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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Individens behov i praktiken? En etnografisk fallstudie om styrande principer i den kommunala boendeprocessen för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

Thole Kling, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
De senare åren har det gått mode i tal om att sätta individen i centrum inom socialtjänsten. Självbestämmande och delaktighet är hörnstenar i Lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (1993:387). Men är brukarens behov styrande i praktiken? I uppsatsen studeras LSS-processen utifrån ett slags organisatoriska ideologier, s.k. professionella logiker, och hur de tar sig uttryck i praktiken. Sedan tidigare är det känt att professionella logiker som domineras av hierarkier respektive av klassisk kompetens konkurrerar med varandra. I det teoretiska ramverket deltar även en brukarmandatslogik.I denna etnografiska kvalitativa fallstudie studeras tre kommuner som i huvudsak har en välskött LSS-verksamhet. Huvudaktörer som studeras är biståndshandläggare på beställarenheter och baspersonal på utförarens boenden men också andra aktörer som filtrerar logikerna studeras. Logikernas principer och praktisk applicering av dessa analyseras utifrån kunskapsbas, kontroll, auktoritet och handlingsutrymme samt dokumentation. I analysen har jag kommit fram till att olika logiker visar sig olika starka i processens olika faser. Ett tydligt exempel på nyinstitutionell särkoppling är den formella uppföljningen handläggare ska göra av hur arbetet faktiskt genomförts i den boendes närmiljö. Här ser vi att den röda tråden som är tänkt att gå från beställare via utförare och tillbaka ibland tar en annan väg eller klipps av någonstans på vägen. Den informella samverkan pekar på större dynamik än den formella i samspelet mellan logikerna. / In the last few years, the idea of person-centered care within social services has grown in popularity, seen from a public discourse driven by the National Board of Health and Welfare. Inclusion and empowerment are cornerstones in the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS). But is the individual’s mandate the ruling principle also in practice? In this essay, the municipal LSS process is studied from the viewpoint of professional logics and how they manifest in practice. Previous research has been carried out in the fields of classical professional logic and the competing organizational professional logic. Together with these, I examine a user-mandate professional logic. By using the qualitative methods of ethnography and case study, I study agents from three municipalities with an overall well-managed care for the target group. Principal agents are care managers and care givers’ staff working close to the residents. These functions are organizationally separated into different units where the manager investigate the individuals’ needs, forward investigations, and decisions to care givers and then review the given social services. Also studied are other agents that have a filtering function of the logics. The principles and practical application of the logics are analyzed from knowledge base, control, authority, discretion, and authority. In the analysis, I have concluded that the occurrence of the different logics varies in strength in the different phases of the process. One distinct example of an organizational decoupling is the formal review where the thought order of the process could be viewed as a “red thread”, running from manager to care giver and back. The empirics show that the read thread takes another route or is cut off somewhere along the route. The informal cooperation, rather than the formal, indicates greater dynamics in the interplay between the logics.

The Forgotten History: The Deinstitutionalization Movement in the Mental Health Care System in the United States

Tuntiya, Nana 23 May 2003 (has links)
The development of ideas on deinstitutionalization of mental patients has a much longer history in the United States than is commonly acknowledged. Evidence of intense discussion on the rights of the mentally disturbed, curative as opposed to control measures in their treatment, and the drawbacks of congregating the afflicted in large institutions can be found as early as the middle of the 19th century. This discussion was provoked by dissemination of knowledge about the oldest community care program of all: the colony of mental patients in Gheel, Belgium. Based on document analysis of publications in the American Journal of Insanity from 1844 to 1921, this study attempts to trace how this discussion resulted in the first wave of deinstitutionalization in the American mental health care system, and the successful implementation of the alternative of hospital treatment. My study further documents how the development of this program was inhibited by the need of psychiatry to attain professional legitimation. In its struggle to acquire public respect and occupational authority, the profession focused on somatic explanations of disease that could justify categorization of psychiatry as a branch of medical science. While this claim was not decisively supported by laboratory findings, or the ability to cure patients, psychiatry put forward genetic explanations of mental disorder. This took the profession to the extreme of the eugenics movement, and eventually positioned it as an institution of social control instead of medical authority. Having thus failed to achieve the ultimate professional legitimation in the medical field, psychiatry was exposed to a new wave of criticism in the 1960s, which led to the second wave of deinstitutionalization. History repeated itself with the same outcome. In the absence of overall support within psychiatric circles, and a lack of appreciation of family care as a viable alternative to hospital treatment among social scientists, deinstitutionalization could not but fail again. The contribution of the study lies in the areas of deinstitutionalization, professionalization of expert labor, and the social construction of mental illness and deviance.

