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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanical compression of coiled carbon nanotubes

Barber, Jabulani Randall Timothy 26 February 2009 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes are molecular-scale tubes of graphitic carbon that possess many unique properties. They have high tensile strength and elastic modulus, are thermally and electrically conductive, and can be structurally modified using well established carbon chemistries. There is global interest in taking advantage of their unique combination of properties and using these interesting materials as components in nanoscale devices and composite materials. The goal of this research was the correlation of the mechanical properties of coiled carbon nanotubes with their chemical structure. Individual nanocoils, grown by chemical vapor deposition, were attached to scanning probe tip using the arc discharge method. Using a scanning probe microscope the nanocoils are repeatedly brought into and out of contact with a chemically-modified substrate. Precise control over the length (or area) of contact with the substrate is achievable through simultaneous monitoring the cantilever deflection resonance, and correlating these with scanner movement. The mechanical response of nanocoils depended upon the extent of their compression. Nonlinear response of the nanocoil was observed consistent with compression, buckling, and slip-stick motion of the nanocoil. The chemical structure of the nanocoil and its orientation on the tip was determined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The mechanical stiffness of eighteen different nanocoils was determined in three ways. In the first, the spring constant of each nanocoil was computed from the slope of the linear response region of the force-distance curve. The assumptions upon which this calculation is based are: 1) under compression, the cantilever-nanocoil system can be modeled as two-springs in series, and 2) the nanocoil behaves as an ideal spring as the load from the cantilever is applied. Nanocoil spring constants determined in this fashion ranged from 6.5x10-3 to 5.16 TPa for the CCNTs understudy. In the second, the spring constant of the nanocoil was computed from measuring the critical force required to buckle the nanocoil. The critical force method measured the force at the point where the nanocoil-cantilever system diverges from a linear region in the force curve. Nanocoil spring constants determined in this fashion ranged from 1.3x10-5 to 10.4 TPa for the CCNTs understudy. In the third, the spring constant of each nanocoil was computed from the thermal resonance of the cantilever-nanocoil system. Prior to contact of the nanocoil with the substrate, the effective spring constant of the system is essentially that of the cantilever. At the point of contact and prior to buckling or slip-stick motion, the effective spring constant of the system is modeled as two springs in parallel. Nanocoil spring constants determined in this fashion ranged from 2.7x10-3 to 0.03 TPa for the CCNTs understudy. Using the thermal resonance of the cantilever system a trend was observed relating nanocoil structure to the calculated modulus. Hollow, tube-like nanostructures had a higher measured modulus than solid or fibrous structures by several orders of magnitude. One can conclude that the structure of carbon nanocoils can be determined from using their mechanical properties. This correlation should significantly contribute to the knowledge of the scientific and engineering community. It will enable the integration of carbon nanocoils in microelectromechanical (MEMS) or nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) as resonators, vibration dampers, or any other application in which springs are used within complex devices.


BRUNO CESAR CAYRES ANDRADE 26 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] Uma prospecção bem sucedida de petróleo e gás requer muitos esforços para se sobrepor os desafios encontrados, tais como vibrações axiais, laterais e torcionais. Estes fenômenos podem causar a falha prematura de componentes do sistema de perfuração, disfunção nos equipamentos de medição e aumento no tempo e custo no processo de perfuração. Em particular, vibrações torcionais estão presentes em grande parte dos processos de perfuração e podem alcançar um estado crítico: stick-slip. Um melhor entendimento sobre este fenômeno proporciona ferramentas para evitar o aumento do tempo e do custo da prospecção, assegurando o investimento e sucesso do processo de perfuração. Neste trabalho, é descrito um procedimento experimental com um atrito não linear objetivando induzir stick-slip e é feito uma modelagem analítica simples do problema. O modelo de atrito é baseado em um atrito seco imposto por um dispositivo de freio desenvolvido. O comportamento não linear da bancada experimental é analisada e o modelo numérico é validado comparando diagramas de bifurcações numérica e experimentais. / [en] A successful oil and gas prospecting requires many efforts to overcome the encountered challenges, some of these challenges include drill string axial, lateral and torsional vibrations. These phenomena may cause premature component failures of the drilling system, dysfunction of measurement equipments, and increase time and costs of the prospecting process. Torsional vibrations are present in most drilling processes and may reach a severe state: stick-slip. An improved understanding about the stick-slip phenomenon provides tools to avoid the increase of prospecting time and costs, assuring the investment and success of the drilling process. Firstly, a numerical analysis of the drill string is performed with different friction models. These models are proposed in order to get familiar with the drill string dynamics. Also, it is described the experimental procedure with a nonlinear friction aiming to induce stick-slip and is performed a simple analytical modeling of the problem. The friction model is based on dry friction imposed by a break device. The nonlinear behavior of the experimental apparatus is analyzed and the numerical model is validated comparing experimental and numerical bifurcation diagrams.

