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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèse et caractérisation de biomolécules antioxidantes / Synthesis and characterization of antioxidant biomolecules

Roby, Mohamed Hussein Hamdy 09 September 2014 (has links)
Un procédé enzymatique sans solvant a été développé permettant la synthèse d'un ester phénolique de DHA. L'optimisation des paramètres réactionnels a permis d'atteindre des rendements élevés (440 g/L) d'ester de DHA et d'alcool vanillique (DHA-VE), dont les activités biologiques et le potentiel applicatif ont été évalués. L'activité inhibitrice du DHA-VE vis-à-vis des radicaux ABTS, DPPH et hydroxyle a été démontrée. Un effet neuroprotecteur de l'ester a également été mis en évidence sur des neurones primaires de rat, exposés aux oligomères du peptide [bêta]-amyloïde. Une étude in vivo a permis de montrer que le greffage d'alcool vanillique conduit à une augmentation du taux de DHA au niveau des globules rouges et des neurones, indiquant une biodisponibilité accrue du DHA lorsque celui-ci est couplé au composé phénolique. Aucune toxicité visible de l'ester n'a été constatée. Par ailleurs, l'incorporation de DHA-VE dans divers systèmes émulsionnés a permis d'accroître leur stabilité à l'oxydation, quelles que soient les conditions de stockage. Ceci montre le potentiel de cet ester pour enrichir diverses matrices alimentaires en DHA, tout en améliorant leur stabilité à l'oxydation. Le procédé enzymatique développé a été appliqué à de l'huile de saumon, utilisée comme source d'acides gras polyinsaturés de la série oméga-3. L'incorporation totale de l’alcool vanillique (50 g/L) a été obtenue après 24 h de réaction, conduisant à la production d'une grande variété d'esters, représentatifs de la composition initiale de l'huile en acides gras. Le milieu réactionnel brut issu de l'alcoolyse de l'huile présente une grande stabilité et des propriétés antioxydantes importantes par rapport à l'huile de saumon native. En conclusion, l'approche consistant à assembler des composés phénoliques et des lipides polyinsaturés au sein d'une même structure semble prometteuse pour renforcer le potentiel applicatif de ces deux familles de biomolécules et produire de nouveaux ingrédients bioactifs stables / An efficient solvent-free bioprocess was developed for the synthesis of DHA phenolic ester, using the lipase B from Candida antarctica. The protocol developed here led to high-level production (440 g/L) of DHA vanillyl ester (DHA-VE) that exhibits interesting application potential as food ingredient. DHA-VE was characterized by a high stability and a high radical scavenging activity towards DPPH, ABTS and hydroxyl radicals. Neuroprotective properties of DHA-VE were also demonstrated in rat primary neurons exposed to amyloid-[beta] oligomers. Enzymatic esterification of DHA with vanillyl alcohol (VA) led to increased DHA levels in erythrocytes and brain tissues of mice fed DHA-VE-supplemented diet comparing with DHA. No visible toxicity of the ester was found. Enrichment of emulsions with DHA-VE improved significantly their oxidative stability whatever the conditions of storage, showing the potential of DHA-VE to enrich various food matrices with DHA while protecting them against oxidation. The enzymatic process was applied to salmon oil as a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The total conversion of VA (50 g/L) was achieved after 24 h of reaction, leading to the production of a wide variety of esters that mirror the initial composition of the oil. The crude reaction medium recovered from salmon oil alcoholysis exhibited a high stability together with high antioxidant properties in comparison with native salmon oil. In conclusion, the approach that consists in bringing phenolic compounds and PUFA-rich lipids together within a single structure is expected to provide stable bioactive ingredients that should broaden the scope of application of omega-3 PUFAs whose health benefits are increasingly sought

Statut en AGPI et bénéfices d'une nutrithérapie à base de GPL-DHA chez un modèle murin de mucoviscidose / PUFA status and GPL-DHA nutritherapy benefits in a cystic fibrosis murine model

