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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Die rol van die Kerk ten aansien van herstellende geregtigheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafregstelsel : 'n teologies-etiese perspektief (Afrikaans)

Van Rooyen, Gert Heldegaard Gerhard 14 March 2012 (has links)
The title of this mini dissertation is: “The role of the church in respect of restorative justice in the South African criminal justice system: a theological ethical perspective”. The purpose of this study is to investigate the concept of restorative justice from a theological ethical perspective and to see how it is applied in the South African criminal justice system so that it can be determined what role the church can play in this regard. In the South African criminal justice system, the focus has been on the perpetrator and how she/he has come into conflict with the state. The fact that in most crimes, victims are affected by the crime, has traditionally not been taken seriously. In this regard the concept of restorative justice can play a vital role. In the second chapter the concept of restorative justice is explained and it is shown what its relationship to retribution is. Various definitions of restorative justice is then given and it is then shown how restorative justice and the concept of ubuntu are interlinked. In Chapter 3, the role of restorative justice in the South African criminal justice system, is discussed. It is shown that restorative justice is already being implemented at various stages of the criminal justice system and also how the Child Justice Act, Act 75 of 2008, has made restorative justice an essential aspect of the child justice system. It then sets out in Chapter 4 the Biblical basis for restorative justice in both the Old and New Testaments and argues that Biblical justice is essentially restorative in nature. It is pointed out that the foundations of Biblical justice are Shalom, Covenant and Torah. On this basis it is then indicated that Biblical justice is an attribute of God, an object of hope and a primary obligation. It leads to a commitment to action and is a relational reality. Because of this relational aspect, it is then indicated how justice is a restorative activity. The Lex Talionis is then discussed and it is shown how retribution and restoration can walk hand in hand as two sides of the same coin. Jesus and Paul’s understanding of Justice is then discussed. In Jesus’s attitude towards forgiveness and the Lex Talionis, it is shown how the restoration of relationships are of primary concern to him. Paul’s view of Justice is then discussed and it is shown that for him Christ’s death is an act of justice which is driven by his love and therefore also restorative in nature. In the last chapter, the role of the Church in Restorative Justice, is discussed. It is shown how churches can support the Restorative Justice movement and mobilize the community to assist in making restorative justice an integral part of the criminal justice system. Finally, suggestions are made as to how churches (and their members) can get involved with victims and perpetrators of crime. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Van Rooyen, GHG 2011, Die rol van die Kerk ten aansien van herstellende geregtigheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafregstelsel : 'n Teologies-etiese perspektief (Afrikaans), MA(Theol) dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03142012-200732 / > C12/4/811/gm / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted

Praktiese ekklesiologie en bedieningspraktyk met verwysing na die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (Afrikaans)

Dreyer, Willem Akkerhuys (Wim) 07 October 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie proefskrif is ‘n Praktiese Ekklesiologie ontwikkel op grond van vier perspektiewe: <ul><li> ‘n Historiese perspektief wat na vore kom in ‘n Histories-vergelykende Ekklesiologie. </li><li> ‘n Empiriese perspektief wat na vore kom in ‘n Prakties-teologiese Ekklesiologie. </li><li> ‘n Hermeneutiese perspektief wat na vore kom in ‘n Eksegetiessistematiese Ekklesiologie. </li><li> ‘n Strategiese perspektief wat na vore kom in ‘n Missionale Ekklesiologie. </li> </ul> In die proefskrif toon die promovendus aan dat die kerk ‘n ernstige krisis beleef. Die krisis is grootliks te wyte aan ‘n proses van institusionalisering wat deur eeue heen plaasgevind het. Empiriese navorsing het aangetoon dat institusionalisering destruktiewe gevolge vir die kerk inhou. Die proefskrif toon verder aan dat ‘n radikale en omvattende transformasie van die kerk van uiterste belang is. Transformasie impliseer ‘n proses waarin die sisteemverhaal van die kerk verander, van ‘n institusionele benadering tot kerkwees tot ‘n meer organiese verstaan van kerkwees, gebou op Bybelse metafore. ‘n Organiese kerkbegrip en Missionale Ekklesiologie dien as basis vir die transformasie van die gemeentelike bedieningspraktyk, van ‘n pastorale bedieningspraktyk na ‘n missionale bedieningspraktyk. ENGLISH: In this dissertation a Practical Ecclesiology is developed based on four perspectives: <ul> <li> The historical perspective is reflected in an Historical-comparative Ecclesiology. </li><li> The empirical perspective is reflected in a Practical-theological Ecclesiology. </li><li> The hermeneutical perspective is reflected in an Exegetical-systematic Ecclesiology. </li><li> The strategic perspective is reflected in a Missional Ecclesiology. </li> </ul> The promovendus argues that the church is experiencing a severe crisis. This crisis is mainly due to a process of institutionalisation which had taken place over centuries. Empirical research had shown the destructive effects this process had on the church. The dissertation indicates that a radical and global transformation of the church is essential. Transformation implies a process in which the system story of the church need to change. This transformation could be regarded as a change from an institutional to a more organic functioning of the church, based on Biblical metaphors relating to the church. An organic understanding of the church will lead to a transformation of the congregational ministry, from a pastoral ministry to a missional ministry. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

