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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh a implementace plánu zálohování dat společnosti / Data Backup Proposal and Implementation for the Company

Hriadeľ, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the development of a new backup plan and its implementation. In introductory part of the thesis I explore the theorethical backround of data backup and data management. Next part is dedicated to analysis of current state and investor requierements. Last part is aimed to implementation of new backup plan with focusing on economic and quality point of view. Besides concept and realization of backup plan the concept of the backup directive is created .

Zobrazení a úprava informací v Transparency and Consent Framework / Transparency and Consent Framework Data Listing and Editing

Postulka, Aleš January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of multilingual for web browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The purpose of the extension is to enable the automated management of provided consents to the processing of personal data on websites using the Transparency and Consent Framework. Extension was developed on the basis of knowledge about this framework and about legal norms GDPR and ePrivacy Directive, which deal with the protection of personal data. Knowledge of the method of developing extensions for web browsers using WebExtensions was also used during the implementation. During testing, consent was successfully enforced in 96,2 % of tested websites in Mozilla Firefox. In Google Chrome, success has been achieved in 82,1 % of tested websites. The banner requiring consent was not displayed in 33 % of websites in Mozilla Firefox and in 31,1 % of websites in Google Chrome.

Kommunal IT-säkerhet under en pandemi : Distansarbetets påverkan på informationssäkerhet / Municipal IT security during a pandemic : The impact of telework on information security

Axelsson, Louise, Rosvall, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Efter pandemins intåg i världen år 2020 har de flesta människor tvingats ändra sina levnadsvanor, både vad gäller privatliv som arbetsliv. I Sverige har anställda, där tjänsten tillåter, tvingats utföra sina arbetsuppgifter på distans och detta har oftast skett i det egna hemmet. Detta öppnar upp för en hel del frågor. Hur skall man kunna bibehålla en god informationssäkerhet när tjänster som hanterar känsliga och sekretessbelagda uppgifter flyttas till den anställdes hem? Denna studie kommer att undersöka en specifik forskningsfråga: Vilka konsekvenser har det ökade digitala distansarbetet resulterat i, vad gäller kommunal IT-säkerhet? En kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod har använts. Vi har tagit del av tidigare studier och rapporter i ämnet och utfört intervjuer med respondenter som innehar en kommunal tjänst inom IT. Undersökningen fokuserar framför allt på de digitala verktyg som används, vilka strategier som finns, rådande hot gentemot data- och informationssäkerheten samt hantering av tidigare och framtida attacker.   Resultatet visar på att de flesta kommunerna vi intervjuade, använder sig av liknande verktyg för att kommunicera vid distansarbete och även för att säkerställa en säker uppkoppling. Trots givna strategier och riktlinjer från diverse myndigheter, använder kommunerna dessa främst som inspiration till egna policydokument. Under intervjuerna framkom det att de kommuner som utsatts för dataintrång har tagit lärdom och därefter vidtagit diverse åtgärder för att det inte skall upprepas. En slutsats som kan dras av studien är att risken för dataintrång gentemot kommunerna inte har ökat under pandemin.  Däremot har man kunnat konstatera att det är den anställdes brist på utbildning i IT-säkerhet som kan ses som det största hotet vad gäller distansarbete. För att minimera riskerna att känsliga och sekretessbelagda uppgifter läcker ut och hamnar i orätta händer, krävs ökad kunskap och tydliga direktiv vad som skall följas vid distansarbete. / After the pandemic entered the world in 2020, most people have been forced to change their lifestyles, both in terms of private life and work life. In Sweden, employees, where the service allows, have been forced to perform their tasks remotely and this has usually taken place in their own home. This opens up a lot of questions. How can good information security be maintained when services that handle sensitive and classified information are moved to the employee's home? This study will examine a specific research question: What consequences has the increased digital teleworking resulted in, in terms of municipal IT security? A qualitative data collection method has been used. We have taken part in previous studies and reports on the subject and conducted interviews with respondents who hold a municipal position in IT. The survey focuses primarily on the digital tools used, what strategies are available, current threats to data and information security and the management of past and future attacks. The results show that most of the municipalities we interviewed use similar tools to communicate during telework and also to ensure a secure connection. Despite given strategies and guidelines from various authorities, the municipalities use these primarily as inspiration for their own policy documents. During the interviews, it emerged that the municipalities that have been subjected to data breaches have learned lessons and subsequently taken various measures to ensure that it is not repeated. One conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that the risk of data breaches against the municipalities has not increased during the pandemic. On the other hand, it has been established that it is the employee's lack of training in IT security that can be seen as the biggest threat in terms of teleworking. In order to minimize the risks of sensitive and classified information being leaked and falling into the wrong hands, increased knowledge and clear directives are required as to what must be followed in teleworking.

