Spelling suggestions: "subject:"DNA deethylation"" "subject:"DNA acethylation""
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Régulations épigénétiques et rôles de la protéine Btk dans l'expression du TNF-α par la voie des TLRs / Epigenetics regulations and role of Btk protein in TNF-α expression by TLR pathwayFrenzel, Laurent 02 September 2013 (has links)
La Bruton tyrosine kinase ou Btk est une protéine dont le rôle dans la maturation des lymphocytes B est connu depuis plusieurs années. Par contre, son rôle dans le contrôle de l’immunité innée est moins établi. Nous avons montré que, en réponse à la voie des Toll like Receptors ou TLRs, Btk régule la stabilité de l’ARN messager du TNF-α par l’intermédiairede la protéine TTP ou Tristétraproline. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que l’expression d’un microARN, le miR-346, régulait négativement la protéine Btk et donc la synthèse de TNF-α. L’amplification de l’expression de ce miR-346 par transfection permet d’avoir un effet anti-TNF-α et anti-Btk interessant notamment dans le modèle cellulaire de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Enfin, nous avons montré que, en réponse au TLRs, la modulation de l’expression du TNF-α en fonction de l’état de méthylation de l’ADN et d’acétylation des histones dépendait directement de l’expression du couple miR-346 et Btk. Btk est donc une protéine charnière dans le contrôle de l’inflammation par les mécanismes épigénétiques que sont les miARNs, la méthylation de l’ADN et l’acétylation des histones. Sur le plan thérapeutique, l’inhibition de cette protéine par ces différents mécanismes de régulation semble donc être très interessante, à la fois dans les maladies inflammatoires et néoplasiques. / Bruton tyrosine kinase, or Btk, is a protein whose role in the maturation of B cells has been known for several years. However, its role in the control of innate immunity is less established. We have shown that, in response to Toll like Receptors pathway or TLRs, Btk regulates the stability of the mRNA of TNF-α via the TTP or Tristetraprolin protein. Furthermore, we showed that the expression of microRNA, the miR-346, negatively regulated the Btk protein and thus the synthesis of TNF-α. Upregulation of miR-346 by transfection act as an anti-TNF-α and anti-Btk drugs, especially in the cellular model of rheumatoid arthritis.Finally, we showed that, in response to TLRs, the modulation of the expression of TNF-α according to the state of DNA methylation and histone acetylation depended directly on crosstalk beetween miR-346 and Btk. Btk is a key protein in the control of inflammation by epigenetic mechanisms such as miRNAs, DNA methylation and histone acetylation. As therapeutic interest, inhibition of Btk by those different regulatory mechanisms seems to be very interesting, both in inflammatory and neoplastic diseases.
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Análise de metilação global em pacientes com puberdade precoce central familial / Global methylation analysis of patients with familial central precocious pubertyDanielle de Souza Bessa 17 August 2018 (has links)
A idade normal para início da puberdade em meninas varia bastante, de 8 a 13 anos, e os genes envolvidos nesse controle são parcialmente conhecidos. Fatores ambientais, como alimentação e exposição a disruptores endócrinos, contribuem para essa variabilidade, de modo que genes modulados epigeneticamente podem justificar parte da complexidade desse processo. O termo epigenética se refere às modificações na expressão gênica que não são causadas por alterações na sequência do DNA. A metilação do DNA é o mecanismo epigenético mais bem estudado. Na última década surgiram evidências demonstrando a relação entre metilação do DNA e desenvolvimento puberal. Em fêmeas de roedores, a hipermetilação do DNA levou à puberdade precoce. Em humanos, a puberdade precoce central (PPC) familial causada por mutações nos genes MKRN3 e DLK1 é considerada um defeito do imprinting, fenômeno epigenético no qual apenas um dos alelos parentais é expresso, estando o outro metilado e inativo. Além disso, um conceito atual propõe que o início da puberdade requer a repressão epigenética de fatores inibidores do eixo gonadotrófico. Recentemente, genes zinc finger (ZNF) foram relacionados ao processo puberal, e muitos deles codificam repressores transcricionais. Neste trabalho, estudamos a metilação do DNA do sangue periférico de 10 pacientes do sexo feminino com PPC familial (casos índices) e 33 meninas com desenvolvimento puberal normal (15 pré-púberes e 18 púberes), usando a plataforma Human Methylation 450 BeadChip. Duas pacientes tinham PPC de causa genética (uma com mutação no MKRN3 e outra com deleção no DLK1) e oito tinham PPC idiopática, sem mutações identificadas pelo sequenciamento exômico global. Cento e vinte regiões diferencialmente metiladas foram identificadas entre as meninas saudáveis pré-púberes e púberes, estando 74% delas no cromossomo X. Apenas uma região mostrou-se hipometilada no grupo púbere e, de maneira importante, contém a região promotora do ZFP57, fator necessário para manutenção do imprinting. Uma vez que a hipermetilação nas regiões promotoras dos genes é relacionada à inibição transcricional, o achado de hipermetilação global do DNA na puberdade sugere que haja inibição de fatores inibidores do eixo gonadotrófico, o que resultaria no início do processo puberal. O receptor estrogênico destacou-se como um fator transcricional que se liga a sete genes diferencialmente metilados entre os controles pré-púberes e púberes. As pacientes com PPC apresentaram mais sítios CpG hipermetilados tanto na comparação com as meninas pré-púberes (81%) quanto púberes (89%). Há doze genes ZNF contendo sítios CpG hipermetilados na PPC. Não foram encontradas anormalidades de metilação nos genes MKRN3 e DLK1 nem em suas regiões regulatórias. Em conclusão, este estudo evidenciou hipermetilação global do DNA em meninas com puberdade normal e precoce, sugerindo que esse padrão é uma marca epigenética da puberdade. Pela