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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att leva med diabetes typ 2 : En litteraturbaserad studie / Living with diabetes typ 2 : A literature-based study

Zander, Fatima, Nilsson, Judith January 2021 (has links)
Background: Diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly and will be one of the future leading causesof death globally. Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) is the most common type of diabetes and is a chronic and lifelong illness that can affect people of all ages. The disease causes suffering and affects the patient's quality of life. Ability to self-care is very important to avoid complications associated with the illness. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate patient´s experience of living with DMT2 Method: A literature-based study consisting of twelve articles based on qualitative research was conducted and analyzed with the help of the five-stage model of Friberg. Results: The result show that people`s experiences of living with type 2 diabetes are initially about being a disease where emotional emotions dominated and where health care and the support of relatives was important. The experiences were also about managing one´s self-care with the impact of diet, creating activity in everyday life and dealing with one´s treatment. They tried to find a new identity through acceptance, living with limitations in everyday life and a concern for the future.  Conclusion: The results show that the experiences of living with diabetes type 2 varies from person to person and every person have to live with challenges like lifestyle change. A diabetic needs help, motivation, understanding, instruction and support from health professionals as well as family and friends to manage the illness, improve their well-being, overcome and deal with the challenges. / Diabetes är en sjukdom som ökar i omfattning och drabbar många människor. Den är en av den främsta dödsorsaken i världen. Diabetes typ 2 är den vanligaste typen och räknas som en livslång och kronisk sjukdom. Hos drabbade kontrolleras sjukdomen för att öka möjligheten till välbefinnande, hälsa samt att undvika komplikationer. Studien syfte var att belysa personensupplevelse av att leva med diabetes typ 2. Den är litteraturbaserad och inkluderar tolv vetenskapliga artiklar som analyserades. Resultatet visade tre huvudteman och nio subteman. Studien belyser hur personer med diabetes typ 2 upplever att leva med sjukdomen och dess behandling. Det visade sig skillnad mellan upplevelse hos diabetiker inom olika kulturer och härkomst. Personer som kommer från länder med stark kulturell integritet upplevde svårigheter att hantera diabeteskosten. Deras traditioner var stark kopplad till matvanor som gjorde att kostförändringar visade sig svåra att genomföra. Det innebär en upplevelse av utanförskap när det gäller umgänge, firande med släkt och vänner. Dessutom framkom det att dessa personer upplevde fysisk aktivitet så som oviktig att genomföra, medan medicinsk behandling ansågs som mer betydelsefull. Personer med diabetes typ 2 från västvärlden upplevde fysisk aktivitet som positivt och värdefullt. Flertalet kvinnliga diabetiker oavsett härkomst upplevde livsförändringarna som krävande. Dels att ständigt behöva anpassa matlagning och att vara begränsade när det gäller kosten i övrigt. Kvinnliga diabetiker upplevde dessutom att familjelivet blev försämrat efter diagnosen och att de saknade stöd och uppmuntran från sina närmaste. Desto längre tid som diabetiker levde med sjukdomen desto mer ökade förståelsen kring sjukdomen. Det innebar ökad förmåga att hanterade sin hälsa på ett adekvat sätt och en lägre stress kring sjukdomen och behandling.  Resultat visade att upplevelse av att leva med diabetes typ 2 varierar hos individer. För att diabetiker ska kunna bibehålla sin hälsa måste de genomföra livsstilsförändringar. Dessa förändringar medför stora utmaningar. Det behövs kunskap, acceptans och vårdens vägledning för att individer med diabetes typ 2 ska kunna uppnå sina mål. En diabetiker behöver också uppmuntran och förståelse från sin familj och vänner för att kunna hantera sin sjukdom, förbättra välbefinnande men också att övervinna och hantera utmaningarna.

