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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What's Black and White and Not Read All Over?: An Examination of the Evolving Landscape of Newspapers through the Lens of The New York Times

Reiber, Anne 01 January 2017 (has links)
The research and statistics gathered in this thesis begin in 2000. Newspapers began experiencing change due to technology before 2000. However, the information necessary to complete this thesis only goes back to that year. Since the year 2000, the newspaper industry has struggled to adapt to the age of ever-changing technology. Newspapers across the US, including large and well-established publications have been forced to find new strategies that allow them to keep up with new digital technologies. The New York Times was the focus of this study, but it is only one part of a very large industry. However, it is one of the most successful papers of the digital age and offers a thorough look into the newspaper industry. Therefore, its strategies to adapt to digital and its overall business model were compared to newspapers throughout the nation. The intent of this thesis is to have a better understanding of the future of the newspaper industry in the digital age, including newspapers in small, medium and large markets. A look into The New York Times’ history provides a better understanding of how newspapers have already been affected by the digital age, and its business model offers guidance for other newspapers on how to adapt. This thesis focused on analyzing at least one newspaper to represent each market including a small, medium and large market newspaper then determining if the methods The New York Times uses would be adaptable and scalable to their newspapers. This thesis determines which newspapers could use The New York Times’ strategies to their benefit and draws conclusions on the future of the newspaper industry as a whole.

Text production in Bebo : a study of three children's text production in online social networking sites

Dowdall, Clare A. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore three pre-teenage children’s text production in online social networking sites. Social networking is a mainstream youth activity in the UK, conducted by (at the time of writing) almost 50% of 10-12 year old internet users (Ofcom, 2011, p.44). While social networking has been the subject of much interest amongst scholars and policy-makers, little has been published that documents the use of social networking amongst pre-teenage children. The literature that does exist is largely concerned with documenting usage (Ofcom, 2011; Livingstone and Haddon, 2010), and children’s safety in these contexts (Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)/Byron 2010; DCSF/Byron, 2008; Livingstone et al., 2011a). This study aims to explore children’s text production in social networking sites with rightful regard for this concern, but with a focus on how children behave as text producers in these contexts. Working from an interpretive qualitative research paradigm, a purposive sample of three children who used (at the time) the popular social networking site Bebo was selected. The children were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule three times between June 2008 and May 2009. Interviews were transcribed using a line by line coding method. To support these data and contextualise analysis, screenshots of the children’s profile pages were also collected at each interview. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach (Charmaz, 2006), these data were analysed within data sets around each interview incident, and then synthesised to build a case study for each participant. This recursive process involved initial and focused coding, where following the construction of key codes for each data set, the codes were organised under thematic headings and finally used to construct tentative categories that described how the children behaved as text producers. Four tentative categories were constructed to describe the participants’ behaviour: text production to achieve social positioning; text production to achieve social control; text production to enact a text producing role; and text production for pleasure. Based upon the elaboration of these categories, a model of text production as mastery is proposed. In this model, children’s text production is regarded in relation two spectrums of mastery: a spectrum of social control and a spectrum of textual crafting. This study concludes by recommending that the social networking context must be recognised by educators as a meaningful context in which children’s mastery of these critical skills can be developed in order that they can they learn to be critical and masterful text producers in the new digital age (Gee, 2011 and Hayes, 2011).

Personal Sports Branding in the Digital Age: The Case of Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Samoylina, Ekaterina January 2015 (has links)
The rise of digital media has caused transformations and new phenomena in different fields. In the digital age such branches as personal sports branding and nation branding has acquired new opportunities for development. The research focuses on representation of the personal sports brand of Zlatan Ibrahimovic on digital media platforms and its connection to the nation brand of Sweden. Previous research deals with existing studies on personal branding, personal sports branding in digital media, and nation branding. Theoretical framework includes appropriate concepts and perspectives that guide the analysis such as the TOPSTAR model, theory on types and specialization of personal brands, advertising, cultural branding and the nation brand of Sweden. The study combines different research techniques: quantitative content analysis and semiotics. The data is gathered from official accounts of Zlatan Ibrahimovic on social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the mobile application Zlatan Unplugged. Furthermore, the data for analysis is also received from YouTube videos concerning two campaigns: the Volvo XC70 commercial and “805 million names” awareness campaign by World Food Program. The results of the research outline main characteristics of the personal sport brand, show differences in representation of the brand depending on digital media platform and identify the leading attributes of the personal sports brand. The investigation uncovers a connection between the personal sports brand of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and the nation brand of Sweden and shows how the personal sports brand functions on the cultural level. The thesis might be interesting for both researchers and practitioners in the spheres of media and communication studies, personal sports branding and nation branding.

