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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abkantmaschine für die Industrie 4.0

Laabs, Peter 19 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Konzeption und Durchführung komplexer und auf Innovation ausgerichteter Produktentwicklungsprojekte ist ein fester und wesentlicher Bestandteil des Curriculums im Studiengang M.A. Produktgestaltung an der Fakultät Gestaltung der HTW-Dresden. Praxisnah und in möglichst authentischen Entwicklungsumgebungen wird in Form eines Kooperationsprojekts eine konkrete Aufgabe für ein Unternehmen bearbeitet. Für die Unternehmen sind solche Projekte Teil ihrer mehr oder weniger bereits etablierten kollaborativen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke. Im gegenteiligen Fall werden solche Modelle von unserer Seite her an die Unternehmen herangetragen und diskutiert. In der Regel entstehen an die Semesterzeiten gebundene und ergebnisoffene Machbarkeitsstudien. Die Studierenden erhalten im Gegenzug die Möglichkeit, ihr theoretisches Wissen ganz eng an der Wirklichkeit zu üben, entsprechende Erfahrungen zu sammeln und sich über solche Projekte für die spätere Berufspraxis zu empfehlen. Die Fakultät Gestaltung hat in diesem Sinne bereits mit einer Vielzahl von Kooperationspartnern zusammengearbeitet und sehr viel positive Erfahrung sammeln können Das Projekt mit dem Arbeitstitel \"Abkantmaschine für die Industrie 4.0\" wurde für die Bystronic AG in Gotha/Thüringen erarbeitet. Die Bystronic AG ist Tochter eines schweizer Unternehmens und stellt Laserstrahlschneid-, Wasserstrahlschneid- und Abkantmaschinen her. / The design and implementation of complex and geared to innovation product development projects is an integral and essential part of the curriculum in the course MA Product design at the Design Faculty of HTW Dresden. Practical and in authentic development environments a specific task is processed for a company in the form of a cooperation project. For companies, such projects are part of their more or less established collaborative value networks. In the opposite case, such models are brought and discussed by our side to companies. Usually caused bound to the semester dates and open-ended feasibility studies. The students receive in return the opportunity to practice their theoretical knowledge very closely to reality, to gain experience and to advise on such projects in their later professional applications and practice. The Faculty of Design has worked in this sense, with a number of partners and gained a lot of positive experience. The project with the working title \"pressbrake for industry 4.0\" has been developed for Bystronic AG in Gotha/Thuringia. The Bystronic AG is a subsidiary of a Swiss company and produces laser cutting and waterjet systems as well as pressbrakes.

Abkantmaschine für die Industrie 4.0: Machbarkeitsstudie für die teil- und vollautomatisierte Fertigung von Blechteilen

Laabs, Peter 19 March 2015 (has links)
Die Konzeption und Durchführung komplexer und auf Innovation ausgerichteter Produktentwicklungsprojekte ist ein fester und wesentlicher Bestandteil des Curriculums im Studiengang M.A. Produktgestaltung an der Fakultät Gestaltung der HTW-Dresden. Praxisnah und in möglichst authentischen Entwicklungsumgebungen wird in Form eines Kooperationsprojekts eine konkrete Aufgabe für ein Unternehmen bearbeitet. Für die Unternehmen sind solche Projekte Teil ihrer mehr oder weniger bereits etablierten kollaborativen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke. Im gegenteiligen Fall werden solche Modelle von unserer Seite her an die Unternehmen herangetragen und diskutiert. In der Regel entstehen an die Semesterzeiten gebundene und ergebnisoffene Machbarkeitsstudien. Die Studierenden erhalten im Gegenzug die Möglichkeit, ihr theoretisches Wissen ganz eng an der Wirklichkeit zu üben, entsprechende Erfahrungen zu sammeln und sich über solche Projekte für die spätere Berufspraxis zu empfehlen. Die Fakultät Gestaltung hat in diesem Sinne bereits mit einer Vielzahl von Kooperationspartnern zusammengearbeitet und sehr viel positive Erfahrung sammeln können Das Projekt mit dem Arbeitstitel \"Abkantmaschine für die Industrie 4.0\" wurde für die Bystronic AG in Gotha/Thüringen erarbeitet. Die Bystronic AG ist Tochter eines schweizer Unternehmens und stellt Laserstrahlschneid-, Wasserstrahlschneid- und Abkantmaschinen her. / The design and implementation of complex and geared to innovation product development projects is an integral and essential part of the curriculum in the course MA Product design at the Design Faculty of HTW Dresden. Practical and in authentic development environments a specific task is processed for a company in the form of a cooperation project. For companies, such projects are part of their more or less established collaborative value networks. In the opposite case, such models are brought and discussed by our side to companies. Usually caused bound to the semester dates and open-ended feasibility studies. The students receive in return the opportunity to practice their theoretical knowledge very closely to reality, to gain experience and to advise on such projects in their later professional applications and practice. The Faculty of Design has worked in this sense, with a number of partners and gained a lot of positive experience. The project with the working title \"pressbrake for industry 4.0\" has been developed for Bystronic AG in Gotha/Thuringia. The Bystronic AG is a subsidiary of a Swiss company and produces laser cutting and waterjet systems as well as pressbrakes.