Mimoun, Myriam 12 January 2010 (has links)
La mucoviscidose est une maladie génétique présentant des altérations ioniques causées par une protéine membranaire défectueuse ou inexistante la CFTR entraînant des perturbations métaboliques. Nous sommes intéressés à l’altération du métabolisme des acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) n-3 et n-6, caractérisé par une déficience en acides linoléique (LA) et docosahexaénoïque (DHA) et une élévation de l’acide arachidonique (AA). Ce déséquilibre peut être préjudiciable à l’état des patients du fait du rôle clé de certains AGPI à différents niveaux de la vie. Nos travaux ont portés sur la recherche des bénéfices d’un vecteur riche en un AGPI n-3 d’intérêt, le DHA, dans le contexte de la mucoviscidose à travers deux approches : une approche par supplémentation réalisée chez un modèle murin présentant la mutation la plus répandue chez les patients, et une approche sur un modèle d’entérocyte humain afin d’étudier de façon plus approfondie l’intérêt du supplément sur la fonctionnalité cellulaire (absorption des nutriments lipidiques). Nos résultats nous ont conduits à différentes conclusions : les souris delF508 nourries avec du Peptamen Junior présentent une perturbation du métabolisme des n-6 (LA, AA) dès l’âge de 3 mois ; cette altération apparaît mais plus tard sous régime standard. Par contre, quelque soit le régime alimentaire notre modèle ne développe pas de déficience en DHA jusqu’à l’âge d’1 an. L’évolution du statut en AGPI n-6 est donc dépendante du régime et de l’âge. L’apport de glycérophospholipides enrichis en DHA administré à faible dose permet de corriger les perturbations en AGPI n-6 et d’augmenter le rapport en DHA/AA dans la plupart des organes. Ce vecteur s’avère potentiellement intéressant en nutrithérapie chez le patient. Un enrichissement physiologique en DHA de l’entérocyte ne modifie pas ses capacités absorptives qui sont plutôt régulées par le type de particules véhiculant les produits de lipolyses, micelles de sels biliaires versus liposomes. / Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease showing ionic alterations, caused by an absent or defective membrane protein CFTR leading to metabolic disturbances. We are interested in n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) metabolism alteration characterized by a linoleic (LA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids deficiency and high level of arachidonic acid (AA). This imbalance can affect patient health due to the key role of some PUFAs in different levels of life. Our studies focused on finding the benefits of a vector enriched in one interesting n-3 PUFA, DHA, in context of cystic fibrosis, through two approaches: a nutritional supplementation conducted in a mouse model with the most common mutation of cystic fibrosis patients, and an approach on a model of human enterocyte to investigate more thoroughly the effect of the vector on cell functionality (absorption of lipid nutrients). Our results led us to different conclusions: del F508 mice fed with Peptamen Junior have a metabolic disorder of the n-6 PUFA (LA, AA) at the age of 3 months, but this alteration appears later under standard regime . But, whatever the diet, our model does not develop a DHA deficiency to the age of 1 year. The changing status of n-6 is dependent on diet and age. Glycerophospholipids enriched in DHA given at low doses can correct disturbances in PUFA n-6 and increase the DHA/AA ratio in most organs. This vector is potentially interesting for a patient nutritherapy. A physiological DHA enrichment of enterocyte does not alter its absorption capacity, which is rather regulated by the type of particles carrying the lipolysis products, bile salt micelles versus liposomes.

Life cycle assessment of DHA produced by microalgae using food waste : Assessing global warming, fossil energy use and effects on biodiversity