’n Prakties Teologiese studie vanuit ‘n gemeentebouperspektief om die uitwerking te bepaal van die “40 dae Doelgerigte Lewe” van Rick Warren as hulpmiddel in die Hervormde gemeentes van die Ring van Klerksdorp ten einde hulle bestaansdoel te ontdek (Afrikaans)

Ungerer, Andre Gerhardus 24 July 2008 (has links)
More than 20 million copies of Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life (2002), were sold over the past 2 years. It is the best-selling hardback in U.S. history. Warren’s previous book, “The Purpose Driven Church” (1995), has sold over one million copies in 20 languages, and was selected as one of the 100 Christian books that. changed the 20th century. More than 415 churches/congregations in South-Africa have already purchased “The Purpose Driven campaign kit” and completed the 40 Days Campaign or are planning to do so. The name Rick Warren is synonymous with “Purpose Driven” and the popularity of his work as well as his influence in this country, justifies a study of this nature. This study wants to determine the effect of Rick Warren’s 40 days of purpose in the Circuit of Klerksdorp of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika. Warren (2002/3) provides five purposes for a believer in the church in his book, A Purpose Driven Life, which is according to him, the church’s purpose of existence. The book is divided into 40 brief chapters and participating congregations are motivated to use the book as part of their 40 days campaign. A Campaign Training Manual can be used complementary to the book helping congregations to prepare their campaign successfully. Chapter 1 of this study takes a look at the external and internal problems in the church. The question arises if the church is at all times sure of her purpose of excistence. There is a difference between efficiency (doing things correctly) and effectiveness, which is doing the right things correctly. The purpose of the church’s existence therefore involves choosing the right alternatives. The hypothesis of this study is that the 40 Days of Purpose is an excellent project for congregations to discover their purpose of existence while it also strengthens the process of building up the local congregation. With this hypothesis in mind, chapter 2 provides the underlying theological principles, concepts and some definitions of the subject of building up the local church. Chapter 3 contains a description of the preparation, the course and the ending of the 40 Days Campaign. The participating congregations in the circuit of Klerksdorp are evaluated according to the guidelines of the Campaign Training Manual. A theological view of each of Warren’s (2002) five purposes is also presented. Chapter 4 provides the quantitative and qualitative research which was done in the Curcuit of Klerksdorp. Eight congregations participated in the research project and the respondents reactions are discussed. Interviews that took place whith the pastors of participating congregations, are also discussed. Chapter 5 contains a critical evaluation of the 40 Days of Purpose as well as the book of Warren (2002/3). The conclusion reviews the hypothesis and whether it can be confirmed. / Dissertation (MA (Theology) : Practical Theology)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Kerkleierskap as bemiddeling van 'n onmoontlike werklikheid : 'n prakties teologiese ondersoek na die rol van leierskap in die transformasie van gemeentes (Afrikaans)

