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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Režimní kampaň proti chartě 77 na stránkách Rudého práva / Regime campaign against Charita 77 on pages of Rudé právo

Kosina, Aleš January 2009 (has links)
"Regime campaign against Charta 77 on pages of Rudé právo" is the name of this diploma work and the definition of the research aim. This research aim is elaborated by qualitative content analysis of chosen media. Diploma work is divided into three main parts which are methodology, historical (theoretical) and analytical. Theoretical part describes historical affairs essential for understanding the role of Charta 77 in context of normalization regime in communistic Czechoslovakia starting from Prague Spring and ending with events leading to the Velvet revolution. In context of opposition movements and new forms of resistance emerging the regime reaction on rise of the opposition is also described. In the structure of historical part the key moment is foundation of Charta 77 and its activities and aims. The role and function of journalism as well as the role of Rudé právo daily in communistic regime is described as important background for regime media campaign understanding. The core of this diploma work is analytical part. It consists of content analysis of Rudé právo daily in period of first three months of 1977. The base of the content analysis is each single article in Rudé právo related to Charta 77 and chartists. Analytical part is divided into three parts. Each part analyzes one research...

‚Jiné světy' žen Jazzové sekce v období tzv. normalizace / ‚Other worlds' of female members of Jazz section of the Musicians' Union in the normalization period

Hynková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
MARTINA HYNKOVÁ: ‚JINÉ SVĚTY' ŽEN JAZZOVÉ SEKCE V OBDOBÍ TZV. NORMALIZACE ABSTRACT This master thesis deals with the Jazz section of the Musicians' Union in the normalization period. It was an amateur organization which existed from 1971 until 1986. It took an active part in the area of jazz and united an extensive jazz community. The thesis aims at gender aspects of female Jazz section's activities and roles. The research question can be formulated as follows: Which strategies of living did female members of the Jazz section choose during the normalization? The thesis is based on a biographical method consisting of six interviews with former female members of the Jazz section. Those interviews were made via an episodic narrative interview. The author revealed the following strategies of living: accession to the Jazz section community, being an active member of the community, going abroad to visit cultural events, contact with dissent and living in two worlds. Making of these other worlds by female members of the Jazz section thus became strategies of living on their own.

Re-presenting geopolitics : ethnography, social movement activism, and nonviolent geographies

Burton, Kerry January 2012 (has links)
This thesis starts from the premise that Geopolitics is performative, an iterative discourse “of visualising global space…reproduced in the governing principles of geographic thought and through the practices of statecraft” (Agnew 1998:11). During the last decade, two dominant discourses have shaped the contemporary geopolitical imagination – the ‘war on terror’ and ‘climate change’. These have steered conceptualisations of security and insecurity - performative iterations of who, where, and what poses a threat. The resulting geopolitical picture of the world has enabled the legitimisation of human and geographical domination – an acceptance of geographical norms that enable the continuation of uneven geographies. The research is concerned with the performative spaces of alternative geopolitics; spaces that emerge where nonviolent social movement activism and geopolitics intersect and the sites through which these are practiced and mediated. The motivations are twofold. The first is a desire to intervene in a critical geopolitical discourse that remains biased toward engagement with violent geographies. The second is to take seriously ‘geopolitics from below’, alternative geographical imaginations. I address the first of these through research that is concerned primarily with the spacing of nonviolence – the performed and performative spaces of nonviolent geographies shaped through a politics of the act. The second is approached through substantial empirical engagement with social movement activists and sites of contention and creation in opposition to dominant environmental geopolitics. ‘Militant’ ethnographic research took place over six months in 2009. It traced the journeys of two groups as they organised for, and took part in, large counter-summit mobilisations. The first was a UK based social movement, the Camp for Climate Action (UK). The second was an intercontinental caravan, the Trade to Climate Caravan. Both groups shared a common aim – to converge on the 16th of December in a mass demonstration of nonviolent confrontation; the ‘People’s Assembly’, to contest dominant discourses being performed inside the intergovernmental United Nations Conference of the Parties 15. Social movement groups from around the world would present alternative narratives of insecurity and offer ‘alternative solutions’ garnered through non-hierarchical forms of decision-making. The research followed the route each group took to the People’s Assembly and the articulations (narrative and practices) of nonviolent action.

