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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evidence of Things Not Seen: A Semi-Automated Descriptive Phrase and Frame Analysis of Texts about the Herbicide Agent Orange

Hopton, Sarah Beth 01 January 2015 (has links)
From 1961 to 1971 the United States and the Republic of South Vietnam used chemicals to defoliate the coastal and upload forest areas of Viet Nam. The most notorious of these chemicals was named Agent Orange, a weaponized herbicide made up of two chemicals that, when combined, produced a toxic byproduct called TCDD-dioxin. Studied suggest that TCDD-dioxin causes significant human health problems in exposed American and Vietnamese veterans, and possibly their children (Agency, U.S. Environmental Protection, 2011). In the years since the end of the Vietnam War, volumes of discourse about Agent Orange has been generated, much of which is now digitally archived and machine-readable, providing rich sites of study ideal for “big data” text mining, extraction and computation. This study uses a combination of tools and text mining scripts developed in Python to study the descriptive phrases four discourse communities used across 45 years of discourse to talk about key issues in the debates over Agent Orange. Findings suggests these stakeholders describe and frame in significantly different ways, with Congress focused on taking action, the New York Times article and editorial corpus focused on controversy, and the Vietnamese News Agency focused on victimization. Findings also suggest that while new tools and methods make lighter work of mining large sets of corpora, a mixed-methods approach yields the most reliable insights. Though fully automated text analysis is still a distant reality, this method was designed to study potential effects of rhetoric on public policy and advocacy initiatives across large corpora of texts and spans of time.

Beyoncé as a Semiotic Resource: Visual and Linguistic Meaning Making and Gender in Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest

China, Addie L. Sayers 05 April 2018 (has links)
At the intersection of digital identities and new language and social practice online is the concept of searchable talk (ST). ST describes the process of tagging discourse in a social networking service (SNS) with a hashtag (#), allowing it to be searchable by others. Although originating in Twitter, ST has expanded into other SNS, and is used therein not only to mark language-based posts, but also multimodal posts and images. While scholars have elucidated the structure and function of ST, their studies have primarily examined ST within language-based posts; few have researched ST with respect to images and other types of multimodal environments. In addition, ST has primarily been explored in its SNS of origin, Twitter. This project directly addresses these gaps by adopting a social semiotic approach to ST in three SNS with very different technological affordances, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Through a multimodal discourse analysis (Kress, 2009) combining both linguistic and other visual methods, I ask how visual and linguistic choices operate semiotically across SNS environments with different affordances and constraints. Specifically, I uncover the multiple meanings of Beyoncé across a data set of 300 tweets, posts, and pins composed from entering #Beyoncé in the search engine of each SNS. I argue that 13 meaning-based identity categories emerge for Beyoncé, and link these meanings to their visual and linguistic expressions. I then compare these findings across modes and across platforms. Ultimately, I assert that this cross-platform approach elucidates Beyoncé as a cultural object subject to reinterpretation where #Beyoncé means much more than just “Beyoncé.” That is, when considering its multiple roles and meanings, #Beyoncé becomes a site of visual and linguistic indexicality in a process of entextualization. In this process, it is SNS users’ reinterpretations – linguistically and visually – that realize racist, sexist, and hegemonic Discourses, as well as those of emancipation and resistance.

<em>[X]splaininggender</em>, race, class, and body: Metapragmatic disputes of linguistic authority and ideologies on Twitter, Reddit, and Tumblr

Bridges, Judith C. 02 July 2019 (has links)
This study investigates the language of “citizen sociolinguists,” everyday users of social network sites (SNS) who contribute to the discourses about language on Twitter, Reddit, and Tumblr, platforms with distinctive user demographics and technological affordances. The data were collected through keyword searches for mansplain, whitesplain, richsplain and thinsplain, metapragmatic neologisms which are lexical blends of the verb explain and one of four social categories. Disputes of macro-level ideologies are revealed by users’ creative meaning-making strategies and metapragmatic awareness of micro-level texts and utterances. Making use of the linguistic practices of the SNS, as well as the concisely-compacted semantic and pragmatic meanings of the four splain words, users come to evaluate communicative dynamics between speakers who differ from or relate with others in their experiences of sex, skin color, economic status, and physical form. Drawing on elements of Citizen Sociolinguistics (Rymes & Leone, 2014) with Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 1989) and Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis (Herring, 2004), I question how users make metapragmatic judgements to convey varying meanings of the four focal words, and how the uses of [x]splain and the surrounding discourses illuminate socio-ideological values about language, about its intersection with gender, race, class, and body size, and the authority to speak on topics that are macro-contextually situated in discourses of privilege, power, and inequality. Lastly, I compare the findings across the three SNS platforms to understand how competing discourses differ in relation to each site’s user demographics, technological affordances and limitations, and subsequent linguistic practices.