Les droit fondamentaux de l'auteur et l'environnement numérique : l'exemple de l'oeuvre pédégogique numérique / The fundamental rights of the autor in the digital age.

Ego, Audrey 13 November 2015 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l'étude des droits fondamentaux de l'auteur dans l'environnement numérique. Si l'auteur d'une oeuvre de l'esprit dispose d'une protection juridique accrue grâce à l'octroi de prérogatives morales et patrimoniales, il est indispensable de lui reconnaître avant tout une large liberté de création. L'objectif de cette recherche est donc d'étudier comment les droits fondamentaux saisissent l'auteur dan sle cadre de notre société d'information, d'échange et de communication. Ce propos porte un regard particulier sur l'application des règles du droit d'auteur dans le contaxte de la création, l'utilisation, la diffusion et la valorisation des oeuvres pédagogiques numériques produites par les établissements d'enseignement supérieur. / The thesis deals with "The fundamental rignts of the author in the digial age". If the author has a accrued legal protection, it's essential to offer to him a wide freedom of creation. The objective of the research is to study how fundamental rights capture the author in the context of our society, which is increasingly based on information, exchange and communication. This topic concerns in particular the application of the copyright's rules as part of creation, dissemination, valorization of digital teaching resources produded by the universities.

Web TV : causes, enjeux et perspectives des mutations socio-techniques dans la communication télévisuelle à l'ère numérique / Web television : causes, challenges and perspectives of the socio-technical changes in television communication in the digital age

