Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diskrimination"" "subject:"diskriminations""
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Untersuchungen zum Einfluss serotonerger Genvariationen auf olfaktorische Performanz / Investigations on the influence of serotonergic gene polymorphisms on olfactory performanceCarl, Sophia Leonie January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Einige psychiatrische Erkrankungen gehen mit einer Veränderung der Riechfunktion einher. In aktuellen Tiermodellen wurde durch Stimulation der Raphe Kerne, die unter anderem zum Bulbus Olfaktorius projizieren, das serotonerge System als Einflussfaktor der Riechfunktion erkannt. Unsere Hypothese geht davon aus, dass das serotonerge System die Riechleistung beeinflussen könnte. Um diese Hypothese zu überprüfen, wurden drei Gene des serotonergen Systems und deren psychiatrisch relevante Genpolymorphismen ausgewählt und untersucht: TPH2 (Tryptophanhydroxylase 2, rs4570625), 5-HTTLPR (Serotonintransporter-Längenpolymorphismus) und 5-HT2C (Serotonintransporter, rs3813929).
Insgesamt wurden 173 gesunde Kinder eingeschlossen und auf deren Riechleistung (Riechschwelle und Diskrimination) hin mittels des Sniffin’Sticks Tests untersucht. Träger des T-Allels des TPH2-Polymorphismus sowie Träger des s-Allels, des 5-HTTLPR wiesen eine signifikant bessere Diskrimination von Gerüchen auf. Der Effekt des 5-HTTLPR ließ sich auf die Mädchen in der Stichprobe zurückführen. Der Genpolymorphismus des 5-HT2C Rezeptors wirkte sich nicht signifikant auf die Riechleistung aus. In Bezug auf die Riechsensitivität zeigten sich keine signifikanten Modulationen durch die untersuchten Genvarianten.
Gene des serotonergen Systems üben bei gesunden Kindern einen modulierenden Einfluss auf die Riechfunktion aus, insbesondere auf die Riechdiskrimination. Von besonderer Bedeutung scheinen in diesem Zusammenhang der Serotonintransporter 5-HTTLPR und das Syntheseenzym TPH2 zu sein. / Some psychiatric disorders are associated with a modulation of the olfactory system. By stimulating the raphe nuclei, which among other target regions project to the olfactory bulb, the serotonergic system was recognized as an influencing factor of the olfactory function in current animal models. Our hypothesis assumes that the serotonergic system influences the olfactory performance. To test this hypothesis, three genes of the serotoninergic system and their psychollogical relevant gene polymorphisms were selected and investigated: TPH2 (tryptophan hydroxylase 2, rs4570625), 5-HTT LPR (serotonin transporter length polymorphism) and 5-HT2C (serotonin transporter, rs3813929).
A total of 173 healthy children were included and examined for their olfactory performance (olfactory threshold and discrimination) using the Sniffin'Sticks test. Carriers of the T-allele of the TPH2 polymorphism as well as carriers of the s-allele of the 5-HTTLPR, exhibited significantly better odor discrimination. The effect of 5-HTTLPR polymorphism was mediated by the girls in the sample. The gene polymorphism of the 5-HT2C receptor did not significantly affect the olfactory function. In terms of odor sensitivity, no significant modulations were mediated by the examined gene variants.
Genes of the serotonergic system exert a modulating influence on the olfactory function in healthy children, especially on olfactory discrimination. Of particular importance in this context are the serotonin transporter 5-HTT LPR and the synthesis enzyme TPH2.
