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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The design of digital signal processing electronics for a steel wire ropetesting instrument

Nair, Dhavan January 1989 (has links)
Dissertation presented in completion for the Masters Diploma in Technology: Electrical Engineering at the M.L Technikon, 1989. / This thesis describes the design work undertaken at the Anglo American Electronics Laboratory to implement an electronic instrumentation system to evaluate the condition of steel wire ropes. / M


Cerna Espinoza, Rocío Damaris, Flores Ipanaque, Arnold, Mendoza Lima, Luis Fernando, Rinaby Huerta, Deborah Lorena, Suarez Aleluya, Marlene 09 July 2020 (has links)
En el presente documento se presentará el proyecto de una aplicación que brindará tarjetas de presentación digital para personas mayores de 18 años, cuyo estudio se realizó en Lima Metropolitana. Dicho estudio arrojó una demanda insatisfecha debido a que no existe una aplicación en la cual puedan registrar sus datos, como una tarjeta de presentación, y dar a conocer a sus clientes potenciales su contacto. Debido a esto, nació la idea de negocio KITCard, el cual consiste en brindar tarjetas de presentación digital a personas de que deseen expandir su red de contactos networkers, además está tarjeta no solo podrá dar a conocer el contacto, sino podrá mensajear, ver la ubicación del centro laboral de su contacto, ver la agenda, entre otras múltiples opciones. Para poner en marcha el proyecto, se realizará un profundo análisis del mercado, los posibles clientes potenciales y al sector a quien será dirigido nuestro proyecto. Posteriormente se desarrolló el Plan Estratégico, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y Plan Financiero. En cada una de estas áreas daremos a conocer los objetivos y las estrategias que se deseen lograr en los primeros tres años. / This document will present the project of an application that will provide digital business cards for people over 18 years of age, whose study was carried out in Metropolitan Lima. This study yielded an unsatisfied demand because there is no application in which they can register their data, such as a business card, and make their contact known to potential customers. Due to this, the KITCard business idea was born, which consists of providing digital business cards to people who want to expand their network of contacts, also this card will not only be able to publicize the contact, but will be able to message, see the location of the workplace of your contact, see the agenda, among many other options. To launch the project, an in-depth analysis of the market, potential clients and the sector to which our project will be directed will be carried out. Subsequently, the Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Marketing Plan, Human Resources Plan, Corporate Social Responsibility Plan and Financial Plan were developed. In each of these areas we will announce the objectives and strategies that you want to achieve in the first three years. / Trabajo de investigación

El periodismo tradicional y las fuentes de noticias del Perú para el consumidor digital al 2018. Composición de la oferta y atributos de contenido y distribución para el éxito en audiencia

Quiñones Sattler, Raúl Gustavo 18 February 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se realiza en momentos en que el periodismo tradicional padece en el mundo y su versión digital continúa aún en búsqueda de un modelo de negocio sostenible. Se trata de una aproximación al entendimiento de la situación actual en el Perú al 2018, como punto de partida para proyectar su futuro, una línea base que analiza la presencia de los medios tradicionales que emplean el internet como un nuevo canal y también de las nuevas fuentes noticiosas nativas digitales. El estudio se enfoca, a partir de una muestra de hechos y noticias, en identificar las principales fuentes noticiosas de contenido de interés nacional de tipo periodístico empleadas por el consumidor digital, en caracterizarlas, clasificarlas y medir su grado de aceptación en función a la audiencia como indicador de éxito relativo. El trabajo continúa en la línea de identificar los atributos más relevantes mediante indicadores “proxy”, en coherencia al marco teórico y la evidencia empírica, para responder ¿a qué se debe el éxito en audiencia? Se concluye que la oferta está sumamente atomizada en más de 15,000 fuentes y que, sin embargo, son sólo poco más de una treintena las que dominan el mercado con una audiencia sumamente fragmentada, en donde los medios periodísticos tradicionales son los principales protagonistas. La actualización y la globalización del contenido noticioso resultan elementos relevantes asociados al éxito en audiencia, así como el empleo de las potencias digitales para su distribución, destacando la hipertextualidad y la portabilidad en dispositivos móviles. / This research work is carried out at a time when traditional journalism suffers in the world and its digital version is still in search of a sustainable business model. It is an approach to understanding the current situation in Peru to 2018, as a starting point to project your future, a baseline that analyzes the presence of traditional media that use the internet as a new channel and also of new ones Native digital news sources. The study focuses, based on a sample of facts and news, in identifying the main news sources of content of national journalistic interest used by the digital consumer, in characterizing them, classifying them and measuring their degree of acceptance according to the audience as an indicator of relative success. The work continues along the way of identifying the most relevant attributes through indicators “proxy”, in coherence to the theoretical framework and empirical evidence,” to respond what is the success of the audience due to ? It is concluded that the offer is highly atomized in more than 15,000 sources and that, however, it is only a little more than thirty that dominate the market with a highly fragmented audience, where traditional media are the main protagonists. The updating and globalization of the news content are relevant elements associated with success in audience, as well as the use of digital powers for distribution, highlighting hypertextuality and portability in mobile devices. / Trabajo de investigación

