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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autonomie in Verbundenheit

Fischer, Ute 25 June 2008 (has links)
Eine Ablösung vom Elternhaus gilt als anthropologisch begründete Entwicklungsaufgabe im Leben jedes Menschen. Dies unterliegt in Familien mit Angehörigen, die als schwer geistig behindert ge-lten, erschwerenden Bedingungen – vor und nach einem Auszug. In Rehabilitationswissenschaft und Forschung fand diese Problematik bisher wenig differenzierte Beachtung. Auf Grundlage einer Aufarbeitung der themenrelevanten wissenschaftlichen Literatur zum Thema Bindung und Ablösung – mit Ableitungen für diese Familien – besteht die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit in der Deskription und Analyse von gelungenen bzw. nicht gelungenen Ablöseprozessen, um den Erkenntnisstand zur Lebenswirklichkeit dieser Familien voranzubringen und die Praxis bei Problemlagen zu unterstützen. Erklärungsmodelle der Bindungstheorie erscheinen in diesem Zusammenhang besonders geeignet, die individuelle Bindungs- und Autonomieentwicklung mit deren Auswirkungen auf Ablösebereitschaft und Trennungsphänomene zu interpretieren. In der vorliegenden qualitativen Längsschnittuntersuchung wurden zwölf Familien über einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren in ihrem Ablöseprozess begleitet. Detaillierte Einzelfallrekonstruktionen beleuchten die familienspezifischen Verarbeitungsformen im Umgang mit dem Auszugserleben. Vorrangig aus Sicht der Eltern werden die erschwerenden und begünstigenden Einflussfaktoren im interaktionalen Geschehen von Eltern, Bewohner/-innen und Mitarbeiter/-innen der aufnehmenden Wohneinrichtung herausgearbeitet. In der kontrastierenden Betrachtung werden die maßgeblichen Variablen von gelingenden Ablöseprozessen übergreifend dargestellt. Zudem wird die besondere Rolle von Problemverhalten exemplarisch erörtert. – Die zentralen Elemente der Ablösebereitschaft und -verarbeitung werden aus bindungstheoretischer Perspektive gebündelt und Folgerungen für die Praxis zur Begleitung und Unterstützung von Bewohner/-innen, Eltern und Mitarbeiter/-innen beim Übergang vom Elternhaus in eine gemeinwesenintegrierte Wohneinrichtung abgeleitet. / The detachment of the parental home is an anthropological developmental task in every individual’s life. However, this process is rarely a matter of course in families with members considered as se-verely intellectually disabled. Difficulties may arise before and after moving out into living facilities. The complex factors that are part of such detachment process have received differentiated attention neither in theory nor in research or practice. Based on a thorough examination of the scientific literature on the topics attachment and detach-ment this dissertation aims at a description and analysis of successful and unsuccessful processes of detachment. It shall thus advance the research on pedagogy for people with an intellectual disability and give practical support in various problematic situations. In this context the attachment theory seems to be especially appropriate to understand and support the development of attachment and autonomy and their impact on separation and detachment from parents. The qualitative longitudinal study on hand accompanied the detachment process within twelve families over a period of about ten years. Their specific competences and ways of coping with the detachment process are analysed and described in detail. The various factors of the interaction be-tween parents, their adult sons and daughters (the residents) and staff of the residential homes in question, that have a positive or negative influence on the detachment process, are predominantly presented from the parents’ perspective. The contrastive examination identifies decisive variables. Besides the role of challenging behaviour of residents during the detachment process is discussed. The findings and consequently parameters for the practical support of residents, parents and staff during the transition from the parental home to community living are summarized according to the attachment theory.

Reconstruction cornéenne : traitement des déficiences en cellules souches limbiques totales et bilatérales associées ou non à une atteinte du stroma / Corneal reconstruction : treatment of limbal stem cells deficiencies with or without stromal lesion

