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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Economics of Crowdfunding : Entrepreneurs’ and Platforms’ Strategies / L'économie du financement participatif : la stratégie des entrepreneurs et des plateformes

Viotto Da Cruz, Jordana 13 November 2017 (has links)
Les plateformes de financement participatif (« crowdfunding ») permettent auxentrepreneurs de faire financer leurs idées en contactant directement de petits investisseurset des consommateurs potentiels. Cette thèse porte sur le fonctionnement de cesplateformes d’un point de vue économique, en particulier, sur les stratégies mises en placepar les plateformes et les entrepreneurs dans ce marché. Cette thèse est organisée en deuxparties. La première partie se focalise sur le marché du financement participatif et lesstratégies de compétition des plateformes. La deuxième partie se consacre aux incitationsdes entrepreneurs et les potentielles barrières à son entrée – et donc au développement dece marché. Tout d’abord, nous discutons la caractéristique des plateformes de financementparticipatif d’après la théorie des marchés « bifaces ». Nous soulignons le rôle decoordination de ces plateformes à partir de différentes structures de prix et de règlesspécifiques qui régulent la participation d’entrepreneurs et d’investisseurs. Nous soulignonsl’état de l’art de la littérature existante pour comprendre les incitations des entrepreneurs etdes investisseurs de participer à ces plateformes, les outils mises en place pour réduire lesasymétries d’information, et les biais des investisseurs par rapport aux caractéristiquesphysiques des entrepreneurs. Le deuxième article étudie le défi des plateformes bifacesd’équilibrer « quantité » et « qualité » des agents des deux côtés et en même temps tenir encompte la compétition. Nous étudions en particulier comment une stratégie d’attirerd’avantage d’entrepreneurs d’un côté peut réduire la qualité de l’expérience des usagers. Letroisième article est consacré à démontrer empiriquement la valeur informationnelle dufinancement participatif pour les entrepreneurs. Avant le lancement d’un nouveau produitsur un marché, les entrepreneurs font face à des fortes incertitudes qui peuvent être paillésavec le « feedback » reçu des campagnes du financement participatif, ce qui constitue uneincitation de plus pour participer à ces marchés. Le quatrième et dernier article présente uncontrepoint de ces incitations, et interroge les barrières à l’entrée sur ces marchés. Enparticulier nous étudions les barrières en termes de temps qui doit être consacré à unecampagne de financement participatif et qui peut décourager une partie des entrepreneursde chercher cette alternative. Pour conclure, nous discutons de l’implication de nosrésultats. / Crowdfunding platforms allow entrepreneurs to directly contact small investorsand potential consumers to help them finance their ideas. This thesis dedicates tounderstanding the dynamics of these platforms from an economic perspective. We areparticularly interested in comprehending the entrepreneurs’ and platforms’ strategies in thismarket. This thesis is composed by four scientific articles organized in two parts. The firstpart focuses on analyzing the crowdfunding market dynamics and the design and strategiesof crowdfunding platforms. In the first article (Chapter 1), we discuss the characteristic ofcrowdfunding platforms based on the theory of two-sided markets. We underline thestrategies platforms use to perform their coordinating role of the market. Based on thecurrent literature, we analyze the incentives and disincentives of entrepreneurs andinvestors to participate on these platforms as well as the instruments to reduce informationasymmetries and the potential biases on the investors’ screening process in relationship toentrepreneurs’ physical characteristics. The second article (Chapter 2) examines thechallenge of crowdfunding platforms to balance “quantity” and “quality” on both sides ofthe market, and at the same time accounting for competition. In particular, we examinehow a strategy to attract more entrepreneurs to one side can reduce platforms’ thecompetitive advantage and potentially deteriorate users’ experience. The second part of thethesis is devoted to the incentives and disincentives for entrepreneurs to join crowdfundingplatforms. In the first article of the second part (Chapter 3 of this thesis), we empiricallydemonstrate the informational value of crowdfunding for entrepreneurs. Before launchinga new product in a market, entrepreneurs face high uncertainties that can be reduced withthe “feedback” received from crowdfunding campaigns. Therefore, the informational valueof crowdfunding serves as an additional incentive to entrepreneurs besides obtainingfinancial support for their ideas. The fourth and last article aims at pointing outdisincentives to join platforms, in particular how the need of allocating scarce time andattention to campaigns may discourage some entrepreneurs from seeking this alternative.To conclude, we summarize the implications of the main findings and suggest avenues forfuture research

