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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D電腦動畫電影--台灣進入國際數位內容產業的契機 / 3D Computer Animated Movies -- An Opportunity for Taiwan to Compete in The Global Digital Content Market

黃寶雲, Huang,Pao-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
3D電腦動畫電影產業在過去十年間的蓬勃發展有目共睹。在台灣,政府所提出的「兩兆雙星」產業政策中,也以「數位內容」產業為「雙星」計畫之一,而「電腦動畫」則列為優先發展的重點項目之一。 本論文以作者多年的國際媒體產業經驗與觀察為主軸,輔以豐富的產業研究資料及分析,探討台灣在發展3D 電腦動畫電影產業時的各項競爭條件。論文架構採用學者波特在國家競爭優勢中所提出的價值鏈及鑽石模型理論,逐一分析台灣在面臨國際競爭時,各項條件的優勢與不足。 要了解好萊塢如何成功地揉合「創意」與「科技」,不斷創造出一部部席捲全球的3D電腦動畫電影,必須先認識好萊塢電影產業的運作基礎。好萊塢有著相當複雜的產業發展背景,時至今日,這些時空背景仍深深地影響著產業的各個層面。本論文先深入剖析好萊塢電影產業的各項價值活動、產業及人力結構、以及電影投資、融資與風險控管等機制。其後,則進一步分析3D電腦動畫產業的版圖現況及發展趨勢,並以三家領導廠商Pixar、DreamWorks Animation、Blue Sky進行個案分析,透過對這三家廠商發展歷程與運作模式的檢視,台灣可以從中學習成功的經驗,並避免重蹈覆轍。 論文最後,則基於以上之論述,提出兩項論點,說明此刻是台灣以3D電腦動畫電影切入國際數位內容產業的良機。第一項論點是現階段仍屬全球3D電腦動畫產業發展初期,新進入者較易跨入此一新興市場;第二項論點則是台灣世界級的資訊產業提供了優勢的競爭基礎,使台灣具有更高的策略位置。因此,台灣可以高科技產業帶動數位內容產業的發展,延續「科技矽島」的成功經驗,再創「Silicon Hollywood:矽谷+好萊塢」的國家新競爭優勢。 / The 3D feature computer animation industry has grown tremendously in the past 10 years. In Taiwan, the government has identified the “digital content” industry as one of the two rising stars in the “Two Trillions, Twin Stars” national industry development plan, with “computer animation” as its top development priority. Based on the author’s years of observation and experience in international media and business, with abundant industrial research and statistical data, this thesis discusses Taiwan’s competitive advantages in the development of a globally competitive 3D feature computer animation industry. This thesis also refers to Michael Porter’s “Competitive Advantages of Nations”, which uses the Diamond Model to identify a nation’s weaknesses and strengths in the global economy. To realize how Hollywood can successfully combine creativity and technology to create box-office 3D computer animated movies, it is wise to consider how Hollywood fundamentally works. Hollywood is a complicated machine fed by its rich background and history that currently affects every facet of its behavior. This thesis breaks down that behavior into sections that detail topics such as value chain activities, modern industrial and labor structure setup, film financing and risk management. Three leading computer animation studios are Pixar, DreamWorks Animation, and Blue Sky. After understanding how the Hollywood film industry works, the next logical topic to examine is how these studios relate globally with the international 3D feature animation industry’s landscape and development trend. Using these studios as case studies, examining their timeline of development and work methodologies, important lessons can be learned and previous pitfalls avoided as Taiwan takes its first steps towards establishing its own successful 3D computer animation industry. Upon its analysis, this thesis identifies two strong reasons that justify why now is the time for Taiwan to establish its 3D computer animation industry as a means to compete in the global digital content market. The first reason is because the current global landscape of the 3D feature animation industry is just past its infancy and in an early stage of development, making it easier for new entries into the market. The second reason is because Taiwan has the advantage of having a strong resource in its world-leading IT industry that provides strong leverage above the competition. Taiwan is already world famous for being a technologically strong “Silicon Island”. By creating a bridge between technology and creativity, Taiwan can emulate its previous success model and thus create a new international identity as the “Silicon Hollywood”.

