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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programmes décoratifs des villas impériales du suburbium de Rome / The decorative programs of imperial villas in the Roman suburbium

Malizia, Eleonora 08 December 2018 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche porte sur l’étude du décor des villas impériales dans le suburbium de Rome, avec le but de comprendre, à l’aide des sources littéraires, archéologiques et épigraphiques, comment se caractérisaient ces villas tant du point de vue de leur conception architecturale que de leur décoration. Chaque villa a fait l’objet d’un dossier dans lequel tous les éléments du décor ont été organisés, classifiés et interprétés. Par la suite, on a procédé à une comparaison entre les éléments décoratifs caractérisant les villas du suburbium et ceux des autres grandes résidences impériales connues dans la région du Latium. On a pu analyser l’évolution du rapport entre architecture et décor dans les différents espaces de la villa impériale (pièces de représentation, thermes, jardins, édifices de spectacle,…), ainsi que le programme décoratif sculpté, qui nous renseigne sur le travail des ateliers et sur les choix de thématiques spécifiques de la part des empereurs, comme celle du mythe des Niobides ou des épisodes de l’Odyssée. De surcroît, l’analyse topographique et chronologique des contextes a permis, d’un côté, de comprendre les dynamiques de l’occupation du territoire de la part du pouvoir impérial et de l’autre, d’analyser le processus de formation, évolution et transformation de ces résidences. À travers l’étude des complexes résidentiels suburbains, on explore les possibilités d’approche à l’intérieur du plus ample questionnement sur l’identification d’une villa impériale, une problématique qui n’a jamais été abordée de façon complète et systématique. / The research project, presented in this manuscript, illustrates the decoration of imperial villas in the Roman suburbium. Thanks to literary, archaeological and epigraphic sources, its purpose is to understand how these villas were characterised both from the point of view of their architecture as of their decoration. Indeed, each villa has been subject of accurate investigations, in which all elements were parsed, classified and interpreted. Subsequently, the attention is focused on the comparison between the decorative features of the suburbium’s villas and those of the other imperial residences scattered in Latium region. This allowed to analyse in details the evolution of the correlation between architecture and decor in the different areas of the imperial villa (representative rooms, thermal baths, gardens, entertainment buildings,…). In addition, it helped understanding the choice of sculptural subjects made by the emperors, such as the group of Niobids or Odyssey episodes. Moreover, topographic and chronological studies of these contexts gave the opportunity to understand the occupation dynamics of the territory on the part of the imperial power, but also to analyse the formation, evolution and transformation processes of these residences. Finally, through the study of suburban residential complexes, it is possible to face the wider questioning on the identification of an imperial villa, an issue that has never been approached in an exhaustive and systematic way.

Uncounted cadences: tracing memory through movement

Unknown Date (has links)
Uncounted Cadences is a drawing installation in the thesis exhibition that furthers my exploration in tracing movement through psychological and physical geographies. Gestural drawings of human and animal bodies in motion are woven into local landscape imagery that is printed with powdered charcoal through a silkscreen. Using both additive and subtractive processes, the layering and erasure suggest loss, reclamation, and the nature of memory. The drawings are cut and provisionally reassembled into a cinematic sequence as if they are pieces of film being edited and spliced. This process shows an unfolding over time and involves listening to the rhythmic pacing of bodies morphing, decaying, birthing, or leaving. Time is not experienced as progress ; rather, the rearrangement of fragments allows for a continuous retelling of stories. / by Jill Lavetsky. / Thesis (M.F.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

La sculpture et l’intime en France (1865-1909) / Sculpture and intimacy in France (1865-1909)