Benea, Anamaria 26 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche doctoral en sciences de l'information et de la communication se propose de construire une problématique autour de la web télévision et d'y répondre en tenant compte des spécificités de cette innovation technologique. Notre recherche se base sur une approche diachronique qui consiste à saisir la façon dont, en moins d'un siècle et demi, la télévision a identifié le bon message devant les médias et le public, pour nous arrêter sur les caractéristiques d'une réalité émergente, la web TV. Nous cherchons à explorer en quoi ce nouveau média révolutionne les moyens de communication audiovisuelle. Depuis les années 1950 l'information et par extension les médias représentent un objet d'étude toujours en émergence. La télévision a été l'objet de nombreuses recherches qui visaient à connaître son impact sur la société, la manière dont elle pouvait être utilisée pour influencer, pour informer, pour divertir, pour consommer. Elle a vite fasciné le public tout d'abord avec cette possibilité d'assister à un certain nombre d'évènements, d'avoir un potentiel d'ubiquité, procurant la sensation de voir l'histoire se dérouler sous ses yeux. Actuellement suite au développement de la technologie numérique, la télévision, les médias de masse par excellence sont en train de subir un changement de nature qui n'est pas sans incidence sur ce que l'on a l'habitude d'appeler la «culture télévisuelle». La convergence en cours des médias, facilitée par l'universalité du langage binaire, provoque une évolution technique du média qui devient progressivement un nouvel objet high-tech. Cette évolution de la nature technique de l'objet présente nécessairement des conséquences dans plusieurs secteurs d'activités et de domaines de recherche: la production, la publicité, la législation, la recherche et le développement, l'industrie, la sociologie, la psychologie, l'analyse de contenu, l'éducation, etc. Historiquement, en sciences sociales, la recherche sur les médias aux Etats-Unis et en Europe s'est orientée dès les années 1930 vers des études sur le contenu dans la perspective d'une analyse des effets.Dans ce contexte, dans un premier temps, nous traitons les éléments spécifiques de la communication audiovisuelle sur le support numérique, visant à déterminer la quantité de fonctionnalités qu'un produit médiatique sur ce support doit combiner afin de pouvoir se déclarer web tv. Ensuite, en raison de la rapidité de l'évolution accélérée et du caractère expérimental des médias numériques, nous allons traiter l'identification de la substance commune qui a un degré de résilience en termes de pratiques journalistiques en ligne et moins de l'apparence éphémère de la diversité, qui, peut conduire à l'impression que nous assistons à un schéma de soufflage final. Certains traits des web tv sont communs à ceux de la télévision traditionnelle à l'ère du web 2.0, parce que la télévision classique n'est pas restée figée concernant sa capacité de réinvention. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés à surprendre quelles sont les différences pas rapport à la télévision classiques et à déterminer si la prétention des promoteurs de la web tv d'avoir inventé une modalité complètement nouvelle est soutenable.Nôtre approche est praxéologique. Nous avons utilisé des instruments de travail adéquats : suivi des médias, observation, entretien, analyse de documents, questionnaire (discours sur la TV elle-même). / This doctoral research paper in Information and Communication Sciences intends to build a research issue around Web-television and to respond to it by taking into account the specificities of this technological innovation. Our research is based on a diachronic approach understanding how, in less than one century and half, television identified the right message to deliver to the media and the public, ending up with the characteristics of an emergent reality, that is Web-television. We are interested to explore how this new media is revolutionising audio-visual communication media. Since the 1950s, information, and by extension, media has represented a study object always emerging. Television was the object to many research aiming at knowing its impact on society, how it could be used in order to influence, to inform, to entertain, to consume. It rapidly fascinated the public firstly due to this possibility to attend a certain number of events, to have a potential of ubiquity, getting the feeling that one could see the history unfold before them. Nowadays, based on digital technology development, television, mass media par excellence, are about to undergo a change having an impact on the nature of what we commonly call “television culture”. The on-going media convergence, helped by the universal binary language, generates a technical evolution of the media thus gradually becoming a new high-tech object. This technical evolution of the object has necessarily consequences in numerous activity areas and research fields: manufacturing, advertisement, legislation, research and development, industry, sociology, psychology, content analysis, education etc. Historically, in social sciences, research on the media in the U.S. and in Europe has been oriented since the 1930s towards studies based on content from the point of view of an analysis of the effects.In the light of this, at first, we analyse the elements specific to audio-visual communication on digital support, aiming at defining the amount of features that a media product of this type of support should combine in order to be able to call itself Web TV. Moreover, due to the rapid progression and to the experimental nature of digital media, we shall discuss about identifying the common substance having a degree of resilience in terms of online daily habits and less about the apparently short life of diversity that may lead to the impression that we are witnessing a one final breath. Some characteristics of the Web television are the same with those of the traditional television from Web 2.0, because the classical television didn't remain motionless in terms of its capacity to reinvent itself. Finally, we were interested in tracing the differences between Web television and classical television, and in determining whether Web television promoters are right when they claim having invented a completely new method.We used a practise-based approach. We used adequate research tools: media monitoring, observation, interview, document analysis, questionnaire (speech on television itself).

Čtení v digitální době - tablet v osobním informačním prostředí čtenáře / Reading in the Digital Age - Tablet in the Reader's Personal Information Environnement

Bouda, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Title: Reading in the Digital Age - Tablet in the Reader 's Personal Information Environment Author: Mgr. Tomáš Bouda Abstract: In this dissertation thesis we observed the phenomenon of reading in the context of personal information environment in digital age. An analysis of the evolution of reading and its implication on reading habits has been done. Secondly, we introduced phenomenology approach to study reading phenomena. The goal of the qualitative research was to describe an experience of intensive tablet users while reading scientific literature in digital format. Interpretative phenomenological analyses and Positive and negative affect scale (PANAS) were used as research methods with six participants. Conceptual structure representing the phenomenon has been developed as an outcome. It contains a) broader context of personal information environment, b) reading, annotating and underlining of digital text and c) reading experience with a focus on somatosensory perception. Comparison with two similar research studies has been done. As a practical outcome, several weaknesses in a design of tablets and reading applications were identified.

