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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling Behaviour of Damaged Turbine Blades for Engine Health Diagnostics and Prognostics

Van Dyke, Jason 12 October 2011 (has links)
The reliability of modern gas turbine engines is largely due to careful damage tolerant design a method of structural design based on the assumption that flaws (cracks) exist in any structure and will continue to grow with usage. With proper monitoring, largely in the form of periodic inspections at conservative intervals reliability and safety is maintained. These methods while reliable can lead to the early retirement of some components and unforeseen failure if design assumptions fail to reflect reality. With improvements to sensor and computing technology there is a growing interest in a system that could continuously monitor the health of structural aircraft as well as forecast future damage accumulation in real-time. Through the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical modeling the initial goals and findings for this continued work include: (a) establishing measurable parameters directly linked to the health of the blade and (b) the feasibility of detecting accumulated damage to the structural material and thermal barrier coating as well as the onset of damage causing structural failure.

Modeling Behaviour of Damaged Turbine Blades for Engine Health Diagnostics and Prognostics

Van Dyke, Jason 12 October 2011 (has links)
The reliability of modern gas turbine engines is largely due to careful damage tolerant design a method of structural design based on the assumption that flaws (cracks) exist in any structure and will continue to grow with usage. With proper monitoring, largely in the form of periodic inspections at conservative intervals reliability and safety is maintained. These methods while reliable can lead to the early retirement of some components and unforeseen failure if design assumptions fail to reflect reality. With improvements to sensor and computing technology there is a growing interest in a system that could continuously monitor the health of structural aircraft as well as forecast future damage accumulation in real-time. Through the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical modeling the initial goals and findings for this continued work include: (a) establishing measurable parameters directly linked to the health of the blade and (b) the feasibility of detecting accumulated damage to the structural material and thermal barrier coating as well as the onset of damage causing structural failure.


森岡, 昇, MORIOKA, Noboru, 近藤, 稔, KONDO, Minoru, 小木曽, 謙治, KOGISO, Kenji 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

