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A roadmap for platform transitions in alignment with stakeholders : A case study in the automotive industryBewig, Emil, Holmström, Jens January 2024 (has links)
Purpose - The aim of this study is to provide large incumbent organizations a tool to moreeffectively evaluate and implement digital platforms while taking into account the needs ofthe stakeholders. To do so, we developed a roadmap consisting of nine steps that are dividedinto three different phases. Method - This study was conducted by using a abductive research method utilizing aquantitative data collection by analyzing earlier research and qualitative data collectionthrough interviews. The interviews were conducted in three phases: exploratory, semistructured and validatory interviews. In total 21 interviews were conducted which wereanalyzed through a thematic analysis. Findings - The thematic analysis resulted in three main themes; Platform transitionassessment, Planning platform transition, and Execute platform transition. These themes ledto a roadmap for platform transitions, for large incumbent organizations. Theoretical and Managerial implications - The presented study contributes to existingliterature by combining existing change management and technology adoption models todevelop a roadmap for evaluation and implementation of digital platforms. Furthermore, thisstudy provides managers with important insight and practical implications of importantfactors that should be considered before and during a digital transformation. Limitations and future research - This study is limited by its qualitative method since it isfocused on a single case study in a limited time-span in a large international industry.Therefore, the generalizability of the findings in this study might be limited and needs to beconfirmed in other contexts.
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The Uber Boundary : Contextualizing the Organizational Boundary of a Digital Platform OrganizationFurulind, Johanna, Sjöqvist, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Digital platform organizations challenges the organizational landscape by utilizing technology enabling cost efficient transactions. Uber is a commonly known example of such an organization, where tensions have arisen in various local contexts due to that the organization draw their boundary tightly around the platform to the benefit of organizational efficiency. Uber has as a consequence, been highly questioned in its liability of their primary operations: Is it a technology platform, or a transportation firm? This thesis sets out to answer: How is the organizational boundary of Uber challenged in various local contexts? The purpose is to provide an explanation towards how the organizational boundary of a digital platform organization could be understood in relation to local context, and how it can or cannot evolve in regards to these contexts. The results show that context matters for the boundary of Uber. In addition, a pattern amongst the context specific events emerged influencing the boundary. These can be categorized into four configurations: Adjusting, Expanding, Withdrawing and Intertwining. Each of the configurations explain the underlying reasons for the varying fluctuations the boundary of Uber show, and thus answer how the organizational boundary of Uber is challenged in various local contexts.
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Inter-organizational Relationship Portfolio Management: A Digital Enablement Perspective of Process Alignment and Process InnovationTang, Xinlin 17 August 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Inter-organizational Relationship Portfolio Management: A Digital Enablement Perspective of Process Alignment and Process Innovativeness BY Xinlin Tang July 25, 2007 Committee Chair: Dr. Arun Rai Major Academic Unit: Center for Process Innovation Inter-organizational relationship (IR) has been considered a strategic asset that can help firms achieve both exploitation and exploration benefits. The capability to manage inter-organizational relationships, or a firm’s “relational capability” (Dyer and Singh 1998), is considered strategically crucial in order to compete in the contemporary business world. However, there are significant challenges that must be addressed to establish this capability. First, striking a balance between exploitation and exploration benefits (March 1991) through IR management is especially challenging due to the uniqueness embedded in each relationship (Lee 2004). Second, in order to serve a specific strategic purpose, firms usually need to maintain a relationship portfolio, or to be involved in multiple, simultaneous relationships that vary from arm’s length, transaction-based arrangements to close, collaborative partnerships (Cannon and Perreault 1999; Dyer et al. 1998). This has made IR relationship management even more difficult since relationship portfolios cannot be effectively managed by a “one-size-fits-all” strategy. Instead, different strategies and process capabilities need to be developed, based on the strategic segmentation of the relationships and the unique requirements of each relationship (Dyer et al. 1998). Though it has been suggested that process alignment capability is necessary to obtain exploitation benefits, and process innovativeness capability is needed for exploration