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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Der Gebrauch lexikalischer Erwerbsbeschränkungen bei Kindern mit Williams-Beuren-Syndrom / Lexical constraints in German children with Williams syndrome

Siegmüller, Julia January 2008 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Studie zum mentalen Lexikon bei Kindern mit Williams-Beuren-Syndrom (WBS) präsentiert. Das Lexikon junger WBS-Kinder entwickelt sich verzögert (Mervis & Robinson, 2000). Trotzdem gilt das Lexikon jugendlicher WBS-Probanden im Vergleich zu Probanden mit anderen Syndromen als elaboriert (Wang et al. 1995). Dies könnte auf sich spät entwickelnde Sprachfähigkeiten hindeuten. Es wird vermutet, dass ab 11 Jahren Veränderungen stattfinden, durch die das typische Profil des WBS erst entsteht (Rossen et al. 1996). Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, sich der Aufholphase zu nähern, indem die lexikalischen Fähigkeiten vor dem kritischen Alter untersucht werden. Dazu werden zwei lexical constraints untersucht, die Markman (1989) für den ungestörten Lexikonerwerb postuliert. Whole object constraint (WOC): Das Kind nimmt an, dass sich ein unfamiliäres Wort auf ein ganzes Objekt bezieht. Mutual exclusivity constraint (MEC): Das Kind nimmt eine beidseitig exklusive Beziehung zwischen Wortform und Referenten an. Zum WBS gibt es eine einzige Studie zu den constraints (Stevens & Karmiloff-Smith 1997). Die WBS-Probanden sind zu alt (7;5 bis 31;5), um Aussagen über die Sprachfähigkeiten in der Zeit des Spurts machen zu können. Markman postuliert die constraints als Teil des universalen Wissens von Kindern. Dementsprechend ist die Hypothese, dass die constraints auch bei WBS-Kindern aktiv sind und in experimentellen Situationen zur Anwendung kommen. Zentral für die Hypothese ist die Untersuchung von Vorschulalkindern. Es werden 5 WBS-Kinder (3;2-7;0) und 98 chronologisch gematchte Kontrollkinder im WOC bzw. 97 im MEC untersucht. Es wird jeweils ein Versuch zum WOC (n=9) und zum MEC (n=12) durchgeführt. Beim WOC-Versuch wählen WBS-Kinder und Kontrollkinder am häufigsten das Zielitem. Die WBS-Kinder wählen häufig das Teilablenkerbild. Im Einzelfallvergleich sind 4 der 5 WBS-Kinder im Vergleich zu ihrer Kontrollgruppe auffällig. Im MEC-Versuch zeigen die ungestörten Kinder signifikant häufiger auf das Bild mit dem phonologischen Ablenker als die WBS-Kinder. In der Einzelfallanalyse liegen 4 von 5 WBS-Kindern bei der Auswahl des Zielitems oberhalb des Mittelwertes ihrer Kontrollgruppe. Insgesamt ergeben sich durch das Verhalten der WBS-Kinder in den Versuchen eher Hinweise auf defizitäre perzeptuelle Einflüsse auf die Anwendung der lexikalischen constraints als auf ihr Fehlen. Als Ursache für das Verhalten der WBS-Kinder wird die Detailpräferenzhypothese postuliert. Majerus et al.s (2003)Hypothese wird um die visuelle Verarbeitung erweitert. Diese findet lokal statt und kann nur bedingt Gattungsbegriffe aufbauen. Den überspezifizierten Wortformen stehen Teilrepräsentationen gegenüber. Die entstehenden semantischen Repräsentationen sind an konkreten Erfahrungen orientiert und verbleiben auf einer überspezifizierten Form. Mit der Hypothese der generellen Detailpräferenz wird zum ersten Mal eine einheitliche Wurzel für das Verhalten von WBS-Kindern im Vorschulalter in verschiedenen psychologischen Fakultäten aufgestellt. Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., Mulder, L., Meulemans, T., & Peters, F. (2003). Verbal short-term memory reflects the sublexical organization of the phonological language network: evidence from an incidental phonotactic learning paradigm. Journal of Memory and Language, 51, 297-306. Markman, E. (1989). Categorization and naming in children. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Mervis, C. B. & Robinson, B. F. (2000). Expressive vocabulary ability of toddlers with Williams syndrome or Down syndrome: a comparison. Developmental Neuropsychology, 17, 11-126. Rossen, M., Klima, E., Bellugi, U., Bihrle, A., & Jones, W. (1996). Interaction between language and cognition: evidence from Williams syndrome. In J. H. Beitchman, N. Cohen, M. Konstantareas, & R. Tannock (Eds.), Language, learning and behavior disorders: developmental, biological, and clinical perspectives. (367-392). New York: Cambridge University Press. Stevens, T. & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (1997). Word learning in a special population: do individuals with Williams syndrome obey lexical constraints? Journal of Child Language, 24, 737-765. Wang, P. P., Doherty, S., Rourke, S. B., & Bellugi, U. (1995). Unique profile of visuo-perceptual skills in a genetic syndrome. Brain and Cognition, 29, 54-65. / This thesis presents a study on two lexical constraints in german children with Williams syndrome (WS). The lexicon ist known to be delayed in WS, however in adults the lexicon is said to be elaborated (Wang et al. 1995). This might be a hint for late developing language compenteces. Rossen et al. (1996) see a performance growth in fluency in WS children older than 11 years. The aim of the current study is to examine the lexical learning mechanisms in WS children in kindergarden age. Five WS children are matched to 97 normal children on chronological age. Two experiments (whole object constraint, mutual exclusivity constraints) are designed, following the argumentations of Markman (1989). The results show that both lexical constraints are active in WS children but act on different inputinformations than in other children. In the discussion, the detail preference hypothesis is drawn, which postulates for the first time a unique perceptual deficit which influences language acquisition without also implying a primary language disorder. Markman, E. (1989). Categorization and naming in children. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Wang, P. P., Doherty, S., Rourke, S. B., & Bellugi, U. (1995). Unique profile of visuo-perceptual skills in a genetic syndrome. Brain and Cognition, 29, 54-65.

