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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tiesioginių mokesčių vieta nacionaliniame biudžete / Direct tax place in the national budget

Gorbatniova, Tatjana 15 January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is analyzing revenue dynamics of Lithuanian Republic budget of 2000 – 2006 years with direct aspect of taxes and the reasons which influed changes. In the beginning of thesis there was hypothesis, that incomes to national budget of population revenue taxes is the biggest part of budget revenue. The experiment was based on needs to value results of population revenue taxes decrease for budget. Objective conclusions about budget revenue, influed by 2006 years reform, can be done only by the end of this year. In despite of, this thesis is analyzing changes of budget already first months after reform. Also is analyzing other direct taxes structural parts in Lithuanian Republic national budget, taxes specification in countries of EU and the principles of processes of EU taxes harmonization, which are important for Lithuania in EU economic area.

Прилог истраживању струјања гаса кроз мерне бленде са вишеотвора / Prilog istraživanju strujanja gasa kroz merne blende sa višeotvora / Contribution to Gas Flow Research Through Multi Hole Orifices

Đurđević Marko 18 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Уз растуће цене енергената, данас је од пресудног значаја тачно мерење<br />протока флуида у индустријским процесима. Због своје једноставности,<br />поузданости и једноставног одржавања, мерне бленде су често<br />распрострањени мерни инструменти у многим индустријама.<br />Конвенционална мерна бленда са једним отвором (БЈО) је широко<br />заступљен мерни инструмент на бази диференцијалног притиска, али овај<br />инструмент има и одређене недостатке, који се могу превазићи мерном<br />блендом са више отвора (БВО). Предмет истраживања докторске<br />дисертације је била БВО. За истраживање су се користиле<br />експериментална и нумеричка метода, а истражили су се однос површине<br />отвора бленде и површине попречног пресека цеви &beta;, пад притисака,<br />губитак притисака, утицај угла излазне ивице мерне бленде, утицај<br />влажности гаса и утицај равних деоница испред и иза мерне бленде на<br />тачност мерења. Такође поред овога одредио се и губитак снаге који<br />настаје код различитих мерних бленди, поврат притиска, коефицијент<br />протока тј. коефицијент пада притиска. Представљени резултати у оквиру<br />докторске дисертације су показали бројне предности БВО у односу на БЈО.</p> / <p>Uz rastuće cene energenata, danas je od presudnog značaja tačno merenje<br />protoka fluida u industrijskim procesima. Zbog svoje jednostavnosti,<br />pouzdanosti i jednostavnog održavanja, merne blende su često<br />rasprostranjeni merni instrumenti u mnogim industrijama.<br />Konvencionalna merna blenda sa jednim otvorom (BJO) je široko<br />zastupljen merni instrument na bazi diferencijalnog pritiska, ali ovaj<br />instrument ima i određene nedostatke, koji se mogu prevazići mernom<br />blendom sa više otvora (BVO). Predmet istraživanja doktorske<br />disertacije je bila BVO. Za istraživanje su se koristile<br />eksperimentalna i numerička metoda, a istražili su se odnos površine<br />otvora blende i površine poprečnog preseka cevi &beta;, pad pritisaka,<br />gubitak pritisaka, uticaj ugla izlazne ivice merne blende, uticaj<br />vlažnosti gasa i uticaj ravnih deonica ispred i iza merne blende na<br />tačnost merenja. Takođe pored ovoga odredio se i gubitak snage koji<br />nastaje kod različitih mernih blendi, povrat pritiska, koeficijent<br />protoka tj. koeficijent pada pritiska. Predstavljeni rezultati u okviru<br />doktorske disertacije su pokazali brojne prednosti BVO u odnosu na BJO.</p> / <p>Nowadays, with rising energy prices, accurate flow measurement is playing an<br />important role in industrial processes. Due to its simplicity, reliability and ease of<br />maintenance, orifice flow meters are very common measuring instruments in<br />many industries. Conventional single-hole orifice (SHO) flow meter is widely<br />used differential pressure-based instrument, but this instrument has some<br />disadvantages that can be overcome by multi-hole orifice (MHO) flow meter. The<br />subject of the doctoral dissertation research was MHO flow meter. Experimental<br />and numerical methods were used for the research, whereas the ratio of the<br />orifice area and the cross-sectional pipe area &beta;, pressure drop, pressure loss,<br />angle of bevel influence, gas humidity influence and straight sections upstream<br />and downstream of the orifice influence on measurement accuracy were<br />investigated. Also, power loss for different orifice flow meters, pressure recovery,<br />discharge coefficient i.e. pressure drop coefficient were determined. Results<br />presented within the doctoral dissertation showed numerous advantages of<br />MHO compared to SHO.</p>