Archaeological Challenges, Digital Possibilities : Digital Knowledge Development and Communication in Contract Archaeology

Gunnarsson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
This research concerns the digitalisation of archaeology, with a focus on Swedish contract archaeology. The aim is to understand how the archaeological discipline relates to the change that digitalisation brings and human involvement in these processes. The thesis is a study of its impact on processes connected to archaeological knowledge production and communication. The work problematises how digital data might be understood within these contexts but also illustrates where the potential of the digitalisation lies and how archaeology can make use of it. The theoretical approach re-actualises the concept of reflexivity in a digital context, combining it with various communication theories aiming to challenge the archaeological workflow and connect it more closely to present-day society. The digitalisation of archaeology can be seen across the whole discipline withan emphasis on academia. This digital development has greater opportunities in larger research projects which have sufficient funding than in contract archaeology. In those projects leading the digital development, the reflexive approach has been re-discovered and the digital enabled for new processes of knowledge production to take place. In case studies of Swedish contract archaeology several observations are made where it becomes clear that the digitalisation already shows positive effects at a government level, in organisations and projects within the sector. But there are also issues regarding digital infrastructure, knowledge production, archiving, accessibility and transparency. The biggest challenge is not technical but in attitudes towards digitalisation. The research concludes that digital communication based on archaeological source material can be something more than mediation of results. With digital interactive storytelling there are ways to create emotional virtual connections with the user, relating to the present and the surrounding society. By interlinking the processes of interpretation and communication an archaeological knowledge production might become an archaeological knowledge development. / Den här forskningen har studerat digitaliseringen av arkeologin med fokus på svensk uppdragsarkeologi. Målet har varit att öka förståelsen kring hur disciplinen förhåller sig till de förändringar som digitaliseringens innebär och människans roll i dessa processer. Avhandlingen är en studie av digitaliseringens betydelse för de arkeologiska processer som berör kunskapsproduktion och kommunikation. Arbetet problematiserar förståelsen av digitala data inom dessa kontexter men visar också på digitaliseringenspotential och hur arkeologin kan dra nytta av den. Forskningen aktualiserar på nytt det teoretiska angreppssättet reflexivitet i ett digitalt sammanhang och kombinerar detta med kommunikationsteorier i syfte att utmana det arkeologiska arbetsflödet och knyta det närmare dagens samhälle. Resultatet av denna forskning visar på att digital kommunikation baserad på arkeologiskt källmaterial kan vara något mer än förmedling av resultat. Med interaktivt historieberättande finns vägar att skapa emotionella virtuella kopplingar mellan användare och arkeologi som relaterar till nuet och detomgivande samhället. Genom att länka ihop den arkeologiska tolkningsprocessen med kommunikation, skapas möjligheten för kunskapsproduktion att bli kunskapsutveckling.

Code-based Form: Reductio ad Absurdum

Kroger, Brandon 30 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Digital financial services, gendered digital divide and financial inclusion: Evidence from South Asia

Arora, Rashmi 18 January 2021 (has links)

