Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delay line"" "subject:"relay line""
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Structure and optimisation of liquid crystal based phase shifter for millimetre-wave applicationsLi, Jinfeng January 2019 (has links)
The delivery of tunable millimetre-wave components at 60GHz is of research and development interests with the advent of 5G era. Among applications such as high-data-rate wireless communications, high-precision automotive radars and hand-gesture sensing, variable phase shifters are vital components for antenna arrays to steer an electromagnetic beam without mechanical movement. However, present microwave technology has limited scope in meeting more and more stringent requirements in wavefront phase control and device performance for those cutting-edge applications in the millimetre-wavelength range. Although some existing microwave switchable techniques (such as RF MEMS and solid-state p-i-n diodes) can offer ultra-fast speed for phase modulation, their binary beam-steering nature is resolution-limited and thereby degrades the beam-scanning performance. In response to this, continuously-tunable phase shifting can be realised by using tunable dielectric materials such as ferroelectric BST and liquid crystals (LCs). BST thin films can offer relatively fast switching and modest tunability. However, the increased dielectric loss beyond 10GHz impedes their implementation for higher frequency applications. By comparison, liquid crystals (LCs) have drawn attention in recent years because of their continuous tunability as well as low losses especially at millimetre-wavebands. The principle of shifting the phase continuously is based on the shape anisotropy of LC molecules for variable polarizabilities and hence tunable dielectric constants, which allows wave speed to be controlled with ease by a low-frequency field of only up to 10V. However, LC-based tunable delay lines are not well established in the frequency regime of 60GHz-90GHz because of the limited status of LC microwave technology in which most of the LC based devices have been designed for below 40GHz. It is the aim of this PhD research to bridge the gap and address future societal needs based on our group's focus and experience in developing cutting-edge LC-based agile microwave components. In this work, a liquid crystal (LC) based 0-180˚continuously-variable phase shifter is developed with insertion loss less than -4.4dB and return loss below -15dB across a wide spectrum from 54GHz to 67GHz. The device is driven by a 0-10V AC bias and structured in a novel enclosed coplanar waveguide (ECPW) including an enclosed ground plate in the design, which significantly reduces the instability due to floating effects of the transmission line. This structure screens out interference and stray modes, allowing resonance-free quasi-TEM wave propagation up to 90GHz. The tunable ECPW is optimised by competing spatial volume distribution of the millimetre-wave signal occupying lossy tunable dielectrics versus low-loss but non-tunable dielectrics and minimising the total of dielectric volumetric loss and metal surface loss for a fixed phase-tuning range. A variety of influences affecting the actual device performance are studied, experimented and optimised. Fabricated prototypes exhibit wideband low-loss performance and 0-π continuous tuning with low power consumptions and high linearity compared with the state-of-the-arts. Potentially, the ECPW-fed phased antenna array will be incorporated with advanced beam-forming algorithms to develop compact beam-steering systems of improved performances and targeted for ultra-high-data-rate wireless communications, inter-satellite communications, current road safety improvement, futuristic autonomous driving, and other smart devices such as the hand-gesture recognition.
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Acoustic wave biosensor arrays for the simultaneous detection of multiple cancer biomarkersWathen, Adam Daniel 11 August 2011 (has links)
The analysis and development of robust sensing platforms based on solidly-mounted ZnO bulk acoustic wave devices was proposed. The exploitation of acoustic energy trapping was investigated and demonstrated as a method to define active sensing areas on a substrate. In addition, a new "hybrid" acoustic mode experiencing acoustic energy trapping was studied theoretically and experimentally. This mode was used as an explanation of historical inconsistencies in observed thickness-shear mode velocities. Initial theoretical and experimental results suggest that this mode is a coupling of thickness-shear and longitudinal particle displacements and, as such, may offer more mechanical and/or structural information about a sample under test. Device development was taken another step further and multi-mode ZnO resonators operating in the thickness-shear, hybrid, and longitudinal modes were introduced. These devices were characterized with respect to sample viscosity and conductivity and preliminary results show that, with further development, the multi-mode resonators provide significantly more information about a sample than their single-mode counterparts. An alternative to resonator-based platforms was also presented in the form of bulk acoustic delay lines. Initial conceptual and simulation results show that these devices provide a different perspective of typical sensing modalities by using properly designed input pulses, device tuning, and examining overall input and output signal spectra.