Registered counsellors' perceptions of their role in the South African context / Marie Claire Michelle Rouillard

Rouillard, Marie Claire Michelle January 2013 (has links)
Registered counsellors were regarded as part of the solution to the ever-increasing void in mental healthcare and were acknowledged by the South African government over a decade ago. Some challenges have however arisen regarding the implementing of their vocations in the community, that impact service delivery as well as career satisfaction of registered counsellors, but limited information is available in terms of the exploration of the perceptions of registered counsellors regarding their role in the South African context. This study focused on exploring how registered counsellors perceive their role in South Africa and describing these perceptions. This research is important because little is known about the perceptions of registered counsellors and their experience of their role in the South African context. The research was conducted in Johannesburg and Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. 12 participants (one man and 11 women) volunteered to be part of the research. The size of the sample was not predetermined, but was rather based on data saturation. The participants were purposefully selected on the basis of having acquired the registration of registered counsellor with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Data was collected through conducting semi-structured interviews with all the participants. An interview schedule was used to facilitate the interview process for consistency in the interviews. Thematic analysis was utilised to delineate different themes. To ensure the trustworthiness of the research process, the guidelines suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985) were followed. The current researcher found that the registered counsellors experienced conflicting perceptions of their role in South Africa. They felt that their role was a necessary and important one in South Africa and in the context of the development of mental healthcare in South Africa. However, some negative feelings were also expressed as they experienced uncertainty regarding their role in the profession as well as the changing scope of practice for registered counsellors in South Africa. Additional negative perceptions were associated with a lack of acknowledgement of their role by other mental healthcare professionals and some ignorance from the public regarding the work of registered counsellors. To promote adequate mental healthcare in South Africa, mental health professionals such as registered counsellors are particularly important. But what appears to be the uncertainty and a lack of information related to the role of registered counsellors, has impacted negatively on their perception of their role in South Africa and, as a result, many individuals do not work in the professional mental healthcare field. It is recommended that the perception of the registered counsellors be acknowledged and taken into consideration to further the development of mental healthcare and treatment for mental health difficulties within the South African context. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Registered counsellors' perceptions of their role in the South African context / Marie Claire Michelle Rouillard

Rouillard, Marie Claire Michelle January 2013 (has links)
Registered counsellors were regarded as part of the solution to the ever-increasing void in mental healthcare and were acknowledged by the South African government over a decade ago. Some challenges have however arisen regarding the implementing of their vocations in the community, that impact service delivery as well as career satisfaction of registered counsellors, but limited information is available in terms of the exploration of the perceptions of registered counsellors regarding their role in the South African context. This study focused on exploring how registered counsellors perceive their role in South Africa and describing these perceptions. This research is important because little is known about the perceptions of registered counsellors and their experience of their role in the South African context. The research was conducted in Johannesburg and Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. 12 participants (one man and 11 women) volunteered to be part of the research. The size of the sample was not predetermined, but was rather based on data saturation. The participants were purposefully selected on the basis of having acquired the registration of registered counsellor with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Data was collected through conducting semi-structured interviews with all the participants. An interview schedule was used to facilitate the interview process for consistency in the interviews. Thematic analysis was utilised to delineate different themes. To ensure the trustworthiness of the research process, the guidelines suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985) were followed. The current researcher found that the registered counsellors experienced conflicting perceptions of their role in South Africa. They felt that their role was a necessary and important one in South Africa and in the context of the development of mental healthcare in South Africa. However, some negative feelings were also expressed as they experienced uncertainty regarding their role in the profession as well as the changing scope of practice for registered counsellors in South Africa. Additional negative perceptions were associated with a lack of acknowledgement of their role by other mental healthcare professionals and some ignorance from the public regarding the work of registered counsellors. To promote adequate mental healthcare in South Africa, mental health professionals such as registered counsellors are particularly important. But what appears to be the uncertainty and a lack of information related to the role of registered counsellors, has impacted negatively on their perception of their role in South Africa and, as a result, many individuals do not work in the professional mental healthcare field. It is recommended that the perception of the registered counsellors be acknowledged and taken into consideration to further the development of mental healthcare and treatment for mental health difficulties within the South African context. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die skep van ruimtelike dinamika in 'n roman / Helene de Kock

