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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital Content Creation in 2018: A Study for Non-Profit Organizations and Social Actors

Hedelund, Simone Staack January 2018 (has links)
This study explores the phenomenon of new power as a framework for empowerment for non-profit organizations. The concept is coined by social entrepreneurs Henry Timms and Jeremy Heimans in their book New Power (2018), and the aim is to investigate the effects of new media today through analysis of twelve media actors experiences of working in the creative industries. Through a flexible study based on the paradigm of phenomenology, this thesis researched by examining new power as a 'black box’—an object of human perception—to arrive at new understandings of the workings of media environments today. The qualitative data is backed by a case study of a niche community in the form of digital scrapings that reveal characteristics of spreadable mechanisms in a networked community. Drawing on dominating theories about participatory cultures, convergence media, and mediatization, the study found tendencies of new media leading to the subordination to the power of prevailing media actors. It concludes by considering future implications for the evolution of Web 3.0, where digital platforms will evolve into a co-constitutive digital sphere where media actors and individuals alike will take action in shaping the digital culture of media, as in the cases of leading digital companies BuzzFeed and Reddit.Keywords:Media Transformation, Non-profit organization, Web 2.0, Media Transformation, New Media, Participatory Cultures, New Power, Social Mobilization, Digital Promise

Digital Content Marketing på sociala medier : En kvantitativ studie om hur Digital Content Marketing kan optimeras och påverka köpintentionen hos konsumenter i Genration Z

Frank, Amanda, Muhonen, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: Due to the rapidly increasing use of Digital Content Marketing (DCM) on social media and the lagging empirical research in the field, this study aims to determine how marketers can optimize DCM on social media and influence the purchase intention of Generation Z consumers.  Methodology: Since the study is based on a consumer perspective, a quantitative method with a deductive approach has been conducted. The empirical data consisted of a digital survey with responses from 141 Generation Z consumers.  Findings: Results of the survey reveals that it is possible to optimize the existing characteristics of DCM, as the most preferred traits were valuable, reliable, and entertaining. Furthermore, DCM has a strong impact on the target audience’s purchase intention and can be most advantageously conveyed through video and image formats on Instagram.  Research limitations: This study contributes to an increased understanding of how to use DCM on social media. However, more empirical research is still needed in the field that can be generalized to the entire Generation Z population.  Practical implications: Findings provide an optimized and up-to-date version of DCM that provides marketers with guidelines and opportunities for how DCM on social media can increase consumer engagement and purchase intention.  Originality/value: This study is one of the first to optimize DCM on social media based on consumer preferences, thus demonstrating how DCM can be designed to increase consumer purchase intention.  Keywords: Digital Content Marketing, Content Marketing, purchase intention, social media, digital platforms, digital formats

Marknadsföring och relationer i den digitala världen : En fallstudie över företags digitala marknadsföringsmetoder

Laser, Eddie, Salimi, Allan, Sjöberg, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Att ha en tydlig marknadsföringsstrategi har blivit allt viktigare i takt med att företag börjatkonkurrera både regionalt och nationellt. Tillsammans med den växande digitala världen hardet blivit allt viktigare att skapa och behålla relationer till sina kunder för att i längden skapakundlojalitet. Denna studie har därför undersökt om och hur företag kan använda sig av enviss typ av marknadsföring på internet, Digital Content Marketing, samt om det kan användassom ett verktyg för att främja relationsmarknadsföring. För att undersöka frågan har enfallstudie gjorts över två företag inom livsmedelsbranschen med hjälp av semistruktureradeintervjuer. Datan från dessa intervjuer har sedan använts för att kartlägga företagensmarknadsföring och vilka aktiviteter som tillhör Digital Content Marketing ochrelationsmarknadsföring. Resultatet visar hur båda företagen har använt sig av framför alltsociala medier och mejl i ett försök att skapa personliga och kontinuerliga interaktioner medkunderna för att i längden skapa en relation. Två viktiga kännetecken för båda företagen varatt kunna urskilja sina kundgrupper och anpassa sin marknadsföring därefter, samt att alltidkunna leva upp till kundernas förväntningar och skapa en pålitlighet till företaget. Slutligenkommer studien fram till en del slutsatser, däribland att DCM är en marknadsföringsmetodsom kan användas som ett verktyg inom relationsmarknadsföring, att pålitlighet, värde ochunikhet var de viktigaste av Pažėraitė och Repovienė::s (2016) element och att de steg somföretag väljer att implementera från Kotler et al. (2017) skiljer sig beroende på företagetsstorlek.

