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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of enriched environment on gene expression and stroke recovery

Rönnbäck, Annica January 2004 (has links)
Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the major course of long-term disabilities in industrialized countries. Most surviving stroke patients show some degree of spontaneous recovery, but persistent symptoms in sensorimotor and cognitive functions are common. The symptoms can be reproduced in experimental stroke models in rats by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Housing rats in an enriched environment (EE), i.e. group housing in a large cage with toys that are changed daily, increases neuronal plasticity in healthy rats and can also improve functional recovery after experimental stroke. The present thesis investigates the effect of EE on the recovery of sensorimotor and cognitive functions one month after focal cerebral ischemia in rats, with emphasis on the underlying molecular mechanisms. Furthermore, EE-induced effect on gene expression in healthy rats was investigated after different periods of EE-housing and at different time points of the day. We show an improved recovery of both sensorimotor and cognitive functions in rats housed in EE for one month after focal cerebral ischemia. The recovery of sensorimotor function correlated significantly to mRNA expression of the plasticity associated transcription factors NGFI-A and NGFI-B in hippocampus and cortical regions outside the infarct. Social interaction seems to be an important component for the beneficial effects of EE after focal cerebral ischemia. Microarray analysis of hippocampal gene expression after one month of postischemic environmental enrichment revealed no confirmable EE-induced changes that could explain the improved recovery in spatial memory. Interestingly, healthy rats housed in EE showed increased mRNA expression of NGFI-A and Krox-20 exclusively during the dark period of the day compared to rats housed in isolation. In addition, EE housed rats had a substantial diurnal variation in NGFI-A, Krox-20 and NGFI-B mRNA expression; this was absent in single-housed rats. EE-induced changes in gene expression are more evident during the dark period of the day, when rats are more active and can benefit from the stimulating environment. This is important to consider in future investigation of putative mediators of the EE-induced neuronal plasticity. In summary, these findings may contribute to an increased understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms behind improved functional recovery in rats housed in enriched environment after focal cerebral ischemia.

Risk Prediction at the Emergency Department

Olsson, Thomas January 2004 (has links)
The severity of illness was scored in a cohort of 11751 non-surgical patients presenting at the Emergency Department (ED) during 12 consecutive months and followed for 4.7 years. The scoring system Rapid Acute Physiology score (RAPS) (including blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse rate and Glasgow coma scale) was calculated for all arrivals at the ED. The RAPS system was also additionally developed by including the peripheral oxygen saturation and patient age, resulting in the new Rapid Emergency Medicine Score, (REMS). REMS was superior to RAPS in predicting in-hospital mortality according to ROC-curve analysis. An increase of one point in the 26 point REMS scale was associated with an Odds ratio of 1.40 for in-hospital death (95% CI 1.36-1.45, p<0.0001). Similar results were obtained in the major patient groups (chest pain, stroke, coma, dyspnea and diabetes). The association between REMS and length of stay in hospital was modest. Charlson Co-morbidity Index could add prognostic information to REMS in a long-term (4.7 years), but not in a short-term perspective (3 and 7 days). REMS was shown to be as powerful a predictor of in-hospital mortality as the more complicated APACHE II. REMS at the ED could also predict long-term mortality (4.7 years) in the total cohort (Hazard ratio 1.26, p<0.0001). REMS is a potentially useful prognostic tool for non-surgical patients at the ED, regarding both in-hospital and long-term mortality. It is less complicated to use than APACHE II and has equal predictive accuracy.

Skin barrier responses to moisturizers

Buraczewska, Izabela January 2008 (has links)
Moisturizers are used in various types of dry skin disorders, but also by people with healthy skin. It is not unusual that use of moisturizers is continued for weeks, months, or even years. A number of moisturizers have been shown to improve the skin barrier function, while others to deteriorate it, but the reason for observed effects remains unknown. Further understanding of the mechanism by which long-term treatment with moisturizers influences the skin barrier would have clinical implications, as barrier-deteriorating creams may enhance penetration of allergens or irritants and predispose to dry skin and eczema, while barrier-improving ones could reduce many problems. The present research combined non-invasive techniques with analyses of skin biopsies, allowing studies of the epidermis at molecular and cellular level. Test moisturizers were examined on healthy human volunteers for their effect on the skin barrier, with regard to such factors as pH, lipid type, and presence of a humectant, as well as complexity of the product. After a 7-week treatment with the moisturizers, changes in transepidermal water loss, skin capacitance, and susceptibility to an irritant indicated a modified skin barrier function. Moreover, the mRNA expression of several genes involved in the assembly, differentiation and desquamation of the stratum corneum, as well as lipid metabolism, was altered in the skin treated with one of the moisturizers, while the other moisturizer induced fewer changes. In conclusion, long-term use of moisturizers may strengthen the barrier function of the skin, but also deteriorate it and induce skin dryness. Moisturizers have also a significant impact on the skin biochemistry, detectable at molecular level. Since the type of influence is determined by the composition of a moisturizer, more careful selection of ingredients could help to design moisturizers generating a desired clinical effect, and to avoid ingredients with a negative impact on the skin.

