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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phylogenetic and functional diversity of soil prokaryotic communities in temperate deciduous forests with different tree species

Dukunde, Amélie 17 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Estimation of volume, biomass, and carbon of coarse woody debris in native forests in São Paulo State, Brazil / Estimativa do volume, biomassa e carbono de madeira morta em florestas nativas no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

Moreira, Andrea Bittencourt 21 July 2017 (has links)
The objective of this study was to test the line intersect sampling (LIS) methodology using the design-based inference with stratified systematic sampling and two transect shapes: a straight line and a cross shape, both with three different lengths (100, 150, and 200 m) to estimate the number of coarse woody debris (CWD) elements, their volume, biomass and carbon stocks; by decay class; furthermore, we fit and select CWD biomass and carbon models. The study area includes two types of native forest in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: a Seasonal Semi-deciduous Forest (SSF) and a Cerrado sensu-stricto (CSS). Two strata were chosen in each area, and in each stratum ten sampling units were installed according to a systematic sampling protocol. Each sampling unit had one North- South line of 200 m superimposed over the other lengths (100 and 150 m) and three lines (one for each length) in the East-West direction forming the cross shapes, for a total 650 m per sampling unit. All CWD elements with a diameter _ 10 cm that crossed the transect were tallied. For each element, the diameter, length, perpendicular width, decay class, and (when possible) species was recorded. Disc samples were taken from each element, from which cylinder samples were extracted then oven dried to determine density. These cylinders were milled and analyzed to determine carbon content (%). The volume of each element was calculated by taking the difference between cross-sectional area and any hollowed area, then multiplying by the element\'s length. Biomass was calculated by multiplying volume values by density values, and carbon stocks were calculated by multiplying biomass by the carbon percentage factors computed via lab analysis. Total estimators were calculated by area and per hectare for the number of CWD elements, their volume, biomass, and carbon stocks. These estimators were calculated by stratum then combined across the entire sample population. The data from each sampling unit was also used to calculate the wood density and carbon concentration by decay class, as well as to fit linear and nonlinear models. For the SSF area, the most accurate transect design was the 200 m cross shaped; and for the CSS area was selected the 150 m cross shape. Both areas showed lower biomass values (1.3 and 6.7 Mg/ha for the CSS and SSF areas, respectively) than other studies in the Amazon Forest where CWD research has been conducted. In both areas, as the decay class increased (from least to most rotten material), wood density decreased, which follows the same pattern as other literature. Carbon concentration barely changed within decay classes. Using a conversion constant of 50%, similar carbon stock results were obtained. Nonlinear models (using diameter and length as predictor variables) proved an efficient tool for predicting CWD biomass at an element level. As expected, biomass data exhibited heteroscedasticity, which was mitigated by modeling the variance of the residuals with a power function of the combined variable. Adding decay class as an indicator variable also resulted in model improvement. / Este estudo buscou testar a metodologia de amostragem pela linha interceptadora (LIS), usando a inferência baseada no design, com amostragem sistemática estratificada em duas formas de transectos: linha reta e forma de cruz, ambos com três diferentes comprimentos de transectos: 100, 150 e 200 m para estimar o número de elementos, volume, biomassa e estoque de carbono de madeira morta; investigar a densidade da madeira e a concentração de carbono da madeira morta pela classe de decomposição; e, ajustar e selecionar modelos de biomassa e carbono de madeira morta, em dois tipos de floresta nativa no estado de São Paulo, Brasil: uma Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (SSF) e um Cerrado sensu-stricto (CSS). Em cada tipo florestal foram selecionados dois estratos e localidas dez unidades de amostragem em cada. A unidade de amostragem é um transecto Norte-Sul, com 200 m, que sobrepõe os outros comprimentos (100 e 150 m), e três transectos (para cada comprimento) na direção Leste-Oeste, formando a cruz, totalizando 650m. Foram medidos todos os elementos de madeira morta grossa (CWD) que cruzaram o transecto com um diâmetro _10 cm. Foi medido o diâmetro na interseção, o comprimento, a largura perpendicular, o elemento foi classificado de acordo com a classe de decomposição e, quando possível, a espécie foi identificada. De cada elemento foi retirado um disco de amostra na interseção, este foi fotografado para o cálculo da área oca. De cada disco foram extraídos cilindros, secos em estufa para determinação da densidade, estes foram moídos e analisados para determinação do teor de carbono (%). O volume de cada elemento foi calculado pela diferença da área seccional e área oca, multiplicada pelo comprimento; a biomassa foi calculada multiplicando o volume pela densidade; e o estoque de carbono foi calculado multiplicando a biomassa pela concentração de carbono. Os estimadores do total foram calculados por área e por hectare para o número de elementos de CWD, volume, biomassa e estoque de carbono; foram calculados por estrato, e combinados para a população. Os dados dos 650m de cada unidade foram utilizados para calcular as médias da densidade da madeira e concentração de carbono por classe de decomposição e, para construção de modelos lineares e não-lineares. Para a SSF, o design mais preciso foi transectos em forma de cruz, com 200 m. Para CSS foram selecionados transectos em cruz, com 150 m. As áreas apresentaram valores de biomassa 1.3-6.7 Mg/ha para CSS e SSF, respectivamente. Em ambos tipos florestais foi encontrado que à medida que a classe de decomposição aumenta (mais fresco para mais podre), a densidade da madeira diminui, seguindo os mesmos padrões encontrados na literatura. A concentração de carbono não apresentou mudança dentro das classes de decomposição. Modelos nãolineares com diâmetro e comprimento como variáveis preditoras provaram ser uma ferramenta eficiente para predizer a biomassa e carbono de CWD. Como esperado, os dados de biomassa apresentaram heterocedasticidade, mitigada pela modelagem da variância dos resíduos com uma função de potência. A adição da classe de decomposição como variável indicadora também mostrou melhora nos modelos.