Study of Organic Semiconductors for Device Applications

Stella, Marco 12 March 2010 (has links)
Organic semiconductors are being investigated as an alternative to more traditional materials such as silicon, for the fabrication of different types of electronic devices. The advantages of such materials are flexibility, lightness and quick and low cost device production methods. In this thesis we analyze some small molecule organic semiconductors for their use in devices such as thin film transistors and photovoltaic cells. These materials, deposited in thin films on glass by thermal vacuum evaporation, are copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) and pentacene, p-type materials, fullerene (C60), PTCDA and PTCDI-C13, that are n-type. We analyze their optical properties by optical transmittance measurement and photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). By such means we obtain the absorption coefficient of the materials in sub-gap region (near infrared - NIR), directly related with the density of electronic states. Furthermore, we examine thin film microstructure by X-ray diffraction (XRD) in order to observe if it is amorphous or polycrystalline. The data obtained by optical methods are used to calculate optical gap (Eg) and Urbach energy (Eu). The former of these parameters gives important information about the absorption properties of the material in the visible and NIR ranges of the spectrum, while the latter about the structural disorder in the film. Since a clear model for organic semiconductors is still not defined, in both cases we employ models that are usually considered in the case of inorganic semiconductors. The XRD analysis indicates that, in the deposition conditions used in this work, only C60 grows with amorphous structure while all the other materials are polycrystalline. Such result is used to determine which law can be used to estimate the optical gap: the general law for direct allowed electronic transitions in semiconductors for polycrystalline materials or the Tauc law for amorphous ones. The Urbach law, usually employed to have an idea about the amount of disorder in amorphous films, is used for all our materials as an indicator of thin film quality. Furthermore, we examine the stability of the materials over time under exposure to direct radiation and atmosphere and to compare the results with the ones obtained for samples simply exposed to atmosphere. PTCDA and CuPc have demonstrated to be stable against oxidizing agents that are present in atmosphere while the other materials suffer modifications in their optical properties. Such variations, principally located in the sub-gap region of the absorption region, indicate that an increase in the absorption level is obtained, probably due to the presence of defects that could work as charge carrier traps. Annealing treatments are performed on the degraded materials to observe that the degradation process is not reversible. Organic photovoltaic cells always include a heterojunction between two semiconductors, so the same study is performed on mixtures of two materials, a p-type and an n-type one, testing all the possible combinations between the investigated materials. The films are obtained by co-evaporating the two materials in 1:1 proportion. A mixture containing a degrading material also degrades. Heat treatments performed on the samples yield a partial crystallization of some materials but not of others and fail to recover the original optical properties when degradation occurs. Finally, two types of devices are fabricated: thin film transistors (TFTs) using PTCDI-C13 and diodes with CuPc. In the first case we obtain very interesting results, determining that the devices work as typical n-type channel transistors. An analysis of the device characterizations allows us to determine the density of electronic states in the channel obtaining a result that is very similar to the one obtained by optical means on the same material. In the second case we observe the typical diode behaviour but the response with light of such devices, characterized by having a structure similar to the one of Schottky type solar cells, is very low. / Los semiconductores orgánicos están siendo investigados como alternativos a materiales más tradicionales, como el silicio, para la fabricación de varios tipos de dispositivos electrónicos. Las ventajas que presentan tales materiales son flexibilidad, ligereza, rapidez y bajo coste de los métodos de producción de los dispositivos orgánicos. En esta tesis se analizan algunos semiconductores orgánicos de molécula pequeña para su aplicación en dispositivos como los transistores en capa delgada y las células fotovoltaicas. Tales materiales, depositados en capa delgada por evaporación térmica en vacío, son ftalocianina de cobre (CuPc) y pentaceno, de tipo p, fullereno (C60), PTCDA y PTCDI-C13, de tipo n. Se analizan las propiedades ópticas de ellos por medio de la medida de Trasmitancia Óptica y de la Espectroscopia de Deflección Fototérmica (PDS). Además se analiza la microestructura de las capas delgadas por difracción de rayos X (XRD) con el objetivo de observar si las capas tienen estructura amorfa o policristalina. Los datos son utilizados para calcular el gap óptico (Eg) y la energía de Urbach (Eu). Se analiza la estabilidad de los materiales con el pasar del tiempo y la exposición a irradiación directa, por un lado, y a la atmosfera, por otro lado. El fullereno es el único material que se deposita con estructura amorfa. Además se ha observado que CuPc y PTCDA son estables frente a la degradación por exposición a agentes oxidantes. Las células fotovoltaicas orgánicas incluyen siempre una heterounión entre dos semiconductores, así que se repite el mismo estudio sobre mezclas de dos materiales, uno de tipo p y otro de tipo n, probando todas las combinaciones posibles con los materiales analizados. Se observa que en una mezcla que incluya un material que presenta inestabilidad también hay degradación. Los tratamientos térmicos efectuados sobre las muestras han permiten obtener una parcial cristalización de algunos materiales pero no de otros y no llevan a recuperar las propiedades ópticas originarias, perdidas con la degradación. Finalmente, se fabrican dos tipos de dispositivos: TFTs de PTCDI-C13 y diodos de CuPc. En el primer caso se obtienen resultados interesantes, detectando que los dispositivos funcionan como típicos transistores en capa delgada de tipo n. En el segundo caso se observa el típico comportamiento de los diodos. Sin embargo, la respuesta con luz de tales dispositivos, de estructura análoga a fotocélulas de tipo Schottky, es muy escasa.

A study of swept and unswept normal shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction and control by piezoelectric flap actuation