Bartek, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Biodiversity is a key component for life on Earth since it contributes to clean water, fresh air and food security. Today, fatty fish farmed in aquaculture is the main Omega 3 source consumed by humans, including the essential fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA origin from plants and accumulate in fish via the marine food web. Therefore, DHA in the form of fish oil is often added to fish feed used in aquaculture. This process is dependent on fossil energy and marine raw materials, which infer increased global warming, damage to ecosystem and ultimately loss of biodiversity. In order to reduce the environmental impact, the essential fatty acid could instead be derived from the marine primary producer of DHA: microalgae. In this thesis, a life cycle approach was used to assess global warming, use of fossil fuels and Ecosystem damage when DHA is produced by the microalgae Crypthecodinium Cohnii. The environmental impact was modelled using SimaPro 9 and assessed with CML-IA and ReCiPe Endpoint. In this model, volatile fatty acids derived from dark fermentation of food waste was used as feedstock to the algae. The studied systems consisted of two parallel scenarios, one conventional food waste-to-biogas with DHA from fish oil and one conceptual food waste-to-DHA with DHA from algae oil. The aim was to evaluate the future potential of DHA produced from algae, by assessing and comparing environmental impact to DHA produced from Peruvian anchovy. For every ton DHA produced by microalgae the assessed impact was -1.9E+02 tonCO2e, -1.9 TJ and 9.7E-04 species.yr. DHA produced by microalgae using VFA from food waste was shown to mitigate global warming and reduce use of fossil fuels. The most important conclusion show that DHA from algae infer 37% lower biodiversity loss in comparison to DHA from Peruvian anchovy. Thus, DHA from microalgae could reduce dependency on marine raw material and decrease biodiversity loss. / Biodiversitet är en nyckelkomponent för liv på jorden eftersom det bidrar till rent vatten, frisk luft och säker livsmedelsproduktion. Idag är fet fisk odlad i vattenbruk den viktigaste källan till Omega 3 som konsumeras av människor, inklusive den essentiella fettsyran dokosahexaensyra (DHA). Då DHA härstammar från växter och ackumuleras i fisk via den marina näringskedjan, tillsätts DHA ofta till fiskfoder i form av fiskolja. Denna process är beroende av fossil energi och marina råmaterial, som leder till ökad global uppvärmning, skadar naturliga ekosystem och orsakar förlust av biologisk mångfald. För att minska miljöpåverkan skulle den essentiella fettsyran istället kunna produceras från den marina primärproducenten av DHA: mikroalger. I detta examensarbete användes livscykelanalys för att utvärdera miljöpåverkan med avseende på global uppvärmning, användning av fossila bränslen och påverkan på biodiversitet, då DHA produceras av mikroalgen Crypthecodinium Cohnii. Flyktiga fettsyror, VFA, som bildas vid mörk fermentering av matavfall användes som råmaterial till algerna. De studerade systemen bestod av två parallella scenarier, en konventionell matavfall-till-biogas med DHA från fiskolja och en konceptuell matavfall-till-DHA med DHA från algolja. Systemet modellerades i SimaPro 9 och miljöpåverkan beräknades med CML-IA och ReCiPe Endpoint. Syftet var att utvärdera DHA som produceras från alger genom att beräkna miljöpåverkan och jämföra med DHA producerad från peruansk ansjovis. För varje ton DHA producerat av mikroalger var påverkan -1.9E+02 tonCO2e, -1.9 TJ och 9.7E-04 arter per år. DHA producerad av mikroalger där VFA från matavfall använts som näring, visade sig minska den globala uppvärmningen, reducera användningen av fossila bränslen och innebar 37% lägre förlust av biologisk mångfald jämfört med DHA producerad från peruansk ansjovis. Denna studie visade därmed att DHA från mikroalger kunde minska beroendet av marina råmaterial och minska förlusten av biologisk mångfald.

Omega-3 fatty acid enrichment of chicken eggs: Regulation of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in laying hens

Neijat, Mohamed January 2016 (has links)
Eggs enriched with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly the longer chain PUFA (LCPUFA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) can boost human consumption of these fatty acids implicated in human health. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) from plant seeds/oils, primarily serve as the source of omega-3 PUFA for hens, however, the scarcity of ALA-rich plants and the limited conversion of ALA to LCPUFA are challenges for egg enrichment. Two major experiments were conducted to determine potential factors regulating egg enrichment of omega-3 LCPUFA based on detailed assessment of PUFA profiles in different lipid pools of hen tissues. In experiment 1, supplementation of graded levels of hempseed products, provided ~ 0.1 to 1.3% of ALA in the diets. Experiment 2, investigated dietary supplementation of flaxseed oil (ALA-rich) and algal DHA (preformed LCPUFA), each providing similar graded levels of total omega-3 PUFA. Both ALA-containing models demonstrated a plateau in DHA enrichment of eggs at higher ALA intakes. ALA-containing diets led to high concentrations of ALA in the triacylglycerol (TAG) fraction of eggs and plasma, and the adipose tissue of flaxseed oil-fed hens. In total phospholipid (PL), particularly the phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the levels of EPA and ALA in the yolk were linearly associated with those in the liver. In all tissues, DHA dominated the PE pool, exhibiting a plateau with a strong inverse correlation to the ratio of ALA to EPA in the liver, suggesting limited ALA availability for egg DHA enrichment. The use of algal DHA should therefore permit further accumulation of DHA in the total PL and TAG fractions of yolk. However, enrichment via preformed DHA (at 3.36% algal product) was also limited by hepatic PL resulting in more DHA and EPA being shunted to the adipose TAG, concurrent with elevated hepatic acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSL1) expression. As a function of total omega-3 PUFA intakes (regardless of source), similar levels of stearidonic acid (SDA) and particularly EPA accumulated in liver PE. Therefore, hepatic PL regulation, possibly aimed at maintaining EPA level, may potentially be limiting the amount of ALA accumulation in the same pool, hence limiting the endogenous synthesis of DHA and subsequent enrichment in eggs. / February 2017

The role of omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of schizophrenia through modification of membrane phospholipids