Relevance of News in the Digital Age: Journalism between Vanishing Business Models and an Unchained Public

Hagen, Lutz M. 28 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Administrators' Perceived Knowledge, Importance, and Perceptions of the International Society for Technology in Education Standards for Administrators and Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel

Hill Muchenje, Kimberly Tomeka 10 August 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine administrators’ self-assessed perceived knowledge, importance, and perceptions of the International Society for Technology in Education Standards for Administrators (ISTE Standards-A) and the Virginia Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel (VTSIP). A survey instrument based on the ISTE Standards-A and the VTSIP was used in the study. 43 administrators in Virginia participated in the study. The participants were members of the Virginia Association of Elementary or Secondary School Principals. The study found that administrators perceived their knowledge of the ISTE Standards-A as good and their knowledge of the VTSIP as excellent. Administrators strongly agreed that both the ISTE Standards-A and the VTSIP were important in their practice. Additionally, their perceptions of both the ISTE Standards-A and the VTSIP were excellent. There were no statistically significant differences found between the perception of the standards and most of the demographic variables. However, there was a statistically significant difference found between male and female perceptions of the VTSIP. Also, there was a statistically significant difference found between administrators’ perceptions of the ISTE Standards-A and perceptions of the VTSIP. The study provided quantitative data on administrators’ perceived knowledge, importance and perceptions of practicing the ISTE Standards-A and the VTSIP. The findings of this study provide valuable information for administrators as they investigate their technology leadership and note areas of improvement, and for the Virginia Department of Education, local education agencies and universities. It is recommended that future research look qualitatively at administrator perceptions of the standards and why males and females differ in their perception of the standards. Further research is also recommended using a larger sample in the state or nationwide, and conducting more research to look into administrative leadership preparation programs, administrators’ perceptions of practice, program alignment or administrator implementation of the ISTE Standards-A and the VTSIP.

Institut stálé provozovny v daňovém právu / Institute of Permanent Establishment in Tax Law

Ngo, The Vinh January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis conducts the legal analysis of the concept of a permanent establishment and its individual characteristics. The first chapter of this master's thesis provides a brief introduction to the issue of international taxation and introduces the basic ideas behind the concept of a permanent establishment. The theoretical introduction is followed by a historical excursion into the development of this concept from its beginnings to its current modern form in the twenty-first century. The second chapter deals with the very essence and construction of the concept of a permanent establishment which is enshrined in bilateral tax agreements and the OECD and the UN Model Tax Conventions. Hence, the introduction of this chapter focuses on explanation of the essence and binding nature of these international sources of law. Subsequently, a detailed analysis of the concept of a permanent establishment and its components is conducted. At the end of this chapter a comparative analysis of the definitions of a permanent establishment in the OECD and the UN Model Tax Conventions is conducted. The third chapter briefly describes the relationship between various definitions of a permanent establishment which may be found in international and national legal instruments. The following sections of this...

A publicidade no contexto pós-moderno: produção e consumo de fluxos discursivos da marca Seda / Advertising in the postmodern context: production and consumption flows discursive brand Silk

