Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorteknik"" "subject:"datortekniks""
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Wampp Web&Photo : Utveckling av hemsida till webbyråTruup, Tiia-Mai January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this work is to create a website for the web agency Wampp Web&Photo. The company is still in the development phase and recently registered in the Swedish Companies Act. Wampp Web&Photo strives for a simple and useful website that includes presentation of the company, information about development of website, presentation of services and also calculator to calculate the cost of services. The graphic profile is important for the company. Pictures with good quality are in focus. For inspiration for the graphic profile and the construction of the application, surveys on the internet among competitors will be performed. During surveys, current prices for services in web development will also be noted. To perform the assignment, the CMS system Umbraco will be used. For the development, the programming language C # and development environment Visual Studio are used. The site should be built up to enable easy maintenance and updates. Unsplash and photo session are used for images. Great focus will be placed on the development of the calculator. It is important that the function is easy to use and works without errors. Calculator will be of help to customers and the company. Usability tests and other tests will be performed to check the website's functionality and usability. The work ends with the launch of the website in Umbraco Cloud. If the need for adjustments exists after tests, these are performed. / Målet med detta arbete är att skapa hemsida till webbyrå Wampp Web&Photo. Företaget är fortfarande i utvecklingsfas och nyligen registrerad i bolagsverket. Wampp Web&Photo eftersträvar en enkel och användbar hemsida som inkluderar presentation av företaget, information om utveckling av hemsida, presentation av tjänster och även kalkylator för att räkna ut kostnaden för tjänster. Den grafiska profilen är viktig för företaget. Bilder med bra kvalitet står i fokus. För inspiration till grafiska profilen och uppbyggnaden av applikationen, kommer undersökningar på internet bland konkurrenter utföras. Under undersökningar kommer även aktuella priser för tjänster inom webbutveckling noteras. För att utföra uppdraget kommer CMS systemet Umbraco användas. För utvecklingen används programmeringsspråket C# och utvecklingsmiljö Visual Studio. Sidan kommer att byggas så att den möjliggör enkel underhåll och uppdateringar. För bilder används Unsplash och fotosession. Stor fokus kommer att läggas på utvecklingen av kalkylator. Det är viktigt att funktionen är smidig att använda och fungerar utan felaktigheter. Kalkylator kommer att vara till hjälp för kunder och företaget. Användbarhetstester och andra tester kommer att utföras för att kontrollera webbsidans funktionalitet och användbarhet. Arbetet avslutas med lansering av hemsidan i Umbraco Cloud. Efter tester utförs eventuella justeringar.
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KundportalKarelius, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Dynamic Precision is a company in Herrljunga focused on electronics. A branch of Dynamic Precision is repairs of electronic equipment from third party companies and they send electronic equipment from their end-customers to Dynamic Precision that repair the units and then return them, usually direct to the end-customer. Dynamic Precision had need of a customer portal so that their customers could check the status of their sent in equipment and this customer portal became an internship project. The project was developed in ASPNET Core and its database was created in Microsoft SQL-Server. The project has been completed with somewhat intact time-planning, even though the construction of the middleware took longer time than planned. The focus of the project has been on creating a usable and secure application and a reasonable secure solution has been reached. The planned amount of users is very low, but it still needs to have its accessibility improved so that a users possible handicap wont stop the user from using the application. / Dynamic Precision är ett elektronikföretag i Herrljunga. En gren av Dynamic Precision är elektronikreparationer åt andra företag och dessa företag skickar in reparationsenheter från slutkunder som Dynamic Precision sedan reparerar och skickar tillbaka, då oftast direkt till slutkund. Dynamic Precision hade behov av en kundportal så att deras kunder fick möjlighet att och kontrollera status på sina reparationsenheter och denna portal blev då ett examensarbete. Projektet utvecklades i ASPNET Core och dess databas skapades upp i Microsoft SQLServer. Projektet har genomförts med någorlunda intakt tidsplanering, trots att konstruktionen av middleware tog längre tid än planerat. Fokus har legat i att få en applikation som är användbar och säker och en trolig rimlig säkerhetsnivå har nåtts. Den tänkta mängden användare av applikationen kommer vara mycket låg, trots detta behöver tillgängligheten ses över så att eventuella handikapp inte hindrar användaren av applikationen.