"Crooked" Language: Moroccan Heritage Identity and Belonging on YouTube

Lahlou, Radia Lyna 20 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Description du discours numérique : étude des bouleversements linguistiques du web 2.0 au travers de l'exemple des souhaits d'anniversaire sur Facebook / Digital Discourse Description : Study of the linguistic changes of Web 2.0 through the example of the birthday wishes on Facebook

Bibié-Emerit, Laetitia 27 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche propose une description du discours numérique tel qu’il apparaît dans l’environnement numérique qu’est Facebook. Il s’appuie sur l’étude des souhaits d’anniversaire, en montrant comment leur forme finale peut être influencée par la préconstruction technolangagière du site. La première partie, donne un aperçu de l’évolution des recherches sur le discours numérique, en décrivant d’une part le contexte d’apparition du web 2.0 et des bouleversements épistémologiques et discursifs qu’il a pu provoquer. Et d’autre part les spécificités linguistiques connues du discours apparaissant dans les environnements numériques. La deuxième partie, montre que l’avènement du web social a changé les choses dans les recherches sur le discours numérique, demandant une approche pluridisciplinaire. Cette réflexion nécessite de décentrer le regard des énoncés pour s’intéresser à leur environnement de production et aux affordances qu’il offre aux locuteurs. Ce nouveau positionnement épistémologique permet de repenser la description de Facebook, non plus comme une plateforme communicationnelle mais comme un environnement discursif complexe mettant en question les notions d’identité, d’intimité et de liens socio-affectifs. Enfin, la troisième et dernière partie de cette thèse, présente les problématiques liées à l’étude d’un cas concret d’écriture nativement numérique. La description et l’analyse des souhaits d’anniversaire sur Facebook et des outils méthodologiques et théoriques adaptés aux environnements numériques utilisés à cette fin. La description et l’analyse des souhaits d’anniversaire sur Facebook permettent de dégager deux aspects technolangagiers dans ce type de discours. Le premier est l’action environnementale sur la production langagière, c’est le cas notamment de la préconstruction technolangagière mais aussi de la prise en compte de l’exposition du message par les locuteurs (redéfinition du lien socio-affectif). Le second est l’intégration de la technologie à l’intérieur même des formes discursives, générant de nouveaux technogenres comme le discours par bouton ou des énoncés augmentés comme les hashtags. / This research provides a description of the digital discourse as it appears in the digital environment that is Facebook. It is based on the study of birthday wishes, showing how their final shape may be influenced by technological influence site. The first part provides an overview of developments in research on digital discourse, describing on one hand the context of emergence of Web 2.0 and discursive and epistemological changes that it has caused. And also known linguistic specificities of the speech appearing in digital environments. The second part shows that the advent of the social web has changed things in research on digital discourse, demanding a multidisciplinary approach. This reflection requires an interest in that production environment and affordances that provides speakers. This new epistemological positioning allows to rethink the description of Facebook, not as a communicative platform, but as a complex discursive environment by questioning the notions of identity, privacy and socio-emotional ties. The third and final part of this thesis presents the issues related to the study of a concrete case of natively digital writing. The description and analysis of birthday wishes on Facebook and methodological and theoretical tools adapted to digital environments used for this purpose. The description and analysis of birthday wishes on Facebook show two technolinguistic aspects in this type of discourse. The first is environmental action on language production, it is the case of technological preconstruction but also taking account of exposure of the message by the speakers (redefinition of socio-emotional bond). The second is the integration of technology within the same discursive forms, generating new technological genders as the discourse by button or statements increased as hashtags.