De Kock, Helene January 2014 (has links)
The primary aim of this study in creative writing is research into an aspect of the writing process, namely the creation of spatial dynamics in a novel. This objective required the creation of an artefact. A novel titled Somersneeu was written in order to examine the very process of generating spatial dynamics in this novel in particular, as well as in the novel as such. Somersneeu was published by Human & Rousseau in 2010. Practice-based as well as practice-led research was fundamental to this study. An artistic creator registers intellectually whatever unfolds during the creative process and so new knowledge can simultaneously be created. The process of creating a work of art as well as the reflection thereon is fundamental to practice-led research. In other words, the creative process of an artefact like the novel Somersneeu is the source of a certain kind of knowledge that gradually emerges and can eventually be verbalised. Therefore a design concept for creating spatial dynamics may be articulated. It is a fact that a definite coherence exists between space and spatial dynamics. These two concepts are in reality inseparable and this cohesion is what is also being investigated in this study. Space actually consists of spatial dynamics since all the different facets of space, concrete as well as abstract, have definite and inseparable repercussions upon one another, causing a dynamic interaction among all facets of space. Apart from concrete or physical space, numerous abstractions of space take part in this interplay. These spatial abstractions are, for instance culture, identity, zeitgeist and the all-encompassing human psyche. The intense interplay among all the facets of space triggers spatial dynamics. This is the case in real life as well as in fiction. The above mentioned discussion of space and spatial dynamics is followed by an intense and heuristic view of the process of creating spatial dynamics. In order to create spatial dynamics in a novel, a novelist should have a strong sense of place. The essence of creating spatial dynamics in a novel consists mainly of the transformation of sense of place. The main aim of this study is then to present a design concept for the creation of spatial dynamics in a novel. This design concept may be used by other writers in order to create spatial dynamics in a novel. The novel Somersneeu as well as the questionnaire, reception documents and a list of publications of the writer are included as appendixes. / PhD (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Rusiškų knygų leidyba Lietuvoje atgavus nepriklausomybę / Russian books publishing industry in lithuania after reclaiming of independence

Čumačenko, Aliona 09 July 2011 (has links)
Iki Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo Lietuvoje buvo cenzūruojama bet kokia veikla, susijusi su informacijos skleidimu. Tais laikais buvo leidžiama daug literatūros leidinių rusų kalba. Taip Sovietų Sąjungos valdžia stengėsi skleisti visuomenėje sovietinę ideologiją. Po Sovietų Sąjungos žlugimo Lietuvoje įvyko politinės, ekonominės ir socialinės permainos, kurių pasekmės buvo jaučiamos ir leidybos srityje. Lietuvai atgavus Nepriklausomybę, Lietuvos knygynų lentynose pradėjo kasmet didėti knygų pasiūlos įvairovė. Šių dienų viena iš leidybos aktualijų yra leidinių leidyba tautinių mažumų kalbomis. Šio magistrinio baigiamojo darbo keliama problema – literatūros rusų kalba, išleidžiamos Lietuvoje, leidybinių rodiklių mažėjimo tyrimas. Yra išleista nemažai leidinių: straipsnių, monografijų, knygų, kuriuose yra tiriama leidyba Lietuvoje sovietiniais laikais. Literatūra rusų kalba juose yra taip pat minima. Tuose leidiniuose nagrinėjami rusiškos literatūros kiekybiniai rodikliai, repertuaras. Tačiau, mokslinių darbų ir straipsnių kuriuose būtų analizuojamos knygos rusų kalba išleistos Lietuvoje po Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, rasti nepavyko. Šis baigiamasis darbas yra pirmasis mokslinis darbas nagrinėjantis knygų rusų kalba leidyba Lietuvoje atgavus Nepriklausomybę. Šio magistro baigiamojo darbo tyrimo objektu pasirinktos knygos ir brošiūros rusų kalba, išleistos Lietuvoje po Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Šio magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, kiek yra knygų rusų kalba tarp... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Up to the reclaiming Independence, there was censorship in every activity related to the spread of information in Lithuania. In these times, there were many publications published in Russian language. This way, the government of Soviet Union tried to spread soviet ideology to the society. After the collapse of Soviet Union, there were social, political, and economical changes in Lithuania, which consequences were also felt in the area of publishing. After Lithuania reclaimed independence, bookstores in Lithuania started to supply bigger variety of books every year. One of today’s urgent things is publishing of publications in minority languages. The problem, stated in this final master of science work is research of decreasing publishing indexes of literature in Russian language, published in Lithuania. Literature in Russian language is also mentioned in these publications. These publications examine quantitative indicators, repertoire of Russian literature. However, there was no luck finding academic works and articles, which analyze books in Russian language, published after Lithuania reclaimed independence. The research objects of this final master work are the books and brochures in Russian language published after reclaiming independence in Lithuania. Manuals, monographies and other scientific works, corresponding the topic of printed book and brochure, are also stated as objects of this work. The purpose of this final master work is to find out how many books in Russian... [to full text]

