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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards Optimal Buffer Size in Wi-Fi Networks

Showail, Ahmad 19 January 2016 (has links)
Buffer sizing is an important network configuration parameter that impacts the quality of data traffic. Falling memory cost and the fallacy that ‘more is better’ lead to over provisioning network devices with large buffers. Over-buffering or the so called ‘bufferbloat’ phenomenon creates excessive end-to-end delay in today’s networks. On the other hand, under-buffering results in frequent packet loss and subsequent under-utilization of network resources. The buffer sizing problem has been studied extensively for wired networks. However, there is little work addressing the unique challenges of wireless environment. In this dissertation, we discuss buffer sizing challenges in wireless networks, classify the state-of-the-art solutions, and propose two novel buffer sizing schemes. The first scheme targets buffer sizing in wireless multi-hop networks where the radio spectral resource is shared among a set of con- tending nodes. Hence, it sizes the buffer collectively and distributes it over a set of interfering devices. The second buffer sizing scheme is designed to cope up with recent Wi-Fi enhancements. It adapts the buffer size based on measured link characteristics and network load. Also, it enforces limits on the buffer size to maximize frame aggregation benefits. Both mechanisms are evaluated using simulation as well as testbed implementation over half-duplex and full-duplex wireless networks. Experimental evaluation shows that our proposal reduces latency by an order of magnitude.

DnB NOR - Unik etableringsstrategi för den svenska bankmarknaden

Häryd, Joakim, Nilsson, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
<p>DnB NOR, Norges ledande bank är en ny aktör som år 2007 påbörjade sin etablering på den svenska bankmarknaden vilken på senare tid präglats av förändringar. Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv undersöka och analysera DnB NOR:s val av etableringsstrategi på den svenska bankmarknaden för privatpersoner samt varför företaget valt denna strategi.</p><p>Utifrån studiens teoretiska modell kan ett företag etablera sig antingen via uppköp av befintliga företag eller genom internorganisk tillväxt. För uppsatsen har en kvalitativ metodform använts vilken bygger på semistrukturerade personliga intervjuer med representanter ifrån DnB NOR och Svenska Bankföreningen.</p><p>Slutsatsen är att DnB NOR använt sig av en unik etableringsstrategi som bygger på uppköp av företag verksamma på indirekt relaterade marknader till den svenska bankmarknaden.</p>

St1 Refinery - Biotreater : Optimering och utvecklingsmöjligheter med hänseende till miljön / St1 Refinery - Biotreater : Optimization opportunities for development regarding the environment

Larsson, Kim, Karlsson, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Vatten är en viktig komponent för alla oljeraffinaderier, både för kylning och för själva destillationsprocessen. Vatten som har kommit i kontakt med olja, sulfider, kväveföreningar samt andra miljöfarliga ämnen, kallas processvatten och måste renas innan det släpps ut i recipient. Processvattnet renas i vattenreningsverk som kan se olika ut och ha olika uppbyggnad.St1 Refinery AB ligger på Hisingen i Göteborg vid Göta älv och har ett biologiskt vattenreningsverk som kallas Biotreatern. Biotreatern har i uppgift att rena processvattnet främst ifrån kväveföreningar, men även olja och andra miljöfarliga ämnen med hjälp av bakterier. Biotreatern har problem med så kallat slamflykt, detta kan påverka att utsläppskrav för bl.a. mängden olja och kväveföreningar i renat vatten överskrids. Om utsläppskraven överskrids kan detta leda till höga bötersbelopp för företaget och en ökad negativ påverkan på miljön. Syftet med rapporten är att ta fram förslag på förbättringar och nya tekniska lösningar till Biotreatern för att minska slamflykten. I rapporten redovisas resultat som främst handlar om nya filtreringstekniker, hur dessa fungerar och var i anläggningen de kan appliceras för att undvika slamflykt. Vilka huvudsakliga faktorer som styr reningsprocessen och vad begreppet slamflykt innebär, beskrivs i rapporten. Det beskrivs också hur reningsprocessen fungerar, tillsammans med uppritat flödesschema över anläggningen. De förbättringsförslag som presenteras i rapporten, kan minska och eventuellt eliminera problemet med slamflykt som Biotreatern lider av idag.