Digital Comments on News: A Contrastive Study of the Rhetorical Devices used in the United Kingdom, India and the United States of America

Banerjee, Agnija 24 July 2023 (has links)
[ES] Durante la escritura, el metadiscurso permite que un escritor guíe, dirija e interactúe con sus lectores, ya que hereda la intención, la postura, los pensamientos y los sentimientos del escritor. Los marcadores del metadiscurso permiten a los lectores comprender el juicio del escritor y la evaluación de la audiencia objetivo del escritor junto con la idea del contexto en uso. Por lo tanto, el metadiscurso se ha convertido en uno de los métodos más populares para examinar textos y un tema de investigación predominante desde que saltó a la fama a principios de la década de 1980, y continúa con su popularidad actual. Con la rápida progresión digital, hoy en día, la gente está muy interesada en los periódicos digitales, que son la versión en línea de los periódicos impresos. La razón principal de la atracción hacia estos periódicos digitales es que las personas tienen la oportunidad de compartir sus opiniones en forma de comentarios después de leer una noticia en particular. Debido a este creciente interés de las personas en los periódicos digitales, los periódicos emergentes, así como los periódicos bien establecidos y presti- giosos, están creando una versión en línea de sus periódicos impresos. Nuestro estudio se centra en los comentarios digitales (específicamente, comentarios de noticias), donde los comentaristas expresan sus puntos de vista, opiniones y pensamientos a través de sus comentarios y respondiendo a los comentarios anteriores en el mismo hilo. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo la exploración y comparación de marcadores metadis- cursivos sobre los comentarios digitales de los comentaristas. Sostiene nuestro empeño de realizar un trabajo novedoso en el campo de la investigación del lenguaje. Además, también puede allanar el camino para futuros investigadores de idiomas. En ausencia de un corpus de referencia para los comentarios de noticias en in- glés, compilamos nuestro corpus teniendo en cuenta tres dominios populares (deportes, política y entretenimiento) y dos ideologías políticas diferentes (izquierda y derecha). Recolectamos 2034 comentarios digitales y un total de 2004 respuestas de 64 artículos de noticias de 12 periódicos ingleses líderes de tres países diferentes (Reino Unido, India y los Estados Unidos de América) que pertenecen tres continentes distintos (Europa, Asia y Estados Unidos de América). En este trabajo, examinamos el uso de los marcadores del metadiscurso basado en cuatro aspectos: diferentes dominios, el conocimiento del inglés, diferentes geolocaliza- ciones y diferentes ideologías políticas. Con base en estos cuatro aspectos, este estudio examina las similitudes y los contrastes entre los escritores (en nuestro caso, los comen- taristas), lo que ayuda a comprender el uso que hacen los escritores de los marcadores del metadiscurso. En esta disertación, en el contexto de los comentarios de noticias digitales en inglés, por primera vez, presentamos un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo en profundidad de los marcadores metadiscursivos (interactivos e interactivos). Concluimos que los comentaristas usan marcadores de metadiscurso de manera diferente en diferentes dominios; sin embargo, el uso del metadiscurso puede verse afectado por la ubicación, el idioma y las ideologías políticas de los comentaristas. / [CA] Durant l'escriptura, el metadiscurs permet que un escriptor guiï, dirigeixi i interactuï amb els seus lectors, ja que hereta la intenció, la postura, els pensaments i els sentiments de l'escriptor. Els marcadors del metadiscurs permeten als lectors comprendre el judici de lescriptor i lavaluació de laudiència objectiu de lescriptor juntament amb la idea del context en ús. Per tant, el metadiscurs ha esdevingut un dels mètodes més populars per examinar textos i un tema de recerca predominant des que va saltar a la fama a principis de la dècada de 1980, i continua amb la seva popularitat actual. Amb la ràpida progressió digital, avui dia, la gent està molt interessada en els diaris digitals, que són la versió en línia dels diaris impresos. La raó principal de l'atracció cap a aquests diaris digitals és que les persones tenen l'oportunitat de compartir les seves opinions en forma de comentaris després de llegir una notícia en particular. A causa d'aquest creixent interès de les persones als diaris digitals, els diaris emergents, així com els diaris ben establerts i prestigiosos, estan creant una versió en línia dels seus diaris impresos. El nostre estudi se centra en els comentaris digitals (específicament, comentaris de notícies), on els comentaristes expressen els seus punts de vista, opinions i pensaments a través dels seus comentaris i responent als comentaris anteriors al mateix fil. Aquesta tesi doctoral té com a