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¿Y realmente, no se nos parecen? : la representación de la figura del senderista en Los rendidos. Sobre el don de perdonar de José Carlos AgüeroRivas Echarri, Carlos Renzo 25 January 2019 (has links)
En este trabajo, analizo cómo en Los rendidos. Sobre el don de perdonar (2015) de José
Carlos Agüero se representa a los personajes senderistas, sobre todo por la particularidad que
tiene este retrato dentro de las dinámicas de la memoria colectiva en el Perú tras el período
de la violencia política. Sostengo, principalmente, que en este texto se llega a configurar una
singular forma de representación del senderista que permite problematizar las limitaciones
de los discursos oficiales acerca de este tema. Además, también planteo que, a partir de esto,
en la obra se esboza un proyecto de comunidad nacional que intenta reformular los vínculos
entre los habitantes del Perú de posconflicto. Para sustentar estas hipótesis, primero
examinaré la relación entre memoria y representación literaria, a partir del trazado de una
genealogía de la forma en la que en la narrativa canónica de la violencia política se ha
caracterizado a estos personajes. Luego, analizaré la manera en la que en Los rendidos se
representa a los senderistas, sobre todo a partir de su singularidad discursiva y el carácter de
las memorias de Agüero, lo que demostrará los maniqueísmos que están presentes en el
imaginario hegemónico. Finalmente, revisaré el proyecto de comunidad que se desprende de
las argumentaciones del ensayo-testimonial, con lo que espero desentrañar el potencial éticopolítico
del discurso de esta obra. / Tesis
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Religião e política: construção da memória de Dom Adriano Hypólito / Religion and politics: the construction of memory of Don Adriano HypólitoAlexander de Souza Gomes 31 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho discute a interdependência entre religião e política no âmbito da ação pastoral da Diocese de Nova Iguaçu no bispado de Dom Adriano Hypólito, que foi nomeado em 1966 bispo diocesano. No discurso e práticas sociais realizados por Dom Adriano Hypólito observa-se a base dessa interdependência. Por isso, a pesquisa procura analisar os discursos proferidos pelo bispo em documentos como A Folha e o Boletim Diocesano para mensurar seu posicionamento em relação à fé e política. Através das entrevistas concedidas por padres e leigos engajados busca-se regatar a memória do Bispo de Nova Iguaçu, que em decorrência de sua postura e opção preferencial pelos pobres sofre perseguições e é torturado no âmbito da Ditadura Civil-Militar no Brasil. Para corroborar tais elementos, procura-se fazer uma análise antropológica do memorial, construído um ano após de seu falecimento. Salienta-se que os objetos que se encontram nesse memorial se materializam como lugar-memória, e que se traduzem numa linguagem político-religiosa. Dessa forma, procura-se localizar nesse espaço como a memória de Dom Adriano está sendo transmitida e de que forma seu trabalho pastoral é recuperado nessa construção. A pesquisa também procura recuperar os discursos do Bispo Dom Adriano e a contribuição dos mesmos para a formação do laicato que através da conscientização e formação nas bases da Igreja engajar-se-ão em movimentos sociais, em partidos políticos e em sindicatos. / In this thesis I discuss the interdependence between religion and politics in the context of the pastoral action of Nova Iguacu Diocese in the bishopric of Don Adriano Hypólito. In 1966 he was chosen diocesan bishop. In the discourse and social practices performed by Don Adriano Hypólito we observes the basis of this interdependence. The aim of this research is to analyze the speeches given by the bishop in documents as "A Folha" and "Boletim Diocesano" to measure its position in relation to faith and politics. Through interviews with priests and engaged laity we seek to rescue the memory of the Bishop of Nova Iguaçu, which in function to their posture and "preferential option for the poor, suffers persecution and was tortured under the Civil-Military Dictatorship in Brazil. To corroborate these elements, we try to make an anthropological analysis of the memorial, which was built a year after his death. Note that the objects that are on this memorial, materialize as a place-memory, is translated into a politico-religious language. Thus, we try to find that space as Don Adriano memorial is being transmitted and how his pastoral work is recovered. The research also seeks to recover the speeches of Bishop Adriano and contribution thereof to the formation of the laity that through awareness and training bases in the Church will engagein social movements, political parties and trade unions
