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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Médiation procréative et maternités assistées : vers une approche relationnelle et pragmatique de la gestation pour autrui et du don d’ovules au Canada

Lavoie, Kévin 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Efficacité organisationnelle d’organismes communautaires en sécurité alimentaire situés en milieux ruraux, semi-urbains et urbains au Québec

Ticala, Raluca 04 1900 (has links)
Contexte. L’insécurité alimentaire touche près de 11% des ménages au Québec. Les programmes alimentaires communautaires et l’aide alimentaire des banques alimentaires sont les principales interventions pour répondre à ce problème. Ces organismes communautaires en sécurité alimentaire (OCSA) opèrent avec des ressources humaines, financières et matérielles instables et souvent insuffisantes : pour ajuster l’offre à la demande, ils doivent souvent limiter le nombre de ménages desservis, la qualité de provisions ou de l’aide offerte. Considérant ces contraintes, est-ce qu’ils ont des opérations efficaces pour accomplir leur mission? Aucun modèle d’évaluation de l’efficacité organisationnelle (EO) n’existe. Une poignée d’études réalisées en milieu urbain ont analysé les opérations des OCSA, alors qu’une hétérogénéité de façons de faire existe. Objectif. Cette étude exploratoire propose un modèle permettant d'associer les capacités d’OCSA à des mesures d’EO, selon une approche multidimensionnelle. Elle vise aussi à comparer les opérations des OCSA dans quatre régions du Québec. Méthode. Une analyse secondaire des données a été réalisée sur les données d’une enquête téléphonique préliminaire à l’étude longitudinale PARCOURS : demander de l’aide alimentaire, et après?. Entre novembre 2017 et juin 2018, des représentants de 141 OCSA ont répondu à un questionnaire dressant un portrait de leurs opérations. L’échantillon incluait 64 organismes DON (i.e. don d’aliments) et 77 organismes classés DON+ (i.e. don avec des activités de développement des capacités en alimentation), situés en milieu urbain (n=60), semi-urbain (n=43) et rural (n=38). Trois dimensions de l’OE des OCSA, réparties en cinq mesures ont été analysées : le volume de service (ménages desservis annuellement), la qualité des paniers offerts (diversité alimentaire et valeur monétaire) et la qualité de l’aide (fréquence du don et conditions d’accès). Les associations ont été testées pour les capacités suivantes : la présence d’employés, les liens de collaboration avec des entreprises alimentaires, la présence d’usagers sur des comités, la publication en ligne de documents stratégiques, en plus du type de milieu et de programme. Résultats. Les organismes DON+ étaient plus développés que les organismes DON, sans nécessairement desservir plus de ménages. Pour l’ensemble des OCSA, lorsque le nombre de ménages desservis était plus faible, la qualité des paniers offerts était meilleure en ce qui concernait la diversité. La collaboration avec des entreprises alimentaires, la publication en ligne de documents stratégiques, la présence d’employés et le fait d’être situé en milieu rural étaient positivement associés à l’EO. Conclusion. Au-delà du nombre de ménages desservis, d’autres mesures de l’EO doivent être considérées pour évaluer le travail des OCSA. Notre modèle propose quelques pistes pour évaluer l’EO et identifier les meilleures pratiques. Davantage d’études sont nécessaires pour valider le modèle proposé. / Background. Food insecurity affects 11% of households in Québec. This problem is partially relieved by community food programs and food pantry assistance. These food security community organizations (FSCOs) operate with insufficient and unstable human, financial and material resources. To adjust supply with increasing demand, they must limit either: the number of households served, the quantity of the food offered or the quality of the assistance. In the face of these constraints, are FPs effectively accomplishing their mission? No model assessing FPs’ organizational effectiveness (OE) exists. Many ways of doing so exists, yet only a few studies in urban settings have documented FSCOs operations. Objective. This exploratory study aims to propose a model that associates capacities with measures of OE, defined by a multidimensional approach. This study also aims to compare operations of FSCOs located in four Quebec regions. Methods. We draw on data from a preliminary phone survey of the PATHWAYS STUDY: Asking for food aid, and then?. Between November 2017 and June 2018, respondents from 141 FSCOs were surveyed to provide in-depth description of their operations. The sample included 64 FD (food donation organizations) and 77 FD+ (FD organizations that included other food capacity-building activities), located in urban (n=60), semiurban (n=43) and rural (n=38) settings. Three dimensions of FSCOs’ OE, for a total of five measures, were analyzed: service volume (annual number of households), quality of hampers (diversity and monetary value) and quality of assistance (frequency of FD and access limitations). Associations with these capacities were tested: presence of employees, online publication of strategic documents, collaboration with private food suppliers, user implication in committees, and FP settings and program type. Results. FD+ organizations seemed overall more developed without necessarily providing food to more households. For all FSCOs, when the number of households requesting assistance was lower, the quality of the offered food was higher in variety. Collaborating with private food suppliers, publishing strategic documents online, presence of employees and being located in rural settings were capacities positively associated with OE. Discussion. Beyond the number of households served, other measures of OE need to be considered to assess FSCOs. Our model provides some guidance to assess their OE and identifies best practices. More research is needed to validate our model.

