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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel das secreções das formigas-cortadeiras na defesa da colônia /

Pereira, Mayara Cristina. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Odair Correa Bueno / Resumo: Atualmente, a tribo Attini compreende 45 gêneros e entre eles estão as formigas-cortadeiras cultivadoras de fungo, pertencentes aos gêneros Atta e Acromyrmex, que causam grandes danos econômicos a agricultura devido ao intenso corte de materiais vegetais frescos para cultivo do seu fungo simbiôntico Leucogaricus gongylophorus. Essas formigas apresentam diferentes mecanismos de defesa para proteger seus ninhos contra organismos competidores. Dentre esses mecanismos está a defesa humoral e celular (inata e adquirida) do sistema imune interno e a defesa imune externa, que inclui qualquer característica atuando no ambiente capaz de melhorar sua proteção contra patógenos, sendo esta caracterizada em formigas pela remoção física de patógenos e pela secreção de compostos antimicrobianos advindos de glândulas exócrinas e simbiontes bacterianos. Poucos estudos buscam integrar os diferentes fatores envolvidos na capacidade defensiva das formigas a fim de compreender estratégias fisiológicas adquiridas para proteger a colônia. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar a defesa da formiga-cortadeira Atta sexdens contra patógenos. Para tanto, realizamos a revisão sistemática dos mecanismos de defesa das formigas discutidos na literatura, a qual nos direcionou para investigação da defesa química externa dessa espécie de formiga. Os ensaios conduzidos foram de atividade enzimática, análise cromatográfica e testes de inibição de fungos patógenos e antagonistas. Verificam... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Currently Attini tribe comprises 45 genera and among them are fungus-growing leaf-cutting ants belonging to the genera Atta and Acromyrmex. They cause great economic damage to agriculture due to the intense cutting of fresh plant material for cultivation of its symbiotic fungus Leucogaricus gongylophorus. These ants present different defense mechanisms to protect their nests against competing organisms. Among these mechanisms is the humoral and cellular defense (innate and acquired) of the internal immune system and the external immune defense. This last one includes any hereditary characteristic acting in the environment and being capable of improve its protection against pathogens. It is characterized in ants by the physical removal of pathogens and by secretion of antimicrobial compounds from exocrine glands and bacterial symbionts. Few studies have sought to integrate the different factors involved in ants' defensive capacity in order to understand physiological strategies acquired to protect the colony. In this way, the present research had the goal to investigate the defense of the ant-cutter Atta sexdens against pathogens. For this, we performed the systematic review of ant defense mechanisms discussed in the literature, which directed us to investigate the external chemical defense of this ant species. The tests carried out were of enzymatic activity, chromatographic analysis and tests of inhibition of pathogenic and antagonistic fungi. We have observed that secretion... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Resposta da transpiração e do crescimento foliar de cultivares de crisântemo (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.) à fração de água transpirável no substrato / Response of transpiration and leaf growth of chrysanthemum cultivars (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev) to the fraction of transpirable substrate water