Labuschagne, Frederick Johannes (Frikkie) 25 September 2009 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Met hierdie studie word gepoog om gemeenteleiers toe te rus om meer effektief leiding te gee. Die Kerk bevind haarself in ’n komplekse samelewing wat tans destruktief op kerkwees inspeel. Om die uitdagings van ons tyd te oorkom sal leiers kreatief en innoverend moet help vorm gee aan nuwe werklikhede. Alternatiewe lense is derhalwe nodig om gemeentes te begelei op ’n uitdagende reis. Die uitdaging vir gemeenteleiers is om kerkwees ontluikend te laat gebeur. Die veronderstelling is dat Kerk organies eerder as meganies en institusioneel tot uitdrukking kom. Leierskap is ’n dinamiese aangeleentheid wat binne gemeentelike en kerkverband moet plaasvind. Binne die Praktiese Teologie word die metodologiese modelle van Zerfass en Heitink gekies om die verkeer tussen teorie en praxis te bevorder. Die Praktiese Teologie word in terme van ’n kommunikatiewe handelingswetenskap met ’n hermeneutiese oriëntasie omskryf. Die ondersoek is hoofsaaklik deduktief van aard. In die proses van teorievorming word teorieë vanuit verskeie dissiplines ontleed en geëvalueer. Prakties-teologiese teorie moet egter praktyk word, en daarom kom die geloofshandelinge van mense hier onder bespreking. Die prakties-teologiese teoretiese raamwerk word nagevors vanuit drie primêre fokuspunte: • Postmodernisme Die postmodernisme is vir die Kerk ’n komplekse realiteit. Die Kerk kan haarself nie losmaak van hierdie werklikheid nie en behoort daarom kennis te neem van hierdie oorwegende tydsgees. Die implikasie hiervan is dat die Kerk in ’n postmoderne konteks hermeneuties verantwoordbaar bly. • Die identiteit van die Kerk Vanuit ’n Bybels-Reformatoriese perspektief is dit duidelik dat die ware Kerk (ecclesia visibilis) sekere kenmerke en eienskappe vertoon. Dog mag die “vorm” wat die Kerk aanneem nie opgaan in hierdie eienskappe en kenmerke nie. Binne die postmoderne konteks blyk Kerkwees meer organies te gebeur. Die Kerk is egter alleen Kerk insoverre haar identiteit in Jesus Christus setel. • Rol van leiers in ’n wêreld wat as kompleks getipeer word Die kompleksiteit van die postmoderne samelewing het tot gevolg dat leierskapteorie en praktyk verby die punt van beplanning, organisering en beheer (aanvaarbare bestuurswetenskaplike metodiek) ontwikkel het. Leierskap in die Kerk is ’n kollektiewe aangeleentheid en moet derhalwe holisties benader en bestuur word. Dit geskied dinamies en relasioneel. Aan die hand van die empiriese ondersoek word nuwe riglyne vir die bedieningspraktyk daargestel. ENGLISH:This study aims to equip leaders of congregations to become more efficient leaders. The Church finds herself in a complex society which currently has a destructive influence on the realisation of the Church. To overcome the challenges of our time, leaders must help to shape new realities in a creative and innovative way. An alternative way of looking at the issues are therefore needed to guide congregations on a challenging journey. The challenge for congregational leaders is to let the realisation of the Church take place in a revealing and developing manner. The assumption is that the Church is realised organically rather than mechanically and institutionally. Leadership is a dynamic matter that should be realized in congregational and ecumenical context. In Practical Theology, the methodological models of Zerfass and Heitink are selected to promote the interaction between theory and praxis. Practical Theology is defined in terms of a communicative per formative science with a hermeneutical orientation. The investigation is mainly deductive in nature. In the process of theorising, theories from different disciplines are analysed and evaluated. Practical-theological theory must become practice, however, and for that purpose the religious acts of people are discussed here. The practical-theological theoretical framework is researched from three primary focal points: • Postmodernism Postmodernism is a complex reality for the Church. The Church cannot distance herself from this reality, and should therefore take cognisance of this prevailing spirit of our time. The implication of this is that the Church remains hermeneutically accountable in a postmodern context. • The identity of the Church From a Biblical-Reformational perspective, it is clear that the true Church (ecclesia visibilis) displays certain features and characteristics. Yet, the “form” which the Church adopts may not be reduced to these features and characteristics. In the postmodern context, Church realisation appears to be happen more in an organic manner. However, the Church is only Church in as far as her identity is rooted in Christ. • The role of leaders in a world typified as complex Because of the complexity of postmodern society, leadership theory and practice developed beyond the point of planning, organising and control (acceptable managerial scientific methodology). Leadership in the Church is a collective matter and as such it must be approached and managed in a holistic way, by means of dynamic and relational methods. Based on the empirical investigation, new guidelines are developed for ministry practice. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