Tree Diameter Growth : Variations And Demographic Niches In A Tropical Dry Forest Of Southern India

Nath, Cheryl D 07 1900 (has links)
Tree growth influences forest community dynamics and responses to environmental variations, but currently is not well understood. Tree growth in highly diverse wet tropical forests have been well studied and characterised compared to the species-poor dry tropical forests. Thus, it is not clear if growth rates and community dynamics of dry forests are similar to those of wet forests, given the longer dry season, greater rainfall variability, more open canopy and lower number of species in dry forests. This thesis focuses on identifying important factors that influence tree diameter growth rates in the dry tropical forest at Mudumalai, southern India, and also compares growth patterns at this dry forest with those at moister forests. The thesis thus contributes towards closing the gap in understanding of tree growth patterns across the tropics. An initial analysis involving matrix-based population projections of four common canopy species at Mudumalai showed that variations in diameter growth have the potential to drastically modify population trajectories of dominant species. Thus the main focus of this thesis is aimed at identifying the important intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting growth in this dry forest, as this information could be useful for future management of the forest. The second important aim of the thesis was to find out if growth rates are influenced by different sets of factors in tropical dry versus moist forests. A large permanent 50ha plot vegetation monitoring plot was set up in 1988-89 in the Mudumalai dry deciduous forest, and was subsequently monitored annually by staff of the Centre for Ecological Sciences. Data used in this thesis represent a 12-year interval between 1988 and 2000. Girth measurements were obtained from all woody tree stems ≥1cm in diameter every four years during this 12 year interval, which provided three census intervals of diameter increment data on >13,000 trees. For the comparison between dry and moist deciduous forests, data were obtained from a similar large plot maintained and monitored at the Barro Colorado Island (BCI) in Panama. Influences of the intrinsic factors, tree size, individual identity, species identity and growth form, were examined using t-tests, Wilcoxon signed ranks tests, linear regressions, analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis. Among the intrinsic factors tested, species identity explained approximately 20% of growth rates at the community level, while tree diameter explained less of growth variation, and growth form had a minor influence on growth. Growth rates also were examined for variations across the three census intervals, and for relationships with rainfall and survival from fire. Statistical tests included t-tests, Wilcoxon and other non-parametric sign tests, logistic regression and ANOVA. Most species and individuals showed significant reductions of growth in the second census interval (1992-1996), and growth rates of most trees were positively related to rainfall. Growth rate variations generally were not related to survival from fire, and few species were capable of escaping fire mortality by fast growth. Spatial environmental influences were tested in the commonest fifteen species, using five habitat categories, local elevation, slope, aspect, and the biotic neighbourhood variables of local conspecific and heterospecific density. Statistical tests included analysis of covariance, multiple linear regression and redundancy analysis. The tests were quadrat-based or individual-based, and species' growth responses were tested at different levels of distance and spatial scale. Topographic features and habitat categories had ephemeral effects on species growth. Only the most dominant species, Lagerstroemia microcarpa, showed consistent conspecific neighbour density effects. Redundancy analysis using a subset of common species and environmental factors did not reveal common growth responses to spatial environmental factors. Comparison of factors influencing growth at Mudumalai versus at BCI using multiple factor ANOVA and multiple linear regressions showed a similar influence of temporal variation at the two sites, but stronger and more widespread influence of tree size (diameter) at BCI. The greater influence of tree size at BCI may be related to greater light limitation in this dense moist forest. Spatial environmental factors had weak influences at both plots. Species were less differentiated from each other at the more diverse BCI plot compared to the relatively species-poor Mudumalai plot, suggesting that species' growth niches may be weakly related to diversity across tropical forests. Overall the results showed that among the factors tested species identity and census intervals were the most important influences on diameter growth at the Mudumalai dry deciduous forest. Tree diameter was less important and less consistent in affecting growth at the Mudumalai dry forest, contrary to expectations based on moist tropical forests where this relationship has been established previously. When comparing Mudumalai and BCI, the relative importance of different factors was different at the two sites, and the most important difference was a dominant influence of light limitation at the wetter forest in Panama. In terms of management applications, this study showed that fires at Mudumalai might be an inescapable source of mortality for many vulnerable species, and improved fire management is crucial for long term survival of species in this dry forest. At a larger scale, light and other environmental variables were found to influence growth differently at Mudumalai compared to BCI. This suggests that location-specific responses may be important for projections of tree biomass and carbon sequestration, especially under future climatic change scenarios.

Nutrient response efficiency, tree-microbe competition for nutrients and tree neighborhood dynamics in a mixed-species temperate deciduous forest in central Germany