Dekaeke, Marie 03 July 2018 (has links)
La littérature et la peinture semblent être les domaines les plus propices au développement de l’intime au XIXe siècle. Pourtant, la notion possède aussi sa place dans le domaine de la sculpture qui, par des procédés qui lui sont propres, parvient à la révéler. Sujet le plus favorable à l’introspection, l’autoportrait, tel que le conçoivent Carriès ou Gauguin, demeure une expérience singulière qui ne se vérifie pas chez tous les sculpteurs. L’expression de l’intime est alors à chercher dans le portrait où l’artiste tend à faire surgir l’intériorité de son modèle à la manière de Carpeaux ou de Rodin. Les fondamentaux du dialogue entre intime et sculpture sont ainsi posés. La notion se définit aussi par sa polyvalence liée au contexte de commande et de réception, aux questions esthétiques de l’époque, au mystère de la création et, enfin, jusque dans ses limites. L’intime est une notion protéiforme qui peut aussi bien prendre sens sous un aspect iconographique que suivant les modalités de création d’une sculpture. Ce concept imprègne toute forme de sculpture s’exprimant aussi bien dans le portrait sculpté, que dans les petits groupes ou statuettes ou encore dans la statuaire monumentale. L’étude des œuvres de Claudel, Dalou ou Rosso nous a permis de comprendre que plus que d’un courant esthétique à part entière, il s’agit davantage d’une caractéristique qui permet de mieux les rassembler. L’intime apparaît donc comme un outil pour étudier la sculpture des années 1865 à 1909 sous un angle nouveau. / Literature and painting seem to be the most favourable fields for the development of intimacy during the nineteenth century. The notion has, nevertheless, its place too in the field of sculpture which by processes of its own, manages to reveal it. Even though self-portraits, such as conceived by Carriès or Gauguin, are particularly suitable for introspection they remain a unique experience that does not apply to every sculptor. The expression of intimacy is then to be found in portraits where artists tend to bring out the interiority of their model, in the manner of Carpeaux and Rodin. The fundamentals of dialogue between intimacy and sculpture are thus laid down. The term is also defined by its versatility, in relation to the context of order and reception, to aesthetic issues of the time, to the mystery of creation and, finally, to its own limits. Intimacy is a protean concept that can take on its full meaning through a single iconographic aspect or modalities of creation of sculpture. This very concept permeates all forms of sculpture and is expressed in sculpted portraits as well as in small groups, statuettes, even monumental sculpture. Our study of works by Claudel, Dalou or Rosso allowed us to understand that more than an aesthetic current in its own right, intimacy is rather a distinctive feature that brings works together. Intimacy therefore appears as a tool to study the sculptural fields ranging from 1865 to 1909 from a new angle.

A Comparative Analysis Of Designers

Khalaj, Javad 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study discusses product form perception within the context of communication. The emphasis is on meanings attributed to product visual form, and more specifically the correspondence between messages designers intend users to receive and the messages that users actually receive. Four groupings of appearance-based product attributes are identified / 1) social values and positions / 2) usability and interaction / 3) visual qualities / and 4) personality characteristics. The study was driven by the main research question / &lsquo / do users perceive the same meaning from product appearance as designers intended, or is there a level of mismatch?&rsquo / . An empirical study was conducted using newly-designed Turkish seating furniture to investigate the relationship between designers&rsquo / and users&rsquo / ascription of meanings to products based on appearance, as a means to validate or refute opposing answers to the main research question. The results of the study reveal that there exist some considerable differences between designers&rsquo / intended messages and users&rsquo / perceived messages decoded from product visual form. The study suggests that designers perform less well at communicating product meanings related to two of the four groupings: usability and interaction, and personality characteristics. Accordingly, these are identified as priority areas for improved message transmission.

Šviečiančių dekoratyvinių objektų mieste projektas / Project of illuminated objects in the city

Kazlas, Vytenis Vincentas 01 August 2013 (has links)
Pagal iškeltus reikalavimus suprojektuojama šviečiančių dekoratyvinių objektų kompozicija. Atsižvelgiant į potencialius vartotojus ir jų lūkesčius, projekte sprendžiama reikalingumo, funkcionalumo ir erdvės apšvietimo problema. Kuriami objektai numatomi ilgalaikiam naudojimui. Susidedantys iš tvirtų ir atsparių medžiagų. Kompozicija projektuojama kaip meninis objektas. Kuri tampa kultūrine miesto erdvės dalimi. Suprojektuoti objektai sukuria poilsio zonas aplink kompoziciją. Projektuojant objektus buvo siekiama išlaikyti bendrą kompozicijos sukuriamą vaizdą, naudojantis ekonomiškomis ir ilgaamžėmis medžiagomis. Tai buvo pasiekta naudojant poliruotas nerūdijančio plieno plokštes, bei epoksidine derva impregnuotas jūrinės faneros plokštes. Tamsiuoju paros metu pro plieno plokštėse išpjautus ornamentus sklindanti šviesa, sukuria kitokį emocinį krūvį ir vizualią išraišką kompozicijai. / According requirements imposed Project of Illuminated objects in the city is designed. In view of the potential users and their expectations, the project addressed the need, functionality and space lighting problem. Objects are designed for long-term use. Consisting of a strong and resistant materials. Composition is designed as an art object. Which becomes a cultural part of the city space. Designed objects creates rest zones around the composition. The design of the objects sought to keep the overall composition of the output image, using economical and long-term materials. This has been achieved by using decorated stainless steel plates and impregnated plywood. During the night through the ornament cutouts in steel plates illumination creates different emotional tension.


