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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactive Visualization of Statistical Data using Multidimensional Scaling Techniques

Jansson, Mattias, Johansson, Jimmy January 2003 (has links)
This study has been carried out in cooperation with Unilever and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. In areas of statistics and image processing, both the amount of data and the dimensions are increasing rapidly and an interactive visualization tool that lets the user perform real-time analysis can save valuable time. Real-time cropping and drill-down considerably facilitate the analysis process and yield more accurate decisions. In the Smartdoc project, there has been a request for a component used for smart filtering in multidimensional data sets. As the Smartdoc project aims to develop smart, interactive components to be used on low-end systems, the implementation of the self-organizing map algorithm proposes which dimensions to visualize. Together with Dr. Robert Treloar at Unilever, the SOM Visualizer - an application for interactive visualization and analysis of multidimensional data - has been developed. The analytical part of the application is based on Kohonen’s self-organizing map algorithm. In cooperation with the Smartdoc project, a component has been developed that is used for smart filtering in multidimensional data sets. Microsoft Visual Basic and components from the graphics library AVS OpenViz are used as development tools.

Social Agent: Facial Expression Driver for an e-Nose

Widmark, Jörgen January 2003 (has links)
This thesis describes that it is possible to drive synthetic emotions of an interface agent with an electronic nose system developed at AASS. The e-Nose can be used for quality control, and the detected distortion from a known smell sensation prototype is interpreted to a 3D-representation of emotional states, which in turn points to a set of pre-defined muscle contractions. This extension of a rule based motivation system, which we call Facial Expression Driver, is incorporated to a model for sensor fusion with active perception, to provide a general design for a more complex system with additional senses. To be consistent with the biologically inspired sensor fusion model a muscle based animated facial model was chosen as a test bed for the expression of current emotion. The social agent’s facial expressions demonstrate its tolerance to the detected distortion in order to manipulate the user to restore the system to functional balance. Only a few of the known projects use chemically based sensing to drive a face in real-time, whether they are virtual characters or animatronics. This work may inspire a future android implementation of a head with electro active polymers as synthetic facial muscles.

Free Software For Web Development / Fri mjukvara för webbutveckling

Linder, Anders, Olsson, Johan January 2003 (has links)
This thesis will look into what kind of solutions a company or a private person can use if they want to create a dynamic website using only free software. To do this we divided our work in two parts. In the first part, we developed a dynamic website for a Swedish company. On the server side we used exclusively free software with open source code. There are different meanings in how the term “free” should be used when referring to software, which we will explain in the thesis. We have also chosen to work with the XMLtechnology to see if it lives up to its expectations and to see if we could benefit from the technology. Alongside with the development of our site, another company developed a site for the same company as us, by using non-free software. We have described both implementations and compared them to see if it is possible to do the same thing with both free and non-free software. The investigating part of our work consisted of getting information about what other people think about the free software phenomenon. To do so we created an online questionnaire where we randomly picked 100 Swedish web agencies and asked them to answer 8 questions about what kind of software they used in their company, and what they thought about free software. To get some more opinions we also interviewed two persons involved in these kinds of topics. Jan Sandred, who is a well known expert advisor in topics concerning the Information Technology area and Richard Stallman, the founder of GNU and the Free Software Movement. The reason for dividing the thesis in two parts was to get an overall picture on the subject. We did not only want to base our results on other people’s thoughts. We wanted to make our own conclusions based on the implementation we did. This approach showed out to be very good. We got to try working with free software ourselves to see its pros and cons and build our own opinions about it. We could then proceed to compare our impressions to other people’s impressions about free software.

Embedded Computer for Space Applications suitable for Linux / Linuxanpassad inbyggnadsdator för rymdbruk

Dahlberg, Johan January 2003 (has links)
This report briefly describes the special requirements for a computer board for use in space. In particular, component selection and ways of mitigating the soft and hard errors are discussed. Furthermore, one implementation for a low-cost, relatively high performance computer that will work in the harsh space environment is presented. The report is primarily intended for those familiar with digital design, who need an introduction to construction of space or other high-reliability hardware. As the quality (resolution) of imagers, spectrometers and other data sources in scientific satellite payloads is increasing, there is also an increasing demand for more processing power in order to compress or in other way process the data before transmitting it on the limited bandwidth microwave downlink to Earth. Scientific instruments are usually mission specific and have rather low budget, so there is a need for a powerful computer board that can be used for a number of missions in order to keep the engineering costs down.