‘n Gemeenskapsgerigte model vir geloofsvorming van tieners in die verbondsgesin deur middel van simbole en rituele (Afrikaans)

De Wet, Dirk Cornelis 02 October 2003 (has links)
Compare diagram 1: ‘n Paradigmaverandering van teorie na praktyk en van gemeente na gesin en gemeenskap” and diagram 2: “Die siklus van geloofsbemiddeling”. The family is the most important building system in the church, the society and the whole world. The family is also the cradle and even the womb of the symbolic way in religious education. Almost all families stay in a community where interactions of faith take place. Teenagers leave the church because there are not enough exciting activities in the community to be part of a transformation process for a better life. For that reason the paradigm in this research emphasises an event-driven teenage and family ministry within the community. That means a ministry that accentuates processes, people and relations. Faith development cannot find a place outside the relationship of human beings. Relationship is the password to understanding and the most natural form of relationship is the family. The covenantal family is the most important building system in the church, the society and the whole world. To develop a model for teenage and family ministry for this purpose, the research will emphasise practicing more than theorising, although the dialogue between these two factors in practical theology is of utmost importance. Better relationships within the family, congregation and the community needs better communication. For that reason symbols and rituals are a necessary part of the whole process of teenage and family ministry which is community-directed. God acts within the lives of individuals and groups, but planned the family as the most important unit for interaction. No religion can be without a God and no religion can be without people. All people are born into one or another kind of family and have a God-given need to be part of a group even when ostracised by families or the society. The community of faith never lives in a vacuum - it is always in the midst of cultural reality which is a powerful influence. The faith of this community is embedded in the context of symbols, rituals and narratives. To be busy with practical theology, with this paradigm in mind, needs a threefold exegesis: an exegesis of the Bible, an exegesis of the culture, and an exegesis of the self and the community. Strengthening the inner life of churches and their relation to their immediate communities should be the first priority of the leaders of churches. Churches have a covenant responsibility to help people develop and sustain strong and healthy families. / Dissertation (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

'n Hermeneuties-empiriese strategie rakende die verskynsel van kerkkrimping in tradisioneel Afrikaanse susterkerke in Suid-Afrika : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Sophia van Helden

Van Helden, Sophia January 2010 (has links)
The phenomenon of the decline in numbers in traditionally Afrikaans “sister churches” - in the midst of the complex South African society of the first decade of the 21st century - was researched in the light of the command that Jesus himself gave to his church (Math 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8). The Great Commission directed the aim of the research to evaluate this phenomenon hermeneutically and empirically in order to develop a reformed strategy in a practical theological way. The grounding of the investigation was the communicative action theory, which simultaneously integrates with a basic theoretical model developed from a combination of basic theoretical models as suggested by Dingemans, Heitink en Zerfass. To reinforce the exegetical/hermeneutical perspective of the basic theory, a historical study was conducted regarding the growth and decline of power basises since the Jesus movement until now. The interaction between perspectives was subsequently extended by metatheoretical perspectives, based on the research regarding the influence of schools of thought, as well as the influence of circumstances in the country, which determine the “sister church” praxis of the 21st century. The traditionally Afrikaans “sister churches” as a problematic ecclesiastical community of practice was further examined as part of the empirical perspective. On this basis an attempt was made to gauge the thinking of the “sister churches” in the intricate and problematic ecclesiastical praxis. The gauging was executed by means of a random test in one of the “sister churches”, namely the Reformed Church of South Africa (GKSA). It was found that this problematic church praxis is directed by strong institutional thinking. An adjusted practice theory, as well as a supporting practical theoretical model, were formulated in order to realise a reformed strategy for church growth as opposed to the decline in numbers. Considering the above mentioned interactive perspectives, the conclusion was reached that the praxis in the “sister churches” at the beginning of the 21st century, functions in an ecclesiastically imbalanced way. The imbalance lies in the fact that Christ-centred thinking, and thus also Christ-centred ecclesiology (as balancing thinking and balancing ecclesiology), does not manifest in “sister church” thinking. The unbalanced thinking as an all-encompassing factor in the church praxis, confirms and promotes the tendency of the decline in numbers. The proposed strategic perspective as the adjusted practice theory is thus a contribution to formulating an obedient, covenant-centred and reformed answer to declining numbers. This adjusted strategy can bring about the wonder of revival and growth in the “sister churches” by means of the basic theoretical truth elements, which were pointed out in this research. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