benefits, these two processes have been considered to be contradictory (e.g., Adler and Goldoftas 1999; Teece et al. 1997). Firms are challenged to pursue these two types of process capabilities simultaneously, or to become ambidextrous organizations (Benner and Tushman 2003). Yet, in this context, how should firms operating in different environments manage the “process alignment - process innovativeness” paradox across their IR portfolios with dominant upstream and downstream partners to realize gains in competitive performance? In addition, how should they structure their business-to-business information technology assets to establish a digital platform that supports both process innovativeness and process alignment capabilities across their IR portfolio? We argue that B2B digital platform ambidexterity must be developed to support an organization that exhibits both process alignment and process innovativeness, i.e., an ambidextrous organization. B2B digital platform ambidexterity represents the digital platform’s capability to simultaneously integrate and reconfigure IT resources and assets to support the requirements of an IR portfolio. By combining the existing process alignment perspective of IT business value and real options theory, we propose that B2B digital platform ambidexterity can create value through two mechanisms: (i) by enabling process alignment across the IR portfolio to generate position exploitation benefits and (ii) by enabling process innovativeness for both offering flexibility and partnering flexibility to produce option exploration benefits. The proposed research model was tested based on data collected through a multi-industry survey. Data were collected for both supplier relationship portfolios and channel partner relationship portfolios at the level of the main product line. Measurement instruments were developed through standard procedures (Churchill 1979; Gerbing and Anderson 1988; Straub 1989). The questionnaires went through two-stage Q sorting, were reviewed by panels of academic professionals and practitioners for content validity, and were then pre-tested by procurement professionals and sales professionals prior to survey administration. After data collection, traditional procedures were applied for scale validation. Safeguards against common method bias were developed through the recommended procedural remedies (Podasakoff et al. 2003) during the research design process. Its effects were further investigated using the Harmon's one-factor test for common method variance after the data collection phase (Podasakoff and Organ 1986). Then, the hypotheses were tested and analyzed using Partial Least Squares and the implications for theory and practice were discussed. The manuscript concludes with directions to future research.
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Digital platforms challenges and opportunities : Evidence from a traditional market sectorCalissendorff, Philip, Lögdal, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
Digital platforms are becoming more and more established in the current digital age and with it come many new business ideas, models and more. This has lead to several disciplines and industries taking an interest in them and sought to build one themselves. However, little is known about how the context of a digital platform can affect its launch. Existing research todays focuses on general strategies for launching a platform but we argue that context matters and that it changes the challenges and opportunities for the platform. This thesis aims to fill this gap for traditional industries that faces different kinds of challenges compared to more IT established areas. To achieve this, we took part of a case study and conducted a qualitative data collection process consisting of interviews with project members of The Omega project. We were able to identify a set of challenges and opportunities presented to the project: diversity, organizational, and culture to name a few. Based on our findings we could conclude that digital platforms for traditional industries comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities but that these can be used to find similarities to other industries to help tackle them. Therefore, we suggest further research to be done on how the context affects the challenges and opportunities in other industries.
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Plan de negocio: plataforma digital para el servicio integral de mascotas - smart.pet center / Business Plan: Digital Platform to the integral services of petsFalconí Escate, Luis Alberto, Rojas López, Carola Paola, Iparraguirre Zúñiga, Lesly Katterine 23 November 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años, observamos una tendencia cultural en crecimiento de los “Pet friendly”; como las mascotas han pasado a ser parte integrante de las familias peruanas y con ello, también ha evolucionado sus hábitos de consumo, la demanda por productos y servicios de calidad, abriendo una amplia oportunidad para generar negocio en este rubro.
Por otro lado, considerando que el 60% de los hogares peruanos cuenta con una mascota (CPI, 2018) y según Silvia Díaz (2016) – Directora de Invera, indica que el gasto promedio mensual en mascotas oscila entre S/ 144.00 a S/ 220.00 soles, donde el 53% es destinado para alimento y la diferencia (47%) a la adquisición de servicios (baños y tratamientos).