Cláudio Renato Schlessner Kelling 15 July 2014 (has links)
Entender os mecanismos de defesa das plantas de crisântemo em resposta à deficiência hídrica é importante no processo produtivo desta cultura. O objetivo neste trabalho foi determinar a resposta da transpiração e do crescimento foliar, de cultivares de crisântemo (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.), ao conteúdo de água disponível em substrato, representado pela fração de água transpirável em substrato (FATS). Foram realizados dois experimentos, no setor de floricultura do Colégio Politécnico da UFSM, utilizando-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, sendo um no fim da primavera de 2011, com aplicação dos tratamentos a partir de 09/12/2011 - e um no inverno de 2012, com aplicação dos tratamentos a partir de 07/07/2012. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de 2,8 litros, preenchidos com substrato e dispostos no interior de uma casa de vegetação com controle de temperatura. As cultivares de crisântemo utilizadas foram a Cherry White (de vaso), Repin Bronze (de corte), Apple Valley (de vaso) e Calábria (de corte). A FATS, a transpiração e o crescimento foliar foram determinados diariamente durante o período de imposição da deficiência hídrica em cada experimento. A FATS crítica no crisântemo que começa a afetar a transpiração, indicativo do início do fechamento estomático, é de 0,63 para a cultivar Cherry White; 0,60 para a cultivar Repin Bronze; 0,53 para a cultivar Apple Valley; e 0,51, para a cultivar Calábria. A redução do crescimento foliar inicia com um valor de FATS crítica de 0,67 para a cultivar Cherry White; 0,69 para a cultivar Repin Bronze; 0,59 para a cultivar Apple Valley e 0,54, para a cultivar Calábria. As cultivares Cherry White e Repin Bronze apresentam maior tolerância ao déficit hídrico do que as cultivares Apple Valley e Calábria. O crescimento foliar começa ser reduzido com um valor de FATS crítica maior do que o valor de FATS crítica em que a transpiração começa a ser reduzida. A deficiência hídrica afeta negativamente as variáveis de crescimento e de desenvolvimento de cultivares de crisântemo. / Understand the defense mechanisms of plants of chrysanthemum in response to water stress is important in the production process of this crop. The objective of this study was to determine the response of the plant to transpiration and leaf growth of chrysanthemum cultivars (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.), related to the available water content in the substrate, represented by the fraction of transpirable substrate water (FTSW). Two Greenhouse experiments were conducted in the flower sector of the Polytechnic College UFSM, using a completely randomized design. One started end of spring of 2011, with application of treatments on 09/12/2011 and the second in winter 2012, with application of treatments on 07/07/2012. Plants were grown in 2.8 liter pots filled with substrate and arranged inside a greenhouse with temperature control. The chrysanthemum cultivars were Cherry White (potted), Repin Bronze (for cut), Apple Valley (potted) and Calabria (for cut). The FTSW, transpiration and leaf growth were determined daily during the period of imposition of water deficit in each experiment. The threshold FTSW for Chrysanthemum that begins to affect transpiration, is an indicative of early stomatal closure and was 0.63 for the cultivar Cherry White, 0.60 for Repin Bronze, 0.53 for Apple Valley and 0.51, for Calabria. Leaf growth began to be reduced at a threshold FTSW of 0.67 for Cherry White, 0.69 for Repin Bronze, 0.59 for Apple Valley and 0.54, for Calabria. Cultivars Cherry White and Bronze Repin proved to be more tolerant to water deficit than the cultivars Apple Valley and Calábria. The reduced leaf growth starts with a threshold FTSW value larger than the threshold FTSW value related to reduced transpirations. The water deficit negatively affected the variables of growth and development of the chrysanthemum cultivars.

Testing Models of Depression and Paranoia in Men and Women: The Role of Cognitive Style, Guilt, Shame, and Defense Mechanisms

Sombke, Chad 01 May 2001 (has links)
Gender differences in psychopathology have long been of interest in the fields of clinical, developmental, and personality psychology. Lewis proposed two models to explain the emergence of the development of gender differences in depression and paranoia. Lewis stated that gender differences in depression and paranoia can be traced to corresponding gender differences in cognitive style, guilt-proneness, shame-proneness, and the use of specific defense mechanisms. Although research evidence has validated certain components of these two models, neither model has ever been tested in its entirety. This research project intended to test Lewis's models in their entirety by utilizing structural equation modeling.

Erfarenheter av att vara brottsoffer : Berättelser om att vara brottsutsatt / Experiences from being a crime victim : Stories about being a crime victim