primeira vez, mudanças no metiloma de pacientes com PPC foram descritas. Modificações na metilação de vários genes ZNF parecem compor a complexa rede de mecanismos que leva ao início da puberdade humana / Normal puberty initiation varies greatly among girls, from 8 to 13 years, and the genetic basis for its control is partially known. Environmental factors, such as nutrition and exposure to endocrine disruptors, contribute to this variance, and epigenetically modulated genes may justify some of the complexity observed in this process. Epigenetics refers to alterations in gene expression that are not caused by changes in DNA sequence itself. DNA methylation is the best studied epigenetic mechanism. In the last decade, evidence has emerged showing the relationship between DNA methylation and pubertal development. In female mice, DNA hypermethylation led to precocious puberty. In humans, familial central precocious puberty (CPP) caused by mutations in the MKRN3 and DLK1 genes is considered a disorder of imprinting, an epigenetic phenomenon in which only one parental allele is expressed, and the other allele is methylated and inactive. In addition, animal studies indicated that pubertal timing requires epigenetic repression of inhibitory factors of the gonadotrophic axis. Recently, zinc finger genes (ZNF) were related to pubertal development, many of which encode transcriptional repressors. In the present study, we analyzed the DNA methylation of peripheral blood samples from 10 female patients with familial CPP (index cases) and 33 girls with normal pubertal development (15 pre-pubertal and 18 pubertal), using the Human Methylation 450 BeadChip assay. Genetic CPP was diagnosed in two patients (one with a MKRN3 mutation and the other with a DLK1 deletion). The remaining eight cases with idiopathic CPP were previously evaluated by whole exome sequencing and no causative mutations were identified so far. We evidenced 120 differentially methylated regions between pre-pubertal and pubertal healthy girls, and 74% of them were located at the X chromosome. Only one genomic region was hypomethylated in the pubertal group. Of note, it contains the promoter region of ZFP57, an important factor for imprinting maintenance. As DNA hypermethylation in gene promoters is related to gene silencing, the finding of global DNA hypermethylation in puberty suggests inhibition of inhibitory factors of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis that results in puberty onset. Importantly, the estrogen receptor was identified as a transcriptional factor that binds to seven differentially methylated genes associated with pubertal process. Patients with CPP exhibited more hypermethylated CpG sites compared to both pre-pubertal (81%) and pubertal (89%) controls. Twelve ZNF genes were recognized as having hypermethylated CpG sites in CPP. The methylation analyses of MKRN3 and DLK1 genes showed no abnormalities. In conclusion, this study revealed a widespread DNA hypermethylation in girls with normal and precocious puberty, suggesting that this pattern can be an epigenetic signature of puberty. For the first time, changes in the methylome of patients with CPP were described. We highlight that alterations in methylation levels of several ZNF genes may impact the onset of human puberty
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Avaliação da taxa de metilação do DNA de leucócitos na região promotora dos genes IFNγ, Serpin B5 e Stratifin durante o período gestacional e sua relação com o metabolismo das vitaminas e metabólitos / Assessment of leukocyte DNA methylation index in the promoter region of IFNγ, Serpin B5 and Stratifin genes in women with different gestational ages and their relationship to the metabolism of vitamins and metabolitesThaiomara Alves Silva 15 October 2010 (has links)
A metilação do DNA é uma alteração epigenética que atua na regulação da expressão gênica. A deficiência de vitaminas (cobalamina, B6 e folato) pode interferir na taxa de metilação. O efeito da deficiência destas vitaminas foi determinado em estudos com cultura de células e em animais. No entanto, são raros os estudos realizados com seres humanos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: avaliar a taxa de metilação do DNA de leucócitos na região promotora dos genes Interferon gama (IFNγ), Serpin B5 e Stratifin; verificar se existe associação entre as concentrações das vitaminas e dos metabólitos com a taxa de metilação do DNA dos 3 genes; e analisar quais são os fatores de predição para a taxa de metilação do DNA (variável dependente) considerando como variáveis independentes os valores séricos das vitaminas e metabólitos, em mulheres com idades gestacionais de 16, 28 e 36 semanas. Cento e oitenta e três mulheres foram convidadas a participar desse estudo, porém apenas 96 completaram o estudo prospectivo. Foram determinadas as concentrações séricas da cobalamina (Cbl), folato, vitamina B6, S-adenosilmetionina (SAM), S-adenosilhomocisteína (SAH), ácido metilmalônico (MMA), homocisteína total (tHcy) e folato eritrocitário. A taxa de metilação nos 3 genes foi determinada por qMSP (Quantitative Methylation Specific - Polimerase Chain Reaction). Várias mulheres estavam fazendo uso de suplementação com ácido fólico e/ou polivitamínicos. Diante deste fato foram formados 4 subgrupos: Grupo 1 (constituído por mulheres que não usaram suplementação), Grupo 2 (mulheres que usaram suplementação em todas as idades gestacionais estudadas - 16, 28 e 36 semanas), Grupo 3 (mulheres que usaram suplementação no início da gestação até a 16ª semana) e Grupo 4 (mulheres que usaram suplementação na 16ª e 28ª semana gestacional). Não houve diferença entre as taxas de metilação do DNA dos genes IFNγ, Serpin B5 e Stratifin durante o período gestacional estudado. As taxas de metilação no gene IFNγ do grupo 1 foram maiores, quando comparadas as taxas dos demais grupos. Em modelos de regressão linear múltipla, considerando o período gestacional como um todo, apenas a vitamina B6 e a tHcy foram diretamente associadas aos