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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Por que a guerra? Política e subjetividade de jovens envolvidos na guerra do tráfico de drogas: um ensaio sem resposta / Why the war? Politics and subjectivity of the youth involved in drug dealing: an unfinished inquiry

Martins, Aline Souza 17 September 2014 (has links)
A guerra do tráfico de drogas é uma espécie de conflito que acontece nas periferias das grandes cidades brasileiras. Consiste em uma batalha armada entre gangues rivais, motivada por desavenças pessoais ou vinganças direcionadas aos grupos inimigos. Este fenômeno é o maior responsável por mortes de jovens no país. A partir de grupos de conversa com jovens envolvidos com o tráfico de drogas e usando a psicanálise como método de escuta e análise, a presente pesquisa faz uma descrição de caso que tem como papel elucidar a dinâmica de funcionamento da guerra do tráfico no aglomerado Santa Lúcia, em Belo Horizonte-MG. O objetivo inicial foi responder ao enigma: por que os jovens se envolvem na guerra do tráfico, mesmo sabendo do grande risco de morte? A hipótese que se depreendeu daí foi a existência de um fator oculto, com dimensão política e subjetiva que sustentaria essa escolha. Entretanto, o que se encontrou como resultado foi um aprofundamento da questão, entendendo o posicionamento desse grupo de jovens na sociedade como Homo Sacers, posição esta produzida e sustentada pelo discurso em torno da violência e pelo reconhecimento desses sujeitos como exceção. Passamos, portanto, pelo conceito de guerra, elucidando sua dinâmica de funcionamento na política, segundo Clausewitz e Foucault, e no sujeito, com Freud e Lacan. Partimos então para o entendimento de como essa posição seria sustentada na sociedade através de uma discussão sobre o discurso, a partir de Foucault e Lacan, e posteriormente explorando o conceito de Homo Sacer, de Agamben, amparado por suas bases na concepção de Campo de Arendt e biopolítica de Foucault. O trajeto de pesquisa foi constantemente marcado pela formulação de uma metodologia que acompanhasse as demandas do objeto, que não se deixa apreender e está constantemente provocando o pesquisador no seu lugar de cidadão de uma sociedade em guerra. Esse percurso provocou a ampliação do campo de estudo para o além da guerra, deslocando o modo de reconhecer o outro. Uma torção que conduziu o trabalho para a necessidade de ver o homem por trás do guerreiro, e gerou novas perguntas, \"o que é e por que a paz?\". Ela é apenas o equilíbrio de uma sociedade injusta? Desse modo, concluímos que a pergunta por que a guerra? não pode ser respondida, pois o que os sujeitos nos falam em contexto de pesquisa é dependente da dinâmica de reconhecimento e laço social, e, assim, as respostas serão sempre parciais, subordinadas à maneira como reconhecemos o outro / The drug dealing war is a kind of conflict that happens in the outskirts of Brazilian major cities. It consists of a gun battle between rival gangs, motivated by personal disagreements or vendettas directed towards enemy groups. This phenomenon is the most responsible for youth mortality in the country. Using conversations with adolescents involved in drug dealing groups and also, psychoanalysis as the method of listening and analysis, this research attempts at a case description. Its role is to elucidate the dynamics of such dealing war in the Santa Lucia district, in Belo Horizonte - MG. The initial goal was to answer the question: why do young people become involved in the drug war, knowing the high risks of death? The hypothesis was that there was a hidden factor, with political and subjective dimension, that would support the choice. However, the result\'s complexity extended our comprehension of the issue. We began to understand this group of youngsters in society as Homo Sacers, a position that was produced and sustained by the violence speech and recognition of such subjects as exception. Therefore, we invested acute attention in the concept of war, providing insights into the political field, according to Clausewitz and Foucault, as well as insights about the subject, with Freud and Lacan. Subsequently, we proceeded to the understanding of how this position would be sustained in society through a discussion of the speech, in both Foucaultian and Lacanian terms. At that point, we explored Agamben\'s concept of Homo Sacer, supported by the following bases: the notion of Camp in Arendt, and biopolitcs in Foucault. The search was constantly marked by the formulating of a new methodology, attending the object\'s demands, because this object is not easily apprehended and it is constantly displacing the researcher the researcher and her place as a citizen of a society at war. This route search caused the expansion of the study field beyond the war, shifting how to recognize the other. This twist conducted the work for the need to see the man behind the soldier, and generated a new question, \"what and why peace?\". Is it simply the balance of an unfair society? We concluded that the question \"why war?\" can not be answered, because the subjects speech in the research context is dependent on the dynamics of recognition and social bonding, and thus the answers are always partial , subordinated to the way we recognize each other