“[Taking] Responsibility for the Community”: Women Claiming Power and Legitimacy in Technical and Professional Communication in India, 1999-2016

Matheson, Breeanne 01 August 2018 (has links)
Though the field of technical and professional communication has long been saturated with the narratives of Euro-Western males, technical and professional communication as a field has a responsibility to expand the lens of study to include the experiences of global and nontraditional practitioners. This study examines the experiences of Indian women working as practitioners, building power and legitimacy in a globalized economy. Drawing from interviews with 49 practitioners as well as an analysis of historical documents, this study examines the methods that Indian practitioners have used to build power and legitimacy by founding professional organizations, leveraging their educational opportunities, and using tactical strategies in their workplaces. The data suggests that Indian women have done strong, innovative work in building their own legitimacy in the field. However, work remains to remove barriers that disproportionately bar women from access to professionalizing structures.

Sports Coaching Through the Ages with an Empirical Study of Predictors of Rowing Coaching Effectiveness

Kiosoglous, Cameron Michael 08 May 2013 (has links)
Coaching effectiveness is a result of a coach getting the best out of the people and resources in their environment. For coaches, learning from experience is vital in a role that is a complex, dynamic and multifaceted process of balancing fun and winning where one cannot be sure if results will go according to plan. At the Olympic level, due to commercialization more money is being spent than ever before on developing more professional and effective training systems to maximize athletic performances. Medals won determine how a coach is evaluated and with more nations competition at a higher level, success is becoming even more competitive. More qualified and adaptable coaches are required to cope with the demands of international competition. The literature has been extensively examined based on the research question: to what extent is coaching success predicted by a coaches' ability to self-reflect on past experiences? The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that if coaches who are highly self-reflective and have successful athletic and coaching experiences would be more likely to have future coaching success than those who either were not self-reflective or had less success in the past. Coaching knowledge is acquired though experience and the process of learning and self-reflection is an activity that facilitates this process. This study showed that rowing coaching experience and rowing athletic experience are positive predictors of coaching success, albeit weakly so. While self-reflective activities are not predictors of coaching success, self-reflection is an activity that coaches engage in. This study also identified the challenges in measuring coaching success. But like any domain, deliberate practice, which is a known pathway to developing expertise, is an activity that contributes to the professionalization of sports coaching and its advancement as a profession. / Ph. D.

"Jag hoppade av i precis rätt tid" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med ex-journalister om anledningarna till att de lämnade yrket. / " I jumped off at just the right time” : A qualitative interview study with ex-journalists about the reasons they left the profession.

Khoshaba, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
The newspaper industry, among other forms of journalism and media, has changed rapidly and fundamentally in the last 15-20 years due to technological and economical transformations as well as a shift in media consumption among the general public. The aim of this study is therefore to examine to what degree and how these changes and developments have affected journalists, to the extent that they exit the profession, as well as whether or not the ex-journalists still identify with the profession's ideals and democratic role in a society. The analysis is based on qualitative, semi structured interviews with eight Swedish ex-journalists, all who at some point in their journalistic careers have worked for a daily newspaper. To analyze the results, a theoretical framework consisting of parts of the role exit theory, push-pull-factors, theories of the professionalization of the journalism profession and theories of the democratic role of journalism, has been applied.    One main finding in this thesis is that the main driving force in leaving journalism, for the majority of the interviewees, was based on the economy of the newspapers they were working for and that some of the newspapers were forced to shut down or slim their production. This led to job insecurity for the journalists, less employees having to do more work and, for some, even being laid off. One other finding is that all of the interviewed ex-journalists state that they still identify with the way of working and the democratic ideals in the journalism profession to a high degree, despite working in other professions outside of journalism. This result indicates that the journalism profession, at least for the interviewed ex-newspaper-journalists, consists of shared ideals, behavior and ways of conducting the work.

Z influencera novinářem - nová forma deprofesionalizace žurnalistiky? / From an influencer to a journalist - a new form of a deprofessionalization of journalism?

Dytrychová, Alžběta January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis From an influencer to a journalist - a new form of a deprofessionalization of journalism? aims to acquaint readers with a modern trend, where influencers, people operating primarily on social media, become journalists, who create media performances. In the theoretical part, conceptions such as an influencer, social media or even the concept of a deprofessionalization of journalism are established. In the methodical part, the author chose a qualitative research method, specifically throughout interviews with influencers already participating in the media. In addition to the research method and research set, the reader is also acquainted with research questions, which were formed into interrogative questions. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the research itself. In the opening chapter, the concepts are ordered and categorized, which was later used by the author to assemble chapters Influencer, Education and practice, Employment relationship, Theoretical preparation, Working in the media and Social media. To each chapter citations from thorough interviews were implemented, which contributed as confirmation from influencers, who works or worked for the media. Thanks to open questions the closure could be made, that deprofessionalization of journalism is incorrectly linked with...