As narrativas sobre os algoritmos do Facebook : uma análise dos 10 anos do feed de notícias

Araújo, Willian Fernandes January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese acompanha a construção do Feed de Notícias do Facebook ao longo dos seus primeiros 10 anos (2006-2016) com o objetivo de descrever as formas como o mecanismo e a noção de algoritmo são definidos ao longo do período estudado. São analisados os conteúdos digitais, chamados de dispositivos textuais, que compõem publicamente o que o Feed de Notícias é e faz, descrevendo os atores implicados na composição dessa narrativa, mapeando seus objetivos e seus efeitos. A amostra analisada toma como ponto de partida os dispositivos textuais alocados em dois espaços digitais institucionais do Facebook: Facebook Blog e Facebook Newsroom. A partir da leitura de mais de mil publicações digitais do Facebook e de outros agentes (usuários, produtores de conteúdo, imprensa, ativistas etc.), foram selecionadas as publicações mais relevantes ao estudo, escolhidas com ênfase em eventos e circunstâncias de negociação ou mudança. A abordagem aqui construída representa uma composição de perspectivas dos estudos de ciência e tecnologia (STS) e da Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR). Trata-se do conjunto de procedimentos utilizados na descrição do caráter performativo dos textos. Na análise realizada na tese, são identificados três momentos distintos da construção da noção de algoritmo ao longo da trajetória do Feed de Notícias, chamados de Algoritmo Edgerank, Algoritmo Certo e Algoritmo Centrado no Usuário. Ao mesmo tempo, é apresentada a formulação do Feed de Notícias como um fluxo constante. É argumentado que as transformações no mecanismo são orientadas para gerar engajamento e manter usuários conectados ao Facebook. Engajamento é, na racionalidade emergente da construção do Feed de Notícias, uma mercadoria resultante de sua ação. Outra noção relevante decorrente da análise é a ideia de norma algorítmica como lógica normativa de visibilidade que busca regular o relacionamento entre produtores de conteúdo e o mecanismo, punindo os que não seguem as chamadas boas práticas. / This study follows the Facebook News Feed construction throughout its first ten years (2006– 2016). The objective of this research is to describe the way this mechanism and the notion of algorithm were compounded, enacted and transformed during that period. This is achieved through an analysis of the digital content (referred to here as ‘textual devices’) that publicly constructs what the News Feed is and how it functions. This analysis describes the actors involved within this narrative, mapping their objectives and effects. The sample is constructed beginning with the textual devices published on Facebook’s institutional websites: Facebook Blog and Facebook Newsroom. Following the reading of more than 1,000 texts of Facebook and other agents (users, content producers, media, activists, etc.), the most relevant publications were selected, emphasizing situations of change, conflict and controversy. The research approach, which was based on science and technology studies (STS) and actornetwork theory (ANT), involved constructing a body of procedures used to describe the performative character of texts. The current study found that during the development of the News Feed, Facebook’s notion of algorithm has gone through three different phases, referred to here respectively as the Edgerank Algorithm, Right Algorithm and User-centered Algorithm. One of the most interesting findings was that the changes in the News Feed are primarily oriented towards the objective of creating engagement by keeping users connected to Facebook. Engagement is an important commodity within the rationality that emerged from this scenario. It is argued that the News Feed development may be seen as a continuous flow. Another important finding was the notion called algorithmic norm, as a normative logic of visibility that rules the relationship between content producers and the News Feed. The algorithmic norm tends to enact specific judgements and to punish content producers who do not follow what Facebook calls good practices.