Encoding information structure in Yucatec Maya : on the interplay of prosody and syntax

Kügler, Frank, Skopeteas, Stavros, Verhoeven, Elisabeth January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to outline the means for encoding information structure in Yucatec Maya. Yucatec Maya is a tone language, displaying a three-fold opposition in the tonal realization of syllables. From the morpho-syntactic point of view, the grammar of Yucatec Maya contains morphological (topic affixes, morphological marking of out-of-focus predicates) and syntactic (designated positions) means to uniquely specify syntactic constructions for their information structure. After a descriptive overview of these phenomena, we present experimental evidence which reveals the impact of the nonavailability of prosodic alternatives on the choice of syntactic constructions in language production.

Darybiniai sinonimai leksinių sinonimų eilėse / Derivative synonyms in the rows of lexical synonyms

Masevičienė, Egidija 03 September 2010 (has links)
Leksiniai sinonimai – skirtingai skambantys, tos pačios ar artimos reikšmės žodžiai, kurie skiriasi semantinėmis, emocinėmis, stilistinėmis ypatybėmis. Darybiniais sinonimais laikomi skirtingų darybos afiksų bendrašakniai dariniai, turintys tapačią arba artimą leksinę ir darybinę reikšmę. Į leksinių sinonimų eiles dažnai įeina ir darybinių sinonimų eilės. Antano Lyberio Sinonimų žodyne (2002) pateiktose leksinių sinonimų eilėse rastas 4471 daiktavardžių, būdvardžių, veiksmažodžių darinys, iš kurių sudarytos 1836 darybinių sinonimų eilės. Bendrašakniai dariniai, kaip ir leksiniai sinonimai, gali sutapti ar skirtis stilistinėmis ypatybėmis. Daugumas sinonimiškai santykiaujančių darinių yra artimos semantikos žodžiai. Analizuojant darybinius sinonimus leksinių sinonimų eilėse pastebėta, kad ne visi žodžiai, esantys Lietuvių kalbos žodyne ir Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodyne, yra įtraukti į A. Lyberio Sinonimų žodyną. Remiantis šių žodynų medžiaga, į Sinonimų žodyną siūloma įtraukti 800 žodžių ir pratęsti 82 leksinių sinonimų eiles. Iš į Sinonimų žodyną neįtrauktų darinių sudarytos 123 naujos darybinių sinonimų eilės: į 94 eilių sudėtį įeina Sinonimų žodyne fiksuotas darinys, 29 darybinių sinonimų eilės sudarytos vien iš naujų darinių. Sinonimų žodyne rasta žodžių, kurie nefiksuojami nei Lietuvių kalbos žodyne, nei Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodyne, todėl nėra aišku, kokiu kriterijumi remiantis jie buvo įtraukti į žodyną. / Lexical synonyms are differently sounding words of the same or close meaning that are different by semantic, emotional or stylistic features. Derivative synonyms are structures of different affix with identical or close lexical and derivation meaning. Lexical synonyms rows often included derivative synonyms rows. Dictionary of Synonyms (Sinonimų žodynas, 2002) by Antanas Lyberis submitted lexical synonyms rows were found 4471 noun, adjective and verb derivatives, which were made 1836 derivative synonyms rows. Conjugate structures, as well as lexical synonyms, may be the same or vary by stylistic features. Most of the derivatives, having synonymous relationships, are close semantic words. Analysis of derivative synonyms in lexical synonym rows noted that not all the words in Lithuanian Language Dictionary (Lietuvių kalbos žodynas), Current Lithuanian Dictionary (Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas) are included in Dictionary of Synonyms by Antanas Lyberis. According to these dictionaries material, it is proposed to include 800 words extend 82 lexical synonym rows in Dictionary of Synonyms. Were made 123 new derivative synonym rows from the words that were not included into Dictionary of Synonyms: 94 rows containing fixed derivatives of Dictionary of Synonyms, 29 derivative synonym rows consisting entirely of new structures. In Dictionary of Synonyms were found words not included into Lithuanian Language Dictionary, Current Lithuanian Dictionary, so it is not clear by which... [to full text]

Νευρογλωσσολογική προσέγγιση των παρατακτικών συνθέτων της Νέας Ελληνικής : μια μελέτη περίπτωσης ασθενή με "neglect dyslexia"