valores da taxa de metilação do gene IFNγ. No entanto, a vitamina B6 foi inversamente associada, enquanto que tHcy esteve diretamente associada aos valores da taxa de metilação do gene Stratifin. A taxa de metilação não sofre alterações durante a gestação; a vitamina B6 e a tHcy foram os fatores de predição para as taxas de metilação do DNA na região promotora dos genes IFNγ e Stratifin. / DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that regulates gene expression. Cobalamin, vitamin B6 and folate deficiencies can impair the DNA methylation index. Studies involving cultured cells and animals have evaluated the effect of vitamin deficiencies in DNA methylation. However, few studies were conducted in humans. The goals of this study were: to evaluate the leukocyte DNA methylation index in the promoter region of interferon gamma (IFNγ), Serpin B5 and Stratifin genes; to assess the association between vitamins and metabolites concentrations and DNA methylation index in three genes; and to examine the predictive factors for DNA methylation index using as independent variables: serum folate, serum cobalamin, serum vitamin B6, erythrocyte folate, methylmalonic acid (MMA), total homocysteine (tHcy) in three gestational ages (16th, 28th and 36,th weeks). A hundred eighty three women were included, but only 96 completed the prospective study. The serum concentrations of cobalamin, folate, vitamin B6, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), Sadenosylhomocysteine (SAH), MMA, tHcy were determined. The erythrocyte folate concentration was also evaluated. The DNA methylation index was determined in three genes by qMSP (Quantitative Methylation Specific - Polymerase Chain Reaction). Several women were taking folic acid supplementation and/or multivitamins. Four groups were formed according to supplementation use: Group 1 (women who take no supplementation), Group 2 (women who took supplements at 16th, 28th and 36th weeks of pregnancy), Group 3 (women who took supplements in early pregnancy and up to 16 weeks) and Group 4 (women who took supplements in the 16th and 28th week of pregnancy). There was no difference between the DNA methylation index in the IFNγ, Serpin B5 and Stratifin genes during the gestational periods studied. The DNA methylation index in the IFNγ gene in group 1 was higher than those indexes from other groups. In multiple linear regression models considering the gestational periods as a whole, only vitamin B6 and tHcy were directly associated to DNA methylation index in IFNγ gene. However, vitamin B6 was inversely associated, whereas tHcy was directly associated with values of DNA methylation in Stratifin. The DNA methylation index does not change during pregnancy, vitamin B6 and tHcy were the predictors of DNA methylation in the promoter region of IFNγ and Stratifin genes.
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Identificação e caracterização de marcadores moleculares em carcinomas epidermóides de cabeça e pescoço / Identification and characterization of molecular markers in head and neck squamous cell carcinomaRodrigo Vieira Rodrigues 27 May 2011 (has links)
A programação epigenética do genoma por metilação do DNA, modificação das histonas e remodelamento da cromatina é crucial para o desenvolvimento e o crescimento normal dos mamíferos e alterações nesses mecanismos contribuem diretamente para a transformação maligna. Em função do papel relevante da metilação do DNA na carcinogênese, da importância e da necessidade de identificação de marcadores moleculares em tumores de cabeça e pescoço e dos resultados já obtidos pelo grupo, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo geral investigar o perfil de metilação de ilhas CpG em carcinomas primários de cabeça e pescoço (CECP), bem como identificar e iniciar estudos funcionais de biomarcadores candidatos para diagnóstico e prognóstico desses tumores. Alguns genes previamente descritos com padrões anormais de metilação em neoplasias humanas (CDH1, CDH13, DAPK, CDKN2A, RASSF1A, SOCS3 e TIMP3), além de outros dois genes (MX1 e SLC15A3) identificados em nosso estudo anterior, foram analisados em amostras normais e margens cirúrgicas de CECP por meio da técnica de pirosequencimento de DNA após tratamento com bissulfito de sódio. As análises estatísticas não mostraram diferenças significativas para a maioria dos genes analisados, com exceção do gene SLC15A3, que apresentou diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre tumores e amostras de sangue de doadores saudáveis. Diferentemente, os resultados obtidos com a metodologia de PCR-MSP em nosso trabalho anterior mostraram que o gene MX1 está metilado em CECP. Os estudos funcionais do MX1, por RNA de interferência, ensaios de migração e citometria de fluxo mostraram que seu produto contribui para migração e proliferação celular, e talvez para resistência à apoptose. Os resultados sugeriram que o nível de expressão do MX1 pode ser um preditor do potencial metastático em carcinoma epidermóide / The genome epigenetic programming by DNA methylation, histone modification and chromatin remodeling is crucial for normal growth and development in mammals and changes in these mechanisms contributes directly to malignant transformation. Regarding the role of DNA methylation in carcinogenesis, the importance and necessity for the identification of molecular markers in head and neck tumors, and the results already obtained by the group, this study was aimed at investigating the methylation profile of CpG islands in primary head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC), and to identify and initiate functional studies of candidate biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of these tumors. Therefore, some genes previously described with abnormal methylation pattern in humans tumors (CDH1, CDH13, DAPK, CDKN2A, RASSF1A, and TIMP3 SOCS3), and two other genes (MX1 and SLC15A3) identified in our previous study were analyzed in normal samples, surgical margins, and in HNSCC by pyrosequencing after sodium bisulfite treatment. The