Digital Watermarking of Images towards Content Protection.

Nasir, Ibrahim A. January 2010 (has links)
With the rapid growth of the internet and digital media techniques over the last decade, multimedia data such as images, video and audio can easily be copied, altered and distributed over the internet without any loss in quality. Therefore, protection of ownership of multimedia data has become a very significant and challenging issue. Three novel image watermarking algorithms have been designed and implemented for copyright protection. The first proposed algorithm is based on embedding multiple watermarks in the blue channel of colour images to achieve more robustness against attacks. The second proposed algorithm aims to achieve better trade-offs between imperceptibility and robustness requirements of a digital watermarking system. It embeds a watermark in adaptive manner via classification of DCT blocks with three levels: smooth, edges and texture, implemented in the DCT domain by analyzing the values of AC coefficients. The third algorithm aims to achieve robustness against geometric attacks, which can desynchronize the location of the watermark and hence cause incorrect watermark detection. It uses geometrically invariant feature points and image normalization to overcome the problem of synchronization errors caused by geometric attacks. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are robust and outperform related techniques found in literature.

Digital Content Creation

Earnshaw, Rae A., Vince, P.J. 09 May 2001 (has links)
No / The very word "digital" has acquired a status that far exceeds its humble dictionary definition. Even the prefix digital, when associ­ ated with familiar sectors such as radio, television, photography and telecommunications, has reinvented these industries, and provided a unique opportunity to refresh them with new start-up companies, equipment, personnel, training and working practices - all of which are vital to modern national and international economies. The last century was a period in which new media stimulated new job opportunities, and in many cases created totally new sectors: video competed with film, CDs transformed LPs, and computer graphics threatened traditional graphic design sectors. Today, even the need for a physical medium is in question. The virtual digital domain allows the capture, processing, transmission, storage, retrieval and display of text, images, audio and animation without familiar materials such as paper, celluloid, magnetic tape and plastic. But moving from these media to the digital domain intro­ duces all sorts of problems, such as the conversion of analog archives, multimedia databases, content-based retrieval and the design of new content that exploits the benefits offered by digital systems. It is this issue of digital content creation that we address in this book. Authors from around the world were invited to comment on different aspects of digital content creation, and their contributions form the 23 chapters of this volume.

Nové trendy v systémech pro platby za digitální obsah / New trends in systems for payments for digital content

Horáčková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on new trends in payment systems for digital content. In the introductory chapter are briefly described the current types of electronic payment systems. The next part of the thesis introduces a foreign research studies and compares their results with results of the questionnaire survey conducted within the frame of the thesis. The following chapters are devoted to Czech and foreign electronic payment systems, focusing on the sale of digital content, the general development of the Czech micropayment systems and comparison of functionalities of the payment systems in order to compose a summary of recommendations for selected individuals involved in the field of electronic commerce. Following parts of this thesis are focused on the identification of the main trends in charging for Czech and foreign media content and presentation of the results of the questionnaire survey. The core of the work is to identify the main problems of the development of electronic payment systems, the identification of new trends in the pricing of media content and the summary of recommendations for the selected entities in the area of electronic commerce according to the knowledge gained in the diploma thesis.

