Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deterioration"" "subject:"eterioration""
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Avaliação da degradação biótica do poli(ácido lático), do polipropileno e suas misturas pela ação de fungos basidiomicetosMenegotto, Morgana 31 October 2014 (has links)
Resíduos poliméricos, quando destinados em ambientes inadequados, associados a sua resistência à degradação, podem promover poluição ambiental. Desta forma, estudos que possibilitam favorecer a degradação de alguns polímeros vêm crescendo e são considerados como alternativa para os atuais problemas de poluição ambiental. Outra alternativa que possibilita alterar características de interesse dos polímeros é por meio do desenvolvimento de misturas poliméricas, sendo que suas propriedades físicas e químicas podem ser alteradas para uma vasta gama de aplicações, proporcionando desempenho desejável ao produto final. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida misturas poliméricas entre o polipropileno (PP), polímero sintético, e o poli(ácido lático) (PLA), polímero biodegradável com e sem a presença de agente compatibilizante (AC) a base de PP modificado com anidrido maleico. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as propriedades da mistura de PLA e PP sem e com a presença de agente compatibilizante, bem como a ação de 10 fungos asidiomicetos isolados dos biomas mata atlântica e pampa na degradação individualmente dos polímeros e da mistura de PLA/PP. As misturas poliméricas foram produzidas por processo de extrusão e injeção e verificadas as propriedades morfológicas, térmicas, químicas e mecânicas. Para o processo de degradação biológica em cultivo sólido in vitro foram produzidos filmes de PP, PLA e suas misturas, por moldagem por compressão. Os polímeros puros foram submetidos à exposição aos 10 fungos por períodos de 14, 28 e 75 dias a 28°C sendo os fungos Trametes villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6, Schizophyllum cf. commune (Fr.) 85E.16 e Auricularia bull Ex. Juss. 551.9B os que proporcionaram indícios de degradação nos filmes de PLA e o fungo T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6 nos filmes de PP. A mistura de PLA/AC/PP (75/3/25) selecionada por apresentar maior caráter hidrofílico, foi submetida à exposição ao fungo T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6 por 14, 28 e 60 dias a 28°C. Após o período avaliado, foram verificadas as propriedades físicas (perda de massa), morfológicas (microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura) e características químicas (espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier). Como resultados das propriedades das misturas, estas mostraram-se imiscíveis e as propriedades mecânicas foram inferiores as do PLA, sem alteração da estabilidade térmica e mudança da hidrofilia com o aumento de PP. O PLA diminuiu sua cristalinidade após o processamento e o PP aumentou. Foram produzidos extratos em cultivo líquido do PLA com os fungos T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6, S. cf. commune (Fr.) 85E.16 e A. bull Ex. Juss. 551.9B e do PP com o fungo T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6, contudo as enzimas não foram eficientes quanto a degradação biológica nos caldos. Os fungos que apresentaram maior potencial de degradação em cultivo sólido do PLA foram o T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6, S. cf. commune (Fr.) 85E.16 e A. bull Ex. Juss 551.9B e para o PP foi o fungo T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6; evidenciado na colonização da superfície com remoção de material após 28 e 75 dias de incubação. O fungo T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6 utilizado no processo de degradação em cultivo sólido da mistura PLA/AC/PP (75/3/25) propiciou que fosse identificado indícios de degradação nos períodos estudados. / Bolsa de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação / Polymeric wastes when intended improperly, associated with its resistance to degradation may promote environmental pollution. Therefore, studies involving the degradation of some polymers are considered as an alternative to current environmental pollution problems. Another alternative that allows changing the characteristics of interest of the polymers is through the development of polyblends, and their physical and chemical properties can be changed to a wide range of applications, providing desirable performance to the final product. In this work were used polypropylene (PP), synthetic polymer, and polylactic acid (PLA), biodegradable polymer with and without the presence of compatibilizer (AC) based maleic anhydride modified PP. The objective of this study was to evaluate the properties of the blend of PLA and PP with and without the presence of compatibilizer as well the action of 10 basidiomycete fungi isolated from biomes, rainforest and pampa in as individually degradation polymers and the blends of PLA/PP. Polyblends of PP and PLA with and without the presence of a compatibilizer were produced by extrusion and injection process and morphological analysis, thermal, chemical and mechanical properties. For the process of biological degradation in solid culture in vitro were produced films of PP, PLA and their blend by compression molding. The pure polymers were subjected to exposure to the ten basidiomycete fungi for a period of 14, 28 and 75 days at 28°C, being the fungi