L'héritage transgénérationnel à l'épreuve du vieillissement : a propos des descendants des survivants du génocide arménien / The transgenerational legacy put to the test of the ageing-induced traumas : on the subject of the descendants of those who survived the Armenian genocide

Feuillet, Marie 19 December 2015 (has links)
Pour les descendants des survivants du génocide arménien de 1915, les traumatismes actuels, liés à la confrontation aux épreuves du vieillissement et à l’hospitalisation, ont un effet attracteur des traumatismes transgénérationnels. Ces traumatismes génocidaires non subjectivés, transmis au travers des générations, tentent de prendre forme et sens, trouvant dans le présent du vieillissement une « correspondance hallucinatoire » (après-coup). Ces patients ont en commun d’avoir vécu une accumulation de traumas au cours de leurs vies : le deuil, la dépendance, la passivation, la crainte de mourir, rencontrés aujourd’hui, ont déjà fait partie de leur histoire individuelle et ont déjà induit dans le passé d’autres après-coups des traumatismes transgénérationnels. À l’heure du vieillissement, dans la psyché du patient, on assiste à un processus de « feuilletage traumatique », où les différents temps traumatiques présents, passés et transgénérationnels, résonnent et s’intriquent. Les entretiens cliniques sont l’occasion pour ces sujets de retrouver et de partager les mythes familiaux dont ils sont porteurs : en appui sur cet héritage mythique, ce feuilletage peut se « dé-collapser », la psyché réussissant alors à s’approprier l’expérience traumatique qui s’inscrit dans une histoire. Du feuilletage traumatique, d’abord inerte, peuvent advenir des remaniements psychiques remobilisés par la fonction transformatrice du mythe. Dans d’autres cas, les mythes familiaux ont, dans la psyché, une fonction davantage protectrice que transformatrice et le travail thérapeutique consiste à ranimer ce mythe figé, pour le réinscrire dans un mouvement dynamique. Ailleurs, on assiste aux efforts du sujet pour créer un mythe, à défaut de pouvoir en retrouver dans la mémoire. Les transferts parentaux et filiaux permettent de remettre au travail et de relancer, dans la relation thérapeutique, la transmission entre les générations. Les patients peuvent ainsi redonner vie, retrouver du sens à leur fin de vie et continuer à s’inscrire dans une « co-transmission » avec leur descendance. / For the descendants of the survivors of the 1915 Armenian genocide, the current traumas connected with the painful experience of ageing and hospital care have a drawing power on transgenerational trauma. Such traumas, passed on through generations, attempt to take shape finding a “hallucinatory correspondence” in the present ageing experience (deferred action). These subjects share the common experience of superposition of traumas that they have gone through all along their lives: bereavement, dependence, the constraint passivity, the fear of death, which are confronted with today, have already been part of their individual history and have already induced, in the past, other deferred actions ascribable to transgenerational traumas. When comes the time of ageing, in the patient’s psyche, we witness a process of “traumatic superposition” whereby the interplay of various traumatic times-present, past, and transgenerational resonate and become closely enmeshed. Psychological interviews conducted by the practitioner provide such subjects with the opportunity to revisit and to share the family myths which they carry within themselves. Relying on this mythical legacy, the superposition may “de-collapse itself”, the psyche succeeding in appropriating the traumatic experience that lies within the scope of a history. From the traumatic superposition, which is initially inert, there can happen psychic reorganisations which are mobilized anew by the transforming function of the myth. In other cases, family myths have within the psyche, a function more protective than transforming and the therapy consists in reviving this frozen myth in order to place it again within the frame of a dynamic movement. In other cases, what we may observe is the subject’s endeavour to create myth of his or her own for lack of being able to trace it backing his or her memory. Parental or filial transference makes it possible to start up and to stimulate again the transmission between generations within the therapeutic relationship. So doing, the patients can restore life; give back significance to the end of their lives and keep in line with a co-transmission with their descendants.

A Substantive Theory to Explain How Nurses Deal with an Allegation of Unprofessional Conduct.