DnB NOR - Unik etableringsstrategi för den svenska bankmarknaden

Häryd, Joakim, Nilsson, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
DnB NOR, Norges ledande bank är en ny aktör som år 2007 påbörjade sin etablering på den svenska bankmarknaden vilken på senare tid präglats av förändringar. Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv undersöka och analysera DnB NOR:s val av etableringsstrategi på den svenska bankmarknaden för privatpersoner samt varför företaget valt denna strategi. Utifrån studiens teoretiska modell kan ett företag etablera sig antingen via uppköp av befintliga företag eller genom internorganisk tillväxt. För uppsatsen har en kvalitativ metodform använts vilken bygger på semistrukturerade personliga intervjuer med representanter ifrån DnB NOR och Svenska Bankföreningen. Slutsatsen är att DnB NOR använt sig av en unik etableringsstrategi som bygger på uppköp av företag verksamma på indirekt relaterade marknader till den svenska bankmarknaden.

Phenotypic and genetic variation in the Dothistroma-Pinus pathosystem

Perry, Annika January 2016 (has links)
Trees and forests are under increasing threat from pathogens which cause huge economic and ecological damage. The unprecedented global movement of pathogens into new areas creates novel pathosystems, while the changing climate affects the dynamics of endemic pathosystems. Co-evolution within endemic pathosystems affects the genetic composition of hosts and pathogens. Spatial heterogeneity in pathogen pressure leads to genetic variation in disease-related traits among host populations. In contrast, novel hosts or populations are expected to be highly susceptible to exotic pathogens as there has been no evolution of defence responses. Host response to disease can therefore be an indicator of a novel or endemic pathosystem. The long term resilience of forests to pathogens depends on the adaptive capacity of both the host and pathogen species. Establishing the extent of genetic and phenotypic variation within both the host and pathogen is therefore fundamental in understanding past, current and future pathosystem dynamics. The most significant current threat to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) caused by the foliar pathogen Dothistroma septosporum which is assumed to be exotic to Great Britain. This study aimed to increase understanding of the genetic and phenotypic variation in this pathosystem. Results from this study show that there are high levels of variation in the Dothistroma – Pinus pathosystem. Genetic variation, elucidated using neutral genetic markers, mating type specific markers and in vitro analysis of phenotypic variation in D. septosporum collected from Scottish pinewoods, was found to be high: there was high allelic diversity, particularly within plantation forests outside the native pinewood range, and high phenotypic plasticity in response to different temperature treatments. Both mating type idiomorphs were found in one forest which demonstrates their potential for sexual as well as asexual reproduction. There is also tentative evidence from this study that the pathogen is either introduced to Great Britain or that endemic pathogen populations have been augmented with introduced pathogens. Artificial and natural inoculations of native Scots pine provenances with D. septosporum indicate that there is considerable variation in susceptibility to DNB across the native range in Scotland and that variation in this trait is both highly heritable and evolvable. Furthermore, provenance mean susceptibility to DNB is negatively and significantly associated with water-related variables at site of origin, a finding that is potentially indicative of a co-evolutionary history between host and pathogen. Genetic differences among individuals which are ‘resistant’ or ‘susceptible’ to DNB were identified in Pinus radiata for which there has been extensive research in this pathosystem, by comparing the transcriptome sequences of the two phenotypic groups. Nearly half of the genetic differences identified among phenotypes were found in genes with a putative defence function. In conclusion, native Scots pine provenances contain the necessary heritable genetic diversity to evolve a decrease in their susceptibility to D. septosporum through natural selection in response to elevated prevalence of this pathogen. However, implementation of key native pinewood management strategies, including encouraging regeneration in particular, are necessary in order to facilitate the adaptive evolution of native forests to increased levels of DNB. The effectiveness of this response will depend on the rapidity of adaptation of the pathogen. Measures to limit adaptation where possible, including the use of pathogen monitoring and control in nurseries and the limitation of pathogen movement into native pinewoods, should be continued.

