Spelling suggestions: "subject:"design atterns"" "subject:"design 1atterns""
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Test-Driven Development in Clojure : An analysis of how differences between Clojure and Java affects unit testing and design patterns / Testdriven utveckling i Clojure : En analys av hur skillnader mellan Clojure och Java påverkar enhetstestning och designmönsterNilsson, Niclas January 2015 (has links)
Agile methods and Test-Driven Development are well established methodologies within the software development industry. As a large part of today’s software development is done in Object-Oriented languages like Java it’s only natural that agile best practices have evolved to fit into the Object-Oriented paradigm. Clojure is a relatively young programming language that greatly differs from Object-Oriented languages and it’s thus not certain that these best practices can be directly applicable in Clojure development. This thesis attempts to identify key differences between Clojure and Java that may affect unit testing and the Test-Driven Development process. It finds that although the two languages are fundamentally the difference between them in regards to unit test creation and execution is small. The most striking consequence of Clojure’s lack of Object-Orientation is that dependency injection must be done between functions rather than between classes and objects. It’s also argued that the relative immaturity of the available Clojure development tools can have negative effects on the Test-Driven Development process. / Agila metoder och Testdriven Utveckling är väletablerade metoder inom mjukvaruindustrin. Då en stor del av dagens mjukvaruutveckling sker inom Objektorienterade språk som Java är det bara naturligt att agila best-practices har utvecklats för att passa den Objektorienterade paradigmen. Clojure är ett relativt ungt programmeringsspråk som skiljer sig kraftigt från Objektorienterade språk och det är därför inte självklart att dessa best-practices kan vara direkt applicerbara på utveckling i Clojure. Denna uppsats försöker identifiera de huvudskillnader mellan Clojure och Java som kan ha en direkt påverkan på enhetstestning och den Testdrivna Utvecklingsprocessen. Man upptäcker att det - de två språkens fundamentala skillnader till trots - endast finns små skillnader som påverkar skapandet och körandet av enhetstester. Den mest iögonfallande konsekvensen av bristen på Objektorientering i Clojure är att Dependency Injection måste ske på funktionsnivå, istället för klass- och objektsnivå. Man argumenterar även för att den relativa omogenheten hos verktyg som används vid mjukvaruutveckling i Clojure kan ha en negativ effekt på den Testdrivna Utvecklingsprocessen.
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Teaching Patterns: A Pattern Language for Improving the Quality of Instruction in Higher Education SettingsOlson, Daren 01 December 2008 (has links)
One method for improving the appeal of instruction is found in Christopher Alexander’s work on architectural design patterns. In this qualitative research study, student comments on teacher/course evaluation forms were analyzed to generate six instructional design patterns. The teacher enthusiasm pattern encourages teachers to show (a) increased scholarship and enthusiasm towards the subject matter, (b) genuine concern and enthusiasm towards the students, and (c) mastery of and enthusiasm towards the act of teaching. The balanced curriculum pattern recommends that teachers (a) determine the appropriate depth or breadth of subject matter and communicate it to the students, (b) create a balanced schedule of activities, assignments, and tests, and (c) provide a variety of subject matter topics, instructional strategies, and media delivery technologies. The clear and appropriate assessments pattern directs teachers to (a) communicate the learning objectives related to each assessment, (b) ensure assessment methods are appropriate measures of the objectives, and (c) use fair criteria in grading and administering the assessments. The authentic connections pattern asks teachers to (a) help students understand the connections between the subject matter content and the world of work, (b) promote interpersonal connections between students through instruction and group work, as well as facilitate teacher-student connections by dealing with students honestly and fairly, and (c) encourage students to look at connections that go beyond workplace application and help students become better people. The flow of time pattern recommends that teachers (a) help students plan out their schedules for various time periods, and (b) synchronize the flow of instructional events with the flow of events occurring in the students’ personal lives. Finally, the negotiation and cooperation pattern encourages teachers to apply the processes of negotiation and cooperation to solve problems related to (a) the students’ lack of a sense of freedom, power, or control, (b) the conflict within the students or within the social order of the class, and (c) the general absence of a self-supporting, self-maintaining, and generating quality in the instruction. These six instructional design patterns may be used by teachers to increase the appeal of instruction in higher education settings.