Pugh, Dale Michelle, dalempugh@hotmail,com January 2006 (has links)
As a social endeavour, the practice of nursing is expected to minimise risk of harm to patients. In reality, the risk of breaching or failing to meet a standard of practice, with resultant harm to patients is ever present. Such variations to the expected standard may result in harm to the patient and be viewed as unprofessional conduct within the legislative context. The phenomenon of unprofessional conduct can have significant and sometimes dire outcomes for patients and nurses and provides challenges to understand antecedents to its occurrence and the impact on the nurse. From this realisation, the significance of this study is twofold. Firstly, the literature revealed that an allegation of unprofessional conduct and the associated experience of being reported to a regulatory authority can have significant psycho-social and professional impact on the nurse. Secondly, the phenomenon has received little formal analysis. The purpose of this grounded theory study was to explore the phenomenon of alleged unprofessional conduct, and to develop a theory that provided understanding of the phenomenon and a framework for action. Data was obtained from in-depth interviews of a specialised sample of 21 nurses in any state or territory of Australia who had been the subject of notification by a nursing regulatory authority of alleged unprofessional conduct. Data analysis occurred simultaneously using the constant comparative method. This resulted in the generation of a substantive theory, explaining how nurses dealt with an allegation of unprofessional conduct. This study found that nurses experienced varying degrees and combinations of personal and professional vulnerability. This put them at risk of either making an error, breaching a practice standard, and/or at risk of being reported to a nurse regulatory authority for an allegation of unprofessional conduct. The core social process, a transformation of the personal and professional self is a process that the nurse both 'engages in' and 'goes through', in response to the social problem, being reported to a nurse regulatory authority for alleged unprofessional conduct, and its aftermath. The social process is made up of two categories: loss of the assumptive world: the experience of deconstruction and relearning the world. Loss of the assumptive world is comprised of being confronted, deconstruction of the personal self and deconstruction of the professional self. The category Relearning the world: the experience of reconstruction is constructed of the sub-categories, preserving the self: minimising the unravelling; reconstructing the personal self; reconstructing the professional self; and living within the world. Consequences of the category relearning the world are dynamic and influenced by a number of factors. The ability to transact the deconstructed self and move through the reconstructive processes and experience can be viewed in the following states, stymied, evolving or transacted. The personal and professional transformation of the individual nurse is influenced by the degree of deconstruction initially experienced, the interplay with the influencing factors internal and external support processes; resilience; time; and the constant of vulnerability. The findings of this study have implications for clinical, management, education and research practices in nursing. It also exposes problems with the use of nurse regulatory authorities as a punitive strategy for nurses who err. The uncovering of this substantive theory articulates a process whereby nurses are transformed personally and professionally in response to a traumatic or challenging life event. This substantive theory has value in providing a decision making framework for managing breaches of nursing standards, as a learning tool to identifying and managing risk in nursing and providing a framework for self and external support to nurses who may find themselves in this situation.

The Pricing and Wealth Effects of Private Equity Placements

Yeh, Ching-Yi 15 June 2012 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the pricing and the market reaction to the announcement of private placements. A sample of 181 private placement announcements during January 2002 and March 2007 in Taiwan was obtained. This dissertation consists of two essays on the private placements. The first essay identifies the conditions determining insiders will pay more (or less) in private placement. We explore the argument of private placement pricing sold to insiders by considering the changes in the control power of the largest shareholders in private placement, using the Banzhaf power index to better reflect the largest shareholder¡¦s relative power of influence. Our results indicate that, if the existing insiders maintain their leading control status, in cases where insiders are the main investors, private placements are issued at deep discounts that benefit themselves; however, in cases where outsiders/new insiders are the main investors, outsiders and new insiders will pay relatively more when existing insiders dominate. Contrarily, if existing insiders fail to retain their leading position and become less powerful after private placement, outsiders and new insiders buy at lower prices. In more than 65% of the sample, the largest shareholders lost their leading control status, and the issuer¡¦s ownership structure becomes more concentrated following private placements. In the second essay, we examine whether the announcement of private placement and public offering share the same announcement effects. In particular, we investigate whether the market reactions to private placement announcements vary with different placement motivations and investor types. In addition, we focus on the dark side of private placement by studying how the stock price reaction to private offerings when insiders intentionally lower the offer price to self-dealing, or when within-group private placements are motivated by the controlling shareholders¡¦ tunneling. The results indicate that private placements generally result in a positive wealth effects, however, public offerings associated with negative announcement effects. The market reacts more favorably to private placements in which a strategic alliance or merger are involved, or to private placements where investors actively participate in the management or even procures the controlling rights of the company. It suggests that the motivation and investor type of private placement convey important information to market investors regarding the issuing firm¡¦s performance. Moreover, we have evidence to support the dark side of private placements. For issuing firms with stronger tendency towards self-dealings by insiders or tunneling in transactions between firms within a business group, they are more likely to have poor performance after private placement. However, we have no evidences to support the firm quality hypothesis.

