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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En jämförelse mellan PHP och C# i .Net

Kind, Gisela, Svennberg, Louise January 2009 (has links)
<p>In this report we compare the two programming languages PHP and C# in .Net. They are both used to create dynamic websites and on the web there's a debate going on about which of these languages you're recommended to use. With this report we want to make ourselves a more scientific base of which of these languages that is the most used language and which languages that are the most suitable for creating dynamic websites. We have two purposes with this report:</p><p>1. To compare the usage of the programming languages C# in .Net and PHP at web agencies, advertising agencies and combinded agencies in Sweden today.</p><p>2. To get a better insight in the languages partly theoretical and partly through making a practical comparison of how you program in those languages.</p><p>We have chosen to use four methods to reach our purposes; interviews, survey, lite-rature study and practical work. To among else find out which of PHP and C# in .Net that are the most common language, at web agencies, advertising agencies and combined agencies in Sweden today, we created a survey which we sent out to 100 companies in five counties. The interviews were done before the survey was designed since they were the foundation for the questions in the survey. All theoretical background is built on our literature study but we also got a little help from our literature study during our practical work. During our practical work we created two similar websites, one in each language to practically to be able to compare how the both codes are written and to make ourselves an opinion about how it feels to program in the both languages.</p><p>From the survey we found out that PHP is the most common language at the different types of agencies that we studied. We also found out that the companies who answered the survey believes that PHP still will be the most common language in Sweden in year 2015 of the two studied languages PHP and C# in .Net.</p><p>The survey also showed that good qualities in PHP are among others the simplicity, open source and platform independent. Worse qualities in PHP are that it lacks in troubleshooting, has low performance and too many versions.</p><p>We think that PHP overall is the easier language to program in, in comparison with C# in .Net since the way you write the code in PHP feels more understandable and logical. Many of the advantages and disadvantages we experienced consists with the agencies opinions regarding PHP, but also with the opinions regarding C# in .Net since it's fast, compiled and a well structured language. Worse qualities in C# in .Net we experienced are that it's own by Microsoft, less spread and has complicated code.</p><p>The conclusions of this study is that PHP is the most used programming language at the web agencies, advertising agencies and the combined agencies that this study included, that the both programming languages differ from eachother more than we predicted both theoretical and programmatically and PHP is better suited for less com-plicated programming while C# in .Net is more suited for advanced programming.</p>