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Energy Consumption of Behavioral Software Design PatternsHenmyr, Albert, Melnyk, Kateryna January 2023 (has links)
The environmental and economic implications of the increase in Information and Communication Technology energy consumption have become a topic of research in energy efficiency. Most studies focus on the energy estimation and optimization of lower tiers of the hardware and software infrastructures. However, the software itself is an indirect driver of energy consumption, therefore, its energy implications can be to some extent controlled by the software design. Software design patterns belong to high-level software abstractions that represent solutions to common design problems. Since patterns define the structure and behavior of software components, their application may come at energy efficiency costs that are not obvious to the software developers. The existing body of knowledge on energy consumption of software design patterns contains a number of gaps, some of which are addressed within the scope of this thesis project. More specifically, we conducted a series of experiments on the estimation of energy consumption of Visitor and Observer/Listener patterns within the context of non-trivial data parsing in Python. Furthermore, we considered a Patternless alternative for the same task. Additionally, our measurements include runtime duration and memory consumption. The results show that the Visitor pattern led to the largest energy consumption, followed by Observer/Listener and finally the Patternless version. We found a strong relationship between runtime duration and energy consumption, thus coming to the conclusion that the longest-running pattern is the most energy-consuming one. The findings of the current study can be beneficial for Python software developers interested in the energy implications of software design patterns.
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Defining and Evaluating Design System Usability for Improved Developer ExperienceWirstad Gustafsson, Ella January 2021 (has links)
The recent growth of the software industry has drawn attention to strategies aimed at improving collaboration within the development team. Shown to frequently encounter dilemmas associated with cross-disciplinary work are User Experience designers and software developers, whose effective collaboration are essential for the success of the development process. Design systems have evolved as a response to the demand for efficient collaboration as a collection of reusable patterns and documentation used to establish a common language within software development teams. The popularity of using design systems within software development projects has grown rapidly in recent years, but little research has yet been conducted on its usability in development work. The goal of this thesis is to study design systems from a developer perspective, and evaluate its ability to facilitate the collaboration within software development teams. By building upon previous work on developer experience, this study proposes a method for assessing design system usability from a developer perspective. In this study, participating software developers were tasked with implementing user interface design in code with the help of a design system, followed by interview questions based on the Cognitive Dimensions Framework. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Results provide insights into design system usability and developer experience. Findings include aspects of design system usability in general, such as the importance of developers' autonomy and flexibility of the system, as well as implications from the tested method in particular, such as the relevance of context of implementation. The results implicated an inherent dilemma of approaching design system development through conventions and best practices rather than with a systems theory and systems thinking perspective. / Senaste tidens tillväxt inom mjukvaruutvecklingsindustrin har resulterat i ett ökat intresse för att effektivisera samarbetet inom utvecklingsteamet. Två yrkesgrupper som påvisats stöta på dilemman associerade med multidisciplinärt arbete är de som designar och utvecklar mjukvara, vars samarbete är avgörande för utvecklingsprocessens framgång. Designsystem har vuxit fram som ett svar på en ökad efterfrågan på effektivt samarbete som en samling återanvändbara mönster och dokumentation som syftar till att etablera en gemensam vokabulär och inom mjukvaruutvecklingsteam. Trots att användandet av designsystem inom mjukvaruutveckling har ökat under de senaste åren har inte mycket forskning gjorts på dess användbarhet i utvecklingsarbetet. Denna uppsats syftar till att studera designsystem från ett utvecklarperspektiv, och utvärdera dess förmåga att facilitera samarbetet inom mjukvaruutvecklingsteam. Genom att ta avstamp i tidigare forskning kring utvecklarupplevelse föreslår denna studie en metod för att bedöma användbarheten och utvecklarupplevelsen av ett designsystem. Deltagande mjukvaruutvecklare fick i denna studie i uppgift att implementera gränssnittsdesign i kod med hjälp av ett designsystem, följt av intervjufrågor baserade på ramverket för Cognitive Dimensions. Tematisk analys användes för att analysera data. Resultaten ger inblick i användbarhet och designsystem i allmänhet, så som vikten av utvecklarens autonomi och systemets flexibilitet, samt implikationer från det testade design systemet i synnerhet, så som implementationskontextens relevans. Resultaten antyder att det finns svårigheter med att närma sig mjukvaruutveckling med designsystem genom konventioner och god praxis snarare än med ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv.