Fotbollsklubbar i en kommersialiserad värld : En kvalitativ studie om hur semi-kommersiella elitfotbollsklubbar bedrivs sportsligt och ekonomiskt / Football clubs in a commercialized world : A qualitative study of how semi-commercial elite football clubs are run from a sports and economic perspective

Palm, Erik, Shihbi, Yazan January 2023 (has links)
Allt fler fotbollsklubbar har börjat genomgå en professionaliseringsprocess, där dessa i större utsträckning börjar efterlikna vanliga företag. Detta har resulterat i ett ökat fokus på kommersialisering, och en ökad betydelse av ekonomi inom fotbollsklubbar. Av den anledningen arbetar fotbollsklubbar med både ett sportsligt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Tidigare forskning har huvudsakligen visat hur fotbollsklubbar med stora ekonomiska förutsättningar bedriver sina verksamheter utifrån dessa två perspektiv. Få har tagit hänsyn till hur detta arbete ser ut inom elitfotbollsklubbar med begränsade resurser. Dessa klubbar, vilka studien definierat som semi-kommersiella, antas inte ha kommit lika långt i sin professionaliseringsprocess, och bedrivs således sannolikt annorlunda. Syftet med studien är därför att öka förståelsen för hur semi-kommersiella fotbollsklubbar bedrivs ur ett sportsligt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Syftet bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi, där representanter från åtta fotbollsklubbar som spelar i Superettan eller OBOS Damallsvenskan deltagit genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Med utgångspunkt i hur företag bedrivs har studien tagit fram centrala element och verktyg för att besvara syftet. Elementen är vision, mål och strategi, vilka studien antar är centrala i bedrivandet av semi-kommersiella fotbollsklubbar. Verktygen som studien presenterar är affärsmodell, budget, prestationsmätning, benchmarking och intressenter, vilka antas användas av semi-kommersiella fotbollsklubbar för att dessa ska kunna bedrivas på ett välfungerande sätt. Studien har utvecklat en modell som ger en ökad förståelse för hur semi-kommersiella fotbollsklubbar bedrivs ur ett sportsligt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Gällande de centrala elementen kommer studien fram till att dessa används av semi-kommersiella fotbollsklubbar på ett likartat sätt inom det sportsliga och ekonomiska. Klubbarna uttrycker en stark önskan att jobba långsiktigt, och det finns en vilja att både sportsligt och ekonomiskt fokusera lokalt. Ett undantag från klubbarnas centrala element är hur de jobbar med vision, inom vilket enbart det sportsliga perspektivet framgår. Studien visar vidare hur semi-kommersiella fotbollsklubbar använder sig av de identifierade verktygen i syfte att bedrivas på ett framgångsrikt sätt och på sikt uppnå sina visioner. / An increasing number of football clubs have begun to undergo a professionalization process, in which they are starting to resemble ordinary businesses. This has resulted in an increased focus on commercialization, and the importance of the economy within football clubs. For that reason, football clubs need to consider both a sports and an economic perspective in the way they operate. Previous research has mainly shown how football clubs with great financial resources work with these two perspectives. A limited number of studies have considered how this work looks like within elite clubs with limited resources. These clubs, which the study has defined as semi-commercial, are assumed not to have progressed as far in their professionalization process and are thus probably run differently. The purpose of the study is therefore to increase the understanding of how semi-commercial football clubs are run from a sports and economic perspective. The purpose of this study was answered by using a qualitative research strategy, in which representatives from eight football clubs that play in Superettan or OBOS Damallsvenskan participated through semi-structured interviews. Based on how companies operate, the study presents central elements and tools to answer the purpose. The elements are vision, objectives, and strategy, which the study assumes to be central in how semi-commercial football clubs run their businesses. The study further presents the tools business model, budget, performance measurement, benchmarking, and stakeholders, which are assumed to be used by semi-commercial football clubs in order to be conducted in a well-functioning way. The study has developed a model that increases the understanding of how semi-commercial football clubs are run from a sports and financial perspective. Regarding the central elements the study concludes that these are used by semi-commercial football clubs in a similar way in the sports and economic perspective. The clubs express a strong desire to work long-term, and there is a desire to focus locally, both in the sports and economic perspective. An exception to the clubs’ central elements is how they work with vision, within which only the sports perspective is apparent. The study further shows how semi-commercial football clubs use the identified tools in order to be conducted in a successful manner, and in the long term achieve their visions.