Trådlösa nätverk - Analys av förutsättningar och förslag på utformning

Larsson, Fredrik, Ben-Zur, Michael January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta arbete beskriver och analyserar vilka förutsättningar som är viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid en installation av ett trådlöst nätverk hos SYSteam. Ämnet trådlösa nätverk är omfattande och komplext och många i branschen saknar idag kompetens inom området. Det finns en uppsjö av olika komponenter, krypteringar och tillvägagångssätt. Detta arbete har utförts i samarbete med SYSteam Network Center (SNC), som vill undersöka möjligheterna och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att kunna erbjuda ett gemensamt trådlöst nätverk som uppfyller kraven att vara säkert, skalbart och centralt administrerbart från SNC. SNC vill skaffa sig en uppfattning om vilket behov som de olika bolagen hos SYSteam i Huskvarna har av ett trådlöst nätverk, och därmed få fram en gemensam bild av hur ett trådlöst nätverk bör utformas. Som en del av detta intervjuas personer inom respektive bolag. SNC önskar sedan kunna erbjuda SYSteams bolag i Huskvarna ett gemensamt trådlöst nätverk som beaktat samtligas intresse. Genom intervjuerna gick det att urskilja följande problem i SYSteams nuvarande nätverkslösning:</p><p>Dagens struktur hämmar samarbete mellan bolag.</p><p>Avsaknaden av en smidig gästaccess ger ett dåligt intryck på gäster.</p><p>Gäster och personal är idag bundna till ett begränsat antal switchportar.</p><p>Anslutna gäster får åtkomst till delar av SYSteams interna klientnät. Gästerna bör endast komma åt de delar som de absolut behöver.</p><p>För att kunna behandla och bearbeta de olika problemen utförs en behovsanalys. Utifrån behovsanalysen studeras lämplig litteratur i syfte att förse SNC med en omfattande analys om tekniken, affärsnyttan och mervärden som ett trådlöst nätverk kan erbjuda, men också hur ett trådlöst nätverk bör administreras och säkras. Resultatet fokuserar även på vilka utmaningar och problem som kan förekomma i en trådlös miljö, samt ger förslag på hur SNC i Huskvarna bör utforma ett trådlöst nätverk. SNC står inför en stor utmaning med att erbjuda ett trådlöst nätverk som kan upplevas användarvänligt men som samtidigt måste uppfylla vissa säkerhetskrav. Arbetet visar att om man tar hänsyn till de utmaningar som finns och kartlägger de problem som finns så är det möjligt att utforma ett skalbart, säkert nätverk som samtidigt tar hänsyn till användarvänligheten. Ett gemensamt trådlöst nätverk kan erbjuda SYSteam i Huskvarna följande:</p><ul><li>Förbättrat samarbete mellan bolagen genom att medarbetarna blir mer mobila.</li><li>Effektivare möten.</li><li>En bättre miljö för projektgrupper – ökar deras rörlighet.</li><li>Att kommunikationen internt mellan bolag kommer att underlättas och förbättras.</li><li>Flexibiliteten ökar samt en ökning av motivationen bland personalen. </li><li>Att professionaliteten höjs internt.</li><li>Ett smidigt och användarvänligt gästnätverk vilket kommer förbättra bilden av SYSteam. Det ökar kundens upplevelse och tillfredställer kundens behov och kan resultera i att kundens lojalitet ökar.</li><li>Kundkontakten kommer att underlättas.</li></ul> / <p>This report describes and analyzes the requirements for a wireless network installation. The subject wireless network is both extensive and complex, and results of that many in the branch are missing the accurate qualifications. There is an abundance of different components, encryptions and procedures. This report has developed in cooperation with SYSteam Network Center (SNC), who wants to investigate the requirements and opportunities a common wireless network might provide. The common wireless network shall fulfill the need of security, scalability and to be centrally administrated. SNC wants knowledge about the different needs, that the internal SYSteam company in Huskvarna have about a common wireless network. And thereby be able to summarize a mutual image of how a wireless network should be designed. As a part of this, people from different companies at SYSteam where interviewed. SNC would like to offer the SYSteam companies situated in Huskvarna a common wireless network, which pays attention to everyone’s interests. The interviews gave the following notice that there were problem in the network solution used today:</p><ul><li>Today’s network structure restrains the cooperation between internal companies. </li><li>The missing of a flexible guest access gives a bad impression to external guests. </li><li>Today guests and staff are bound to a limited amount of switchports. </li><li>Connected guests get access to parts of SYSteam internal clientnetwork. The guests should only get access to what they absolutely require.</li></ul><p>To be able to handle and process the problems a three-steep analyze have been made, primary to understand the requirement of the organization, to clearly define the problems and what opportunities a wireless network may have. From these three steps, proper literature have been studied in purpose to provide SNC with a comprehensive analyze about the technique, business considerations and what value a wireless network provides. The result focuses about what uprising challenge a wireless network may originate and the problems it could contain. In the conclusion, guide principles how a wireless network should be designed adjusted for SNC is formed. SNC is today facing a big challenge in order to offer a wireless network which shall meet the requirements of user-friendly and secured demands. The work shows, if consideration is taken to available challenges and survey existing problems, it’s possible to design a scalable, secured network which also provides user-friendly management. An example a common wireless network can offer SYSteam in Huskvarna can be one of the following:</p><ul><li>Cooperation improvements between companies, clients become even more mobile. </li><li>Meetings become more efficient. </li><li>Offer a better environment for project teams, due to increased mobility. </li><li>Offer an ordinary guest access. </li><li>The internal communication will facilitate and improve between companies.</li></ul>

High performance fiber-optic interconnection networks for real-time computing systems

Jonsson, Magnus January 1999 (has links)
Parallel and distributed computing systems become more and more powerful and hence place increasingly higher demands on the networks that interconnect their processors or processing nodes. Many of the applications running on such systems, especially embedded systems applications, have real-time requirements and, with increasing application demands, high-performance networks are the hearts of these systems. Fiber-optic networks are good candidates for use in such systems in the future. This thesis contributes to the relatively unexplored area of fiber-optic networks for parallel and distributed real-time computer systems and  suggests and evaluates several fiber-optic networks and protocols. Two different technologies are used in the networks, WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) and fiber-ribbon point-to-point links. WDM offers multiple channels, each with a capacity of several Gbit/s. A WDM star network in which protocols and services are efficiently integrated to support different kinds of real-time demands, especially hard ones, has been developed. The star-of-stars topology can be chosen to offer better network scalability. The WDM star architecture is attractive but its future success depends on components becoming more commercially mature. Fiber-ribbon links, offering instead an aggregated bandwidth of several Gbit/s, have already reached the market with a promising price/performance ratio. This has motivated the development and investigation of two new ring networks based on fiber-ribbon links. The networks take advantage of spatial bandwidth reuse, which can greatly enhance performance in applications with a significant amount of nearest downstream neighbor communication. One of the ring networks is control channel based and not only has support for real-time services like the WDM star network but also low level support for, e.g., group communication. The approach has been to develop network protocols with support for dynamic real-time services, out of time-deterministic static TDMA systems. The focus has been on functionality more than pure performance figures, mostly on real-time features but also on other types of functionality for parallel and distributed systems. Worst-case analyses, some simulations, and case studies are reported for the networks. The focus has been on embedded supercomputer applications, where each node itself can be a parallel computer, and it is shown that the networks are well suited for use in the radar signal processing systems studied. Other application examples in which these kinds of networks are valuable are distributed multimedia systems, satellite imaging and other image processing applications. / Technical report / School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 0282-5406 ; 379