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Exploring Challenges and EffectiveApproaches for Novices in Design Pattern SelectionLiss, Lucas January 2023 (has links)
Within programming there are many problems that can occur throughout a coding process.Various solutions exist to different problems and sometimes a design pattern has beenestablished for a specific problem. Design patterns are established solutions to a commonproblem developers can face while coding. To choose one of the design patterns that fits theproblem can be challenging depending on the developer.This study focused on collecting data on inexperienced developers' experience in choosing adesign pattern. This study has limited itself to four different approaches to choose a designpattern. Selected approaches are: Scan intent section, study how patterns interrelate, Examinecause of redesign and Killer”Killer examples'' for design patterns. The approaches have beenselected from other sources that have described them in detail. These chosen approaches havebeen used to test five inexperienced developers and collect data on their experience withchoosing a design pattern. The results of the chosen approaches have collected data with thehelp of a usability testing method and semi-structured interview. The data have been analyzedwith the help of a thematic analysis. The thematic analysis resulted in five themes: Info notfound, Difficulties in understanding design patterns, Uncertainties when selecting designpatterns, Effective approaches and Familiar with approaches. The Findings from these themesand their codes have revealed multiple issues when selecting a design pattern. Findings alsoestablished what participants thought were effective approaches according to their ownexperience working with these approaches.
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Designmönster i hybridiserade brädspel: En studie om hur dessa påverkar spelar-upplevelsen i Mansions of Madness: Second EditionHassler, Greta, Kingsepp, Vilma January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hybrida brädspel, en relativt ny genre av spel som blivit alltmer populär under senare år. En utmaning med att designa engagerande hybridspel är att kombinera analoga och digitala element på ett sätt som förbättrar spelupplevelsen. Studien syfte har varit att undersöka vilka designmönster som återfinns i hybrida brädspel och hur dessa påverkar spelarnas upplevelse av spelet. Med en fallstudie som forskningsstrategi genomfördes tre olika spelsessioner där observation användes för att ta fram data om spelupplevelse i relation till designmönster. Efter varje avslutad spelsession genomfördes semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med deltagarna där data från observationerna använts som underlag. Data som erhållits användes sedan i en tematisk analys för att ta fram teman och mönster gällande designmönster samt spelarnas upplevelser av dessa. Mönstren som återfanns var test-wizard, förenklande misslyckanden, automatiserad fas-hantering, periodic events, tidsreglerad progression, monster-generering, save and quit, onboarding-wizard, pussel och curiosity priming. Funna mönstren påverkade deltagarnas upplevelse gällande spelelement såsom spelarnas engagemang i spelet, svårighetsgrad, slumpmässighet med dess oförutsägbarhet, inlärningsförmåga, stimulans till nyfikenhet, progression och interaktion mellan spelare. Studien har gett ytterligare data och information om hur designers i framtiden kan förhålla sig till designmönster inom genren hybrida brädspel under utvecklingen av kommande spel. / This study investigates hybrid board games, a relatively new genre of games that has become increasingly popular in recent years. One challenge in designing engaging hybrid games is to successfully combine analogue and digital elements in a way that enhances the gaming experience. The study aims to examine the design patterns found in hybrid board games and how they affect players' experience of the game. Using a case study as a research strategy, three different game sessions were conducted where observation was used to collect data on player experience in relation to design patterns. After each completed game session, semi-structured group interviews were conducted with the players where the observation data was used as a basis. The data obtained was then used in a thematic analysis to identify themes and patterns related to design patterns and players' experiences of them. Patterns found were test wizard, simplifying failures, automatised phase management, periodic events, time regulated progression, monster generation, save and quit, onboarding wizard, puzzle and curiosity priming. Patterns found influenced participant experience regarding difficulty, ability to learn, player engagement, randomness with its unpredictability, stimulation of curiosity, progression and interaction between players. The study has provided additional data and information about how designers in the future can relate to design patterns within the hybrid board game genre during the development of future games.
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Active Inventory Systems In Games And What Defines ThemGlasell, Josefin, Jönsson, Tim January 2023 (has links)
We have not been able to find a lot of research that defines and categorises different kinds of inventory systems. This thesis expands on what makes an inventory system what it is and how different active inventory systems differ from each other. There’s a lack of non-generic language both in research and everyday discussions between friends that we aim to alleviate. We adapt and make use of an existing pattern creation method as well as an immersive-participatory method to play and analyse nine games that all make use of inventory systems in very different ways. Through this method we created three game design patterns that describe the differences in limitation and presentation within active inventory systems; allocated inventories, numerical inventories and spatial inventories.