Motiverande samtal mellan sjuksköterskan och personer med diabetes typ 2 – en litteraturöversikt / Motivational interviewing between nurses and people with type 2 diabetes - a literature review

Kilander, Mona, Bergsten, Liselotte January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet personer med diabetes i världen ökar. Det har blivit en global epidemi. Risken för dödsfall bland människor med diabetes, är ungefär dubbelt så stor, som för människor i samma ålder utan diabetes. Diabetes typ 2 (DT2) är den vanligaste typen av diabetes. Inom hälso- och sjukvården används alltmer motiverande samtal (MI) som behandlingsmetod för livsstilsrelaterade problem som till exempel: kost, motion alkohol och tobak. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskans användning av MI påverkar livsstilsförändringar hos personer med DT2 och deras upplevelse av behandlingen. Metod: En litteraturöversikt. Resultat: MI som behandlingsmetod gav flera positiva hälsoeffekter. Det framgick bland annat genom en sänkning av HbA1c. Även kunskapsnivån gällande livsstilsförändringar ökade efter MI-behandling. Vid användning av MI stärktes personens inneboende motivation till förändring. Slutsats: MI är en relativt ny metod som ännu inte fått stor genomslag inom diabetesvården. MI ger positiva hälsoeffekter som till exempel sänkt HbA1c. Deltagarna blev mer motiverade och medvetna om sitt eget ansvar för att göra livsstilsförändringar. Mer forskning om MI för personer med DT2 behövs. / Background: The number of people in the world with diabetes is on the rise. It has become a global epidemic. The mortality risk among people suffering from diabetes is about twice as large, then for people in the same age without diabetes. Diabetes type 2 (DT2) is the most common form of diabetes. Motivational interviewing (MI) as a method of treatment, has a growing use within the health care sector and is applied to lifestyle related issues such as alcohol, tobacco, diet and exercise. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe how the nurse’s use of MI affect life-style changes in people with DT2 and their experience of the treatment. Method: A literature review. Result: MI, used as a treatment gave several positive health benefits. It showed among other things that HbA1c was lowered. Also the level of knowledge regarding lifestyle changes increased after MI treatment. The use of MI strengthened the person’s intrinsic motivation of change. Conclusion: MI is a relatively new treatment method that still hasn’t received a greater impact within the diabetic health care. MI shows positive health benefits such as a lowered HbA1c. The participants became more motivated and aware of their own responsibility to make life-style changes. More research is needed concerning MI for people with DT2.

The impact of type 2 diabetes-related complications on utility and healthcare costs, and self-reported health related quality of life as a predictor of mortality in diabetes

Alva Chiola, Maria Liliana January 2013 (has links)
Background: This thesis focuses on the economic analyses of type‐2 diabetes complications defined as macro‐vascular (myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemic heart disease, heart failure) and micro‐vascular (amputation and eye‐related complications leading to blindness in one eye). Diabetes‐related complications are a substantial component of the overall economic, physical and psychological burden of the disease. As the efforts in treating diabetes are geared towards reducing the likelihood of complications, understanding the welfare benefits and future savings from reducing diabetes complications is paramount in determining the cost‐effectiveness of competing diabetes therapies. Aims: The thesis is divided into three essays aiming to (1) characterize changes in the health related quality of life of diabetes patients over time and assess the contributions of diabetes complications to these changes; (2) study the drivers of healthcare expenditure for people with diabetes in terms of both inpatient care and non‐inpatient resource utilization, and estimate the impacts of diabetes‐related complications on health care costs; (3) understand the role played by self‐reported quality of life in predicting mortality after controlling for clinical risk factors. Methods: This thesis uses longitudinal data to answer the questions of interest. A unifying theme across the thesis is the challenge of estimating causal parameters in a context in which there may be substantial observed and unobserved patient heterogeneity. Findings: Failing to account for patient heterogeneity, and in particular un‐measurable variation in patients’ outcomes, is likely to bias the impact of complications on quality of life and on non‐inpatient costs, as well as to confound predicted time to death. In the case of QoL, ignoring heterogeneity is likely to overestimate the impact of complications on self reported utility because the patients who will eventually experience diabetes‐related complications are already on a lower utility path compared to those who do not. In the case of both inpatient and non‐inpatient costs, patients who go on to develop complications have higher cost both pre and post complications. In the case of inpatient costs there is no evidence that unobserved patient heterogeneity matters, while in the case of non‐inpatient utilization the hypothesis of a common baseline level of utilization is rejected in the subset of patients that contribute to the FE identification. This subset however is systematically different from the sample as a whole, being predominately more likely to have complications and other causes of hospitalization. Moreover, a trade‐off occurs when we are interested in predictions; models that exploit within‐patient variation have wider confidence intervals and have thus less precision than population average models. The final substantive chapter finds that HRQoL is significantly associated with survival at the population level and that when patient specific unobserved heterogeneity is taken into account, the power of QoL to predict life expectancy increases. Neglected heterogeneity in frailty causes underestimation of both the extent of positive duration dependence and the impacts of time varying covariates.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder och råd till egenvård för att förebygga fotkomplikationer hos personer med diabetes mellitus typ II : En litteraturstudie / Nursing care measures and advice for self-care to prevent foot complications in people with diabetes mellitus type II : A Litterature Review