數位權利管理(DRM)系統可行性研究-從技術、法律和管理三面向剖析 / A Study on the Feasibility of Digital Rights Management (DRM) Systems-From Technological, Legal and Management Aspects

郭祝熒, Kuo,Melody C.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
在數位內容下載市場蓬勃發展的同時,非法傳輸的流量亦不惶多讓,是以DRM機制成為了著作權利人進入網路世界的絕佳後盾,以DRM提高複製的門檻,並據以實施其商業模式,故於各數位內容核心產業皆可見DRM應用之蹤跡,卻同時引發了究竟DRM是Digital “Rights” Management 亦或Digital “Restriction” Management的爭議。是天使?或是惡魔?便形成了人們對於DRM的不同觀感。 本研究係從技術、法律以及管理三個面向分別切入,由技術面看DRM保護著作物之極限何在,由法律面看相關科技保護措施之立法造成何種影響,合理使用的空間是否因DRM之實施而造成限縮,接著由管理面向看DRM在數位內容產業價值鏈中所扮演之角色及其與價值鏈上各端權力角力衝突之關係,最後由標準面看目前DRM相關標準的運作以及互通性標準的發展趨勢。並從個案研究觀察DRM在不同產業情境中的應用。 本研究認為,DRM技術本身是中性的,其關鍵在於商業設計運用。而在盜版問題無法完全根絕之情況下,以DRM作為因應之道將使得受限內容之經濟價值不若自由流通之內容,因為內容產業的發展關鍵在於「人氣」,而盜版永遠無法取代創意與使用者對於內容之需求。因此,既然無法防堵非法傳輸之現象,則不妨與之直接面對面進行作戰,權利人既掌握了關鍵的內容,則可以針對盜版的弱點提供更優質的服務。就我國目前數位內容產業發展之情境來看,現階段或許有採取DRM進行保護的必要性,以便在推動合法消費市場之際,平衡兼顧保護著作權人以及著作利用人之權益。然而,在虛擬世界中欲全面防堵非法散佈有其技術上之侷限性,消費者亦多半養成了免費取得之使用模式與心態,因此長期而言,或許應設法從創新的商業模式來扭轉此態勢。 / Though the use of digital rights management (DRM) has been controversial, it is still widely used in the digital world. Advocates think of DRM as an indispensable way to prevent unauthorized duplication and dissemination of copyrighted works while opponents often suggest that the term “rights” should be replaced by “restriction” to best describe how DRM works. This thesis aims to analyze the issues of DRM from three perspectives. First starting with the technical point of view to see how DRM works and found out that DRM technology does have its limitation for copyright protection. That’s the reason why treaties and legislations such as the WCT, WPPT, and DMCA are needed to build the last ditch in the war with piracy. However, the attempt backfired as companies other than rights holders used it as a way to prevent market competition. As the rights holders can effectively control the access of their work with DRM, there comes another dispute about the “Paracopyright” effect. Most important of all, the use of DRM divests the users of the rights they had in the analog world, such as simply lending a book to a friend. From the perspective of management, a cost benefit analysis indicates that the benefit of using DRM to prevent unauthorized duplication obviously overwhelms by its cost and risk. In the context where the content providers, service providers, and device manufacturers all attempt to dominate the whole value chain, DRM also became one of the most powerful instruments for that purpose. Closed ecosystems are built one after another especially in the online music industry in order to bundle the consumers with specific players and music services and thus caused the antitrust issue. The online music industry and the e-book industry were chosen as case studies in the fourth chapter of the thesis. Based on different industry context, DRM strategy and its impact would differ and therefore results in a variety of business models. For example, the consumers in the US are relatively more aware of the use of DRM and are more willing to pay for authorized content. In contrast, the awareness of DRM of consumers in Taiwan is much lower and the price they are willing to pay is also far lower than what the music labels can accept. As a result, the streaming model prevails over pay-per-download model in the online music market of Taiwan. And the feasibility and necessity of DRM also varies in different industries. Before the digitalization of books, authors already had libraries providing free copies as piracy do today, and the prevalence of scanning machines and copy machines makes it even harder to prevent illegal file sharing. Accordingly, there is far less reason to use DRM in the e-book industry than in the online music industry. DRM technology is neutral in itself, and the key point is how it is designed based on different business models. The defect of DRM is neither a technical nor a legal issue, but rather a business issue. As piracy can never be eradicated, coping it with DRM would only make the value of restricted contents much less than freely distributed contents. Popularity is what really matters in the content industry. DRM has its technical limit and causes so many legal issues accompanied with the cost and risk of maintaining such fragile systems. What rights holders have in hand are the creativity and the market’s need for new content, which could never be replaced by piracy. So why not fight it face to face? Digital content industry is considered one of the most promising industries in Taiwan. However, local consumers have entrenched mindset of “free” contents. In present context, DRM is somehow needed while promoting the growth of legal market, in order to provide sufficient incentive to enrich the society with more and more creativity, and fairly protect both the rights of content providers and content users. But in the long run, a more creative or even subversive business model should be the solution to meet the trend of digital convergence.