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Generating Exams and Formative FeedbackFranked, Lennart January 2018 (has links)
Creating an exam that ensures an even coverage over all the Intended Learning Outcomes and at the same time ensures that to pass, the student should have passed all the Intended Learning Outcomes can be a difficult task. After an exam have been graded, formative feedback should be given to the students, especially in those cases where they did not pass the exam. This can be a time consuming process, and because of this, it is not always possible to give as good feedback as one would otherwise like. In this project an exam tool was created, for assisting in creating exams and give individual formative feedback to the students after an exam. By storing all the questions in a database, where each question is connected to an Intended Learning Outcome, along with writing the questions in a standardised format, with regards to point representations, grading rubrics and references it becomes possible to automatically generate exams. Generated individual feedback is created by combining the information in the question together with the students result. The feedback provides motivation of given grade, which topics a student should read up on, along with recommended reading instructions. In those cases a student got a full mark, it is also possible to provide further study instructions, this can be anything from recommended articles and book chapter, to courses. Differential privacy have been used to anonymize the grade distribution to make it possible to show the students how the exam went, without risk exposing what grade a certain student got. The exam tool created achieves all of these goals, however there are still much room for improvement. The anonymisation function needs further development, since differential privacy is not suitable for small datasets. The usability of the interface and feedback reports needs more work. However in its current state it is fully functional and have been used in numerous courses.
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Clicking using the eyes, a machine learning approach.Stenström, Albin January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis report describes the work of evaluating the approach of using an eye-tracker and machine learning to generate an interaction model for clicks. In the study, recordings were done from 10 participants using a quiz application, and machine learning was then applied. Models were created with varying quality from a machine learning view, although most models did not work well for interaction. One model was created that enable correct interaction 80\% of the time, although the specific circumstances for success were not identified. The conclusion of the thesis is that the approach works in some cases, but that more research needs to be done to evaluate general suitability, and approaches to make it work reliably.
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Skandinaviska Fin Art Förening : En hemsida med information om föreningen och deras aktiviteterMahdi Saleh, Dunia January 2019 (has links)
Målet med denna undersökning har varit att bygga en enkel hemsida åt Skandinaviska Fin Art förening som är en privat förening. Sidan ska innehålla information om föreningen och deras aktiviteter som de sysslar med. Syftet med sidan är att fler ska känna till föreningen, kunna se vilka aktiviteter de har och kunna ta kontakt med föreningen. Föreningen startades med hjälp av studieförbundet NBV som har som syfte att få människors idéer och intresse att växa 22. Metoden som användes till att bygga hemsidan har börjat med en enkel skiss som jag kunnat visa för föreningen som ett förslag och när den accepterades då började kodningen. Programmeringsspråk som användes är Html, CSS, JavaScript, PHP och MySQL. Resultatet blev som det var tänkt från början förutom en sida för registrering som endast skulle skapas om tiden räckte till.
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Provkonstruktion för nätet : Validerat med Bloom´s reviderade taxonomiMoritz, Monica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Att skapa rättvisa prov är något av det svåraste som finns för alla lärare. Denna rapport redogör för ett undervisningsförsök i att praktiskt använda Bloom´s reviderade taxonomi för att validera frågorna till ett prov, som byggs upp för och genomförs på dator. Undersöknings-gruppen utgörs av mina elever som läser kursen programmering A på gymnasienivå. En norsk undersökning har tidigare visat att pojkars provresultat höjs om proven utförs på dator, vilket också visade sig bli resultatet i min undersökning. Men till skillnad från den norska undersökningen så ökade också flickornas resultat i min undersökning. Med hjälp av denna teknik att skapa prov, skulle det vara enkelt och möjligt att skapa nationella datorbaserade prov inom flera olika kurser som skulle kunna vara till hjälp för lärare ute i landet att hitta rätt kunskapsnivå på kurserna.</p>
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Independent Local Locator Substrate Indirection Transport / ILLSITSvensson, Mikael, Santibañez Jara, Pablo January 2009 (has links)
<p>Interoperation between IPv4 and IPv6 on a global scale is largely an unsolved problem, and in principle a problem without a proper solution. The 32-bit IPv4 address can simply not express all possible IPv6 hosts. Today, IP plays a double role. It is both a topological locator as well as a host identity. By decoupling the two roles a communication could also span over incompatible locator domains (e.g. IPv4 and IPv6). The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) [W16] uses this decoupling by providing two discrete data structures, one for the host identity and one for the interfaces locator. By extending HIP to allow differently formatted locators, and with the help of an Identity Router, one could cross past differing locator domains without the individual hosts needing to be configured for any particular domain other than their own.</p><p>The goal of this thesis is to investigate possible methods and architectures to allow this kind of locator domain interoperability and to implement a proof of concept gateway. The first part of the thesis consists of the exploration of the problem domain. Collecting the requirements of HIP enabled hosts, and to define a method for the interoperability of two HIP-hosts residing in two differing locator domains (IPv4/IPv6 will be assumed for scope limiting purposes). The output of this part will be a set of requirements, a suggested solution and a rationale for the chosen solution. The second part consists of the design and implementation of the required components for the interoperation. At the time of writing, the foreseen components will be: a parameter to HIP and a gateway, however, this is subject to change depending on the output of part one. The expected output of part two is a design specification, an implementation plan for the components and finally the implementation of the defined components.</p> / NordicHIP