BARBIERI, ALESSANDRO 25 March 2015 (has links)
Le attività di ricerca e catalogazione effettuate durante lo stage condotto tra il 2010 e il 2011 sui materiali fittili conservati nel deposito del Museo d’Arte Antica del Castello Sforzesco di Milano sono state all’origine di alcune riflessioni e considerazioni sul tema delle terrecotte decorative del primo Rinascimento in Lombardia - in particolar modo a Milano e a Cremona - che ha trovato un primo importante esito nella presentazione al convegno del 2011 Terrecotte nel Ducato di Milano. Artisti e cantieri del primo Rinascimento. La scelta, in seno alle ricerche per il dottorato, è stata quella di proseguire, incrementandoli, gli studi sulla collezione fittile delle Civiche Raccolte d’Arte di Milano, approfondendo il tema della produzione coroplastica decorativa nell’età sforzesca, non tralasciando di analizzare, per alcuni casi rilevanti, il coevo contesto architettonico. I risultati ottenuti, riordinati e raccolti nelle pagine di questa tesi, costituiscono il tentativo di una prima mappatura dei repertori ornamentali, dove partendo dai patterns decorativi esibiti dalle singole formelle presenti nel deposito del museo è stato possibile stabilire confronti e tracciare relazioni con i numerosi complessi architettonici con decorazione fittile sparsi sul territorio lombardo e nelle regioni confinanti. / The research and cataloguing activities conducted during the internship in 2010-2011 on the clay materials preserved in the deposit of the Museo d’Arte Antica at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan, were what sparked off a series of considerations and reflections on the subject of decorative terracottas during the early Renaissance in Lombardy - particularly Milan and Cremona - the results of which were discussed during the presentation at a conference held in 2011 entitled Terrecotte nel Ducato di Milano. Artisti e cantieri del primo Rinascimento. The decision behind the research conducted for my PhD was to continue and extend the studies to include the collection of clay products preserved by the Art Collections of the Municipality of Milan, more specifically the decorative coroplast productions in the Sforzesca era, which included an in-depth analysis of the contemporary architectonic context of some of the most significant cases. The results obtained, indexed and included in this thesis aim to present an initial mapping of the ornamental repertoires where, starting from the decorative patterns of the individual tiles preserved in the deposit of the Museum, it was possible to establish comparisons and trace relations with the countless architectonic complexes highlighting clay decorations scattered throughout the Lombardy region and bordering areas.

Cast architectural ornament : plaster and compo / Plaster and compo

Reid, Bronwyn January 2001 (has links)
Plaster and compo are both materials used for cast architectural ornamentation. Preserving, repairing, and in-kind replacing cast architectural ornamentation is necessary to maintain the integrity of a space. Plaster and compo are visually and texturally very similar materials. Compo was invented to be a less costly substitute for plaster. Whereas the two materials are easily mistaken for one another, they are chemically quite different. The ingredients and methods used to create the two separate materials exemplify this difference. Understanding the differences is key to successfully preserving the ornaments and, thus, the spaces in which they are located. Repairing plaster with compo or compo with plaster can lead to the destruction of cast architectural ornaments. Furthermore, chemical paint removers that are safe to use on plaster can deteriorate compo. It is necessary to thoroughly understand the nature of the materials so that informed decisions can be made about their treatments. The study addresses the similarities and differences, the maintenance, deterioration, repair, and replacement of the two materials. / Department of Architecture

A vegetation management study and guidelines for the Ravine Garden of the Lilly Pavilion at the Indianapolis Museum of Art

Bauman, Dawn G. January 1989 (has links)
The goals of this report were: 1) to present a comparison between historic and present day landscape plantings in the Ravine Garden of the Lilly Pavilion at the Indianapolis Museum of Art; and 2) to develop and establish a vegetation management study that would provide guidelines for the vegetation management of the Ravine Garden. The study and guidelines were developed in order to: a) remove inappropriate present day plantings; b) protect the historic landscape plantings; c) eventually replant the historic plants currently missing; and d) manage the vegetation of the Ravine Garden as in an important historic designed landscape. / Department of Landscape Architecture

