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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boundary-Scan in the ATCA standard

Bäckström, David January 2005 (has links)
Larger systems today, like telephone and optical switches, are usually based on a multiboard architecture where a set of printed-circuit boards are connected to a backplane board. These systems are also equipped with Boundary-Scan to enable testing, however, the backplane in a multi-board system has a limited wiring capability, which makes the additional backplane Boundary-Scan wiring highly costly. The problem is to access the Boundary-Scan enabled boards with the Boundary-Scan controller located at a central board. In this MSc. thesis project we propose an approach suitable for the Advanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard where we make use of the existing Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMB) and expands its protocol for application of Boundary-Scan tests. We have also defined a command set as well as a test data format for storing embedded test data on the boards to support the remote execution of Boundary-Scan tests. For validation of the proposed approach we have developed demonstrator.

Generering av MSI-paket : En alternativ installationslösning

Fernström, Dan January 2008 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver Windows Installer och hur dess API kan användas för att generera MSI-paket. Det förklaras hur MSI-paket bör vara utformade och hur dessa kan användas. Projektet resulterade i en prototyp åt uppdragsgivaren Capitex AB. Prototypen kunde användas för att generera MSI-paket för applikationen Säljstöd.

A practical approach to implementing Continuous Delivery : A case study at the Swedish Board of Agriculture / Ett praktiskt tillvägagångssätt för att införa Continuous Delivery.

Karlsson, Johan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis has been carried out at the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The client wants to orientate towards a development environment and architecture that allows for more frequent software deliveries than in the current situation, to increase the business benefits of the development work carried out. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a process to iteratively move towards an architecture and development environment that enable Continuous Delivery. Continuous delivery aims to a very high extent to treat a developer's code as part of a potential release candidate. This in turn causes high demands on being able to secure the reliability of both the infrastructure and the individual developers’ contributions. The work has been carried out in cooperation with developers, infrastructure engineers, architects and team leaders on The Swedish Board of Agriculture. Theories have been tested within the IT organization to ensure their reliability and applicability in the organization. A process has been developed with the limitation that it has not been tested in a production environment because of the limited timeframe available. However, it has been demonstrated that the process is feasible for the systems that acted as the main testing candidates during the thesis. / Detta examensarbete har utförts vid Statens Jordbruksverk. Uppdragsgivaren önskar att orientera sig mer mot en utvecklingsmiljö och arkitektur som möjliggör tätare leveranser än i dagsläget, för att öka verksamhetsnyttan av det utvecklingsarbete som genomförs. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram en process för att iterativt kunna gå mot en arkitektur som möjliggör för Continuous Delivery, eller kontinuerlig leverans. Kontinuerlig leverans syftar till att i mycket hög mån behandla en utvecklares kod som en del av en potentiell releasekandidat. Detta för i sin tur med sig höga krav på att kunna säkra tillförlitligheten av både infrastruktur samt den individuelle utvecklarens bidrag. Arbetet har utförts i samarbete med utvecklare, infrastrukturtekniker, arkitekter samt teamledare på Jordbruksverket. Teorier har testats inom IT-organisationen för att se dess tillförlitlighet samt tillämplighet på just Jordbruksverkets organisation. Arbetet påvisar att det är möjligt att dela upp monolitiska system och gå närmare något som liknar kontinuerlig leverans, utan att behöva genomföra stora förändringar inom organisationen. En process har tagits fram med begräsning att den inte testats i produktionsmiljö på grund av tidsbrist. Det har dock påvisats att processen är gångbar för det system som varit testkandidat genom arbetets gång.

Using multicoloured halftone screens for offset print quality monitoring

Bergman, Lars January 2005 (has links)
In the newspaper printing industry, offset is the dominating printing method and the use of multicolour printing has increased rapidly in newspapers during the last decade. The offset printing process relies on the assumption that an uniform film of ink of right thickness is transferred onto the printing areas. The quality of reproduction of colour images in offset printing is dependent on a number of parameters in a chain of steps and in the end it is the amount and the distribution of ink deposited on the substrate that create the sensation and thus the perceived colours. We identify three control points in the offset printing process and present methods for assessing the printing process quality in two of these points: • Methods for determining if the printing plates carry the correct image • Methods for determining the amount of ink deposited onto the newsprint A new concept of colour impression is introduced as a measure of the amount of ink deposited on the newsprint. Two factors contribute to values of the colour impression, the halftone dot-size and ink density. Colour impression values are determined on gray-bars using a CCD-camera based system. Colour impression values can also be determined in an area containing an arbitrary combination of cyan magenta and yellow inks. The correct amount of ink is known either from a reference print or from prepress information. Thus, the deviation of the amount of ink can be determined that can be used as control value by a press operator or as input to a control system. How a closed loop controller can be designed based on the colour impression values is also shown. It is demonstrated that the methods developed can be used for off-line print quality monitoring and ink feed control, or preferably in an online system in a newspaper printing press. / <p>Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC-2005:02</p>