文化創意、數位內容產業發展之比較研究─以台灣、韓國為例 / The Comparative Study of Culture Creative and Digital Contents Industry:Case Study on Taiwan & Korea

孫正和 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從探討台灣及韓國兩國目前為扶植文化創意、數位內容產業所推動之發展政策比較,介紹兩國目前的推動政策內容以及發展狀態,並探討為振興整體產業,如何運用相關政策而帶動產業發展,且從中國家力量在推動產業時所扮演的角色及力量。透過台灣、韓國對文化創意、數位內容產業之相關推動政策比較,試圖探討執行政策之優缺點,再進一步比較截至目前為止的發展成果。此外,本研究介紹了台灣、韓國兩國近期在相關產業發展過程中所引發爭論的智財議題,在比較分析兩國文化創意、數位內容產業所面臨的智慧財產議題後,探討兩國在知識經濟時代如何保護運用相關智慧財產,及其與產業發展的關聯。為了解台灣、韓國文化創意、數位內容產業界實際現況及對於政府輔助政策的意見,並探討相關推動政策的實效等,本研究在訪談兩國相關企業後,找出目前產業實際問題所在且蒐集來自產業界的意見,最終導出本研究結果,並依據韓國文化創意、數位內容產業發展的歷程,對台灣文化創意、數位內容產業發展提出本研究的建議。 / This study started from the comparison of the Taiwanese and Korean government policies that are intended cultivate the development of culture creative and digital content industry. By introducing the measures and activities taken officially, we can clearly see how each government acts in the development of their culture creative and digital content Industry, following by discussing the pros and cons of the policies and further comparison of the achievements until now in Taiwan and Korea. On top of the background analysis of the culture creative and digital content industry in Taiwan and Korea, this study introduced the intellectual property related issues that were raised during the development, and discussed how they manage to protect and commercialize their intangible assets and how this effects to the industry. Interviews of local companies were conducted in order to evaluate how the Taiwanese and Korean policies work and see if that really meet the demands of the industry. The conclusion of this comparative study comes from the opinions of the industry, and since the Korean had gone further in the development of culture creative and digital content field, the study came out a few suggestions for Taiwan for their future development in these industries.

PostHere: 使用者產製情境內容之手機社群平台設計 / PostHere: Prototype Design of a Mobile Social Networking Platform for Context Aware Content