Izrada kursa poslovnog engleskog jezika sa ciljem razvoja pragmatičke kompetencije značajne zaunapređenje poslovne komunikacije / Designing Business English Course for the Purposeof Developing Pragmatic Competence Important forthe Advancement of Business Communication

Gak Dragana 19 September 2016 (has links)
<p>kursa poslovnog engleskog jezika koji ima za cilj razvoj pragmatičke<br />kompetencije polaznika i unapređenje poslovne komunikacije na engleskom jeziku.<br />Uspostavljanje i održavanje uspe&scaron;ne poslovne komunikacije koja uključuje poslovne<br />ljude kojima je engleski jezik zajedničko sredstvo komunikacije zavisi od njihove<br />sposobnosti da koriste jezik na odgovarajući način u odgovarajućem poslovnom<br />kontekstu.<br />Istraživanje za disertaciju sastojalo se iz dva dela. U uvodnom delu<br />istraživanja učestvovali su predavači poslovnog engleskog jezika, studenti koji slu&scaron;aju<br />kurs poslovnog engleskog jezika i zaposleni polaznici koji pohađaju kurs poslovnog<br />engleskog jezika u &scaron;kolama stranih jezika. Cilj ovog dela istraživanja je bio da se<br />prikupe podaci o nastavi poslovnog engleskog jezika kod nas &ndash; na koji način se ona<br />organizuje i &scaron;ta bi trebalo uključiti u nastavu kako bi polaznici bili &scaron;to uspe&scaron;niji u<br />poslovnoj komunikaciji na engleskom jeziku.<br />Nakon toga usledilo je glavno istraživanje u kome je učestvovalo dvadeset<br />zaposlenih polaznika koji su pohađali kurs poslovnog engleskog jezika. Oni su bili<br />podeljeni u dve grupe, kontrolnu i eksperimentalnu, sa po deset polaznika. Obe grupe<br />su pohađale kurs poslovnog engleskog jezika. Kontrolna grupa je kurs slu&scaron;ala samo<br />na osnovu odabranog udžbenika, a eksperimentalna grupa je pohađala kurs koji je<br />izrađen na osnovu analize potreba i u skladu sa poslovnim situacijama u kojima oni<br />koriste engleski jezik. Pre početka kursa obe grupe su popunile upitnik sa op&scaron;tim<br />podacima o njima i upitnik za analizu potreba, ulazni test op&scaron;teg engleskog jezika i<br />ulazni test poslovnog engleskog jezika. Podaci dobijeni upitnikom za analizu potreba<br />upotpunjeni su pitanjima u prvom intervjuu. Napredak u sposobnosti kori&scaron;ćenja<br />engleskog jezika u poslovnoj komunikaciji obe grupe, posebno u pogledu kori&scaron;ćenja<br />govornih činova, praćen je tokom kursa pomoću pet testova nakon svake obrađene<br />teme.<br />Istraživanjem su dobijeni kvantitativni podaci (pomoću testa i upitnika) i<br />kvalitativni podaci (pomoću upitnika i intervjua) koji su detaljno analizirani. Na<br />osnovu analize svih podataka može se zaključiti da su polaznici iz eksperimentalne<br />grupe ostvarili primetno bolji napredak na testovima koji su pratili kurs, ali i u<br />sposobnosti poslovne komunikacije, &scaron;to je bio i cilj kursa.<br />Značaj ovog istraživanja je vi&scaron;estruk jer ukazuje na potrebu da se veća pažnja<br />posvećuje izradi kurseva poslovnog engleskog jezika za zaposlene polaznike,<br />detaljnoj analizi poslovnog konteksta u kome rade i njihovih stvarnih potreba. Takvi<br />kursevi omogućavaju polaznicima da lak&scaron;e i uspe&scaron;nije razviju svoju pragmatičku<br />kompetenciju i unaprede poslovnu komunikaciju.</p> / <p>This thesis in applied linguistics and language teaching focuses on designing a<br />business English course for the purpose of the development of pragmatic competence<br />of business English learners in order to improve their business communication in the<br />English language. Establishing and maintaining successful business communication<br />involving business people who use English as a common communication language<br />depends on their ability to use the language in an appropriate way in an appropriate<br />business context.<br />The research for this thesis consisted of two parts. The first part of the research<br />involved teachers of business English, students who attended business English<br />courses and employed learners who attended business English courses in private<br />language schools. The purpose of this part of the research was to collect the data on<br />business English language teaching, the way the courses are organized and what<br />should be included in the courses so that the learners are able to participate in<br />business communication in the English language.<br />This was followed by the main part of the research, which involved twenty<br />professionals attending a business English course. They were divided into two groups,<br />control and experimental, with ten learners in each group. Both groups attended a<br />business English course, however, the control group had a course based only on the<br />selected course book, and the experimental group had a course designed on the basis<br />of needs analysis and in accordance with the business situations in which they use<br />English language daily. Prior to the course learners in both groups completed a<br />general data questionnaire, a needs analysis questionnaire, general and business<br />English language entrance tests. The data gathered by the needs analysis questionnaire<br />were additionally clarified by the answers in the first interview. The learners&#39; progress<br />in using English in business communication in both groups, especially regarding the<br />use of speech acts, was monitored by five tests, one after each of the topics covered<br />during the course.<br />The data collected in the research, both quantitative (collected by tests and<br />questionnaires) and qualitative (collected by questionnaires and interviews), were<br />thoroughly analyzed. The analysis led to a conclusion that learners from the<br />experimental group showed substantially better improvement in tests and their overall<br />ability to communicate in business related contexts.<br />The significance of this research is manifold and suggests that greater attention<br />should be paid to designing business English courses for professionals and to a<br />thorough needs and business context analysis. Such courses would enable learners to<br />develop their pragmatic competence more successfully and, consequently, improve<br />their business communication.</p>