Towards a broader use of phototesting : in research, clinical practice and skin cancer prevention

Falk, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
In western societies, skin cancer incidence has increased dramatically over recent decades, due predominantly to increased sun exposure habits. Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure and individual light sensitivity of the skin constitute two important factors affecting the risk for skin cancer development. Individuals with a heightened propensity to get sunburnt have a higher risk for skin malignancies, and need to protect themselves more systematically from the sun. Individual UVlight sensitivity can be determined either by self-estimation of tendency to burn and tan, as in the Fitzpatrick’s classification, or by use of a phototest. Although phototesting constitutes a considerably more objective method, it is only sparsely used, chiefly due to financial and resource related factors, and is mainly limited to investigation of photodermatoses or dose-management in photo therapy. The general aim of this thesis was to develop and improve aspects of the phototest procedure in rder to broaden the utilisation of phototesting within the fields of research, clinical practice and skin cancer prevention. As a first step, a new phototesting technique, using a divergent UVB beam was evaluated. The principle of the method is to provoke a circular UVB-erythema in the skin, the diameter of which is related to the administered dose and thus the Minimal Erythema Dose (MED). In a test group of healthy subjects, naked eye reading by a trained observer resulted in a more exact, estimation of UVB-sensitivity, compared to traditional phototesting. Since the diffuse border of the provoked erythema was challenging for the untrained observer to read, the need for an objective, bio-engineering technique for test reading was clear. In this thesis, Laser Doppler perfusion imaging (LDPI) has been used. This data also enabled an objective description of doseresponse for the reaction, an outcome not possible in traditional testing. The divergent beam method was also shown to be useful as a model for evaluation of the effect of topically applied substances. In order to broaden the utilisation of phototests in general, a test procedure built on patient performed self-reading of skin tests (a traditional phototest and an irritant patch test) was evaluated. The reliability of these self-readings was shown to be substantial when compared to the control readings of a trained observer. Using the self-reporting procedure, phototesting was evaluated as a tool in primary prevention of skin cancer. The study focussed on sun habits and sun protection behaviour, and also on investigating the impact of different forms of presentation of the preventive information. Results showed significantly higher impact for a personally mediated preventive message than by letterform. For individuals with heightened UV-sensitivity the performance of a phototest led to a greater tendency to adopt sun protection behaviour than for subjects with a lower UV-sensitivity, suggesting that phototesting is a useful way to improve the outcome in terms of preventive behaviours for this group of susceptible, at-risk individuals. Divergent beam phototesting, patient-performed self-reading, and the application of phototesting in skin cancer prevention emerge as three novel, previously little investigated, aspects of phototesting, for which promising results could be demonstrated. / Under de senaste årtiondena har insjuknandet i hudcancer ökat dramatiskt i västvärlden, detta till stor del beroende på förändrade solvanor. Exponering för solens ultravioletta strålning (UVstrålning) samt den individuella ljuskänsligheten i huden utgör två viktiga faktorer av betydelse för uppkomsten av hudcancer. Individer med ökad benägenhet att bli rödbrända i solen löper också ökad risk för hudcancer av solexponering, och behöver således vara extra noga med att skydda sig mot solen. Hur känslig man är mot solljuset kan bedömas antingen genom självskattning (klassificering enligt Fitzpatrick), eller genom att använda ett ljustest. Det sistnämnda är en betydligt mer objektiv metod, men används ändå relativt sparsamt, sannolikt ofta beroende på brist på resurser, tid eller klinisk rutin. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att utveckla och förbättra aspekter på ljustestningsförfarandet med inriktning på att kunna bredda användningen av ljustest inom forskning, klinisk verksamhet och hudcancerprevention. Som ett första steg undersöktes och utvärderades en ny ljustestteknik, baserad på en divergent (spridd) UV-stråle. Genom att belysa huden med ett cirkulärt UV-ljusfält framkallas en cirkulär rodnad (erytem), där diametern på rodnaden står i relation till den individuella ljuskänsligheten i huden. I jämförelse med traditionell ljustestningsmetodik visade sig metoden resultera i en noggrannare uppskattning av ljuskänslighet, samt möjligheten att beskriva ett dos-responsförhållande inom det rodnade hudområdet. Eftersom kanten på den framkallade rodnaden tenderade att bli ganska diffust avgränsad framkom dock, med undantag för speciellt tränade avläsare, svårigheter att läsa av testet med enbart ögats hjälp. Av den anledningen krävdes mer objektiv, hudfysiologisk mätmetodik. I de genomförda studierna användes så kallad Laser Doppler perfusion imaging (LDPI) för detta. Förutom uppskattning av ljuskänsligheten testades den divergenta UV-strålen också som modell för skattning av anti-inflammatorisk effekt av ämnen som appliceras på huden, exempelvis cortison, och visade sig användbar för detta. I syfte att öka förutsättningarna för bredare användning av ljustest, genomfördes en studie där försökspersonerna själva fick avläsa ett traditionellt ljustest och rapportera in testresultatet. Resultaten jämfördes med avläsningar utförda av en kunnig avläsare, och visade på god tillförlitlighet. Slutligen, med hjälp av den beskrivna självavläsningsproceduren, undersöktes i en primärvårdspopulation, om ljustestning kan vara användbart för att förebygga hudcancer, med inriktning på att påverka individers solvanor, solskyddsbeteende och attityder gentemot solning. I studien jämfördes även olika modeller för att presentera ett preventionsbudskap, och där ett muntligt sådant, förmedlat vid ett läkarbesök, hade ett betydligt bättre genomslag än motsvarande, enbart skriftlig, information. För individer med hög ljuskänslighet bidrog ljustestet till ökat solskyddsbeteende, vilket indikerar att ljustest skulle kunna vara ett användbart verktyg i eftersträvan att förebygga hudcancer speciellt i denna grupp av individer med förhöjd hudcancerrisk. Sammanfattningsvis utgör ljustestning med divergent UV-stråle, självavläsning av ljustest samt användning av ljustest vid hudcancerprevention tre nya, tidigare sparsamt undersökta aspekter på ljustestning, för vilka den här avhandlingen visar lovande resultat.