黃素琳, Ng, Su Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本內容為手機社群平台介面設計創作論述。PostHere 是一個讓使用者在智慧型手機上分享和接收情境內容的社群平台。使用者根據所在的情境,產製出一則則多媒體數位故事,並利用全球定位系統(GPS) 與數位羅盤技術,將內容留在空間中,共同建立地點資料庫。其他使用者便可從不同地點的資料庫中讀取內容,並利用擴增實境、數位地圖或街景重新建構的情境觀看內容,有如在真實空間中覆蓋一層數位故事空間。平台使用了社群機制進行內容排序和篩選,並刺激使用者更踴躍分享內容。 本論述探討了關於情境內容、社群服務和使用者介面與經驗設計的文獻,並進行個案分析,作為介面設計之基礎。設計的過程中也咨詢了介面設計領域專業人員的意見。 PostHere的主要目標族群為21至35歲的社青,有四個主要功能。使用者可創作情境故事留在特定地理位置上、閱讀其他使用者在目前位置上留下的故事、搜尋其他地點的故事、以及與有興趣的使用者聯結。本社群平台將先鼓勵使用者分享微旅遊紀錄,作為內容範例。 / This paper presents the prototype design of PostHere, a mobile social networking platform that will enable users to share and receive context aware content through an application on the smartphone. Digital stories in multimedia forms created by the mass users in relation to their spatial and temporal context are “planted” and left on a location using Global Positional System (GPS) and compass technology. These stories are stored in a location database for other users to retrieve and view in recreated context through augmented reality, world map or street view, like over layering a digital space on top of the physical space. Social mechanisms are used to sort out and filter content, while motivating users to share content actively. Literature review on context aware content, social networking and user experience design, together with case study on current mobile social networking app act as the basis of the development. Professionals from the app development field were consulted throughout the course of the user interface and user experience design. The final prototype has four main functions, targeted at urban young adult ranging from the age of 21 to 35. User may create and leave stories on a geographical spot, explore stories at their current location, search for interesting stories shared by others and connect with users they are interested in. Micro- travel log is chosen as the main content to help build up content paradigm. The prototype received positive feedback from test participants in Taiwan and will be ready for development into an actual product.

新產品開發績效與市場知識導向能力對新產品研發成功之研究-以台灣數位內容產業為例 / An empirical study of the development performances of new products and the guided competences of market knowledge for successful research and development of new products based on digital content industry in Taiwan

蔡緒浩 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來不論在學術界或實務界,都開始研究新產品開發階段的相關議題以及企業組織如何在市場與他們的顧客進行互動,然而卻很少將焦點放在新產品開發績效與市場知識導向能力對新產品研發成功的影響,因此企業應該要開始將新產品開發績效與市場知識導向能力納入整個新產品開發的控制過程中,以便降低開發的風險,同時產品也更能貼切地符合顧客需要。 為了在新產品開發階段可以將產品以更快速、低成本與高品質的方式,滿足消費者的需求,企業應該及早在新產品研發過程中兼顧新產品開發績效與市場知識導向能力,透過與客戶的互動、瞭解競爭者資訊,同時在企業內與各部門分享協調,把新產品開發的失敗率降到最低。 因此,本研究的研究焦點放在(1)新產品開發績效對新產品研發成功的影響 ; (2)市場知識導向能力對新產品研發成功的影響。本研究的研究對象為台灣數位內容產業的廠商,共寄出問卷 600份,回收 141份,經由結構方程模式來分析本研究所提出的假設支持程度,所使用的統計分析方法為 SAS應用軟體。 本研究的主要發現有: 1. 新產品開發績效對新產品研發成功是具有正向的影響。因此,企業在產品開發過程中,應該要重視開發速度、開發成本及產品品質,以提高新產品研發的成功率。 2. 市場知識導向能力對新產品研發成功是具有正向的影響。企業一旦懂得應用市場所收集到的資訊,包括顧客的資訊、競爭者的資訊,將整合的資訊傳達到企業各個部門,新產品研發的成功率則會提高。 / In recent years, many organizations in academic or practical fields start to research the related topics in development stage of new products and how the enterprises interact with their customers in the market. However, there are few focuses on the development performances of new products and the guided competences of market knowledge for successful research and development of new products. Thus, it should be necessary for enterprises to reduce the development risks of new products and simultaneously fulfill the customer requirements by involving the development performances of new products and guided competences of market knowledge into the controlled process of research and development of new products. In order to fulfill the customer requirements by faster speed, lower cost and higher quality in development stage of new products, the enterprises should pay earlier attentions on the development performances of new products and the guided competences of market knowledge in the research and development process of new products to decline the failure rate by interacting with the customer, understanding the competitor information, and simultaneously sharing the information to related departments in the enterprises. Therefore, the study will focus on (1) the effect of the development performances of new products for successful research and development of new products; (2) the effect of guided competences of market knowledge for successful research and development of new products. The research objects of the dissertation are the venders of digital content industry in Taiwan. There are 600 questionnaires mailed out and 141 questionnaires replied, and through SEM to analyze the paper hypotheses by using SAS-the statistical analysis method. The main research findings include: 1. The effect of the development performances of new products for successful research and development of new products is positive. Thus, the enterprises in the process of research and development of new products should pay more attention to the development speed, the development cost and the product quality in order to enhance the successful ratio of research and development of the new products. 2. The effect of guided competences of market knowledge for successful research and development of new products is positive. Once the enterprises understand to utilize collecting information which contains the customer information, competitor information and to transmit the integrated information to related departments, the successful ratio of research and development of the new products will be improved.