objectiu l'exploració i la comparació de marcadors metadiscursius sobre els comentaris digitals dels comentaristes. Sosté el nostre afany de realitzar un treball nou en el camp de la investigació del llenguatge. A més, també podeu aplanar el camí per a futurs investigadors d'idiomes. En absència d'un corpus de referència per als comentaris de notícies en anglès, compilem el nostre corpus tenint en compte tres dominis populars (és a dir, esports, política i entreteniment) i dues ideologies polítiques diferents (és a dir, esquerra i dreta). Recollim 2034 comentaris digitals i un total de 2004 respostes de 64 articles de notícies de 12 diaris anglesos líders de tres països diferents (Regne Unit, Índia i els Estats Units d'Amèrica) que pertanyen a tres continents diferents (Europa, Àsia i Estats Units d'Amèrica) ). En aquest treball, examinem l'ús dels marcadors del metadiscurs basat en quatre aspectes: diferents dominis, el coneiximent de la llengua anglesa, geolocalitzacions diferents i ideologies polítiques diferents. En base a aquests quatre aspectes, aquest estudi examina les similituds i els contrastos entre els escriptors (en el nostre cas, els comentaristes), cosa que ajuda a comprendre l'ús que fan els escriptors dels marcadors del metadiscurs. En aquesta dissertació, en el context dels comentaris de notícies digitals en anglès, per primera vegada, presentem una anàlisi quantitativa i qualitativa en profunditat dels marcadors metadiscursius (interactius i interactius). Concloem que els comentaristes usen marcadors de metadiscurs de manera diferent en diferents dominis; no obstant això, l'ús del metadiscurs es pot veure afectat per la ubicació, l'idioma i les ideologies polítiques dels comentaristes. / [EN] In the course of writing, metadiscourse allows a writer to guide, direct and interact with their readers as it inherits the writer's intention, stance, thoughts, and feelings. The metadiscourse markers allow the readers to comprehend the writer's judgement and evaluation of the writer's target audience alongside the idea of the context in use. Hence, metadiscourse has emerged as one of the most popular methods for examining texts and a prevalent research topic since it was first brought to prominence in the early 1980s, continuing to its current popularity. With the rapid digital progression, nowadays, people are highly interested in digital newspapers, which are the online version of printed newspapers. The prime reason for the attraction towards these digital newspapers is that people get a scope to share their opinions in the form of comments after reading particular news. For this increasing in- terest of people in digital newspapers, emerging newspapers, as well as well-established and prestigious newspapers, are creating an online version of their printed newspapers. Our study focuses on digital comments (specifically, news comments), where the com- menters express their views, opinions, and thoughts through their comments and by replying to the previous comments in the same thread. This doctoral dissertation aims at the exploration and comparison of metadiscourse markers on digital comments of the commenters. It upholds our endeavor of conducting a novel work in the field of language research. Moreover, it can pave the way for future language researchers as well. In the absence of a benchmark corpus for English news comments, we compiled our corpus by taking into account three popular domains (namely¿ sports, politics, and entertainment) and two different political ideologies (namely¿ left-wing and right- wing). We collected 2034 digital comments and a total of 2004 replies from 64 news articles from 12 leading English newspapers of three different countries (the United Kingdom, India, and the United States of America) belonging to three distinct conti- nents (Europe, Asia, and America). In this work, we examine the use of metadiscourse markers based on four aspects: different domains, English language proficiency, dif- ferent geo-location, and different political ideologies. Based on these four aspects, this study examines the similarities and contrasts among writers (in our case, com- menters), which aids in understanding the writers' usage of metadiscourse markers. In this dissertation, in the context of English digital news comments, for the first time, we present an in-depth quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of metadiscourse markers (interactional and interactive). We conclude that the commenters use metadiscourse markers differently across dif- ferent domains; however, the use of metadiscourse may be affected by the commenters' location, language, and political ideologies. / Banerjee, A. (2023). Digital Comments on News: A Contrastive Study of the Rhetorical Devices used in the United Kingdom, India and the United States of America [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195352

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