Personalidad y Dermatología. Perfil Psicológico en neurodermitis

Martín Brufau, Ramón 24 July 2009 (has links)
Esta investigación explora las relaciones entre la enfermedad dermatológica y las variables de personalidad. Se recoge una muestra de 108 pacientes de enfermedades de piel consideradas influenciables por variables psicológicas. Las enfermedades estudiadas fueron neurodermitis, psoriasis y boca urente. La enfermedad de neurodermitis se produce por rascado intenso en localizaciones accesibles al paciente y produce liquenificación de la piel en respuesta a ese rascado, frecuentemente asociado a situaciones emocionales estresantes. Como consecuencia se produce picor intenso que mantiene el ciclo de rascado, provocando unas lesiones características crónicas. Se comparan los perfiles de personalidad en estas enfermedades, con la población normal para obtener las características de personalidad en este grupo dermatológico. Los resultados avalan la hipótesis de que existen estilos de personalidad en la grupo dermatológico analizado que se diferencian de la población normal. Estas diferencias son interpretadas a la luz de la teoría de la personalidad de Millon. / This research explores the relationships between dermatologic disease and personality. 108 dermatologic patients affected with skin diseases influenced by psychological variables were recruited. The dermatologic diseases were Lichen simplex Chronicus, Psoriasis and Burning Mouth syndrome. Lichen Simplex Chronicus is produced by a intense scratching in locations accessible to the patient witch produces lichenification of the skin in response to the scratching, usually associated with emotionally stressful situations. As a consequence, itching is produced and maintains the scratching cycle witch provokes the lesions. The personality profiles of these dermatologic conditions are compared with those in normal population to obtain the personality characteristics of this dermatologic group.Results support the hypothesis that different personality styles exist between dermatologic and normal group. These differences are interpreted following the Millon theory of Personality.

Structure d'attachement dans la dermatite atopique / Attachment in atopic dermatitis