Os livros eletrônicos e as bibliotecas / -

Serra, Liliana Giusti 06 July 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa discute a utilização de livros eletrônicos em bibliotecas e as transformações que este recurso pode ocasionar em unidades de informação e nas atividades bibliotecárias. Para tanto são analisadas as transformações pelas quais passou o livro, em seus suportes e formatos, passando pelas ideias de Vannevar Bush, o Dynabook, primeiro dispositivo de leitura e a oferta de conteúdo do Projeto Gutenberg até o advento do livro eletrônico. As denominações empregadas para designar os livros eletrônicos são identificadas e busca-se conceituar o objeto empírico. São identificados seus quatro elementos, formato, dispositivo, plataforma e DRM, e as transformações ocorridas no processo de aquisição, com a possibilidade de licenciamento do conteúdo em oposição à propriedade. Neste aspecto são analisadas as teorias da primeira venda e do uso justo e a implicação que os licenciamentos representam às bibliotecas. São identificados os tipos de fornecedores de conteúdo digital licenciado, editores, agregadores e distribuidores, e as possibilidades de acesso às plataformas e aos conteúdos contratados. Os principais modelos de negócios são apresentados, aquisição perpétua, assinatura, Aquisição Orientada ao Usuário (DDA), Empréstimo de curto prazo (STL) e Aquisição orientada por evidência (EBS), além das possibilidades de inclusão de conteúdo aberto. A partir das características dos modelos de negócios para aquisição de conteúdo licenciado, aspectos do desenvolvimento de coleção são analisados, buscando identificar questões significativas nas práticas bibliotecárias. O texto finaliza com levantamento de vantagens e desvantagens da aplicação de livros eletrônicos em bibliotecas e a importância da continuidade de estudos sobre este tema. / This research discusses the applicability of electronic books (e-books) in libraries and the transformations that this resource can provide in information units and librarianship activities. To do that, are analyzed the book transformations, in its supports and formats, through the ideas of Vannevar Bush, the Dynabook, the first electronic reader and the content offer provided by Gutenberg Project until the evolution of e-book. The various ways in which the ebooks are denominated are presented, seeking for the concept the empirical object. Are identified the four elements of the e-book: the format, the device, the platform and the DRM, and the transmutation in the acquisition process, with the possibility of content licensing as opposed to property. In this aspect, the theory of first sale and the fair use are analyzed and its implications for libraries. From the identification of types of digital content providers, as editors, aggregators and distributors, and the access to platforms and content, the main business models are analyzed, Perpetual acquisition, Signature, Demand Driven Acquisition, Short Term Loans and Evidence Based Selection, addition of open access. From the business models characteristics to acquire digital content, are analyzed some aspects of collection management, trying to identify significant questions about the libraries practices. The text ends with the advantages and disadvantages of the e-books adoption in libraries and the importance of continuing studies on this topic.

《枋寮100番地誌》:地方志的數位實驗創作 / In No. 100, Fang-Liau : An Experiment of Digital Chorography

呂 凌慧, Lu, Ling Huei Unknown Date (has links)
數位地方志—《枋寮100番地誌》是創作者對於家與土地的追尋與紀錄。透過新媒體iPad為敘事平台,運用新媒體敘事的互動性、行動與多媒體特色,將文學的創作結合空間系統,賦予地方志閱讀立體的空間感知。 本創作蒐集了中和枋寮在地歷史、人物與故事,並以地方的片段影像、聲音勾勒枋寮的輪廓與地方感。在敘事上,轉化原來以時間作為陳述順序的地方志結構,提出「空間」概念作為敘事主題。內容安置在地圖的經緯度間,由讀者透過街道的介面設計,展開地方內容的探索與漫遊。作品進一步結合定位與主動推播,創造在地閱讀的互動情境,內容對應著讀者所佇立的當下,空間的今昔對比形成「此在」、「此曾在」的跨時經驗。 數位地方志的互動閱讀體驗,賦予地方閱讀空間與探索的趣味,使地方志文本不再只是單向、平面的陳述。對於中和在地人而言,閱讀的過程是一場地方記憶的召喚;對於外地讀者,作品賦予漫遊者一種穿梭時空的地方體驗,提供不同觀看地方的角度與視野,文本意義皆內涵著觀者獨特的地方經驗、感受與記憶。 / "No. 100, Fang-Liau" is a chorography that displays the history of streets in Fang-Liau, Zhong-he District (中和枋寮) through an application on iPad/iPad mini. Using the iPad device as a communication platform, the project was carried out by the interactive design components, mobility, and features of “digital narrative,” in contrast to the traditional context of history. Contents of digital chorography are built base on “space” rather than the timeline structure; the design then brings user an interactive experience in reading: This project gathered local history, culture and stories of Fang-Liau; with the input of local images, video clips, audio track, and old photos of the residence, the literature is combined with space, creating a 3D perception of reading/experiencing the chorography. To enhance the sense of space, the stories are stored in a location database for user to retrieve. The “street view” interface of UI/UX design provides user the function of exploring in the context and finding stories they may be interested in, as if they’re wondering in physical space. In addition, the function of Global Positional System (GPS) and Location-based Service allows the system to notify user where they are, telling them historical stories of the place and showing them what the surrounding was like in the past. Integrating the function of visual and sound, users are immersed in the atmosphere of “space” and can further get a glance of what daily lives were like in the past. For local residents, the application can actually recalled their emotions and memories according to their own life experiences; for visitors or travelers, on the other hand, the application provides an innovation way of accessing Fang-Liau.