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Développement d'un interféromètre optique à chemin commun pour l'acoustique picoseconde / Development of an optical common-path interferometer for picosecond acousticsChandezon, Julien 06 November 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est le développement d'un interféromètre à chemin commun entièrement passif pour détecter des ondes acoustiques hautes fréquences (GHz-THz). Ce travail s'inscrit dans le domaine de l'acoustique picoseconde. La génération et la détection des ultrasons sont réalisées par l'utilisation combinée de lasers impulsionnels et de dispositifs pompe-sonde résolus en temps. L'originalité de la détection interférométrique proposée réside dans l'utilisation d'un unique cristal biréfringent pour créer une paire d'impulsions séparée de quelques picosecondes puis les recombiner et générer les interférences. Nous dressons dans le premier chapitre un état de l'art des différentes méthodes interférométriques actuellement utilisées en acoustique picoseconde. Dans le second chapitre nous détaillons le principe de l'interféromètre développé et nous modélisons son fonctionnement à l'aide du formalisme de Jones. Nous montrons que, suite à l'excitation induite par l'impulsion pompe, il est possible de mesurer indépendamment la dérivée temporelle de l'amplitude ou de la phase du changement relatif de réflectivité de l'échantillon. Enfin, le troisième chapitre est consacré à la caractérisation expérimentale de l'interféromètre puis à l'illustration des potentialités de cet interféromètre en acoustique picoseconde. Les expériences ont été réalisées sur deux échantillons différents : un film mince optiquement absorbant puis un film transparent déposé sur un transducteur métallique. / The purpose of this work is to develop a fully passive in-line common-path femtosecond interferometer for the detection of high frequencies acoustic waves (GHz-THz). This work falls within the picosecond acoustic domain. The generation and the detection of ultrasounds are performed through the combined use of pulsed lasers and optical pump-probe time-resolved setups. The originality of the interferometric detection we propose lies in the use of a single birefringent crystal frst to generate a pair of phase-locked pulses and second to recombine them to interfere. We present in the first chapter a state-of-the-art of the interferometric setups currently used in picosecond acoustics. In the second chapter, we describe the principle of operation of the interferometer we have developed. Then we model the sensitivity of the interferometer inthe framework of the Jones formalism. We show that it is possible to measure independently the pump-induced modification of either the real or imaginary parts of the complex reflection coefficient of the sample. Finally, in the third chapter, the experimental characterization of the setup is detailed and we illustrate the performance of the interferometer through picosecond opto-acoustic measurements. Experiments are performed on two different samples : an opticallyabsorbing thin film and a transparent substrate coated with a metallic transducer.
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A stabilized multi-channel CMOS time-to-digital converter based on a low frequency referenceJansson, J.-P. (Jussi-Pekka) 30 October 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work was to improve the performance and usability of a digital time-to-digital converter (TDC) in CMOS technology. The characteristics of the TDC were improved especially for the needs of pulsed laser time-of-flight (TOF) distance measurement, where picosecond-level precision with a long µs-level measurement range is needed in order to approach mm-level measurement accuracy. Stability in the face of process, voltage and temperature variations, multiple measurement channels, alternative measurement modes, a high integration level, standard interfaces and simple usage were the main features for development.
The measurement architecture is based on counter and timing signal interpolation on two levels. The counter counts the full reference clock cycles between the timing signals, while a new recycling delay line developed in this thesis interpolates within the reference clock cycle. This technique utilizes a short delay line several times per reference clock cycle, which minimizes the interpolation nonlinearity. The same structure also makes the use of a low, MHz-level reference frequency possible, and thus only a crystal is needed as an external oscillator component. The parallel load capacitor-scaled delay line structure acts as the second, sub-gate-delay interpolation level. The INL does not accumulate in elements connected in parallel, and the load capacitance differences enable high, ps-level resolution to be achieved.
