Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorteknik"" "subject:"datortekniks""
1141 |
Bluetooth Enhanced Data Rate Baseband Modeling and ImplementationZou, Lei January 2006 (has links)
The main issue of this thesis is making the behaviour model of Bluetooth EDR (enhanced data rate) baseband signal processing. This Bluetooth baseband project is part of the soft defined radio project at electrical engineering department, Linköping University. In this project, both the basic rate and EDR model were built and simulated. The GFSK and π/4 DQPSK digital modulation and demodulation were implemented in C code. The BER was tested to evaluate the demodulation results. Furthermore, the error correction (FEC) and the error checking (HEC,CRC) were also implemented according to the Bluetooth standards. The CRC flag was detected to test the payload demodulation results. Especially, GFSK and π/4 DQPSK specifications have to be combined with each other at sample rate of ADC. Finally, the basic rate and EDR model were simulated to measure the BER and CRC performance. From the simulation results, the receiver filter, synchronization and channel condition were three key points in this Bluetooth EDR system implementation. So we get further understanding about the Bluetooth system specification and DSP implementation methods.
1142 |
Design of 3D Accelerator for Mobile PlatformRamachandruni, Radha Krishna January 2006 (has links)
Implement a high-level model of computationally intensive part of 3D graphics pipe-line. Increasing popularity of handheld devices along with developments in hardware technology, 3D graphics on mobile devices is fast becoming a reality. Graphics processing is essentially complex and computationally demanding. In order to achieve scene realism and perception of motion, identifying and accelerating bottle necks is crucial. This thesis is about Open-GL graphics pipe-line in general. Software which implements computationally intensive part of graphics pipe-line is built. In essence a rasterization unit that gets triangles with 2D screen, texture co-ordinates and color. Triangles go through scan conversion, texturing and a set of other per-fragment operations before getting displayed on screen.
1143 |
Implementation and Design of a Bit-Error Generator and Logger for Multi-Gigabit Serial LinksBotella, Pedro January 2006 (has links)
Test Tools are very important in the design of a system. They generally simulate a working environment, only at a higher speed, or with less frequently occurring test cases. In the verification of protocols based on the Fibre Channel physical layer, this becomes a necessity, as errors can be non-existent or very unusual in normal operating environments. Most systems need to be able to handle these unexpected events nonetheless. Therefore, there is a need for a method of introducing these errors in a controlled way. A bit error generation and logging tool for two proprietary protocols based on the Fibre Channel physical layer has been developed. The hardware platform consists mainly of a Virtex II Pro FPGA with accompanying I/O support. Control of the hardware is handled by a graphical user interface residing on a PC. Communication between the hardware and the PC is handled with a UART. The final implementation can handle four parallel one way links, or two full duplex links, independently. This report describes the implementation and the necessary theoretical background for this.
1144 |
REACT - Crowd Simulation System for Visual EffectsLimsäter, Fredrik January 2004 (has links)
By using existing knowledge from the game community, which have had a long experience from game artificial intelligence, and new research from the field of artificial intelligence I have implemented REACT, a crowd simulation system for visual effects. REACT is based on high-level behaviour that uses an underlying layer of low-level behaviour. The high-level capabilities gives the digital character means to reasoning about how to achieve certain goals based on a knowledge base of rules and facts that are present in the virtual world. This gives the digital character a degree of autonomous intelligent behaviour. REACT is designed to integrate directly into the 3D animation package Maya as a plug-in. This means that the animators can continue to animate their characters via their animation package of choice, rather than having to learn a new technology. In addition, many animators are already familiar with the workflow of Maya, so learning curves are reduced. REACT is already in use in the visual effects industry where it has proven itself to be a worthy competitor to the existing systems on the market.