statistical analysis showed no significant differences for most of analyzed genes, except for the SLC15A3, which showed significant difference (p <0.05) between tumors and blood samples from healthy donors. However, our earlier results showed a higher frequency of MX1 hypermethylation in primary HNSCC using the PCR-MSP methodology. To gain a better understanding of the role MX1 in cancer biology we investigated whether a downregulation of MX1 by interference RNA contribute to apoptosis resistance and cell migration during cancer development. Wound healing and flow cytometry assays were performed to determine changes in cell motility, death and cell cycle in SCC cells. The results indicated that low levels of MX1 could regulate the cell cycle, increase proliferation, and enhance tumor cell migration in HNSCC cell lines, but it might not contribute to apoptosis resistance. It also suggests that the level of MX1 expression may be a predictor of metastatic potential in HNSCC
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Estadiamento, genótipos de HPV e metilação do gene WIF1 em câncer do colo do útero: associações com o prognóstico e sobrevida / Tumor staging, HPV genotypes and WIF1 methylation: associations with prognosis and survivalCarvalho, Keila Patrícia Almeida de 14 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-11-21T15:56:00Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-11-21T20:25:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2016-10-14 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Introduction. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of cervical cancer,
followed by endocervical adenocarcinoma. Tumor staging is important to evaluate
prognosis. Cervical infection by one of the oncogenic types of HPV, especially HPV 16
and 18 is a pre-requisite for developing invasive cancer. Epigenetics alterations, as
DNA methylation, are well-known carcinogenic mechanisms. WIF1 is a tumor
suppressor gene which silencing by methylation helps in neoplastic progression.
Objective. The goal of this study was to evaluate staging, HPV genotypes and WIF1
methylation in cervical cancer and to test association between these variables with age,
prognosis and survival. Methods. It was included 95 cases obtained in Araujo Jorge
Hospital (Goiânia/ GO): 73 of invasive squamous cell carcinoma and 22 of invasive
endocervical adenocarcinoma. DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded biopsies
using phenol-chloroform. HPV detection and genotyping were conducted using the kit
INNO- LiPA HPV GENOTYPING EXTRA® (Innogenetics™). Methylation of WIF1
gene was evaluated by methylation-specific PCR (MSP). Odds Ratio was used to
calculate statistical association. The calculation of survival used the Kaplan-Meier
method and the log-hank test was used to compare means of survival and prognostic
factors. A value of p<0.05 was considered statically significant. Results. There was
significant association between tumor stages III and IV and worse prognosis (OR =
7.32). The 5-year overall survival was 79.1% and it was significant higher in cases with
tumor stages I and II (p = 0.001). Women between 50 and 60 years had more chances
having tumors in stages III and IV (OR = 0.15). Although, considering mean and
median ages of women included, those over 51 years were more likely having tumor
stages III and IV (OR = 5.92). No association was found between worse prognosis or
lower survival and histological type, HPV infection and WIF1 methylation. Conclusion.
Worse prognosis and lower survival was determined by tumor stages III and IV. / Introdução. O tipo histológico mais comum do câncer do colo do útero é o carcinoma
de células escamosas, seguido pelos adenocarcinomas endocervicais. O estadiamento
tumoral é importante para avaliar o prognóstico. A infecção da cérvice por um dos
genótipos oncogênicos de HPV, especialmente os HPV 16 e 18, é pré-requisito para o
desenvolvimento do câncer invasor. Alterações epigenéticas, como a metilação do
DNA, são mecanismos conhecidos de carcinogênese. O gene WIF1 é supressor tumoral
e seu silenciamento por metilação auxilia na progressão neoplásica. Objetivo. O
objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o estadiamento, genótipos de HPV e a metilação do
gene WIF1 e testar a associação entre estas variáveis e a idade, o prognóstico e a
sobrevida de mulheres com câncer do colo do útero. Métodos. Foram incluídos 95
casos obtidos no Hospital Araújo Jorge (Goiânia/GO) sendo 73 de carcinomas
escamosos invasores e 22 de adenocarcinomas endocervicais invasores. O DNA foi
extraído com fenol-clorofórmio dos materiais de biópsia incluídos em parafina e a
detecção e genotipagem de HPV foram realizadas utilizando-se o kit INNO- LiPA HPV
GENOTYPING EXTRA® (Innogenetics™). A análise de metilação do gene WIF1 foi
realizada através da técnica PCR específica para metilação (MSP). As associações
estatísticas foram feitas com cálculo de Odds Ratio e a sobrevida foi calculada pelo
método de Kaplan-Meier, sendo a comparação das médias de sobrevida e os fatores
prognósticos analisada pelo teste log-rank. Um valor de p<0,05 foi considerado
estatisticamente significativo. Resultados. Houve associação estatisticamente
significante entre neoplasias diagnosticadas nos estágios III e IV e pior prognóstico (OR
= 7,32). A sobrevida global em cinco anos foi de 79,1% e foi significativamente maior
nos casos com estágios I e II (p = 0,001). Mulheres na faixa etária entre 50 e 60 anos
idade mostraram-se com maior chance de serem portadoras de câncer do colo do útero
em estágios I e II (OR = 0,15). Contudo, considerando a média e mediana da idade das
mulheres incluídas, aquelas com idade acima dos 51 anos tiveram mais chance de serem
diagnosticadas com câncer em estágios III e IV (OR = 5,92). Não houve associação
significante entre tipo histológico, infecção por HPV ou metilação do gene WIF1 e pior
prognóstico ou menor sobrevida. Conclusão. Pior prognóstico e menor sobrevida das
mulheres foram determinados pelo estadiamento tumoral em III e IV.