Rovere, Maria 30 November 2018 (has links)
Certaines brûlures oculaires graves ou d'autres pathologies oculaires rares peuvent être associées à une perte totale de cellules souches épithéliales de la cornée (DCSL), ce qui conduit à une opacification de la cornée par invasion de la conjonctive. Lorsque la DCSL est totale et bilatérale, le limbe controlatéral n'est pas disponible pour la greffe de limbe autologue ou la culture de cellules souches autologues limbiques et la transplantation allogénique de la cornée est impossible car toujours rejetée en raison de la néovascularisation. Une thérapie innovante testée avec succès au sein de notre laboratoire, en collaboration avec le service d'ophtalmologie des HCL, consiste en une greffe autologue de Feuillet Epithélial (FE) dérivé de Muqueuse Orale (MO). Cette approche permet de restaurer la transparence et autorise, si nécessaire, une greffe cornéenne complémentaire. Cette technique a montré son efficacité lors d'un essai clinique conduit dans notre hôpital mais le dispositif breveté permettant le détachement non enzymatique des feuillets cultivés n'est plus disponible en Europe. Nous avons donc mis au point un nouveau procédé de production de FE dérivant de la MO dont la preuve de concept a été obtenue à partir d'études in-vitro et ex-vivo. En effet, un détachement avec 0,5 mg / mL de collagénase n'endommage pas le FE de MO et les protéines de la membrane basale, et, dans un modèle de stroma porcin exvivo, ces feuillets adhérents au stroma, continuent à se renouveler sous la forme d'épithélium différencié. De plus, dans le cas d'une opacité stromale associée à une DCSL, une greffe secondaire de cornée est nécessaire pour améliorer l'Acuité Visuelle (AV), c'est pourquoi nous avons cherché à développer pour ces patients à haut risque de rejet, un stroma décellularisé. Ce stroma pourrait également répondre à la pénurie de cornées dans les pays en voie de développement grâce à sa conservation longue et facile. La lyophilisation a été combinée à la décellularisation des cornées au SDS à 0,1 %, validée sur les cornées humaines sur le maintien de leur transparence et de l'ultrastructure du stroma associé à l'absence des antigènes HLA-ABC et HLA-DR. Enfin, dans un modèle de Kératoplastie Lamellaire Antérieure Profonde (KLAP) ex-vivo, nous avons montré que les cellules épithéliales et stromales de la cornée humaine receveuse colonise le stroma décellularisé. Ainsi, nos travaux permettent de proposer un traitement des DSCL totales et bilatérales associées ou non à une atteinte du stroma / Some severe ocular burns or other rare ocular pathologies may be associated with a complete loss of corneal epithelial stem cells (LSCD), leading to an opacification of the cornea by invasion of the conjunctiva. When DCSL is total and bilateral, contralateral limbus is not available for autologous limb transplant or limbal autologous stem cell culture, and allogeneic transplantation of the cornea is not an option since neovascularization is constantly responsible for graft rejection. An innovative therapy tested with success in our laboratory, in collaboration with the ophthalmology department of the HCL, consists in an autologous Epithelial Cell Sheet (ECS) graft derived from Oral Mucosa (MO). This approach restores transparency and allows in a second step a complementary corneal graft when necessary. This technique has been shown to be effective in a clinical trial conducted in our hospital, but the patented device for the non-enzymatic detachment of cultivated ECS is no longer available in Europe. We have therefore developed a new method for the production of ECS from OM, the proof of concept of which has been obtained from in-vitro and ex-vivo studies. Indeed, detachment with 0.5 mg / mL of collagenase does not damage ECS from OM and basement membrane proteins, and in an ex-vivo porcine stroma model, these cell sheets adhered on corneal stroma, continued to self-renew and generated a differentiated epithelium. Since stromal opacity associated with DCSL requires a secondary corneal graft to improve Visual Acuity (VA), we also sought to develop for these patients with high rejection risk, a new approach for the generation of decellularized stroma. Such a procedure for the production of decellularized stroma was also aimed at allowing a money-saving and reliable long-term storage for stromal grafts and thus circumventing the shortage of corneas in developing countries. Our process, combining lyophilization with decellularization of the corneas at 0.1 % SDS, was validated on human corneas regarding the maintenance of stroma transparency, the stromal ultrastructure associated with the absence of HLA-ABC and HLA-DR antigens. Finally, in an ex-vivo model of Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK), we have shown that the epithelial and stromal cells of the recipient human cornea colonized efficiently the decellularised stroma. Overall, our work makes it possible to propose a treatment for total and bilateral LSCD associated or not with lesions of the stroma

Osvaldo Sánchez's Art Criticism: An Aesthetics of Reconciliation

Pérez-Rementería, Dinorah 01 January 2010 (has links)
Aesthetic criticism very often has been overlooked and considered a lesser form. However, many interpretations, applications and discernments can be obtained from this kind of art writing. Using Osvaldo Sánchez's work as a case study, this thesis examines how writerly art criticism offers an active reading framework of the work of art by using philosophical, literary and poetic constructions. In this regard, I will see how the "writerly" condition has contributed compelling insights to the History of Aesthetics, highlighting the connections and disconnections between Sánchez and other writerly critics, which demonstrates the significance of developing a flexible, available and aesthetic learning model of art appreciation. I will analyze as well various models of experience, subjective and objective, that release certain "openness" as a premise for their existences. Here are included the Kantian sublime, Heidegger's ontological Being, the surrealist cultivation of chance, Kaprow's happenings, and the attitude of disinterest developed by the vanishing poets as defended by the scholar Rafael Hernández Rodríguez. I will show that, by choosing an accommodating approach to discover forms of knowledge, an assortment of valuable empirical content can be found. Finally, I investigate the writerly work of Cuban critic Osvaldo Sánchez that does not adopt a fixed critical pattern. Instead, Sánchez's art writing passes through fields, providing us with a heuristic methodology in which the aesthetic emerges not as a preconditioned set of principles/procedures, but as a true lived experience.