Digital capabilities in the construction industry

Atuahene, Bernard Tuffour, Kanjanabootra, S., Gajendran, T. 24 March 2023 (has links)
No / Digitalization is transforming the way of doing business, and the construction industry is experiencing its fair share. It has necessitated the influx and growth of digital technologies application on construction projects and, to a larger extent, construction firms. In as much as this is a great initiative, early adopters in construction are still exploring, experimenting, and exploiting the potential of these digital transformations in their projects. There appears to be a gap in the digital capabilities needed in the construction life cycle and how these should be developed. A systematic review approach was used to identify digital technologies used in the construction industry. Literature on organization and digital capabilities was used to identify these capabilities and supported with examples from the UK and Australia to explain the capabilities. A case was made for how developing countries can develop digital capabilities in the construction industry from geographical distribution analysis from the systematic review and inference from the identified capabilities and the enabling approaches. Three main digital capabilities (digital mindset, digital infrastructure/investment and digital skillset) with sub-capabilities and two main approaches (firm and external) to developing these capabilities are discussed in this chapter. By implication, these capabilities are also useful in the construction industry in developing countries

Digitalt ansvarstagande som stöd till en hållbar arbetsmiljö / Digital responsibility in support of a sustainable work environment

Rydén, Sofie, Larsson, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Den fysiska arbetsmiljön är ett känt fenomen där arbetet kring förbättring har pågått under en längre tid. Den digitala arbetsmiljön är dock något nyare som blir allt mer påtaglig med den digitala utvecklingen. Vilka begrepp som bygger upp fenomenet digital arbetsmiljö samt deras funktion och påverkan är något som denna studie kommer undersöka för att bidra till hållbarhet på arbetsplatsen. Studien kommer undersöka vad företag gör för att bidra till en hållbar digital arbetsmiljö samt hur arbetsmiljön kan förbättras genom digitalt ansvarstagande. Undersökningens resultat baseras på studerande av befintliga teorier om ämnena: digital arbetsmiljö, digital integritet, digital funktionalitet och digital hållbarhet samt kvalitativa intervjuer. Intervjuerna ger dels information ur ledningens perspektiv samt medarbetarnas på operativ nivå. De två respondenterna inom ledningen arbetar som digitaliseringsansvariga på ett privatägt IT-företag respektive i en större kommun i Sverige, medans de två respondenterna som representerar den operativa nivån arbetar som IT konsult respektive Digital modellerare. Efter undersökning framkommer ett tydligt större intresse och fokus på den digitala arbetsmiljön. Teknikens möjligheter har i många år styrt utvecklingen som lett till att användarna fått anpassa sig efter tekniken. Allt större fokus har nu skiftat till att se tekniken som ett hjälpmedel som ska stötta och anpassa sig till verksamheten och medarbetarnas behov. Studiens resultat beskriver ett flertal olika saker som de studerade verksamheterna gör för att bidra till en bättre arbetsmiljö, men vi ser att det även finns många utmaningar i den digitala utvecklingen. Med hjälp av det digitala ansvaret har vi listat ett antal punkter som verksamheter bör sträva efter för att kunna uppnå en bättre hållbar digital arbetsmiljö. Några av slutsatserna som kan nyttjas av verksamheter för att bidra till bättre digital arbetsmiljö är att skydda medarbetarnas integritet, utbilda i ny teknik och informationshantering samt stötta och underlätta arbetet när tekniska problem inträffar. / The physical work environment is a well known phenomenon where the work of improvement has been going on for a long time. The digital work environment on the other hand is a newer concept and is more recognicable due to the digital development. The concepts that make up the phenomenon of the digital work environment and their function and impact is something that this study will examine to contribute to a sustainable workplace. The study will examine what companies do to contribute to a sustainable digital work environment as well as how the work environment can be improved through digital responsibility. The result of the study is based on earlier research and theories about digital work environment, digital integrity, digital functionality, digital sustainability, and also qualitative interviews. The interviews provide information from a management perspective as well as from an operational level. The two interviewees on a managerial level are both digital managers, one for a privately owned IT business and the other one in a large county in Sweden. The two respondents who represent the operational level are working as an IT consultant and a digital modelar respectively. After research, a clear greater interest and focus emerges on the digital work environment. The technique itself has for many years been controlling the development which has led to the users having to adapt to the technique, instead of an interplay. The focus has now shifted to treat the technique as an aid to support and adapt to the organisation, its users and their needs. The results of the study describe several things that the studied companies are actively doing to contribute to a better work environment, but there are also challenges along with the digital development. With digital responsibility as a standing point, we came up with a list of points which companies should strive for in order to achieve a sustainable digital work environment. Some of our conclusions for businesses to use to contribute to a better digital work environment are to protect the integrity of employees, educate in new technology and information management as well as to support and facilitate work when technical problems occur.