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Epigenetic Modulators of Glioma : From miRNAs to Chromatin ModifiersNawaz, Zahid January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The glial cells of the brain and the peripheral nervous system retain the capacity to divide and proliferate throughout the lifespan of an individual and thereby have the propensity to give rise to the most adult neurological tumours. Among them, the tumours which arise from different kinds of glial cells are referred to as gliomas. Of the various types of gliomas, astrocytomas are the most common central nervous system neoplasms which make upto 60% of all the primary brain tumours. Being the most prevalent type, the WHO classifies them into grades ranging from I to IV based on their intensity of malignancy. Grade IV astrocytoma or Glioblastoma (GBM) is considered to be the most malignant form with a median survival of 14.6 months, in spite of all therapeutic modalities. GBM is further classified as primary and secondary GBM. Primary GBM manifests de novo without any early history of pre-malignant lesions, on the other hand secondary GBM arises progressively from lower grades over a period of 5-10 years.
Like other malignancies, GBM also arises from various genetic and epigenetic variations. Epigenetic variations include all such mitotically and meiotically heritable traits that do not involve changes in DNA sequence. There are three major areas of epigenetics - DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs which are known to have profound effects on gene expression. A lot being known about the genetic derailments in GBM, in this study we looked into the epigenetic aspects of GBM. In our lab, we have carried out various high throughput studies, which unveiled the distorted landscape of DNA methylation and miRNA expression in GBM. This indicates that, in addition to the genetic mechanisms of gene alterations like mutations, copy number aberrations, protein coding genes are also affected by changes in methylation as well as by miRNA misregulation. The study has been divided into two parts. Part one of the study deals with the identification of chromobox homolog 7 (Cbx7), as a hypermethylated and downregulated gene in GBM. More importantly, Cbx7 is a member of the polycomb repressive complex and brings about its function through chromatin modifications. Here we have investigated the role of Cbx7 in gliomagenesis, and why it has to be silenced by methylation for tumorigenesis to ensue. In part two, we elucidated two unique ways of miRNA regulation in GBM. In the first section, we identified miR-326 as a PI3 kinase regulated miRNA and demonstrated its tumour suppressive role in GBM. In the other section, we analysed the copy number aberration data from TCGA and identified miR- 4484 as a miRNA subjected to deletion in GBM. We further went ahead to demonstrate its growth suppressive role in GBM.
Part 1: Epigenetic regulation of the chromatin modifier Cbx7; chromobox homolog 7
DNA methylation is involved in the normal cellular control of expression and thereby plays a crucial role in maintaining the homeostasis of the cell. The phenomenon of DNA methylation keeps the various loci of the genome such as the germline specific genes and the repetitive transposable elements silenced, whereas the tumour suppressors and other growth modulator genes are spared from the methylation induced gene repression. One of the important steps that promote tumorigenesis is aberrant hypermethylation, which leads to the silencing of tumour-suppressor genes. Another important epigenetic phenomenon that affects the transcriptibility of the genome is histone modifications, which control the accessibility of the chromatin to the transcriptional machinery. In this section, we identified Cbx7, which happens to be an essential component of the chromatin modifying machinery, as an epigenetically regulated gene in GBM. We observed from the methylation array carried out in our lab, that Cbx7 was one of the highly methylated genes. We also validated that Cbx7 is downregulated in GBM and the same observation was further corroborated from other data sets. The hypermethylated state of Cbx7 was confirmed by DNA bisulphite sequencing and the expression levels of Cbx7 also got alleviated after 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine treatment, which is a DNA methylation inhibitor. This indicated that the down regulation of Cbx7 could be attributed to the methylation of its promoter region. In order to figure out the role of Cbx7 in GBM, we carried out transcriptome analysis of Cbx7 overexpressing cells compared to vector control condition by RNA sequencing. Gene ontology analysis revealed a significant enrichment of pathways involved in cell cycle, migration and invasion like processes. In fact, the exogenous overexpression of Cbx7 leads to cell death, reduced colony formation, retarded migration and invasion of cells. In order to explain the above phenotypes brought about by the exogenous expression of Cbx7, we further examined the RNA sequencing data and observed that many of the top most downregulated genes in Cbx7 overexpression state belonged to the Hippo signaling pathway. The effectors of the Hippo pathway, YAP and TAZ which essentially antagonize the pathway activity, are well known for their role in proliferation, migration and invasion in cancer. So we carried out a Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) and found that there was a significant negative enrichment of YAP/TAZ targets in the Cbx7 regulated gene set. We validated some of these targets that were downregulated by Cbx7 overexpression. One of the most downregulated genes that we validated was Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF), which also happens to be a bonafide target of YAP/TAZ. Independent downregulation of CTGF also resulted in reduced migration, thereby phenocopying the effects as were produced by Cbx7 overexpression. Moreover, we also observed that SAPK/JNK was the only kinase whose activity was abolished upon Cbx7 overexpression. Since CTGF is known to activate SAPK/JNK, we assessed the SAPK/JNK activity upon CTGF silencing. We found that levels of phospho-SAPK/JNK
were significantly reduced in CTGF silenced condition. In addition to that, the inhibition of the SAPK/JNK by synthetic inhibitor also hampered the migration ability of the cells. We were also able to rescue the loss of migratory potential of glioma cells by the exogenous overexpression of CTGF in Cbx7 stable background. A similar rescue was also achieved by the overexpression of a constitutively active form of SAPK/JNK. This indicates that Cbx7 activates Hippo pathway to inhibit YAP/TAZ dependent transcription, resulting in the downregulation of CTGF, thereby inhibiting CTGF mediated activation of SAPK and thus resulting in the inhibition of glioma cell migration.