1145 |
Utveckling av användargränssnitt för mobil resesökningsapplikation / Development of user interface for mobile travel search applicationWester, Erik, Henricsson, Christopher January 2008 (has links)
Den här rapporten ämnar besvara frågan om hur man bör utforma ett användargränssnitt för en mobil applikation så att antalet knapptryckningar, speciellt textinmatning, på den mobila enheten minimeras. Med mobil applikation menas i detta fall ett program avsett att köras på en mobiltelefon med en numerisk knappuppsättning. Applikationen i fråga är en resesökningsfunktion ämnad för lokal busstrafik; för testsyften används hållplatser inom Jönköpings län. Ett designkoncept utformades baserat på ett menysystem bestående av alfabetsgrupper för inmatning av namn på orter och hållplatser. Utifrån detta utvecklades en prototyp i Java Micro Edition som sedan kunde utvärderas och modifieras efter ett mindre användartest. Prototypen testades på tre personer efter en metodik som utformats på mjukvaruföretaget Apple. Resultatet visade en allvarlig brist, som lyckligtvis är enkel att korrigera. Resterande problem ansågs ej utgöra några större hinder för framtida användare. Responsen från testpersonerna var positiv då de inte bara upplevde färre knapptryckningar utan också ett enklare användande jämfört med traditionell textinmatning. / This report aims to answer how to design a user interface for a mobile application minimizing the amount of key presses, specifically text input. In this context, mobile application means a program designed to run on a mobile phone with a numerical keyboard. The application we’re designing is a travel search function for local bus traffic. For out test purposes we used the bus stops in Jönköping County. We developed a design concept based on a menu system consisting of alphabetic groups for inputting names of towns and bus stops. From this we developed a prototype in Java Micro Edition which could later be evaluated after a small user test. The prototype was tested on three people using a method developed at the software company Apple. The results revealed one significant flaw, which, fortunately, is easy to correct. The remaining problems were not considered to be any insurmountable hurdles for users to overcome. Response from the test subjects was positive in that they not only experienced fewer key presses, but also a simpler usage of the application.
1146 |
Integration av AJAX i JDP : En studie i hur WM-data kan utveckla modelleringsstödet i ett webbramverkCarlsson, Arthur January 2008 (has links)
På WM-data har man utvecklat ett ramverk som heter Java Development Platform med avsikt att modellera större delar av ett system och därmed minska mängden kod som måste skrivas för hand. Ramverket baseras helt på existerande öppna lösningar och används vid utveckling av webbaserade system och skapar en skiktat lösning med en webbapplikation som presentationslager. Problemet är att webbapplikationen har kommit att bli väldigt svår att modellera i enhet med resten av systemet framför allt på grund av den hårda kopplingen till Struts-ramverket. Samtidigt har man börjat få upp ögonen för AJAX och vad det skulle kunna tillföra ramverket. Examensarbetet fokuserar på att utreda de problem som existerar i ramverket samt undersöka integrationen av AJAX ur en synvinkel som gynnar dagens lösning. Detta görs genom litteraturstudier, laborationer och genom att undersöka existerande ramverk och plattformar som löser liknande problem. Fokus ligger även på hur AJAX kan användas för att lösa problemen i modelleringen. Resultatet av arbetet mynnar ut i en analys som behandlar de aspekter som krävs för att AJAX ska kunna bli en del av JDP-ramverket. Analysen innefattar också synen på hur AJAX skulle kunna användas för att underlätta modelleringen av webbapplikationen utan att införa något nytt modelleringsverktyg, det vill säga att UML fortfarande kan användas. / At the WM-data company a framework called Java Development Platform has been developed with the intention of developing a system by first modelling and generating a major part of it instead of handwriting everything from scratch. The framework is based solely on existing open source solutions and is used for developing layered web based systems with the web application as the presentation layer. The problem is that the web application has become very difficult to model in the same way as the rest of the system especially due to the tight coupling between the model and the Struts framework. At the same time, AJAX has been getting more and more attention for its application areas as well as how it can be used to solve the problems with modelling the web application. The thesis intends to focus on researching the existing problems in the framework as well as investigate the integration of AJAX from a standpoint that the framework can benifit from. This is done through literature studies, laborations and by looking at existing frameworks and platforms that aim to solve problems like the ones in JDP. The focus also lies on how AJAX can be used to solve the problems with modelling the web application. As a result, the thesis ends in an analysis which considers the aspects needed for implementing AJAX into the JDP framework. The analysis also discusses how AJAX can be used to facilitate the modelling of the web application without having to model it in another way other than through UML diagrams.
1147 |
Portning av ett plugin till 3d-modelleringsprogram / Porting a 3d-modeler pluginAlfredsson, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
This report describes the work and the results found when comparing three different 3d modeler applications. The programs are 3ds Max, Maya and Cinema 4D. The comparisons focus on the possibilities/the amount of freedom these programs interface offer to its plugins. The comparisons are made from the point of view of a tool for creating animations developed as a plugin for these modelers. This plugins demands on the system it is loaded into have been analyzed and from the results of this analysis a template have been created. This template is to be used when porting the plugin to other modeler programs in order to be able to tell at an early stage if it’s possible, or not. This template is appended as an appendix. The plugin described above is in it self a system with a plugin architecture and is described on a higher level in the report. / Rapporten beskriver arbetet och resultatet funnet vid jämförelser mellan tre olika 3d modelleringsprogram. Programmen är 3ds Max, Maya och Cinema 4D. Jämförelserna fokuserar på de möjligheter/friheter dessa programs gränssnitt erbjuder sina plugins. Utgångspunkt i jämförelserna är ett animerings verktyg utvecklat som ett plugin till dessa modelleringsporgram. Detta plugins krav på systemet det laddas i har analyserats och utifrån dessa analyser har en mall skapats för att vid vidare portningar till andra modelleringsprogram på ett tidigt stadium kunna avgöra om det är möjligt eller inte. Denna mall finns med som en bilaga till rapporten. Pluginet som nämns ovan är i sin tur också det ett system med plugin arkitektur och beskrivs på en övergripande nivå i rapporten.