Sumamos a ello, que esta pandemia ha acelerado la conducta digital del peruano, según Sentinel (2020) el 94% de la población encuestada (muestra de 1000 encuestados), ha realizado alguna compra, pagos o ha usado streaming en plataformas digitales.
Por ende, las empresas de este rubro, deben responder a las necesidades del mercado actual a las nuevas tendencias, comportamiento y preferencias de los Pet friendly, en donde la calidad de servicio, encontrar información fiable, la facilidad de navegación por estas plataformas no solo sea fácil; sino empática a sus necesidades. Asimismo, esto nos lleva a una realidad donde el empresario peruano no necesariamente tiene sus negocios digitalizados o cuenta con plataforma para exposición de sus servicios, perdiendo grandes oportunidades de alcance para el sostenimiento y crecimiento de su negocio. / On the last years we saw a cultural trending on the growing of the pet friendly movement and how the pets on our families have been a big part of our peruvian families, and with that their consume habits has evolved too, also their product demand y quality services opening a big opportunity to generate business in this area.
On the other side considering that 60% of peruvian homes has a pet (CPI 2018) and according to Silvia Diaz (2016)-director of Invera, it says that the average of costs per month of the pets is around between 144.00 to 220.00 soles where the 53% goes to food and the rest to basic needing (treatments and baths)
Adding this, the pandemic has accelerated the digital conduct of the peruvian according to Sentinel (2020) the 94% of the people we ask (an average of 1000 people) they made a purchase making the payment via streaming on digital platforms.
In conclusion, the enterprises of that area must response to the needing of the actual market to the new trending, conduct and preferences of the pet friendly, in where the quality of service, finding information that is trustable, the facility of navigation on this platform is not just easy, instead of that also friendly with their needing. In addition, this led us to a reality in where finding the peruvian businessman is not necessarily connected or with the knowledge of put their services on expose, losing big amounts of opportunities that could be for big sustainment and growing to their business. / Trabajo de investigación
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Uso de publicidad programatica para rentabilizar un diario deportivo digitalAlfaro Vásquez, Máximo, Rengifo Villanueva, Ronald, Coloma Núñez, Juan Pablo Javier 14 April 2021 (has links)
En las tres últimas décadas la llamada cultura .COM ha causado una revolución tan grande como la de la imprenta en su momento, revolución que potenció las comunicaciones y por ende la manera de comerciar y consumir.
Con un crecimiento mundial continuo y orgánico ha logrado migrar la costumbre de los consumidores obligando a los medios de comunicación tradicionales a reinventarse o desaparecer.
Nuestro país no es ajeno a este cambio registrando un aumento importante en los 15 últimos años y aunque todavía se considera la web como soporte del negocio original, la exposición de productos nacionales a nivel mundial, y de negocios transversales han crecido exponencialmente, muchas veces obteniendo márgenes en mercados donde no se esperaba una penetración.
En el 2010 el número de peruanos con acceso a información digital era de 34.8%, para el 2017 este número ya era del 48.8% con un crecimiento promedio de 2% por año; esto coloca a los medios de comunicación tradicional en una encrucijada; pero también nos brinda una gran oportunidad.
Bajo esta oportunidad presentamos nuestro proyecto: Una plataforma digital de comunicación deportiva, la cual gracias a tecnologías de información (Big Data) dirigiría sus contenidos a los mercados que mejor paguen por los espacios de publicidad.
Los contenidos se ajustarán en tiempo real según la información que obtengamos vía SEM y serán trabajados en tiempo real por redactores especializados en generar contenido deportivo polémico y divertido.
Esto permitiría captar visitas que sean fieles y regresen, y además rentabilizaría por la venta de espacios vía publicidad programática, gracias a la cual venderemos nuestros espacios a los mejores postores en tiempo real. / In the last three decades the so-called .COM culture has caused a revolution as big as the printing press in its time, a revolution that enhanced communications and therefore the way we trade and consume.