Drawing Lines

Raciborski, Monika Julia 15 May 2008 (has links)
My work uses process as a course of action that marks the death of moments through a continuous stream of consciousness. I metaphorically link disparate pieces of information to the human condition in order to present multiple readings through juxtaposition. I assemble both abstract and figurative subject matter in a collage-like manner through methods of cropping and fragmentation to symbolize the disjuncture I feel is indicative of how we experience the world through short-lived thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Spatial and Temporal Bacterial Community Dynamics in Constructed Wetland Mesocosms

Weber, Kela January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this work was to understand microbial population density and diversity, both spatially and temporally, in wetland mesocosms to gain a better fundamental understanding for use in the optimization and design of constructed wetlands (CWs). A standardized community level physiological profiling (CLPP) data analysis protocol was adapted and utilized for CW mesocosms. A new one-dimensional metric was developed to track community divergence using BIOLOGTM ECO plate data. The method proved easy to use, did not require a background in multivariate statistics, and accurately described community divergence in mesocosm systems. To study mesocosm biofilm-bound bacterial communities an appropriate detachment protocol was required. Various shaking protocols were evaluated for their effectiveness in the detachment of bacteria from mesocosm pea gravel, with a focus on detachment of viable and representative bacterial communities. A protocol based on mechanical shaking with buffer and enzymes was identified as an optimal approach and used further in this study. The bacterial communities associated with the interstitial water, pea gravel media, and rhizospheric regions from both planted and unplanted CW mesocosms were profiled using the CLPP method and compared. Vertical community stratification was observed for all mesocosm systems. Rhizospheric communities were found to be significantly more active than their gravel-associated counterparts, suggesting that although rhizospheric bacteria were less abundant in the mesocosms they may play a more significant role in the removal and fate of water born contaminants. The start-up dynamics of CW mesocosms was investigated using the CLPP and standard CW characterization methods over an eight month period. All mesocosms showed a steep increase in interstitial community divergence until day 75-100, at which point a steady-state was reached. The interstitial communities were also characterized in terms of similarity based on experimental design treatments (planted/unplanted and origin of seeding inoculum). Four stages were identified during the start-up consisting of an initial stage where mesocosm communities were differentiated based on origin of the inoculum, a period where adjustments and shifts occurred in all mesocosm, a time where all mesocosm communities were quite similar, and a final state where community differentiations were made based plant presence in the mesocosms.

Experimental Characterization of Plasma Detachment from Magnetic Nozzles

Olsen, Christopher 16 September 2013 (has links)
Magnetic nozzles, like Laval nozzles, are observed in several natural systems and have application in areas such as electric propulsion and plasma processing. Plasma flowing through these nozzles is inherently tied to the field lines and must separate for momentum redirection or particle transport to occur. Plasma detachment and associated mechanisms from a magnetic nozzle are investigated. Experimental results are presented from the plume of the VASIMR® VX-200 device flowing along an axisymmetric magnetic nozzle and operated at two ion energies to explore momentum dependent detachment. The argon plume expanded into a 150m3 vacuum chamber where the background pressure was low enough that charge-exchange mean-free-paths were longer than experiment scale lengths. This magnetic nozzle system is demonstrated to hydrodynamically scale up to astrophysical plasmas, particularly the solar chromosphere, implying general relevance to all systems. Plasma parameters were mapped over a large spatial range using measurements from multiple plasma diagnostics. The data show that the plume does not follow the magnetic field lines. A mapped integration of the ion flux shows the plume may be divided into three regions where 1) the plume briefly follows the magnetic flux, 2) diverges quadratically before 3) expanding with linear trajectories. Transitioning from region 1→2, the ion flux departs from the magnetic flux suggesting ion detachment. An instability forms in region 2 driving an oscillating electric field that causes ions to expand before enhancing electron cross-field transport through anomalous resistivity. Transitioning from region 2→3 the electric field dissipates, the trajectories linearize, and the plume effectively detaches. A delineation of sub-to-super Alfvénic flow aligns well with the inflection points of the linearization without a change in magnetic topology. The detachment process is best described as a two part process: First, ions detach by a breakdown of the magnetic moment when the quantity |v/fcLB| becomes of order unity. Second, the turbulent electric field enhances electron transport up to a factor of 4±1 above collisional diffusion; electron cross-field velocities approximate that of the ions and depart on more centralized field lines. Electrons are believed to detach by breakdown of magnetic moment further downstream in the weaker magnetic field.