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Evaluation of security threats in microservice architectures / Evaluering av säkerhetshot i mikrotjänst arkitekturerLindblom, William January 2022 (has links)
The microservice architecture is a popular architectural pattern in the industry to implement large systems as they can reduce the code bases of each service and increase the maintainability for each of the individual services by dividing the application into smaller components based on business logic. The services can be implemented in different programming languages and communicates over a network. As a consequence, it might lead to a greater attack surface for an adversary of the system. In order to ease the implementation of microservice architectures, a set of design patterns exists. Two patterns addressing the security of the architecture are the API Gateway pattern and the sidecar pattern. More research is needed in order to identify the security threats microservice architecture encounters and how the design pattern handles those. This master thesis uses threat modeling with attack graphs along with attack simulations in order to investigate the threats in microservice architectures and how they compare between the design patterns. To construct the attack graphs and perform the attack simulations SecuriCAD along with CoreLang was used on a microservice architecture with each of the design patterns. The report concludes that the sidecar pattern is faced with less risk than the API Gateway pattern overall and presents a set of suggestions regarding how the security can be improved in microservice architectures. / Mikrotjänstarkitekturer har blivit ett populärt arkitekturmönster inom industrin för att implementera större system eftersom det kan reducera kodbaserna och underlätta underhållningen av varje enskild tjänst genom av att dela upp applikationen i mindre komponenter baserat på varje tjänsts domänlogik. Dessa tjänster kan vara implementerade i olika programmeringsspråk och kommunicerar med varandra över ett nätverk. Som följd skulle dock detta kunna leda till en större attackyta för en angripare av systemet. För att underlätta implementationen av mikrotjänster finns en mängd designmönster, två designmönster som hanterar säkerheten av mikrotjänstarkiterurer är API Gateway mönstret och sidecar mönstret. Mer forskning skulle dock behövas för att ta reda på vilka hot som mikrotjänstarkitekturer ställs inför samt hur väl de två design mönstren bemöter dessa. Den här masteruppsatsen använder hotmodellering med attack grafer samt attack simuleringar för att undersöka vilka hot som finns i mikrotjänstarkitekturer och hur dessa skiljer sig åt mellan de två design mönstren. För att framställa attack graferna och genomföra attack simuleringarna användes programmet SecuriCAD tillsammans med CoreLang på en mikrotjänstarkitektur med vardera design mönster. Rapporten kommer fram till att sidecarmönstrer har lägre risk i jämförelse med API Gateway mönstret överlag och presenterar en mängd förslag angående hur säkerheten kan förbättras i mikrotjänstarkitekturer.
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Impact of gamification on employee motivation in situations of change in medium-size organisations in the United Kingdom.Savvas, Apostolos January 2023 (has links)
This thesis tries to provide a comparative study and complimentary data analysis into the effectiveness of game design patterns such as LEGO Serious Play, Leaderboards and Collective voting in terms of the impact that gamification has in change management framework. The study is looking at how gamification impacts employees from a motivational and engagement, in change management tasks, perspective. In a first instance, the researcher/author references and reviews key theories such as theory of fun for game design, motivational theory and change theory. Furthermore, a literature search/review for those theories has taken place to identify what the current scientific base has captured around gamification impact in engagement, motivation and performance of individuals and all potential limitations as well. This led to a clear and specific existing baseline framework. At a later stage, researcher/author describes the research strategy and methodology used to apply three specific gamification techniques to a real organisation (participants – n=20) which delivers change and is going through a transformation process. This included two different data collection methods; semi-structured interviews with organisation’s employees and participant observations within the organisation’s headquarters offices. The participant observation data collection compliments the interviews’ one, which acted as the primary method. The study examines the impact the gamification techniques had on the organisation’s employees while they deliver change daily, their interactions within sessions and meetings, decision making events and other. Findings, through the thematic analysis process, include the participants’ feedback on their overall experience, reward and joyfulness when use gamification. Results show that gamification tools and techniques compliment positively employees within the change management framework, increasing the enjoyment of participation in change activities without increasing competitiveness and also enables more effective decision making. It is important to highlight that creativity seems that is increased as well, through gamification application. It is hoped that knowledge and understanding of the impact of gamification techniques in change management framework could be found useful in an industry related environment and the results of this study could be extended to other areas as well.
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