Johansson, Emma, Westman, Marianne January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ 2 (DMT2) ökar i världen och kan leda till allvarliga fotkomplikationer. Det har påvisats brister i den förbyggande vården för att undvika fotkomplikationer. Sjuksköterskan ansvarar för att stötta personer med DMT2 och målet är att få dem att känna sig självständiga och delaktiga i sin egenvård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa omvårdnadsåtgärder och egenvård som förebygger fotkomplikationer för personer med DMT2 Metod: En litteraturstudie som utgår ifrån 20 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ uppbyggnad. Sökningarna av Artiklarna är sökta i databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed. Samtliga artiklar är kvalitetsgranskade. Resultat: Identifiering av risker är en viktig faktor i förebyggandet av fotkomplikationer. Dagliga inspektioner och undersökningar av fötterna är viktiga egenvårdsråd som sjuksköterskan bör tilldela genom individuell undervisning. Sjuksköterskan skall efter bästa förmåga stötta och motivera personer med DMT2 till god egenvård. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskan bör undervisa och ge personer med DMT2 tillräcklig kunskap, för att självständigt kunna utföra förebyggande egenvård. / Background: Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) increases in the world and can lead to serious foot complications. It has been demonstrated deficiencies in preventive care to avoid foot complications. The nurse is responsible for supporting people with DMT2 and the goal is to get them to feel independent and involved in their self-care. Aim: The aim of the study was to highlight nursing care and self-care to prevent foot complications for people with DMT2 Method: A literature review based on 20 scientific articles by quantitative structure. Articles are searched in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed. All items are quality controlled. Results: Risk identification is a key factor in the prevention of foot complications. Important self-care measures as to inspect and examine their feet daily are substances as the nurse should provide individual instruction in. The nurse shall endeavor to support and motivate people with DMT2 until good self-care. Conclusion: The nurse should teach and give people with DMT2 sufficient knowledge, to independently carry out preventive self-care.

Viktiga faktorer i egenvårdsprogram som främjar livskvaliteten för personer med diabetes typ 2. : En litteraturöversikt / Important factors in self-management programs that promote the quality of life for people with diabetes type 2. : A literature review

Westerberg, Ina, Svärd, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 är en endokrin sjukdom och är en av de största folksjukdomarna i världen. Förhöjda blodsockervärden gör att både små och stora blodkärl tar skada och detta leder till olika komplikationer såsom hjärtinfarkt, stroke och njurskador. Med hjälp av viktnedgång, kostreglering, regelbundet fysisk aktivitet och övervakning av blodglukosnivåerna kan risken för komplikationer förebyggas. Genom att förebygga komplikationer kan livskvaliteten främja patientens dagliga liv. En del av diabetesvården består av egenvårdsprogram där patienten får stöd och rådgivning att hantera sin diabetes. Syfte: Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att studera vilka faktorer i egenvårdsprogram som främjar livskvaliteten hos patienter med diabetes typ 2. Metod: Litteraturstudie, artiklarna söktes i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science. 14 kvantitativa artiklar inkluderades. Resultat: Resultatet visade att information, individuell målsättning och uppföljning var viktiga faktorer i egenvårdsprogrammen för att främja livskvaliteten hos patienter med diabetes typ 2. Slutsats: Att leva med diabetes typ 2 kräver noggrannhet och planering i det dagliga livet. Egenvårdsprogram kan minska risken för komplikationer där följsamhet till egenvården främjas och livskvaliteten gynnas. / Background: Type 2 diabetes is an endocrine disorder and one of the major diseases in the world. Increase in blood sugar levels allows both small and large blood vessels are damaged and this leads to various complications such as heart attack, stroke and kidney damage. Using weight loss, diet control, regular physical activity, and monitoring of blood glucose levels, the risk of complications can be prevent. Preventing complications can promote the quality of life and improve the patient's daily life. In the diabetes care, self- management programs are a part where patients receives support and advice to manage their diabetes. Aim: Important factors in self-management programs that promote the quality of life for patients with diabetes type 2. Method: A literature review, the articles were searched in the databases CINAHL, PubMed and Web of Science. 14 quantitative articles were included. Results: The results showed that information, individual goal setting and follow-up where the key factors in self-care programs for promoting the quality of life in patients with diabetes type 2. Conclusion: Living with type 2 diabetes require precision and planning of daily life. Selfmanagement programs can reduce the risk of complications where adherence to self-care promotion and to promote quality of life.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ-2 : en litteraturstudie / Patients' experiences of living with diabetes type 2 : A literature study