Σωτηροπούλου Δροσοπούλου, Χριστίνα 08 January 2013 (has links)
Αντικείμενο μελέτης της παρούσας εργασίας αποτελεί ο βαθμός επιρροής της κεφαλής κατά την ανάγνωση παρατακτικών συνθέτων από ασθενείς με neglect dyslexia (ND). Ενώ η πλειοψηφία των συνθέτων της ελληνικής, τα επονομαζόμενα ‘υποτακτικά’ (subordinative compounds), υπακούουν στον νόμο της δεξιόστροφης κεφαλής (Williams, 1981) (π.χ. ελαφο-κυνηγός), τα παρατακτικά σύνθετα (coordinative compounds) δεν εμφανίζουν αυτή την κανονικότητα στη θέση της κεφαλής τους (π.χ αλατο-πίπερο). Κάποιοι θεωρητικοί μορφολόγοι θεωρούν ότι κανένα από τα δύο συστατικά δεν αποτελεί τη βάση του συνθέτου, ούτε μορφολογικά ούτε σημασιολογικά (Ralli, 2005: 174), άλλοι υποστηρίζουν ότι τα παρατακτικά εμφανίζουν δύο κεφαλές, τόσο στο α’ όσο και στο β’ συνθετικό (Kageyama, 2009), ενώ δεν λείπουν και αυτοί που επιχειρηματολογούν για την υπεροχή του δεύτερου συστατικού, λόγω του ότι αυτό καθορίζει το γένος, τον αριθμό και την πτώση των συνθέτων (Guevara & Scalise, 2008). Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, θα προσπαθήσουμε να απαντήσουμε στο ερώτημα της θεωρητικής μορφολογίας σχετικά με τη θέση της κεφαλής στα παρατακτικά [ΟΟ] και [ΕΕ] σύνθετα της Νέας Ελληνικής, καθώς και στο ερώτημα της κλινικής γλωσσολογίας σχετικά με το ρόλο της κεφαλής στην ανάκληση και επεξεργασία των συνθέτων από ασθενείς με neglect dyslexia. Ένα ιδιαίτερα σημαντικό χαρακτηριστικό των ασθενών με ND είναι η ικανότητά τους να αναγνωρίζουν και να σέβονται τα όρια των δύο συστατικών κατά την ανάγνωση των συνθέτων (Behrmann et al., 1990). Επιπλέον, οι Semenza et al. (2011) αναφέρουν για τα Ιταλικά ότι τα λάθη στο α’ συνθετικό είναι πολύ πιο συχνά στα σύνθετα των οποίων η κεφαλή συμπίπτει με το β’ συνθετικό, παρά όταν συμπίπτει με το πρώτο. Ο εξισορροπητικός ρόλος της κεφαλής ως προς την εμφάνιση λαθών πάνω στο συστατικό της, αναμένουμε να έχει αντίκτυπο και στη δική μας περίπτωση: τα υποτακτικά σύνθετα με την κεφαλή στα δεξιά θα πρέπει να εμφανίζουν περισσότερα λάθη στο α’ συνθετικό από τα παρατακτικά, εφόσον τα τελευταία έχουν δύο κεφαλές. Στο πείραμα ανάγνωσης που σχεδιάσαμε, συμπεριλάβαμε 31 παρατακτικά σύνθετα, ονοματικά και επιθετικά (π.χ. ψωμοτύρι ‘bread-cheese’ και κοντόχοντρος αντιστοίχως) και 32 υποτακτικά σύνθετα, επίσης ονοματικά και επιθετικά (π.χ. ερημονήσι και χοντροαλεσμένος αντιστοίχως), τα οποία είχαμε ελένξει ως προς όλες τις σημαντικές ψυχογλωσσολογικές και μορφολογικές παραμέτρους ανά γραμματική κατηγορία. Το πείραμα αυτό το διεξάγαμε σε μία ασθενή 79 ετών, η οποία έχει υποστεί ΔΕ αγγειακό εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο (ΑΕΕ) και με βάση την επίδοσή της στο BELLS test έχει διαγνωσθεί με left-sided neglect dyslexia. Ενώ στα παρατακτικά σύνθετα της ονοματικής κατηγορίας, η ασθενής τείνει να παραλείπει ή να υποκαθιστά το α΄συστατικό των συνθέτων αυτών εξίσου συχνά με αυτό των υποτακτικών, δεν ισχύει το ίδιο και για τα επιθετικά παρατακτικά, κατά την ανάγνωση των οποίων ο ασθενής κάνει στατιστικά σημαντικά λιγότερα λάθη στο α’ συστατικό απ’ ότι στην ανάγνωση των αντίστοιχων υποτακτικών ( x²= 3.970, p < 0.05). Η συμβολή της παρούσας μελέτης μπορεί να συνοψιστεί στα ακόλουθα σημεία: Πρώτον, αποδεικνύεται ότι οι λεξικοί παράγοντες μπορούν να επηρεάσουν την επιλεκτική προσοχή σε μεγάλο βαθμό. Δεύτερον, παρέχονται τεκμήρια ότι η θεωρητική έννοια της κεφαλής έχει επίδραση στην επεξεργασία των συνθέτων, καθώς η εστίαση της προσοχής επηρεάζεται από και επικεντρώνεται στο συστατικό που λειτουργεί ως κεφαλή, έπειτα από την σιωπηρή ανάγνωση ολόκληρης της λέξης. Τρίτον, ως προς την επίδραση της κεφαλής στα παρατακτικά σύνθετα της ΚΝΕ, από την έρευνά μας προκύπτει ότι ένας διαχωρισμός ανάμεσα στα ονοματικά και τα επιθετικά παρατακτικά σύνθετα, με τα πρώτα να συμπεριφέρονται όπως τα υποτακτικά, ενώ τα δεύτερα να εμφανίζουν μια διευκόλυνση στην ανάγνωση ως απόρροια της ύπαρξης δύο κεφαλών. Στην τελευταία αυτή περίπτωση, ίσως η ανάγνωση επηρεάζεται από την δυνατότητα εναλλαγής της σειράς των όρων ορισμένων επιθετικών παρατακτικών συνθέτων (π.