Zabezpečení přenosu dat proti dlouhým shlukům chyb / Protection of data transmission against long error bursts

Malach, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This Master´s thesis discuses the protection of data transmission against long error bursts. The data is transmited throught the channel with defined error rate. Parameters of the channel are error-free interval 2000 bits and length of burst error 250 bits. One of the aims of this work is to make a set of possible methods for the realization of a system for data correction. The basic selection is made from most known codes. These codes are divided into several categories and then the best one is chosen for higher selection. Of course interleaving is used too. Only one code from each category can pass on to the higher level of the best code selection. At the end the codes are compared and the best three are simulated using the Matlab program to check correct function. From these three options, one is chosen as optimal regarding practical realization. Two options exist, hardware or software realization. The second one would seem more useful. The real codec is created in validator language C. Nowadays, considering language C and from a computer architecture point of view the 8 bits size of element unit is convenient. That´s why the code RS(255, 191), which works with 8 bits symbols, is optimal. In the next step the codec of this code is created containing the coder and decoder of the code above. The simulation of error channel is ensured by last program. Finally the results are presented using several examples.

Analyse verschiedener Distanzmetriken zur Messung des Anonymisierungsgrades theta

Eisoldt, Martin, Neise, Carsten, Müller, Andreas 23 August 2019 (has links)
Das bereits existierende Konzept zur Bewertung der Anonymisierung von Testdaten wird in dieser Arbeit weiter untersucht. Dabei zeigen sich die Vor- und Nachteile gegenüber bereits existierenden Distanzmetriken. Weiterführend wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss Parameteränderungen auf die Ergebnisse haben.

Försäkringsbarheten för administrativa sanktionsavgifter enligt GDPR

Hemmings, Catharina January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om försäkringsbarheten för administrativa sanktionsavgifter (GDPR-sanktioner) som utfärdats till följd av en överträdelse av bestämmelserna i dataskyddsförordningen. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att utreda om det enligt svensk rätt är möjligt att försäkra sådana avgifter. I uppsatsen redogörs för relevanta bestämmelser i det försäkringsavtalsrättsliga regelverket (FAL) och det försäkringsrörelserättsliga regelverket (FRL). Bland de bestämmelser som uppsatsen särskilt behandlar återfinns bestämmelserna om lagligt intresse i 6 kap. 1 § FAL och god försäkringsstandard i 4 kap. 3 § FRL.

Moderní technologie v medicíně a právo / Modern Technologies in Medicine and Law

Konečná, Klaudie January 2020 (has links)
Modern Technologies in Medicine and Law Abstract This thesis deals with the application of modern technologies in medicine from the perspective of law. The primary aim of this work is to analyse the given provisions of the Civil Code, Act on Health Services and Act on Medical Devices, and also to determine whether the current legislation represents a suitable legal framework able to respond to the implementation of modern technology in the healthcare sector. In connection with this analysis, author presents possibilities of legislative changes that would respond to these modern technologies. The work inter alia deals with the question of whether the use of some of these technologies within the provision of healthcare services can be considered compliant with the principle of lege artis. In the first chapter, the reader is introduced to the topic of the thesis. This chapter defines the basic terms and presents an overview of the legislation related to the chosen topic. The second chapter represents a main part of the thesis, where author deals with the topic of artificial intelligence. In this chapter, the reader is acquainted with the term of artificial intelligence and the definition of its legal status. Subsequently, author evaluates whether the current legislation constitutes appropriate legal frameworks...