Thelin, Linda January 2011 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att studera vilka erfarenheter individer har som blivit utsatta för brott. Detta för att erhålla en ökad förståelse för brottsoffers situation. Utifrån syftet har frågeställningen Erfarenheter av att vara brottsoffer utvecklats. För att söka svar på frågeställningen har intervjuer valts som datainsamlingsmetod. Intervjuerna har spelats in, transkriberats och analyserats genom IPA-modellen. I resultatet framträdde några centrala kluster. Dessa var försvarsmekanismer, tystnad som följd av stigmatisering, ambivalens och maktaspekter. Utifrån den insamlade datan drogs slutsatserna att brottsoffer utsätts för en emotionell påfrestning som de försöker hantera genom försvarsmekanismer, att brottsoffer tenderar att ha en låg känsla av sammanhang samt ett litet handlingsutrymme och en begränsad makt. Vidare drogs slutsatsen att det finns stereotyper om brottsoffer som kan leda till att brottsoffer stigmatiseras. Risken för stigmatisering leder till att brottsoffer tenderar att inte tala om brottet. Vidare kan brottet komma att ha negativa konsekvenser på brottsoffrets jag. / The purpose with the study is to examine peoples experiences of crimes to gain a greater understanding for crime victims situations. From the purpose has a question arised which is Experiences from being a crime victim. To seek an answer on the question has interviews been chosen as data collection method. The interviews have been taped, transcribed and analyzed through the IPA–model. Some central clusters did emerge from the result. These were defense mechanisms, silence as a result of stigma, ambivalence and aspects of power. From the collected data were the conclusions drawn that crime victims are exposed to an emotional strain that they are trying to control by defense mechanisms, that crime victims tend to have a low sense of coherence and a little discretion and a limited amount of power. The conclusion were also drawn that there are existing stereotypes about crime victim, which can result in that the crime victim gets stigmatized. The risk for the crime victim to become stigmatized leads to the fact that the crime victims don´t want to mention the crime. The crime can also result in negative consequences for the crime victims self.

Elefantgraviditet : En socialpsykologisk studie om adoptivföräldrars upplevelser av adoptionsprocessen

Andersson, Madelene, Iversen, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
Adoption är ett av många sätt att bilda familj på, dock är det inte så vanligt i vårt samhälle. Då adoption inte är vanligt förekommande finns det inte heller mycket kunskap kring adoptionsprocessen därför har vårt syfte varit att undersöka vilka emotioner som uppkommer i adoptionsprocessen och hur dessa bearbetas både inom individen och i en gemenskap. Vårt syfte var att undersöka hur paren och den enskilda individen hanterar emotionerna som uppkommer i adoptionsprocessen men även hur normerna påverkar synen på adoptivföräldrar. Därefter ville vi även se hur den enskilda individen kunde genomgå denna process och om föräldragruppen hade någon betydelse. För att ta reda på detta utförde vi fyra solidariska intervjuer med fyra olika par som ingick i samma föräldragrupp. Materialet analyserades utifrån tre teoretiska utgångspunkter, normer enligt M. Foucualt, T. Scheffs begrepp skam och stolthet samt S. Freuds försvarsmekanismer. Med hjälp av dessa teorier kom vi fram till att adoption som familjebildning ses som normbrytande då dessa föräldrar väljer att inte skaffa biologiska barn, vårt resultat visade även att föräldrarna använde sig av försvarsmekanismer för att försvara sig mot ångest och depressiva känslor i olika delar av adoptionsprocessen samt att föräldragruppen hade en stor betydelse. / Adoption is one of many ways to start a family on, however, it’s not so common in our society. When adoption is not usual, there is not much knowledge about the adoption process, therefore our aim was to explore the emotions that arise in the adoption process and how they are processed in both the individual and in the affinity. Our aim was to examine how the pairs and the individual dealing with emotions that arise in the adoption process, but also how the norms affect the view of adoptive parents. Then we wanted to see how the individual could go through the adoption process and if the parent group was important. We have performed four interviews with four couples that was part of the same parent group. The materials were analyzed according to three theoretical points, norms according to M. Foucault, T. Scheffs concept of shame and pride and S. Freuds defense mechanisms. By using these theories we concluded that adoption as a family formation is seen as norm-breaking, when the parents choose not to have biological children, our results also showed that parents used the defense to defend against anxiety and depressive feelings in different parts of the adoption process and that the parents' group had a significant impact.

Defensive processing in elementary school children /

Villanueva, Javier Gerardo, January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2000. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-129). Available also in a digital version from Dissertation Abstracts.