Revisionsbranschen i förändring : En analys av vilket avtryck som förändrade utbildnings- och kompetenskrav lämnat på revisorsprofessionen / Audit in change : An analysis of the impact that changing educational and competence requirements have left on the auditing profession

Berglund, Johanna-Louise, Sjögren, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisorsprofessionen har under senare år präglats av ökade kompetenskrav, där Revisorsinspektionen har försökt att framkalla en bredare kompetensbas genom att lätta på revisorernas utbildningskrav. En profession som utsätts för förändringar kan riskera att deprofessionaliseras genom att förlora utmärkande kännetecken, förtroende, auktoritet, kompetens och status. Det väcker ett intresse av att studera vilket avtryck som förändrade utbildnings- och kompetenskrav har lämnat på revisorsprofessionen. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att bidra till en djupare förståelse för hur förändrade utbildningsoch kompetenskrav påverkar revisorer ur ett professionsteoretiskt perspektiv. Som en del av detta ingår att synliggöra hur revisorer upplever professionsidentiteten och har anpassat sig efter förändringen av professionen. Metod: Arbetet tillämpar en deduktiv forskningsansats med teoretisk utgångspunkt i professionsteori och professionsidentitet. Genom den teoretiska referensramen konstrueras en teoretisk modell som ligger till grund för utformandet av arbetets kvalitativa intervjustudie med auktoriserade och godkända revisorer. Slutsats: Studien visar att de nya utbildnings- och kompetenskrav på olika sätt har förändrat revisorsprofessionen. Revisorsprofessionen uppfyller fortfarande samtliga krav för att definieras som en profession. Kännetecknet specialiserad kunskap har däremot blivit mindre exklusivt, vilket kan liknas med en deprofessionalisering och statusförskjutning av dessa delar. Digitaliseringen och ökat kunskapsfokus upplevs å andra sidan skapa större förtroende för revisorn, samtidigt som arbetssättet beskrivs som mer homogent. De nya utbildningskraven upplevdes ännu inte ha haft inflytande på professionsidentiteten. Förändringarna har medfört att revisorsprofessionen snarare går från att utmärkas som en klassisk profession till att mer efterlikna en välfärdsprofession. Som följd föreligger uppfattningen om att revisorsprofessionen är under omdefiniering / Background: In recent years, the auditing profession has been characterized by increased competence requirements, where the Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors has attempted to create a broader knowledge base by easing the educational requirements for auditors. A profession that is subject to educational and competence requirement changes can risk deprofessionalization by losing distinctive characteristics, trust, authority, competence, and status. This raises an interest in studying the impact that changed education and competence requirements have had on the auditing profession. Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to contribute to a deeper understanding of how changing educational and competency requirements affect auditors from a professional theoretical perspective. As part of this, it involves highlighting how auditors experience professional identity and have adapted to the changes in the profession. Method: The essay applies a deductive research approach with a theoretical basis in professional theory and professional identity. Through the theoretical framework, a theoretical model is constructed that forms the basis for the design of the work's qualitative interview study with authorized and approved auditors. Conclusion: The results from the study shows that the new educational and competency requirements have changed the auditing profession. The profession still meets all the criteria to be defined as a profession. However, the characteristic of specialized knowledge has become less exclusive, which can be compared to a process of deprofessionalization and a shift in status. On the other hand, digitalization and increased focus on knowledge are perceived to create greater trust in auditors, while the work process is described as more homogeneous. The new educational requirements were not yet perceived to have influenced professional identity. The changes have led the auditing profession to move from being characterized as a classical profession to resembling more of a welfare profession. As a result, there is a perception that the auditing profession is undergoing a redefinition

Ett omöjligt uppdrag? Konstruktioner av läraryrket i Lärarförbundets facktidning

Gudmundsdottir, Katla, Scotford, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This study sets out to investigate how the roll of the teacher is constructed in the Swedish Teachers’ Unions trade publication. Based on the theory of social constructionism we have used the method of critical discourse analysis to establish dominant trends and patterns in how the roll of teacher is constructed in editorials in Swedish Lärarnas Tidning. We have established that the conflict between a modernist school tradition and a postmodern society has resulted in a dominant, traditional teacher discourse which is being simultaneously challenged by both a market-orientated discourse and a professionalization discourse. Furthermore, we attempt to highlight how these ‘ideal’ constructions can create problems in terms of identity construction for teachers. Aside from a process of professionalization, teaching has also undergone an intensification in terms of workload in a period of incessant education reform, with new tasks being handed down without any of the older tasks disappearing. According to the Swedish Teachers’ Union this has rendered teaching something of a “mission impossible”.

It's Not All About The Animals: Veterinarians' Perspectives On Their Work

Owens, Nicole 01 January 2012 (has links)
This study examines lived experiences of veterinarians. A common feature of being a veterinarian is curing and caring for nonhuman animals. It is the love and connection most veterinarians share for animals that ignite their journey to become an animal doctor. Data collected during semi-structured interviews with 17 veterinarians reveal that there are many more intricacies to the job than just animal medicine. These veterinarians suggest that they must treat animals as learning tools during veterinary training and once they complete school, they deal with people and business on a regular basis. Most veterinarians would like their jobs to be animal-centric, but these data show that they are not.

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