Melhoria da produtividade na obtenção de furos em liga de aluminio aeronautico com ferramentas de aço rapido / Improvement of the productivity in getting holes in aviation aluminum alloys with high speed tools

Yamada, Yoshio 02 December 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Nivaldo Lemos Coppini / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T08:50:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Yamada_Yoshio_M.pdf: 2447082 bytes, checksum: c2b6d6ed800ac7addff199bda2a55b5a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em aperfeiçoar o processo de fabricação de furos realizados pela empresa X em um de seus produtos. Além da otimização deverá ser mantida a qualidade dimensional através do controle do diâmetro, da cilindricidade, da circularidade e do acabamento superficial de furos cilíndricos obtidos pelo processo de alargamento, com ferramentas de aço rápido em de liga de alumínio Al 7175 T66, para se obter furos com alta qualidade superficial e precisão de forma, que atendam as especificações de projeto de componentes da indústria aeronáutica. É estudada a influência das variáveis do processo: velocidade de corte, avanço, sobre as variáveis de resposta: força de avanço e momento torsor. O processo de alargamento estudado é realizado em 04 operações sendo 02 operações de furação e 02 operações de alargamento com ferramentas de aço rápido, na primeira etapa os ensaios foram realizados com os parâmetros de usinagem do processo produtivo para caracterizar o processo, na segunda etapa foi implementada uma elevação dos parâmetros de usinagem com uma redução do tempo de produção. Na terceira etapa os ensaios foram realizados para avaliar a influência do pré-furo e do pré-alargamento na qualidade final, acarretando em uma maior redução do tempo de processo comparado com o processo otimizado. Pretende-se obter tal furo com a realização de apenas uma etapa de furação e uma de alargamento. Para isso, é necessária a observação não só da qualidade das peças em relação aos requisitos exigidos pelos clientes, mas também do tempo de ciclo de produção. As condições otimizadas e resultantes foram: velocidade de corte 100 m/min., avanço 0,2 mm/rot., com operação de pré-furação e sem operação de pré-alargamento. Com estas condições reduziu-se o tempo de produção por peça de 1,42 min. para 0,63 min / Abstract: The purpose of this study is to optimize the manufacturing process of holes made by Company X in one of their products. Besides the optimization, should be maintained the dimensional quality by controlling the diameter, roundness, circularity, and surface finish of cylindrical holes obtained by the widening process, with high-speed steel reamers in a aluminum alloy 7175-T66, to obtain holes with high surface quality and precision of form that meet the design specifications of aviation industry components. It is studied the influence of process variables: cutting speed, feed, about the response variables: feed force and torsion moment. The widening process studied is realized in four operations, consisting of two drilling operations and two widening operations with high-speed steel tools. In the first stage, the tests were carried out with machining parameters of the company to characterize the process. In the second stage, was implemented an increase in machining parameters with a reduction in the production time. In the third stage, the tests were realized to evaluate the influence of pre-drilling and pre-widening on the final quality, resulting in a further reduction of processing time compared with the optimized process. We intend to obtain this hole with the realization of only one drilling stage and one widening stage. For this, it's necessary not only the observation of the quality of the pieces in relation to the requirements demanded by the customers, but also the cycle time of production. The optimized conditions and resulting were: cutting speed of 100 m/min., feed of 0.2 mm/rev, with pre-drilling operation and without pre-widening operation. With this conditions, reduced the production time per piece of 1.42 min. to 0.63 min / Mestrado / Engenharia de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Bronze-Steel Friction Characteristics under the Lubrication of Modified Water/Glycerol Mixtures