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Smygrasism i Sverige : En diskursiv analys om konstruktionen av smygrasism i svenska medier / The quiet racism in Sweden : A discursive analysis of the construction of quiet racism in Swedish news channelsKäll, Josefin, Hajra, Lulzim January 2023 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the quiet racism of Swedish news channels and analyzes the language used. The aim is to explore how quiet racism is constructed and portrayed, using two Swedish news channels, Skånska Dagbladet and Expressen, using a total of 12 articles combined. The study uses a discourse analysis as well as the framing theory as tools to reach the purpose with the thesis. From a discourse perspective, language is considered to play a role in people's experiences of the world and how they behave towards their fellow humans. It is also through discourses that our social and political world is formed causing it to have an important role of study when interpreting information regarding news and racism. The thesis has a main purpose: 1) to investigate how the construction of quiet racism is practiced in two different news channels as well as a sub-purpose 2) to perform a method review on the quantitative model SCM usage in a qualitative study. The study uses muslims as the research subject where muslims in relation to racism has been problematized. The chosen articles that have been analyzed are related to the controversial and much discussed burnings of the islamic holy script, The Quran, in Sweden in order to add to the societal relevance. The results demonstrate that there are three main themes that show quiet racism in the previously named news channels. These three are: 1) Muslims as scapegoats, 2) “Us versus them” and, 3) Bad associations (paint everyone with the same brush). The result also brings to light how the news channels promote quiet racism through these themes by actively choosing to describe muslims with an aggressive attribute, as well as, describing them as a threat to the country's democracy.
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Genderové rozdíly na trhu práce / Gender Differences on the Labour MarketBenešová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with gender differences in the labor market. The aim is to determine whether wage differentials exist on the labor market, reveal their causes and overall impact. The theoretical part deals with basic terminology and concepts are explained as gender, mainstreaming, ,,glass ceiling", discrimination. There is also an overview of Czech and European legislation and institutional safeguards to ensure equal access for women and men. In the practical part of the thesis deals with the analysis of the gender wage gap, which is performed using pointers Gender Pay Gap. The thesis analyzes the situation both in the nationwide economy, but also at the level of individual professional categories of CZ-ISCO. Outlined here are the factors that affect the GPG. In the final part is mentioned the situation within the EU also. The work presents an analysis of statistical data, which explains the different status of men and women in the labor market .
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Irakerne på det danske arbejdsmarkedNyhold Jochumsen, Sine January 2005 (has links)
På baggrund af den integrationsdebat, som i de senere år har præget dansk politik, er arbejde blevet en indikation på integration. Derfor har man koncentreret sig på problematikken, i at mange indvandrere/flygtninge, med ikke-vestlig baggrund, står udenfor arbejdsmarkedet. I denne opgave vendes diskursen, og belyser hvilken jobsøgningsstrategi som har vist sig være mest effektiv for denne gruppe på det danske arbejdsmarked. Fokus er lagt på det sociale netværk, idet tidligere forskning har set dette som den mest effektive indgang til arbejdsmarkedet. Der fokuseres på herboende irakere. Udover at give en kort karakteristika af Iraks nutidshistorie, er der blevet lavet 16 ustrukturerede kvalitative interviews med irakere. Analysen på dette materiale er blevet brugt til at påvise forskellige tendenser, deriblandt jobsøgningsstrategi, arbejdslivserfaring, human kapital og oplevelser med diskrimination på det danske arbejdsmarked. Konklusionen er, at informanterne umiddelbart anvender deres sociale netværk for at komme ind på arbejdsmarkedet, mens den langsigtede strategi er uddannelse fra Danmark. En ligeså vigtig metode er strategisk assimilation, hvor informanterne assimilerer sig med sine danske kollegaer, for på den måde at undvige diskrimination og udelukkelse fra det danske arbejdsmarked. / Based on the integration debate, which over the last few years has influenced Danish politics, work has become an indication of integration. The focus has as a consequence been laid on the problem that many immigrants and refugees with non-western background, are excluded from the Danish labour market. In this essay this discourse will be turned around, and the emphasis will be put on which job searching strategies are the most effective for this group in relation to the labour market. This assessment will focus on the social network, which in earlier research has proven to be the most effective way to enter the employment market. The focus is laid upon Iraqis living in Denmark. Besides giving the short characteristics of Iraq’s recent history, 16 unstructured qualitative interviews with Iraqis have been completed. The analysis of the material found has been used to generate certain tendencies, including job searching strategies, work experiences, human capital and discrimination experiences on the Danish employment market. The conclusion of this exercise highlights that Iraqis taking part in the interviewing process immediately uses their social network to enter employment, while their long-term strategy is education from Denmark. Just as important a method is the strategical assimilation, where the participants interviewed assimilate themselves with their Danish co-workers, and in that way avoids discrimination and exclusion from the Danish workforce.