Evaluation of Systematic&Colour Print Mottle

Christoffersson, Jessica January 2005 (has links)
Print mottle is a problem that has been hassling the printing business for a long time. Along with sharpness and correct colour reproduction, absence of print mottle is one of the most important factors of print quality. The possibility to measure the amount of print mottle (reflectance variation) may in many ways facilitate the development of printing methods. Such a measurement model should preferably follow the functions and abilities of the Human Visual System (HVS). The traditional model that STFI-Packforsk has developed to measure print mottle uses frequency analysis to find variations in reflectance. However, this model suffers some limitations since is does not perfectly agree with the functions of the HVS and does only measure variations in lightness. A new model that better follows the functions of the HVS has thus been developed. The new model does not only consider variations in lightness (monochromatic) but also variations in colour (chromatic). The new model also puts a higher weight on systematic variations than on random variations since the human eye is more sensitive to ordered structures. Furthermore, the new model uses a contrast sensitivity function that weights the importance of variations in different frequencies. To compare the new model with the traditional STFI model, two tests were carried out. Each test consisted of a group of test patches that were evaluated by the traditional STFI model and the new model. The first test consisted of 15 greyscale test patches that originated from conventional flexo and offset presses. The second test consisted of 24 digitally simulated test patches containing colour mottle and systematic mottle. The evaluation results in both the traditional and the new model were compared to the results of a visual evaluation carried out using a panel of test persons. The new model produced a result that correlated considerably better with the visual estimation than what the traditional model did.

INFLOW : Structured Print Job Delivery / INFLOW : strukturerade jobbleverans

Buckwalter, Claes January 2003 (has links)
More and more print jobs are delivered from customer to printer digitally over the Internet. Although Internet-based job delivery can be highly efficient, companies in the graphic arts and printing industry often suffer unnecessary costs related to this type of inflow of print jobs to their production workflows. One of the reasons for this is the lack of a well-defined infrastructure for delivering print jobs digitally over the Internet. This thesis presents INFLOW - a prototype for a print job delivery system for the graphic arts and printing industry. INFLOW is a web-based job delivery system that is hosted on an Internet-connected server by the organization receiving the print jobs. Focus has been on creating a system that is easy to use, highly customizable, secure, and easy to integrate with existing and future systems from third-party vendors. INFLOW has been implemented using open standards, such as XML and JDF (Job Definition Format). The requirements for ease-of-use, high customizability and security are met by choosing a web-based architecture. The client side is implemented using standard web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript while the serverside is based on J2EE, Java Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP). Using a web browser as a job delivery client provides a highly customizable user interface and built in support for encrypted file transfers using HTTPS (HTTP over SSL). Process automation and easy integration with other print production systems is facilitated with CIP4’s JDF (Job Definition Format). INFLOW also supports"hot folder workflows"for integration with older preflight software and other hot folder-based software common in prepress workflows.

Navigation, Visualisation and Editing of Very Large 2D Graphics Scenes

Kempe, Marcus, Åbjörnsson, Carl January 2004 (has links)
The project has been carried out at, and in association with, Micronic Laser Systems AB in Täby, Sweden. Micronic Laser Systems, manufacture laser pattern generators for the semiconductor and display markets. Laser pattern generators are used to create photomasks, which are a key component in the microlithographic process of manufacturing microchips and displays. An essential problem to all modern semiconductor manufacturing is the constantly decreasing sizes of features and increasing use of resolution enhancement techniques (RET), leading to ever growing sizes of datasets describing the semiconductors. When sizes of datasets reach magnitudes of hundreds of gigabytes, visualisation, navigation and editing of any such dataset becomes extremely difficult. As of today this problem has no satisfying solution. The project aims at the proposal of a geometry engine that effectively can deal with the evergrowing sizes of modern semiconductor lithography. This involves a new approach to handling data, a new format for spatial description of the datasets, hardware accelerated rendering and support for multiprocessor and distributed systems. The project has been executed without implying changes to existing data formats and the resulting application is executable on Micronics currently existing hardware platforms. The performance of the new viewer system surpasses any old implementation by a varying factor. If rendering speed is the comparative factor, the new system is about 10-20 times faster than its old counterparts. In some cases, when hard disk access speed is the limiting factor, the new implementation is only slightly faster or as fast. And finally, spatial indexing allow some operations that previously lasted several hours, to complete in a few seconds, by eliminating all unnecessary disk-reading operations.