Hamouda, Karim January 2017 (has links)
Increasing environmental awareness has driven a lot of research to look into various environmentally friendly lubricants which can replace more conventional mineral oil based lubricants. This is true in particular for marine and hydropower applications where the risk of lubricant leakage can be damaging to the local environment. Glycerol is an organic compound produced as a byproduct when producing Biodiesel. It is environmentally friendly and has been used by the pharmaceutical and food industries for a long time. Recent research has shown that glycerol has very good tribological properties and can be used as a lubricant in some applications. However, its high viscosity and high static friction are disadvantageous and needs improvement. The purpose of this study is to investigate possible surface active environmentally adapted additives in glycerol and water solutions. 14 additives have been selected for testing and were tested in a pin-on-disc start-stop friction test to see their effect on the static and dynamic friction coefficients. From these 14 additives two were selected due to their superior performance and were further studied. The effect of concentration of water and additive in glycerol was also investigated using the same test conditions. A phosphor based additive has been found to be the best performing.

Commande et stabilité des systèmes commutés : Application Fluid Power

Ameur, Omar 12 November 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux portent sur la commande et l’analyse de la stabilité d’un système électropneumatique constitué d’un axe linéaire commandé par deux servodistributeurs régulant le débit massique entrant dans chaque chambre de l’actionneur. La problématique générale est motivée par l’apparition d’un phénomène de redécollage sur ce système électropneumatique difficilement pris en compte par les études actuelles en automatique. Ce problème, rencontré depuis de nombreuses années, concerne toutes les commandes linéaires et non linéaires mono et multidimensionnelles étudiées au laboratoire. Il se traduit par des mouvements saccadés du vérin au voisinage de l’équilibre. Ce phénomène est dû à la présence de frottements secs et aux dynamiques des pressions dans les chambres pneumatiques de l’actionneur, qui continuent à évoluer (intégrer le débit massique entrant délivré par les servodistributeurs), même après l’équilibre mécanique. La première partie de ce mémoire propose une commande non linéaire commutée afin d’éviter le phénomène de redécollage de l’actionneur électropneumatique notamment vis-à-vis des variations de frottements secs qui peuvent à tout moment causer ce phénomène. Cette technique est finalement mise en œuvre et son efficacité est constatée. La plus grande partie de ce mémoire traite l’analyse de l’actionneur électropneumatique avec sa loi de commande commutée. La présence de frottements secs et l’application d’une loi de commande commutée nous a amené à concilier une démarche d’analyse de stabilité, en considérant une classe de systèmes commutés appelée systèmes affines par morceaux. La principale difficulté de cette démarche réside dans l’obtention de fonctions de Lyapunov adéquates, qui se transforme en un problème d’optimisation sous contraintes LMI (Linear Matrix Inequality) en utilisant la S-procédure. Afin d’analyser la stabilité d’un système PWA (PieceWise Affine), la première démarche proposée permet le calcul d’une fonction de Lyapunov quadratique par morceaux sous la forme d’un problème d’optimisation sous contraintes LMI, en imposant des conditions suffisantes de stabilité. Ces dernières permettent, contrairement aux méthodes classiques, d’assurer la convergence de trajectoires d’état non pas vers un point d’équilibre, mais vers un ensemble des points d’équilibre d’un système PWA. L’approche proposée permet aussi l’étude de la robustesse vis-à-vis des variations paramétriques dans le système. Nous proposons aussi une deuxième approche pour la construction d’un type de fonctions de Lyapunov dites polynomiales par morceaux, via l’utilisation des "sum of square" et de la "power transformation", afin d’analyser la stabilité d’un ensemble de points d’équilibre d’un système PWA, en présence de phénomènes de glissement et de variations paramétriques. Cette approche propose des conditions suffisantes moins conservatives que celles imposées par les fonctions de Lyapunov quadratique par morceaux. En effet, sur des exemples de systèmes PWA présentant de dynamiques discontinues sur les frontières entre les cellules, pouvant générer à tout moment des phénomènes de glissement, ces dernières s’avèrent inefficaces et ne permettent pas d’assurer la stabilité des systèmes PWA en présence de ces phénomènes. Par conséquent, les résultats sur la fonction de Lyapunov quadratique par morceaux sont étendus pour pouvoir calculer des fonctions de Lyapunov polynomiales par morceaux d’ordre supérieur, en résolvant un problème d’optimisation sous contraintes LMI. Ces dernières permettent de garantir des conditions plus générales et moins conservatives par rapport à celles développées dans la littérature. Ces deux approches ont été appliquées afin d’analyser la stabilité de l’ensemble des points d’équilibre du système électropneumatique, en considérant à la fois un modèle de frottements sous la forme d’une saturation et un autre sous la forme d’un relais présentant une dynamique discontinue. [...] / This work focuses on the control and stability analysis of an electro-pneumatic system, i.e. a linear pneumatic