夜市利害關係人與消費者之科技使用行為分析與動機研究 / Analysis of technology use behaviors and their motivations for night market stakeholders and consumers

黃駿傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對象為夜市利害關係人與消費者,欲探討夜市科技導入之使用者需求,以找出夜市科技需求為目的。本研究的研究方法,第一階段透過學理基礎分析為基礎,將夜市各領域文獻與產業現況進行整合,且實地走訪夜市,進行環境掃描,並透過質化的深度訪談,探討夜市利害關係人的需求,嘗試以不同使用者角度與參與治理觀點角度切入,找出目前產業現象所知的使用者需求之外,再找出其他潛在的使用者需求。 第二階段以質化深度訪談結果建立量化的網路問卷,以統計數據分析消費者心理,在相關分析中顯示影響夜市的科技應用與使用科技的知覺價值互為顯著正相關;而在多元迴歸分析中顯示影響夜市的科技應用對影響夜市消費者使用科技的行為態度、使用科技的知覺價值對影響夜市消費者使用科技的行為態度、夜市消費者使用科技的行為態度對夜市消費者使用科技的意願等三個路徑結果中皆有變數為顯著正相關,透過分析結果驗證消費者對於科技使用需求的心理特質,以提供符合夜市供需雙方之使用者需求設計。 第三階段彙整出夜市科技使用者動機與需求結果,提出對夜市具參考性的科技使用需求機制與功能規劃,並進行數位內容應用建置與規劃,設計夜市APP數位內容,呈現系統架構、流程規劃與介面建置,改善夜市遭遇之問題,供未來其他研究者參考或應用於數位內容應用開發與實務上。 總結,本研究成果為:(1)彙整出夜市產業對於數位科技應用的需求與想像。(2)依據使用者需求規劃出夜市科技的系統架構與流程,並設計出夜市數位內容應用介面。(3)最終,解決夜市產業面臨的困境,增加整體對於夜市發展的參與度,提昇夜市競爭能力,供未來研究者與開發設計者能參考。 / The subjects of this study are night market stakeholders and consumers; the study aims to explore user demand for the introduction of technology to night markets, and to determine the demand for night market technology. The research methods employed by this study are as follows: the first part of this study is based upon theoretical foundation analysis, and combines literature related to a variety of fields related to night markets with the current state of the industry. Furthermore, on-site interviews were conducted at night markets, and surveys of the night market environment were conducted; in addition, qualitative in-depth interviews were used to determine the demands of night-market stakeholders. These methods also attempt to determine known user demands according to current industry conditions, in addition to determining other potential user demands from different user and administrative perspectives. In the second part, the results of in-depth qualitative interviews are used to establish a quantitative online questionnaire; statistical data analysis of consumer psychology and correlation analysis reveal that there is a significant and positive correlation between night-market-influencing technology applications and the perceived value of technology use; furthermore, multivariate regression analysis shows the following: according to three pathway results, variables with positive and significant correlations exist for the effect of night-market-influencing technology applications on the behavioral attitudes of night market consumers to using technology, the effect of the perceived value of technology use on behavioral attitudes that influence technology use by night market consumers, and the effect of behavioral attitudes of night market consumers towards technology use on the willingness of night market consumers to use technology. An analysis of these results was used to verify the psychological characteristics of demand for consumer technology use, and to provide a user demand design that is compatible with supply and demand conditions of night markets. The third section of this paper summarizes results related to the motivations and demands of night market technology users, and proposes technology user demand mechanisms and functional plans with referential value for night markets. Furthermore, this section describes the establishment and planning of a digital content application, design of digital content for the night market app, the system framework, and conduction of process planning and interface set-up. In addition, it addresses how the issues encountered by night markets can be resolved, and provides reference for future researchers, which can be applied to digital content application development and practice. The results of this study are as follows: it summarizes the demands and vision of the night market industry with regard to digital technology applications. According to the demands of users, it plans a system framework and process for night market technology, and designs a digital content application interface for night markets. Finally, it resolves difficulties encountered by the night market industry, and improves the overall level of participation in night market development, in addition to improving the competitiveness of night markets. Furthermore, it provides a reference for future researchers.