Po Kioto klimato kaitos švelninimo politika ir ekonominė svarba Lietuvai / Post kyoto climate change mitigation regimes and their economic importance for lithuania

Barauskaitė, Vaida 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe aptarta Po Kioto klimato kaitos globalinė problema bei elementai, skirti jos apsaugai. Nagrinėjami pasaulio pasiūlymai dėl Po Kioto klimato kaitos. Analizuojami klimato kaitos švelninimo rėžimų apribojimai Lietuvai. Atlikta atskirų ekonomikos sektorių klimato kaitos politikos SSGG analizė. Nagrinėjama šiltnamio dujų dinamika skirtinguose ekonomikos sektoriuose. Remiantis struktūriniu darbo modeliu, ištirta, kad klimato kaitos švelninimo įsipareigojimai iki 2020m. sumažinti ŠD emisijas 20% ir 30% lyginant su 1990m Lietuvoje dvigubai didins elektros kainas, BVP augimas sulėtės 2-3%. Tai patvirtina bendrą darbo hipotezę. Naudingiausios bei reikalingiausias priemonės klimato kaitai švelninti turi būti įgyvendinamos energetikos sektoriuje: Energijos taupymas, Atsinaujinančių išteklių naudojimas energijos gamyboje; technologijų inovacija bei modernizavimas. Atsinaujinančių išteklių naudojimas energijos gamyboje bendrai teigiamai įtakotų Lietuvos ekonominę būklę, nors didintų elektros kainas. / There is a discussion of global Post Kyoto climate change problem and elements of its protection. There is an analysis of world suggestions for Post Kyoto climate change. There is analysis of Post Kyoto climate change mitigation regimes for Lithuania. There is performed SWOT analysis of climate change politics in different economics sectors. Dinamics of greenhouse gases in different sectors is provided. According to structural model of the work it was investigated that climate change investigation methods till 2020 will minimize the emissions of GHGs 20% or 30% comparing with 1990 will double the prices of electricity and the growth of GDP will be less 2%- 3%. These things affirm the hypothesis of the work. The best means for climate change mitigation should be applied in the sector of energy: the saving of Energy, the use of recommense reserves in technology; the inovation and modernisation of technologies. The use of recommense reserves for the producing of energy would have positive influence for the economy of Lithuania despite the fact of growing prices of eletricity.