Trametes villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6, Schizophyllum cf. commune (Fr.) 85E.16 and Auricularia bull Ex. Juss. 551.9B those who have provided evidence of degradation in the films of PLA and the fungus T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6 in the films of PP. A blend of PLA/AC/PP 75/3/25 selected due to its higher hydrophilic character, was subjected to exposure to the fungus T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6 during 14, 28 and 60 days at 28°C. After the evaluation period the physical properties (weight loss), morphological (light microscopy and scanning lectron microscopy) and chemical characteristics (infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform) were observed. As a result of the properties of the blends, these proved to be immiscible, and the mechanical properties were lower than those of the PLA, without change in thermal stability and change in hydrophilicity with PP increasing. PLA decreased crystallinity after processing and PP increased. The solutions produced in liquid culture of the PLA with fungi T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6, S. cf. commune (Fr.) 85E.16 and A. bull Ex Juss. 551.9B and PP with the fungus T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6, however, the enzymes were not as efficient biological degradation in the broth. The fungi that showed higher degradation potential in solid culture of PLA were the T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6, S. cf. commune (Fr.) 85E.16 and A. bull Ex. Juss 551.9B below those reported in the literature time and the PP, the fungus T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6.; it promoted surface changes with removal of material after 28 and 75 days of incubation. The fungus T. villosa (Sw.) Kreisel 82I.6 used in the process of degradation in solid culture blend PLA/AC/PP (75/3/25), was identified that provided evidence of degradation during periods of exposure this study.
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Estudo comparativo dos inibidores benzotriazol e tolitriazol na oxidação de materiais ferrosos em meio de ácido sulfúrico / Comparative study of benzotriazole and tolitriazole inhibitors in the oxidation of ferrous materials in sulfuric acid mediumMaico Taras da Cunha 26 August 2003 (has links)
Foi feito um estudo comparativo da ação inibidora dos compostos benzotriazol (BTAH) e tolitriazol (TTAH) sobre a oxidação de metais ferrosos e sobre a reação H+/H2, sobre ferro, em meios de ácido sulfúrico. Foram estudados, como metais ferrosos, o ferro puro (99,9% de pureza), em meio de H2SO4 0,5molL-1, o aço carbono 1008, em H2SO4 0,5mol L-1e o aço inoxidável 304, em meio de H2SO4 4,5 mol L-1. Foram empregadas, como técnicas, medidas de potencial de circuito aberto em função do tempo, ensaios gravimétricos, curvas de polarização potenciostáticas, voltametria linear com eletrodo parado e com eletrodo de disco rotativo, cronoamperometria, espectroscopia por impedância eletroquímica, espectroscopia Raman e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os compostos BTAH e TTAH atuaram como inibidores para os três materiais ferrosos estudados. No caso do aço carbono 1008 e do aço inoxidável 304, os efeitos dos dois inibidores se comparam e, para uma concentração igual a 1,0 x 10-2 mol L-1 apresentam uma eficiência máxima de 98%, verificada por técnicas estacionárias e não estacionárias. O TTAH, em mais baixa concentração, se mostrou melhor inibidor para o aço carbono, enquanto para o aço inoxidável 304 foi tão bom inibidor quanto o BTAH. Análise das superfícies por MEV mostrou que os inibidores não impedem a dissolução das inclusões presentes nos aços estudados, permitindo o ataque localizado no entorno das mesmas, no caso do aço 304. Os compostos BTAH e TTAH se mostraram inibidores menos efetivos para o ferro, com eficiências comparáveis e iguais a 60% na concentração mais elevada estudada, 1,0 x 10-2 mol L-1 . O estudo da oxidação do ferro, na região de Tafel, empregando impedância eletroquímica, mostrou que o BTAH e o TTAH atuam de forma comparável, formando um complexo com o intermediário Fe (II) adsorvido. Ensaios por espectroscopia Raman in situ revelaram que há formação de complexos de ferro com o BTAH e TTAH. Os resultados de impedância eletroquímica, juntamente com os de espectroscopia Raman do complexo Fe(II)BTA sólido levaram à conclusão de que o filme inibidor sobre ferro é o próprio complexo Fe(II)BTA. Estudos de polarização catódica sobre ferro, em meio desaerado, mostraram que tanto o BTAH quanto o TTAH inibem a reação H+/H2, através da formação de um filme que obedece à isoterma de adsorção de Langmuir. Valores de ΔGº de adsorção sugerem que a adsorção é de natureza química, o que foi confirmado por espectroscopia Raman. Estudos empregando voltametria de baixa velocidade de varredura, com eletrodo de disco rotativo, mostraram que a ação inibidora é favorecida pelo maior transporte de massa à superfície do eletrodo de ferro. Os resultados de impedância permitiram sugerir dois diferentes mecanismos para a ação dos inibidores sobre o processo de oxidação do ferro em meio de ácido sulfúrico. / A comparative study of the inhibitor behavior of benzotriazol (BTAH) and tolitriazol (TTAH) over the oxidation of ferrous metals and over the reaction H+/H2, over iron in sulfuric acid media has been performed. The ferrous metals studied were pure Iron (99.9% purity) and