'n Hermeneuties-empiriese strategie rakende die verskynsel van kerkkrimping in tradisioneel Afrikaanse susterkerke in Suid-Afrika : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Sophia van Helden

Van Helden, Sophia January 2010 (has links)
The phenomenon of the decline in numbers in traditionally Afrikaans “sister churches” - in the midst of the complex South African society of the first decade of the 21st century - was researched in the light of the command that Jesus himself gave to his church (Math 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8). The Great Commission directed the aim of the research to evaluate this phenomenon hermeneutically and empirically in order to develop a reformed strategy in a practical theological way. The grounding of the investigation was the communicative action theory, which simultaneously integrates with a basic theoretical model developed from a combination of basic theoretical models as suggested by Dingemans, Heitink en Zerfass. To reinforce the exegetical/hermeneutical perspective of the basic theory, a historical study was conducted regarding the growth and decline of power basises since the Jesus movement until now. The interaction between perspectives was subsequently extended by metatheoretical perspectives, based on the research regarding the influence of schools of thought, as well as the influence of circumstances in the country, which determine the “sister church” praxis of the 21st century. The traditionally Afrikaans “sister churches” as a problematic ecclesiastical community of practice was further examined as part of the empirical perspective. On this basis an attempt was made to gauge the thinking of the “sister churches” in the intricate and problematic ecclesiastical praxis. The gauging was executed by means of a random test in one of the “sister churches”, namely the Reformed Church of South Africa (GKSA). It was found that this problematic church praxis is directed by strong institutional thinking. An adjusted practice theory, as well as a supporting practical theoretical model, were formulated in order to realise a reformed strategy for church growth as opposed to the decline in numbers. Considering the above mentioned interactive perspectives, the conclusion was reached that the praxis in the “sister churches” at the beginning of the 21st century, functions in an ecclesiastically imbalanced way. The imbalance lies in the fact that Christ-centred thinking, and thus also Christ-centred ecclesiology (as balancing thinking and balancing ecclesiology), does not manifest in “sister church” thinking. The unbalanced thinking as an all-encompassing factor in the church praxis, confirms and promotes the tendency of the decline in numbers. The proposed strategic perspective as the adjusted practice theory is thus a contribution to formulating an obedient, covenant-centred and reformed answer to declining numbers. This adjusted strategy can bring about the wonder of revival and growth in the “sister churches” by means of the basic theoretical truth elements, which were pointed out in this research. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

‘n Literatuur teologiese ondersoek na die liturgie en die post-moderne senior kind / tiener (Afrikaans)