As narrativas sobre os algoritmos do Facebook : uma análise dos 10 anos do feed de notícias

Araújo, Willian Fernandes January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese acompanha a construção do Feed de Notícias do Facebook ao longo dos seus primeiros 10 anos (2006-2016) com o objetivo de descrever as formas como o mecanismo e a noção de algoritmo são definidos ao longo do período estudado. São analisados os conteúdos digitais, chamados de dispositivos textuais, que compõem publicamente o que o Feed de Notícias é e faz, descrevendo os atores implicados na composição dessa narrativa, mapeando seus objetivos e seus efeitos. A amostra analisada toma como ponto de partida os dispositivos textuais alocados em dois espaços digitais institucionais do Facebook: Facebook Blog e Facebook Newsroom. A partir da leitura de mais de mil publicações digitais do Facebook e de outros agentes (usuários, produtores de conteúdo, imprensa, ativistas etc.), foram selecionadas as publicações mais relevantes ao estudo, escolhidas com ênfase em eventos e circunstâncias de negociação ou mudança. A abordagem aqui construída representa uma composição de perspectivas dos estudos de ciência e tecnologia (STS) e da Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR). Trata-se do conjunto de procedimentos utilizados na descrição do caráter performativo dos textos. Na análise realizada na tese, são identificados três momentos distintos da construção da noção de algoritmo ao longo da trajetória do Feed de Notícias, chamados de Algoritmo Edgerank, Algoritmo Certo e Algoritmo Centrado no Usuário. Ao mesmo tempo, é apresentada a formulação do Feed de Notícias como um fluxo constante. É argumentado que as transformações no mecanismo são orientadas para gerar engajamento e manter usuários conectados ao Facebook. Engajamento é, na racionalidade emergente da construção do Feed de Notícias, uma mercadoria resultante de sua ação. Outra noção relevante decorrente da análise é a ideia de norma algorítmica como lógica normativa de visibilidade que busca regular o relacionamento entre produtores de conteúdo e o mecanismo, punindo os que não seguem as chamadas boas práticas. / This study follows the Facebook News Feed construction throughout its first ten years (2006– 2016). The objective of this research is to describe the way this mechanism and the notion of algorithm were compounded, enacted and transformed during that period. This is achieved through an analysis of the digital content (referred to here as ‘textual devices’) that publicly constructs what the News Feed is and how it functions. This analysis describes the actors involved within this narrative, mapping their objectives and effects. The sample is constructed beginning with the textual devices published on Facebook’s institutional websites: Facebook Blog and Facebook Newsroom. Following the reading of more than 1,000 texts of Facebook and other agents (users, content producers, media, activists, etc.), the most relevant publications were selected, emphasizing situations of change, conflict and controversy. The research approach, which was based on science and technology studies (STS) and actornetwork theory (ANT), involved constructing a body of procedures used to describe the performative character of texts. The current study found that during the development of the News Feed, Facebook’s notion of algorithm has gone through three different phases, referred to here respectively as the Edgerank Algorithm, Right Algorithm and User-centered Algorithm. One of the most interesting findings was that the changes in the News Feed are primarily oriented towards the objective of creating engagement by keeping users connected to Facebook. Engagement is an important commodity within the rationality that emerged from this scenario. It is argued that the News Feed development may be seen as a continuous flow. Another important finding was the notion called algorithmic norm, as a normative logic of visibility that rules the relationship between content producers and the News Feed. The algorithmic norm tends to enact specific judgements and to punish content producers who do not follow what Facebook calls good practices.

Fyrkantiga klossar och runda hål : Doktrinen om essential facilities tillämpbarhet på digitala plattformars användning av big data / Square pegs and round holes : The doctrine of essential facilities’ applicability on digital platforms in relation to big data