Web Design for Multiple Platforms in Microsoft SharePoint 2013

Claug, Erik January 2013 (has links)
As mobile devices become more common when surfing the web there is an increasing demand of making web sites adjusted to other devices than computers. One common platform on the web is Microsoft SharePoint. In this report I look into one method of how to develop web sites that work on multiple devices in Microsoft SharePoint. I will be looking into different techniques as separate web sites compared to responsive web design. By exploring the approach of mobile first I try to find a working solution of techniques. I also look into another method that is suggested in a book and look into how Bootstrap could be used in the process. I will also look into content to identify what content need to be adjusted between different devices. I find that navigation is an important part of a web site and look into different methods of handling navigation on mobile devices. By analyzing different techniques and looking into what content is going to be adjusted a solution is proposed where the navigation is adjusted in a responsive design. The design is converted into a SharePoint masterpage and then fixed using stylesheets and JavaScript. The solution works on a web site with a complex site structure since it focuses on how to adjust the navigation.

Using Network Attached Storage for IP-Surveillance : Bottleneck analysis and developing a method for testing Network Attached Storage performance for IP-surveillance

Nymberg, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
IP-surveillance systems are surveillance systems designed to send video and audio over IP-networks, to be able to function a typical system consist of IP-cameras to record footage, a client to view footage and recordings, network hardware to send the data, protocols to administer storage and viewing operations and last but not least a location to store the captured data. One of the options for storing surveillance video is to use a Network Attached Storage. Axis has received customer cases reporting lost footage and cameras losing their connection when using NAS-devices as storage in IP-surveillance systems. This thesis aims to investigate what a NAS is and how it interacts with cameras in an IP-surveillance environment by analyzing the protocols and components being used and by performing experiments to locate the system bottleneck causing these problems. After concluding that the hard disk drive was the bottleneck because of the overload imposed on the other components by the incoming data traffic and how data is moved and temporarily stored in a system. Recommendations of possible ways to remedy these problems were suggested with the proposed problem of solving the bottleneck problem was to add more disks to improve performance, this was the second aim of the thesis, which sadly was not possible because of the 2-bay NAS systems being used in the tests. The third and final aim was to establish and develop method guidelines for testing NAS-systems. This was done by using previous research in the area and using data encountered when trying to locate the bottleneck.

Experimental Database Export/Import for InPUT

Karlsson, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
The Intelligent Parameter Utilization Tool (InPUT) is a format and API for thecross-language description of experiments, which makes it possible to defineexperiments and their contexts at an abstract level in the form of XML- andarchive-based descriptors. By using experimental descriptors, programs can bereconfigured without having to be recoded and recompiled and the experimentalresults of third-parties can be reproduced independently of the programminglanguage and algorithm implementation. Previously, InPUT has supported theexport and import of experimental descriptors to/from XML documents, archivefiles and LaTex tables. The overall aim of this project was to develop an SQLdatabase design that allows for the export, import, querying, updating anddeletion of experimental descriptors, implementing the design as an extensionof the Java implementation of InPUT (InPUTj) and to verify the generalapplicability of the created implementation by modeling real-world use cases.The use cases covered everything from simple database transactions involvingsimple descriptors to complex database transactions involving complexdescriptors. In addition, it was investigated whether queries and updates ofdescriptors are executed more rapidly if the descriptors are stored in databasesin accordance with the created SQL schema and the queries and updates arehandled by the DBMS PostgreSQL or, if the descriptors are stored directly infiles and the queries and updates are handled by the default XML-processingengine of InPUTj (JDOM). The results of the test case indicate that the formerusually allows for a faster execution of queries while the latter usually allowsfor a faster execution of updates. Using database-stored descriptors instead offile-based descriptors offers many advantages, such as making it significantlyeasier and less costly to manage, analyze and exchange large amounts of experi-mental data. However, database-stored descriptors complement file-baseddescriptors rather than replace them. The goals of the project were achieved,and the different types of database transactions involving descriptors can nowbe handled via a simple API provided by a Java facade class.