Mader, Renato Vercesi 23 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T14:10:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato V Mader.pdf: 2204719 bytes, checksum: 46acc58178e90bb267ce7dd2a7cd381d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-23 / The objective of this research is to develop a theoretical approach that allows us to understand the praxis advertising by post-modern context, analyzing the strategies of production and consumption in a contemporary media practices. We begin by conceptualizing the field of communication, structuring their normative and functional dimensions (Wolton), providing modern and communication, and therefore also advertising. From the structural features of the modern period, we studied the way in which its discontinuities and institutional dimensions shape the social context of post-modern (Giddens) and structure the media scene in which the culture industry has developed, in which advertising is a founders of the genre. Throughout modern advertising becomes hegemonic discourse genre as a mediator of social relations of production and consumption. Their production strategies are developed from the media and technological context of the period, and the bias of the media culture (Kellner), we can then understand how suffering changes from the change seen in the context of postmodern media, depending on the progress of digital media. In this context we analyze how the environment alters the conditions of the narrative function of the transverse mass media, establishing different discursive flows. For it is this environment of media convergence that communication becomes multimodal, supported by the means of production, consumption and distribution characteristic of the digital age (Castells). It is through the digital medium, we observe the structure of a single mode of mass communication, allowing multiple flows in different directions of production and consumption. From the way individual mass communication, advertising establishes new relationships of meaning among diverse media and postmodern social fluidity. Thus, we believe that the advertising genre is amended by midium, resulting in a condition of discursive co-shared utterance, through which, advertiser and consumer simultaneously build a dialogical discourse, full of enticing possibilities. In the process of doing advertising, we focus on ways and strategies of discourse production in perspective rhizomatic (CARRASCOZA) as possible to maintain the mediations social, political and economic caracteríticas advertising. By interpolation of contemporary advertising, establishing the criteria and conditions for selection and analysis of a corpus, composed for the campaign to relaunch the brand Silk Shampoo in Brazil. So we approach the notion of advertising flow (PIEDRAS), establishing a direct relationship with the cultural phenomena, social and technological conditions that give the individual communication mass flow set to operate in the mass media, generating a strategy of production and consumption flows of advertising discourse, in fact structured in a postmodern social context. / O objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver um percurso teórico que nos permita compreender a praxis publicitária pelo contexto pós-moderno, analisando suas estratégias de produção e consumo em um cenário midiático contemporâneo. Iniciamos pela conceituação do campo da comunicação, estruturando suas dimensões normativa e funcional (WOLTON), legitimando modernidade e comunicação, e portanto, também a publicidade. A partir das características estruturais do período moderno, estudamos o modo pelo qual suas descontinuidades e dimensões institucionais forjam o contexto social pós-moderno (GIDDENS), bem como estruturam o cenário midiático pelo qual se desenvolveu a indústria cultural, da qual a publicidade é um dos gêneros fundadores. Ao longo da modernidade a publicidade se torna hegemônica como gênero discursivo mediador das relações sociais, de produção e consumo. Suas estratégias de produção se desenvolvem a partir do contexto midiático e tecnológico do período e, pelo viés da cultura da mídia(KELLNER), podemos então compreender como sofrem alterações a partir da modificação verificada no contexto midiático pós-moderno, em função do avanço dos meios digitais. Neste contexto pudemos analisar como o meio altera as condições da narrativa em função da transversalidade midiática, estabelecendo diferentes fluxos discursivos. Pois é neste ambiente de convergência midiática que a comunicação se torna multimodal, suportada pelos meios de produção, consumo e distribuição característicos da era digital (CASTELLS). É através do meio digital, que observamos a estruturação de um modo de comunicação individual de massa, possibilitando fluxos múltiplos, em direções diversas de produção e consumo. A partir do modo de comunicação individual de massa, a publicidade estabelece novas relações de significados em meio a diversidade midiática e fluidez social pós-modernos. Desta forma, consideramos que o gênero discursivo publicitário é alterado pelo midium, resultando numa condição discursiva de co-enunciação compartilhada, através da qual, anunciante e consumidor constróem um discurso dialógico simultâneo, carregado de possibilidades persuasivas. Neste processo do fazer publicitário, focamos nos modos e estratégias de produção do discurso em perspectiva rizomática(CARRASCOZA), como possibilidade de manter as mediações social, política e econômica caracteríticas da publicidade. Pela interpolação de peças publicitárias contemporâneas, estabelecemos os critérios e condições para seleção e análise de um corpus, composto pela campanha de relançamento da marca Seda Shampoo no Brasil. Assim nos aproximamos da noção de fluxo publicitário (PIEDRAS), estabelecendo uma relação direta com os fenômenos culturais, sociais e tecnológicos que dão condição à comunicação individual de massa de operar em fluxo conjunto à comunicação de massa, gerando uma estratégia de produção e consumo de fluxos discursivos da publicidade, de fato estruturada em um contexto social pós-moderno.

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