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Dynamic Personal Networks for Location-Based Applications : Within MediaSenseNilsson, Joackim January 2010 (has links)
<p>As the development of context aware applications has evolved, there has been a corresponding increase in need for more sophisticated system. The aim for this thesis is the development of a dynamical P2P network system which is based on locations. The P2P network is self organizing and in a lightweight format. Modern technical solutions including AGPS have facilitated the work associated with the ability to position users and modern mathematical solutions such as spherical trigonometry provides the P2P system with the necessary accuracy even for short distances. The P2P system works on different Java platforms including JSE, JME and Android. Unfortunately the 3G network distributor has not yet solved a NAT traversal problem, which means that the P2P network self organization and architecture has only been proved by means of simulations. Another problem is that certain mathematical formulas are required for the spherical trigonometry and the limitation for JME is that it is unable to handle inverse trigonometry. However, the Android and JSE versions can form a correct P2P network, under the condition that the Android device uses a WIFI connection point outside the 3G distributor network system. This thesis reports the successful testing of the locations-based P2P network.</p> / MediaSense
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Workflow management systems, their security and access control mechanismsChehrazi, Golriz January 2007 (has links)
<p>This paper gives an overview of workflow management systems (WfMSs) and their security requirements with focus on access mechanisms. It is a descriptive paper in which we examine the state of the art of workflow systems, describe what security risks affect WfMSs in particular, and how these can be diminiuished.</p><p>WfMSs manage, illustrate and support business processes. They contribute to the performance, automation and optimization of processes, which is important in the global economy today. The security of process flows is important, since the sensitive business data need to be protected to inhibit illegal activities, such as blackmailing, imitation and fraud and to provide for good customer service.</p><p>This paper focuses on access mechanisms, because they are basic security mechanisms used by WfMSs assuring that only authorized users are provided access to data and resources. Also because of the unsecurity of the Internet, which is commonly used as infrastructure of Workflow systems, additional security mechanisms, such as PKIs, digital signatures and SSL have to be used to provide secure workflows.</p><p>Depending on the particular requirements in workflow systems, different extensional access control (AC) mechanisms have been developed to maintain security. But when it comes to commercially used WfMSs, the availability of the system is of utmost importance. It is the prerequisite for the system to be employed by companies. The problem is that there is always a trade-off between availability of the system and security. Because this trade off is generally solved in favor of availability, a major part of the developed AC mechanisms are not used in commercially used WfMS.</p><p>After the first part of this paper which is rather theoretical, we examine a commercial WfMS, namely IBM's MQ Workflow , and its security mechanisms. We show vulnerabilities of the system that could be abused by attackers. Afterwards, we show which security mechanisms, in particular, AC mechanisms are provided to secure against threats. We conclude with a summary, which highlights the difference between security concepts developed in the research area and those really implemented by the commercially used WfMS.</p>
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Bridging of SCSI to SATA and Implementationof a SATA Controller using Virtex-5 / Bryggning mellan SCSI och SATA samt implementering av en styrenhet för SATA på en Virtex-5Landström, Erik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Companies and authorities of today often handle large amount of data, not unusually with a restricted content which should be kept secret from outsiders. One way of accomplish this is to encrypt stored data in real time. For this a hardware solution is ideal since it can be independent, fast enough, and easily added to already existing systems.</p><p>This report is a starting point to achieve this with two of the most common mass storage standards SATA and SCSI in focus. It is based on the task to develop a FPGA based SATA controller and investigate the possibility to ”speak” SCSI with SATA devices.</p><p>The working process has involved theoretical studies, system design, test driven development using simulations and hardware tests and technical investigation.</p><p>The thesis resulted in a SCSI-to-SATA translation investigation pointing out difficulties and presenting a translation model. A SATA host was also implemented in VHDL on a Virtex-5 FPGA that can execute a number of SATA commands on different devices. Simulations performed shows that the total latency reaches one <em>μ</em>s/32 bits in the SATA host and that should not be much of a problem for most applications in a possible bridge solution. </p>
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