Effects of High Intensity Management of Winter Wheat on Grain Yield, Straw Yield, Grain Quality, and Economic Returns

Peterson, Todd January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Undoing Gender

Geimer, Alexander 25 April 2017 (has links)
Stefan Hirschauer kritisiert mit dem Konzept des Undoing Gender den Theorieentwurf des Doing Gender nach West & Zimmerman. Er begreift Geschlecht als Effekt von Interaktionen und lehnt sich dabei an Garfinkels ethnomethodologisches Konzept der Accountability und der Omnirelevanz von Geschlecht an. Aus institutioneller Perspektive wird die Möglichkeit der Neutralisierung der Kategorie Geschlecht betont. Forschungsperspektivisch ist Geschlecht auf seine konkrete Relevanzsetzung in Interaktionen unter der Bedingung unterschiedlicher kultureller Konfigurationen und institutioneller Arrangements zu untersuchen ('kontextuelle Kontingenz').

Così fan tutte? A Study of Character Development through Key Characteristics in the Prima Donna and Soubrette Roles from Four of W.A. Mozart's Late Italian Operas

Tsai, Meng-Jung 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates how W. A. Mozart applies the concept of key characteristics—the affective properties of each tonality—as discussed by three of his contemporaries, Johann Mattheson, C.F.D. Schubart and G.J. Vogler, to four soubrette and four prima donna characters from four of his late Italian operas: La Contessa and Susanna in Le nozze di Figaro; Donna Anna and Zerlina in Don Giovanni; Fiordiligi and Despina in Così fan tutte; Vitellia and Servilia in La clemenza di Tito. The analytical method of this dissertation provides a hermeneutical tool to search for meanings in Mozart's music. The application compares the libretto text and its corresponding tonal center with the description of key characteristics on a micro level, to reveal significant dramatic and practical implications from Mozart's key usage in his operas.

Reflections of the Don: Zerlina's Empowerment Narrative and the Inclusion of "Per queste tue manine" in Don Giovanni

Miller, Sarah 01 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
After the premiere of Don Giovanni in Prague, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Lorenzo Da Ponte brought their opera to Vienna on May 7, 1788. One point of interest in the Viennese version of the score is the added duet “Per queste tue manine.” In this duet, the enraged Zerlina overpowers the bewildered servant Leporello with a handkerchief, a razor, and passion. She constrains the floundering fool and punishes him for his misconduct. In most modern performances, companies look no further than the Prague version of the score. Additionally, singers often portray Zerlina as either a mischievous temptress or a virginal peasant girl. Since modern opera companies often dismiss the Viennese score of Don Giovanni as insignificant and scholars often deem the role of Zerlina as simplistic, a holistic analysis of the role of Zerlina is needed. Viewing the interpretations of her character by Kristi Brown-Montesano and Wye Jamison Allanbrook through the lens of eighteenth-century gender politics and my own musical and literary interpretations results in a more complete understanding of the peasant girl. Through an analysis of the Viennese version of Zerlina’s character, I contend that Zerlina functions as a mirror-image foil to Don Giovanni. As Zerlina gains autonomy through the control of her own body, the Don loses his power over others and eventually his own life. This multi-dimensional understanding of Zerlina’s character is only possible if “Per queste tue manine” is taken into consideration.