Lindeberg, Adam January 2021 (has links)
As man moved out on the internet, so did the companies. One of the most successful business models in the digital era is the digital platform. A digital platform acts as an intermediary on multi-sided markets and enjoys, amongst others, lucrative network effects. One of the main factors behind the great success of digital platforms is the usage of big data combined with algorithms that are enhanced by machine learning. However, as big data is becoming more and more indispensable for any modern company, questions have been raised about whether digital platforms should be able to withhold the massive amount of big data exclusively, or whether they could be forced to share it. This paper investigates these questions through the lens of EU-competition law, especially under Article 102 TFEU and the doctrine of essential facilities.  To address the problem of digital platforms and big data, the business models of digital platforms, the economic forces behind them, and their usage of data are assessed to conclude whether an intervention by the Union could be motivated. It is concluded that the markets where digital platforms act are prone to tip and that the characteristics of big data in combination with sophisticated algorithms create a positive feedback loop, creating barriers to entry. Thus, there are severe risks of external market failures, making an intervention feasible. The paper secondly assesses the essential facility doctrine and evaluates the four elements that needs to be fulfilled for big data to be covered by the doctrine. Even though the business model of digital platforms challenges the traditional instruments of EU-competition law, the author argues that three out of four elements of the essential facilities doctrine are fulfilled. However, as data to its character is non-rivalrous and non-exclusive the data held by the incumbent cannot be considered indispensable, making the essential facilities doctrine inapplicable. Finally, alternative instruments under EU-competition law are assessed to find a solution to the problems attributable to a refusal to supply big data. The paper concludes that there are no optimal solutions, but the best of the potential instruments is to find a new form of abuse under article 102 TFEU or to add a modified version of the essential facilities doctrine to the newly proposed legislation DMA.

Economía colaborativa: ¿Transformará la sociedad? / Collaborative economy: Will it transform society?

Córdova Ticona, Humberto 01 July 2019 (has links)
La economía colaborativa está generando una fuerte influencia en la sociedad a través de la creación de nuevos modelos de negocios con fuerte tendencia a monopolizar los mercados. Influye en el patrón de consumo de las personas, hay quienes prefieren pagar por el acceso a bienes y servicios antes que decidir por la posesión del mismo, contradiciendo el sistema económico actual. Algunas investigaciones desarrolladas, consideran importante la contribución de la economía colaborativa en la transformación de la sociedad mientras que otras, sostienen lo contrario. En el presente trabajo, se han revisado investigaciones relacionados a economía colaborativa, realizados durante los últimos 5 años. Se contrastaron las posturas a favor y en contra sobre su influencia en los patrones de consumo de las personas. Se revisaron investigaciones que analizaron nuevos modelos de negocios creados que están basados en la economía colaborativa. Se identificaron los factores que aún son controversiales en la actualidad, los cuales son planteados como nuevas líneas de investigación cuyos resultados contribuyan a comprender y actuar frente a estas nuevas corrientes innovadoras que están surgiendo en el mundo. / The collaborative economy is generating a strong influence in society through the creation of new business models with a strong tendency to monopolize the markets. It influences the pattern of consumption of people, some people prefer to pay for access to goods and services before deciding to own it, contradicting the current economic system. Some researches developed consider the contribution of the collaborative economy in the transformation of society important, while others argue the contrary. In the present work, we have reviewed research related to collaborative economy, conducted during the last 5 years. The positions in favor and against were contrasted on their influence on the consumption patterns of the people. We reviewed research that analyzed new business models created that are based on the collaborative economy. We identified the factors that are still controversial at present, which are proposed as new lines of research whose results contribute to understanding and acting against these new innovative trends that are emerging in the world. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional


HENRIQUE COSTA LIMA 07 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] O que significaria, se a otimização do sistema capitalista, através do processo competitivo e da inovação tecnológica, alcançasse uma produtividade extrema e fizesse que o lucro, o sangue que dá vida ao capitalismo, secasse? A questão da música hoje está atrelada à digitalização do fonograma, e à desmaterialização da mercadoria musical, no período em torno da passagem do milênio. A pesquisa coloca a possibilidade de que o campo da música tenha chegado aos limites de um percurso previsto por Marx, no aumento contínuo da competição e da produtividade como eixo da sociedade moderna. Por outro lado, as manifestações musicais mais marcantes do século XX, ao explorarem uma sensibilidade ao instante, contribuíram para a formação de uma temporalidade e mentalidade neoliberal. A partir das propostas do economista francês Jacques Attali, de que a música pode ser uma ferramenta teórica capaz de antecipar futuros desenvolvimentos históricos e sociais, o trabalho traz as ideias do teórico político alemão Robert Kurz, do grupo da Crítica do Valor, de atualização da concepção marxista, privilegiando o ponto de vista de músicos e profissionais do áudio. O trabalho se dedica a uma análise da trajetória do fonograma no século XX, pela história das tecnologias de gravação de áudio e de três gravações emblemáticas da cultura musical popular de língua inglesa. Houve uma democratização na escuta e no acesso, o músico adquiriu autonomia, valorizou sua voz própria e aprendeu a se gerenciar como produtor, no instante em que seu produto perdia o valor; em seu processo de emancipação, paradoxalmente, o músico contribuiu para uma nova forma de sujeição. / [en] What would it mean if the optimization of the capitalist system, through its competitive process and technological innovation, would have reached a point of extreme productivity caused profit, the lifeblood of capitalism, to dry up? The main question of music today is linked to the digitalization of the sound recording, and the dematerialization of the music merchandise, around the turn of the millennium. This research is dedicated to an analysis of the trajectory of the sound recording in the 20th century, through a short history of audio recording technologies and an analysis of three emblematic recordings of English-speaking popular musical cul-ture. The work crosses French economist Jacques Attali’s ideas that music can be a theoretical tool capable of anticipating future historical and social developments, and the ideas of German political theorist Robert Kurz, the main author of the Value Critiscism group. Privileging the point of view of musicians and audio profession-als, the investigation is set to check whether the field of music has traveled and reached the limits of a path foreseen by Marx, in the dynamics of competition and continuous increase of productivity as the axis of modern society. Also, whether the most striking musical manifestations of the 20th century, by exploring a sensi-tivity to the moment, to the instant, contributed to the formation of a neoliberal temporality and mentality. There was a democratization in listening and manipulat-ing sounds, musicians acquired autonomy, were able to value their own voice and learned how to manage themselves as producers at the same moment that the prod-uct of their labour lost form and value. In his process of emancipation, paradoxi-cally, the musician contributed to a new form of subjection.


LUIZA NUNES LEMOS 12 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] A prestação de serviços por meio de plataformas digitais tem impactado diretamente os modos de organização do trabalho na sociedade, que vem dividindose entre buscar uma aplicação irrestrita do Direito do Trabalho ou defender a sua completa desregulação, sob a justificativa de não impedir o desenvolvimento. Há uma lacuna na pesquisa acadêmica e no debate na sociedade quanto a formas de proteção ao trabalhador de plataformas sob uma ótica externa ao Direito do Trabalho, que seja capaz de explicar e abordar tal fenômeno como um todo. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo responder se as categorias tradicionais do Direito do Trabalho são suficientes para, isoladamente, garantir os direitos fundamentais do trabalhador que presta serviços por meio de plataformas digitais, partindo das características fundamentais do presente contexto histórico, como mediação por algoritmos, extração massiva de dados e vigilância constante, e da importância do Direito do Trabalho. A pesquisa terá como marco teórico a descrição do capitalismo de vigilância de Shoshanna Zuboff, do corpo como elemento central do contrato de trabalho de Alain Supiot e de desenvolvimento como liberdade de Amartya Sen. Tendo por base tais marcos, se buscará um diagnóstico atual e coerente do sistema no qual se desenvolve o trabalho desempenhado nas plataformas digitais, uma análise crítica das bases que estruturam o Direito do Trabalho e uma resposta multidisciplinar ao problema de como garantir proteção ao trabalho por meio de plataformas digitais enquanto dupla fonte de valor. O objetivo é buscar soluções que garantam o desenvolvimento das capacidades humanas e da condição de agente destas, sabendo que são, em última análise, a justificativa para e existência e atuação do Estado. / [en] The provision of services through digital platforms has directly impacted the ways of organizing work in society, which has been divided between seeking an unrestricted application of labor law or defending its complete deregulation, on the grounds of not hindering development. There is a gap in academic research and debate in society regarding ways of protecting workers from digital platforms from an external perspective to Labor Law, which may be able to explain and address this phenomenon as a whole. This work aims to answer whether the traditional categories of Labor Law are enough to, in isolation, protect the fundamental rights of the worker who provides services through digital platforms, starting from the main characteristics of this historical context, such as mediation by algorithms, massive data extraction and continuous surveillance, and the relevance of Labor Law. The theoretical framework adopted is the description of surveillance capitalism of Shoshanna Zuboff, Alain Supiot s concept of the body as a central element of employment contract and the notion of development as freedom of Amartya Sen. Based on these milestones, the work seeks for a current and coherent diagnosis of the system in which the work mediated by digital platforms is developed, a critical analysis of the bases that structure labor law and a multidisciplinary response to the problem of how to ensure protection to work through digital platforms as a double source of value. The objective is to find solutions that ensure the development of human capacities and their agent status, knowing that they are ultimately the justification for the existence and action of the State.