Couldrick, Jonathan Stuart, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
The interaction of a shock wave with a boundary layer is a classic viscous/inviscid interaction problem that occurs over a wide range of high speed aerodynamic flows. For example, on transonic wings, in supersonic air intakes, in propelling nozzles at offdesign conditions and on deflected controls at supersonic/transonic speeds, to name a few. The transonic interaction takes place at Mach numbers typically between 1.1 and 1.5. On an aerofoil, its existence can cause problems that range from a mild increase in section drag to flow separation and buffeting. In the absence of separation the drag increase is predominantly due to wave drag, caused by a rise in entropy through the interaction. The control of the turbulent interaction as applied to a transonic aerofoil is addressed in this thesis. However, the work can equally be applied to the control of interaction for numerous other occurrences where a shock meets a turbulent boundary layer. It is assumed that, for both swept normal shock and unswept normal shock interactions, as long as the Mach number normal to the shock is the same, then the interaction, and therefore its control, should be the same. Numerous schemes have been suggested to control such interaction. However, they have generally been marred by the drag reduction obtained being negated by the additional drag due to the power requirements, for example the pumping power in the case of mass transfer and the drag of the devices in the case of vortex generators. A system of piezoelectrically controlled flaps is presented for the control of the interaction. The flaps would aeroelastically deflect due to the pressure difference created by the pressure rise across the shock and by piezoelectrically induced strains. The amount of deflection, and hence the mass flow through the plenum chamber, would control the interaction. It is proposed that the flaps will delay separation of the boundary layer whilst reducing wave drag and overcome the disadvantages of previous control methods. Active control can be utilised to optimise the effects of the boundary layer shock wave interaction as it would allow the ability to control the position of the control region around the original shock position, mass transfer rate and distribution. A number of design options were considered for the integration of the piezoelectric ceramic into the flap structure. These included the use of unimorphs, bimorphs and polymorphs, with the latter capable of being directly employed as the flap. Unimorphs, with an aluminium substrate, produce less deflection than bimorphs and multimorphs. However, they can withstand and overcome the pressure loads associated with SBLI control. For the current experiments, it was found that near optimal control of the swept and unswept shock wave boundary layer interactions was attained with flap deflections between 1mm and 3mm. However, to obtain the deflection required for optimal performance in a full scale situation, a more powerful piezoelectric actuator material is required than currently available. A theoretical model is developed to predict the effect of unimorph flap deflection on the displacement thickness growth angles, the leading shock angle and the triple point height. It is shown that optimal deflection for SBLI control is a trade-off between reducing the total pressure losses, which is implied with increasing the triple point height, and minimising the frictional losses.

The implementation of humour as deflective technique in contact boundary disturbance

Jacobs, Susanne 30 November 2007 (has links)
One potent, yet little recognized tool in therapy is humour. As the desire to be entertained through humour is near universal the establishment and return of a positive sense of humour may be considered a goal of therapy. The goal of Gestalt exploration is awareness. From its origin Gestalt theory includes addressing body experiences such as laughter and emotional expression through humour. In Gestalt Theory a contact boundary disturbance such as deflection refers to the ways in which individuals may refuse contact with their environment in order to avoid aware¬ness. The goal of this study was to explore the implementation of humour as a deflective technique where contact boundary disturbances occur, to bring about change. Aspects of humour, namely the ability to perceive the comic as well as the ability to produce it, aid therapy and relationship building, and help the client to deflect in a way that enhances emotional well-being. / Humor, geringskat in terapie, is 'n uiters sterk hulpmiddel. Aangesien die behoefte om vermaak te word deur humor universeel is, is die terugkeer van 'n positiewe sin vir humor 'n deurdagte doel vir terapie. Die doel van die Gestalt eksplorasie is bewuswording. Van die begin af sluit Gestalt teorie liggaamservaringe soos lag en emosioneie uitdrukking deur humor in. In Gestalt Teorie verwys 'n kontakgrens versteuring soos defleksie, na die wyse waarop individue kontak met die omgewing vermy, om sodoende bewuswording te vermy. Die doel van die studie was om die implementering van humor as deflektiewe tegniek, waar kontak grens versteuringe en weerstande voorkom, as verandering teweeg kan bring. Aspekte van humor, naamlik die moontlikheid om die komiese waar te neem, sowel as om dit te produseer, versterk terapie and vehoudingsbou, beide aspekte help die klient om te deflekteer op so 'n wyse dat emosioneie goedvoel bevorder word. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Réparation ou renforcement des poutres en béton armé corrodées ou non par l'insertion de joncs de carbone dans la surface du béton (NSM technique) : étude expérimentale et modélisation par éléments finis. / Strengthening of corroded reinforced concrete (RC) beams with near surface mounted (NSM) technique using carbon fiber polymer (CFRP) rods : an experimental and finite element (FE) modelling study