cylinder controlled by two servo valves regulating the mass flow entering each chamber of the actuator. The general problem is motivated by the appearance of stick-slip on the electro-pneumatic system, hardly taken into account by the current studies in automatic control. This problem, encountered throughout the years, concerns all mono- and multidimensional linear and non-linear controls systems studied at the laboratory. In pneumatic cylinders, the phenomenon consists in a displacement of the rod a while after it has come to a rest ; this is due to the fact that the force acting on the rod initially becomes smaller that the threshold which is necessary for a motion, and then this threshold is overcome later on. In this case, stick-slip is caused by the presence of dry friction and by the pressure dynamics in the chambers, which continue to evolve (integrating the net incoming mass flow from the servovalves) even after the rod has stopped. The first part of this thesis proposes a nonlinear switching control law in order to avoid stick-slip on pneumatic cylinder, taking into account with the variations of dry friction that may occur at any time causing this phenomenon. This technique is implemented and its effectiveness is recognized. The greatest part of this thesis deals with the stability analysis of the pneumatic cylinder with its switched control law. The presence of dry friction and the application of a switched control law requires an appropriate method for approaching the stability analysis ; this method is based on considering the closed-loop system as belonging to a class of switched systems called piecewise affine systems (PWA). The main difficulty in this approach lies in obtaining adequate Lyapunov functions for proving stability, which turns into an optimization problem under LMI constraints (Linear Matrix Inequality) using the S-procedure. In order to analyze the stability of a PWA system, a first method is proposed allowing the computation of a piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function through an optimization problem under LMI constraints. The methods takes into account, in contrast to conventional methods, that the states might converge not to a single point but to a set of equilibrium points. The proposed approach allows also the study of robustness with respect to parametric variations in the system. A second method is also proposed for the construction of a type of Lyapunov functions called piecewise polynomial, using the “sum of squares” and “power transformation” techniques. This approach proposes less conservative sufficient conditions than those imposed by the piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions, yielding a more succesfull stability test when for PWA systems featuring sliding modes and parametric variations. In fact, on PWA systems with discontinuous dynamics (which can generate sliding phenomena), piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions might prove ineffective to prove the stability. Therefore, the results on piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions are extended in order to compute piecewise polynomial Lyapunov functions of higher order, by solving an optimization problem under LMI constraints. These functions are more general and allow less conservative conditions compared to those formerly developed in the literature. Both of these methods have been applied to the stability analysis of the set of equilibrium points of the pneumatic cylinder, considering first a friction model in saturation form and then a model in relay form with a discontinuous dynamics. The application of the methods is successful, i.e. the robust stability is proven under dry friction threshold variations, with possibility of sliding modes.

On the influence of surface roughness on rolling contact forces

Lundberg, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
Road vehicle tyres, railway wheels and ball bearings all generate rolling contact forces which are transferred within a finite area of contact between the rolling element and the substrate. Either it is visible or not for the human eye, a certain degree of roughness is always present on the contacting surfaces and it influences the generation of both vertical and lateral contactforces. The purpose of this investigation is to enhance the understanding and modelling of the influence from small-scale surface roughness on the generation of rolling contact forces. To this end, a computationally efficient method to include roughness-induced contact nonlinearities in the dynamic modelling of rolling contacts is proposed. The method is implemented in a time domain model for vertical wheel–track interaction to model rolling-induced rail vibrations, showing good agreement with measurements. Furthermore, a test rig is developed and used for the investigation of tyre–road rolling contact forces. Detailed studies are performed on the influence of substrate roughness on the resulting contact forces for a tyre tread block which is rolling at different operating conditions. The choice of substrate as well as the rolling velocity and the slip ratio is observed to have significant influence on the resulting friction coefficient. For high slip ratios, stick–slip oscillations appear, exhibiting frequency content which is largely dependent on the choice of substrate. The outcomes of this study can potentially be used to improve future tyre–road contacts with respect to wear, traction and noise generation. / <p>QC 20161013</p> / Centre for Eco2 Vehicle Design