Ordning och reda : Utrustningshantering i skola

Waldfelt, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
The main purpose of this project is to create a system where Älvdalens Utbildningscentrum can manage the equipment that is made available for their staff and students. This equipment can be computers, clothes, cycles or other things that is needed in the education or at work. Since there is no central management today there is a chance for financial loss when students or staff leaves. The technical solution in this project uses ASP.NET MVC Core and Microsoft Azure, where authentication is based on an existing Azure Active Directory. Since the system that has been developed during this project not yeat have full functionality, this report should be seen as a suggestion how to solve the problem. Further development of the suggested system will continue outside of this project. / Detta projekts huvudsakliga syfte är att skapa ett system där Älvdalens Utbildningscentrum kan hantera den utrustning som tillhandahålls för dess personal och elever. Denna utrustning kan bestå av dator, kläder, cyklar eller andra saker som är nödvändiga i undervisning eller arbetet. Då det saknas en central hantering av detta idag finns risken för ekonomiska förluster när elever eller personal slutar. Den tekniska lösningen i detta projekt använder ASP.NET MVC Core och Microsoft Azure, där autentisering är baserad på befintligt Azure Active Directory. Då det system som utvecklats under detta projekt inte har full funktionalitet ännu, kan denna rapport ses som ett lösningsförslag på det problem. Vidare utveckling av det föreslagna systemet fortsätter utanför detta projekt.

Evaluation of Using Secure Enclaves in Virtualized Radio Environments

Norberg, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) are software applications that process network packets in virtualized environments such as clouds. Using VNFs to process network traffic inside a cloud, which could be controlled by a third-party, exposes the secrets that are stored within the VNFs to a significant amount of threats. Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) are hardware technologies dedicated to protect software from other malicious applications and users. Open Enclave and Asylo are two SDKs that decouple software and hardware and enable developers to build applications that utilize TEEs without creating hardware dependencies. Open Enclave and Asylo are still in an early stage of development, Asylo in particular. The impact of integrating Open Enclave and Asylo to VNFs from a security and performance perspective was addressed by performing a risk assessment and running performance experiments. The identified vulnerabilities in VNFs were mitigated by using available security properties from TEEs. The results show that protecting VNFs with Open Enclave and Asylo mitigate a significant amount of threats. However, the VNFs suffer from a performance penalty when using TEEs, and are still vulnerable to side-channel and Denial-of-Service attacks.

Offloading INTCollector Events with P4

Andersson, Jan-Olof January 2019 (has links)
In-Band Network Telemetry (INT) is a new technique in the area of Software-defined networking (SDN) for monitoring SDN enabled networks. INT monitoring provides fine-grained INT data with less load on the control plane since monitoring is done directly at the data plane. The collected INT data is added as packet headers "In-band" at each INT device along the flow path. The INT data is later composed into telemetry packets which are sent to a collector that is responsible for processing the INT data. The collector of the INT data needs to have good performance since there is a large amount of data that has to be processed quickly. INTCollector, a high performance collector of INT data, is a response to this challenge. The performance of INTCollector is optimized by implementing critical parts in eXpress Data Path (XDP), enabling fast packet processing. INTCollector is, moreover, able to reduce processing of INT data and the need for storage space since it employs a strategy where only important INT data is collected, decided by an internal event detection mechanism.The event detection mechanism in INTCollector can however be offloaded to the INT device itself, with possible perfomance benefits for the collector. Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors (P4) opens up this possibility by providing a language for programming network devices. This thesis presents an implementation of INT in P4 with offloaded event detection. We use a programmable P4 testbed to perform an experimental evaluation, which reveal that offloading does indeed benefit INTCollector in terms of performance. Offloading also comes with the advantage of  allowing parameters of the event detection logic at the data plane to be accessible to the control plane.

TicTacTraining : Coordination of multiple clients in a web based exergame / TicTacTraining: Coordination of multiple clients in a web based exergame

Hedlund, Nicklas January 2019 (has links)
The traditional way to coordinate multiple clients in a multiplayer based game on multiple platforms is to create an implementation on a per-platform basis - resulting in often four different implementations, one for each major platform - ie. iOS, Android, Windows, and Linux based operating systems. This report examines the possibility of replacing multiple so called “native apps” with a single web based implementation - granting users access on all devices that supports modern browsers, and discusses what tools were used in the development of the application and why. / Det vanliga sättet att hantera multipla klienter i spel med flerspelarlägen är att utveckla unika implementationer på en per-plattform basis - alltså att samma applikation kräver en unik implementation för var plattform som skall stödjas. Vanligtvis görs en unik implementation för iOS, Android, Windows och Unix-baserade operativsystem vardera. Denna rapport undersöker möjligheten att ersätta dessa implementationer med en unison webbaserad implementation som tillåter alla enheter ​med stöd för moderna webbläsare att använda applikationen och diskuterar vilka verktyg som använts och varför.