Almassri, Belal 04 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’efficacité des renforcements par matériaux composites à base de fibres carbone (CFRP : Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) par la technique NSM (Near Surface Mounted ; réalisation d’engravures sur la surface du béton) pour requalifier les structures corrodées. Elle est composée d’une partie expérimentale et d’une partie modélisation par la méthode des Eléments Finis (EF). La technique NSM consiste à réaliser des engravures sur la surface du béton où sont insérés les joncs de carbone rendus adhérents par remplissage d’une résine époxy. Les éléments étudiés dans cette thèse sont des poutres en béton armé naturellement corrodées pendant 28 années d’exposition à un environnement salin. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux modes de rupture et à la capacité portante à la fois : en flexion et à l’effort tranchant. Le degré de corrosion a été mesuré par la méthode de perte de masses locales après la fin des essais mécaniques sur les barres longitudinales ainsi que sur les cadres d’effort tranchant. La première partie présente les résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur une poutre corrodée et une poutre témoin réparée ou renforcée en flexion par un jonc de carbone de 6 mm de diamètre inséré dans la surface tendue par la technique NSM. Les essais ont pour objectif d’étudier la capacité portante, la flèche à la ruine, la rigidité en flexion et le mode de ruine des deux poutres afin de vérifier l’efficacité du renforcement ou de la réparation... La seconde partie présente les résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur des poutres courtes permettant de mettre en avant la résistance vis à vis de l’effort tranchant. A partir des poutres longues testées dans la première partie, deux poutres courtes corrodées et deux poutres courtes témoins sont extraites. Une poutre courte corrodée et une poutre témoin sont réparées ou renforcées en flexion et une poutre corrodée et une poutre témoin sont en plus réparées ou renforcées vis-à-vis à l’effort tranchant par des joncs de carbone de 6 mm de diamètre par la technique NSM. L’éventuel glissement des armatures longitudinales sur les appuis a été mesuré durant les essais de flexion 3 points. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la corrosion des armatures longitudinales et la corrosion des cadres d’effort tranchant n’affectent pas le mode de ruine et modifient très peu les capacités portantes. La réparation vis-à-vis de l’effort tranchant avec la technique NSM change le mode de ruine de la formation d’une fissure diagonale due au glissement des barres d’acier tendues, à la formation d’une large fissure de flexion à mi-travée suivie de l’écrasement du béton comprimé... La troisième partie s’intéresse à la modélisation par la méthode de modélisation par EF du comportement global en flexion. Une première approche 2D est élaborée avec le code FEMIX développé à l’Université de Minho par le professeur Barros. Cinq poutres sont modélisées : 3 corrodées dont une réparée par la technique NSM et 2 témoins dont une renforcée par la technique NSM. La modélisation par EF donne de bons résultats sauf dans le cas de la poutre corrodée réparée dont le mode de ruine est non conventionnel (séparation du béton d’enrobage)... La quatrième et dernière partie est consacrée à l’étude numérique des poutres courtes. Quatre poutres sont modélisées : 2 corrodées réparées dont une réparée vis-à-vis de l’effort tranchant et 2 témoins renforcées dont une renforcée vis-à-vis de l’effort tranchant. La modélisation par EF est faite en 3D en utilisant le code FEMIX. Les résultats numériques reproduisent correctement les aspects importants du comportement force-flèche ainsi que les modes de fissuration à la ruine pour les poutres réparées vis-à-vis de l’effort tranchant ou non. / The thesis is composed of an experimental and Finite Element Modeling (FEM) study, investigating the effectiveness of the (Near Surface Mounted CFRP rods technique (NSM)) on the corroded RC beams. In the NSM technique, the CFRP rods are placed inside pre-cut grooves and are bonded to the concrete with epoxy adhesive. The thesis studies the failure modes and the mechanical performance of the corroded RC beams due to steel corrosion and finally, the prediction of the mechanical behaviour of the repaired corroded RC beams using nonlinear models based on FE numerical modelling. The corroded RC beams studied here in this study were exposed to natural corrosion for more than 28 years. The first part includes experimental results which were obtained on two beams: (one corroded and one control beams, both are 3 metres long) repaired or strengthened in bending with one 6-mm-diameter NSM CFRP rod. The beams were tested in a three-point bending test up to failure. Overall stiffness was studied. Ultimate capacity, ductility and failure modes were also reviewed. Finally some comparisons were made between repaired and non-repaired beams in order to assess the effectiveness of the NSM technique... The second part discusses the experimental results of two short corroded beams, which were tested under three-point bending until failure, along with two short control beams of the same characteristics (age, length and cross-section). One RC corroded deep beam was repaired in bending and the other one was repaired in both bending and shear with NSM CFRP rods. After the beams had been tested up to failure, the main steel bars and the stirrups were extracted from the beams and the loss of mass was measured and plotted for both the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. The slip of tensile reinforcement at the end of the beams was also measured during the tests. The effect of corrosion and the effect of repairing with CFRP NSM rods in bending and shear on the behaviour of deep beams are discussed. Experimental results showed that both corroded and control deep beams repaired only in bending failed due to shear failure mode(diagonal tension failure), while corroded and control beams repaired in both bending and shear failed due to concrete crushing. The test results also showed that the corrosion of both longitudinal and transversal reinforcement hardly modified the mechanical response of deep beams... The third part shows experimental results and numerical modelling results of 2D finite element model using the FEMIX computer code were obtained on five, 3-metre-long beams: three corroded RC beams and two control beams. Two beams, one corroded and one control were repaired or strengthened in bending with NSM CFRP rod and were then tested in three-point bending up to failure. The FE numerical modelling results from FEMIX were compatible with the experimental ones except for the repaired corroded beam, for which a three-dimensional model using the commercial software ABAQUS was required... Finally, the last part presents 3D numerical modelling results in terms of load-deflection curves, and failure modes for 4 short corroded beams: two corroded beams and two control beams, half of the beams were let repaired or strengthened in bending only with NSM CFRP rods while the others were repaired or strengthened in both bending and shear with NSM technique. Results showed that the FE model was able to capture the main aspects of the experimental load-deflection curves of the RC beams, moreover it has presented the experimental failure modes and FE numerical modelling crack patterns and both gave similar results for both shear-repaired and non-shear repaired beams, three dimensional crack patterns were produced for shear-repaired beams in order to investigate the splitting cracks occurred at the middle of the beams and near the support.