How Techniques of Neutralization Legitimize Norm- and Attitude-Inconsistent Consumer Behavior

Gruber, Verena, Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. 26 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In accordance with societal norms and values, consumers readily indicate their positive attitudes towards sustainability. However, they hardly take sustainability into account when engaging in exchange relationships with companies. To shed light on this paradox, this paper investigates whether defense mechanisms and the more specific concept of neutralization techniques can explain the discrepancy between societal norms and actual behavior. A multi-method qualitative research design provides rich insights into consumers' underlying cognitive processes and how they make sense of their attitude-behavior divergences. Drawing on the Ways Model of account-taking, which is advanced to a Cycle Model, the findings illustrate how neutralization strategies are used to legitimize inconsistencies between norm-conforming attitudes and actual behavior. Furthermore, the paper discusses how the repetitive reinforcement of neutralizing patterns and feedback loops between individuals and society are linked to the rise of anomic consumer behavior. (authors' abstract)

Threats to development, protective resources, and competence : testing structural models of resilience / Models of resilience

Edwards, Scott A. January 2000 (has links)
The interdisciplinary field of developmental psychopathology has brought considerable organization and clarity to the study of resilience, and it was from this theoretical perspective that the present study was conducted. One-hundred and forty-three preschool children, ages four to six, were recruited to answer two primary questions. First, do resilient (high threats, high competence) children differ from their maladapted (high threats, low competence) and competent (low threats, high competence) peers on measures of potential protective resources (i.e., intellectual ability and parent-child relationship)? Second, what are the mechanisms that underlie the effects of threats to development and protective resources on children's emotional and behavioral competence? To test the first question, differences across groups were examined using categorical, person-based analytic procedures (i.e., ANOVA, MANOVA). It was found that the quality of the parent-child relationship among resilient children was indeed more favorable than among maladaptive children, but resilient and competent children did not differ on this dimension. Resilient children produced significantly higher results on nonverbal intellectual reasoning tasks, but were no better than their maladapted counterparts on verbal intellectual abilities. To explore the second question, variable-based analyses (structural equation modeling) were used to test for hypothesized processes underlying the impact that threats and resources have on competence. The results supported the notion of an adversity process in which threats to development directly and unfavorably impacted children's functioning. Mixed support was found for the compensatory process in which resources directly influenced competence in a manner that compensated for the effects of threats. An indirect, compensatory-enhancing processwas supported whereby intellectual resources contributed to improved parent-child relationship which in turn had a positive influence on competence. The most important finding was the adversity-mediating process. This mechanism indicated that threats to development not only directly diminish competence, but also deleteriously impact resource variables. Likewise, this finding suggested that protective resources are essential in buffering children from the consequences of exposure to threats. Specifically, while the quality of the parent-child relationship did not have strong direct influences on competence, it mediated the effects of threats. Implications from these findings for future research and clinical practice are outlined. / Department of Secondary, Higher, and Foundations of Education

Dissociation Of Literary Characters: The Use Of

Ertin, Serkan 01 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
&ldquo / Dissociative Identity Disorder&rdquo / , also known as split or multiple personality disorder, made its appearance in literature in the form of &lsquo / the double&rsquo / , a projected dual personality. Ralph Tymms is believed to be the first to use the psychological provenance of the double as a literary device. To date, many publications have been made on Dissociative Identity Disorder, and many literary works dealing with &lsquo / the double&rsquo / have been published. However, the subject of the double, in all its literary and psychological manifestations, has not yet found the sufficient research and up-to-date study that it deserves. This paper ventures to study some of the links between Modern British Drama and Clinical and Social Psychology. It analyses the fact that although people adopting Dissociative Identity Disorder as a defence mechanism against social and personal constrictions are viewed outside the norms of personality structure, this practice allows them to create a personal space and a personal voice in the conditions they find themselves in. To this end, the characters Susan, Gareth, and Alan in the plays Woman in Mind, Philadelphia, Here I Come!, and Equus, written by Alan Ayckbourn, Brian Friel, and Peter Shaffer, respectively, will be studied.

Implicit and explicit measures: a test of a dissociative model of aggression

McNiel, Patrick D. 08 April 2009 (has links)
This study tested a dissociative model of aggression measurement. Aggression is construed as having two components, each of which is associated more strongly with either implicit or explicit measures of aggression. A videogame based frustration manipulation was used to elicit hostile aggressive responses in the form of hard force applied to buttons. Instrumental aggression criteria were also assessed in the form of honesty in reporting game outcomes, willingness to pause games while believing that pausing could damage the study results, and willingness to use unfair strategies that are also described as damaging to study results. Differential prediction of these behaviors by implicit and explicit measures of aggression supported a dissociative model of aggression measurement.

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