A Rhetorical Analysis of Modern Day Retro-Sexism: Misogyny Masked by Glamour in Mad Men

Caton, Hannah Noelle 19 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Net Positive Water

Ma, Billy January 2013 (has links)
‘Net Positive Water’ explores the capability of domestic architecture to combat the developing urban water problem. Urban intensification is contributing to the volatility of urban waters and the breakdown of the urban water cycle. Inhabitant water misuse and overconsumption is overwhelming aging municipal utilities, resulting in the decay of urban water quality. LEEDTM and The Living Building Challenge are recognized Green Building Guidelines prescribing sustainable site and building water standards. Case Studies of domestic Green Building projects will showcase water conservation to enable domestic water renewal. Net Zero Water Guidelines based on the Green Building Guidelines outline Potable and Non-Potable water use to achieve a sustainable volume of water demand at 70 litres per capita per day. Sustainable water practices are encouraged by utilizing domestic building systems to increase water value and water awareness. Time-of-Use and Choice-of-Use exposure for household water related tasks establish water savings through the use of best-performing water fixtures and appliances. Net Positive Water Guidelines will establish On-site and Building standards for sustainable harvesting and storage of water resources. Clean and Dirty water management will prescribe Passive design and Active mechanical processes to maintain best-available water quality in the urban domestic environment. Net Positive Water building typology will integrate urban inhabitation as a functional component of the urban water cycle to use, reuse, and renew water resources. The method will be tested using a Mid-rise Pilot project to deploy the necessary Passive and Active mechanisms to generate Net Positive Water quality through Net Zero Water sustainable water use. The pilot project is situated in Waterfront Toronto - The Lower Don Lands development to harness regional interests for water renewal and environmental revitalization.

Net Positive Water

Ma, Billy January 2013 (has links)
‘Net Positive Water’ explores the capability of domestic architecture to combat the developing urban water problem. Urban intensification is contributing to the volatility of urban waters and the breakdown of the urban water cycle. Inhabitant water misuse and overconsumption is overwhelming aging municipal utilities, resulting in the decay of urban water quality. LEEDTM and The Living Building Challenge are recognized Green Building Guidelines prescribing sustainable site and building water standards. Case Studies of domestic Green Building projects will showcase water conservation to enable domestic water renewal. Net Zero Water Guidelines based on the Green Building Guidelines outline Potable and Non-Potable water use to achieve a sustainable volume of water demand at 70 litres per capita per day. Sustainable water practices are encouraged by utilizing domestic building systems to increase water value and water awareness. Time-of-Use and Choice-of-Use exposure for household water related tasks establish water savings through the use of best-performing water fixtures and appliances. Net Positive Water Guidelines will establish On-site and Building standards for sustainable harvesting and storage of water resources. Clean and Dirty water management will prescribe Passive design and Active mechanical processes to maintain best-available water quality in the urban domestic environment. Net Positive Water building typology will integrate urban inhabitation as a functional component of the urban water cycle to use, reuse, and renew water resources. The method will be tested using a Mid-rise Pilot project to deploy the necessary Passive and Active mechanisms to generate Net Positive Water quality through Net Zero Water sustainable water use. The pilot project is situated in Waterfront Toronto - The Lower Don Lands development to harness regional interests for water renewal and environmental revitalization.

Písňové tabule ve výuce hudební výchovy na 1. stupni ZŠ / Singing board at musical education on the first degree of basic schools

MARTENKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
Diplomová práce přináší návrh písňových tabulí obsahujících písně, které lze využít při výuce intonační výchovy v hodinách hudební výchovy na prvním stupni základní školy. Ke každému ročníku je vytvořen výběr písní, které se týkají problematiky intonační výchovy příslušného ročníku. Pod notovou osnovou písně je uvedeno, kde se nachází první stupeň dané tóniny, podle které se žáci mohou orientovat, a text písně, který je psán drobným písmem, aby žákům nenapověděl, která píseň k této melodii patří, a který slouží jako případná pomůcka pro učitele.

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