Cargnelutti, Jocelaine 30 March 2007 (has links)
Fundamental concepts of gravimetric geoid determination with the objective to didatic methodology. It s described that the study of the real Earth have a large number of variable, what becomes impracticable the problem solution. It is studied then, the behavior of the real Earth by means of the parameter determinations of the normal Earth. Ellipsoid of revolution is used as surface mathematically defined and it represents better the real Earth. The geoid determination consists of the determination of the geoidal undulation N and the deflection of the vertical θ , that is decomposed in the meridian component ξ (also called north-south component) and in the component prime vertical η (also called east-west component). The geoid undulation is given by the Stokes integral in function of the gravity anomalies and as the deflection of the vertical components are determined by the Vening-Meinesz s formulas. It is deduced the Legendre s polynomials, that are functions for the solution of the Stokes integral. It is described the potential theory of the gravity. It is showed that the horizontal geodesic networks (reference points with latitude and longitude geodetic coordinates) and the vertical geodetic networks (reference points with heights) require, in its models, quantities from the geoid determination / Fundamentos conceituais da determinação do geóide pelo método gravimétrico com o objetivo de ordenação didática. Mostra-se que o estudo da Terra real possui um grande número de variáveis, o que torna a solução do problema inviável. Estuda-se então, o comportamento da Terra real por meio da determinação de parâmetros da Terra normal. Utiliza-se o elipsóide de revolução que é a superfície matematicamente definida e que melhor representa a Terra real. Mostra-se que a determinação do geóide consiste na determinação da ondulação geoidal N e a deflexão da vertical θ , decomposta na componente meridiana ξ (também denominada componente norte-sul) e na componente 1º vertical η (também denominada componente leste-oeste). Expõem como a ondulação do geóide é obtida pela integral de Stokes em função das anomalias da gravidade e como as componentes do desvio da vertical são determinadas pelas fórmulas de Vening- Meinesz. Deduz-se os polinômios de Legendre que são funções para a solução da integral de Stokes. Pormenoriza-se os fundamentos do potencial da gravidade. Mostra-se que as redes geodésicas horizontais (conjunto de pontos com coordenadas curvilíneas geodésicas latitude e longitude) e as redes geodésicas verticais (conjunto de pontos com altitudes) requerem, em seus modelos, grandezas que provêm da determinação do geóide

Generation of intense high harmonics: i) to test and improve resolution of accumulative x-ray streak camera ii) to study the effects of carrier envelope phase on XUV super continuum generation by polarization gating