Performance Comparison Study of Clusters on Public Clouds / Prestandajämförelse av cluster på offentliga molnleverantörer

Wahlberg, Martin January 2019 (has links)
As cloud computing has become the more popular choice to host clusters in recent times there are multiple providers that offer their services to the public such as Amazon web services, Google cloud platform and Microsoft Azure. The decision of cluster provider is not only a decision of provider, it is also an indirect decision of cluster infrastructure. The indirect choice of infrastructure makes it important to consider any potential differences in cluster performance caused by the infrastructure in combination with the workload type, but also the cost of the infrastructure on the available public cloud providers. To evaluate whether or not there are any significant differences in either cluster cost or performance between the available public cloud providers, a performance comparison study was conducted. The study consisted of multiple clusters hosted on Amazon Web Services and the Google Cloud Platform. The clusters had access to five different instance types that each correspond to a specific number of available cores, amount of memory and storage. All clusters executed a CPU intensive, I/O intensive, and MapReduce workload while simultaneously having its performance monitored with regard to CPU, memory, and disk usage. The performance comparison study revealed that there are significant performance differences between clusters hosted on Amazon web services and Google cloud platform for the chosen workload types. Since there are significant differences it can be concluded that the choice of provider is crucial as it impacts the cluster performance. Comparing the selected instance types against each other with regard to performance and cost, reveals that a subset of them have better performance as well as lower cost. The instance types that is not a part of this subset, have either better performance or lower cost than its counterpart on the other provider.

Parallel Instruction Decoding for DSP Controllers with Decoupled Execution Units

Pettersson, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
Applications run on embedded processors are constantly evolving. They are for the most part growing more complex and the processors have to increase their performance to keep up. In this thesis, an embedded DSP SIMT processor with decoupled execution units is under investigation. A SIMT processor exploits the parallelism gained from issuing instructions to functional units or to decoupled execution units. In its basic form only a single instruction is issued per cycle. If the control of the decoupled execution units become too fine-grained or if the control burden of the master core becomes sufficiently high, the fetching and decoding of instructions can become a bottleneck of the system. This thesis investigates how to parallelize the instruction fetch, decode and issue process. Traditional parallel fetch and decode methods in superscalar and VLIW architectures are investigated. Benefits and drawbacks of the two are presented and discussed. One superscalar design and one VLIW design are implemented in RTL, and their costs and performances are compared using a benchmark program and synthesis. It is found that both the superscalar and the VLIW designs outperform a baseline scalar processor as expected, with the VLIW design performing slightly better than the superscalar design. The VLIW design is found to be able to achieve a higher clock frequency, with an area comparable to the area of the superscalar design. This thesis also investigates how instructions can be encoded to lower the decode complexity and increase the speed of issue to decoupled execution units. A number of possible encodings are proposed and discussed. Simulations show that the encodings have a possibility to considerably lower the time spent issuing to decoupled execution units.

Analys av verktyg och daglig arbetsprocess inom webbutveckling

Lobo, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this project has been to analyze the daily work process and use of tools when creating websites. By working with the company iComm studios I have been able to answer a number of questions. How the daily work process looks, what model one follows, how projects are completed and delivered and how much role the different tools play in the development of the projects. Because of the size of the company, I have also investigated how the company acquires new projects to work on, whether new or already existing customers request them. Most of the questions are answered by myself having participated as a regular web developer. For some other questions I have asked questions to appropriate employees. The report will also review the tools and possibly propose improvements. My own reflections will be based on how the future of web development may look. / Målet med arbetet har varit att analysera dagliga arbetsprocessen och användning av verktyg när man skapar webbplatser. Genom att jobba med företaget iComm Studios har jag kunnat besvara ett antal frågor. Hur det dagliga arbetsprocessen ser ut, vilken modell man följer, hur projekt avslutas och levereras och hur stor roll de olika verktygen spelar vid utvecklingen av projekten. På grund av företagets storlek så har jag också undersökt hur företaget skaffar nya projekt att jobba på, vare sig nya eller redan existerande kunder begär dem. De flesta frågorna besvaras genom att jag själv har medverkat som en vanlig webbutvecklare. För vissa andra frågor har jag ställt frågor till behöriga anställda. Rapporten kommer även att granska verktygen och eventuellt ge förslag till förbättringar. Mina egna reflektioner kommer att baseras på hur framtiden för webbutveckling kan komma att se ut.

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