Diseño de una metodología cibermétrica de cálculo del éxito para la optimización de contenidos web

Yeste Moreno, Víctor Manuel 04 November 2021 (has links)
[EN] The object of this study is the design of a cybermetric methodology whose objectives are to measure the success of the content published in an online media and the possible prediction of the selected success variables. Framed in the field of digital journalism, it responds to the need to analyze the success of web content so that it can help in the decision-making of the editorial team of a digital medium. A line of research focused on the content itself, providing an innovative vision to that of previous research, and a methodology that serves as a basis for future scientific advances. It is about the contribution of valuable information, either from the statistical analysis of the data or from the possible prediction of the success indicators of greatest interest to the environment. In this way, it could be integrated as a feedback into the content strategy and thus favor its iterative optimization. The main objective, therefore, is the design of a cybermetric methodology for calculating the success of an online publication, having as specific objectives: to research the concept of success in digital journalism, the social network Twitter, web analytics and web advertising; design the methodology and determine what tools and reports are needed; extract and process data for statistical analysis; perform regressions that allow to obtain prediction equations of the selected success variables; and validate the prediction equations with test data and obtain their precision, serving this as a degree of confidence in the prediction. The design of the methodology has served to observe a significant over-dispersion in the data, as well as to demonstrate that the success of a web content has a strongly multifactorial nature, which causes a decrease in the variability calculated using the indicators proposed by previous research. This thesis serves, then, as the basis for a very interesting research framework both at an academic and business level: the prediction of the success of digital content. / [ES] El objetivo de estudio es el diseño de una metodología cibermétrica para medir el éxito de los contenidos publicados en un medio de comunicación online y su posible predicción, de manera que se pueda orientar la optimización de los futuros contenidos publicados por el medio. Enmarcada en el ámbito del periodismo digital, responde a la necesidad de analizar el éxito de los contenidos web de manera que se pueda ayudar en la toma de decisiones del equipo editorial. Para ello, se ha realizado un extenso estudio de las publicaciones académicas versadas en las diferentes disciplinas que tienen lugar en esta tesis: la comunicación de contenidos digitales, Twitter, la difusión de las noticias en Twitter, la analítica web, la cibermetría, la analítica en Twitter, el análisis de tendencias en Twitter y la publicidad web. Con dicho marco, se ha obtenido información valiosa para la optimización futura de los contenidos digitales, ya sea procedente del análisis estadístico de los datos o de la posible predicción de los indicadores de éxito de mayor interés para el medio. De esta manera, se podría integrar de manera retroalimentada en la estrategia de contenidos y favorecer así su optimización iterativamente. Para ello, se han tenido en cuenta los siguientes objetivos específicos: investigar el concepto de éxito en el periodismo digital, la red social Twitter, la analítica web y la publicidad en la web; diseñar la metodología y determinar qué herramientas y reportes son necesarios; extraer y procesar los datos para su análisis estadístico; realizar regresiones que permitan obtener ecuaciones de predicción de las variables de éxito seleccionadas; y validar las ecuaciones de predicción con datos de test y obtener su precisión, sirviendo esta como grado de confianza en la predicción. El diseño de la metodología ha servido para observar una sobre dispersión significativa en los datos, así como demostrar que el éxito de un contenido web tiene un carácter fuertemente multifactorial, lo cual provoca una disminución en la variabilidad calculada mediante los indicadores propuestos por investigaciones previas. Esta tesis sirve, entonces, como base para una línea de investigación sobre la optimización de contenido digital basándose en la predicción estadística de su éxito. / [CAT] L'objectiu d'estudi és el disseny d'una metodologia cibermètrica per a mesurar l'èxit dels continguts publicats en un mitjà de comunicació en línia i la seua possible predicció, de manera que es puga orientar l'optimització dels futurs continguts publicats pel mitjà. Emmarcada en l'àmbit del periodisme digital, respon a la necessitat d'analitzar l'èxit dels continguts web de manera que es puga ajudar en la presa de decisions de l'equip editorial. Per a això, s'ha realitzat un extens estudi de les publicacions acadèmiques versades en les diferents disciplines que tenen lloc en aquesta tesi: la comunicació de continguts digitals, Twitter, la difusió de les notícies en Twitter, l'analítica web, la cibermetría, l'analítica en Twitter, l'anàlisi de tendències en Twitter i la publicitat web. Amb aquest marc, s'ha obtingut informació valuosa per a l'optimització futura dels continguts digitals, ja siga procedent de l'anàlisi estadística de les dades o de la possible predicció dels indicadors d'èxit de major interés per al mitjà. D'aquesta manera, es podria integrar de manera retroalimentada en l'estratègia de continguts i afavorir així la seua optimització iterativament. Per a això, s'han tingut en compte els següents objectius específics: investigar el concepte d'èxit en el periodisme digital, la xarxa social Twitter, l'analítica web i la publicitat en la web; dissenyar la metodologia i determinar quines eines i reportes són necessaris; extraure i processar les dades per a la seua anàlisi estadística; realitzar regressions que permeten obtindre equacions de predicció de les variables d'èxit seleccionades; i validar les equacions de predicció amb dades de test i obtindre la seua precisió, servint aquesta com a grau de confiança en la predicció. El disseny de la metodologia ha servit per a observar una sobre dispersió significativa en les dades, així com demostrar que l'èxit d'un contingut web té un caràcter fortament multifactorial, la qual cosa provoca una disminució en la variabilitat calculada mitjançant els indicadors proposats per investigacions prèvies. Aquesta tesi serveix, llavors, com a base per a una línia d'investigació sobre l'optimització de contingut digital basant-se en la predicció estadística del seu èxit. / Yeste Moreno, VM. (2021). Diseño de una metodología cibermétrica de cálculo del éxito para la optimización de contenidos web [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/176009 / TESIS