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In vitro and in vivo effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in pigletsPinilla, Vicente 04 1900 (has links)
Les récoltes de céréales sont souvent contaminées par des moisissures qui se développent pendant la récolte et l’entreposage et produisent des métabolites secondaires appelés mycotoxines. Le porc est reconnu pour être sensible au déoxynivalénol (DON). L’infection virale la plus importante chez le porc est causée par le virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (VSRRP). Celui-ci provoque un syndrome grippal et des troubles de reproduction. L’objectif du présent projet était de déterminer l'effet in vitro de DON sur la réplication du VSRRP dans de lignées cellulaires permissives, MARC-145 et PAM, et déterminer in vivo l'impact de DON dans des aliments naturellement contaminés sur l’infection au VSRRP chez le porcelet. Tout d’abord, les cellules ont été incubées avec des doses croissantes de DON et ont été infectées avec du VSRRP pour évaluer la viabilité et la mortalité cellulaire, la réplication virale et l’expression de cytokines. Les résultats ont montré que les concentrations de DON de 560ng/ml et plus affectaient significativement la survie des cellules MARC-145 et PAM infectées par le VSRRP. En revanche, il y avait une augmentation significative de la viabilité et une réduction de la mortalité cellulaire à des concentrations de DON de 140 à 280 ng/ml pour les cellules PAM et de 70 à 280 ng/ml pour les cellules MARC-145 avec une réduction de l'effet cytopathique provoqué parle VSRRP. Au niveau in vivo, 30 porcelets divisés en 3 groupes de 10 porcelets et nourris pendant 2 semaines avec 3 différentes diètes naturellement ont été contaminées avec DON (0; 2,5 et 3,5 mg/kg). Les porcelets ont été subdivisés en 6 groupes, 3 groupes de 6 porcelets et ont été exposés au DON pendant 2 semaines et infectés par voie intratrachéale et intramusculaire avec le virus. Les 3 autres groupes de 4 porcelets servaient de contrôle non infectés. Les signes cliniques ont été enregistrés pendant 21 jours. La virémie a été évaluée par PCR. À la fin de l’expérimentation, les porcelets ont été euthanasiés et les lésions pulmonaires ont été évaluées. Les résultats ont montré que l’ingestion de DON à 3,5 mg/kg a augmenté l’effet du VSRRP sur la sévérité des signes cliniques, les lésions pulmonaires et la mortalité. L’ingestion de DON à 2,5 mg/kg a entrainé une augmentation de la virémie au jour 3 après l’infection mais sans impact sur les signes cliniques et les lésions pulmonaires.
Mot clés: DON, VSRRP, MARC-145, PAM, effet cytopathique, cytokines, PCR / Cereal crops are often contaminated with moulds that grow during harvest and storage and produce secondary metabolites called mycotoxins. Pig is known to be sensitive to deoxynivalenol (DON). On the other hand, infection by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes a flu-like syndrome and reproductive disorders. The objectives of this project were to determine the in vitro effect of DON on the replication of PRRSV in permissive cell lines, MARC-145 and PAM and the in vivo impact of DON-naturally contaminated feed on PRRSV infection in piglets. Firstly, cells were incubated with gradually increasing doses of DON and were infected with PRRSV to evaluate cytopathic effect and to assess cell viability, virus replication and cytokine mRNA expression on infected and uninfected cells. Results showed that DON concentrations of 560 ng/ml and higher were significantly detrimental to the survival of MARC-145 cells infected with PRRSV. In contrast, there was a significant increase of cell viability and decreased of cell mortality at DON concentrations within 140 to 280 ng/ml for PAM cells and 70 to 280 ng/ml ranges for MARC-145 showing a reduced cytopathic effect (CPE) caused by PRRSV.
In vivo study was carried out on 30 piglets divided into 3 groups of 10 piglets fed naturally contaminated diets with different levels of DON; 0, 2.5 and 3.5 mg/kg. After 2 weeks, pigs were further divided into 6 subgroups, 3 subgroups of 6 piglets were infected intra tracheally and intramuscularly with PRRSV. The other 3 subgroups of 4 piglets were used as uninfected controls. Clinical signs were recorded for 21 days post-infection (p.i.). Sera were evaluated for viremia by PCR. At the end of the experiment, piglets were euthanized and pulmonary lesions were evaluated. Results showed that ingestion of diet highly contaminated with DON at 3.5 mg/kg increased the effect of PRRSV infection on the severity of clinical signs, weight loss, lung lesions and mortality. Diet with DON at 2.5 mg/kg showed an increase of viremia at day 3 but had not significant impact on clinical signs and lung lesions.