Digitalt ansvarstagande som stöd till en hållbar arbetsmiljö / Digital responsibility in support of a sustainable work environment

Rydén, Sofie, Larsson, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Den fysiska arbetsmiljön är ett känt fenomen där arbetet kring förbättring har pågått under en längre tid. Den digitala arbetsmiljön är dock något nyare som blir allt mer påtaglig med den digitala utvecklingen. Vilka begrepp som bygger upp fenomenet digital arbetsmiljö samt deras funktion och påverkan är något som denna studie kommer undersöka för att bidra till hållbarhet på arbetsplatsen. Studien kommer undersöka vad företag gör för att bidra till en hållbar digital arbetsmiljö samt hur arbetsmiljön kan förbättras genom digitalt ansvarstagande. Undersökningens resultat baseras på studerande av befintliga teorier om ämnena: digital arbetsmiljö, digital integritet, digital funktionalitet och digital hållbarhet samt kvalitativa intervjuer. Intervjuerna ger dels information ur ledningens perspektiv samt medarbetarnas på operativ nivå. De två respondenterna inom ledningen arbetar som digitaliseringsansvariga på ett privatägt IT-företag respektive i en större kommun i Sverige, medans de två respondenterna som representerar den operativa nivån arbetar som IT konsult respektive Digital modellerare. Efter undersökning framkommer ett tydligt större intresse och fokus på den digitala arbetsmiljön. Teknikens möjligheter har i många år styrt utvecklingen som lett till att användarna fått anpassa sig efter tekniken. Allt större fokus har nu skiftat till att se tekniken som ett hjälpmedel som ska stötta och anpassa sig till verksamheten och medarbetarnas behov. Studiens resultat beskriver ett flertal olika saker som de studerade verksamheterna gör för att bidra till en bättre arbetsmiljö, men vi ser att det även finns många utmaningar i den digitala utvecklingen. Med hjälp av det digitala ansvaret har vi listat ett antal punkter som verksamheter bör sträva efter för att kunna uppnå en bättre hållbar digital arbetsmiljö. Några av slutsatserna som kan nyttjas av verksamheter för att bidra till bättre digital arbetsmiljö är att skydda medarbetarnas integritet, utbilda i ny teknik och informationshantering samt stötta och underlätta arbetet när tekniska problem inträffar. / The physical work environment is a well known phenomenon where the work of improvement has been going on for a long time. The digital work environment on the other hand is a newer concept and is more recognicable due to the digital development. The concepts that make up the phenomenon of the digital work environment and their function and impact is something that this study will examine to contribute to a sustainable workplace. The study will examine what companies do to contribute to a sustainable digital work environment as well as how the work environment can be improved through digital responsibility. The result of the study is based on earlier research and theories about digital work environment, digital integrity, digital functionality, digital sustainability, and also qualitative interviews. The interviews provide information from a management perspective as well as from an operational level. The two interviewees on a managerial level are both digital managers, one for a privately owned IT business and the other one in a large county in Sweden. The two respondents who represent the operational level are working as an IT consultant and a digital modelar respectively. After research, a clear greater interest and focus emerges on the digital work environment. The technique itself has for many years been controlling the development which has led to the users having to adapt to the technique, instead of an interplay. The focus has now shifted to treat the technique as an aid to support and adapt to the organisation, its users and their needs. The results of the study describe several things that the studied companies are actively doing to contribute to a better work environment, but there are also challenges along with the digital development. With digital responsibility as a standing point, we came up with a list of points which companies should strive for in order to achieve a sustainable digital work environment. Some of our conclusions for businesses to use to contribute to a better digital work environment are to protect the integrity of employees, educate in new technology and information management as well as to support and facilitate work when technical problems occur.


Hicks, William T. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2006 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Second Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 23-26, 2006 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / Most modern digital filtering is done by taking the average (mean) of a signal or some weighted average. Another method is to use feedback, which more closely resembles how analog filters with feedback operate. In the case of low pass filters, all these methods tend to give a trade off in getting the signal to pass while attenuating the higher frequency noise. An alternative is to use a median filter, which selects the mid value of a group of points. While this is not as computationally simple as other filters, it allows for the attenuation of noise while allowing sudden changes in signal level to pass thru unaltered. This paper discusses the characteristics of median filters and methods of implementing them.

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