網路數位出版商業模式對智慧財產權管理之影響 / IP Management and The Business Model of Digital Publishing

呂忠晏, Jhong Yan, Lyu Unknown Date (has links)
在數位出版產業中,台灣出版業者面對網路改革的壓力,積極尋找網路數位出版發展趨勢與商業模式,並且華文網路市場機會的興起以及網路社會上智慧財產權的日益重要,本研究將以智慧財產權管理的角度探討在網路中,臺灣出版業者如何尋找新的商業模式掌握此次出版業的革命商機,為廠商提出發展建議。 網路數位出版,意指在內容出版的過程,從內容創造、流通到利用都是以數位化的技術進行,並且在網路的環境中完成這些過程。網路數位出版平台,指的是溝通內容創造與內容利用兩端的中間者。負責聯絡兩方平台業者所面對的智財權議題以著作權最為重要,因為數位出版產業立基於內容發展,而著作權主要說明內容的管理。 本研究從網路長尾理論出發,以該現象形成的原因作為分析廠商的智財權管理的面向,分析專業數位出版平台—商業周刊網站,以及業餘數位出版平台—PIXNET,尋找商業模式與智財權管理的關連性。 根據個案訪談的結果分析,專業數位出版平台內容發行與智財權管理皆為以業者角度為主的單向,然而業餘數位出版平台的內容發行與智財權管理都是以互動的方式完成,平台之商業模式確實影響智財權的管理。除此之外,對於未來數位出版平台的發展,專業與業餘之間的藩籬逐漸消弭,成為兩者的綜合,本研究亦建議業者朝向專業與業餘並行的發展方向前進。 / The importance of intellectual property increases with the growth of Chinese internet market. Taiwan publishers are now confronted with the pressure from internet innovation and thus are forced to find out a new business model and more opportunity. This study will focus on the possible business model of digital publishing and the strategy of IP management which Taiwan publishers should adopt. Digital publishing suggests an all-digitalized publication process. Every step of publication, from content creation, editing, publishing, selling to application, can be completed all through the internet. The platform of digital publishing serves to communicate both side of content providers and users. Hence, copyright of the digital content and the management of copyright becomes one of the most important intellectual property issues. The thesis will begin with Chris Anderson’s Long Tail theory. Two websites of digital publishing in Taiwan will be chosen for analysis: the Business Weekly as the commercial plaform and PIXNET Blog as the avocational one. Through the comparison, the study aims to find out the connections between the business model and the intellectual property management. According to the case studies, the content and the intellectual property management of commercial platform are unidirectional, decided by managers. On the other hand, tthese of avocational one are bidirectional, influenced by website managers and users. Intellectual property managements are influenced by different business model. However, it would be the trend that the barrier between commercial platform and the avocational one will melt away and the business model of website in the future will change. The business model and intellectual property management of digital publishing platform should combine characteristics of both commercial and avocational one.