χ. μακρόστενος ~ στενόμακρος), αλλά αυτό είναι κάτι που απαιτεί περαιτέρω μελέτη. / Reading coordinative compound words is investigated in neglect dyslexia in order to assess the influence of ‘headedness’. While the majority of Modern Greek compounds, the so called ‘subordinative compounds’, comply with Williams’ (1981) ‘Righthand Head Rule’ (e.g. elafo-kinigos ‘deer-hunter’), coordinative compounds do not demonstrate clear headedness (e.g. alato-pipero ‘salt-pepper’). Some theoretical morphologists argue that none of the two constituents serves as the basis of the formation, neither morphologically nor semantically (Ralli, 2005: 174), others attest that the formations’ head coincides with their second constituent, because of the second’s constituent inflectional suffix which determine the gender, number and case of the compound (Guevara & Scalise, 2008), while others argue that coordinative compounds are double-headed (Kageyama, 2009). In this context, the theoretical morphology’s question regarding the position of the head in coordinative [NN] and [AA] Greek compounds will be addressed, as well as the question about the function of headedness in compounds’ retrieval and processing by patients suffering from neglect dyslexia. When reading compounds in neglect dyslexia, a common finding is that patients seem to respect the boundaries between the first and the second component (Behrmann et al., 1990). Moreover, Semenza et al. (2011) ascertained that left-headed Italian compounds are read better than right-headed compounds, indicating that the appearance of head on the first constituent, counterbalance the deficit at the processing of this first constituent. According to these findings, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that, if coordinative compounds are indeed headless or double-headed, patients with neglect dyslexia will make fewer mistakes in reading their left constituents compared to subordinative compounds, which have a clear head. A female 79-year old patient, who suffered RH damage and was affected by left-sided neglect dyslexia as diagnosed based on BELLS test, had to read 32 subordinative [NN] and [AA] compounds (e.g. domatosalata ‘tomato-salad’ and piknokatikimenos ‘densely populated’ respectively) and 32 coordinative [NN] and [AA] compounds (e.g. psomotiri ‘bread-cheese’ and glikopikros ‘sweet-bitter’ respectively). Compounds and their constituents were matched for frequency, familiarity, imageability, age of acquisition and orthographic neighbors. Patient performed significantly fewer substitution and omission errors on the left constituent of coordinative compounds when reading compound adjectives (x²= 3.970, p < 0.05), but the same amount of errors in subordinative and coordinative compounds when reading compound nouns. The contribution of the study can be summarized in the following points: First, it showed that lexical factors can influence selective attention to a great extent. Second, it showed that the theoretical concept of headedness does have a processing effect, with the head capturing more attention after implicit reading of the whole word. Third, as for headedness in Greek coordinative compounds, the study revealed a dissociation depending on grammatical class (adjectival vs. nominal compounds) with adjectival coordinative compounds behaving as double-headed while nominal coordinative compounds patterning with subordinative ones. A key factor here might be the interchangeable word order that characterizes adjectival coordinative compounds (e.g makrostenos ‘long-narrow’ ~ stenomakros ‘narrow-long’), but this is something that requires further research.