Rechnergestützte Planung und Rekonstruktion für individuelle Langzeit-Knochenimplantate am Beispiel des Unterkiefers

Sembdner, Philipp 29 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Bereitstellung von Modellen und Randbedingungen für die Konstruktion individueller Langzeit-Knochenimplantate (Konstruktionsvorbereitung). Grundlage dabei ist, dass die Planung aus medizinischer Sicht z.B. durch einen Chirurgen und die Konstruktion unter technischen Aspekten z.B. durch einen Konstrukteur getrennt erfolgt. Hierfür wird ein erarbeitetes Planungskonzept vorgestellt, welches sowohl die geplanten geometrischen Merkmale, als auch weiterführende Metadaten beinhaltet (Randbedingungen). Die Übergabe dieser Planungsdaten an die Konstruktion erfolgt über eine dafür entworfene Formatbeschreibung im Kontext der Schnittstelle zwischen Mediziner und Ingenieur. Weiterführend wird die Notwendigkeit von speziellen Funktionen für die Konstruktion von individuellen Implantaten in der Arbeitsumgebung des Konstrukteurs (z.B. Modelliersystem – CAD) am Beispiel der konturlinienbasierten Modellrekonstruktion erörtert. Die gesamtheitliche Basis bildet eine durchgängig digitale Prozesskette zur Datenaufbereitung, Konstruktion und Fertigung. Die Anwendbarkeit der Methoden und zweier umgesetzter Demonstratoren wurde innerhalb eines interdisziplinär angelegten Projektes am realen Patientenfall bestätigt.