Ardhy, Maya, Lin, Yifeng January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ-2 är en kronisk sjukdom som drabbar mer än 250 miljoner människori världen. Sjukdomen ställer mycket höga krav på egenvård och livsstilförändringar hos deindivider som drabbas. Patienter behöver skaffa nya copingstrategier för att kunna hanteraförändrade livsvillkor och för att kunna leva ett så normalt liv så möjligt trots en kronisksjukdom. Syfte: att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ-2. Metod: Enlitteraturstudie med kvalitativ innehållsanalys av femton vetenskapliga artiklar som varfokuserade på patienters upplevelser. Resultat: Formulerades i fyra huvudkategorier: Accepteraoch förstå sjukdomen, Psykologisk påverkan, Ett nytt vardagsliv och Stöd. Resultatet visade påvikten av acceptans av sjukdomen. Många patienter upplevde negativa känslor relaterade tillsjukdomen som påverkade deras vardagsliv och genomföring av behandlingen. Sjukdomenmedförde livsstilsförändringar angående kost och fysisk aktivitet och sågs både som enutmaning och en chans till förbättrad hälsa. Detta innebar att patienten måste anpassa sig till dennya situationen och hantera vardagslivet på ett nytt sätt. Det framkom också att stöd frånsjukvården, familj, vänner och andra medpatienter upplevdes ha stor betydelse. Slutsats:Patienter har olika upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ-2 och det behövs en merindividanpassad diabetesvård. Stödet patienten får från sjukvården har stor betydelse vidhantering av sjukdomen och patienten behöver skapa nya copingstrategier för att kunna hanterasjukdomen och de förändrade livsvillkoren. Klinisk betydelse: Resultatet kan bidra till att ökaförståelsen för patientens upplevelse av att leva med diabetes typ-2 och därmed bidra till attförbättra sjukdvårdpersonalens bemötande av patienten och ge mer individanpassaddiabetesvård. / Background: Diabetes type 2 is a chronic disease that affects more than 250 million peopleworldwide. The disease imposes a high degree of demand on self-management and lifestylechange for those individuals who are affected by it. Patients need to employ new copingstrategies to manage the change in living conditions and to live a life as normal as possible, inspite of having a chronic disease. Aim: To describe patients' experiences of living with diabetestype 2. Method: A literature study with qualitative content analysis of fifteen scientific articlesthat focused on the patients' experiences. Result: Formulated into four main categories: Acceptand understand the disease, psychological impact, a new daily life and support. The result ofthe study revealed the importance of accepting the disease. Many patients experienced negativepsychological emotions associated with the disease, which affect their daily lives andimplementation of the treatment. The disease caused lifestyle changes in relation to diet andphysical activity, and these changes were perceived as both a challenge and an opportunity toimprove health. This indicated that the patients must adapt to the new situation and managetheir everyday lives in a new way. It also revealed that support from health care professionals,family, friends and other fellow patients was perceived as important. Conclusion: Patients havedifferent experiences of living the diabetes type 2 and they require a more personalized diabetescare. The support the patient receives from health care professionals has great importance inmanaging the disease, and the patient needs to employ new coping strategies to manage thedisease and the change in living conditions. Clinical significance: The result may help to gaininsight into patients' experiences of living with diabetes type 2, and thus improve health careprofessionals' approach towards the patients and provide more personalized diabetes care.