Schmidt, Marcus 21 July 2015 (has links)
In den meisten Ländern Mitteleuropas gilt weniger als ein Prozent des verbleibenden Laubwaldes als ungestört und temperierte Wälder sind Herausforderungen wie Arteninvasion, Klimawandel und steigender Stickstoff(N)-Deposition ausgesetzt. In der Vergangenheit wurde gezeigt, dass hohe N-Einträge N-Limitierungen verringern, Phosphor(P)aufnahme behindern und P-Mängel in der Buche auslösen können. Die Artendiversität von Bäumen kann die Bestandsproduktivität durch die Prozesse Komplementarität und Facilitation (Wachstumserleichterung) erhöhen, wenn diese einen wachstumslimitierenden Nährstoff betreffen. Ein Schlüsselprozess im Nährstoffkreislauf ist der Weg von Nährstoffen durch die mikrobielle Biomasse während der Dekomposition. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die mikrobielle Biomasse um N bspw. mit Buchen und um P mit tropischen Moorpflanzen konkurriert. Die Buche ist eine sehr konkurrenzfähige Baumart in temperierten Waldökosystemen aber kann von der Eiche in trockenen Bereichen übertrumpft werden, während Hainbuche und Linde eine geringere Rolle spielen. Eichen erfahren jedoch in der jüngsten Vergangenheit in europäischen Wäldern einen Rückgang, der womöglich auf hohe N-Einträge zurückzuführen ist. Für diese Arbeit untersuchten wir die Nährstoff-, Konkurrenz- und strukturelle Dynamik eines unbewirtschafteten, sehr naturnahen Laubwaldes in Mitteldeutschland, der aus Buche (Fagus sylvatica), Eiche (Quercus petraea und Quercus robur), Hainbuche (Carpinus betulus) und Linde (Tilia cordata und Tilia platyphyllus) aufgebaut ist. Unsere Ziele waren (1) zu erforschen, ob Komplementarität und/oder Facilitation die Produktivität in diesem Waldökosystem erhöht, (2) festzustellen, ob es Konkurrenz um die Nährstoffe N, P und K zwischen Bäumen und mikrobieller Biomasse gibt und, (3) die Nachbarschaftsdynamik der genannten Baumarten zu untersuchen und herauszufinden, ob der Eichenrückgang mit hoher N-Deposition einhergeht. In Beständen einer Art sowie verschiedenen Mischbeständen aus je drei Arten ermittelten wir Biomasseproduktion und Nährstoffverfügbarkeit. Nährstoffnutzungseffizienzkurven (Nährstoffnutzungseffizienz = Biomasseproduktion pro verfügbare Nährstoffe) wurden genutzt um festzustellen, ob ein bestimmter Nährstoff das Baumwachstum limitiert. Die jährliche Netto-Nährstoffveränderung wurde in einer Laubbeutel-Studie als Differenz zwischen ursprünglichem und verbleibendem Nährstoffgehalt des sich zersetzenden Laubfalls nach einem Jahr kalkuliert. Die Nährstoffresorptionseffizienz berechneten wir über die Ermittlung der N-, P- und Kalium(K)-Konzentrationen in sonnenexponierten Blättern und im gefallenen Laub. Die Nachbarschaftsdynamik von Bäumen wurde über die Durchmesserverteilung, überirdische Holzbiomasse für jede Artenkombination sowie eine Polygon-Abschätzung von Wachstumsräumen erforscht. Zusätzlich wurde eine durchmesserbasierte nearest neighbor(nächster-Nachbar)-Analyse für