Sage, Thierry 04 November 2011 (has links)
La dermatite atopique est une dermatose inflammatoire apparaissant préférentiellement avant l’âge de cinq ans, et évoluant naturellement vers la guérison après l’adolescence dans plus de 90% des cas. L’origine de cette amélioration spontanée n’est pas clairement établie dans cette dermatose multifactorielle dont l’étiopathogénie reste encore à déterminer (maturation du système immunitaire ?). Les liens de cette pathologie avec le psychisme sont certains : retentissement psychologique important avec altération de la qualité de vie, aggravation voire déclenchement des poussées par le stress, amélioration des lésions par psychothérapie. L’observation de la nature de la structure d’attachement est importante dans le domaine de la psychopathologie. Elle est encore peu réalisée dans le domaine da la pathologie organique. Nous avons étudié la structure d’attachement de 80 adultes ayant présenté dans l’enfance une dermatite atopique, 40 d’entre eux ayant une guérison de celle-ci depuis l’adolescence, 40 autres présentant une pérennisation des crises d’eczéma. L’évaluation de l’attachement a été réalisée avec un autoquestionnaire (CAMIR de PIERREHUMBERT) et la cotation de l’entretien d’attachement avec la méthode Q-SORT selon KOBAK. Nous avons également mesuré les symptômes psychopathologiques associés avec l’échelle SCL90-R, le niveau d’anxiété avec l’inventaire trait-état de SPIELBERGER (STAIY) et le coping avec le WCC-R de VITALIANO. Les IgE totales ont été dosées. Les sujets avec dermatite atopique ayant débutée avant trois ans ne sont pas plus insécures que ceux avec un début plus tardif de leur dermatose. Ceci fait évoquer la possibilité d’une absence de retentissement sur la structure d’attachement d’une dermatite atopique apparaissant dans les premiéres années de vie, contrairement à ce qui est noté dans toute pathologie chronique d’apparition précoce. Il est alors supposé un effet positif des soins cutanés sur la nature de la relation de la dyade mère-enfant. Par contre, le retentissement ultérieur de la dermatite atopique chez l’adulte est important, avec augmentation d’une insécurité préoccupée en termes de représentations d’attachement, une augmentation des scores de toutes les dimensions psychopathologiques mesurées et une recherche anxieuse de soutien à l’extérieur. Ce retentissement est d’autant plus important que les IgE sont élevées, ceci n’étant pas uniquement le reflet de la gravité de la maladie. Les adultes présentant une dermatite atopique pérennisée sont structurellement plus insécures que ceux qui ont guéris : si nous considèrons l’aspect stable dans le temps de la structure d’attachement, ces résultats positionneraient celle ci en tant que possible facteur dispositionnel prédictif dans l’évolution de la dermatite atopique. Le score de sécurité des patients guéris est d’autant plus élevé que les IgE sont normales. Un phénomène d’interaction entre le système d’attachement et le système adaptatif au stress, à dépendance développementale commune sur certains aspects, est évoqué. Le rôle des IgE reste à déterminer. En termes de psychologie de la santé, la structure d’attachement pourrait être considérée comme un facteur dispositionnel susceptible d’influer l’évolution de la dermatite atopique. / Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disorder which usually appears before the age of five, and heals naturally little by little after adolescence in over 90% of cases. Why this spontaneous improvement occurs is not clearly established for this multi-factor skin disorder, for which the etiopathology has yet to be determined (immune system maturity?).There is a clear relationship between this pathology and the psyche: major psychological repercussions affecting the quality of life, aggravation or triggering of skin reactions due to stress, alleviation of lesions using psychotherapy. Observation of patterns of attachment is important in the field of psychopathology, but is not often undertaken in the domain of organic pathology. We studied the patterns of attachment for 80 adults having suffered from atopic dermatitis during childhood, 40 of them had been cured since adolescence, the other 40 continued to suffer from outbreaks of eczema. Attachment was evaluated using a self-completion questionnaire (CAMIR by PIERRE HUMBERT) and the attachment interview was graded using the Q-SORT method, by KOBAK. We also measured the associated psychopathological symptoms using the SCL90-R scale, level of anxiety using SPIELBERGER’s state-trait-anxiety inventory (STAIY), and coping measurement using the WCC-R scale devised by VITALIANO. Total IgE was measured. Patients suffering from atopic dermatitis that began before the age of 3 years are not more insecure than patients whose skin disorder started later in life. This meant that there were possibly no repercussions on the pattern of attachment for cases of atopic dermatitis that had appeared in the first years of life, contrary to all reports regarding a chronic pathology appearing early in life. This implies that caring for the skin has a positive effect on the mother-child relationship. On the other hand, adults suffer from major repercussions of atopic dermatitis later on in life: increased sense of preoccupied insecurity in terms of representations of attachment, increased scores in all the psychopathological dimensions measured, and an anxious need for outside support. These repercussions are even more serious when IgE is high, but this is not solely connected with the gravity of the illness. Adults suffering from persistent atopic dermatitis are basically more insecure than those who are cured: if long-term stability in the pattern of attachment is considered, this study could place pattern of attachment as a possible predictive disposition factor in the evolution of atopic dermatitis. The security score of cured patients is all the greater when IgE is normal. The existence of an interaction between the attachment pattern and the system for adapting to stress has been suggested, since they are both dependent on development. The role played by IgE remains to be determined. In terms of health psychology, the pattern of attachment could be considered as a disposition factor likely to influence the evolution of a skin disorder.