Kandidatexamen Upplevelser av egenvårdsutbildning i grupp hos patienter med diabetes typ 2 / Experiences of self-care education in groups amongst patients with diabetes type 2

Grinde, Marlene, Andersson, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 ökar globalt och är en stor patientgrupp för vården att möta. För att minska risken för komplikationer i form av hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar anses optimering av patientens egenvård vara av stor vikt. Patienter känner en oro över sin sjukdom och vet inte hur de ska hantera de livsförändringar som sjukdomen kräver. Att självständigt kunna hantera diabetes typ 2 är för patienten en förutsättning för att känna livskvalité. Rekommendationerna från socialstyrelsen är att hålla egenvårdsutbildning i grupp. Patienters upplevelse av den egenvårdsutbildning som erbjuds är av vikt att undersöka eftersom de utgör nyckeln i strävandet och utformningen av en god diabetesvård. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur patienter med diabetes typ 2 upplever egenvårdsutbildning i grupp i primärvården. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med tretton artiklar. Resultat: De olika studierna som redovisades i resultatet har gett en klarare bild av hur deltagarna upplevde egenvårdsutbildning i grupp. De flesta upplevde egenvårdsutbildning i grupp som positiv. Deltagarna kunde ställa frågor och dela med sig av tips och råd till varandra. Mötena gav dem chansen att uttrycka sina frågor mer öppet och motiverade till att utföra de livsstilsförändringar de behövde göra. Miljön upplevdes inte lika sträng som under de individuella mötena. Konklusion: De flesta deltagarna upplevde möjligheten att ställa frågor fritt och dela med sig av sina erfarenheter som positiv. Detta är en bidragande faktor till att deltagarna fortsatte att delta i grupperna och på så sätt genomföra de olika livsstilsförändringarna som de behövde göra för en bättre hälsa och livskvalité. / Background: Diabetes type 2 has increased globally which has become a huge patient-group for the healthcare system to face. To minimize the risk of complications such as cardiovascular complication it is therefore of great importance to optimize the self-management care for patient with diabetes type 2. Some patient feel level of uneasiness when it comes to their disease and the lifestyle changes that their disease require them to do. To be able to individually manage their diagnosis is the key for quality of life. The recommendations from Socialstyrelsen is to have self-management care education in groups. Patients experience of self-care management groups are therefore of great importance for the requisite and formation of better diabetes care. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine patient with diabetes type 2 experiences of self-care management education in groups. Method: Literature review consisting of 13 articles. Results: The different studies in this review has given a clearer picture of how the participants experienced the self-care management education in groups. The majority of the participants experienced the self-care management groups as a positive, where they could ask questions and share ideas and experiences with other participants. The meetings in group gave them the chance to express questions more freely. This was experienced by the participants as a positive experience. The meeting in groups motivated them to change their lifestyles changes that were required for a better health and quality of life. The environment of the groupmeetings were not as stern as the individual meetings could be. Conclusion: Most of the participants experienced the possibility of raising questions freely and sharing experiences as something positive. This were a contributing factor that motivated them to continue participate in the groupmeetings to follow through with the lifestyle changes for a better health and quality of life.

Personers erfarenheter av att leva med diabetes typ 2 : En litteraturöversikt / People's experiences of living with diabetes type 2 : A literature review

Svensson, Hanna, Gröhn, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Erfarenheterna av att få diagnosen diabetes typ 2 upplevs olika mellan personer. Sjukdomen finns över hela världen och antalet drabbade ökar. Diagnosen medför i många fall stora livsstilsförändringar som påverkar personerna både fysiskt och psykiskt. För att kunna tillämpa en god omvårdnad är det viktigt att vårdpersonalen är medveten om de upplevda erfarenheterna och involverar personerna i behandlingen. Syfte: Att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att leva med diabetes typ 2. Metod: Studien var en litteraturöversikt och baserades på 10 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ design som analyserades utifrån Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Huvudfynd som framkom presenterades med fem huvudteman: Att få stöd från vårdpersonal, att få ökade ekonomiska utgifter, att känna frustration över kost-och läkemedelsförändringar, att få stöd från närstående och att känna oro och rädsla. Slutsats: Erfarenheterna av att leva med diabetes typ 2 var olika. Det som upplevdes svårt var att hålla kostrekommendationerna. Stöd från vårdpersonal och omgivningen var betydelsefullt för att hanteringen av sjukdomen skulle bli så bra som möjligt.