張誌銘 Unknown Date (has links)
數位內容產業的五個核心子產業中,數位學習產業是台灣具有相對較佳全球競爭力的領域。本研究從購買者的角度出發,引用科技接受模式(TAM) ,建構消費性數位學習產品之產品特性如何影響產品購買者之知覺及產品滿意度的評估模式,並進一步根據研究結果對業者提出具體建議。 本研究透過文獻瞭解影響數位學習產品購買者滿意度的產品特性及變數間之路徑關係,進而發展研究問卷;以大台北地區之購買者為樣本進行問卷調查;應用敘述性統計、路徑分析及單因子變異數分析等統計方法及問卷調查所得資料進行分析與推論。 根據有效樣本的歸納結果發現,購買者以36~40歲、大專學歷、從商、家庭每月總收入約8萬至12萬間者為多。顯示此產品的購買者主要以小康家庭的父母為主。 由路徑分析結果可知,數位學習產品的三項重要特性當中,產品互動性是影響產品滿意度之最重要因素,內容豐富性次之,產品便利性又次之。反應出購買者最重視數位學習產品是否能夠有效做到介面互動、教材互動與人際互動。此外,購買者亦相當重視產品內容能否幫助購買者減輕經濟負擔及教改一綱多本所導致的困擾。 路徑分析結果亦揭露了購買者對數位學習產品的知覺有用性較知覺易用性對產品滿意度有更大的影響;因此,業者在媒體行銷策略之重點上,仍難免如傳統補教業者訴諸見證的廣宣手法;此外,業者也應進一歩進行數位學習學習與認知之基礎研究,實質探討如何有效提升購買者之知覺有用性。 由單因子變異數分析結果可知,購買者的背景差異會影響其產品滿意度。因此,業者可以在市場區隔、產品組合、定價方式等政策執行面上考量更有彈性做法;並根據顧客資料,重點加強客服作業,彌補業務通路體系之不足,以建立更佳的產品口碑。 / In five nucleus sub- industries of the digital content industry, the e-learning industry is the realm that Taiwan has an opposite global competitive advantage. This study bases on the angle of purchaser, quotes from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), tries to construct a valuation model to study how characteristics of e-learning products could influence the consciousness and the product satisfaction of the purchaser. Furthermore, this study will make suggestions to the suppliers according to the statistical analysis. We develop a questionnaire after recognizing the path relations between the variables and the characteristics (convenience, interaction, content abundance) which influence the e-learning product satisfaction through the previous studies. Then carry on analysis and inferences by applying convenience sampling, description statistical analysis, path analysis, and single factor variation analysis etc. According to the valid samples, it induces that middle-class families are the mainly purchaser group of ladder100. And by the path analysis, the results show that the interaction is the most important of three factors which influence the e-learning product satisfaction, and then sequentially the content abundance and the product convenience. The path analysis also reveals that purchasers’ perceived usefulness has greater influence to the e-learning product satisfaction than purchasers’ perceived ease –of –use. By single factor variation analysis, we know that purchasers’ different back ground will influence their product satisfaction.