Extraction and Application of Secondary Crease Information in Fingerprint Recognition Systems

Hymér, Pontus January 2005 (has links)
This thesis states that cracks and scars, referred to as Secondary Creases, in fingerprint images can be used as means for aiding and complementing fingerprint recognition, especially in cases where there is not enough clear data to use traditional methods such as minutiae based or correlation techniques. A Gabor filter bank is used to extract areas with linear patterns, where after the Hough Transform is used to identify secondary creases in a r, theta space. The methods proposed for Secondary Crease extraction works well, and provides information about what areas in an image contains usable linear pattern. Methods for comparison is however not as robust, and generates False Rejection Rate at 30% and False Acceptance Rate at 20% on the proposed dataset that consists of bad quality fingerprints. In short, our methods still makes it possible to make use of fingerprint images earlier considered unusable in fingerprint recognition systems.

Möjligheterna med Jailbreak / The possibilities with Jailbreak

Pettersson, Ricky January 2010 (has links)
<p>Detta arbete är en undersökning om vad en Jailbreaking av iPhone OS kan tillföra för en vanlig användare och även de utökade möjligheterna för utvecklare. Det syftar till att ge en lätt överskådlig förklaring om hur jailbreaking fungerar och vilka fördelar och nackdelar som följer med det valet.</p><p>Det var ett personligt intresse för modifikation av operativsystem som gav grunden för valet av denna undersökning. Efter det egna införskaffandet av en iPhone 3Gs i slutet av 2009 utvecklades intresset för jailbreaking, något som successivt byggdes upp till en passion att vilja undersöka en iPhones fulla potential.</p><p>I rapporten kommer ett antal jämförelser att göras mellan ett native iPhone OS och ett Jailbreakat iPhone OS. Versionen är 3.1.3, vilken är den senaste stabila. Det presenteras viktiga paket som bevis för vad de extra funktioner som kan uppnås genom användandet av jailbreak. Det kommer även att beskrivas hur Jailbreak utförs. De paket som presenteras i arbetet kommer att vara de mest populära, funktionsrika och pålitliga utav de som finns tillgängliga inom jailbreak communityn.</p><p>Detta arbete resulterade i en redan förväntad bekräftelse att jailbreak har mycket att tillföra både normalanvändare för att utnyttja sin enhet med iPhone OS till sin fulla potential, men även för utvecklare som blivit nekade av Apple att få sälja sina produkter på AppStore eller helt enkelt bara vill utveckla utan Apples restriktioner och regler. Pengar finns absolut att tjäna genom Cydia Store eller liknade, vilket bevisas genom statistik och estimeringar.</p>

Implementation av Network Admission Control

Sandqvist, Mattias, Johansson, Robert January 2007 (has links)
<p>This examination work is about implementation of Cisco Systems Network Admission Control (NAC) within a leading IT-company in region of Jönköping. NAC is a technique that is used for securing the internal network from the inside. NAC can verify that the client who connects to the network has the latest antivirus updates and latest operative system hotfixes. Clients who don’t meet the criteria can be placed in quarantine VLAN where they only have access to the update servers. There are also functions that handle VLAN assignment for users.</p><p>The assignment where to produce a solution for an implementation of NAC in the company’s computer network. The questions that where asked are the following, if and how could NAC be implemented in the company’s computer network.</p><p>An analysis where made of the company’s computer network, to see if the computer network meet the requirements for implementing NAC. The result of this analysis showed that there where a loss of functions needed for a working NAC solution. The computer network where rebuild from scratch to meet the new demands for NAC. After completion of the new computer network the NAC solution were taking shape. This was made in consultation with the company to get a clear picture of the needs. The result of the discussion lead to a so called “Out-of-band virtual gateway” solution. The solution builds on that the client is placed in an authentication VLAN when connecting to the computer network, after that an authentication process begins. During this process the client is checked to verify that the criteria’s are fulfilled, if so the client is moved to his access VLAN.</p><p>These solutions increase the internal security in the computer network and reduce the risks for virus spreading within the network.</p>

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