Particules colloïdales multifonctionnalisées pour la vectorisation d'un principe actif : vers une nouvelle formulation pour la dermatologie / Multifunctional colloidal particles for drug delivery : towards a new dermatological formulation

Choimet, Maëla 19 December 2016 (has links)
L’acné est la dermatose la plus courante dans le monde. Cette pathologie, à causes multiples, peut impliquer des traitements longs dont l’efficacité reste à améliorer. Au niveau topique, le ciblage de la surface cutanée et en particulier des foyers infectieux (impliquant notamment la bactérie P. acnes) est un axe de recherche visant un meilleur traitement de la pathologie. Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans cet objectif, et portent sur l’utilisation de particules submicroniques minéral-organiques à base d’apatites bio-inspirées pour le traitement de l’acné en vue de la vectorisation d’un antibiotique via une nouvelle formulation galénique. Dans un premier temps, les recherches se sont focalisées sur l’élaboration et la caractérisation physico-chimique de particules apatitiques préparées en présence d’un agent dispersant. Parmi les conditions testées, un protocole de référence permettant d’obtenir une suspension colloïdale de particules d’apatite de diamètre hydrodynamique moyen (DLS) de 180 nm, stabilisées à l’aide d’un polyéthylène glycol phosphonaté, a été retenu. L’analyse des particules par DRX et IRTF a mis en évidence le caractère nanocristallin biomimétique de la phase apatitique. Dans un second temps, l’adsorption d’une molécule modèle phosphatée puis d’un antibiotique – le phosphate de clindamycine (ClindP) – a été quantifiée et analysée à l’aide de différents modèles d’adsorption. Par ailleurs, la possibilité d’une incorporation d’ions biologiquement actifs (ex : antibactériens, antiinflammatoires) tels que Cu2+ et/ou Zn2+ dans l’apatite colloïdale a été établie. Dans un troisième temps, des évaluations biologiques ainsi que divers essais de suivi des particules ont été entrepris. L’interaction avec des éléments du sang – globules rouges et protéines plasmatiques – a été explorée (dans l’éventualité d’une application sur peau lésée), mettant en évidence l’excellente hémocompatibilité de ces particules colloïdales. Différentes techniques de suivi des particules ont ensuite été abordées sur membranes synthétiques et sur explants d’oreilles de porcs, telles que l’utilisation de cellules de Franz en modes statique et dynamique, ou encore la microscopie confocale Raman. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que cette dernière technique est adaptée à l’étude de la localisation cutanée de ces particules colloïdales, et montrent une accumulation de celles-ci au niveau de l’épiderme et des follicules pileux. Enfin, une étude préliminaire d’élaboration et de caractérisation d’une forme galénique (bigel) a été abordée / Acne is the most frequent dermatosis in the world. This multifaceted pathology may necessitate long-term treatments which can be improved. For a topical application, the idea of targeting the skin surface and in particular infected pilosebaceous units (involving bacteria such as P. acnes) is one approach for a better treatment of this pathology. This thesis work follows this objective, and deals with the use of submicron mineral-organic particles based on bio-inspired apatite for the treatment of acne, in view of drug delivery via a new galenic formulation. In a first stage, research was focused on the synthesis and physicochemical characterization of apatitic particles prepared in the presence of a dispersing agent. Among the tested conditions, a reference protocol was retained, allowing the obtainment of a colloidal suspension of apatite particles with a mean hydrodynamic diameter (DLS) of 180 nm, stabilized with phosphonated polyethyleneglycol. XRD and FTIR evidenced the biomimetic nanocrystalline nature of the apatitic phase. In a second stage, the adsorption of a model phosphate molecule and then of an antibiotic – clindamycin phosphate (ClindP) – was quantified and analyzed with regard to various adsorption models. Moreover, the possibility to incorporate biologically-active ions (e.g. antibacterial, antiinflammatory) such as Cu2+ and/or Zn2+ in colloidal apatite was established. In a third part, biological evaluations as well as particle follow-up experiments were performed: the interaction with blood components – red blood cells and plasma proteins – was explored (in the eventuality of application on damaged skin), evidencing the excellent hemocompatibility of these colloidal particles. Various particle follow-up techniques were then considered, involving synthetic membranes and porcine ear skin, such as the use of Franz cells in static and dynamic modes or else Raman confocal microscopy. Results indicate that the latter technique is suitable for the study of the localization of these colloidal particles within the skin, and point out their accumulation on the epidermis and hair follicles. Finally, a preliminary study was carried out on the setup and characterization of a galenic form (bigel).