1148 |
Loss-less on-chip test response compression for diagnosis and debug in volume production of system-on-chipSöderman, Michael January 2008 (has links)
The technical evolution during the past decade have escalated the use of electronic devices, which are more common today than ever before. The market is still growing rapidly and will continue to do so. The reason for this is the increased demand for devices with integrated circuits. In addition to the increased volume of production, the chips are also becoming more complex which is also reflected in the requirements of the chip design process. An advanced chip that combines several different hardware modules (cores) to form a complete system is called a System-on-Chip (SoC). It is of great importance that these chips work according to expectation, although it can be difficult to guarantee. The purpose of SoC testing is to verify correct behaviour as well as for diagnosis and debug. Complex systems lead to more and bigger tests which lead to increased test data volume and test time. This results in a higher test cost and many methods are proposed to remedy this situation. This report proposes a method that minimises fail result data with a real-time compression component embedded on the chip. The compressed fail results can be saved on-chip and retrieved when needed instead of during the test. Furthermore this method will facilitate debug and diagnosis of SoCs. A mask buffer is used to give the opportunity of choosing exactly which cycles, pins or bits that are relevant. All other result bits are masked and ignored. The results are satisfying, the data is compressed to a much smaller size which is easier to store on-chip. The method is simple, fast and loss-less.
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Real-Time Space-Time Adaptive Processing on the STI CELL MultiprocessorLi, Yi-Hsien January 2007 (has links)
Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) has been widely used in modern radar systems such as Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) systems in order to suppress jamming and interference. However, the high performance comes at a price of higher computational complexity, which requires extensive powerful hardware. The new STI Cell Broadband Engine (CBE) processor combines PowerPC core augmented with eight streamlined high-performance SIMD processing engine offers an opportunity to implement the STAP baseband signal processing without any full custom hardware. This paper presents the implementation of an STAP baseband signal processing flow on the state-of-the-art STI CELL multiprocessor, which enables the concept of Software-Defined Radar (SDR). The potential of the Cell BE processor is studied so that kernel subroutine such as QR decomposition, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and FIR filtering of STAP are mapped to the SPE co-processors of Cell BE processor with variety of architectural specific optimization techniques. This report starts with an overview of airborne radar technique and then the standard, specifically the third-order Doppler-factored STAP are introduced. Next, it goes with the thorough description of Cell BE architecture, its programming tool chain and parallel programming methods for Cell BE. In later chapter, how the STAP is implemented on the Cell BE processor is discussed and the simulation results are presented. Furthermore, based on the result of earlier benchmarking, an optimized task partition and scheduling method is proposed to improve the overall performance.
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Simulation of a Distributed Implementation of an Adaptive Cruise ControllerRiis, Pontus January 2007 (has links)
Much functionality of today's vehicles runs as software on embedded computer systems. This includes, for example, automatic climate control and engine control. As the processors necessarily are located in diffent physical locations inside the vehicle wires must be drawn between processors that need to communicate. Therefore, it is typical to have one or several buses connecting the processors in an embedded computer network, thus creating a distributed system. As some parts of the system in the car have real-time properties, it is necessary to validate that the real-time properties are upheld in the distributed system. This thesis presents the design and implementation of an adaptive cruise controller (ACC), which is a cruise controller that also keeps a minimum distance to the closest vehicle in front. Further, the performance of the ACC has been evaluated using an existing system-level simulator for distributed real-time systems together with metrics for Quality-of-Control (QoC). The ACC has then been simulated under different scenarios. The scenarios include outside conditions, for example the slope of the road, the behaviour of the vehicle in front, and the desired velocity, as well as internal conditions as adding different amounts of extra load on the processors and the bus. The results show that the functionality of the ACC starts deteriorating when the extra load on the nodes reaches high levels. When the extra load reaches very high levels, the ACC stops functioning completely. The results also show that the extra load on the bus has very little effect on the performance of the ACC.
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