Marketingový mix drum and bassového hudobneho vydavateľstva / The marketing mix of a drum and bass record label company

Kolomijcová, Bianka January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to design the marketing mix of an alternative record label company that releases drum and bass music. In the theoretical part I try to describe the situation on the music market and outline how record labels work. I am specifying the tools of the marketing mix which are typical for a record label. In the practical part I'm pointing out the differences between the perception of mainstream and alternative music and I'm characterising the drum and bass scene. Based on this information I'm choosing the target audience and building the profile and the vision of my fictional

Inhaltserschließung – Neues in der DNB

Bee, Guido 31 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
1. GND 2. RDA 3. CrissCross 4. MACS 5. Petrus

Helium charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on Alcator C-Mod Tokamak

Liao, Kenneth Teh-Yong 30 June 2014 (has links)
The Wide-View Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostic at Alcator C-Mod, originally designed for measurement of boron, has been modified to fit several different roles. By measuring the He¹⁺ (n = 4 [rightwards arrow] 3) emission line at 4686Å and surrounding spectra, we can measure ⁴He and ³He density, temperature, and velocity profiles and use this information to study turbulent impurity transport. The transport is characterized using a standard ansatz for the radial particle flux: [mathematical equation]. This effort is designated He CXRS. Also, direct measurement of ³He are used to test models of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH). We look for evidence of fast ion production and the effect of the minority ion profile on fast wave heating. Several modifications were made to the hardware. Light is collected via two optical arrays: poloidal and toroidal. The toroidal array has been upgraded to increase throughput and spatial resolution, increasing the number of toroidal channels from 10 to 22. A new protective shroud was installed on the poloidal array. Additional diagnostics (a 11 channel beam duct view, neutralizer view, duct pressure monitor) were added to the Diagnostic Neutral Beam to improve DNB modeling for CXRS. This work includes investigation of plasmas where helium is at low concentration (<1%), acting passively, as well as scenarios with a large fraction (>~20%). Using the STRAHL code, time-dependent helium density profiles are used to obtain anomalous transport parameters. Thermodiffusion and curvature pinch terms are also estimated from experimental scaling studies. Results are compared with neoclassical results from the NCLASS code and calculations by the GENE gyrokinetic code. Another focus is verification of power deposition models which are crucially dependent on minority ion density, for which ³He is used. At low ³He fraction, direct absorption by ³He generates fast ions with anisotropic velocity-space distribution functions. At high ³He fraction, mode conversion heating of electrons is dominant. The minority distribution function and predicted wave deposition are simulated using AORSA and CQL3D. This work provides the first measurements of helium transport on C-Mod and expands our understanding of helium transport and fast wave heating. / text

Desenvolvimento e validação de uma rede neural para análise de fluxo crítico de calor em reatores nucleares do tipo PWR