O emprego de -ção e -mento no português falado no sul do Brasil

Silveira, Luciana Morales da January 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho, investiga-se a distribuição dos sufixos -ção e -mento nos dialetos de Porto Alegre, Florianópolis e Curitiba. A partir de estudos anteriores sobre tais afixos, analisaram-se fatores de natureza linguística, como tonicidade (oxítona, paroxítona e proparoxítona), número de sílabas, tipos de verbos (de estado, de ação, de processo e de ação-processo), características da base (se com alomorfia ou sem, por exemplo), prefixação, sufixação, terminações, entre outros. Analisaram-se, também, fatores de natureza extralinguística, como escolaridade (primário e secundário), sexo (feminino e masculino), faixa etária (mais de 50 anos e menos de 50 anos) e localidade (Porto Alegre, Florianópolis e Curitiba). Para a investigação, fez-se uso de dados de fala extraídos de 46 entrevistas do projeto Variação Linguística na Região Sul do Brasil – VARSUL e de um teste de produtividade baseado em pseudopalavras propostas pela pesquisadora, aplicado a 31 informantes. Para a análise quantitativa dos resultados, foram utilizados os programas que compõem o pacote VARBRUL 2S, a fim de se levantarem as frequências de uso de cada um dos afixos envolvidos. A análise dos resultados mostrou que, de forma geral, -ção é o sufixo preferido na alternância de uso entre -ção e -mento. Além disso, observou-se que fatores como tipo de verbo, conjugação, algumas terminações, assim como a iteratividade ou o número de sílabas podem influenciar o falante em sua escolha pelo uso de um sufixo e não de outro. Os achados dessa pesquisa confirmam grande parte de nossas questões e permitem que se observe em que medida esse dialeto se iguala ou não a outros já estudados. Para tanto, usamos como fonte, especialmente, Aronoff (1976), Basilio (1980, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2011), Villalva (1986), Sandmann (1996), Rocha (1999, 2008), Monteiro (2002), Maroneze (2005), Bastos (2006, 2012), Grodt (2009) e Souza (2010). / In this paper, the distribution of the suffixes “-ção” and “mento” are investigate, considering the dialects used in Porto Alegre, Florianópolis and Curitiba. As of previous studies about such suffixes, linguistic nature factors were analyzed, such as tonicity (oxytone, paroxytone and proparoxytone), number of syllables, typos of verbs (stative verbs, action verbs, process verbs and action-process verbs), characteristics of bases (with allomorph or without it, for instance), prefix and suffix word formation, termination, among others. Factors of extralinguistic nature were also analyzed, such as schooling (primary and secondary), sex (feminine and masculine), age-group (older than 50 and younger than 50) and locality (Porto Alegre, Florianópolis and Curitiba). For the investigation, speaking data extracted from 46 interviews of the project called Linguistic Variation in the South Region of Brasil – VARSUL – were used, as well as a test of productivity based on pseudo words proposed by the researcher, applied to 31 informants. For the quantitative analyses of the results, the programs which form the VARBRUL 2S package were used, in order to obtain the frequencies of usage of each affix involved. The analysis of the results has shown that, in general, “-ção” is the favorite suffix in the alternance of usage between “-ção” and “-mento”. Besides, factors like type of verb, conjugation, some terminations were verified, as well as the iteration or the number of syllables which can influence the speakers in their choice for the usage of a suffix over others. The findings of this research confirm a large part of our hypotheses and allow us to observe in what extent this dialect equalizes or not to others already studied. For this purpose, we especially used, as our bibliographic source, Aronoff (1976), Basilio (1980, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2011), Rocha (1999, 2008), Villalva (1986), Sandmann (1996), Monteiro (2002), Maroneze (2005), Bastos (2006,2012), Grodt (2009) and Souza (2010).

O emprego de -ção e -mento no português falado no sul do Brasil

Silveira, Luciana Morales da January 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho, investiga-se a distribuição dos sufixos -ção e -mento nos dialetos de Porto Alegre, Florianópolis e Curitiba. A partir de estudos anteriores sobre tais afixos, analisaram-se fatores de natureza linguística, como tonicidade (oxítona, paroxítona e proparoxítona), número de sílabas, tipos de verbos (de estado, de ação, de processo e de ação-processo), características da base (se com alomorfia ou sem, por exemplo), prefixação, sufixação, terminações, entre outros. Analisaram-se, também, fatores de natureza extralinguística, como escolaridade (primário e secundário), sexo (feminino e masculino), faixa etária (mais de 50 anos e menos de 50 anos) e localidade (Porto Alegre, Florianópolis e Curitiba). Para a investigação, fez-se uso de dados de fala extraídos de 46 entrevistas do projeto Variação Linguística na Região Sul do Brasil – VARSUL e de um teste de produtividade baseado em pseudopalavras propostas pela pesquisadora, aplicado a 31 informantes. Para a análise quantitativa dos resultados, foram utilizados os programas que compõem o pacote VARBRUL 2S, a fim de se levantarem as frequências de uso de cada um dos afixos envolvidos. A análise dos resultados mostrou que, de forma geral, -ção é o sufixo preferido na alternância de uso entre -ção e -mento. Além disso, observou-se que fatores como tipo de verbo, conjugação, algumas terminações, assim como a iteratividade ou o número de sílabas podem influenciar o falante em sua escolha pelo uso de um sufixo e não de outro. Os achados dessa pesquisa confirmam grande parte de nossas questões e permitem que se observe em que medida esse dialeto se iguala ou não a outros já estudados. Para tanto, usamos como fonte, especialmente, Aronoff (1976), Basilio (1980, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2011), Villalva (1986), Sandmann (1996), Rocha (1999, 2008), Monteiro (2002), Maroneze (2005), Bastos (2006, 2012), Grodt (2009) e Souza (2010). / In this paper, the distribution of the suffixes “-ção” and “mento” are investigate, considering the dialects used in Porto Alegre, Florianópolis and Curitiba. As of previous studies about such suffixes, linguistic nature factors were analyzed, such as tonicity (oxytone, paroxytone and proparoxytone), number of syllables, typos of verbs (stative verbs, action verbs, process verbs and action-process verbs), characteristics of bases (with allomorph or without it, for instance), prefix and suffix word formation, termination, among others. Factors of extralinguistic nature were also analyzed, such as schooling (primary and secondary), sex (feminine and masculine), age-group (older than 50 and younger than 50) and locality (Porto Alegre, Florianópolis and Curitiba). For the investigation, speaking data extracted from 46 interviews of the project called Linguistic Variation in the South Region of Brasil – VARSUL – were used, as well as a test of productivity based on pseudo words proposed by the researcher, applied to 31 informants. For the quantitative analyses of the results, the programs which form the VARBRUL 2S package were used, in order to obtain the frequencies of usage of each affix involved. The analysis of the results has shown that, in general, “-ção” is the favorite suffix in the alternance of usage between “-ção” and “-mento”. Besides, factors like type of verb, conjugation, some terminations were verified, as well as the iteration or the number of syllables which can influence the speakers in their choice for the usage of a suffix over others. The findings of this research confirm a large part of our hypotheses and allow us to observe in what extent this dialect equalizes or not to others already studied. For this purpose, we especially used, as our bibliographic source, Aronoff (1976), Basilio (1980, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2011), Rocha (1999, 2008), Villalva (1986), Sandmann (1996), Monteiro (2002), Maroneze (2005), Bastos (2006,2012), Grodt (2009) and Souza (2010).