Shakya, Mahendra Man January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Zenghu Chang / The first part of this thesis describes our novel design, test, and application of our X-ray streak camera to the pulse duration measurement of soft X-rays. We demonstrated a significant improvement in the resolution of the x-ray streak camera by reducing the electron beam size in the deflection plates. This was accomplished by adding a slit in front of the focusing lens and the deflection plates. The temporal resolution reached 280 fs when the slit width was 5 μm. The camera was operated in an accumulative mode and tested by using a 25 fs laser with 2 kHz repetition rate and 1-2% RMS pulse energy stability. We conclude that deflection aberrations, which limit the resolution of the camera, can be appreciably reduced by eliminating the wide-angle electrons. We also employed the same streak camera to demonstrate that it is capable of measuring the pulse duration of X-rays. We measured the pulse duration of X-rays emitted from Ni-like Ag and Cd grazing-incidence laser to be ~5ps. The measured value agrees with the prediction made by the model and the measurement made by changing the delay as a function of the pulse duration. The streak camera was also tested with various sources of X-ray such as high harmonics generation of soft x-rays from an argon atom using a high power Ti:sapphire laser source of KLS. The result of the measurement manifests its capability for serving as a detector in the study of ultrafast dynamics in the field of physics, chemistry, biology and medical sciences. The second part of this thesis describes our design of a spectrometer to study the effect of the Carrier envelope (CE) phase on polarization gated extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) super-continuum generation. Because the challenge of making single shot experiment possible is to generate a sufficient number of photons, our setup has been built to allow generation of high order harmonics at the maximum phase matched pressure. This is the first time to our knowledge that phase matching in the polarization gating process has been studied so far. We measured the maximum phase matching pressure to be ~ 55 Torr which is the pressure above which quadratic increase in intensity of the high harmonics spectrum ceases to appear. At this pressure the number of photons per laser shot was 104 which is sufficient for measuring the single shot XUV spectrum in the range 34 to 45 eV. The spectral profile was a super-continuum for some shots and discrete high harmonics for other shots. It is believed that the shot to shot variation of the spectra is due to the changes of the carrier envelope phase of the few-cycle laser pulses used for the polarization gating. An improved CE phase stabilization system in KLS further eliminated the statistical noise in our observation by allowing us to integrate data over several laser cycles for each CE phase value. The effect of CE phase on a polarization gated XUV spectrum was tested by changing the CE phase with two different methods. In the first method, the CE phase was changed by changing the thickness of fused silica plates on the beam path, and the result shows the shift in the spectral peak of the XUV when the gate width approached less than one optical cycle. As gate width was made less than half the optical cycle, the spectrum was observed with continuum harmonics separated by π radians. We believe that the presence of continuum and discrete harmonics spectra in the observation is due to single and double attosecond pulses generated in the polarization gating. In the second method the carrier-envelope phase of pulses from a grating-based chirped pulse amplification laser was varied smoothly to cover a 2π range by controlling the grating separation. The phase is measured simultaneously by an f-to-2f setup and by the variation of XUV spectra from polarization gated high harmonic generation. A very good similarity between the effect of single and double slits in Yong’s experiment and that of CE phase on the XUV spectrum in the polarization gating experiment has been found, giving better agreement with the theory. The effect of optical properties such as the Gouy phase shift on the polarization gated spectrum has also been studied in the course of investigating the best experimental optimizations to generate the most CE phase sensitive XUV spectrum with less statistical noise. This is the first time to our knowledge experimental study of the effect of the Gouy phase shift on a polarization gated XUV spectrum has been made.

Modeling Behaviour of Damaged Turbine Blades for Engine Health Diagnostics and Prognostics

Van Dyke, Jason January 2011 (has links)
The reliability of modern gas turbine engines is largely due to careful damage tolerant design a method of structural design based on the assumption that flaws (cracks) exist in any structure and will continue to grow with usage. With proper monitoring, largely in the form of periodic inspections at conservative intervals reliability and safety is maintained. These methods while reliable can lead to the early retirement of some components and unforeseen failure if design assumptions fail to reflect reality. With improvements to sensor and computing technology there is a growing interest in a system that could continuously monitor the health of structural aircraft as well as forecast future damage accumulation in real-time. Through the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical modeling the initial goals and findings for this continued work include: (a) establishing measurable parameters directly linked to the health of the blade and (b) the feasibility of detecting accumulated damage to the structural material and thermal barrier coating as well as the onset of damage causing structural failure.

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