Steuerliche Gewinnabgrenzung in internationalen Konzernen /

Nientimp, Axel. Schneider, Dieter. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Bochum, 2002.

La ville accélérée et ses acteurs : anatomie du projet urbain des Bassins à flot à Bordeaux / Accelerated city and urban project stakeholders : detailed analysis of the Bassins à flot planning operation, Bordeaux.

Grosbellet, Jean 05 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans un courant critique de l’accélération urbaine. Nous avons tout d’abord montré l’émergence dans le contexte de concurrence internationale des villes, l’émergence d’une « métropole accélérative » en prenant exemple sur le cas de Bordeaux. Cette forme urbaine de la modernité tardive se caractérise par un double phénomène : une accélération sociale dans ses usages et modes de vie ainsi qu’une accélération spatiale qui contribue à mettre sous pression son développement urbain, par l’ampleur, la rapidité et la simultanéité des projets à l’œuvre. Nous nous sommes ensuite particulièrement intéressés aux mécanismes de production de cette « métropole accélérative » en étudiant un grand projet d’aménagement bordelais : l’opération des Bassins à flot. Ce projet réalisé dans un dispositif dit « négocié » se présente comme plus réactif, itératif et adaptable afin de produire plus rapidement la ville qu’en utilisant des méthodes plus « classiques » qui s’appuient sur une forte hiérarchisation du système d’acteurs. L’analyse des articulations entre temporalités des acteurs et temporalités des outils révèle dans la suite de ce travail des reconfigurations importantes liées à la vitesse de production. La méthode itérative mise en place est comprimée par le contexte de l’accélération et les acteurs du projet n’ont pas le temps nécessaire pour faire circuler les éléments d’informations et de décisions entre eux. Nous assistons alors à des re-hiérarchisations temporaires du système d’acteurs en fonction des phases du projet. Une typologie originale peut être dégagée, avec au centre de ces dispositifs reconfigurés les acteurs métronomes, ceux qui dictent le tempo du projet ; les acteurs dans le temps s’accordent aux rythmes du projet ; les acteurs à contre temps évoluent par rattrapage et les acteurs désynchronisés deviennent observateurs des transformations urbaines. L’accélération se présente alors comme un phénomène urbain à réguler pour assurer une fabrication durable de la ville autour de rythmes de production partagés. / This research is part of a critical study of urban acceleration. Based on the Bordeaux case, we first noticed the emergence, in an international competition context affecting cities, of an “accelerating city”. This urban form of late modernity is caracterised by both a social acceleration in its uses and ways of life and a spatial acceleration that leads to its urban development – by the size, speed and simultaneity of on-going projects. Then, we looked at the mechanisms of production in this “accelerating city” by studing a large planning project in Bordeaux, the Bassins à flot operation. This project, produced through a “negociated” plan, seems more reactive, repetitive and adaptable in order produce the city in a more rapid way than using “classic” technics and based on a strong hierarchy of staheholders. Anylising the links between stakeholders and temporalities tools shows that important reconfigurations of the production speed. The repetitive technic is compressed by this accelerative context ; project stakeholders do not have enough time to exchange and decide among themselves. Therefore, we can observe new and temporary hierarchisations of the stakeholders system, depending on the different steps of the project. An original typology can be settled : leader stakeholders can decide the rhythm of the project ; out of phase stakeholders become the observers of urban transformations. The acceleration is finally an urban phenomenom that needs to be control to look forward a sustainable urban fabric, based on shared production rhythm.

Historický vývoj a podmínky nakládání se separovaným komunálním odpadem v ČR / Historical development and conditions in processes with separated municipal waste in Czech republic

MOJŽIŠ, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
The aim was to map the first and second link in the chain municipal waste management, particularly with municipal sorted waste. I focused on the core components of municipal waste - paper, plastic and glass. The thesis examined public awareness about waste, how well informed they are and whether people are interested in products made from recycled materials. The second part was to describe the situation in a company dealing with waste, described problems are encountered and to find the steps that would lead to improve this situation

