacaridoses (MPS) são um grupo de doenças metabólicas hereditárias causadas pela deficiência de enzimas lisossomais específicas, que causam alterações físicas e/ou comportamentais crônicas e progressivas. Um fenótipo comportamental é um padrão característico de observações motoras, cognitivas, linguísticas e sociais consistentemente associado a uma condição biológica. Tal fenótipo pode ser um transtorno mental ou outras características de comportamento não necessariamente associadas a transtornos. No caso específico das mucopolissacaridoses, embora haja diversos relatos na literatura sobre as altas taxas de ocorrência de problemas de comportamento na síndrome de Sanfilippo (MPS III), muito pouco é conhecido sobre as características comportamentais das outras entidades (MPS I, II, IV, VI e VII). Este trabalho pretendeu avaliar e descrever as alterações psiquiátricas encontradas em 22 pacientes com MPS atendidos em três serviços de genética clínica (4 MPS I, 5 MPS II, 1 MPS III, 4 MPS IV, 7 MPS VI, 1 MPS VII). As avaliações foram feitas através de instrumentos específicos, traduzidos e validados para nossa população, a saber: K-SADS PL, ATA, CARS, CGAS; e um instrumento traduzido, mas ainda sem validação brasileira: Escalas de Comportamento Adaptativo de Vineland. Os resultados mostraram que esses indivíduos apresentam altas taxas de transtornos mentais ao longo da vida, comportamento adaptativo deficitário e funcionamento global prejudicado. Além disso, observou-se um grande impacto familiar da doença, abandono escolar por falta de condições de acesso e de preparo da própria escola, grande dependência dos indivíduos avaliados e sobrecarga de um único cuidador, geralmente a mãe. Também ficou evidente o peso trazido pelo próprio tratamento, traduzido em uma recusa em aceitar novas propostas clínicas oferecidas. Concluiu-se que a população estudada é altamente vulnerável dos pontos de vista pessoal, familiar e social, sendo necessários mais estudos para seu melhor conhecimento e elaboração de programas e políticas de atendimento mais direcionados para suas necessidades / Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of hereditary metabolic diseases caused by deficient lysossomal enzymes, that lead to progressive physic and/or behavioral abnormalities. A behavioral phenotype is a characteristic pattern of motor, cognitive, linguistic and social observations, consistently associated to a biological condition. That phenotype may be a mental disorder or other behavioral characteristics not necessarily associated to any specific disorder. Referring to MPS, altohugh there are several descriptions of high ocurrence of behavioral problems in patients with Sanfilippo Syndrome (MPS III), the knowledge about behavioral characteristics of the other types of MPS is scarce. This work intended to analyse and describe psychiatric alterations in 22 patients with MPS from three services of medical genetics. Evaluation was made using specific instruments, translated and validated for use with brazilian population: K-SADS-PL, ATA, CARS, CGAS; and one instrument translated but not validated for brazilian population: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Results showed high lifetime prevalence of mental disorders, deficient adaptive behavior, and poor global functioning. Besides, it was observed intense familiar impact, high drop out rates from school, highly dependent individuals, and excessive burden for the caretaker. It was also evidenced the burden of the treatment itself. The conclusion was that this population is extremely vulnerable, and that it is necessary the realization of more studies for the better understanding of its specific necessitites
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Church attendance of adults with developmental disabilitiesSmith, Heather Kathleen 01 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Teacher training and the implementation of reading instruction for students with mild to moderate mental retardationThompson, Nancy Sharlett 01 January 2003 (has links)
This study was designed to investigate whether special education teachers are adequately trained to meet the literacy needs of students with mild to moderate retardation.
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The effects of childhood Autistic Spectrum Disorder on mother's reports of closeness to their sonsO'Hara, Deborah Gwyn 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study compared the emotional closeness of 56 mothers of sons with autism to 57 mothers of typically-developing sons.
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Comparison of self-determination between verbal and non-verbal residents of intermediate care facilitiesMahon, Karen Anne 01 January 2004 (has links)
This study compared verbal and nonverbal residents of Intermediate Care Facilities-Developmental Disabilities-Habilitative type (IFC-DD-H) on self-determination. The residents were compared using an adapted version of the Association for Retarded Citizen's (ARC) Self-determination scale.
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