Baumpaare durchgeführt. Ein Geographisches Informationssystem (GIS) wurde genutzt um Wachstumsraum-Polygone zu erstellen und nächste Nachbarn zu bestimmen. Auf Einzelbaum-Level, ermittelt durch einen Nachbarschaftsansatz, waren relative Wachstumsraten von Buchen im Einzelbestand geringer als in der Mischung mit Linde und Hainbuche während das Wachstum von Linde im Einzelbestand größer war als in Mischung mit Buche und Eiche. Die Nährstoffnutzungseffizienzkurve für Buche zeigte optimale P- und K-Nutzungseffizienz für die Art in Mischbeständen, während sie in Einzelbeständen  P- und K-limitiert war. Während die jährliche Netto-Nährstoffveränderung in sich zersetzendem Blattlaub die Verfügbarkeit von P und K im Boden beeinflusste, war dies für N nicht der Fall. Resorptionseffizienzen von N, P und K hingen negativ mit der jährlichen Netto-Nährstoffveränderung zusammen. In unserer Studie zur Nachbarschaftsdynamik von Bäumen fanden wir heraus, dass intraspezifische nearest neighbors gleiche Durchmesser aufwiesen und ihren Durchmesser gleichzeitig mit dem des Nachbarn vergrößerten. Im Gegensatz dazu waren die Durchmesser von interspezifischen nearest neighbors im Allgemeinen unterschiedlich und der Durchmesser des Nachbarn verringerte sich mit zunehmendem Durchmesser des Zielbaums. Eichen konnten ihren Wachstumsraum mit zunehmendem Durchmesser nicht vergrößern, aber dominierten ihre nearest neighbor über die Größe. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten, dass im untersuchten Waldökosystem Nährstofflimitierungen artabhängig waren und dass die Nutzung von Nährstoffnutzungseffizienz und Nachbarschaftsansatz geeignete Mittel sind, den Einfluss einzelner Baumarten auf die Produktivität einer Art im Rein- und Mischbestand zu ermitteln – so wie die beobachtete Facilitation der Buche im Mischbestand. Diese Werkzeuge stellen eine wichtige Basis zur verbesserten Bewirtschaftung typischer temperierter Mischwälder dar. Wir schlussfolgerten weiterhin, dass Konkurrenz zwischen mikrobieller Biomasse und Bäumen für P und K hoch, aber für N weniger bedeutend war, was wahrscheinlich in hoher N-Deposition in diesem Waldökosystem begründet liegt, welche den internen N-Kreislauf entkoppelte. Die hohe N-Deposition trug wahrscheinlich auch zu geringer Verjüngung der Eiche bei, während ältere Eichen in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet im Wettbewerb um Licht erfolgreich waren. Die Bestandsstruktur war charakterisiert durch stärkere interspezifische verglichen mit intraspezifischer Konkurrenz. Daraus resultierend bildeten Reinbestände aus Buche, Eiche und Linde Klimaxbestände hoher Biomasse innerhalb eines sich verändernden, kleinskaligen Mosaiks verschiedener Artenzusammensetzungen. In Reaktion auf neue Bewirtschaftungsanforderungen des Globalen Wandels sind weiterführende Forschungen zu Nutzungseffizienz unterschiedlicher Ressourcen für Baumarten in verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen empfehlenswert.