With a continuous and organic worldwide growth, it has managed to migrate the consumers' habits, forcing traditional media to reinvent themselves or disappear.
Our country is no stranger to this change, registering a significant increase in the last 15 years and although the web is still considered as the support of the original business, the exposure of national products worldwide, and transversal businesses have grown exponentially, often obtaining margins in markets where penetration was not expected.
In 2010 the number of Peruvians with access to digital information was 34.8%, by 2017 this number was already 48.8% with an average growth of 2% per year; this places the traditional media at a crossroads; but also gives us a great opportunity.
Under this opportunity we present our project: a digital platform for sports communication, which thanks to information technologies (Big Data) would direct its contents to the markets that best pay for advertising spaces.
The contents will be adjusted in real time according to the information we obtain via SEM and will be worked on in real time by writers specialized in generating controversial and entertaining sports content.
This would allow us to capture visits that are loyal and return, and would also be profitable through the sale of spaces via programmatic advertising, thanks to which we will sell our spaces to the best bidders in real time. / Trabajo de investigación
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Plataforma de gimnasio virtual (Keep in shape) / Virtual gym platform (Keep in shape)Carrillo Vega, Alonso Javier, Cornejo Pinto, Jesús Alonso, Espinoza Escobar, Camila Luciana, Orellana Moscoso, Elsa Carolina, Vásquez Álvarez, Ángel Fernando 06 July 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, estamos viviendo una coyuntura particular y a la vez muy retadora, ya que el contexto pandémico en el que vivimos ha replanteado muchas cosas en diferentes industrias y rubros económicos. Esta realidad nos proyecta un escenario cada vez más tecnológico y clientes con necesidades cada vez más demandantes. Además, otra tendencia que cada vez toma más fuerza en el mundo y que ya dejó de ser sólo una moda es el mayor cuidado del cuerpo por parte de las personas, esta tendencia se refuerza cada vez más y las personas invierten más tiempo y dinero en practicar algún tipo de actividad física y en intentar llevar una vida saludable.
El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad estudiar la viabilidad del modelo de negocio de “Keep in shape”, con el firme propósito de no sólo aterrizar una idea de negocio que sea interesante desde el punto de vista de la rentabilidad sino que sea un agente de cambio y de concientización para las personas sobre la importancia de mantener un estilo de vida saludable, realizar actividad física y alimentarse cada día mejor. Asimismo, este proyecto les ofrece a las personas que les gusta llevar un estilo de vida saludable, una plataforma 100% digital en la que podrán conectar con profesionales del entrenamiento físico y de la nutrición para ser asesorados de una manera muy personalizada desde la comodidad de su hogar y sobre todo sin tener que arriesgar su salud por ir a un centro de entrenamiento presencial. / Currently, we are experiencing a particular and at the same time very challenging situation, since the pandemic context in which we live has rethought many things in different industries and economic areas. This reality projects us an increasingly technological scenario and customers with increasingly demanding needs. In addition, another trend that is gaining strength in the world and that is no longer just a fad is the greater care of the body by people, this trend is increasingly reinforced and people invest more time and money in practice some type of physical activity and try to lead a healthy life.
The purpose of this project is to study the viability of the "Keep in shape" business model, with the firm purpose of not only landing a business idea that is interesting from the point of view of profitability but also an agent of change and awareness for people about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, doing physical activity and eating better every day. Likewise, this project offers people who like to lead a healthy lifestyle, a 100% digital platform in which they can connect with fitness training and nutrition professionals to be advised in a very personalized way from the comfort of your home and above all without having to risk your health by going to a face-to-face training center. / Trabajo de investigación
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A digital platform for Social innovation Through digital StorytellingMateyisi, Ntombesisa January 2021 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Technology plays a big role in our lives. However, many do not have access to
technology and the knowledge it provides, giving rise to the so-called digital divide.
The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the impact of digital
storytelling for social innovation, considering the digital landscape of South Africa.