Bilinguismo bimodal : um estudo sobre o acesso lexical em intérpretes de libras-português

Fonseca, Sandro Rodrigues January 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo geral investigar o efeito de interferência semântica no acesso lexical bilíngue bimodal em um grupo de ouvintes bilíngues bimodais adultos que atuam como TILS - tradutores e intérpretes de LIBRAS – Língua Portuguesa por meio de uma Tarefa de Reconhecimento de Tradução. Quatro objetivos específicos nortearam a pesquisa: (a) verificar o efeito de interferência semântica durante o acesso lexical bilíngue bimodal; (b) avaliar o papel da certificação de proficiência em interpretação PROLIBRAS no desempenho dos participantes na tarefa experimental; (c) avaliar o papel da experiência tradutória, considerando o número de horas de trabalho por semana, no desempenho dos participantes na Tarefa de Reconhecimento de Tradução; e (d) avaliar o papel da experiência como intérpretes de Libras, considerando o número de anos de experiência de trabalho, na Tarefa de Reconhecimento de Tradução. Para a realização da pesquisa foram utilizados dois instrumentos, um Questionário de Histórico da Linguagem e Autoavaliação da Proficiência, e um Teste de Reconhecimento de Tradução desenvolvido especificamente para este estudo, no qual os participantes foram solicitados a observar sequências de sinais em um vídeo seguido de uma palavra em Língua Portuguesa e a responder se a palavra correspondia à tradução correta do sinal. A palavra em Língua Portuguesa poderia se enquadrar em uma das seguintes condições experimentais: tradução correta, tradução incorreta semanticamente relacionada, tradução incorreta semanticamente não relacionada. As hipóteses previam que (a) os participantes seriam mais rápidos em identificar itens na condição de tradução correta do que nas duas outras condições; (b) os intérpretes demonstrariam um menor percentual de erros ao identificar itens na condição de tradução correta do que nas duas outras condições, exibindo percentual de erros ainda maior na condição de tradução incorreta semanticamente relacionada; (c) os participantes que declarassem possuir o certificado de proficiência em interpretação PROLIBRAS teriam um desempenho mais rápido e menor percentual de erros na tarefa; (d) os intérpretes que declarassem atuar mais horas por semana teriam um desempenho mais rápido e menor percentual de erros; por fim, (e) que os participantes que declarassem ter mais anos de experiência seriam mais rápidos e obteriam um menor percentual de erros na tarefa. Os resultados confirmam o efeito de interferência semântica em bilíngues bimodais, embora a análise do papel da experiência linguística tenha revelado que não houve diferença de resultados entre os que possuem a certificação PROLIBRAS e os que não a possuem, sendo que o mesmo foi constatado entre os que trabalham mais ou menos anos como intérpretes. A análise dos resultados da experiência em termos de horas por semana, no entanto, revelou que a comparação entre o grupo que trabalha vinte horas com o que trabalha quarenta horas indicou que os que trabalham menos horas responderam mais rapidamente aos itens de todas as condições de tradução da tarefa. Os resultados são interpretados com base em teorias sobre a representação do conhecimento linguístico, do acesso lexical e da interferência semântica, e sugerem a presença do efeito de interferência semântica nos bilíngues testados. Além disso, a ausência de um efeito da certificação PROLIBRAS na tarefa é analisada como uma indicação da necessidade de se investigar mais profundamente formas alternativas de avaliar a experiência dos intérpretes. / This dissertation has as its general objective to study the semantic interference effect in bimodal bilingual lexical access in a group of hearing adults bimodal bilinguals who work as sign language interpreter LIBRAS – Portuguese through a Translation Recognition Task. Four specific objectives guided this research: (a) to verify the semantic interference effect during bilingual bimodal lexical access; (b) to assess the role of the PROLIBRAS interpreting proficiency certification on the performance of the participants during the experimental task; (c) to assess the role of the translation experience, considering the number of hours of work per week, on the performance of the participants during the Translation Recognition Task; and (d) to assess the role of the experience as interpreters, considering the number of years of work experience, seen through the Translation Recognition Task. In order to accomplish such goals two instruments were used: a Self-Proficiency and Language History Questionnaire and a Translation Recognition Task developed for this study, in which participants were asked to observe sequences of signs in video followed by a word in Portuguese and answer whether the word corresponded as the correct translation of the sign. The word in Portuguese could fit in one of the following experimental conditions: correct translation, semantic related incorrect translation, not semantic related incorrect translation. The hypotheses were that (a) the participants would be faster at identifying items on the correct translation condition than the other two conditions; (b) interpreters would have a smaller error rate at identifying items on the correct translation condition than the other two conditions, showing even more error rate on the semantic related incorrect translation condition; (c) the participants that would declare to own a LIBRAS proficiency certificate would show a faster performance and smaller error rate; and finally, (e) that participants that would declared to have more year of experience as interpreters would be faster and would have a smaller error rate on the task. The results confirmed the semantic interference effect in bimodal bilinguals, although the analyses of the role of the language experience showed no difference of results among those who own a PROLIBRAS certificate and those who do not. The same was seen among those work more or less years as interpreters. The analyses of the results of the experience in terms of hours per week, however, showed that the comparison between the group who work twenty hours with the group who work forty hours indicated that the ones who work fewer hours answered faster to the items in all the task conditions. The results are interpreted using as base the theories about language knowledge representation, lexical access and semantic interference. Besides, the lack of effect on the PROLIBRAS certificate on the task is analyzed as an indication of the need to study deeply alternative ways to assess the experience of the interpreters.