Formulación de un modelo de Mecánica Molecular aplicado al comportamiento estructural de nanotubos de carbono

Merli Gisbert, Rafael 28 June 2013 (has links)
Desde su descubrimiento en 1991, los nanotubos de carbono han despertado un gran interés por parte de la comunidad cientí¿ca e investigadora en todo el mundo. Esto es debido en gran medida a las excepcionales propiedades mecánicas, térmicas y eléctricas que presentan. Sus extraordinarias características les con¿eren prometedoras aplicaciones en el campo de la biomecánica, la industria aeronáutica y la ingeniería. En cualquier caso, la utilización extensiva de estos nuevos materiales en un futuro próximo pasa necesariamente por la mejora de los actuales procesos de fabricación, hasta la obtención de nanotubos de una forma económicamente rentable. Una parte importante de la investigación relacionada con estas singulares moléculas se ha destinado a la predicción de su respuesta tenso-deformacional frente a acciones o estímulos externos. En algunos casos se han aplicado modelos ya existentes al comportamiento resistente de los nanotubos, mientras que en otros se han de¿nido nuevos modelos con características propias. Como punto medio entre los costosos modelos de dinámica molecular y los modelos clásicos derivados de la mecánica del continuo, aparecen los modelos de mecánica estructural molecular (entre ellos, el stick-spiral), que permiten describir la estructura atómica del nanotubo a un coste computacional razonable. Esta tesis doctoral tiene por objeto la formulación general del modelo stick-spiral y su aplicación a los nanotubos de carbono monocapa. Se ha explorado dicha formulación y sus resultados tanto en el marco del análisis geométricamente lineal como en el no lineal, además de contrastar las posibles diferencias en la respuesta estructural de los nanotubos debido a la consideración de dos potenciales interatómicos (AMBER y Morse). En la primera parte del trabajo se ha estudiado la indeterminación estática y cinemática del modelo mediante una adaptación de la descomposición en valores singulares de Pellegrino y Calladine para estructuras articuladas, con el objetivo de averiguar la existencia de soluciones estáticamente admisibles. Este estudio permite establecer las ecuaciones cinemáticas y estáticas de cada elemento constituyente del modelo en el rango de la linealidad, así como plantear las características del ensamblaje de las matrices cinemáticas y de equilibrio en el modelo estructural completo. Este primer análisis ha puesto de mani¿esto la veri¿cación de la relación de contragradiencia para nuestro modelo y permite establecer la determinación cinemática del sistema en función de las condiciones de contorno presentes, así como la alta indeterminación estática interna que asegura la existencia de soluciones dada una determinada con¿guración de las cargas externas. En una segunda etapa se aborda el análisis geométricamente lineal del modelo mediante una formulación en rigidez completamente general e independiente de la situación de carga mediante la aplicación sistemática de la ecuación de trabajos virtuales a los elementos estructurales, así como al sistema completo. Se proporcionan expresiones cerradas para las matrices de rigidez de cada elemento y se demuestra la veri¿cación del ensamblaje booleano en el modelo. Adicionalmente, se presta especial atención a la curvatura inicial del nanotubo, incluyendo un sistema de esfuerzos iniciales (preeenergía o pretensado) que tiende a estabilizar la sección transversal y acortar el nanotubo. Como parámetros de contraste, se estiman las características mecánicas del nanotubo como conjunto bajo los esquemas de carga habituales en piezas alargadas (tracción, compresión, ¿exión y torsión), lo cual ha permitido validar la formulación comparando resultados con otros autores, como Natsuki y iEndo; todo ello considerando dos potenciales interatómicos distintos, para averiguar la in¿uencia de la no linealidad mecánica en la respuesta ¿nal. No obstante, se critica la validez de tales características mecánicas debido a su dependencia de ciertos parámetros geométricos como el espesor de pared equivalente, de determinación controvertida. Adicionalmente, se describen las ventajas del modelo de la tesis en relación a la dudosa aplicabilidad de los modelos continuos clásicos y respecto a los computacionalmente costosos métodos de dinámica molecular. Posteriormente, se lleva a cabo el análisis del comportamiento de nanotubos frente a la inestabilidad desde un punto de vista geométricamente no lineal. El desarrollo de expresiones simbólicas para la matriz de rigidez tangente y la demostración del ensamblaje booleano en el caso no lineal ponen de mani¿esto la potencia de la formulación en la obtención de deformaciones críticas con un esfuerzo computacional razonable. Desde el punto de vista numérico, se han implementado algoritmos incrementales-iterativos para cada uno de los potenciales interatómicos considerados, de forma que permitieron veri¿car que la no linealidad geométrica se desencadena previamente a la constitutiva, de acuerdo con Falvo et al. e Iijima et al. Como resultados se proporcionan las trayectorias de equilibrio no lineales, las deformaciones críticas bajo los esquemas de carga habituales en piezas alargadas y las geometrías deformadas al ¿nal del proceso de carga. Finalmente, se estudia la adecuación de la geometría inicial a la proporcionada por el mapeo conforme sobre una super¿cie cilíndrica ideal. En concreto, se determinó el diámetro inicial del cilindro mediante la minimización de la energía total del sistema para las tres quiralidades, supuestos nulos los alargamientos de enlace respecto a la longitud de referencia sobre la lámina plana de grafeno. Los diámetros y esfuerzos obtenidos se contrastaron con los resultados del análisis lineal para el modelo de la tesis, hallando una íntima coincidencia entre los valores de salida de ambos procedimientos. La consideración de esta nueva geometría inicial representa una vía alternativa en la introducción de la curvatura del nanotubo en su comportamiento mecánico. / Merli Gisbert, R. (2013). Formulación de un modelo de Mecánica Molecular aplicado al comportamiento estructural de nanotubos de carbono [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/30245 / TESIS