Terng, Nilton January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Pedro Carajilescov / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia, 2015. / Fluxo Crítico de Calor (FCC) consiste no principal limite termohidráulico de reatores do tipo PWR, que representa a opção nuclear brasileira. Trata-se, ainda, de um fenômeno de entendimento limitado. Em projetos, a estimativa de seu valor é realizada apenas por correlações empíricas, resultando valores aproximados, com elevadas incertezas. O presente projeto consiste no desenvolvimento de um método computacional para o cálculo do FCC, através de conceitos de Redes Neurais Artificiais, programado na linguagem Fortran, utilizando para treinamento e teste os dados das chamadas "Look up Tables" (LUT). Considerou-se a faixa de variação dos dados das tabelas, com a pressão variando de 1 e 21 MPa, fluxo de massa, na faixa de 50 a 8000 kg m-2 s-1 e título do escoamento entre - 0,5 a 0,9. Comparando os resultados da RN com a LUT, a média da razão dos valores resultou em 0,993, com o erro médio quadrático de 13,3%. Com a rede neural foi realizado o estudo paramétrico do FCC, para observar a influência dos parâmetros operacionais tais como pressão, fluxo de massa e título termodinâmico. Observa-se o aumento do FCC com o aumento do fluxo de massa e a atenuação do FCC com o aumento da pressão e título, como esperado. Porém algumas tendências imprevistas ocorreram, as quais podem ser atribuídas à incerteza dos dados, ou por fatos desconhecidos do fenômeno. A aplicação da rede neural em geometrias de feixe de varetas com arranjo quadrado apresentou bons resultados pelo método de balanço de energia (HBM) e a correção de PEI com erro médio quadrático de até 20,08%. Pelo método da substituição direta (DSM), foram elaborados diversos métodos de correção para adaptar os valores da rede neural à geometria de feixe de varetas. Os resultados não foram satisfatórios, pois apresentaram erro médio quadrático elevado, sendo o menor erro médio quadrático alcançado de 19,92%, utilizando uma rede neural com o espectro de parâmetros de entradas restritos e fator de correção multivariável. A correlação de EPRI com a correção de PEI apresentou resultado de erro médio quadrático de 18,73%, sendo menor que todos os métodos desenvolvidos nesse projeto. Portanto, o método de rede neural, desenvolvido nesse trabalho, não se revelou satisfatório para aplicação em feixe de varetas. / The critical heat flux (CHF) is one of the principal thermal hydraulic limits of PWR type nuclear reactors. To date, the CHF phenomenon is not well understood. So, for design purpose, the CHF is usually estimated by empirical correlation, resulting in approximate values, with high uncertainties. As an alternative to traditional methods, the present work consists in the development of an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the CHF, based on Look Up Table CHF data, published by Groeneveld (2006). Three parameters were considered in the development of the ANN: the pressure in the range of 1 to 21 MPa, the mass flux in the range of 50 to 8000 kg m-2 s-1 and the thermodynamic quality in the range of - 0,5 to 0,9. Comparing the ANN predictions with the data of the Look Up Table, it was observed an average of the ratio of 0.993 and a root mean square error (rms) of 13.3%. With the developed ANN, a parametric study of CHF was performed to observe the influence of each parameter in the FCC. It was possible to note that the CHF decreases with the increase of pressure and thermodynamic quality, while CHF increases with the mass flow rate, as expected. However, some erratic trends were also observed which can be attributed to either unknown aspect of the FCC phenomenon or uncertainties in the data. The ANN application in square array of rods bundle demonstrated nice result for the heat balance method (HBM) with the PEI correction resulting in rms of 20,08%. A few methods of correction were developed for the direct substitution method (DSM) to adapt the ANN in rod bundle geometry. The results wasn¿t satisfactory, because the best rms reached was 19.92%, using the ANN with restricted input range and multivariable correction factor. EPRI correlation with PEI correction results in rms of 18.73%, being better than all of developed methods in this project. Therefore, the ANN method, developed in this work, does not seem to be satisfactory for the application in rod bundle.

Detecting nighttime fire combustion phase by hybrid application of visible and infrared radiation from Suomi NPP VIIRS

Roudini, Sepehr 01 August 2019 (has links)
An accurate estimation of biomass burning emissions is in part limited by the lack of knowledge of fire burning phase (smoldering/flaming). In recent years, several fire detection products have been developed to provide information of fire radiative power (FRP), location, size, and temperature of fire pixels, but no information regarding fire burning phase is retrieved. The Day-Night band (DNB) aboard Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is sensitive to visible light from flaming fires in the night. In contrast, VIIRS 4 µm moderate resolution band #13 (M13), though capable to detect fires at all phases, has no direct sensitivity for discerning fire phase. However, the hybrid usage of VIIRS DNB and M-bands data is hampered due to their different scanning technology and spatial resolution. In this study, we present a novel method to rapidly and accurately resample DNB pixel radiances to M-band pixels’ footprint that is based on DNB and M-band’s respective characteristics in their onboard schemes for detector aggregation and bow-tie effect removals. Subsequently, the visible energy fraction (VEF) as an indicator of fire burning phase is introduced and is calculated as the ratio of visible light power (VLP) and FRP for each fire pixel retrieved from VIIRS 750 m active fire product. A global distribution of VEF values, and thereby the fire phase, is quantitatively obtained, showing mostly smoldering wildfires such as peatland fires (with smaller VEF values) in Indonesia, flaming wildfires (with larger VEF values) over grasslands and savannahs in sub-Sahel region, and gas fares with largest VEF values in the Middle East. VEF is highly correlated with modified combustion efficiency (MCE) for different land cover types or regions. These results together with a case study of the 2018 California Campfire show that the VEF has the potential to be an indicator of fire combustion phase for each fire pixel, appropriate for estimating emission factors at the satellite pixel level.

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