Estrutura de comunidades e dinâmica da regeneração natural de floresta estacional decidual no sul do Brasil / Structure of communities and dynamic of the natural regeneration in deciduous seasonal forest of southern Brazil

Callegaro, Rafael Marian 22 May 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The distribution of arboreal and shrub species is related to different environmental conditions. The general goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of environmental factors in structure of communities and dynamics of the natural regeneration in Deciduous Seasonal Forest stretch, located in Quarta Colônia State Park, Agudo, RS, Brazil. The specific goals were to differentiate the structure and floristic of clusters (floristic groups) of the arboreal component, determining which environmental variables influenced the forest structure, identifying what changes have occurred in a year of natural regeneration monitoring and identifing which variables limited or facilitated the establishment of arboreal and shrub populations. Three levels of inclusion were used for sampling forest communities: arboreal component (diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm), sampled in 33 plots of 20 m x 20 m (1.32 ha); natural regeneration Class I (1 cm ≤ DBH < 5 cm), sampled in sub-plots of 4 m x 10 m (0.132 ha); and natural regeneration Class II (DBH < 1 cm and height ≥ 20 cm), sampled in sub-plots of 4 m x 2.5 m (0.033 ha). Cluster II showed the highest average diameter (40.0 cm) and the basal area (1.353 m2 plot-1= 33.825 m2 ha-1). The highest richness (70 species) occurred in Cluster I. The two clusters showed negative exponential diameter distribution, common to the forests with self-regeneration capacity. The species with more developed structure in natural regeneration was Trichilia elegans, Cupania vernalis and Actinostemon concolor, and Trichilia clausseni, Nectandra megapotamica and Allophylus edulis in arboreal component. The species of arboreal component showed association with relief, chemical and textural properties of soil and canopy characteristics, of which only the texture was not related to the regenerating species. The species with the highest value of Natural Regeneration Relative (RNR) kept their posts at the end of the measurements. Different values of Ingrowth Rate (IR), Mortality (MR) and Regeneration (RR); and height growth were detected. For example, the species Myrsine umbellata (TI = 58.3%; TM = 100%) and Annona rugulosa (TM = 37.5%; TM = -37.5%) have excelled in relation to the number of individuals fluctuations, while Baccharis sp. (73.3 cm) and Cabralea canjerana (2.5 cm) showed antagonistic values of height growth. Such changes have been influenced by ecological aspects, light dependence and dispersal strategy, and variables such as thickness (height) of accumulated litter and exposure of relief. The analysis of environmental correlations of the most abundant species indicated, for example, that Actinostemon concolor and Sorocea bonplandii were tolerant to shallow soils, with higher levels of stoniness, recurrent situation in forests of edge of the Southern Plateau, while Cupania vernalis and Nectandra megapotamica were correlated negative with these variables. The different relationships observed show that the use of shrub and tree species in ecological restoration should be based on the analysis of potentially favorable or limiting environmental variables. / A distribuição de espécies arbustivas e arbóreas está relacionada às diferentes condições ambientais. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi verificar a influência de fatores ambientais na estrutura de comunidades e na dinâmica da regeneração natural de espécies arbustivas e arbóreas, em um trecho de Floresta Estacional Decidual, localizado no Parque Estadual Quarta Colônia, Agudo - RS. Os objetivos específicos foram: diferenciar a estrutura e a florística de agrupamentos (grupos florísticos) do componente arbóreo; verificar quais variáveis ambientais influenciaram a estrutura da floresta; identificar quais alterações ocorreram em um ano de monitoramento da regeneração natural; identificar quais variáveis atuaram como limitantes ou facilitadoras do estabelecimento de populações arbóreas e arbustivas. As comunidades florestais foram amostradas em três níveis de inclusão: componente arbóreo (diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) ≥ 5 cm), em 33 parcelas de 20 m x 20 m (1,32 ha); regeneração natural Classe I (1 cm ≤ DAP < 5 cm), em sub-parcelas de 4 m x 10 m (0,132 ha); e regeneração natural Classe II (DAP < 1 cm e altura ≥ 20 cm), em sub-parcelas de 4 m x 2,5 m (0,033 ha). Constatou-se que o Agrupamento II apresentou maiores valores de diâmetro (40,0 cm) e de área basal (33,825 m2/ha), enquanto o Agrupamento I teve maior riqueza (70 espécies). Os dois agrupamentos apresentaram distribuição diamétrica exponencial negativa, indicando que a floresta tem capacidade de autorregeneração. As espécies com estrutura mais desenvolvida na regeneração natural foram Trichilia elegans, Cupania vernalis e Actinostemon concolor e no componente arbóreo foram Trichilia clausseni, Nectandra megapotamica e Allophylus edulis. As espécies do componente arbóreo apresentaram distribuição relacionada ao relevo, propriedades químicas e textura do solo e características do dossel, das quais apenas a textura não teve relação com as espécies regenerantes. As espécies com maior valor de regeneração natural relativa (RNR) mantiveram seus postos ao final das medições. Detectaram-se diferentes valores para as taxas de ingresso (TI), mortalidade (TM) e regeneração (TR), além de incrementos em altura. Por exemplo, as espécies Myrsine umbellata (TI = 58,3%; TM = 100%) e Annona rugulosa (TM= 37,5%; TM = -37,5%) se destacaram em relação às flutuações do número de indivíduos, enquanto Baccharis sp. (73,3 cm) e Cabralea canjerana (2,5 cm) apresentaram valores antagônicos de crescimento em altura. Tais alterações foram influenciadas por aspectos autoecológicos, dependência de luz e estratégia de dispersão, e algumas variáveis como espessura (altura) da serapilheira acumulada e exposição do relevo. A análise de correlações ambientais das espécies mais abundantes indicou que Actinostemon concolor e Sorocea bonplandii foram tolerantes a solos rasos, com maior grau de pedregosidade, situação recorrente nas florestas do rebordo do Planalto Meridional, enquanto Cupania vernalis e Nectandra megapotamica apresentaram correlação negativa com essas variáveis. As diferentes correlações observadas evidenciam que o uso de espécies arbustivas e arbóreas na restauração florestal deve ser baseado na análise de variáveis ambientais, potencialmente favoráveis ou limitantes.