On common agency with informed principals

Lima, Rafael Coutinho Costa January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Daniella Santos (daniella.santos@fgv.br) on 2009-11-30T17:28:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Rafael_Coutinho_Costa_Lima.pdf: 555268 bytes, checksum: a06061bb98e0ddefd846ff6034a22317 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Antoanne Pontes(antoanne.pontes@fgv.br) on 2009-12-01T11:42:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Rafael_Coutinho_Costa_Lima.pdf: 555268 bytes, checksum: a06061bb98e0ddefd846ff6034a22317 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2009-12-01T11:42:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Rafael_Coutinho_Costa_Lima.pdf: 555268 bytes, checksum: a06061bb98e0ddefd846ff6034a22317 (MD5) / This thesis consists of three chapters that have as unifying subject the frame-work of common agency with informed principals. The first two chapters analyze the economic effects of privately informed lobbying applied to tariff protection (Chapter 1) and to customs unions agreements (Chapter 2). The third chapter investigates the choice of retailing strutures when principals (the producers) are privately informed about their production costs. Chapter 1 analyzes how lobbying affects economic policy when the interest groups have private information. I assume that the competitiveness of producers are lobbies private information in a Grossman and Helpman (1994) lobby game. This allows us to analyze the e¤ects of information transmission within their model. I show that the information transmission generates two informational asymmetry problems in the political game. One refers to the cost of signaling the lobby's competitiveness to the policy maker and the other to the cost of screening the rival lobby's competitiveness from the policy maker. As an important consequence information transmission may improve welfare through the reduction of harmful lobbying activity. Chapter 2 uses the framework of chapter 1 to study a customs union agreement when governments are subject to the pressure of special interest groups that have better information about the competitiveness of the industries they represent. I focus on the agreement's effect on the structure of political influence. When join a customs union, the structure of political pressure changes and with privately informed lobbies, a new effect emerges: the governments can use the information they learn from the lobby of one country to extract rents from the lobbies of the other country. I call this the 'information transmission effect'. This effect enhances the governments'bargaining power in a customs union and makes lobbies demand less protection. Thus, I find that information transmission increases the welfare of the agreement and decreases tari¤s towards non-members. I also investigate the incentives for the creation of a customs union and find that information transmission makes such agreement more likely to be politically sustainable. Chapter 3 investigates the choice of retailing structure when the manufacturers are privately informed about their production costs. Two retailing structures are analyzed, one where each manufacturer chooses her own retailer (exclusive dealing) and another where the manufacturers choose the same retailer (common agency). It is shown that common agency mitigates downstream competition but gives the retailer bargaining power to extract informational rents from the manufacturers, while in exclusive dealing there is no downstream coordination but also there are no incentives problem in the contract between manufacture and retailer. A pre- liminary characterization of the choice of the retailing structure for the case of substitute goods shows that when the uncertainty about the cost increases relatively to the size of the market, exclusive dealing tends to be the chosen retailing structure. On the other hand, when the market is big relatively to the costs, common agency emerges as the retailing structure. This thesis has greatly benefited from the contribution of Professors Humberto Moreira and Thierry Verdier. It also benefited from the stimulating environment of the Toulouse School of Economics, where part of this work was developed during the year of 2007. / Esta tese consiste de três artigos que tem como elemento unificador o modelo de agência comum com principais informados. Os dois primeiros capítulos investigam os efeitos econômicos da influência de grupos de pressão (lobbies) sobre a escolha da tarifas de importação (Capítulo 1) e sobre acordos de comércio internacionais (Capítulo 2). O capítulo 3 investiga a escolha da estrutura de revenda quando os produtores possuem informação privada sobre os seus custos. O capítulo 1 analisa como a atividade de lobby afeta a política econômica quando grupos de interesses possuem mais informação que o governo. Modifica- se o modelo de Grossman e Helpman (1994), assumindo que a competitividade dos produtores é informação privada dos lobbies. Isto permite investigar quais os efeitos de transmissão de informação neste modelo. Esta assimetria de informação gera dois efeitos no jogo político, um associado ao problema de sinalização da competitividade do lobby para o governo e outro associado ao custo de um lobby fazer um screening da competitividade do lobby rival junto ao governo. O principal resultado deste modelo é que a transmissão de informação reduz a capacidade de influência dos lobbies, o que aumenta o bem-estar da sociedade. O capítulo 2 aplica o modelo do Capítulo 1 para entender os efeitos de transmissão de informação que surgem em uniões aduaneiras quando os lobbies possuem mais informação que o governo. O foco é dado nos efeitos políticos que surgem nestes acordos. Quando os países formam uma união aduaneira o equilíbrio de forças político e um novo efeito surge: os governos usam as informações privadas do lobby de um país para extrair renda dos lobbies dos outros países. Este efeito aumenta o poder de barganha dos governos dentro de uma união aduaneira e reduzam a capacidade de influência dos lobbies. Desta forma, a transmissão de informação aumenta os benefícios de uma união aduaneira e reduz a tarifas de importação para os países fora do acordo. Além disso, é investigado o papel da transmissão de informação a criação das uniões aduaneiras e o resultado encontrado é que esta aumenta as chances destes acordos serem implementados. O capítulo 3 investiga a escolha da estrutura de revenda quando os produtores possuem informação privada sobre seus custos de produção. Duas estruturas de revenda são analisadas, uma onde cada produtor escolhe um revendedor exclusivo (exclusive dealing) e outra onde ambos os produtores escolhemo mesmo revendedor (agência comum). Agência comum reduz a competição no mercado final, mas dá ao revendedor a capacidade de extrair lucro dos produtores utilizando a informação de um contra o outro. Enquanto que exclusive dealing aumenta a competição entre produtores, mas não cria problemas informacionais entre produtor e revendedor. Uma caracterização preliminar da escolha da estrutura de revenda para o caso de bens substitutos mostra que quando a incerteza quanto sobre o custo aumenta relativamente ao tamanho do mercado, exclusive dealing tende a ser a estrutura de revenda escolhida, enquanto que quando o tamanho do mercado é grande em relação aos custos, agência comum tende a ser a estrutura escolhida. Esta tese se beneficiou enormemente da contribuição dos professores Hum- berto Moreira e Thierry Verdier. Também se beneficiou o estimulante ambiente acadêmico da Toulouse School of Economis, onde parte dela foi desenvolvida du- rante o ano de 2007.