Grando, Elisa 01 August 2014 (has links)
Vitiligo is an acquired, depigmenting disorder. The etiology is unknown, but mostly autoimmune, associated with high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines would stimulate atherosclerosis and develop metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between vitiligo and metabolic syndrome. This is a transversal study, with 96 patients (47 with and 49 without vitiligo) treated at Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria RS, from March 2013 to January 2014. The vitiligo patients were selected by clinical diagnosis and the criteria of extension and time of disease were evaluated. The diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome were assessed, following IDF: total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c), triglycerides, waist circumference and blood pressure. We evaluated the insulin resistance through the homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). The MS prevalence between the groups does not show significant difference (36,2% vs. 38,3%, p=1,000). Waist circumference was different between groups (95,5 vs. 90,5 cm). Vitiligo group showed smaller levels of HDL-c (48,2 mg/dL vs 57,7 mg/dL, p<0,001), and this difference was sustained in the sub-analysis of female patients. HOMA-IR did not show difference between groups. Metabolic syndrome was not associated with extension and evolution time of vitiligo. This study did not reveal relation between vitiligo and MS. HDL-c was smaller in vitiligo patients, and there was inverse correlation (r = -0,30, p = 0,045) between HDL-c and insulin only in vitiligo group. / O vitiligo é uma desordem adquirida da pigmentação. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, principalmente autoimune, associada com a elevação de citocinas pró-inflamatórias. As citocinas estimulariam a aterogênese, criando um estado de síndrome metabólica. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a relação entre vitiligo e síndrome metabólica. Estudo transversal que avaliou 96 pacientes (47 com vitiligo e 49 sem vitiligo), atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria RS, no período de março/2013 a janeiro/2014. Os pacientes com vitiligo foram selecionados por diagnóstico clínico, avaliados pela extensão da doença na pele e pelo tempo de evolução. Foram avaliados os critérios diagnósticos de síndrome metabólica (SM): dosagem sérica de colesterol total, HDL-colesterol, triglicerídeos, aferição de circunferência abdominal (CA) e da pressão arterial. A resistência insulínica (RI) foi avaliada pelo cálculo do HOMA-IR. A prevalência da SM entre os pacientes com vitiligo e sem vitiligo não mostrou diferença significativa (36,2% vs. 38,3%, p = 1,00). A CA diferiu entre os grupos, sendo maior no grupo com vitiligo (95,5 cm vs. 90,5 cm, p = 0,046). Os níveis de HDL-c foram menores no grupo com vitiligo (48,2 mg/dL vs 57,7 mg/dL, p = 0,002) , mantendo-se significativos na subanálise dos pacientes do sexo feminino (p = 0,012). O HOMA-IR também não apresentou diferença entre os grupos (2,6±1,8 vs. 2,0±1,1, p=0,285). Não houve associação de SM com tempo de evolução e nem com a extensão de acometimento do vitiligo. Não foi encontrada relação entre vitiligo e SM, entretanto, o HDL-colesterol foi mais baixo e a CA maior nos pacientes com vitiligo, e houve correlação inversa (r = - 0,31 , p = 0,045) entre valores de HDL-colesterol e insulina apenas no grupo com vitiligo.

Avaliação de alguns aspectos de toxicidade e eficácia do extrato etanólico de Eugenia dysenterica DC para uso dermocosmético / Evaluation of toxicity and efficacy of extract of leaves Eugenia dysenterica DC for use in dermocosmetic formulations