PART 2: ROLE OF MIRNAS IN GLIOMA DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESSION miRNAs are a class of small non-coding RNAs that are not translated into functional proteins but still contribute to numerous cellular processes, thereby adding yet another realm of regulation and control. miRNAs bring about gene regulation at the post-transcriptional level, either by degrading the mRNA or by translational repression and in this manner fine tune the expression of protein coding genes. miRNAs are often located in the most fragile sites of the genome which exposes them to grave genetic alterations, thus providing a circumstantial evidence of their etiological role in tumorigenesis. In a malignant state, miRNAs have been found to play pivotal roles in cellular transformation by altering various cellular phenotypes. Owing to their participation in diverse cellular functions, miRNAs have gained a strong foothold in gene regulation. Though a lot has been deciphered about the functional aspect of miRNAs, not much is known about the precise mechanisms which lead to their misregulation and therefore demands in-depth study. The expression of miRNAs can be modulated by a variety of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms.
Section I: Role of miR-326 – a PI3 kinase regulated miRNA, in gliomagenesis
The TCGA group in the year 2008 identified three major pathways which go disarray in GBM. These include the pro-tumorigenic receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) pathway, and the p53 and the pRB tumour-suppressive pathways. The RTK signalling includes the PI3 kinase pathway, which is pivotal in gliomagenesis and many other cancers. This directed us to elucidate the set of miRNAs which are controlled by the aberrant functioning of the PI3 kinase pathway. We used synthetic inhibitor LY294002 to abrogate the PI3 kinase signalling and examined the miRNA profile in two glioma cell lines U87 and U251, which have an activated PI3 kinase pathway. Indeed the abrogation of the PI3 kinase pathway resulted in the modulation of a wide array of miRNAs. We validated miR-326 as one of the miRNAs that was upregulated upon PI3 kinase pathway abrogation. Furthermore, we observed that miR-326 was a down regulated miRNA in GBM and different glioma cell lines, as well as in many other publicly available data sets. We also observed that miR-326 is an intragenic miRNA and its host gene Arrestin β1 (ARRB1) also exhibited similar upregulation upon PI3K pathway inhibition. Over-expression of miR-326 resulted in various anti-tumorigenic affects like reduced proliferation, reduced migration and colony suppression. In order to find the targets of miR-326, we analysed the transcriptome by RNA sequencing upon pre-miR-326 transfection. We shortlisted and validated some of the genes which were getting regulated through miRNA over-expression and also explain the functional role of miR-326.
Section II: Role of miR-4484 – a copy number deleted miRNA, in gliomagenesis
In the TCGA study mentioned above, it was also unfurled that there are many genes in the RTK, p53 and pRB signalling pathways which are made dysfunctional through gene deletions and amplifications. We envisaged whether it is only the protein coding genes which are subjected to such regulations or the non-coding genes like miRNAs as well. In this pursuit, we identified miR-4484 as one of the miRNAs located in the deleted region of uroporphyrinogen III synthase (UROS) gene in the chromosome 11 of the GBM genome. As conceived, miR-4484 was observed to be a downregulated miRNA in association with its host gene UROS. We further elucidated that the downregulation was due to the co-deletion of a locus harbouring both the protein coding gene and the miRNA. In addition, upon over-expression of miR-4484, we observed reduced migration and colony formation, indicating its role as a tumour–suppressor. For seeking the targets of miR-4484, we extracted RNA from miR-4484 over-expression condition and subjected it to RNA sequencing. We shortlisted and validated some of the genes which were getting regulated through miRNA over-expression and possibly explain the functional role of miR-4484.