Repeticao lexical em narrativas escritas infantis / Lexical repetition in written narratives infantile

Zavam, Aurea Suely January 1998 (has links)
ZAVAM, Aurea Suely. Repeticao lexical em narrativas escritas infantis. 1998. 121f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguística) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza-CE, 1998. / Submitted by nazareno mesquita (nazagon36@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-06-19T14:25:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 1998_diss_ASZavam.pdf: 413654 bytes, checksum: 3e5dfc7b579d81a1c891ee479c8f3e7f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-08-03T16:40:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 1998_diss_ASZavam.pdf: 413654 bytes, checksum: 3e5dfc7b579d81a1c891ee479c8f3e7f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-08-03T16:40:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1998_diss_ASZavam.pdf: 413654 bytes, checksum: 3e5dfc7b579d81a1c891ee479c8f3e7f (MD5) Previous issue date: 1998 / The main goal of this dissertation is to investigate the use of reiteration in contiguous sentences by children while learning in their written language as well as the linguistic factors that interfere in their choice for mechanism of cohesion. To this purpose I established two basic procedures. First I analysed 558 texts that retell the famous tale Red Riding Hood. They make up the International Basis of Child Written Language. Four aspects were observed: a) the occurence of lexical repetition; b) its linking with referential functions; c) its distribution in the episodes of the narrative; d) its relationship with grafhic signs. Secondly 32 children at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of Elementary School, were interviewed, being 16 from public and 16 from private school. I asked them to choose among three possible answers, that they find plausible to maintain the reference to a character mentioned in the previous sentence, taken from a version of the well-know tale. I came to the following conclusions, concerning to all of the subjects, regardlessly of the factors grade and school as far as reiteration is concerned: a) it is used for choice after the introduction and reintroduction of characters; b) it is established between the introduction of a character that contributes to the action and the beginning of the action; c) it delimits sentence bounderlines in the narrative; d) it is used instead of punctuation marks and imposes internal limits to the text. / O objetivo principal desta dissertação é investigar o uso de expressões reiteradas em sentenças contíguas por crianças em fase de aquisição da linguagem escrita e os fatores lingüísticos que interferem na opção por esse mecanismo de referência anafórica. A pesquisa se desenvolveu em dois momentos. Primeiro, foram examinados recontos da história Chapeuzinho Vermelho, 558 textos que compõem o corpus da Base Internacional de Dados sobre a Escrita Infantil, observando a ocorrência da repetição lexical, a associação a funções referenciais, a distribuição nos episódios da narrativa, e a interação com marcas gráficas. Em seguida, foram entrevistadas 32 crianças - 16 da escola pública e 16 da escola particular - das quatro primeiras séries do Ensino Fundamental, solicitando-lhes que elegessem, entre as possibilidades oferecidas, a forma que julgavam ser a melhor para manter a referência ao personagem enunciado na sentença precedente, em uma versão da conhecida história tradicional. A análise dos textos revelou que a repetição lexical contígua, utilizada por crianças de todas as séries, tanto da escola pública quanto da particular,: a) é empregada preferencialmente após introdução e reintrodução de personagens; b) se estabelece no limite entre a introdução de um personagem (principal ou não), que confere dinamismo à história, e o início de sua ação; c) delimita fronteiras sentenciais no discurso narrado; d) assume função dos sinais de pontuação, impondo limites internos ao texto.