Areda, Martha January 2016 (has links)
Ever since the emergence of the hypothesis that linked the aetiology of schizophrenia with abnormal membrane phospholipids composition, an increasing number of evidences have suggested reduced membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids in patients with schizophrenia. This has led to a conduct of several studies to evaluate the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acid supplement in the modification of membrane phospholipids and treatment of schizophrenia. The two main omega-3 fatty acid classes, EPA and DHA, play a vital role in membranes. This project work reviews omega-3 fatty acid studies and summarizes their outcomes. Eight original articles (nine studies) were reviewed. Six out of nine studies measured RBC membrane fatty acids levels and all six studies reported a significant increase in EPA after EPA supplement. Two studies reported increased DHA post omega-3 fatty acid and DHA supplement, respectively. One study observed a dose-dependent increment in DHA after EPA supplement. Improved symptoms were observed in seven studies, while one study found a worsening of symptoms in patients with low baseline PUFA. Moreover, out of the six studies that evaluated the correlation between symptom change and membrane fatty acids change, three studies observed a correlation between increased EPA and symptom improvement. One study reported an increased AA associated with improved symptoms, in contrast to another study, which found a correlation between increased AA and worsened symptoms. The conclusion from this project work is that EPA supplement can increase the EPA levels in membranes; however, its therapeutic effect in schizophrenia requires further investigation using larger studies. / Ända sedan tillkomsten av hypotesen som länkade etiologin av schizofreni med onormala sammansättningar av membranfosfolipider, har bevis för nedsatt membranfettsyror hos patienter med schizofreni ökat. Detta har lett till genomförandet av flera studier för att utvärdera effekten av omega-3 supplement i modifieringen av membranfosfolipider och i behandling av schizofreni. De två viktigaste omega-3 klasserna, EPA och DHA, spelar en viktig roll i membran. Detta projektarbete granskar de omega-3 studierna och sammanfattar deras resultat. Åtta originalartiklar (nio studier) granskades. Sex av nio studier mätte nivåer av RBC membranfettsyror och alla sex studierna rapporterade en signifikant ökning av EPA efter EPA behandling. Två studier rapporterade ökad DHA efter omega-3 och DHA behandling, respektive. En studie observerade en dosberoende ökning i DHA efter EPA behandling. Förbättrade symtom observerades i sju studier, medan en studie fann en försämring av symtom hos patienter med låg baseline PUFA. Av de sex studier som utvärderade sambandet mellan symtomförändring och förändring i membranfettsyror, hittade två studier samband mellan ökad EPA och symtomförbättring. En studie rapporterade en ökad AA i samband med förbättrade symtom, i motsats till en annan studie, som fann ett samband mellan ökad AA och försämrade symtom. Slutsatsen från detta projektarbete är att EPA tillägg ökar nivåer av EPA i membranfosfolipider; men dess terapeutiska effekt vid schizofreni kräver ytterligare utredning med hjälp av större studier.

Construction and Conceptualization of Identities in Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s Speeches: Turkish Membership in the European Union (EU) as a Symbol of the Alliance of Civilizations

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: While Huntington’s (1996) theory of “The Clash of Civilizations” illuminated the concept of the gap between the Western and non-Western cultures, the framework of an opposite approach, which intensively emphasizes and strives for mutual understanding, cooperation and solidarity towards peace, has created a new and vital discursive perspective and practice through the establishment of The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). As the domain of UNAOC has not received linguistic attention yet, the goal of the current dissertation is to investigate and reveal the notions and messages conveyed in the related context of Turkey’s accession to the EU by the Turkish Prime Minister (2003-2014) and the co- founder of the Alliance of Civilizations, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It seeks answers to the following questions: How does Mr. Erdogan conceptualize Turkey, which has geopolitically bridged the Western and non-Western cultures throughout the centuries, and which borders the boiling pot of the Middle East? How does the Prime Minister construct identities in the context of the Western and non-Western countries especially in his discussion of Turkey’s accession to the EU? How does the Prime Minister further reconceptualize the urgent need for global peace and stability in the world, contributing to the UNAOC directly and indirectly? This dissertation employs a cognitive framework approach which entails speech act theory and analogical reasoning, in addition to Reisigl and Wodak’s (2001) Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) to analyze Prime Minister Erdogan’s speeches in the international context. In conclusion, the discourse of UNAOC gives rise to new discursive practices for global peace, “countering the forces that fuel polarization and extremism” (http://www.unaoc.org/about/). The discursive construction of global phenomena, events and actions as defined in Erdogan’s speeches are reconceptualized on the basis of non-Western but secular pro-Western intertextuality and perspectivization. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation English 2016