Four TDC circuits in 0.35 µm CMOS technology were designed and tested in the course of this work, of which the latest, a 7-channel TDC, is able to measure the time intervals between the start pulse and three separate stop pulses in one measurement and to resolve the pulse widths or rise times at the same time. In laser TOF distance measurement this functionality can be used when several echoes arrive at the receiver, and also to compensate for the detection threshold problem known as timing walk error. The TDC achieves 8.9 ps interpolation resolution within the cycle time of a 20 MHz reference clock using only 8 delay elements on the first interpolation level and 14 delay elements on the second. A measurement precision better than 9 ps was achieved without using result post-processing or look-up tables. This work shows that versatile, high performance TDCs can be created in standard CMOS technology. / Tiivistelmä
Väitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli parantaa CMOS-aika-digitaalimuuntimien suorituskykyä ja käytettävyyttä. Muuntimen ominaisuuksia kehitettiin erityisesti laseretäisyysmittauksen tarpeita ajatellen, missä millimetritason mittaustarkkuus laajalla mittausaluella edellyttää aika-digitaalimuuntimelta pikosekuntitason tarkkuutta mikrosekuntien mittausalueella. Stabiilius prosessiparametri-, jännite- ja lämpötilavaihteluita vastaan, useat mittauskanavat, useat mittausmoodit, korkea integraatioaste, standardoidut liitäntäväylät ja helppo käytettävyys olivat erityisesti kehityksen kohteina.
Suunniteltu mittausarkkitehtuuri koostuu laskurista ja kaksitasoisesta ajoitussignaali-interpolaattorista. Laskuri laskee kokonaiset referenssikellojaksot ajoitussignaalien välillä ja työssä kehitetty referenssiä kierrättävä viivelinjarakenne rekistereineen interpoloi ajoitussignaalien paikat referenssikellojaksojen sisältä. Referenssinkierrätystekniikka hyödyntää lyhyttä viivelinjaa useampaan kertaan kellojakson aikana, mikä minimoi epälineaarisuuden interpoloinnissa. Sama rakenne mahdollistaa myös MHz-tason referenssitaajuuden, jolloin matalataajuista kidettä voidaan käyttää referenssilähteenä. Toinen interpolointitaso koostuu rinnakkaisista kapasitanssiskaalatuista viive-elementeistä, mitkä mahdollistavat alle porttiviiveen mittausresoluution. Rinnakkaisessa rakenteessa elementtien epälineaarisuudet eivät summaudu, mikä mahdollistaa pikosekuntitason mittaustarkkuuden.
Väitöskirjatyössä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin neljä aikavälinmittauspiiriä käyttäen 0,35 µm CMOS-teknologiaa, joista viimeisin, 7-kanavainen muunnin kykenee mittaamaan aikavälin useampaan pulssiin yhdellä kertaa sekä voi selvittää samalla pulssien leveydet tai nousuajat. Laseretäisyysmittauksessa monikanavaisuutta voidaan käyttää kun useita kaikuja lähetetystä pulssista saapuu vastaanottimeen sekä kompensoimaan mittauksessa esiintyviä muita virhelähteitä. Käytettäessä 20 MHz:n kidettä referenssilähteenä muunnin saavuttaa alle 9 ps:n interpolointiresoluution ja tarkkuuden ilman epälineaarisuudenkorjaustaulukoita. Työ osoittaa, että edullisella CMOS-teknologialla voidaan toteuttaa monipuolinen ja erittäin suorituskykyinen aika-digitaalimuunnin.
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Software pro úpravu zvukového signálu pro ozvučování více reproduktorovými soustavami / Software for audio adjustment in multiple loudspeaker systemČerný, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
The first part of this Master’s Thesis deals with the theory of digital signal processing and describes the JUCE library. In this part some basic operations are explained with digital audio signals, such as polarity inversion, delay and linear interpolation of signal samples. The creation of new audio applications using the JUCE library in the C++ programming language is explained too. The next parts of this thesis describe the implemented audio application that allows the user to provide the described basic operations with digital audio signals in real time. For multiple channel audio signals the channels can be processed independently.
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Fast Clock Synchronization for Large-Scale MEMS Ultrasonic Transducer ArraysKarlsson, Karl-Johan January 2022 (has links)
In many systems today sensors or transmitters need to be read or controlled simultaneously. This thesis investigates a new architecture used for deskewing clock signals between multiple separated parts of a signal transmission system. The original application is a multi-channel MEMS transceiver system utilizing beamforming, split into two separate modules. The presented architecture has been developed after evaluating multiple alternative systems. Special focus has been on the locking time of the full system. Furthermore, the scalability for use in implementations with requirements for interconnection delays, as well as input frequency and final timing skew. The full system consists of two parts, a master- and a slave-system. A proof-of-concept transistor implementation has been done in a 180 nm CMOS process. It has been simulated to verify the functionality with varying interconnection delays, i.e., wire lengths up to 1 m. The results from the simulations show that the system works as intended with a skew less than the required 1 ns for a 10 MHz clock signal. This fulfills the requirement for the original application. Further work is required to finalize the presented system before deployment in an actual product
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Time to Digital Converter used in ALL digital PLLYao, Chen January 2011 (has links)
This thesis proposes and demonstrates Time to Digital Converters (TDC) with high resolution realized in 65-nm digital CMOS. It is used as a phase detector in all digital PLL working with 5GHz DCO and 20MHz reference input for radio transmitters. Two kinds of high resolution TDC are designed on schematic level including Vernier TDC and parallel TDC. The Sensed Amplifier Flip Flop (SAFF) is implemented with less than 1ps sampling window to avoid metastability. The current starved delay elements are adopted in the TDC and the conversion resolution is equal to the difference of the delay time from these delay elements. Furthermore, the parallel TDC is realized on layout and finally achieves the resolution of 3ps meanwhile it consumes average power 442μW with 1.2V power supply. Measured integral nonlinearity and differential nonlinearity are 0.5LSB and 0.33LSB respectively.