Inclusive Design : A Concept for an Accessible City Map

Petermann, Felix-Marcel, Greczylo, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
This thesis proposes a concept for exploring cities with an inclusive map. Most of current studies and projects only include one kind of user groups if creating systems for navigation and exploring new areas. Often, if creating a system for a very exclusive user group, e. g. visually impaired, other user groups are not considered. Though in order to create an accessible system, studies should include the user in the range of the most inclusive and most exclusive user groups. This is why we tried to create the concept of a design for an accessible city map under the approach of inclusive design. Since around 15 per cent of the world population suffer from some kind of disability, we decided to start with the most exclusive users of a city map – visually impaired. Therefore, theoretical and practical human-centred design methods are used to create a prototype hand in hand with the future user groups. The details used in the design process incorporates data from 10 survey answers from visually impaired people as well as data from 10 interviews with sighted people and a workshop with six people from different professions out of sociology, tourism marketing, HCI and language sciences. Additionally, at the end of the process, an evaluation with three visually impaired and two sighted people was used to prove the concept of the created prototype. The prototype was created with different digital fabrication and IoT tools and technologies. It should help to make public spaces more accessible and explorable. We hope to deliver a base idea of an accessible city map, which shows how to include inclusive design in the regular design process, in order to design without exceptions. The evaluation showed that our idea worked and that even though the users' groups are very different, they have a lot in common.

A framework for simulation-based integrated design of multiscale products and design processes

Panchal, Jitesh H. 23 November 2005 (has links)
The complexity in multiscale systems design is significantly greater than in conventional systems because in addition to interactions between components, couplings between physical phenomena and scales are also important. This complexity amplifies two design challenges: a) complexity of coupled simulation models prohibits design space exploration, and b) unavailability of complete simulation models that capture all the interactions. Hence, the challenge in design of multiscale systems lies in managing this complexity and utilizing the available simulation models and information in an efficient manner to support effective decision-making. In order to address this challenge, our primary hypothesis is that the information and computational resources can be utilized in an efficient manner by designing design-processes (meta-design) along with the products. The primary hypothesis is embodied in this dissertation as a framework for integrated design of products and design processes. The framework consists of three components 1) a Robust Multiscale Design Exploration Method (RMS-DEM), 2) information-economics based metrics and methods for simplification of complex design processes and refinement of simulation models, and 3) an information modeling strategy for implementation of the theoretical framework into a computational environment. The framework is validated using the validation-square approach that consists of theoretical and empirical validation. Empirical validation of the framework is carried out using various examples including: pressure vessel design, datacenter cooling system design, linear cellular alloy design, and multifunctional energetic structural materials design. The contributions from this dissertation are categorized in three research domains: a) multiscale design methodology, b) materials design, and c) computer-based support for collaborative, simulation-based multiscale design. In the domain of design methodology, new methods and metrics are developed for integrating the design of products and design processes. The methods and metrics are applied in the field of materials design to develop design-processes and specifications for Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials. In the domain of computer-based support for design, an information modeling strategy is developed to provide computational support for meta-design. Although the framework is developed in the context of multiscale systems it is equally applicable to design of any other complex system.

Exploring Crime In A Spatial And Temporal Context: Suitable Response Strategies For Urban Planning And Policing By The Case Of Etlik Police Station Zone

Erdogan, Aygun 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study explores incidents in a spatial and temporal context to achieve suitable strategies for urban planning and policing in crime prevention/reduction. For this purpose, space and time related incidents are analyzed through new crime ecology theories within the designed loose-coupled GIS-based system at mezo-micro ecological levels in a case area within Ankara Metropolis, in 2000. Its main argument is that incidents display differences in the spatial and/or temporal distribution among planned, squatter, and in-transition settlements. In exploring distribution of incidents at global and local scales, it also searches the validity and critical adaptability of the new theories developed/practiced in North American and European countries. In line with new theories, incidents at global scale displayed clustering in space and time. Generally, incidents in aggregate, concentrated mostly in planned / less in in-transition / least in squatter areas / and particularly during spring-summer months. However, incidents against people and against property predominated respectively in squatter and planned areas, and between 18:00-00:00, and 00:00-08:00. As for local scale, incidents in aggregate, displayed spatial interaction (clustering), but no space-time interaction. Spatial distribution in time suggested that incidents persistently occur mainly in planned areas. v Incidents against property displayed highest level of spatial, and also temporal clustering at global scale / and particularly spatial clustering (particularly for commercial burglaries/thefts) and space-time clustering (for residential burglaries) at local scale. Complementarily, relatively homogenous global scale spatial distribution of incidents against people is accompanied by their non local scale spatial clustering or space-time clustering, whereby space-time dispersion was observed for simple batteries.