O acesso lexical em trilíngues brasileiros falantes de português, inglês e francês

Barcelos, Laura January 2016 (has links)
Entender como os indivíduos que falam mais de uma língua reconhecem e processam palavras de diferentes idiomas tem sido questão central nas pesquisas em multilinguismo. Nas últimas décadas, um grande número de estudos coletou evidências de que o reconhecimento de palavras em uma língua pode ser influenciado pelo conhecimento de palavras de outra língua, ou seja, o acesso lexical dos multilíngues seria não-seletivo, em que ambas as línguas estão ativas, independentemente da língua-alvo do contexto. Assim, o presente estudo buscou investigar a influência de L1 e L2 sobre a L3 em uma população trilíngue. Contou-se com uma amostra de 26 brasileiros trilíngues de português (L1), inglês (L2) e francês (L3) de proficiência diversa. Os sujeitos realizaram dois experimentos de decisão lexical em francês, o primeiro composto por estímulos em francês que eram cognatos com português, inglês ou ambas as línguas, e o segundo composto por homógrafos interlinguísticos nas mesmas condições. Os resultados nos levam a conclusões semelhantes aos estudos anteriores, dando suporte à hipótese de acesso lexical não-seletivo, demonstrando a existência de um efeito cognato na análise de percentual de erro no caso dos cognatos e dos falsos cognatos. Contudo, não foi possível encontrar um efeito cognato trilíngue como o esperado e tampouco verificar o efeito cognato nos tempos de reação. Esses resultados são discutidos, refletindo-se sobre a influência da proficiência, do tempo e da frequência de uso das línguas e do número de participantes do estudo. / Understanding how individuals who speak more than one language recognize and process words in different languages has been a central issue in multilingualism research. In recent decades, a great number of studies has gathered evidence demonstrating that the recognition of words in a language can be influenced by the knowledge of words in another language, that is, lexical access of multilingual individuals would be non-selective, meaning that both languages are active regardless of the target language. Thus, this study aimed at investigating the influence of the L1 and the L2 on the L3 in a group of trilinguals. The sample consisted of 26 Portuguese (L1), English (L2) and French (L3) Brazilian trilinguals with varied proficiency levels. Participants took part in two lexical decision tasks in French. The first was composed of French words that were cognates with Portuguese, English or both, while the second comprised interlinguistic homographs in the same conditions. The results indicate similar results to those from previous studies, which gives support to the non-selective lexical access hypothesis and demonstrates the existence of a cognate effect in the analysis of error percentage in the case of cognates and false cognates. However, it was not possible to find a trilingual cognate effect, as expected, and to verify the cognate effect in reaction times. Such results are discussed in light of proficiency, how long these languages have been used, how often they are used, and the number of participants in the study.

Colocações lexicais especializadas de bases nominais no domínio da hemodinâmica : um estudo exploratório na perspectiva da teoria sentido-texto

Pires, Caroline de Castro January 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar Colocações Lexicais Especializadas (CLEs) da Hemodinâmica que apresentam bases nominais, por meio da Teoria Sentido-Texto. CLEs são colocações (agrupamentos lexicais) típicas de linguagem especializada que contém em sua constituição uma unidade terminológica, que pode ou não ser a base, além de elementos chamados de colocados, que são especificadores ou caracterizadores da base. Colocados são sempre selecionados em função da base. Além disso, outra forte característica das CLEs é o seu caráter semicomposicional ou fortemente composicional. Assim, para realizar tal objetivo, metodologicamente, escolhemos selecionar 37 CLEs a partir de termos típicos do Vocabulário Panlatino de Hemodinâmica da Realiter. A fim de constatar que os termos escolhidos participavam de colocações ativas na área, recorremos a artigos científicos (pesquisados na plataforma SciELO). Os artigos serviram de fonte para extrairmos as provas textuais das CLEs analisadas e para a formulação das definições dessas CLEs A análise dos dados permitiu que identificássemos as seguintes características das CLEs da Hemodinâmica: (i) quanto à extensão dos elementos (CLEs têm de 2 a 5 elementos); (ii) sobre a característica dos termos que exerciam papel de base nas CLEs examinadas (constituíram núcleos cem por cento nominais); (iii) sobre as características do complemento da base (complementos adjetivais, a maioria, e preposicionais); (iv) quanto aos tipos de Funções Lexicais (FLs) (adjetivais aplicadas a bases com complemento adjetival, preposicionais aplicadas a bases com complemento preposicional); (v) quanto à complexidade da FL (uso apenas de FL simples); e, por fim, (vi) sobre a necessidade de acréscimo de informação à FLs standards (em todos os casos houve acréscimo de informações para completar o sentido da definição, isto é, lançamos mão de FLs não-standards). / This study aims to analyze Specialized Lexical Combinations (SLCs) of Hemodynamic, with nominal base, through Meaning-Text Theory. SLCs are typical collocations (lexical groups) of specialized language that contain in their constitution a terminological unit, which may or may not be a base, in addition to elements called collocatives which are specifiers or characterizers of the base. Collocatives are always selected as a function of the base. In addition, another strong feature of SLCs is your semicomposicional or strongly compositional character. Thus, to achieve this goal, methodologically, we selected the 37 SLCs from typical terms present in the ‘Vocabulário Planlatino de Hemodinâmica’ of Realiter. In order to verify that the chosen terms participate in active placements in the area, we resorted to scientific articles from SciELO platform. The articles served as a source for extracting textual evidence for SLCs and formulating the definitions of SLCs. The analysis of the admissible data identifies the following characteristics of Hemodynamic SLCs: (i) the extension of the elements; (ii) the feature of terms that play the hole of base in the SLCs examined; (iii) the characteristics of the base complement; (iv) the types of Lexical Functions applied in the SLCs; (v) the complexity of LFs applied; and finally (vi) the necessity to increase information in the LFs standard (in all cases, there was added information to complete the meaning of the definition, we applied non-standard LFs).

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