Keywords: DON, PRRSV, MARC-145, PAM, cytopathic effect, cytokines, PCR
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La dialectique de la justice et du pardon : approches des positions de la conférence des évêques du Cameroun depuis sa création jusqu'à nos jours / The dialectic of justice and forgiveness : approaches to the positions of the conference of bishops of Cameroon since its creation until todayYaga, Jean Prosper 13 September 2018 (has links)
La justice et le pardon sont comme deux pôles d'une dialectique qui les unit au point de les rendre inséparables. Le pardon est un don gratuit relèvant d'une démarche personnelle tandis que la justice est un droit naturel ou légal inhérent à toute personne humaine. En effet, le pardon ne s'oppose pas à la justice. Il s'y superpose sans interférer. Le travail de l'un est complété par l'apport de l'autre. À cet égard, il ne peut y avoir de guérison avec le pardon sans la justice. De même, il ne peut y avoir de réconciliation avec la justice sans le pardon. Ainsi, le pardon est le fruit de la justice. Car dans l'acte du pardon, c'est l'amour au-delà de la faute qui brise la douleur et la haine. Le pardon grandit celui qui l'offre et contribue au bonheur d'autrui. Le passé est vaincu et transcendé. La justice est un rempart contre tout ce qui se dresse contre l'homme et supprime les discordes et les inégalités. De ce point de vue, justice et pardon qui sont deux vertus en interaction, apportent l'épanouissement moral et spirituel à l'homme. Ils sont au service de la charité. / Justice and forgiveness are like two poles of a dialectic that unites them to the point of making them inseparable. Forgiveness is a free gift that comes from a personal approach while justice is a natural or legal right that every human being is entitled. Indeed, forgiveness is not incompatible with justice. It coexists with justice without interfering. The work of one is supplemented by the contribution of the other. In this regard, there cannot be closure with forgiveness without justice. Likewise, there can be no reconciliation with justice without forgiveness. Thus, forgiveness is the fruit of justice. In fact, forgiveness is an act of love beyond fault that breaks pain and hatred. Forgiveness grows whoever offers it and contributes to the happiness of others. The past is vanquished and transcended. Justice is a safeguard that removes discord and inequality. From this point of view, justice and forgiveness are two interacting virtues that bring moral and spiritual fulfillment to human being. They are at the service of charity.
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Byron's Don Juan and nationalism. / 拜伦之《唐璜》与民族观 / 拜伦之唐璜与民族观 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Bailun zhi "Tang Huang" yu min zu guan / Bailun zhi Tang Huang yu min zu guanJanuary 2010 (has links)
Firstly in digression Byron presents a national reality which gradually displaces his cherished cosmopolitan ideals. Among many other pressing problems of his day, political renegades, the paradox of scientific innovations, the rise of intellectual ladies and the commoditization of marriage and family constitute the tangible part of Byron's domestic recalling. With retrospective commentaries Byron fulfills the act of imagining native land; and in this regard nationalism is the spiritual support of the expatriate existence. / I propose to comprehend the perceptive gap by focusing on Don Juan which best contextualizes Byron in the flow of historicity with the dimension of nationalism. I intend to delve into three structural units of Don Juan---digression, narrative, a lyric song---to argue that Byronic contradictions manifest nationalism in its multiple contingencies. / In conclusion Don Juan reveals that Byron's participation in the modern historicity of nationalism involves three dimensions---residual cosmopolitan ideals, English national consciousness and the independence of the oppressed nations. Don Juan embodies a historical magnetic field where Byron's existence actualizes the potential conflict of the modernity. / Secondly by reading Don Juan as the quest romance of the individual initiation, I bring the narrative into scrutiny and argue that the hero's transformation involves an implicit evolution of the national identification. In terms of subjective consciousness, nationalism embodies the mature vision of masculine selfhood. Don Juan's encounter with both female and male characters, through his repeated border-crossing, illuminates a metaphorical process from rejection to embrace of native roots, from negation to affirmation of national bonds Juan's rite of passage---sexual initiation, surviving shipwreck, the trial of the exotic love and battlefield and diplomacy---transmits a national subjectivity which corresponds to the Byronic existence of mobility. / The dissertation explores the discrepancy between critical reception towards Byron as a Romantic poet in contemporary Romantic scholarship and in Chinese historical evaluation (with certain reference to the European Continent). Byronic contradictions pose a problem to Romantic scholars who are engaged to interpret the interplay between Byron the man and Byron the poet. They share the view that Byron succeeds in manipulating his own personal image to promote his poetical visibility and tend to doubt if his poems could stand alone without the reference to his letters and journals. In China, as in many other countries of European Continent and Asia, Byron is often viewed in a more positive way as the very name has become a byword for liberal nationalism and the rebellion against tyranny / Thirdly 'Isles of Greece' adds an alternative yet prospective dimension to perceive the tension between national anxiety and modernity. In English context its meanings vary as the contextual focus shifts from poetical to socio-biographical and to existential level. The theme of the national independence is complicated by its negative elements such as the identity of the songster. In the Chinese context, 'the Isles of Greece' initiates and embodies a myth-making process as it gives vent to the anxiety of modernity faced by Chinese people in the opening of the twentieth century. The individual shaping of the 'Isles' by three Chinese intellectual pioneers symbolizes the simultaneous awakening of Chinese national consciousness and individual consciousness. The extended reading of Byron by Lu Xun, together with his reworking, voices the existential dilemma of modern enlighteners. His invocation of 'Mara poets' is prophetic of the modern intellectuals who possess both vision and willpower to eradicate ignorance and public apathy. / Gu, Yao. / Adviser: Ching Yuet May. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-01, Section: A, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 167-173). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.