Návrh a zástavba aktivních členů do řízení letounu / Haptic feedback device design for aircraft control

Dubnický, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on design of control stick grip and rudder pedals extension. These components are equipped with active elements, which provide pilot with haptic feedback. The purpose of the introduced design is to allow prototype to be built into the aeroplane so that the proposed concept of haptic feedback can be tested onboard. It shall verify used technical solutions as well to allow for their application on following development stages that aim at certification of the proposed haptic feedback system to be used in general aviation aeroplanes. The designed components are the successors of prototypes used for experiments carried on flight simulator. The design process follows the requirements of legislation and outcomes of the previous experiments. This thesis follows the design process from setting of the design requirements to mechanical test of 3D printed prototypes.

Seroprävalenz von Tetanustoxoid-Antikörpern bei Pferden in Mitteldeutschland und Evaluierung ihrer Bestimmung mittels eines immunchromatographischen Schnelltestes: Seroprävalenz von Tetanustoxoid-Antikörpern bei Pferden in Mitteldeutschland und Evaluierung ihrer Bestimmung mittels einesimmunchromatographischen Schnelltestes

Recknagel, Stephan 27 October 2015 (has links)
Trotz der längst etablierten und weit verbreiten Impfprophylaxe mit potenten Toxoidimpfstoffen sind dramatisch verlaufende Tetanusinfektionen noch immer im Alltag des Pferdepraktikers präsent. Dies gab Anlass, verschiedene Impfprotokolle und die daraus resultierende humorale Immunitätslage zu überprüfen. Kenntnis über die durch Vakzination erwirkte Tetanusimmunität ist im Falle der Versorgung von Verletzungen oder vor elektiven Eingriffen hinsichtlich der Entscheidung für oder gegen eine neuerliche aktive und/oder passive Immunisierung erforderlich. Weiterhin ermöglicht die Kontrolle auf Persistenz homologer maternaler Antikörper vor Durchführung der Erstvakzination eine optimale Impfprophylaxe. Für diese beiden Indikationen wurde der Fassisi® TetaCheck als direkt am Patienten anwendbarer Schnelltest entwickelt. Dieser Streifentest wurde mit besonderem Augenmerk auf der zuverlässigen Identifizierung nicht ausreichend geschützter Individuen und der Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber der Testdurchführung und Interpretation durch ungeschulte Personen evaluiert. Zunächst wurden 91 Serumproben von Klinikpatienten mit glaubhafter Impfanamnese mittels Doppel-Antigen-ELISA (DAE) untersucht. Neben der Bestimmung der Seroprävalenz protektiver Tetanustoxoid-Antikörperkonzentrationen (TTAK) von > 0,1 IE/ml in dieser Population wurden mögliche Einflussgrößen auf die Höhe der TTAK zum Zeitpunkt der Blutentnahme analysiert. Zu diesen zählten das Alter der Tiere, die Impfintervalle, der Zeitabstand zur letzten Vakzination und das gleichzeitige Verimpfen weiterer Komponenten. Der Tetanus-Streifentest (TST) wurde evaluiert, indem die durch zwei unabhängige Untersucher ermittelten qualitativen Resultate des Schnelltestes mit den mittels DAE quantifizierten Antitoxinkonzentrationen in 99 Serumproben retrospektiv verglichen wurden. Ergänzend erfolgte die objektive Quantifizierung der Farbreaktion im Testfeld des TST durch Fotografieren und anschließender Analyse mittels einer Bildbearbeitungssoftware. Die Seroprävalenz protektiver TTAK betrug 92,3 %. 