carbon steel 1008, both in 0.5 mol.L-1 H2SO4 and 304 stainless steel in 4.5 mol.L-1 H2SO4. The techniques employed were, open circuit potential vs. time, gravimetry, potentiostatic polarization curves, linear voltammetry with both stationary and rotating disk electrodes, chronoamperometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). BTAH and TTAH have shown to act as inhibitors for the three studied ferrous metals. The inhibiting effect of these compounds was analogous for both carbon steel 1008 and 304 stainless steel. Furthermore stationary and non-stationary techniques have shown that both inhibitors exhibited the maximum of efficiency (98%) in 1.0 x 10-2 mol.L-1. For the lowest studied concentration, TTAH exhibited a better inhibiting effect over the carbon steel, while for the 304 stainless steel TTAH and BTAH presented the same inhibiting efficiency. SEM Analysis of the surfaces showed that the inhibitors do not avoid the dissolution of the inclusions that exist in the studied steels, instead, for 304 stainless steel they permit a localized attack on the contour of the inclusions. Both BTAH and TTAH have shown a less effective inhibitory effect for iron with 60% of efficiency for the highest studied concentration (1.0 x 10-2 mol.L-1). The study of the oxidation of iron performed on the Tafel region by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy showed that both BTAH and TTAH act similarly, forming a complex with the adsorbed intermediary Fe(II). Raman spectroscopy measurements performed in situ indicated the formation of iron complexes with BTAH and TTAH. The analysis of the results obtained for the complex Fe(II)BTA with both electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy techniques revealed that this complex forms the inhibitor film. Cathodic polarization studies performed for iron in dearated media showed that both BTAH and TTAH forma film that obeys to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm on the iron surface which inhibits the H+/H2 reaction. Furthermore ΔGº adsorption values suggest that the adsorption is chemical in nature which was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Low rate voltammetry studies performed with rotating disk electrode, showed that the inhibitory effect is favored by the mass transport towards the iron electrode surface. From the impedance spectroscopy results two different mechanisms could be proposed to the inhibitor effect over the process of iron oxidation in sulfuric acid media.
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Armazenamento de sementes de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K. Schum.) / Storage of cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K. Schum.) seedsEniel David Cruz 14 February 2007 (has links)
Sementes de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K, Schum.) são recalcitrantes e requerem conhecimento sobre os fatores que afetam a manutenção da qualidade. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do teor de água das sementes e da temperatura do ambiente na manutenção da qualidade das sementes em três ensaios. Inicialmente foram avaliados os efeitos do dessecamento na qualidade das sementes; posteriormente, os efeitos das temperaturas de 10°C, 15°C e 20°C foram avaliados sobre as sementes armazenadas por períodos de zero, cinco, 10, 15, 20 e 25 horas; finalmente, os efeitos dos graus de umidade (59,4%, 51,6%, 42,4%, 35,4% e 28,7%) e das temperaturas (20°C e ambiente não controlado) em sementes acondicionadas em sacos de polietileno foram avaliados em intervalos de 15 dias, durante dois meses. Para todos os ensaios foram realizadas avaliações de umidade, germinação e vigor. A dessecação de sementes de cupuaçu até 41,4% de água não afeta a sua qualidade fisiológica e, ao atingirem 14,6% de água as sementes morrem. Entre as temperaturas testadas, a de 20°C foi a que proporcionou melhor desempenho das sementes durante o armazenamento. A combinação do grau de umidade de 59,4% e temperatura de 20°C, juntamente as combinações do grau de umidade de 51,6% e temperaturas 20°C e ambiente não controlado, possibilitam o armazenamento das sementes por até 60 dias. / Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K, Schum.) has recalcitrant seeds which require knowledge on the factors that affect their quality during the storage. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of seed moisture content and ambient temperature during the storage. Firstly, it was evaluated the effects of desiccation on seed quality. Afterward, it was evaluated the effects of temperatures (10°C, 15°C and 20°C) and storage periods (zero, five, 10, 15, 20 and 25 hours). Finally, it was evaluated the effects of seed moisture contents (59.4%, 51.6%, 42.4%, 35.4% and 28.7%) and temperatures (20°C and ambient with no control temperature) on packed seeds in polyethylene bags evaluated at intervals of 15 days for two months. For all experiments it was quantified seed moisture content, germination and vigor. Cupuassu seeds can be desiccated to as low as 41.4% of moisture content with no reduction of the physiological quality, and at 14.6 of moisture content all seeds were dead. Temperature of 20°C was that which maintain initial seed quality for 25 hours. Association of the seed moisture content 59.4% with temperature of 20°C and moisture content of 51.6% with 20°C and ambient with no control temperature make possible seed storage for 60 days.