Myth, symbol, ornament: The loss of meaning in transition

Engels-Schwarzpaul, Anna-Christina January 2001 (has links)
Whole document restricted, see Access Instructions file below for details of how to access the print copy. / How meaning is articulated, suggested or repressed in transition processes is an inherently social phenomenon. The history of theorising about ornament bears evidence to this as much as do current practices of ornamentation. From myths, as narratives of meaning, to ‘mere ornament’ – the various signifying practices (and forms of life within which they take place) determine how meaning changes. People will perceive such change differently, depending on their perspectives and circumstances and, under certain conditions, change can be conceived of as loss. This thesis, in its theoretical part, explores issues pertaining to meaning and ornament in epistemology, philosophy, sociology, semiotics, aesthetics and psychoanalysis. In its practical part it seeks to make connections with signifying practices involving ornament in the life-worlds of users, the use of ornament in public buildings, bicultural relationships involving appropriation or misappropriation, and the education of designers in New Zealand. For that, data derived from four empirical research projects are presented and theorised. In the fourth part, theories and practices are brought together to shed light on struggles with ornamental meaning in the past and in the present. Theories, with their classification of myths, symbols and ornament, ignore wide ranges of signifying practices and privilege some form of significations at the expense of others. Because of their separation from the language- games and forms of life of ornamental practice, they often fail to grasp issues that are important to non-theorists. All the research projects demonstrated that the large majority of participants like and relate to ornament. They also showed, however, that Pakeha traditions of ornament are not only perceived to have suffered the same historical rupture as those in the West but also that the theoretical discreditation upon which they were based was used as a tool of oppression when applied to Maori art. Attempts to explain bicultural practices of appropriation or misappropriation without reference to the history of colonisation and present power configurations must fail. Whether or not a cultural image retains or loses its meaning depends on factors such as knowledge, understanding, relationality and co-operation. If culture is, however, treated as a resource for commodification – as it is by the culture industries – cultural elements are subjected to rules inherent in marketing and capitalist economies and their meaning is deliberately changed. Those who ought to be able to deal competently with these issues (designers and other cultural intermediaries) receive little in their education to prepare them for the ornamental strategies and tactics of their future clients. The academic environment is still largely determined by modernist agendas, and ornament as a topic and as practice – continues to be repressed. If a meaningful ornamental language and practice relevant to Aotearoa is to be shared, created, and sustained the divisions between theory and the life-world need to be interrogated; the distance through an assumed superiority of Pakeha to Maori history, culture and people relinquished; and a type of conversation must commence that takes seriously the Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document of this country. The partnership concept of this document facilitates conversation about differential positions and rules and can ‘take us out of our old selves by the power of strangeness, to aid us in becoming new beings’ (Rorty, 1980: 289).

Myth, symbol, ornament: The loss of meaning in transition

Engels-Schwarzpaul, Anna-Christina January 2001 (has links)
Whole document restricted, see Access Instructions file below for details of how to access the print copy. / How meaning is articulated, suggested or repressed in transition processes is an inherently social phenomenon. The history of theorising about ornament bears evidence to this as much as do current practices of ornamentation. From myths, as narratives of meaning, to ‘mere ornament’ – the various signifying practices (and forms of life within which they take place) determine how meaning changes. People will perceive such change differently, depending on their perspectives and circumstances and, under certain conditions, change can be conceived of as loss. This thesis, in its theoretical part, explores issues pertaining to meaning and ornament in epistemology, philosophy, sociology, semiotics, aesthetics and psychoanalysis. In its practical part it seeks to make connections with signifying practices involving ornament in the life-worlds of users, the use of ornament in public buildings, bicultural relationships involving appropriation or misappropriation, and the education of designers in New Zealand. For that, data derived from four empirical research projects are presented and theorised. In the fourth part, theories and practices are brought together to shed light on struggles with ornamental meaning in the past and in the present. Theories, with their classification of myths, symbols and ornament, ignore wide ranges of signifying practices and privilege some form of significations at the expense of others. Because of their separation from the language- games and forms of life of ornamental practice, they often fail to grasp issues that are important to non-theorists. All the research projects demonstrated that the large majority of participants like and relate to ornament. They also showed, however, that Pakeha traditions of ornament are not only perceived to have suffered the same historical rupture as those in the West but also that the theoretical discreditation upon which they were based was used as a tool of oppression when applied to Maori art. Attempts to explain bicultural practices of appropriation or misappropriation without reference to the history of colonisation and present power configurations must fail. Whether or not a cultural image retains or loses its meaning depends on factors such as knowledge, understanding, relationality and co-operation. If culture is, however, treated as a resource for commodification – as it is by the culture industries – cultural elements are subjected to rules inherent in marketing and capitalist economies and their meaning is deliberately changed. Those who ought to be able to deal competently with these issues (designers and other cultural intermediaries) receive little in their education to prepare them for the ornamental strategies and tactics of their future clients. The academic environment is still largely determined by modernist agendas, and ornament as a topic and as practice – continues to be repressed. If a meaningful ornamental language and practice relevant to Aotearoa is to be shared, created, and sustained the divisions between theory and the life-world need to be interrogated; the distance through an assumed superiority of Pakeha to Maori history, culture and people relinquished; and a type of conversation must commence that takes seriously the Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document of this country. The partnership concept of this document facilitates conversation about differential positions and rules and can ‘take us out of our old selves by the power of strangeness, to aid us in becoming new beings’ (Rorty, 1980: 289).

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