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DE L’EMERGENCE D’UN SUJET ADOLESCENT EN MILIEU EDUCATIF CONTRAINT : ethnologie des pratiques du don, de la réciprocité et des alliances contrebandières à l'épreuve de l'éducabilité en Centre Éducatif Fermé / THE EMERGENCE OF A TEENAGER IN THE MIDDLE FORCED EDUCATIONAL SUBJECT : ethnology of the practices of giving, reciprocity and smugglers alliances to the test of the educability in Closed educational centreTouil, Ahmed Nordine 20 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse en sciences de l’éducation s’intéresse aux ressorts visibles et/ou invisibles mis en œuvre dans les interactions entre adolescents et adultes, au sein d’institutions qui constituent une alternative à l’incarcération (C.E.R., C.E.F.). Ce travail de recherche ethnographique ambitionne de traduire la façon dont des jeunes en souffrance, via des pratiques « contrebandières », parviennent à mettre en mots leurs actes. Les modes d’échanges, officiels ou à la marge du cadre contraint, irriguent les interactions et permettent de reconnaître des adolescents stigmatisés dans des identités autres que celles leur étant assignées. Notre problématique s’articule donc autour des pratiques du don et de la réciprocité, qui autorisent/favorisent des formes d’alliances, transcendent le principe d'éducabilité et permettent l'émergence d’un sujet adolescent en milieu éducatif contraint. Parce que ces institutions totales contraignent dans un espace-temps performatif, des adultes-encadrant à mobiliser des modalités opératoires d’ajustement, elles favorisent le partage d’émotions. Les expériences partagées permettent ainsi de transcender la figure de l’individu à risques en autorisant l’émergence d’un sujet empathique. / This PhD in educational sciences focuses on visible and/or invisible Springs implemented in interactions between adolescents and adults, within institutions that are an alternative to incarceration. This ethnographic research work aims to translate the way dont de les jeunes en souffrance, via des pratiques «contrebandières», parviennent à mettre en mots leurs actes youth suffering through 'smugglers' practices, are able to put into words their actions. Exchanges, official modes or at the margin of the forced setting, irrigate interactions and identify adolescents stigmatized in other than them being assigned identities. Our problem thus revolves around the gift and reciprocity, practices that allow / promote forms of alliances, transcend the principle of educability, and allow the emergence of a teenager in forced education topic.ecause these institutions total forcing in a space-time performative, adults-framing to mobilize operating ways of adjustment, they promote the sharing of emotions. Shared experiences helps to transcend the figure of the individual at risk by allowing the emergence of an empathetic topic.