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Testes de vigor para avaliação do portencial fisiológico de sementes de abóbora(Cucurbita moschata Duch.) / Vigor tests for evaluation of physiological potential of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita moschata Duch.)Calheiros, Verônica Schinagl 12 November 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-12 / The need for obtaining reliable results in a relatively short period of time, to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds, has increased the interest in the use of vigor tests more sensitive for lots selection, supplementing the information of the germination test. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different tests to determine the physiological potential of pumpkin seeds. It was used five batches of pumpkin seeds, Menina Brasileira Precoce cultivar. It was performed evaluations of water content, germination, germination speed index, emergence speed index, emergence in greenhouse and field, length and dry phytomass of aerial part, root and total of seedling. It was conducted the accelerated aging test in the respective methodologies: traditional - water (RH = 100%), saturated saline solution - 40g NaCl/100ml (RH = 76%) and non saturated saline solution - 11g NaCl/100ml (RH = 88 %) at 41°C, for periods of 48 and 72 hours. And the controlled deterioration test, with adjustment of seeds water content to 25% at 41°C, for 24 and 48hours. The trial was conducted in a randomized design with four replications. The trial was conducted in a randomized design, the averages for each lot in each assessment were compared with Tukey test, at probability level of 5% and were compared by linear correlation test. It was noted that controlled deterioration tests for 48hs and accelerated aging using non saturated saline solution for 48hs are efficient to evaluate the physiological potential of pumpkin seed lots. / A necessidade de obtenção de resultados confiáveis em período de tempo relativamente curto, na avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes, tem aumentado o interesse na utilização de testes de vigor mais sensíveis para seleção de lotes, complementando as informações do teste de germinação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência de diferentes testes para determinação do potencial fisiológico de sementes de abóbora. Utilizaram-se cinco lotes de sementes de abóbora, cultivar Menina Brasileira Precoce. Realizaram-se avaliações quanto ao teor de água, germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, índice de velocidade de emergência, emergência em estufa e em campo, comprimento e fitomassa seca de parte aérea, raiz e total das plântulas. Foram conduzidos os testes de envelhecimento acelerado nas metodologias: tradicional - água (UR=100%), solução salina saturada - 40g de NaCl/100mL (UR=76%) e solução salina não saturada - 11g de NaCl/100mL (UR= 88%), a 41°C, por períodos de 48 e 72 horas. E o teste de deterioração controlada, com ajuste do teor de água das sementes para 25%, a 41°C, durante 24 e 48h. O ensaio foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. O ensaio foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, as médias obtidas por lote, em cada avaliação, foram comparadas com o teste de Tukey em nível de probabilidade de 5% e foram comparadas pelo teste de correlação linear. Observou-se que os testes de deterioração controlada por 48h e envelhecimento acelerado utilizando solução salina não saturada por 48h são eficientes para avaliação do potencial fisiológico de lotes de sementes de abóbora.