The Effect of Probiotic Bacteria on High Sugar Diet Induced Diabetes Type-2 Symptoms in Fruit Fly : With Focus on Lipid Metabolism

Sambo, Rasiat Umar January 2019 (has links)
As the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased globally, so has the need to further investigate the disorder’s underlying features and a potential target for treatment. Drosophila melanogaster has proven to be an excellent model organism to study type 2 diabetes (T2D). To see whether it can serve as a model organism to identify the treatment of T2D, a type 2 diabetes like model were created in Drosophila through high sugar diet (HSD). The aim of the study was to investigate the therapeutic effects of six different probiotic bacteria strains on T2D characteristics markers. Longevity, size, and weight measurement were performed. Followed by verification of HSD effects on these phenotypes. It was demonstrated that probiotics could improve weight and lifespan. Treatment using probiotics showed statistically increased body weight in both 3rd instar larvae and adult flies (p-value <0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in length between any of the groups including controls (p-value 0.25). However, the triglyceride assay showed a slightly significant difference between control low sugar diet and few of the treatment groups (L. paracasei with p-value 0.037, and L. acidophilus with p-value 0.025) fed larvae/adult flies, and there was no statistically significant difference between controls (high and low sugar diets), and probiotics treatment groups (L. plantarum, B. animalis and B. breve) fed larvae/adult flies with a p-value >0.05. To investigate the effect on gene expression of four genes (FASNCG3523, FASNCG3524, FASNCG17374 & dsREBP) important in lipid metabolism, qPCR was performed using the Taqman method. All probiotic treatment groups had significantly decreased gene expression of FASN compared to the control groups. Findings of this study suggest that Drosophila melanogaster can be utilized as a model organism to study T2D and that further studies concerning the effects of probiotic treatment in Drosophila are required to fully understand the interactions and mechanism of action.

Aposentadoria e as mudanças de vida das pessoas com diabetes tipo 2 / Retirement and changes in life style of people with Diabetes type 2

