Spelling suggestions: "subject:"disloyalty"" "subject:"disloyally""
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Independent Research of Qualitative Methodology on Disloyalty within Chinese OrganizationSun, Chia-ling 14 August 2007 (has links)
Applying Based on Grounded Theory, the author interviewed eight targeted corporate working people via methods of Qualitative Research and Semi-structured Interview and completed the dissertation, which demonstrates and explores how and if two independent dimensions, loyalty and disloyalty, can be tangibly differentiated through organization behavior.
Especially in Chinese working organization, loyalty has been a key indicator for supervisors to categorize their subordinates. Furthermore, this research finds it interesting to discover questions such as ¡§how do supervisors define subordinates¡¦ behavior is categorized as loyal or disloyal?¡¨, ¡§Is it reasonable that a supervisor considers a subordinate as disloyal when he or she does not behave positively related to loyalty? ¡§, and ¡§Is there any difference when a supervisor considers a supervisor¡¦s behavior as loyalty or disloyalty?¡¨.
The findings of the research present as follows.
Firstly, the behavior descriptions of 92 sampling are linked to three categories, ¡§subordinate¡¦s integrity¡¨, ¡§subordinate¡¦s capability¡¨ and ¡§interaction with supervisor¡¨. They explain the factors of loyalty in literature review and reflect a phenomenon that loyalty embraces more positive behavior than negative behavior.
This dissertation presents two important findings. One finding is that loyalty and disloyalty are two independent dimensions in Chinese working organization. By means of eight interviews, ninety-two sampling descriptions were brought out. They are summarized into three categories of how a supervisor considers a subordinate¡¦s behavior as loyal or disloyal: the subordinate¡¦s character, the subordinate¡¦s capability and relationship with the subordinate.
The other finding presents the importance of a supervisor¡¦s view and speculation. Overwhelmingly, a supervisor considers a subordinate¡¦s behavior as loyal or disloyal through three criteria. Firstly, the maximum interest to be acquired by a supervisor is the most important. Secondly, a supervisor prefers a subordinate better when he or she presents more Supervisory Loyalty than Organizational Loyalty. The third, a supervisor regards that Positive Behavior and Negative Behavior independently exist. So do loyalty and disloyalty.
Based on previous academic research and studies, both findings successfully carry out disloyalty as an independent dimension as this research¡¦s achievement.
At last, research limitations are further illustrated. Directions for further studies, implications for theory and practice are offered in this dissertation.
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Varumärkesillojalitet inom EMV livsmedel : En kvantitativ studie om konsumentattityders bidrag till varumärkesillojalitet / Brand disloyalty to own branded food products: A quantitative study on consumer attitudes contribution to brand disloyaltyHofgren, Jonas, Wiklund, Mia January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att diskutera hur konsumentattityder bidrar till varumärkesillojalitet. Metod: Denna studie har utgått från en deduktiv metodansats. Insamling av empiriskt material har skett genom en kvantitativ undersökning där webbenkätfrågor har skickats ut enligt ett bekvämlighetsurval. För att kunna analysera materialet har forskarna utgått från en korrelationsanalys för att kunna se samband mellan olika variabler. Resultat och slutsats: I denna studie har konsumentattityder och illojalitet inriktats på egna märkesvaror inom livsmedel (EMV). Resultatet av studien är att pris, medias påverkan och kommentarer från familj och vänner är en framträdande faktor som påverkar konsumentattityder gällande livsmedelsvaror. I denna studien har vi kunnat påvisa att faktorerna bidrar till attitydens tre komponenter, som i sin tur bygger upp en konsumentattityd till EMV. Konsumentattityden bidrar sin tur till obunden, störd, desillusionerad och splittrad varumärkesillojalitet. Uppsatsens bidrag till ämnet: Resultatet av uppsatsen bidrar till ökad förståelse till hur konsumentattityder bidrar till varumärkesillojalitet. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag till vidare forskning är att studera hur företag själva uppfattar hur konsumentattityder bidrar till varumärkesillojalitet. Med andra ord att forskaren utgår från ett företagsperspektiv. / Aim: The purpose of this paper is to discuss how consumer attitudes contribute to disloyalty for a brand. Method: This study is based on a deductive method approach. The collection of empirical material has been done through a quantitative survey where web queries have been sent out in accordance with a convenience survey. In order to analyze the material, the researchers have assumed a correlation analysis to see the connection between different variables. Result and conclusion: In this study, consumer attitudes and disloyalty focused on own branded food products (EMV). The result of the study is that price, media impact and comments from family and friends are a prominent factor affecting consumer attitudes regarding food products. In this study we have been able to show that factors contribute to the three components of an attitude, which in turn builds a consumer attitude towards EMV. Consumer attitudes lead to unbound, disturbed, disillusioned and fragmented brand disloyalty. Contribution of the thesis: The result of the paper contributes to increased understanding of how consumer attitudes contribute to disloyalty. Suggestions for further research: Proposals for further research are to study how companies themselves perceive how consumer attitudes contribute to brand disloyalty. In other words, further research can be based on an entrepreneurial perspective.