89 % der untersuchten Pferde waren ihrem jeweiligen Alter entsprechend gemäß der ‚Leitlinie zur Impfung von Pferden‘, herausgegeben von der Ständigen Impfkommission Vet. des Bundesverbandes Praktizierender Tierärzte immunisiert. Fünf dieser Pferde waren jedoch nicht ausreichend geschützt. Hierzu zählten ein fünf Monate altes Fohlen, bei welchem die maternalen Antikörper bereits unter die Schutzgrenze abgefallen waren, zwei juvenile Pferde ohne abgeschlossene Grundimmunisierung und zwei adulte Pferde. Abweichungen von der Impfempfehlung bestanden ausschließlich in Form verlängerter Abstände der Wiederholungsimpfungen von drei bis zu acht Jahren. Trotzdem wiesen diese Tiere protektive TTAK auf. Unter alleiniger Betrachtung des Patientenalters wiesen alle geriatrischen Patienten (n = 12) TTAK weit oberhalb der Schutzgrenze auf. Hinsichtlich der Einhaltung unterschiedlicher Boosterintervalle unterschieden sich die TTAK nicht signifikant (p = 0,117). Der zeitliche Abstand zur letzten Tetanusimpfung ließ keine Prognose über die zu erwartenden TTAK zu. TTAK nach Impfung mit monovalenten Vakzinen unterschieden sich nicht signifikant von denen nach Durchführung einer Kombinationsimpfung (p = 0,63). Für den TST ergaben sich eine Sensitivität von 83,6 % und eine Spezifität von 100 %. Die Übereinstimmung der Untersucher hinsichtlich eines binären Resultats war fast vollkommen (K = 0,88). Die Durchführung des TST durch den jeweils anderen Untersucher hatte keinen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Auswertung des Teststreifens (K = 0,80 und K = 0,84). Durch Erweiterung des vom Hersteller vorgegebenen Bewertungsmaßstabes „negativ“, „schwach positiv“ und „positiv“ auf fünf unterschiedliche Farbintensitäten konnte eine bessere Differenzierung ungeschützter Individuen von Tieren mit belastbarer Immunität ermöglicht werden. Zwischen der objektiv gemessenen Farbintensität und der TTAK bestand ein positiver linearer Zusammenhang (r² = 0,74). Auf diesen Ergebnissen basierend sollte zur Vermeidung ineffektiver Immunisierungen vor der Erstvakzination eine Bestimmung der TTAK mit Vollendung des fünften Lebensmonats erfolgen. Hierzu erwies sich der Fassisi® TetaCheck aufgrund seiner Zuverlässigkeit und Unempfindlichkeit als überaus geeignet. Da auch das strikte Einhalten der Impfempfehlung keine ausreichende Seroprotektion garantiert und die Eintragungen im Pferdepass fehlerhaft sein können, kann nur über eine Bestimmung der TTAK Gewissheit über den tatsächlichen Immunstatus erlangt werden. Die routinemäßige Implementierung des TST in die Pferdepraxis kann dazu beitragen, die Notwendigkeit einer Immuntherapie zu diagnostizieren und damit unnötige und nebenwirkungsbehaftete TT- oder Antiserumgaben zu minimieren. Im zweijährlichen Abstand vorgenommene Wiederholungsimpfungen führen zu keiner besseren Immunitätslage gegenüber wesentlich längeren Impfintervallen. Die Impfempfehlung könnte daher ein acht- bis zehnjähriges Boosterintervall ausweisen. Die humorale Tetanusimmunität betreffend ergeben sich keine Nachteile bei gleichzeitiger Impfung weiterer Komponenten.