Structural Basis for Functional Modulation of Pentameric Ligand-gated Ion Channels

Gicheru, Yvonne W. 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Effect of Acyl Chain Unsaturation on Phospholipid Bilayer

Soni, Smita Pravin 26 February 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Each biological cell is surrounded by a membrane that consists of many different kinds of lipids. The lipids are mainly composed of phospholipids, which form a fluid bilayer that serves as the platform for the function of membrane bound proteins regulating cellular activity. In the research described in this thesis we employed solid state 2H NMR, complemented by DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) and MD (molecular dynamics) simulations, to study the effect of PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and TFA (trans fatty acids) on molecular organization in protein-free model membranes of controlled composition. These two classes of unsaturated fatty acid incorporate into membrane lipids and have, respectively, a beneficial and harmful impact on health. The aim is to gain insight into the molecular origin of this behavior. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which with 6 "natural" cis double bonds is the most highly unsaturated PUFA found in fish oils, and EA (elaidic acid), which with only a single "unnatural" trans double bond is the simplest manmade TFA often found in commercially produced food, were the focus. 2H NMR spectra for [2H31]-N-palmitoylsphingomyelin ([2H31]16:0SM) in SM/16:0-22:6PE (1-palmitoyl-2-docosahexaenoylphosphatidylethanolamine)/cholesterol (1:1:1 mol) mixed membranes were recorded. This system served as our PUFA-containing model. The spectra are consistent with lateral separation into nano-sized (< 20 nm) domains that are SM-rich/cholesterol-rich (raft), characterized by higher chain order, and DHA-rich/cholesterol-poor (non-raft), characterized by lower chain order. The aversion cholesterol has for DHA, as opposed to the affinity cholesterol has for predominantly saturated SM, excludes the sterol from DHA-containing PE-rich domains and DHA from SM-rich/cholesterol-rich domains. It is the formation of highly disordered membrane domains that we hypothesize is responsible, in part, for the diverse health benefits associated with dietary consumption of DHA. 2H NMR spectra for 1-elaidoyl-2-[2H35]stearoylphosphatidylcholine (t18:1-[2H35]18:0PC) and 1-oleoyl-2-[2H35]stearoylphosphatidylcholine (c18:1-[2H35]18:0PC) were recorded to compare membranes with respect to a trans vs. cis ("natural") double bond. The spectra indicate that while a trans double bond produces a smaller deviation from linear conformation than a cis double bond, membrane order is decreased by a comparable amount because the energy barrier to rotation about the C-C single bonds either side of a <italic>trans</italic> or <italic>cis</italic> double bond is reduced. Although EA adopts a conformation somewhat resembling a saturated fatty acid, the TFA is almost as disordered as its <italic>cis</italic> counterpart oleic acid (OA). We speculate that EA could be mistaken for a saturated fatty acid and infiltrate lipid rafts to disrupt the high order therein that is necessary for the function of signaling proteins.


Zhang, Yu 21 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Discursive Construction of Chinese Women: Exploring the Multi-perception Discourses of the Reality Show Sisters Who Make Waves

Liming, Liu January 2021 (has links)
This study explores the discursive construction of Chinese women in the Chinese reality show Sisters Who Make Waves, with a special focus on the discursive shifts and their relevance to the wider discourse of and about Chinese women. The analysis is carried out on two levels: the discursive construction of Chinese women in the said reality show and its recontextualisation across other discourses including in the public sphere and semi-private opinions of Chinese women.  This research discusses the discursive construction of Chinese women in the Chinese media field and the discrepancy between “top-down” and “bottom-up” discourse. The project uses a multi-layer theoretical framework situated in media and society, gender and media representation, celebrity culture and digital labour to explore the discursive construction of Chinese women. The study applies to the reality show as the primary context, media perceptions as the recontextualising context, interviews with female employees in the Chinese internet industry as the secondary context. In order to investigate the arguments and discursive strategies in different contexts, this study employs a multilevel model of the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).  The findings discover that the said reality show focuses on the topos of age and the topos of beauty. These two main topoi cause different representations of social actors in Chinese media perceptions. As the representatives of female digital labour, the female employees in the Chinese internet industry construct three discursive strategies of self and relate their self-perception to those of other women. Furthermore, the study implies the discursive shifts in the discourse on Chinese women. This thesis contributes to understanding the discursive construction of women in the Chinese context, particularly the media and gender representations in the Chinese hybrid media system. In addition, this study stands outside the Western world and expands the understanding of the topic in a non-western setting.

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