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KUNDVÄRDE INOM TJÄNSTEFÖRETAG : En studie som belyser likheter och skillnader inom kundvärde utifrån kunds och företagsperspektiv / Customer value in service companies : A study that highlights the similarities and differences in customer value from a customer and company perspectiveShehla, Mohammad, Melda, Duru January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens titel: Kundvärde inom tjänsteföretag – En studie som belyser likheter och skillnader inom kundvärde utifrån kunds och företags perspektiv Datum: 8 Jan 2016 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng Instution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, EST, Mälardalens Högskola Författare: Melda Duru & Shehla Mohammad Titel: Kundvärde utifrån kundens och företagets perspektiv Handledare: Magnus Linderström Nyckelord: Tjänstemarknad, kundvärde, kundlojalitet, illojalitet, kundorientering, marknadsmix. Frågeställning: Hur skiljer sig kundvärdet mellan en advokatbyrå och en mäklarbyrå? Vilka är likheterna och olikheterna? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka likheter och olikheter det finns på kundvärde mellan en advokatbyrå samt en mäklarbyrå. För att kunna få svar på detta kommer uppsatsförfattarna även att undersöka vad som ger kundvärde för kunden utifrån kundens och företagets perspektiv. Metod: Material samlades in genom att söka på olika begrepp som redovisas i teoriavsnittet. Kurslitteraturer samt högskolans databas var två viktiga verktyg som uppsatsförfattarna arbetat med för att samla in teorier. Vidare kontaktades respondenterna och därefter genomfördes totalt åtta intervjuer som redovisas i bilagan. Åtta intervjuer, varv två med respondenterna och två kompletterande intervjuer med respondenterna samt fyra med kunderna. Slutsats: Det finns både likheter och olikheter på kundvärde inom advokat samt mäklarbyrån. / Title: Customer value in service companies- A study that highlights the similarities and differences in customer value from a customer and company perspective Date: 8 Jan 2016 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Melda Duru 930521 & Shehla Mohammad 921015 Tutor: Magnus Linderström Keywords: Service marketing, customer value, loyalty, disloyalty, customer orientation, marketing mix. Research questions: How does the customer value differ between a law firm and a real estate agency? What are the similarities and differences. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to inspect the similarities and differences of customer value between a law firm and a real estate agency. To be able to answer this, the article author will also inspect what gives the customer a customer value from the customer and companies perspective. Method: Material was collected by looking up different concepts that are shown in the theory section. The course literature and the universities database were two major tools that the article author worked with for the theories. The respondents were contacted and after that eight interviews were completed that are shown in the appendix. A total of eight interviews were two conducted with respondents, two complementary with the respondents and four with clients/customers. Conclusion: There are similarities and differences when it comes to customer value at both law firms and real estate agencies.