Moreira, Larissa Cleres 25 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2014-12-02T19:08:07Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Larissa Cleres Moreira - 2013.pdf: 12858555 bytes, checksum: abbb0696dca3ee5e154799bfac32762f (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-12-04T14:45:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Larissa Cleres Moreira - 2013.pdf: 12858555 bytes, checksum: abbb0696dca3ee5e154799bfac32762f (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-04T14:45:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Larissa Cleres Moreira - 2013.pdf: 12858555 bytes, checksum: abbb0696dca3ee5e154799bfac32762f (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The continued growth of dermocosmetics market in recent years has motivated the search for new active compounds for treatment of skin signs. Along with this new reality, awakened desire for natural products in combination with sustainability and authenticity. Eugenia dysenterica DC (Myrthaceae), popularly known as “cagaita”, has antioxidant potential similar to vitamin C and therefore, the present study investigated efficacy of standardized hydroalcoholic extract of E. dysenterica (EED) against aging signs. Inhibition assays collagenase, elastase, and tyrosinase were performed. The sun protection factor was investigated, as well as EED provided photoprotection and cell regeneration in HFF-1 cell line. Also it was investigated the effect of spontaneous melanogenesis and cytotoxicity in B16F10 and B16F0 cells lines and Balb/c 3T3 cell line by the method of reduction of the tetrazolium. It was also studied aspects of toxicity of extract through phototoxicity test by neutral red uptake. Enzyme assays showed a good inhibitory activity of elastase EED, inhibiting it by about 40% at a concentration of 100 µg/mL. For collagenase and tyrosinase, the inhibition can be considered moderate, ± 25% for same concentration. The EED provided an increase of melanin content within ± 20% at a concentration of 30 µg/mL for B16F10 and B16F0. The EED offered no protection against UVB rays, as well as just outlined a tendency to fotoproteger at UVA. For cell regeneration, the extract provided recuperation the cells from 100 µg/mL, so that cell viability reached 107.57 ± 14.92% at concentration of µg/mL. Moreover, it is not phototoxic. Tests for cytotoxicity in 3T3 cells showed an IC50 of 162.3 µg/mL and 100.0 ± µg/mL for B16F10 and B16F0. From data analysis it was concluded that the EED is presented as a promising constituent formulations for dermocosmetic anti-aging, due to its antienzymatic and regenerating action and activity against anti-melanogenesis disorders, as well as being safe as phototoxicity. / O crescimento consistente e contínuo do mercado de produtos dermocosméticos nos últimos anos tem motivado a busca por novos componentes ativos para o tratamento de sinais da pele. Juntamente com essa nova realidade, despertou-se o desejo por produtos de origem natural em associação com a sustentabilidade ambiental e a genuinidade, implícita a estes produtos. Considerando que a Eugenia dysenterica DC (Myrthaceae), popularmente conhecida como cagaita, possui potencial antioxidante semelhante ao da vitamina C, neste trabalho investigou-se a eficácia do extrato padronizado hidroalcoólico das folhas de E. dysenterica (EED) contra sinais do envelhecimento, por meio dos ensaios de atividade inibitória de colagenase, elastase e tirosinase e de fotoproteção/regeneração em linhagem fibroblástica humana HFF-1. O fator de proteção solar foi determinado por espectrofotometria. Investigou-se também o efeito sobre a melanogênese espontânea em B16F10 e B16F0, bem como a viabiliade celular do EED sobre as linhagens de melanoma murino B16F10, B16F0 e a linhagem fibroblástica basal Balb/c 3T3 pelo método de redução do tetrazolium. Investigou-se, ainda, aspectos da toxicidade do extrato por meio do teste de fototoxicidade por captação de vermelho neutro. Os ensaios enzimáticos indicaram uma boa atividade inibitória de elastase do EED, inibindo-a em cerca de 40% na concentração de 100 µg/mL. Para colagenase e tirosinase, a inibição pode ser considerada moderada, ± 25% na mesma concentração. O EED proporcionou o aumento do conteúdo de melanina em ± 20% na concentração de 30 µg/mL para B16F10 e B16F0. O EED não ofereceu proteção contra raios UVB, assim como apenas delineou uma tendência a fotoproteger em UVA. Quanto à regeneração celular, o extrato proporcionou a recuperação das células a partir de 100 µg/mL, de modo que a viabilidade celular alcançou 107,57 ± 14,92% na concentração de 200 µg/mL. Além disso, não é fototóxico. Os testes de citotoxicidade em 3T3 revelaram uma CI50 de 162,3 µg/mL e ± 100,0 µg/mL para B16F10 e B16F0. A partir da análise dos dados foi possível concluir que o EED apresenta-se como um constituinte promissor para formulações dermocosméticas antissinais, devido a sua ação antienzimática e regeneradora e em distúrbios hipopigmentantes, além de se mostrar seguro quanto à fototoxicidade.