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Signal processing with optical delay line filters for high bit rate transmission systemsNeumann, Niels 03 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist das globale Kommunikationssystem in einem immer größerem Maße ein integraler Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens geworden. Optische Kommunikationssysteme sind die technologische Basis für diese Entwicklung. Nur Fasern können die riesige benötigte Bandbreite bereitstellen. Während für die ersten optischen Übertragungssysteme die Faser als "flacher" Kanal betrachtet werden konnte, machen Wellenlängenmultiplex und steigende Übertragungsraten die Einbeziehung von immer mehr physikalischen Effekten notwendig. Bei einer Erhöhung der Kanaldatenrate auf 40 Gbit/s und mehr ist die statische Kompensation von chromatischer Dispersion nicht mehr ausreichend. Die intrinsische Toleranz der Modulationsformate gegenüber Dispersion nimmt quadratisch mit der Symbolrate ab. Daher können beispielsweise durch Umwelteinflüsse hervorgerufene Dispersionsschwankungen die Dispersionstoleranz der Modulationsformate überschreiten. Dies macht eine adaptive Dispersionskompensation notwendig, was gleichzeitig auch Dispersionsmonitoring erfordert, um den adaptiven Kompensator steuern zu können. Vorhandene Links können mit Restdispersionskompensatoren ausgestattet werden, um sie für Hochgeschwindigkeitsübertragungen zu ertüchtigen.
Optische Kompensationstechniken sind unabhängig von der Kanaldatenrate. Daher wird eine Erhöhung der Datenrate problemlos unterstützt. Optische Kompensatoren können WDM-fähig gebaut werden, um mehrere Kanäle auf einmal zu entzerren. Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit optischen Delay-Line-Filtern als eine Klasse von optischen Kompensatoren. Die Filtersynthese von solchen Delay-Line-Filtern wird behandelt. Der Zusammenhang zwischen optischen Filtern und digitalen FIR-Filtern mit komplexen Koeffizienten im Zusammenhang mit kohärenter Detektion wird aufgezeigt. Iterative und analytische Methoden, die die Koeffizienten für dispersions- und dispersions-slope-kompensierende Filter produzieren, werden untersucht. Genauso wichtig wie die Kompensation von Dispersion ist die Schätzung der Dispersion eines Signals. Mit Delay-Line-Filtern können die Restseitenbänder eines Signals genutzt werden, um die Dispersion zu messen. Alternativ kann nichtlineare Detektion angewandt werden, um die Pulsverbreiterung, die hauptsächlich von der Dispersion herrührt, zu schätzen. Mit gemeinsamer Dispersionskompensation und Dispersionsmonitoring können Dispersionskompensatoren auf die Signalverzerrungen eingestellt werden. Spezielle Eigenschaften der Filter zusammen mit der analytischen Beschreibung können genutzt werden, um schnelle und zuverlässige Steueralgorithmen zur Filtereinstellung bereitzustellen. Schließlich wurden Prototypen derartiger faseroptischen Kompensatoren von chromatischer Dispersion und Dispersions-Slope hergestellt und charakterisiert. Die Einheiten und ihr Systemverhalten wird gezeigt und diskutiert. / Over the course of the past decades, the global communication system has become a central part of people's everyday lives. Optical communication systems are the technological basis for this development. Only fibers can provide the huge bandwidth that is required. Where the fiber could be regarded as a flat channel for the first optical transmission systems wavelength multiplexing and increasing line rates made it necessary to take more and more physical effects into account. When the line rates are increased to 40 Gbit/s and higher static chromatic dispersion compensation is not enough. The modulation format's intrinsic tolerance for dispersion decreases quadratically with the symbol rate. Thus, environmentally induced chromatic dispersion fluctuations may exceed the dispersion tolerance of the modulation formats. This makes an adaptive dispersion compensation necessary implying also the need for a monitoring scheme to steer the adaptive compensator. Legacy links that are CD-compensated by DCFs can be upgraded with residual dispersion compensators to make them ready for high speed transmission.