Estimation of volume, biomass, and carbon of coarse woody debris in native forests in São Paulo State, Brazil / Estimativa do volume, biomassa e carbono de madeira morta em florestas nativas no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

Andrea Bittencourt Moreira 21 July 2017 (has links)
The objective of this study was to test the line intersect sampling (LIS) methodology using the design-based inference with stratified systematic sampling and two transect shapes: a straight line and a cross shape, both with three different lengths (100, 150, and 200 m) to estimate the number of coarse woody debris (CWD) elements, their volume, biomass and carbon stocks; by decay class; furthermore, we fit and select CWD biomass and carbon models. The study area includes two types of native forest in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: a Seasonal Semi-deciduous Forest (SSF) and a Cerrado sensu-stricto (CSS). Two strata were chosen in each area, and in each stratum ten sampling units were installed according to a systematic sampling protocol. Each sampling unit had one North- South line of 200 m superimposed over the other lengths (100 and 150 m) and three lines (one for each length) in the East-West direction forming the cross shapes, for a total 650 m per sampling unit. All CWD elements with a diameter _ 10 cm that crossed the transect were tallied. For each element, the diameter, length, perpendicular width, decay class, and (when possible) species was recorded. Disc samples were taken from each element, from which cylinder samples were extracted then oven dried to determine density. These cylinders were milled and analyzed to determine carbon content (%). The volume of each element was calculated by taking the difference between cross-sectional area and any hollowed area, then multiplying by the element\'s length. Biomass was calculated by multiplying volume values by density values, and carbon stocks were calculated by multiplying biomass by the carbon percentage factors computed via lab analysis. Total estimators were calculated by area and per hectare for the number of CWD elements, their volume, biomass, and carbon stocks. These estimators were calculated by stratum then combined across the entire sample population. The data from each sampling unit was also used to calculate the wood density and carbon concentration by decay class, as well as to fit linear and nonlinear models. For the SSF area, the most accurate transect design was the 200 m cross shaped; and for the CSS area was selected the 150 m cross shape. Both areas showed lower biomass values (1.3 and 6.7 Mg/ha for the CSS and SSF areas, respectively) than other studies in the Amazon Forest where CWD research has been conducted. In both areas, as the decay class increased (from least to most rotten material), wood density decreased, which follows the same pattern as other literature. Carbon concentration barely changed within decay classes. Using a conversion constant of 50%, similar carbon stock results were obtained. Nonlinear models (using diameter and length as predictor variables) proved an efficient tool for predicting CWD biomass at an element level. As expected, biomass data exhibited heteroscedasticity, which was mitigated by modeling the variance of the residuals with a power function of the combined variable. Adding decay class as an indicator variable also resulted in model improvement. / Este estudo buscou testar a metodologia de amostragem pela linha interceptadora (LIS), usando a inferência baseada no design, com amostragem sistemática estratificada em duas formas de transectos: linha reta e forma de cruz, ambos com três diferentes comprimentos de transectos: 100, 150 e 200 m para estimar o número de elementos, volume, biomassa e estoque de carbono de madeira morta; investigar a densidade da madeira e a concentração de carbono da madeira morta pela classe de decomposição; e, ajustar e selecionar modelos de biomassa e carbono de madeira morta, em dois tipos de floresta nativa no estado de São Paulo, Brasil: uma Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (SSF) e um Cerrado sensu-stricto (CSS). Em cada tipo florestal foram selecionados dois estratos e localidas dez unidades de amostragem em cada. A unidade de amostragem é um transecto Norte-Sul, com 200 m, que sobrepõe os outros comprimentos (100 e 150 m), e três transectos (para cada comprimento) na direção Leste-Oeste, formando a cruz, totalizando 650m. Foram medidos todos os elementos de madeira morta grossa (CWD) que cruzaram o transecto com um diâmetro _10 cm. Foi medido o diâmetro na interseção, o comprimento, a largura perpendicular, o elemento foi classificado de acordo com a classe de decomposição e, quando possível, a espécie foi identificada. De cada elemento foi retirado um disco de amostra na interseção, este foi fotografado para o cálculo da área oca. De cada disco foram extraídos cilindros, secos em estufa para determinação da densidade, estes foram moídos e analisados para determinação do teor de carbono (%). O volume de cada elemento foi calculado pela diferença da área seccional e área oca, multiplicada pelo comprimento; a biomassa foi calculada multiplicando o volume pela densidade; e o estoque de carbono foi calculado multiplicando a biomassa pela concentração de carbono. Os estimadores do total foram calculados por área e por hectare para o número de elementos de CWD, volume, biomassa e estoque de carbono; foram calculados por estrato, e combinados para a população. Os dados dos 650m de cada unidade foram utilizados para calcular as médias da densidade da madeira e concentração de carbono por classe de decomposição e, para construção de modelos lineares e não-lineares. Para a SSF, o design mais preciso foi transectos em forma de cruz, com 200 m. Para CSS foram selecionados transectos em cruz, com 150 m. As áreas apresentaram valores de biomassa 1.3-6.7 Mg/ha para CSS e SSF, respectivamente. Em ambos tipos florestais foi encontrado que à medida que a classe de decomposição aumenta (mais fresco para mais podre), a densidade da madeira diminui, seguindo os mesmos padrões encontrados na literatura. A concentração de carbono não apresentou mudança dentro das classes de decomposição. Modelos nãolineares com diâmetro e comprimento como variáveis preditoras provaram ser uma ferramenta eficiente para predizer a biomassa e carbono de CWD. Como esperado, os dados de biomassa apresentaram heterocedasticidade, mitigada pela modelagem da variância dos resíduos com uma função de potência. A adição da classe de decomposição como variável indicadora também mostrou melhora nos modelos.