Steyn, Conrad Johan 17 June 2005 (has links)
The scrip involves a literature study to determine how the covenant child / teenager is accommodated in the Reformed church today versus his/her actual need. The question is posed: Is the covenant child accommodated in any way in our current format of church liturgy, or not? Globalisation has made such an impact on the youth of today (postmodern youth or Mosaics) that digital technology has become their focus. Has the church adapted to this? The findings in this script show that the Reformed churches are losing particularly the youth because they have not adapted fast enough to this technology and to the cultural change that is evident in the postmodern child / teenager. The study is not only about the child in the church, but what the child looks like (his / her postmodern attitude / lifestyle) that we want in the church service and what change we need to make to the liturgy of the Reformed church in order to accommodate them. During this study it was also very evident that we need to change the way in which we spread the Word, and not the Word itself. The Truth remains the same – the culture, technology, attitudes, communication methods and intellectual and emotional needs change constantly. And the change is happening at such an alarming rate that we cannot ever think that we have reached the perfect solution. Before we have found the answer, it has changed. We therefore need to constantly re-look at our presentation style. This however does not excuse us from making changes. We need to change with the times and much faster than is currently the norm. The study reveals that the Reformed church currently has a mono-perspective of the liturgy. What is needed is a multi-disciplinary approach when we worship God. It is not only about the child in the church, it is about the place of the church service in the child’s life amidst the enormous impact of culture and digital technology that they are faced with everyday. How can we attempt to be relevant if we still preach as we did 100 years ago? Although the majority of the information that is available on this subject comes from America, the writer believes that it is very relevant to the Reformed churches in South Africa. Further study and research will be needed to determine the exact needs of the South African child / teenager and how to address this. / Dissertation (MA (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Kerkliedere vir 'n nuwe generasie - 'n Liturgies-himnologiese ontwerp onder voorwaarde van die Ekumene

Kloppers, Elizabeth C. 05 August 2004 (has links)
Hymns are handed down from generation to generation, from country to country, and from church to church. In every time in history, hymns and songs are needed that are new for that time and generation – hymns through which the timeless message can be voiced in a new and unique way. The historical binding, as well as the ecumenical tie, are thus indispensable features for the church, her liturgy and her music. In the processes of creating new hymns and liturgical forms, the una sancta ecclesia always needs to be in focus. In this study the ecumenical and liturgical movements of the twentieth century, their goals, and the influence they exerted on liturgical renewal and hymn singing, are investigated. The ecumenical meaning of new hymns and liturgical forms is evaluated in terms of these goals. To determine the functionality of new hymns, a theoretical grounding for the various functions of hymns is given. Renewal in the form of contemporary material, new styles and ecumenical-liturgical forms is reflected in the Liedboek van die Kerk (2001), the new hymnal for the Afrikaans-speaking churches. The hymnal is discussed with regard to the content, and the processes of compilation. The versification of the psalms, fundamentalist views, and the resistance to transformation in the processes of canonization, also comes under scrutiny. Documentation, motivation and report of about sixty new hymns and liturgical forms in the Liedboek van die Kerk (2001) are given. Hymns, songs and liturgical forms are researched from hymnological perspectives, by relevant musical and textual analysis, and by exploring their origin, history, working history, and liturgical function. The functionality of the hymns is assessed, and their hymnological, liturgical, contextual and ecumenical significance determined, with regard to the theoretical grounding in the preceding chapters. The conclusion is that ecumenicity is a sine qua non for the hymns and songs of a new generation. History and tradition, but also the contemporary church as a whole, should co-determine processes. The future of liturgical singing depends on the way in which theological, liturgical, hymnological, ecumenical and anthropological fields of tension could be kept in balance. Balance thus needs to be found between functionality, ethics, and aesthetics; between tradition and creativity; historical fidelity and contemporary embodiment; individualism and community; between the individual church and ecumenism; quality and popularity; between Christian/confessional identity, and general religiosity; between orthodox expressions of faith, and the poetical-symbolical shifting of boundaries. Boundaries are exceeded through the singing of hymns – boundaries of language, of confession, of time and space, and boundaries between individuals and groups. Liturgical singing can be the singing of believers of all times and all places only by preserving the traditional ecumenical heritage on the one hand, and on the other hand, through ecumenical cooperation when creating new hymns and forms – thus the one faith in many languages, the audible sign of the una sancta ecclesia. / Thesis (DMus)--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Music / DMus / Unrestricted

Narratiewe pastorale fasilitering wanneer geloofsvrae lei tot vervreemding

Van den Berg, Mariëtha. 11 1900 (has links)
M.Th. (Practical Theology)

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