Drawing Lines

Raciborski, Monika Julia 15 May 2008 (has links)
My work uses process as a course of action that marks the death of moments through a continuous stream of consciousness. I metaphorically link disparate pieces of information to the human condition in order to present multiple readings through juxtaposition. I assemble both abstract and figurative subject matter in a collage-like manner through methods of cropping and fragmentation to symbolize the disjuncture I feel is indicative of how we experience the world through short-lived thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Spatial and Temporal Bacterial Community Dynamics in Constructed Wetland Mesocosms

Weber, Kela January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this work was to understand microbial population density and diversity, both spatially and temporally, in wetland mesocosms to gain a better fundamental understanding for use in the optimization and design of constructed wetlands (CWs). A standardized community level physiological profiling (CLPP) data analysis protocol was adapted and utilized for CW mesocosms. A new one-dimensional metric was developed to track community divergence using BIOLOGTM ECO plate data. The method proved easy to use, did not require a background in multivariate statistics, and accurately described community divergence in mesocosm systems. To study mesocosm biofilm-bound bacterial communities an appropriate detachment protocol was required. Various shaking protocols were evaluated for their effectiveness in the detachment of bacteria from mesocosm pea gravel, with a focus on detachment of viable and representative bacterial communities. A protocol based on mechanical shaking with buffer and enzymes was identified as an optimal approach and used further in this study. The bacterial communities associated with the interstitial water, pea gravel media, and rhizospheric regions from both planted and unplanted CW mesocosms were profiled using the CLPP method and compared. Vertical community stratification was observed for all mesocosm systems. Rhizospheric communities were found to be significantly more active than their gravel-associated counterparts, suggesting that although rhizospheric bacteria were less abundant in the mesocosms they may play a more significant role in the removal and fate of water born contaminants. The start-up dynamics of CW mesocosms was investigated using the CLPP and standard CW characterization methods over an eight month period. All mesocosms showed a steep increase in interstitial community divergence until day 75-100, at which point a steady-state was reached. The interstitial communities were also characterized in terms of similarity based on experimental design treatments (planted/unplanted and origin of seeding inoculum). Four stages were identified during the start-up consisting of an initial stage where mesocosm communities were differentiated based on origin of the inoculum, a period where adjustments and shifts occurred in all mesocosm, a time where all mesocosm communities were quite similar, and a final state where community differentiations were made based plant presence in the mesocosms.

Reflecting on a period of change in a governmental development agency : understanding management as the patterning of interaction and politics

Mukubvu, Luke January 2012 (has links)
Management was once described as the art of getting things done through the efforts of oneself and other people (Follett, 1941) and is functionalised through acts of planning, organising, leading and controlling tasks and people for pre-defined objectives. These four cardinal pillars of management are translated into various models, tools and techniques of best practice of how to manage. While acknowledging that the substance of the current management models, tools and techniques have for years broadly contributed to how organisations are run, my research sheds more light on the shortcomings underlying some of the assumptions and ways of thinking behind these models and tools. My research findings based on my experience in working for the Department for International Development suggests that management practice and organisational change occur in the context of human power relationships in which people constrain and enable each other on the basis of human attributes such as identities, attitudes, values, perceptions, emotions, fears, expectations, motives and interests. I argue that these human attributes, human power relations and the totality of human emotions arise in the social, and understanding the ways in which these attributes shape local interaction and daily human relating is critical in making sense of the reality of organisational change and management. I suggest that management practice occurs in the context of everyday politics of human relating. It is that type of politics that takes place within families, groups of people, organisations, communities, and indeed throughout all units of society around the distribution of power, wealth, resources, thoughts and ideas. This way of thinking has enormous implications for the way we conceptualise management theory and practice. I am suggesting that managers do not solely determine, nor do employees freely choose their identities, attitudes, values, perceptions, emotions, fears, expectations and motives. These human dimensions arise from social relationships and personal experiences. As such, it is simply not for a manager to decide or force other employees on which of these human attributes to influence their behaviour. I am arguing that the social nature of management practice and role of human agents is inherently complex and cannot, in the scientific sense, be adequately reduced to discrete, systematic, complete and predictive models, tools and techniques without losing some meaning of what we do in management.

Evaluation der Abzugskräfte von implantatgetragenen Kronengerüsten auf Zirkoniumdioxidbasis in Abhängigkeit von der Abutmentgeometrie und Zementierungsart / Evaluation of detachment forces of implant-based crown frames on a zirconium dioxide basis as a function of abutment geometry and manner of cementation

Kloß, Janine Lydia 07 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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