PAULO ALBERTO DA COSTA MATTOS 28 January 2016 (has links)
[pt] Os custos de uma campanha exploratória, incluindo a perfuração de poços de petróleo estão cada vez mais elevados. As vibrações nas colunas de perfuração estão presentes a todo momento nas operações de perfuração, o que podem ocasionar a quebra destas colunas e do BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly), danos em brocas e demais equipamentos. Além do custo do possível dano e/ou perda destes equipamentos, existem os custos da sonda parada e a despesas operacionais das companhias contratadas, o chamado custo de Stand by, e o mais indesejável, a perda do poço. Fenômenos como Bit Bounce, Stick-Slip e Forward/Backward Whril, que advém das vibrações axiais, torcionais e laterais respectivamente, são motivos de vários estudos. Esta dissertação pretende fazer a validação do modelo matemático de dinâmica torcional utilizado na dissertação de mestrado de CAYRES (2013) para gerar mapas de estabilidade para vibrações torcionais. Nesta dissertação parâmetros reais de uma coluna de perfuração foram inseridos no modelo com objetivo de obter mapas de estabilidade de vibrações torcionais para a perfuração de um poço na Bacia de Solimões. Tais mapas de estabilidade foram gerados a partir deste modelo matemático, que na tese de CAYRES (2013), é baseado em procedimento experimental, com um atrito não linear induzindo o fenômeno stick-slip que está associado às vibrações torcionais. Este fenômeno tem relação entre torque e velocidade angular na broca provocando vibrações indesejáveis na coluna de perfuração. A geração destes mapas permitiu que a análise de sensibilidade e a averiguação da ocorrência ou não de vibrações torcionais fossem feitas, bem como a inserção de valores de WOB (peso sobre a broca) e RPM (velocidade de rotação) de um caso real de perfuração de um poço na Bacia do Solimões. Nesta análise de sensibilidade foram considerados, além dos aspectos acima citados, o tipo de broca e formação geológica, permitindo assim a validação do modelo de CAYRES (2013) e contribuindo para a otimização dos processos operacionais da perfuração de poços de petróleo. / [en] The costs of an exploration campaign, including the drilling of oil wells are increasingly high. The vibrations in the drill strings are present at all times in drilling operations that can cause damage of these drill pipe and BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly), as drill bits and other equipment. Besides the cost of a possible damage or loss of such equipment, there are the costs when the rig is not operating and the expenses of all companies involved in the operations, called the cost of stand by, and the worst case scenario of the undesirable loss of the well. The Phenomena like Bit Bounce, Stick-Slip and Forward/Backward Whril, that arises from axial, torsional and lateral vibrations respectively are the motivation of several studies. This dissertation aims to show the validation of the mathematical modeling of the torsional dynamics used in CAYRES (2013) that generate stability maps for torsional vibrations. In this dissertation real parameters from a drill string were inserted in this mathematical modeling, aiming to obtain stability maps for torsional vibrations during a drilling operation of a well in Solimões Basin. Such stability maps were generated from a dynamic model that in CAYRES (2013) thesis is based on an experimental procedure with a nonlinear friction inducing stick-slip phenomenon associated to torsional vibrations. This phenomenon is related to torque and angular velocity on the bit generating undesirable vibrations. Build stability maps and checking when torsional vibrations happen, and then comparing with a real case of WOB (weight on bit) and RPM (rotary speed) in Solimões Basin. In this sensitivity analysis were considered, besides the aspects mentioned above, the kind of bit and geological formation in order to contribute to the optimization of the oil well drilling operational process.

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