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Epigénomique du gène MAPT dans les tauopathies / Epigenomic of the gene MAPT in tauopathiesHuin, Vincent 15 December 2016 (has links)
Les tauopathies sont des maladies neurodégénératives caractérisées par l’agrégation intracérébrale de protéines tau anormales. Cependant ces maladies sont très hétérogènes sur le plan clinique, anatomopathologique mais aussi biochimique avec l'agrégation de différentes isoformes de protéines tau. De nombreux axes de recherche existent à ce jour afin de mieux comprendre ces maladies incurables. Au cours de cette thèse d'université, nous avons étudié les modifications de l’épigénome qui constituent une piste nouvelle et très prometteuse dans la recherche sur les maladies neurodégénératives. L'épigénétique est un processus dynamique et réversible qui peut être modifié par de nombreux facteurs génétiques ou environnementaux et qui joue un rôle très important dans la régulation des gènes. De nombreuses études rapportent une association entre certaines marques épigénétiques et les maladies neurodégénératives. Par exemple, dans la maladie d’Alzheimer, il a été observé une hyperméthylation de l'ADN, au niveau du promoteur du gène MAPT qui code les protéines tau.Dans ce contexte, nos objectifs étaient de déterminer si des variations de l'épigénome impliquant le gène MAPT contribuent à l'expression différentielle des protéines tau qui est observée dans les différentes classes de tauopathies. Nous avons donc constitué et caractérisé une banque de prélèvements cérébraux de témoins et de patients atteints de différentes tauopathies. Puis nous avons analysé la méthylation de l'ADN dans 3 tauopathies : la maladie d'Alzheimer, la paralysie supranucléaire progressive et la DCB. Notre étude a permis de mettre en évidence chez les patients atteints de PSP une hypométhylation dans l’inton 0 du gène MAPT. Cette hypométhylation ne concernait que le cortex frontal, affecté par la pathologie tau, mais pas le cortex occipital qui est épargné par la pathologie tau. De plus, nous avons également mis en évidence dans le tissu cérébral des patients atteints de PSP une hyperexpression des ARNm de MAPT par rapport aux témoins. Nous démontrons avec ce travail que l’hypométhylation de l'ADN de l’intron 0 de MAPT constitue une signature épigénétique spécifique de la PSP. Cette première étude nous a conduits à suspecter l'existence d'un promoteur alternatif du gène MAPT situé dans cette région de l'intron 0. Nous avons donc testé in vitro l'activité de ce promoteur et cloné des transcrits issu de ce promoteur alternatif. Nous avons ensuite confirmé ces analyses par la mesure de l'expression des ARNm par qPCR. Au total, ces expériences prouvent l'existence et la fonctionnalité de ce promoteur alternatif dans le cerveau humain. De plus, l'activation de ce promoteur alternatif aboutit à la transcription d'ARNm plus courts codant pour de nouvelles protéines tau qui pourraient être impliquées dans la survenue des tauopathies. / Tauopathies are neurodegenerative diseases characterized by intracerebral aggregation of abnormal tau proteins. However, these diseases are heterogeneous clinically, pathologically but also biochemically with the aggregation of different isoforms of tau protein. Many lines of research exist to date to better understand these incurable diseases. During this university thesis, we studied the changes in the epigenome that constitute a new and very promising approach in research on neurodegenerative diseases. Epigenetics is a dynamic and reversible process which can be modified by numerous genetic or environmental factors and plays a very important role in gene regulation. Many studies report an association between some epigenetic marks and neurodegenerative diseases. For example, in Alzheimer\'s disease, it has been observed hypermethylation of DNA in the promoter of the MAPT gene which encodes the tau protein.In this context, our objective was to determine if changes in epigenomic involving MAPT gene contribute to the differential expression of tau protein which is observed in the different classes of tauopathies. So we have established and characterized a human brainbank of controls and patients with different tauopathies. Then we analyzed the DNA methylation in 3 tauopathies: Alzheimer\'s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, and CBD. Our study highlighted in PSP patients hypomethylation in intron 0 of MAPT gene. This hypomethylation concerned only the frontal cortex, affected by the tau-pathology but not the occipital cortex which is spared by tau-pathology. In addition, we also shown in the brain tissue of patients with PSP an overexpression of mRNA of MAPT compared to controls. We demonstrate in this work that hypomethylation of DNA in intron 0 of MAPT is a specific epigenetic signature of PSP. This first study has led us to suspect the existence of an alternative promoter of the MAPT gene located in this region of intron 0. We tested the in vitro activity of this promoter and cloned transcripts derived from this alternative promoter. We then confirmed this analysis by measuring mRNA expression by qPCR. In total, these experiments prove the existence and the functionality of this alternative promoter in the human brain. Furthermore, activation of the alternative promoter results in shorter mRNA transcripts encoding novel tau proteins that might be involved in the onset of the tauopathies.
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Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Responses to Environmental Stress in Marine Bivalves with a Focus on Harmful Algal BloomsSuarez Ulloa, Maria Victoria 07 June 2017 (has links)
Global change poses new threats for life in the oceans forcing marine organisms to respond through molecular acclimatory and adaptive strategies. Although bivalve molluscs are particularly tolerant and resilient to environmental stress, they must now face the challenge of more frequent and severe Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) episodes. These massive outbreaks of microalgae produce toxins that accumulate in the tissues of these filter-feeder organisms, causing changes in their gene expression profiles, which in turn modify their phenotype in order to maintain homeostasis. Such modifications in gene expression are modulated by epigenetic mechanisms elicited by specific environmental stimuli, laying the foundations for long-term adaptations.
The present work aims to examine the links between environmental stress in bivalve molluscs (with especial emphasis on Harmful Algal Blooms) and specific epigenetic marks triggering responses through modifications in gene expression patterns. Overall, a better understanding of the molecular strategies underlying the conspicuous stress tolerance observed in bivalve molluscs will provide a framework for developing a new generation of biomonitoring strategies. In addition, this strategy will represent a valuable contribution to our knowledge in acclimatization, adaptation and survival.
With that goal in mind, the present work has generated transcriptomic data using RNA-Seq and microarray technologies, facilitating the characterization and investigation of the epigenetic mechanisms used by the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis during responses to HAB exposure. That information was made publicly available through a specialized online resource (the Chromevaloa Database, chromevaloa.com) assessing the response of chromatin-associated transcripts to Okadaic Acid.
Specific epigenetic marks have been assessed under lab-controlled exposure experiments simulating the natural development of the HAB Florida Red Tide (FRT). Results demonstrate a role for the phosphorylation of histone H2A.X and DNA methylation in the response to FRT in the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Lastly, the study of co-expression networks based on RNA-Seq data series from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas reveals dynamic transcriptomic patterns that vary with time, stressor and tissue. However, consistent functional profiles support the existence of a core response to general conditions of environmental stress. Such response involves metabolic and transport processes, response to oxidative stress and protein repair or disposal, as well as the activation of immune mechanisms supporting a tightly intertwined neuroendocrine-immune regulatory system in bivalves.