GABRIEL SOUZA DA SILVA 19 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os impactos gerados pelas estruturas de organização das plataformas digitais com funcionamento baseado em algoritmos nos processos de deliberação informal e formação democrática da vontade ao promover distorções significativas em procedimentos públicos de comunicação e interação, com reflexos sobretudo na esfera pública política. E neste cenário, investigar a atuação de campanhas e movimentos políticos, empresas e ferramentas de propaganda que por meio de desinformação disseminada em ambientes virtuais provocam um esgarçamento do debate público diminuindo o nível discursivo e a eficácia da esfera pública. / [en] This dissertation aims to research the impacts generated by the communicative structures of digital platforms in the discursive level of public sphere and in the practices of informal deliberation, analysing social media and their algorithm based system of information that operates through massive data collection and fragmented arenas, mechanisms that have produced significant distortions in public communication, especially in the political sphere. And also to investigate on the current electoral context, the proceeding of political campaigns and social movements, propaganda tools and companies that, for promoting mass disinformation, caused a retraction in the public debate, intensifying political polarisation and radicalism, reducing the effectiveness of the public sphere.

A study of digital platform for physical product development

Patel, Devax Divyeshkumar, Potdar, Nihar January 2022 (has links)
The world is currently in the middle of a digital revolution where digital platforms have become an important part of industrial engineering, management solutions and economic values. There is huge potential for digital platforms to contribute to various manufacturing processes such as physical product development. In this study we will be discussing the various stakeholders collaborating in the new product development process, their challenges and how digital platforms can ease those challenges. The aim of the study is to identify the challenges faced by the various stakeholders collaborating and engaging in various product development processes from product idea to mass production, and then suggest possible digital solutions to deal with those challenges. The theory used to discuss the results is the collaboration theory, “Five stage model of collaboration”. The study followed a qualitative study approach using semi-structured interview to gather data and thematic analysis for data analysis. Four stakeholders were identified, namely, idea owners, incubators, manufacturers, and financers. At least one participant from each category was interviewed and the data collected was coded into first order concepts, second order concepts and finally into themes. The challenges that were identified from data analysis were interaction problems, engagement challenges, time and work effectiveness problems, proficiency challenge, agreement challenges and endorsement problems and the theme communication was the major and most common challenge identified amongst the stakeholders. The digital solutions AI auto match technology, multi-flow communication channel, safe and encrypted file sharing and tracing of activities, planning, and monitoring progress, learning and equipment with a detailed product development guide, and collaboration on multiple projects through a digital platform have been suggested to overcome these challenges. The importance of stakeholder engagement on digital platforms and the role of digital platforms to provide an engaging and user-friendly experience have been discussed as well. We believe that digital platforms through digital solutions may encourage innovation and sustainable development in the future.

Conditions and Practices of Data-Driven Innovation in Swedish Healthcare

Shenouda, Ramy, Herz, Stefan January 2022 (has links)
This study explores the conditions and practices for data-driven innovation in the Swedish healthcare sector. While innovation nowadays often is based on big amounts of data, the laws for handling data in healthcare are restrictive. However, we see that remarkable innovation is happening in Swedish healthcare anyway. Therefore, we decided to explore the legal situation and talk to different actors to examine how they deal with the circumstances and how they innovate. We related those findings to the literature on data-driven innovation, platforms, artificial intelligence and about the healthcare sector context. It turned out that legislation is only one of the barriers to innovation. In addition, organizational and structural factors play a big role, too. Furthermore, we point out the strategic responses and their usage of artificial intelligence. Our contributions are that we mapped the Swedish healthcare landscape with a focus on data-driven innovation and that we applied Huang’s et al. (2017) model of rapid platform scaling to this context. Moreover, we point out how the healthcare sector differs from commercial business and how that is reflected in the innovation practices. Finally, we show which barriers need to be removed in order to improve the conditions for data-driven innovation.

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