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An Expert System Integrated with a Bridge Information Management System (BrIMS), Cost Estimating, Deterioration Forecasting, and Linear Scheduling at the Conceptual Design StageMarkiz, Nizar January 2018 (has links)
Major bridge stakeholders such as federal and provincial transportation agencies are in dire need for objective knowledge-based systems that assist decision-makers in the selection of bridge type. Besides that, estimating bridge construction costs at the conceptual design stage is an increasing necessity for accurate budgeting and effective allocation of funding. Whilst multiple bridge management systems have already been developed; they still possess major drawbacks pertaining to interoperability and integration with complex time and cost optimization-related problem solving. In another perspective, infrastructure restoration has been backlogged with multifaceted factors that have captured the attention of municipal and federal authorities. Several successful integrations of bridge information management systems (BrIMS) with decision support systems and computer-aided engineering design solutions have significantly leveraged downstream processes of bridge maintenance operations and inspired many researchers. The subjective nature of evaluating bridge conditions and deteriorations is the main factor that influences bridge maintenance, repair, and replacement decisions. In order to overcome this shortcoming, the objectives of this study are intended to demonstrate the viability of integrating a decision support system with a stochastic gamma deterioration model utilizing a probabilistic fuzzy logic strategic approach at the conceptual design stage.
In summary, this study presents a systematic multi-objective knowledge-based approach for selecting bridge type, forecasting elemental deteriorations, linear scheduling, and estimating construction costs at the conceptual design stage. The proposed methodology comprises a framework to deploy a system that automatically generates conceptual cost estimates by integrating objective functions with bridge information modeling (BrIM) through an external data interchange protocol in synchrony with interoperability standards. Deployment of the developed system shall minimize the degree of subjectivity involved while decision makings pertaining to bridge projects and assists designers and cost engineers obtain results in an integrated quantitative, qualitative, and systematic manner. The successful deployment of the expert system signifies a technological achievement of novelty pertaining to the integration of bridge information modeling (BrIM) concept with probabilistic fuzzy logic strategic approaches at the conceptual design stage of bridges.
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Deterioration of railway track due to dynamic vehicle loading and spatially varying track stiffnessFrohling, Robert Desmond 12 January 2009 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Civil Engineering / unrestricted
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Interregional ecology - resource flows and sustainability in a globalizing worldKissinger, Meidad 11 1900 (has links)
In a globalizing world, trade has become essential to supporting the needs and wants of billions of people. Virtually everyone now consumes resource commodities and manufactured products traded all over the world; the ecological footprints of nations are now scattered across the globe.
The spatial separation of material production (resource exploitation) from consumption eliminates negative feedbacks from supporting eco-systems. Most consumers remain unaware of the impacts that their trade dependence imposes on distant ecosystems (out of sight out of mind).
I take the first steps in developing a conceptual and practical framework for an ‘interregional ecology’ approach to exploring and analyzing sustainability in an increasingly interconnected world.
Such an approach accounts for some of the ‘externalities’ of globalization and international trade. It underscores the increasing dependence and impact of almost any country on resources originating from others and recognizes that the sustainability of any specified region may be increasingly linked to the ecological sustainability of distant supporting regions.
I empirically describe and quantify some of the interregional material linkages between selected countries. I document the flows of renewable resources into the U.S. and quantify the U.S. external material footprint (EF) on specific countries. I then document the physical inputs involved in production of most agricultural export products from Costa Rica and Canada. Finally, I focus on major export products such as bananas, coffee and beef in Costa Rica and agricultural activities in
the Canadian Prairies and document some of the ecological consequences (loss of habitat, soil degradation, water contamination and biodiversity loss) of that production. My research findings
show increasing U.S. imports, increasing reliance on external sources and growing external ecological footprints. They also show how production activities mostly for overseas consumption led to changes in ecological structure and function in the studied export countries.
This dissertation adds a missing trans-national dimension to the sustainability debate effectively integrating the policy and planning domain for sustainability in one region with that in others.