Vliv světla na složení a diverzitu lesní vegetace v Českém Středohoří / Influence of understory light on diversity and composition of forest vegetation in the České Středohoří Mts.

Macek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Light is essential component of forest ecosystem, as limited light availability in forest-floor restricts herb and tree seedlings growth. Importance of light availability for maintaining plant species diversity and community structure wasn't sufficiently evaluated in the Czech Republic. This study focus on the ecological relevance of light availability on both landscape and local scale. Relationship of light to cover, diversity and species composition was quantified in the thesis. Dominant tree species affected light availability and its spatial variability. Light availability was along the soil reaction and slope most influential factor for large-scale species diversity. Within-site light variability affected plant diversity more than soil reaction variability. Measuring light by means of hemispherical photography seems to be an appropriate for studies like this. Light availability influnence on community compostition is weak in comparison with other environmental gradients.

Diversity and trophic structure of the soil fauna and its influence on litter decomposition in deciduous forests with increasing tree species diversity / Diversität und trophische Struktur der Bodenfauna und ihr Einfluss auf die Streuzersetzung in Wäldern mit zunehmender Baumartendiversität

Weland, Nadine 30 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Die Atmung der verholzten Organe von Altbuchen (Fagus sylvatica L.) in einem Kalk- und einem Sauerhumusbuchenwald / Woody tissue respiration of two old-growth beech forests on base-rich and acidic soils

Strobel, Jörg 28 April 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Zur Struktur und Diversität der Bodenvegetation in Laubwäldern mit unterschiedlicher Baumartenvielfalt / On the structure and diversity of herb-layer vegetation in deciduous forests with contrasting tree-species diversity

Mölder, Andreas 13 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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