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Identification de cibles et régulateurs de la méthylation de l'ADN chez la souris / Identification of targets and regulators of DNA methylation in miceAuclair, Ghislain 22 October 2015 (has links)
La méthylation de l’ADN est une modification épigénétique qui prend place durant le développement embryonnaire sur le génome des Mammifères. Durant ma thèse, j’ai déterminé les cinétiques de mise en place de la méthylation de l’ADN sur le génome murin au cours de l’embryogénèse précoce. J’ai identifié les rôles spécifiques et redondants des ADN méthyltransférases DNMT3a et DNMT3b dans ce processus. J’ai également étudié le rôle de deux facteurs dans la mise en place de la méthylation de l’ADN dans l’embryon. Premièrement, j’ai déterminé que l’enzyme G9a joue un rôle essentiel pour la répression et le recrutement de la méthylation de l’ADN à des sites spécifiques du génome, incluant en particulier des promoteurs à ilots CpG de gènes méiotiques. Deuxièmement, l’étude du facteur E2F6 m’a permis de montrer que cette protéine est elle aussi impliquée dans le recrutement de la méthylation de l’ADN, et ce à des promoteurs de gènes méiotiques distincts de ceux régulés par G9a. / DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification which is established during embryonic development on the mammalian genome. In my thesis, I determined the kinetics of DNA methylation acquisition on the mouse genome during early embryogenesis, and determined the specific and redundant roles of the DNA methyltransferases DNMT3a and DNMT3b in this process. I also studied the roles of two factors involved in setting up DNA methylation in embryos. First, I determined that the G9a enzyme plays an essential role for the in vivo repression and DNA methylation of specific genomic sites, including in particular the CpG island promoters of germline genes. Second, the study of the E2F6 factor allowed me to show that this protein is also involved in recruiting DNA methylation at a set of germline gene promoters than are distinct from those regulated by G9a.
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Analyse par de nouveaux outils de fluorescence du mécanisme de la protéine UHRF1 dans la méthylation de l'ADN / Epigenetic DNA modification monitored by a new fluorescence based toolKilin, Vasyl 26 February 2016 (has links)
Les profils de méthylation de l’ADN sont des marques épigénétiques essentielles contrôlant l'expression génétique spécifique des tissus. Ces profils sont fidèlement reproduits par l’enzyme DNMT1 qui est dirigée par la protéine UHRF1 vers les sites CpG hémiméthylés (HM). La spécificité élevée d’UHRF1 vis-à-vis de ces sites CpG HM est liée à la capacité de son domaine SRA de basculer sélectivement les résidus méthylcytosine (mC). Par conséquent, la compréhension de la capacité d’UHRF1 à lire les séquences d'ADN et de basculer leurs résidus mC est une question importante en épigénétique moléculaire. Dans le présent travail, nous avons utilisé des analogues de nucléobases sensibles à l'environnement pour étudier le basculement de base induit par SRA. Nous avons découvert qu’un étiquetage par la 2-thiényl-3-hydroxychromone (3HCnt) à proximité de la cible CpG méthylée, permet le suivi de ce basculement SRA-induit de mC et de sa dynamique. Les spectroscopies de fluorescence à l'état stationnaire et de "stopped flow" ont montré des différences significatives entre les ADNs HM et non méthylé (NM) vis-à-vis de la reconnaissance et la cinétique de liaison du SRA. Effet, nous avons montré que SRA est capable de se lier et de glisser avec une cinétique rapide sur le duplex NM, en accord avec le rôle de lecteur d’UHRF1. Par contre, la cinétique de basculement de mC s’avère beaucoup plus lente, ce qui augmente sensiblement la durée de vie d’UHRF1 lié à un site CpG hémi-méthylé et donc la probabilité de recruter DNMT1 afin de dupliquer fidèlement le profil de méthylation de l’ADN. Nous avons ainsi obtenu pour la première fois un test capable de suivre le basculement de la base induit par UHRF1, ce qui nous a permis de proposer un mécanisme pour le recrutement de DNMT1 par UHRF1 sur les sites HM. / DNA methylation patterns are key epigenetic marks which control tissue specific gene expression. These patterns are faithfully replicated by the DNMT1 enzyme which is directed by the UHRF1 protein to hemi-methylated (HM) CpG sites. The high specificity of UHRF1 to HM CpG sites is related to the ability of its SRA domain to selectively flip methylcytosine (mC) residues. Therefore, the understanding of how UHRF1 reads DNA sequences and flips mC residues is an important question in molecular epigenetics. In the present work, we apply environment-sensitive nucleobase analogues to study the SRA-induced base flipping. We found that only labelling by 2-thienyl-3-hydroxychromone (3HCnt) outside but close to the target methylated CpG allows monitoring the SRA-induced mC-flipping and its dynamics. Fluorescence steady-state spectroscopy and stopped flow measurements showed significant differences in the recognition and binding kinetics of SRA for HM and non-methylated (NM) DNA. Indeed, SRA was found to bind and slide with fast kinetics on NM duplexes, in line with the reader role of UHRF1. In contrast, the kinetics of mC flipping was found to be much slower, substantially increasing the lifetime of UHRF1 bound to a CpG site in HM duplexes and thus, the probability of recruiting DNMT1 in order to faithfully duplicate the DNA methylation profile. Therefore, we proposed for the first time an assay able to sensitively monitor the UHRF1-induced base flipping, which helped us to provide a possible mechanism for the UHRF1 directing function on DNMT1.
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