張誌銘 January 1994 (has links)
數位內容產業的五個核心子產業中,數位學習產業是台灣具有相對較佳全球競爭力的領域。本研究從購買者的角度出發,引用科技接受模式(TAM) ,建構消費性數位學習產品之產品特性如何影響產品購買者之知覺及產品滿意度的評估模式,並進一步根據研究結果對業者提出具體建議。 本研究透過文獻瞭解影響數位學習產品購買者滿意度的產品特性及變數間之路徑關係,進而發展研究問卷;以大台北地區之購買者為樣本進行問卷調查;應用敘述性統計、路徑分析及單因子變異數分析等統計方法及問卷調查所得資料進行分析與推論。 根據有效樣本的歸納結果發現,購買者以36~40歲、大專學歷、從商、家庭每月總收入約8萬至12萬間者為多。顯示此產品的購買者主要以小康家庭的父母為主。 由路徑分析結果可知,數位學習產品的三項重要特性當中,產品互動性是影響產品滿意度之最重要因素,內容豐富性次之,產品便利性又次之。反應出購買者最重視數位學習產品是否能夠有效做到介面互動、教材互動與人際互動。此外,購買者亦相當重視產品內容能否幫助購買者減輕經濟負擔及教改一綱多本所導致的困擾。 路徑分析結果亦揭露了購買者對數位學習產品的知覺有用性較知覺易用性對產品滿意度有更大的影響;因此,業者在媒體行銷策略之重點上,仍難免如傳統補教業者訴諸見證的廣宣手法;此外,業者也應進一歩進行數位學習學習與認知之基礎研究,實質探討如何有效提升購買者之知覺有用性。 由單因子變異數分析結果可知,購買者的背景差異會影響其產品滿意度。因此,業者可以在市場區隔、產品組合、定價方式等政策執行面上考量更有彈性做法;並根據顧客資料,重點加強客服作業,彌補業務通路體系之不足,以建立更佳的產品口碑。 / In five nucleus sub- industries of the digital content industry, the e-learning industry is the realm that Taiwan has an opposite global competitive advantage. This study bases on the angle of purchaser, quotes from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), tries to construct a valuation model to study how characteristics of e-learning products could influence the consciousness and the product satisfaction of the purchaser. Furthermore, this study will make suggestions to the suppliers according to the statistical analysis. We develop a questionnaire after recognizing the path relations between the variables and the characteristics (convenience, interaction, content abundance) which influence the e-learning product satisfaction through the previous studies. Then carry on analysis and inferences by applying convenience sampling, description statistical analysis, path analysis, and single factor variation analysis etc. According to the valid samples, it induces that middle-class families are the mainly purchaser group of ladder100. And by the path analysis, the results show that the interaction is the most important of three factors which influence the e-learning product satisfaction, and then sequentially the content abundance and the product convenience. The path analysis also reveals that purchasers’ perceived usefulness has greater influence to the e-learning product satisfaction than purchasers’ perceived ease –of –use. By single factor variation analysis, we know that purchasers’ different back ground will influence their product satisfaction. / 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 5 第三節 研究目的 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 數位學習 7 第二節 數位學習產業之現況 12 第三節 階梯數位學院 14 第四節 科技接受模型理論 18 第五節 外部變數推導 23 第六節 消費者滿意度 30 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 研究架構及研究假說 34 第二節 研究變數之操作性定義 40 第三節 問卷設計與調查過程 43 第四節 統計分析方法 45 第四章 研究結果與分析 47 第一節 樣本基本資料分析 47 第二節 信度分析 51 第三節 假說檢定之路徑分析 53 第四節 單因子變異數分析 62 第五章 結論與建議 75 第一節 結論與建議 75 第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議 80 參考文獻 82 中文文獻 82 英文文獻 84 附件 正式問卷 88 表目錄 表2.3.1 階梯數位學院線上課程分類 16 表3.2.1 學習便利性衡量題項 40 表3.2.2 學習互動性衡量題項 40 表3.2.3 內容豐富性衡量題項 41 表3.2.4 知覺易用性衡量題項 41 表3.2.5 知覺有用性衡量題項 42 表3.2.6 產品滿意度衡量題項 42 表4.1.1 樣本基本資料表 48 表4.2.1 數位學習產品購買者滿意度調查表之信度分析結果 51 表4.3.1 因果關係影響路徑及效果分類表 54 表4.3.2 模式總檢定結果摘要表 55 表4.3.3 路徑分析邊際檢定結果摘要表 59 表4.3.4 本研究之假說檢定結果彙整表 56 表4.3.5 路徑分析各項效果總表 58 表4.4.1 性別對各構面之獨立樣本T檢定結果 62 表4.4.2 年齡對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 63 表4.4.3 年齡對產品滿意度之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 64 表4.4.4 職業對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 64 表4.4.5 職業對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 65 表4.4.6 教育程度對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 67 表4.4.7 教育程度對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 68 表4.4.8 家庭總收入對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 70 表4.4.9 教育程度對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 71 表4.4.10 小孩數對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 73 表4.4.11 家庭小孩數對知覺有用性之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 74 圖目錄 圖2.3.1 理性行為理論 18 圖2.3.2 科技接受模式 20 圖3.3.1 研究架構 35 圖4.3.1 路徑分析邊際檢定結果 56

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