一個國中補習班作文教學活動設計個案的探討 / An Investigation of Lesson Plans and Activities in Teaching: A course of Chinese writing for junior high students in a learning center

蔣宥萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用「個案研究法」,以一個國中補習班之作文班的七年級生為研究對象,進行作文教學活動的設計與實施結果的成效探討。 本研究的作文教學活動設計,係將學生區分成高、中、低三個學習成就區塊,根據不同的學習能力,設計不同的教學活動,並運用「合作學習」模式進行教學。教學實施後,分別從「學生作品」、「觀察紀錄」、「問卷調查」及「訪談紀錄」四個面向進行探討,分析教學活動的設計與實施成效。 第一章〈緒論〉,總述研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法與步驟,以及文獻探討。 第二章〈高成就學生之作文教學活動設計〉,從高成就學生的起點行為分析開始,以「創造思考教學」為設計主軸,訓練其「發散思維能力」與「想像力」,並結合「續寫作文題型」練習,最後再進行教學實施的成效探討。 第三章〈中成就學生之作文教學活動設計〉,從中成就學生的起點行為分析開始,以「情境作文教學」為設計主軸,訓練其「觀察力」與「感受力」,並結合「擴寫作文題型」練習,最後再進行教學實施的成效探討。 第四章〈低成就學生之作文教學活動設計〉,從低成就學生的起點行為分析開始,以「材料作文教學」為設計主軸,訓練其「記憶力」與「聯想力」,並結合「仿寫作文題型」練習,最後再進行教學實施的成效探討。 第五章〈結論與建議〉,第一節先說明教學活動設計與探討的總結論,第二節與第三節分別提出對教學活動設計與補教機構的建議,第四節則是表達對中學語文教師的期盼。 總體而言,根據學生不同的學習能力與需求,設定相符的教學目標與教學活動,不僅能激發更多的學習潛力,也能逐步培養寫作興趣與提升寫作能力。

Use of Technological Tools for Supporting Interpersonal Trust: From Modelling to Fostering Trust Through Design