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Understanding brand loyalty and disloyalty formation among consumers’ of short life-cycle productsRamachandran, S. (Sunder) 26 October 2015 (has links)
This study examines the formation of brand loyalty and disloyalty behaviours among consumers of short life-cycle technology products. Today, the life cycle of technology products have become shortened due to rapid pace of innovation leading to introduction of new and innovative products at shortened intervals. Such technological changes create a dynamic market, induce uncertainties among the consumers in the usage leading to stress and anxiety and development of coping strategies to deal with such situations. This study attempts at an understanding of the formation of brand loyalty and brand disloyalty behaviours from the consumer’s lived consumption experiences. The importance of loyalty and disloyalty have long been recognized in marketing, by academic and practitioners alike and assumes even more salience in today’s highly dynamic and competitive market environment.
This study adopts the qualitative approach based on a constructivist and interpretive perspective using narrative strategy of inquiry through semi-structured and open-ended interviews to bring forth the experiences and meanings emanating from the consumption narratives. A theoretical framework was developed and employed to aid in the analysis of the empirical data. Based on the lines of the theoretical framework, three different phases of consumption, pre-adoption, adoption and post-adoption were examined which brought forth rich details of consumption experiences and outcomes during each consumption phase.
This study interestingly finds consumers to be more brand loyal than disloyal. This supports a school of thought which endorses the existence of brand loyalty and contradicts another school of thought which profess the decline of brand loyalty. The study also reveals the factors which cause brand loyalty, brand disloyalty, divided brand loyalty and no brand loyalty tendencies in the context of short life-cycle technology products providing insights to both practitioners and academics. And more interestingly, this study finds short life-cycle products influencing the brand disloyalty and divided brand loyalty tendencies significantly, if not most significantly. This is important in view of today’s highly changed, dynamic and competitive marketplace and in the context of short life-cycle technology products. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan brändilojaaliuden ja -epälojaaliuden kehittymistä teknologiaintensiivisten kuluttajatuotteiden käyttäjien keskuudessa. Sellaisten tuotteiden käyttöikä on lyhentynyt uusien tuoteinnovaatioiden ja -ratkaisujen tullessa markkinoille yhä nopeammalla tahdilla. Teknologiamuutokset johtavat dynaamisiin markkinoihin ja samalla kuluttajien huoli ja pyrkimykset hoitaa tuotteiden valinta- ja käyttötilanteita kasvavat. Tutkimuksessa pyritään ymmärtämään ja tulkitsemaan brändilojaaliuden ja -epälojaaliuden muodostumiseen liittyviä tekijöitä. Se on yhä tärkeämpää paitsi tutkijoille, myös liiketoiminnan harjoittajille.
Tutkimukseen otetaan konstruktiivinen mutta tulkitseva ote, perustuen kuluttajien kertomiin kokemuksiin, joita kerättiin sekä avoimilla että puoliavoimilla haastatteluilla. Hankittu narratiivinen tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin aiempien tutkimusten perusteella muodostetun teoreettisen viitekehyksen avulla niin, että tuotteen valinta, hankinta ja käyttö jaettiin kolmeen periaatteelliseen vaiheeseen. Ne ovat käyttöön omaksumista edeltävä, käytön omaksumisen ja käyttöön omaksumisen jälkeinen vaihe. Tutkimusaineistosta saatiin kehikon avulla analysoituna esille rikas tuotteen valintaan ja käyttöön liittyvä kulutuskokemusten joukko koskien brändilojaaliutta ja -epälojaaliutta.
Tutkimuksen mielenkiintoinen tulos on, että kuluttajien brändilojaalius on suurempi kuin epälojaalius. Se vahvistaa näkemyksen, että brändilojaaliuden merkitys ei ole vähentynyt eikä etenkään loppunut. Tutkimuksesta tulee silti esiin myös tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat lojaaliuden ohella jakaantuneeseen lojaaliuteen tai lojaaliuden puuttumiseen lyhytikäisten kuluttajatuotteiden tapauksessa. Kaiken kaikkiaan tekijöiden jäsentäminen, näkyväksi tekeminen ja analysointi tarjoavat kiinnostavia näkemyksiä tutkijoille, liiketoiminnan harjoittajille ja muille tahoille. Erityisesti jakaantuneeseen lojaaliuteen ja epälojaaliuteen vaikuttavat tekijät ovat tärkeitä lyhytikäisille teknologiaintensiivisille kuluttajatuotteille, joiden markkinat ovat erittäin dynaamiset ja kilpaillut.
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