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Barns rätt och äktenskapsåldern : En kritisk studie av svensk rätt i samband med de grundläggande principerna i barnkonventionen / Children Rights and the Age of Marriage : A Critical Study of Swedish Law in Relation to the Founding Principles of the Convention on the Rights of the ChildGreen, Katarina January 2000 (has links)
<p>The Swedish rules for marrying in Sweden are different for swedish citizens and foreigners. A swedish citizen has to have permission from"Länsstyrelsen"to marry before the age of 18 but a foreigner may marry without permission at an age of 15, unless a higher age is required by the foreign law. The main question in this essay is if the swedish international law concerning the age of marriage is compatible with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and/or the Swedish Constitution. The comparison is based on mainly two questions: Primarily the Swedish international law is discussed concerning which marrying age is good for the child. Thereafter it is discussed whether it is discriminating to have different marrying ages for swedish and foreign citizens. The result is that 18 years is a suitable age for marrying after a comparison with other Swedish laws and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Different age limits for swedish and foreign citizens could not be considered to be discriminating according to the Swedish Constitution, but on the other hand it is discriminating according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.</p>
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Barns rätt och äktenskapsåldern : En kritisk studie av svensk rätt i samband med de grundläggande principerna i barnkonventionen / Children Rights and the Age of Marriage : A Critical Study of Swedish Law in Relation to the Founding Principles of the Convention on the Rights of the ChildGreen, Katarina January 2000 (has links)
The Swedish rules for marrying in Sweden are different for swedish citizens and foreigners. A swedish citizen has to have permission from"Länsstyrelsen"to marry before the age of 18 but a foreigner may marry without permission at an age of 15, unless a higher age is required by the foreign law. The main question in this essay is if the swedish international law concerning the age of marriage is compatible with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and/or the Swedish Constitution. The comparison is based on mainly two questions: Primarily the Swedish international law is discussed concerning which marrying age is good for the child. Thereafter it is discussed whether it is discriminating to have different marrying ages for swedish and foreign citizens. The result is that 18 years is a suitable age for marrying after a comparison with other Swedish laws and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Different age limits for swedish and foreign citizens could not be considered to be discriminating according to the Swedish Constitution, but on the other hand it is discriminating according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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Vad kommer en treåring ihåg? : En studie om svenska barns arbetsminne och fonologi / What Does a Three-year-old Remember? : A Study of Swedish Children’s Working Memory and PhonologyEriksson, Cecilia, Rex, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Få studier finns om små barns fonologiska förmåga relaterat till arbetsminne. Det råder också en brist på test av arbetsminne för små barn. Föreliggande studie syftade därför till att studera relationen mellan visuellt arbetsminne, fonologiskt arbetsminne och förmåga att hantera fonologiska representationer hos treåringar. Detta har gjorts genom att samla in jämförelsedata för treåringars resultat på det nyutvecklade surfplatte-testet KUBEN (Kognitiv utveckling hos små barn), som testar förmågorna visuellt och fonologiskt arbetsminne samt fonologisk diskrimination. Dessutom har test för fonologisk produktion, även det testat med hjälp av surfplatta, och nonordsrepetition använts. I studien deltog 91 treåriga svenska barn med typisk utveckling. För framför allt visuellt arbetsminne, fanns ett mycket litet underlag att jämföra med, men resultatet visade att barngruppen presterade som förväntat vad gäller samtliga testade förmågor. Förmågorna förbättrades med ökad ålder, däremot var kön och vana av surfplatta inte faktorer som påverkade barnens resultat. I resultatet beskrivs också samband mellan förmågorna. Det fanns samband mellan alla de förmågor som i denna studie mäter fonologiska representationer (fonologisk diskrimination, nonordsrepetition och fonologisk produktion). Däremot korrelerade dessa fonologiska förmågor inte med test för fonologiskt arbetsminne, vilket var ett mindre väntat resultat. En möjlig förklaring kan vara att det är svårt att separat testa fonologiskt arbetsminne hos barn så små som tre år. Inget samband förelåg heller mellan test av fonologiskt och visuellt arbetsminne, vilket dock indikerar att två olika arbetsminnesförmågor har testats. Detta styrker den falang inom forskningen som menar att visuellt och fonologiskt arbetsminne är separerade förmågor redan hos små barn. / There are few studies regarding phonological skills related to working memory in young children. There is also a lack of tests of working memory for children in the younger ages. The aim of the current study was therefore to examine the relationship between visual working memory, phonological working memory