An?lise epidemiol?gica das dermatopatias de uma popula??o canina atendida no per?odo de 2005 a 2010 no Setor de Dermatologia do Hospital Veterin?rio da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro / Epidemiological analysis of dermatopathies in a canine population attended between 2005 and 2010 by the Section of Dermatology of the Veterinary Hospital of the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Amarante, Cristina Fernandes do 02 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-14T11:32:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Cristina Fernandes do Amarante.pdf: 2131702 bytes, checksum: bbdd9979f22b49522b49e72392bbebd3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-14T11:32:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Cristina Fernandes do Amarante.pdf: 2131702 bytes, checksum: bbdd9979f22b49522b49e72392bbebd3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-02 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / In Brazil, epidemiological studies on canine dermatopathies are scarce and the literature point out several gaps in knowledge about. The aim of this study was to describe the profile of canine population with dermatopathies attended by the Section of Dermatology, Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, testing associations with variables inherent to animals, eating habits, hygiene and in relation to concurrent dermatopathies. The records of all animals attended between January 2005 and December 2010 were organized in a database using the software Epi Info? version 3.5.1. The Chi-square ?? test or Fisher?s exact test, the prevalence ratios and their confidence intervals, the ?? test for linear trend and the respective Odds ratios were used to evaluate the associations. The level of significance adopted was 5%. We reviewed the records of 2,280 dogs, with a total of 3,433 diagnostics, and 113 types of dermatopathies were identified. The population studied was composed predominantly of females (55.2%), adults (58.3%) and defined breed animals (67.32%). The categories of dermatopathies more prevalent were: allergic (41.35%), bacterial (23.94%) and endocrines (22.41%). The categories not zoonotic (94.12%) predominated over zoonotic diseases (5.88%). The more prevalent dermatitis were: atopic dermatitis - AD (31.67%), hypothyroidism (20.75%), bacterial folliculitis (8.42%), demodicosis (8.29%), flea infestation (7.67%) otitis by M. pachydermatis (6.14%), bacterial otitis (5.92%) and flea allergic dermatitis ? FAD (5.8%). Sex was significantly associated with AD, hepatoid adenoma, acute moist dermatitis - AMD, hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism and demodicosis. Significant differences were observed in relation to age and AD, folliculitis, hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, scabiosis, demodicosis, dermatophytosis, systemic lupus erythematosus and neoplasms. The prevalence of AD, FAD, contact dermatitis, hypothyroidism, scabiosis, discoid lupus erythematosus, otohematoma and neoplasms varied with significant differences in relation to animal breed. In addition, there are statistical evidences of association between: AD and hypothyroidism, use of perfumes and cleaning products; FAD and AD, food allergic dermatitis and type of food; AMD and neutering, hair type and AD; hypothyroidism and neutering; demodicosis, hair type and neutering; sporotrichosis and contact with injuried animals. The study population is characterised by high prevalence of dermatopathies of the categories allergic, bacterial, endocrines, fungal and parasitic diseases and low prevalence of dermatozoonoses. The nosology of the population studied is consistent with the type of service offered by the Section of Dermatology, which is most seek for solving complex problems and in several occasions by private practitioners. It should be noted that the studied population was examined by a dermatologist from an University Veterinary Hospital where the technology could overcome the private clinics. Therefore, despite the validity of results, these should not be extrapolated without care for other populations. The variety of the diagnostics performed indicates that the diagnosis and management of dermatopathies must receive higher attention from graduates and specialists / No Brasil, estudos epidemiol?gicos sobre dermatopatias caninas s?o escassos e a literatura aponta v?rias lacunas no conhecimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o perfil da popula??o canina atendida no Setor de Dermatologia da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, e das dermatopatias, testando-as quanto ?s associa??es com vari?veis inerentes aos animais, seus h?bitos alimentares, higi?nicos e em rela??o ?s dermatopatias concorrentes. Os dados de todos os prontu?rios de animais atendidos no per?odo de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2010 foram armazenados em um banco de dados elaborado no programa Epi Info? vers?o 3.5.1. O teste ?? ou exato de Fisher, as raz?es de preval?ncias e seus respectivos intervalos de confian?a, o ?? de tend?ncia linear e as respectivas odds ratio foram empregados na avalia??o da associa??o. O n?vel de signific?ncia adotado foi de 5%. Foram revisados os prontu?rios de 2.280 c?es, nos quais foram realizados 3.433 diagn?sticos e identificadas 113 dermatopatias diferentes. A popula??o estudada foi composta predominantemente por f?meas (55,2%), adultos (58,3%) e animais com ra?a definida (67,32%). As categorias de dermatopatias mais prevalecentes foram: as al?rgicas (41,35), as bacterianas (23,94%) e as end?crinas (22,41%). As categorias n?o zoon?ticas (94,12%) prevaleceram sobre as zoon?ticas (5,88%). As dermatites mais prevalecentes foram: dermatite at?pica- DA (31,67%), hipotireoidismo (20,75%), foliculite bacteriana (8,42%), demodicose (8,29%), infesta??o por pulga (7,67%) otite por M. pachydermatis (6,14%), otite bacteriana (5,92%) e dermatite al?rgica por picada de pulga- DAPP (5,8%). O sexo esteve associado significativamente a DA, ao adenoma hepat?ide, a dermatite ?mida aguda- DUA, ao hipotireoidismo, ao hiperadrenocorticismo e ? demodicose. Diferen?as significativas foram observadas em rela??o ? idade e a DA, ? foliculite, ao hipotireoidismo, ao hiperadrenocorticismo, ? escabiose, ? demodicose, ? dermatofitose, ao l?pus eritematoso sist?mico, e as neoplasias. As preval?ncias de DA, DAPP, dermatite por contato, hipotireoidismo, escabiose, l?pus eritematoso disc?ide, otohematoma e neoplasias variaram com diferen?as significativas em rela??o ? ra?a. H? evid?ncias estat?sticas de associa??o entre: DA e hipotireoidismo, uso de perfumes e produtos de limpeza; DAPP e DA, dermatite al?rgica alimentar e tipo de alimento; DUA e castra??o, tipo de pelagem e DA; hipotireoidismo e castra??o; demodicose, tipo de pelagem e castra??o; esporotricose e contactantes com les?o. A popula??o estudada caracteriza-se por apresentar altas preval?ncias de dermatopatias nas categorias al?rgicas, bacterianas, end?crinas, parasit?rias e f?ngicas e baixas preval?ncias de dermatozonoses. O quadro nosol?gico da popula??o ? coerente com o tipo de servi?o oferecido pelo setor de dermatologia, que ? mais procurado para resolver problemas complexos e em muitas ocasi?es por indica??o de cl?nicos gerais. Deve-se ressaltar que popula??o estudada foi examinada por dermatologista em Hospital Veterin?rio de uma Universidade onde a capacidade tecnol?gica pode superar a da maioria das clinicas privadas. Portanto, apesar da validade interna dos resultados obtidos, estes n?o devem ser extrapolados sem os devidos cuidados para outras popula??es. A variedade de diagn?sticos realizados indica que o diagn?stico e o manejo das dermatopatias devem receber maior aten??o por parte dos graduandos e especialistas

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