Die skep van ruimtelike dinamika in 'n roman / Helene de Kock

De Kock, Helene January 2014 (has links)
The primary aim of this study in creative writing is research into an aspect of the writing process, namely the creation of spatial dynamics in a novel. This objective required the creation of an artefact. A novel titled Somersneeu was written in order to examine the very process of generating spatial dynamics in this novel in particular, as well as in the novel as such. Somersneeu was published by Human & Rousseau in 2010. Practice-based as well as practice-led research was fundamental to this study. An artistic creator registers intellectually whatever unfolds during the creative process and so new knowledge can simultaneously be created. The process of creating a work of art as well as the reflection thereon is fundamental to practice-led research. In other words, the creative process of an artefact like the novel Somersneeu is the source of a certain kind of knowledge that gradually emerges and can eventually be verbalised. Therefore a design concept for creating spatial dynamics may be articulated. It is a fact that a definite coherence exists between space and spatial dynamics. These two concepts are in reality inseparable and this cohesion is what is also being investigated in this study. Space actually consists of spatial dynamics since all the different facets of space, concrete as well as abstract, have definite and inseparable repercussions upon one another, causing a dynamic interaction among all facets of space. Apart from concrete or physical space, numerous abstractions of space take part in this interplay. These spatial abstractions are, for instance culture, identity, zeitgeist and the all-encompassing human psyche. The intense interplay among all the facets of space triggers spatial dynamics. This is the case in real life as well as in fiction. The above mentioned discussion of space and spatial dynamics is followed by an intense and heuristic view of the process of creating spatial dynamics. In order to create spatial dynamics in a novel, a novelist should have a strong sense of place. The essence of creating spatial dynamics in a novel consists mainly of the transformation of sense of place. The main aim of this study is then to present a design concept for the creation of spatial dynamics in a novel. This design concept may be used by other writers in order to create spatial dynamics in a novel. The novel Somersneeu as well as the questionnaire, reception documents and a list of publications of the writer are included as appendixes. / PhD (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Teisinė sąmonė kaip kriminologinė kategorija / Legal consciousness as a criminological category

Nevardauskienė, Loreta 19 December 2006 (has links)
In this work author is analysing problematics of determination of legal consciousness as a category of criminology. This objective is being achieved through examination of the characteristics of legal consciousness, the impact of sociostructure of legal consciousness on legal reality and its functional features through interaction with legal reality; causality of social origin of legal consciousness and problematics of the complex of factors causing criminality; importance of legal consciousness in the process of socialization of an individual and in the mechanism of criminal behaviour; the place of which legal consciousness is undertaking in the system of features of criminogenical personality. Seeking to prove that the legal consciousness of a criminogenical personality is deformed, an empirical research in the form of a questionnaire „Female criminal behaviour and their legal consciousness“ was undertaken in the Panevėžys Penitentiary. By generalizing the results of the research made, author has established that the legal consciousness of majority of women, behaving in a criminal way, were inclined in legal nihilism - they were neglecting social and personal value of law and seeing it as a poor regulator of social relations.

'n Spelterapieprogram vir die adolessente dogter wat seksueel misbruik is (Afrikaans)

Kotze, Etna 13 December 2006 (has links)
This research deals with a play therapy programme that was developed, implemented and evaluated with fifteen adolescent girls from three different ethnical backgrounds, namely Xhosa, Coloured and white. Five girls from each respective ethnical background were selected by means of purposeful sampling. The goal of this research was to implement and evaluate a play therapy programme for die adolescent girl that was sexually abused. In order to achieve this goal, information was gathered and a theoretical framework built with the help of a literature study. A critical investigation was done on existing intervention programmes for adolescents that were sexually abused, a play therapy programme for the adolescent girl that was sexually abused was developed, implemented, evaluated and recommendations were made for the use of the programme with the different ethnical groups, namely Xhosa, Coloured and white. Applied research was done; the researcher exploited existing knowledge to gather new knowledge to address immediate problems that professional people experience in practice. Within the context of applied research the goal of this study was to do intervention research. The researcher used a single-system design, A-B-A-A, to determine the effectiveness of the play therapy programme with adolescent girls from three ethical groups, namely: Xhosa, Coloured and white. A Research hypothesis was made, namely: If the play therapy programme is implemented with the adolescent girl, her self-perception and trauma-dynamic-elements will improve. The researcher used Creswell’s mixed methodology design model. A standardized scale, namely the Child Functioning Inventory - High School, was used to measure the adolescent girls’ self-perception and trauma-dynamic-elements before and after intervention. The researcher conducted a semi-structured interview, in conjunction with an interview schedule, with the respondent’s parent(s) before and after intervention. The researcher observed the respondents during the therapy sessions, field notes were made and every session were describe by means of report writing. The researcher had a follow-up interview three months after the post measurement with the adolescent and parent(s), to monitor the long-term effect of the play therapy programme after termination. The self-perception and trauma-dynamic-elements of every respondent that took part in the research and completed the therapeutic process, improved. The conclusion can therefore be made that the play therapy programme can be used successfully with the three ethnical groups, namely Xhosa, Coloured and white. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

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