Djupgående analys av testhanteringsverktyg

Maxson, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport analyserar testhanteringsverktyg åt Statens Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium. Ett testhanteringsverktyg är ett samlingsnamn på ett verktyg som testar och dokumenterar resultatet på diverse mjukvarutester. I rapporten analyseras tre gratisverktyg, deras funktioner och hur man går tillväga för att använda dem. De tre verktyg som används och betygsätts är Testia Tarantula, TestLink och Testopia. TestLink är det verktyg som får flest poäng, men det är inte det verktyg som slutligen rekommenderas. Denna rapport är användbar för större företag som behöver ett testhanteringsverktyg med krav på hög kvalitet på genomförande och dokumentation.

Per-face parameterization for Texture Mapping of Geometry in Real-Time / Parameterisering per-primitv för texturmappning av geometri i realtid

Noren, Johan January 2014 (has links)
We investigate the mesh colors method for per-face parameterization for texture-mapping of geometry, implemented in the game engine Frostbite 3, for the purpose of evaluating the method compared to traditional texture-mapping in a real-time application. Traditional UV-mapping often causes discontinuities which commonly results in visible seams in the end results. If any change is done to the vertex positions or the topology a remapping of the UV-map has to be done. Mesh colors aims to avoid these problems by skipping the transformation to 2D space as in UV-mapping, and associating color samples directly with the geometry of a mesh. The implementation was done in Frostbite 3 in C++ and HLSL shader code, and rendered with the DirectX graphics API. The results show that mesh colors is a viable alternative in a real-time renderer. Though not as fast as regular UV-mapped textures due to lack of hardware accelerated filtering operations, mesh colors is a realistic alternative for special cases where regular texture-mapping would be cumbersome to work with or produce sub-par results. Possible areas of future research are efficient data structures suitable to handle data insertion dynamically, compression of mesh colors data, and mesh colors in the context of mesh LOD generation.

Omdesign av Intranät : vid Svenska Kyrkan i Norrköping

Persson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Svenska Kyrkan i Norrköping upplever idag att de har ett virtuellt intranät som skulle kunna fungera bättre. Problematiken tycker de ligger i underliga trafikflöden, utarmning av IP-adresser och hög komplexitet. Därtill undrar de om det inte är hög tid att höja bandbredden ut från flera av byggnaderna. Min målsättning med arbetet är att utifrån de största församlingarna samt Kyrkans Hus – där organisationens IT-kontor och serverfarm är belägna – kunna ge rekommendationer på åtgärder och förändringar som ska kunna avhjälpa denna problematik och förhoppningsvis framtidssäkra några av dessa aspekter. Under mitt arbete har jag tagit ut rudimentära baselinemätningar, IP-adresseringstabeller och sammanställningar av trafikflöden i syfte att skapa en nulägesanalys. Jag har också ämnat illustrera den problematik som låg till grund för arbetets utformning. I min rapport har jag också behandlat moderna IT-trender såsom tunna klienter, virtualiseringsmiljöer och BYOD, Bring Your Own Device. Detta arbete har resulterat i ett generellt designförslag med redundanslänkar, gästnätverk och stöd för Ipv6 med olika alternativ inom samtliga aspekter, vilka kan användas för att skräddarsy implementeringen av de olika teknologierna. För en mer allomfattande, grundlig och slutgiltig design av intranätet som helhet skulle en mer omfattande dokumentation behövas, tillsammans med uppskattning av nätverksanvändning, IP-adressering samt budgetering. / The Church of Sweden in Norrköping are currently faced with a virtual intranet that they feel could be improved. Some of the problems they have identified are unusual traffic forwardin patterns, exhaustion of the IP adress pool and a high level of complexity. In addition, they feel that it might be time to increase the bandwidth that some of the buildings have access to. My goal with this paper – based on the largest parishes and Kyrkan Hus, where the organization’s IT office and server farm lies – is to give recommendations in terms of actions and changes that could mitigate these issues and hopefully provide a more future proof solution. During my work I have taken some rudimentary baseline readings, IP addressing tables and compilations of network flows, in order to create a current situation analysis, which I have used to draw some of my conclusions. I have also aimed to illustrate the problems that have formed the foundation for this work. In my report I have also discussed some modern IT trends, such as thin clients, virtual environments and BYOD, Bring Your Own Device. This assignment has resulted in a general design proposal with redundant links, guest networks and Ipv6 support, with different alternatives withing each aspect, which can be used to further tailor the implementations of the different technologies. For a more all encompassing, thorough design of the intranet as a whole we’d need a more complete documentation, together with approximations and evaluations regarding network usage, IP addressing and budget.

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