and the ability to manage phonological representations, in three-year-olds. This was done by collecting comparison data of threeyear- old children’s results on the newly developed tablet-test ”KUBEN” (Cognitive development in young children), which measures the abilities visual and phonological working memory and phonological discrimination. In addition test for phonological production, also tested with tablet, and nonword repetition were used. A total of 91 Swedish three-year-old children with typical development participated in the study. For especially visual working memory, there was a lack of material with which to compare, but the result showed that children performed as expected regarding all tested abilities. The abilities improved with increasing age. On the contrary, neither gender nor experience of using tablets, affected the results of the children’s performance. The result of this study further describes relations between the tested abilities. There were correlations between all the abilities in this study that measures phonological representations (phonological discrimination, nonword repetition and phonological production). However, these phonological abilities did not correlate with the test of phonological working memory, which is a less expected finding. A possible explanation may be that it is difficult to test phonological working memory separately in children as young as three years old. Neither was there a correlation between tests of phonological and visual working memory, which indicates that two different abilities of working memory were tested. This confirms the faction within research arguing that visual and phonological working memory are separated abilities, already in young children.
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Aspekty ovlivňující získávání zaměstnání u mužů a žen v České republice / The Aspects of the Influence to Acquire Job of the Men and the Women in the Czech RepublicDVOŘÁKOVÁ, Eliška January 2007 (has links)
Diploma work takes attention mainly at entry conditions for women and men in labour market, what sort of questions are asked while entrance interviews, whether the gender of a person influences discriminating questions of an employer, whether it is considered to be more important than the abilities, education level and practice achieved by an expectant. Research concentrates on choise gender stereotypes connecting with the position of men and women in their job too, for example on goodwill of employer realize to accommodate workers with children to coordinate their family and working duties.
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”Förstår du vad du läser?” : En kritisk rättsdogmatisk analys av förbudet mot diskriminering i utbildningsverksamheten / ”Do you understand what you are reading?” : A critical legal dogmatic analysis of the prohibition against discrimination in educational activitiesFossum, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This essay is based on a case of a Swedish student with dyslexia who was denied the right to his aid during the national exam in Swedish. The purpose of the study is to shed light on the problems in how practice is interpreted and how future cases can behandled. In order to examine the current law in discrimination that dyslectics experience within the school system. The study has used the legal dogmatic method,the right as it is “de lege lata'' as well as “de lege ferenda”, as the right should be. The study has concluded that even if the student is not denied the right to a free education,the study wishes to draw attention to the fact that the student may have been exposed to discrimination based on the European Convention Art.14. What the study has discovered by analyzing the material is that the adaptations offered to the student did not compensate for the absence of the compensatory aid for the national test.
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Zákaz rasové diskriminace v mezinárodním právu a jeho aplikace v právním řádu České republiky / Ban on racial discrimination in international law and its application in the legal order of the Czech RepublicPačesová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the ban on racial discrimination and protection against it in international law and its application in the legal order of the Czech Republic. The aim of this study was to examine the provisions prohibiting racial discrimination and mechanisms of protection against racial discrimination established by various conventions on the international and European level and the status of implementation of these commitments in the legal order of the Czech Republic and their implementation. The work is divided into six chapters; the issue itself is divided into four. In the second chapter thesis provides a definition of basic terms such as equality and its subdivisions, equal treatment, discrimination, its forms and discriminatory law and how the very nature of this work is apparent as well as the terms of race, racial discrimination, racial segregation and violence. In third and fourth part are introduced systems of protection against racial discrimination in the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. The fifth chapter is concerned with Czech legislation, the process of application of the ban on racial discrimination into the Czech legal order, on the constitutional level as well as on the level of laws, which also outlines the procedural particularities of the...
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