For example, it is important to consider what types of technologies have worked
and are still working to capture stories. Furthermore, to consider what skills the
end-users would require to use the system and what devices would be best suited
for them—PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone—and what software would be
required to capture their stories. Finally, access to Wi-Fi or the Internet would need
to be economically viable. Despite the vast research that has been done on digital
storytelling, not much has been done in terms of its impact on social innovation
and how a digital platform should be designed to enrich social innovation and
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Digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet i den smarta regionen / Digitalisation and Ecological Sustainability in the Smart RegionSandelin, David, Hammarström, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Stockholms läns regionala planeringsorgan vill utveckla sitt arbete med digitalisering inom regional planering med inriktning på ekologisk hållbarhet. Syftet med denna rapport är att bidra till detta arbete genom att jämföra och identifiera sätt som digitaliseringen behandlas i regional planering i syfte att nå ekologisk hållbarhet. Begreppet ”digitalisering” syftar på den process där teknik och digital information blir en del av samhället. Konceptet ”smart city” identifierades som intressant och tolkades om för en ”smart region”, och vad det skulle kunna innebära. Ingångar i frågorna skaffades i en workshop med Stockholmsregionens Tillväxtoch Regionplaneförvaltning, samt i en intervju med sakkunnig. Det genomfördes en studie av fem storstadsregioners regionplanedokument, och av litteratur om regional planering, digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet. Sju strategier för digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet i regional planering identifierades utifrån de regionala planeringsdokumenten. En digital plattform identifierades som ett möjligt sätt att arbeta med tjänster som är kopplade till strategierna. I litteraturen hittades analysverktyg vilka användes för att identifiera hur strategierna med digitalisering kan innebära ökad ekologisk hållbarhet. Efter det diskuterades hur den digitala plattformen kan samverka med regional planering, samt hur den digitala plattformen och samarbetsplattformen kan tolkas ur en planeringsteoretisk vinkel. / The Stockholm County regional planning agency wants to develop its work on digitalisation in Regional Planning with a focus on ecological sustainability. The purpose of this report is to contribute to this work by comparing and identifying ways that digitalisation is treated in regional planning in order to achieve ecological sustainability. The concept of "digitalisation" refers to the process where technology and digital information becomes a part of the community. The concept of "smart city" was identified as interesting and was interpreted for a "smart region", and what this could entail. Starting points to the issues were gathered in a workshop with the Stockholm region's Growth and Regional Planning Administration, as well as in an interview with an expert. A study was conducted of the five metropolitan regions’ regional planning documents, and of literature on regional planning, digitalisation and ecological sustainability. Seven strategies for digitalisation and ecological sustainability in regional planning were identified on the basis of the regional planning documents. A digital platform was identified as a possible way to work with services that are linked to the strategies. In the literature analysis tools were found which were used to identify how the strategies of digitalisation can lead to increased environmental sustainability. After that it was discussed how the digital platform can interact with regional planning, as well as how the digital platform and the collaboration platform can be understood from a planning theoretical angle.
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Data Governance in Digital Platforms : A case analysis in the building sectorEnder, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Data are often the foundation of digital innovation and are seen as a highly valuable asset for any organization. Many companies aim to put data at the core of their business, but struggle with regulating data in complex environments. Data governance becomes an integral part for data-driven business. However, only a minority of companies fully engage in data governance. Research also lacks knowledge about data governance in complex environments such as digital platforms. Therefore, this thesis examines the role of data governance in digital platforms, by researching the conceptual characteristics of platform data governance. The iterative taxonomy development process by Nickerson et al. (2013) has been used to classify the characteristics of platform data governance. The results are derived from existing literature and motivated by new insights from expert interviews as well as a case analysis of a real-life platform. The final taxonomy shows that the conceptual characteristics of platform data governance are based on the dimensions purpose, platform data, responsibilities, decision domains and compliance. The findings address challenges of data governance in inter organizational settings and help practitioners to define their own data governance. Additionally, the thesis highlights the potential for future research.
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