寬頻網路與數位內容發展前景與關連之研析 / A Research on Prospects and Correlation of Broadband and Digital Content

王正德, Wang, Cheng-Te Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,寬頻網路與數位內容的興起,受到世界先進國家的注意。在台灣,寬頻網路與數位內容不僅是產業界及學術界熱門的研究及發展課題,也是政府既定的產業政策方向,但卻少有研究同時針對兩者進行完整的討論和其關連之研析。 本研究旨在針對科技、產製、市場、經營與政策五個面向,透過文獻分析與深度訪談法,從趨勢發展的角度探討數位內容與寬頻網路彼此的前景和關連。 本研究認為,寬頻網路與數位內容在科技、產製、市場、經營及政策等面向上的發展關連緊密,彼此相輔相成,並可以產生整合的效果: (一)科技面:寬頻網路傳輸效能與效率的提升,加上科技匯流與IP網路的整合,提供內容已成為寬頻網路必然的發展趨勢。 (二)產製面:數位內容可以發展多元創新的應用,主要仍是寬頻網路的推波助瀾,因此寬頻網路未來勢必成為數位內容最重要的傳輸通路。 (三)市場面:寬頻網路與數位內容的市場需求彼此重疊。提供加值內容可以創造寬頻市場的範疇經濟優勢,透過寬頻傳輸則可以擴大數位內容的市場規模。 (四)經營面:寬頻網路與數位內容經營者的核心能力不同,彼此價值鏈的關連緊密,並可以提供創新和多元的經營模式。 (五)政策面:世界重要國家都很重視寬頻網路與數位內容的推展,同時推展寬頻網路和數位內容可以滿足彼此在政策上的供給和需求關連。 在台灣,近年來寬頻網路和數位內容產業發展迅速,但少有相互合作以發揮整合優勢的成功案例,另外在寬頻連線速率和線上內容的品質方面,也還有進步的空間。因此,政府除應持續加強寬頻網路和數位內容的推展,也可以同時思考寬頻網路與數位內容產業政策之間的支援與整合。 / While the upsurge of broadband and digital content has attracted considerable attention in developed countries recently, in Taiwan, despite the fact the fixed official policy has propelled the R&D on the subject either in the field of industry or academia respectively, integrated program researches are inadequate. This research aims to explore the prospects and correlation of digital content and broadband through literature analysis and intensive interviews, focusing on five dimensions of technology, production, market, operation, and policy. In conclusion, the broadband and digital content developing cooperatively and coordinately results in synergy out of the five facets as below: A.Technology:The upgrade of transmission effect and efficiency, as well as the digital convergence and IP network integration, broadband entrepreneurs offering content has inevitably become a trend. B.Production:Broadband fostering the growth of digital content enables it be applied in an innovative way, making it definitely a significant transmission material for digital content. C.Market:The market demand of broadband and digital content overlaps, and the economy scope advantages in broadband market is reachable when broadband is provided with value-added content. D.Operation:Broadband operators and digital content operators, closely correlating with each other in value chains, vary in core competence, which may innovate and variegate business models. E.Policy:Most advanced countries have been making efforts to promote broadband and digital content, while the policies of broadband and digital content are both enforced, the supply and need of both industries can be fulfilled. Despite of broadband and digital content industries developing in Taiwan in recent years, successful synergy cases out of cooperation between broadband and digital content run short. The speed rate of broadband access and the quality of online content issues remain to be strengthened. It is suggested that the government persist in popularizing broadband and digital content, besides working out interdisciplinary policies for broadband and digital content.

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