While my research focuses mainly on documenting the nature and magnitude of interregional connections I also consider some of the implications of the interregional approach for sustainability planning. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate
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A Framework for Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Affected by Reinforcement CorrosionBaingo, Darek January 2012 (has links)
Corrosion of reinforcing bars is the major cause of deterioration of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and many coastal regions around the world. This deterioration leads to a loss of serviceability and functionality and ultimately affects the structural safety. The objective of this research is to formulate and implement a general stochastic finite element analysis (SFEA) framework for the time-dependent reliability analysis of RC beams with corroding flexural reinforcement. The framework is based on the integration of nonlinear finite element and reliability analyses through an iterative response surface methodology (RSM). Corrosion-induced damage is modelled through the combined effects of gradual loss of the cross-sectional area of the steel reinforcement and the reduction bond between steel and concrete for increasing levels of corrosion. Uncertainties in corrosion rate, material properties, and imposed actions are modelled as random variables. Effective implementation of the framework is achieved by the coupling of commercial finite element and reliability software. Application of the software is demonstrated through a case study of a simply-supported RC girder with tension reinforcement subjected to the effects of uniform (general) corrosion, in which two limit states are considered: (i) a deflection serviceability limit state and (ii) flexural strength ultimate limit state. The results of the case study show that general corrosion leads to a very significant decrease in the reliability of the RC beam both in terms of flexural strength and maximum deflections. The loss of strength and serviceability was shown to be predominantly caused by the loss of bond strength, whereas the gradual reduction of the cross-sectional area of tension reinforcement was found to be insignificant. The load-deflection response is also significantly affected by the deterioration of bond strength (flexural strength and stiffness). The probability of failure at the end of service life, due to the effects of uniform corrosion-induced degradation, is observed to be approximately an order of magnitude higher than in the absence of corrosion. Furthermore, the results suggest that flexural resistance of corroded RC beams is controlled by the anchorage (bond) of the bars and not by the yielding of fully bonded tensile reinforcement at failure. This is significant since the end regions can be severely corroded due to chloride, moisture, and oxygen access at connections and expansion joints. The research strongly suggests that bond damage must be considered in the assessment of the time-dependent reliability of RC beams subjected to general corrosion.
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Biodegradable polymer composites : synthesis, properties and application in water purificationVilakati, Gcina Doctor 02 May 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. / The addition of lignocellulosic fibres to thermoplastic polymers is known to increase the toughness of the polymers but it compromises the tensile strength. On the other hand, inorganic fillers like TiO2 are known to improve the tensile strength of polymers. These plant fibres have been used as adsorbents of metal pollutants in water. Best results were obtained when such materials were ground to fine powder but due to low density, the fibres float and form aggregates in water. Being highly biodegradable in nature makes plant fibres unsuitable for water treatment over lengthy periods of time. They cannot be used as standalone materials. Mixing these adsorbents with polymers, which cannot only act as support for the adsorbents but also disperse the fibres within it thus preventing leaching, is a cause for concern. This study was aimed at fabricating plant fibre-polymer composites that will have improved mechanical and thermal properties. These composites were to be tested for their ability to be used as metal ion adsorbents. The composites were fabricated using a melt-mix compounding method. Two thermoplastic polymers, EVA and PCL were each mixed with either lignin or SCB and TiO2 in different ratios. A rheomex mixer coupled with a single screw extruder which was attached to a sheet die was used to synthesise the composites. TGA and DSC were used for thermal propagation while the mechanical properties were investigated using an instron. Metal ion adsorption measurements were analysed using an atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). These adsorbents were used to remove Cr(VI), Cr(III) and Pb(II), varying different environmental parameters like pH, concentration, time and adsorbent at constant temperature. The reinforcing effect of both lignin and SCB resulted to poor thermal and mechanical properties. This was shown by a decrease in onset degradation temperature and the tensile and toughness of the composites compared to the neat polymers. The incorporation of TiO2 on SCB-EVA composites, however, improved the mechanical strength and resulted in a thermally stable composite compared to counterpart composites without TiO2. This observation was surpassed at high filler loading as the addition of TiO2 resulted in a decrease of the properties. For the tensile strength, neat EVA recorded 11.35 MPa while 2% TiO2-EVA registered 12.49 MPa for example. For the same composite, the onset degradation temperature for EVA was 353 oC but shifted to 368 oC after the addition of TiO2. At higher filler loading, no effect was observed when adding TiO2.