Beletristický obraz první světové války v české a rakouské literatuře / The Image of World War 1 in Czech and Austrian Literature

MIKOLÁŠKOVÁ, Monika January 2007 (has links)
ANNOTATION This submitted thesis is to record the picture of World War I in fiction comparing Czech and Austrian literature. Connections are supposed to be based on historical- cultural contacts and close geographical vicinity in both conceptions. A comparative study of the representative texts which relate to a specific key stage of common history should confirm or doubt these connections. In the introduction the reality of the war conflict, its main consequences and the concrete situation in Bohemian countries is outlined, which serves the purpose of depicting of the atmosphere of the period and simultaneously better understanding of the meaning of literature works. Subsequently the list of basic texts which became the firm part of the common knowledge of given problems is created and at the same time the aspect of the common thematic units is pointed out. And finally two key works of both national branches of literature were chosen and compared analytically. Both principal themes - the attitude towards war, and main motive complexes and the general way of narration are emphasized. The aim of the thesis is not to present the complete list of works dealing with war but to confront literature depiction of the war in Austria and Bohemia from comparable points of view.

Povědomí dětí o zacházení se psy. / Awareness children of dealing with dogs.

CHLOPČÍKOVÁ, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Children´s awareness of dealing with dogs starts to gain importance nowadays. More often we meet the problems of injuries caused in children by our best animal fellows.This situation needs to be solved. Problem cannot be seen only in accused animal. In most cases neither dog nor child is the deliquent. The main cause of a conflict between, in other way, harmonious coexistence of both partners seems to be children´s ignorance of behaviour, body speech and complex responsible attitude towards dogs. However,they cannot learn these basic rules themselves. Theoretical part of the thesis devotes attention to general outline of child {--} dog relation. Separate chapters are focused not only on psychological and social development of both arbiters, but also on their mutual impact, behaviour, care, communication and cooperation. At the same time, the thesis outlines the problems of dog bite-related injuries in children of our or foreign latitude. Last but not least it underlines the need of prevention and measures which could reduce or generally eliminate the rise of dramatic situations between a dog and a child. The main aim of this work was to chart awareness (informedness) of middle school- aged children of treating, care, behaviour and communication with dogs. Further presumption is to find out the knowledge differences in children who have dogs and those who haven´t. The output of practical part of the thesis are the results of quantitative research. There was used a method of questioning {--} technique standard questionnaire for children within the range of 3.-5. class of basic school. Research specimen represents pupils´ knowledge of four basic schools, in total 200 respondents. From the point of regional representation there were children of South Bohemia and Olomouc regions. According to the research there is evident absence in knowledge of dogs´ body speech and consequently the safety of mutual contact that represent the main problem in arising of risk situation between a child and a dog company. Therefore it is important to devote them more attention in future.

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