Paloalto, Ma Laura Ruiz 17 October 2007 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, que teve como objetivo compreender as mudanças de vida das pessoas aposentadas com diabete tipo 2. Primeiramente se caracteriza a população com diabetes tipo 2 da Clínica Hospital ISSSTE Celaya - México, onde extraiu-se uma amostra de 56 pacientes do quais 39,28% estão entre 60 e 69 anos de idade, 53,6% pertencem ao sexo feminino, 69,6% são casados, 35,7% são do lar, 41% têm nível básico de estudos, 92,8% vivem com algum familiar, 28,57% têm entre 1 e 5 anos de diagnóstico, 87,7% comparecem à consulta pelo menos uma vez ao mês, 60,7% foram em mais de uma ocasião, 39,3% ignoram as causas de hospitalização, 66,1% têm patologia associada, 98,2% fazem tratamento medicamentoso. A seguir se aplica uma entrevista semiestruturada com dez pacientes com diabetes tipo 2 e por meio da Análise de Conteúdo Modalidade Temática, chegou-se a quatro grandes temas: 1) vida dedicada ao trabalho; 2) insegurança em relação ao diabetes tipo 2; 3) alternativas depois da aposentadoria e 4) plano terapêutico para o controle do diabete tipo 2. O resultados evidenciaram que grande parte dos sujeitos tiveram uma vida dedicada ao trabalho, que gerou satisfação e insatisfação. Antes da aposentadoria relatam que não tiveram tempo para o cuidado com o controle metabólico do diabetes, priorizaram o trabalho, o cuidado dos filhos e do lar, além de que havia uma dupla jornada de trabalho que nem sempre era dividida com seus companheiros e filhos; mesmo reconhecendo que o diabetes tem um componente genético, isto não foi suficiente para que houvesse mudanças no estilo de vida, e consideram que os aspectos emocionais interferem no controle metabólico do diabetes; identificou-se que poucos sujeitos buscaram alternativas para o ocupação do tempo livre na aposentadoria, como participação em grupos comunitários ou no desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais; foi possível apreender que além do tratamento convencional para o controle do diabetes, os sujeitos incorporam também as práticas não convencionais como o uso de plantas medicinais, como o Nopal, amplamente difundido e reconhecido na sociedade mexicana; além disso reconhecem que existe dificuldades para as mudanças no padrão alimentar, concorrendo para isso uma história alimentar com grandes quantidades de calorias e pela difusão de outras culturas alimentares na atualidade; não existe, no plano terapêutico, a prática das atividades físicas. Nas considerações finais reconhece-se que o México tem, no seu Plano Nacional de Saúde, referenciais teóricos mais amplos como o da atenção primária à saúde e da promoção da saúde, mas ao apresentar uma organização dos serviços de proteção social e de saúde organizados por Institutos de Seguridade Social. Estes detém autonomia para a incorporação e adequação da macro política no âmbito local, e que reflete na forma de atenção à saúde, dispensada para a população usuária. Mesmo incorporando parte da política de promoção da saúde, por meio da formação dos clubes de diabéticos, ainda não é considerado a focalização na família e o seu entorno social. Nesse sentido, percebe-se que as pessoas com diabetes tipo 2, não tem um seguimento regular na assistência, assim como no autogerenciamento do seu controle metabólico, fato, evidenciado pelo grande número de consultas e internações hospitalares durante o período de um ano. Também faz parte de nossas reflexões o fato as dificuldades para a adoção de mudanças no estilo de vida parecem estar relacionadas ao aparecimento e a confirmação do diabetes tipo 2 na fase adulta, onde os costumes, crenças e valores já estão incorporados no cotidiano, por isso qualquer mudança parece ser mais penosa para estas pessoas. / This qualitative study aimed to understand life changes of retired people with diabetes type 2. First, the population with diabetes type 2 from the Clinic Hospital ISSSTE Celaya, México was characterize, from which a sample of 56 patients where extracted, 39.28% are between 60 and 69 years old, 53.6% female, 69.6% married, 35.7% housewives, 41% primary schooling, 92.8% live with relatives, 28.57% has one to five years of diagnosis, 87.7% attend consultation at least one a month, 60.7% attended more than one occasion, 39.3% ignored hospitalization causes, 66.1% has associated pathology, 98.2% is under medicament treatment. A semi-structured interview was applied to ten patients with diabetes type 2. Four main themes emerged through Content Analysis Thematic Modality: 1) life dedicated to work; 2) insecurity regarding the diabetes type 2; 3) alternatives after retirement and 4) therapeutic plan for the control of diabetes type 2. The results evidenced that a great portion of them had a life dedicated to work, which caused both satisfaction and dissatisfaction. They reported that before retiring they had no time for keeping the diabetes metabolic control, prioritized work, children and family, besides double work journey which was not always divided with their partners and children: the recognition that diabetes has a genetic component was not sufficient for changes in the life style and they consider that emotional aspects interfere in the metabolic control of diabetes; a few subjects sought alternatives for occupying their free time after retirement, such as the participation in communitarian groups or in the development of personal abilities. It was possible to infer that besides the conventional treatment for the diabetes control, subjects also incorporated non-conventional practices such as the use of medicinal plants, as Nopal, largely disseminated and known by the Mexican society. They also recognize there are difficulties in changing eating habits, which are coupled with a history of great quantity of calories ingested and to other cultural eating habits currently disseminated, no therapeutic plan or practice of physical activities. It is acknowledged, in the final considerations, that the Mexican National Health Plan follows ample theoretical references such as those of primary health care and health promotion. However, its organization of services for social protection and health are performed by Social Security Institutes. These institutes have autonomy to incorporate and adequate the macro policy in the local sphere which is reflected in the form of health care delivered to the user population. Even incorporating part of the health promotion policy through the creation of diabetic clubs, the family focus and its social environment have not being considered. In this sense, it is perceived that people with diabetes type 2 do not have a regular follow-up in the assistance or self manage their metabolic control, which is evidenced by the great number of consultations and hospitalizations during a one-year period. The difficulties in adopting changes in their life styles seem to be related to the appearance and confirmation of diabetes type 2 in adult age, when habits, beliefs and values are incorporated in routine; thus, any change seems to be more difficulty for them.

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