Sledování zaměstnanců v kontextu Obecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů / Monitoring of employees in context of General Data Protection Regulation

Röslerová, Karolína January 2020 (has links)
1 Monitoring of employees in context of General Data Protection Regulation Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the supervision and monitoring of employees from multiple perspectives. Based on the relevant European and national caselaw the thesis specifies whether employees shall have right to the protection of their privacy and integrity at the workplace. Thesis also analyses selected aspects of personal data protection with emphasis on personal data of employees as data subjects processed by employers as controllers. In particular attention is devoted to selected obligations, which arises from General Data Protection Regulation for such personal data processing in the light of relevant statements and guidelines provided by the European Data Protection Board, Article 29 Data Protection Working Party and the Office for Personal Data Protection. Thesis in detail addresses the supervision of employees carried out by § 316 of the Labour code, whereas interprets its provisions as well as conditions for establishing the supervision of employees arising from such interpretation. Classification of the provisions of the § 316 paragraph 1 to 3 and their interdependencies are further outlined. Thesis defines monitoring as one way to carry out supervision under paragraph 2 through the analysis of the term...

Datenschutzrechtliche Vorgaben für eine E-Learning-Videoplattform

Lauber-Rönsberg, Anne 10 August 2018 (has links)
Der Beitrag fasst die datenschutzrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen zusammen, die bei der Auswahl einer konkreten Videoportallösung und während ihres Einsatzes im Rahmen der Hochschullehre zu berücksichtigen sind. Dabei geht er insbesondere auf die Zulässigkeit von Datenverarbeitungen im Rahmen von Lernmanagementsystemen (LMS) auf Grundlage gesetzlicher Erlaubnisnormen oder mit Einwilligung des Betroffenen ein. Zudem werden weitere datenschutzrechtliche Anforderungen an die technische und organisatorische Ausgestaltung einer Videoplattform erörtert. Der Beitrag kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Aufbau einer Videoplattform speziell für die Hochschullehre zwar im Vergleich zu der Nutzung bestehender unentgeltlicher Angebote wie bspw. YouTube aufwändiger, aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen aber geboten ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: https://video.tu-freiberg.de/media/embed?key=61ff604f39bffe529d83bc5f3116ac89

Eingriff in die Privatsphäre der Endanwender durch Augmented Reality Anwendungen

Neges, Matthias, Siewert, Jan Luca 06 January 2020 (has links)
Augmented Reality (AR) Anwendungen finden zunehmend den Weg auf Smartphones und Tablets und etablieren sich stetig weiter in unseren Alltag. Bislang waren spezielle Drittanbieter-Entwicklungsumgebungen (SDKs) wie Vuforia für die Entwicklung von AR Anwendungen notwendig, um die teils komplexe Erkennung von Objekten und Umgebungen für eine positionsgetreue Darstellung von Texten und virtuellen 3D-Modellen zu ermöglichen. Heutet bieten die Hersteller der mobilen Betriebssysteme eigene SDKs, wie z.B. Google mit ARCore für eine Reihe von Smartphones und Tablets auf Android-Basis, an. Apple kaufte 2015 die Firma metaio, welche bis dato eines der leistungsstärksten AR-SDKs angeboten hat. Seit 2017 ist das SDK vollständig in das Betriebssystem integriert und lässt sich von jedem Entwickler wie jede andere Standardfunktionalität des Betriebssystems nutzen [...] Ermöglicht wird die virtuelle Positionierung über die visuell-inertiale Odometrie (VIO), bei den markanten Punkten in jedem einzelnen Kamerabild des Videostreams der Smartphone Kamera verglichen und zusätzlich mit den detektierten Bewegungen über die integrierte Bewegungs-und Beschleunigungssensoren des Smartphones abgleichen werden. Durch dieses Verfahren lassen sich digitale, dreidimensionale Abbilder der Umgebung erzeugen, ohne spezielle Kameras mit Tiefensensoren oder Stereokameras nutzen zu müssen. Die Nutzung von AR erfreut sich unter den Anwendern immer größerer Beliebtheit. Dabei ist den Anwendern häufig nicht klar, dass die anfallenden Daten, welche durch die VIO generiert werde, auch Auswertungen ermöglichen, die einen erheblichen Eingriff in die Privatsphäre bedeuten. [... aus der Einleitung]

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