Optical compensation is independent from the line rate. Hence, increasing the data rates is inherently supported. Optical compensators can be built WDM ready compensating multiple channels at once. The book deals with optical delay line filters as one class of optical compensators. The filter synthesis of such delay line filters is addressed. The connection between optical filters and digital FIR filters with complex coefficients that are used in conjunction with coherent detection could be shown. Iterative and analytical methods that produce the coefficients for dispersion (and also dispersion slope) compensating filters are researched. As important as the compensation of dispersion is the estimation of the dispersion of a signal. Using delay line filters, the vestigial sidebands of a signal can be used to measure the dispersion. Alternatively, nonlinear detection can be used to estimate the pulse broadening which is caused mainly by dispersion. With dispersion compensation and dispersion monitoring, dispersion compensators can be adapted to the signal's impairment. Special properties of the filter in conjunction with an analytical description can be used to provide a fast and reliable control algorithm for setting the filter to a given dispersion and centering it on a signal. Finally, prototypes of such fiber optic chromatic dispersion and dispersion slope compensation filters were manufactured and characterized. The device and system characterization of the prototypes is presented and discussed.
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Radio channel modeling for mobile ad hoc wireless networksSng, Sin Hie 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The radio channel places fundamental limitations on the performance of mobile ad hoc wireless networks. In the mobile radio environment, fading due to multipath delay spread impairs received signals. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a radio channel model and examine the effect of various parameters on channel behavior that is representative of environments in which mobile ad hoc wireless networks operate. The various physical phenomena considered are outdoor environments, fading and multipath propagation, type of terrains, and mobility (Doppler shift). A channel model based on a Tapped Delay Line (TDL) structure was developed and implemented in the MATLAB programming language, and the performance of the time-varying channel was studied by plotting the signal constellations. The simulation results indicate that the number of taps required in the TDL is 8 or less and the carrier frequency did not influence the performance significantly. The Jakes Doppler spectrum should be used in urban environments with high mobility; the Gaussian Doppler spectrum is the choice for low mobility urban environments and for the hilly terrain under both low and high mobility. / Civilian, Singapore Ministry of Defense
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Dynamically Reconfigurable Optical Buffer and Multicast-Enabled Switch Fabric for Optical Packet SwitchingYeo, Yong-Kee 30 November 2006 (has links)
Optical packet switching (OPS) is one of the more promising solutions for meeting the diverse needs of broadband networking applications of the future. By virtue of its small data traffic granularity as well as its nanoseconds switching speed, OPS can be used to provide connection-oriented or connectionless services for different groups of users with very different networking requirements. The optical buffer and the switch fabric are two of the most important components in an OPS router. In this research, novel designs for the optical buffer and switch fabric are proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In particular, an optical buffer that is based on a folded-path delay-line tree architecture will be discussed. This buffer is the most compact non-recirculating optical delay line buffer to date, and it uses an array of high-speed ON-OFF optical reflectors to dynamically reconfigure its delay within several nanoseconds. A major part of this research is devoted to the design and performance optimization of these high-speed reflectors. Simulations and measurements are used to compare different reflector designs as well as to determine their optimal operating conditions. Another important component in the OPS router is the switch fabric, and it is used to perform space switching for the optical packets. Optical switch fabrics are used to overcome the limitations imposed by conventional electronic switch fabrics: high power consumption and dependency on the modulation format and bit-rate of the signals. Currently, only those fabrics that are based on the broadcast-and-select architecture can provide truly non-blocking multicast services to all input ports. However, a major drawback of these fabrics is that they are implemented using a large number of optical gates based on semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA). This results in large component count and high energy consumption. In this research, a new multicast-capable switch fabric which does not require any SOA gates is proposed. This fabric relies on a passive all-optical gate that is based on the Four-wave mixing (FWM) wavelength conversion process in a highly-nonlinear fiber. By using this new switch architecture, a significant reduction in component count can be expected.
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