Morita, Plinio Pelegrini January 2014 (has links)
Trust is a core construct of our social lives, influencing how we interact with other individuals that are part of our social circle. Whether at work, in teams, or with friends and family, trust influences how much information we exchange with the other individuals and how we interact as a dyad. Defined as risk acceptance behaviour in situations where there is dependency between the parties, trusting another person means accepting some risks to benefit from the social integration of tasks and knowledge. In an institutional environment, trust is a core component of teamwork dynamics, having a strong influence on team effectiveness and performance. Teams are the backbone of current industry, research, healthcare, and business domains. Teams have the power to increase the momentum of projects and tasks, and may also benefit from the collective body of knowledge brought by experts from different fields. Teamwork also brings new constraints to the interpersonal dynamic; for instance, a lack of interpersonal trust can deeply impact the performance and effectiveness of a team. Without trust, communication and interaction between team members can be significantly impaired, limiting the ability of a team to perform and to become effective. As teams move to non-collocated work, the development of trust is restricted by the limited media richness of communication channels. The perceptual mechanisms that compose the major part of the trust development process become constrained, as behavioural cues are not readily available through Computer Mediated Communication Systems (CMCSs). For this reason, virtual teams can suffer from low, fragile, and delayed trust, impairing team effectiveness and performance. Given the increasing prevalence of non-collocated teams, there is a need for the development of a toolset for understanding, measuring, and fostering trust in distributed teamwork environments. The existing literature provides only a partial understanding of the trust formation process and does not encompass a detailed description of the perceptual mechanisms that would help explain trust formation and allow the design of interventions tailored at targeting trust. I started by developing a model that explains trust formation and the perceptual mechanisms involved in this process, in which I also incorporate the distinction between intuitive trust and calculative confidence. The Human Factors Interpersonal Trust State Formation Model developed in this thesis helps explain the situational variability of interpersonal trust, a very important characteristic to consider when using the knowledge about trust formation to inform design. This model explains how researchers and practitioners can develop designs and interventions to foster trust based on increasing the perception of trust-building cues. Similarly, good trust metrics must capture both a measurement of trust between two people and provide information about how each trust cue influences the formation of the trust state. With the intent of incorporating situational sensitivity to a trust metric, I designed the Quick Trust Assessment Scale (QTAS), based on the NASA-TLX structure, using a combination of direct rating of subjective subscales of trust, with a pairwise comparison of each pair of subscales. I evaluated the QTAS using Crombach’s Alpha and Factor Analysis. The results showed high internal validity and identified one component for extraction from the metric, since this component focused on measuring a construct outside the interest of the QTAS. The QTAS is the first trust metric to be developed that includes a component to measure the situational variability of trust. The next component of this thesis focuses on identifying and testing ways to foster trust in a specific other through electronic communication. To achieve this objective, I initially conducted an ethnographic study to identify how team members foster trust in face-to-face collaborations and which trust cues are most often exchanged. In this study, I identified the effect of a third party on fostering trust (liaison) and five behaviours, or trust building cues, that were most used: recommendation, validation, expertise, social network, and benevolence/willingness to help. These five behaviours were later converted into interface design objects (trust tokens), in the form of badges, to be used in CMCSs and social network environments, acting as surrogates for the missing trust cues. The trust tokens were tested on simulated social network interfaces to identify the effects of multiple latent factors. Results showed that the use of the trust tokens is independent of gender, age, education level, and personality type. However, use was dependent on the type of risk the participants were facing and their cultural background. Although trust tokens are effective in fostering trust behaviour, there was not a unified solution for every type of situation. In order to further validate the situational dependence of trust decisions, I have evaluated two major variables of interest. Through experimental manipulation, I demonstrated the influence of (1) situational risk and (2) cultural background on the use of trust cues. These findings are of relevance for the design of systems that support the development of interpersonal trust as they raise the awareness of the highly variable nature of trust. In order for designers, researchers, and practitioners to successfully influence trust behaviour in teamwork environments, they need to include interpersonal trust as a variable of interest in the design requirements of systems that support teamwork, as well as carefully consider the impact of their interventions, as their interventions will influence variably, depending on the situation and target population. Ultimately, this research program demonstrates the importance of including interpersonal trust as a variable of interest in and as a requirement for the design of systems that support teamwork and collaboration.

Fotografia e interação no Jardim Botânico: uma abordagem do design de participação em contexto museológico / Photography and interaction at the Botanical Garden: an approach of designing for participation within a museological context

Juliano Caldeira Kestenberg 04 April 2014 (has links)
Em meio à rápida propagação de tecnologias de mídia que tornam possível produzir, arquivar, se apropriar e recircular conteúdo informacional, uma cultura participativa vem emergindo nos dias atuais. Uma lógica de colaboração se faz presente, viabilizada por ferramentas técnicas que estruturam o conhecimento em rede. Nesse contexto, o museu, enquanto agência de representação sociocultural, se esforça no sentido de atualizar-se. Nesta dissertação, sugere-se que a interação participativa de caráter social é um caminho para renovar e ampliar as narrativas culturais elaboradas pelos museus, em sua relação comunicacional com o público. Foi elaborado, então, o sistema Revelar: um modelo preliminar que se propõe a investigar o design de participação em contexto museológico. O sistema, que tem como palco de ações o complexo do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, pressupõe a participação de estudantes de Ensino Médio em uma atividade programada pela equipe do Museu do Meio Ambiente. A matéria de contribuição dos alunos participantes é a fotografia produzida a partir do uso de dispositivos móveis / A participatory culture is emerging amid the fast propagation of media technologies that make it possible to produce, archive, appropriate and recirculate informational content. A collaboration logic is observed, made feasible by technical tools that structure the networked knowledge. In this context, the museum performs an effort in order to update itself as an agency of sociocultural representation. In this thesis, we maintain that the social participatory interaction is a path to renew and expand the cultural narratives developed by museums, in respect to its communicational relationship with the audience. Therefore, a system called Reveal was devised: a preliminary model which aims at investigating participation design within a museological context. The system, which is located in Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, presupposes the participation of high school students in an activity elaborated by the Environment Museum team. Participants contribute with photographs captured with mobile devices.

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