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Avaliação do potencial antimicrobiano e antioxidante do extrato de jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) microencapsulado adicionado em linguiça frescal e mortadela / Evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of microencapsulated jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) extract added to fresh sausage and mortadellaJuliana Cristina Baldin 25 February 2016 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi utilizar o extrato de jabuticaba microencapsulado como corante e avaliar o seu potencial antimicrobiano e antioxidante em produtos cárneos embutidos do tipo linguiça frescal e mortadela, em substituição ao corante tradicionalmente utilizado carmim de cochonilha. Uma primeira etapa consistiu na avaliação in vitro da capacidade antioxidante e antimicrobiana do extrato de jabuticaba aquoso e microencapsulado. O extrato de jabuticaba foi obtido a partir do resíduo do despolpamento da fruta, com posterior desidratação (microencapsulação) por spray dryer, utilizando maltodextrina como agente carreador. A caracterização foi efetuada por determinação do teor de antocianinas e identificação destas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e espectrometria de massas (MS), determinação da sua capacidade antioxidante pelos métodos Folin-Ciocalteu, capacidade redutora do ferro no plasma (FRAP) e capacidade antioxidante pelo radical DPPH. As características físicas avaliadas no extrato aquoso foram o valor de pH e o teor de sólidos solúveis. O potencial antimicrobiano foi determinado pelo método da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) sobre as bactérias Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli e Salmonella Enteritidis. O extrato de jabuticaba microencapsulado (EJM) foi utilizado para a elaboração de linguiça frescal e mortadela em duas diferentes concentrações: 2 e 4% de EJM para a linguiça frescal e 2% para mortadela. A linguiça frescal (à base de carne suína) e a mortadela (à base de carne bovina e carne mecanicamente separada de frango) foram avaliadas quanto à estabilidade durante armazenamento refrigerado a 1±1 e 4±1°C, por 15 e 56 dias, respectivamente. Os produtos foram caracterizados quanto à composição centesimal e foram realizadas análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais. Os resultados encontrados para a linguiça frescal confirmaram que o uso de 2% e 4% de EJM contribuíram para reduzir a oxidação lipídica durante os 15 dias de armazenamento e nas análises microbiológicas o EJM contribuiu para reduzir a contagem de microrganismos por quatro dias quando comparado com a linguiça controle (sem adição de EJM). A análise sensorial comprovou que 2% de EJM não comprometeu a maioria dos atributos sensoriais avaliados, com exceção da coloração mais escura. Recomenda-se, portanto, a utilização de 2% de EJM na produção de linguiça frescal. Nas mortadelas, os resultados não diferiram quando se comparou os produtos com 2% de EJM e sem adição do extrato (controle), porém, a utilização de 2% de EJM pode ser considerada uma alternativa interessante devido as demandas atuais por novas fontes de baixo custo e a utilização de pigmentos naturais que possam ser benéficos à saúde. Com estes resultados, pode-se dizer que o aproveitamento de cascas de jabuticaba oriundos do processamento da fruta, na forma de extrato microencapsulado, pode representar uma boa alternativa como corante natural, trazendo uma nova concepção da utilização de produtos mais saudáveis em linguiça frescal e mortadela. / The objective of this study was to use jabuticaba extract microencapsulated as dye and evaluate its antimicrobial and antioxidant potential in fresh sausage and mortadella, replacing the traditionally used dye cochineal carmine. The first step was to evaluate in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of aqueous and microencapsulated jabuticaba extract. The extract was obtained from the the waste of fruit pulping, with subsequent dehydration (microencapsulation) by spray dryer using maltodextrin as carrier agent. The characterization was carried out by determining and identifying anthocyanins by high-performance liquid chromatography (CLAE) and mass spectrometry (MS), determining the antioxidant capacity by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, reducing capacity of iron in plasma (FRAP) and antioxidant activity by DPPH radical. Physical characteristics evaluated in the aqueous extract were pH value and soluble solids content. The antimicrobial potential was determined by the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella Enteritidis. Microencapsulated jabuticaba extract (MJE) was used for the preparation of fresh sausage and mortadella in two different concentrations: 2 and 4% EJM for fresh sausage and 2% for mortadella. The fresh sausage (pork) and mortadella (beef and mechanically separated meat chicken) were evaluated for stability during refrigerated storage at 1±1 and 4±1°C for 15 and 56 days, respectively. The products were characterized for centesimal composition and were carried out physical-chemical, microbiological and sensorial analysis. The results for fresh sausage confirmed that the use of 2% and 4% EJM contributed to reduce lipid oxidation during the 15 days of storage and MJE contributed to reduce the microorganisms counts for four days when compared to the control sausage. Sensory analysis proved that 2% MJE did not compromise the majority of sensory attributes evaluated, but the darker color. It is recommended, therefore, the use of 2% MJE for producing fresh sausages. Regarding mortadella, the results did not differ when compared 2% EJM and control, attesting that the 2% EJM can be considered an interesting alternative because of the current demands for new low-cost sources and using natural pigments, what can be beneficial to health. Considering the results, it can be state that the use of jabuticaba peel from fruit processing as microencapsulated extract can represent a good alternative as a natural dye, bringing a new conception of healthier products in fresh sausage and mortadella.
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