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The Role of Popular Mythology and Popular Culture in Post-war America, as represented by four novels - The Floating Opera and The End of the Road, by John Barth, White Noise, by Don DeLillo, and Vineland, by Thomas Pynchon.Reed, Mark Dobson January 2004 (has links)
The four novels - The Floating Opera, The End of the Road, White Noise, and Vineland - are representative of the cultural shift away from traditional moral concepts after World War II. Popular culture has increasingly become the guiding force for the continuation of American society, and in Don DeLillo�s White Noise, popular culture and its creation of myth (according to the author�s representation of America) has become embedded in the system and life of contemporary America. John Barth�s novel The End of the Road and its predecessor The Floating Opera are important in any discussion of the role of popular culture and popular mythology in post-war America. They both appear to signal an end to sincere intellectual thought or debate, and the notion of imposing a rational moral world upon the social landscape surrounding the individual. The Floating Opera explores the common tendency of society to avoid difficult intellectual struggles, and the central character and first-person narrator ultimately realises that questions about the nature of existence are of no objective value. In The End of the Road the character Jacob Horner adopts a superficial reflection of pre-existing rules and social conventions. Together these novels reflect much of what is at present understood as the postmodern aesthetic, and are indicative of many of the changes in America that were about to occur. The Floating Opera was published in 1956 and The End of the Road was published in 1958, but they are still highly relevant beyond the period in which they were written. White Noise (1984) portrays a system founded on the Hollywood mythology, and the superficial reflection of pre-existing rules and social conventions found in The End of the Road. The novel revolves around the experiences of the narrator, Jack Gladney, a university lecturer who teaches Hitler studies at Blacksmith College, and his wife Babette. The course which he teaches on Hitler is influenced by Hollywood myth, and the novel portrays a consumer-based society that has lost much of the firm moral basis which traditional religious concepts formerly supplied. The role of television, Hollywood, and the idea of simulation are all explored throughout the novel and are important forces in any examination of post-war American society. Finally, in Vineland (1990) the social upheavals which occurred during the late �60s and early �70s are explored from the perspective of the 1980s. The novel refers to a vast array of images and icons from popular culture, and the brief youth rebellion, in the late �60s, which failed to inspire any final social revolution. The result of this failed social revolution is a landscape of popular culture in modern America, where Godzilla leaves footprints in Japan and popular mythology from television or pulp novels coincides with everyday life. There are references in typical Pynchonesque fashion to those who must necessarily be orchestrating these social and cultural alterations, but they, as specific individuals, remain anonymous or hidden from the scope of the author (although, as in White Noise, there are deliberate references to the CIA and other agencies or departments within the U.S. Federal Government). Vineland is important, therefore, both as an account of the social changes which occurred in America between the late �60s and �80s, and the increasing role of popular culture in America. These four novels form the basis of an exploration of the role of popular mythology and popular culture in post-war America. They form a clear progression, and allow a detailed analysis of the social and cultural changes which contemporary America has undergone since the end of World War II.
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Le renouvellement des enseignants d'Éducation Physique et Sportive : aspects utilitaristes, anti-utilitaristes et communautés de pratiqueImbert, Pierre 25 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente une recherche portant sur le processus de renouvellement des enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive (EPS) au cours d'activités de formation et de sélection de nouveaux venus. La recherche a été mise en oeuvre pendant deux sessions du concours externe de recrutement des enseignants d'EPS (CAPEPS) et au sein d'un institut universitaire de formation des maîtres (IUFM). Elle vise à comprendre les processus par lesquels un individu devient un professeur d'EPS. Il s'agit aussi de proposer des pistes pour enrichir les dispositifs de formation en place et favoriser une évolution des épreuves du concours.<br />Ce renouvellement est approché comme une activité sociale. Ce choix exige d'analyser cet objet d'étude dans sa globalité et d'accorder une place centrale aux perceptions construites par les individus lors de la transmission de savoirs. Deux concepts théoriques, « le paradigme du Don » et « les communautés de pratique », sont articulés pour rendre compte de la complexité de l'objet. Cet ensemble théorique a été choisi comme niveau intermédiaire de significations d'actions entre l'individuel et le collectif. Les matériaux empiriques ont été recueillis au cours de 54 entretiens « compréhensifs » et de collectes de documents utilisés par les membres du jury ou des formateurs IUFM (documents de travail du jury, rapports de visites de stagiaires, notes ethnographiques). Ces recueils ont été rendus possibles par une observation participante.<br />La présentation des résultats est organisée en trois niveaux – communauté de pratique simple, composée et constellation de communautés de pratiques – permettant l'interprétation de l'activité à partir de trois indicateurs : (a) identifier les savoirs et leur genèse au sein de chaque niveau, (b) décrire les participations des individus, et (c) discuter des liens qui articulent participation et genèse des savoirs. Dans ce qu'ils ont d'essentiel, les résultats permettent une description de l'activité de renouvellement des professeurs d'EPS comme produit par différents « couplages structurels ». Ces couplages prennent des formes différentes selon la focale de l'analyse. Lorsque l'accent est mis sur les transferts de savoirs, cette forme se manifeste par un couplage entre Don et Droit. Quand l'attention se porte sur la participation d'individus au sein de collectifs, c'est entre transmission et légitimation que ce couplage se forme.<br />Ces modélisations permettent d'envisager les concours de recrutement comme un objet central dans la professionnalisation des enseignants d'EPS. La contribution du CAPEPS s'étend au-delà de la sélection des nouveaux venus en légitimant, par des procédures collectives, des savoirs et des individus. En retour, par des participations à la formation, ces derniers ont « l'obligation de rendre » les savoirs qu'ils ont reçus. Cependant, l'imbrication nécessaire de la préparation et du concours est en décalage avec l'autonomisation de la formation professionnelle et des processus de sélection.<br />La synthèse et la discussion générale apportent une contribution sur le plan théorique et des propositions portant sur les procédures de renouvellement des enseignants différant d'une conception « uniquement technique » de la professionnalisation. Trois thèmes sont développés : (1) les difficultés soulevées par le recrutement par concours ; (2) les apports théoriques pour les concepts du « paradigme du Don et «communauté de pratique », et (3) les relations entre formation et recrutement.
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Nitrogen Cycling on Coral Reefs: A Stable Isotopic Investigation of Nutrient Dynamics within the Florida Keys Coral Reef TractLamb-Wozniak, Kathryn Amanda 03 January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation serves as a comprehensive, natural-abundance analysis of the present-day spatial and temporal dynamics and trophic linkages of nitrogen from within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). This work was accomplished by documenting the delta 15 N of particulate organic matter (POM), several genera of aquatic vegetation and herbivorous fish, as well as dissolved water column nitrogen. Seasonal and spatial variations in delta 15 N were assessed, trophic level variations among reef constituents were quantified, and relative contributions of both natural and anthropogenic nitrogen into the reef tract were determined. The measured mean delta 15 N of POM (3.64 per mil), aquatic vegetation (Dictyota = 2.39 per mil; Thalassia = 1.91 per mil; Rhizophora mangle = 1.46 per mil; Halimeda = 1.62 per mil; sponges = 4.13 per mil; turf algae = 2.67 per mil), herbivorous fish (4.92 to 8.47 per mil), as well as the delta 15 N and delta 18 O of nitrate (4.40 and 20.36 per mil, respectively) suggest that the primary nutrient sources directly impacting the reef are from natural sources, principally nitrogen fixation, and not anthropogenic wastes. Clear trophic linkages, without evidence of disturbances from anthropogenic wastes, are apparent in this study; herbivorous fishes show distinct 3 to 4 per mil enrichments over their food source. The presence of anthropogenic wastes was detected in the delta 15 N and delta 18 O of nitrate from Key Largo canal waters (10.09 per mil), however, sewage derived nutrients did not exist in any measurable or detectable amount outside the canals. Additionally, an assessment of the total yearly nitrogen contributions to the FKNMS was conducted, demonstrating that nitrogen fixation was the largest contributor of nitrogen to the ecosystem, delivering approximately 43 percent of all nitrogen. Anthropogenic wastes, however, contributed only about 8 percent to the total nitrogen budget, far less than biotic (non-human) wastes (13 percent), upwelling (10 percent), and gyre waters from the Gulf of Mexico (9 percent). For the first time, a long term, spatially diverse investigation has presented a more complete depiction of delta 15 N composition of various reef components found in the FKNMS, critical and imperative for accurately assessing nutrient pressures on coral reefs. As such, the data presented in this study do not support the theory that continuous anthropogenic nutrient loading from nearshore populations is the sole cause of reef decline in the FKNMS.
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Compréhension de la continuité d'utilisation des réseaux sociaux numériques : Les apports de la théorie du donMlaiki, Alya 05 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans la présente thèse, nous proposons une grille de lecture - ancrée dans la théorie du don de Marcel Mauss - et permettant de comprendre les échanges effectués dans le cadre des réseaux sociaux numériques (RSN). Cet éclairage que nous présentons, nous amène à définir et à conceptualiser " le lien social virtuel " qui explique la continuité d'utilisation de ces plates-formes de socialisation en ligne. Il nous permet également d'effectuer une taxonomie des utilisateurs des RSN en fonction de leurs comportements de " donneurs " et de " receveurs " sur ces sites. C'est ainsi que nous avons pu identifier quatre profils : " les connectés " et " les réseauphiles " (catégorie de continueurs) puis " les désenchantés " et " les déconnectés " (catégorie de discontinueurs). Nous suivons une démarche de recherche mixte puisque nous adoptons à la fois des méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives qui s'enrichissent mutuellement et nous permettent de répondre à notre problématique de recherche
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