Íránská opozice a blogging-fenomén občanského žurnalismu v nesvobodné společnosti / Iranian opposition and blogging-the phenomenon of Citizen journalism in non-free society

Hrdina, Matouš January 2011 (has links)
The Master's thesis Iranian opposition and blogging - the phenomenon of Citizen journalism in a non-free society is focused on analysis of blogging as an opposition's communication tool within the nondemocratic regimes, contemporary Iran in particular. The research question is How can be the opposition's communication performed by blogging and what are the limitations and possibilities of such communication. The primary hypothesis is that the blogs are not used for direct manangement of opposition's actions, but rather as an alternative space for free expression. Four opposition's blogs written in english are analysed by means of qualitative analysis. The main criteria for selection of blogs were that the blog should be actualised on regular basis, based in Iran or at least written by a native Iranian, and clearly be in favour of the opposition's ideology. Content published between march 2009 and march 2010 was selected for analysis, for it was the period of disputed presidential election and following citizen's unrest in Iran. The issues of media's effects are not discussed in the thesis. Aside of the analysis, certain theoretical models of communication and their potential use within Iran's blogosphere are discussed. The analysis finally confirms that the bloggers have a potential to become...

Informace o Chartě 77 (1978-1990) / Information on Charter 77 (1978-1990)

Suk, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This Thesis is focused on the samizdat periodical called Information on Charter 77, which belonged to the important sources of spreading the informations within the dissent and publicizing the key thougts and concepts of Charter 77. The periodical was publishing the Charter documents, communiques of the Comittee for the Defence of the Unjustly Persecuted, brief messages about represion of the normalisation regime, dissident's letters adressed to the state organs, critical reviews and annotations of other samizdat periodicals and books and rarely the reflections on the economy. Topic of the research are personality profiles of the protagonists, functioning of the "independent" editing, preparing and distribution of texts, forming of the distributional net, conspirative milieu (using codes, pseudonyms, conspirative apartments, konfidence etc.), financing and sending abroad.

"Je to cyklotron!" Podoba a strategie vzájemného střetávání opozice a Státní bezpečnosti v 70. a 80. letech 20. století / "It Is a Cyclotron!" Forms and Strategies of the Confrontation Between Opposition and Secret Police in the 70's and 80's.

Hošek, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with forms and strategies of interference of Secret police and opposition during 1970s and 1980s. Strategies are monitored both from the side of dissent and Secret police. In the first chapter the opposite manuals for contact with Secret police are introduced. These form basic relationship delimitation of dissent and Secret police from the view of opposition. In the second part of the first chapter the manuals are embedded into wider context of legal consciousness, which represented basic element of mutual interference of these two groups. In the second chapter the strategies and methods of Secret police, which were used in the battle against "the enemy within", are introduced. Besides specific precautions used against dissidents the material and technical superiority of Secret police, which was used in the conflict against opposition, is noticeable. The final chapter represents categorization of strategies and approaches, which were chose by dissidents in contact with Secret police. The categorization originated on the basis of several factors - the character of dissidents, their experience with security authorities but also the activity, which was practised in the framework of opposite environment, belonged among them. Resulting text shows how much the worlds of dissent...

Les sermons d’Inquisition en Espagne et au Portugal aux XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles / Inquisition sermons in Spain and Portugal in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Delafond, Marie-Isabelle 04 December 2010 (has links)
L’Inquisition, en tant qu’institution d’Ancien Régime, était le commanditaire de toutes sortes de sermons intégrés aux cérémonies qu’elle organisait. Ceux-ci étaient prononcés lors des célébrations du calendrier inquisitorial, à savoir lors des autodafés, de la publication des édits de foi, d’anathème et de l’index expurgatoire. Ils étaient également prêchés lors de cérémonies de circonstance, relevant ou non du calendrier liturgique (fêtes expiatoires, de Carême, et autres). Par ce « mécénat homilétique », le Saint-Office et les tribunaux, en particulier en Espagne, menaient une politique d’affirmation statutaire et gagnaient une visibilité sociale à même de tempérer leur image répressive. Les sermons, vecteur idéologique de premier ordre, permettaient de diffuser, au sein de la communauté, une doctrine axée sur le rejet de l’altérité confessionnelle et une propagande acquise au commanditaire. / As an Old Regime institution, the Inquisition ordered all sorts of sermons wich were part of the ceremonies it organised. The latter were delivered during the inquisitorial calendar celebrations, that is during autos-da-fé, and during the publication of Edicts of Faith, anathema and Expurgatory Index. They were also preached during occasional celebrations, wether they were part of the liturgical calendar or not (expiatory celebrations, Lent …). The Holy Office and the tribunals led a statutory affirmation policy and obtained a certain social visibility through « homitic patronage », especially in Spain, in order to improve their repressive image. Sermons, wich were first hand ideological vectors, helped spread a doctrine focused around confessional alterity rejection and a patron’s acquired propaganda in the community.

The church courts in Restoration England, 1660-c. 1689

Åklundh, Jens January 2019 (has links)
After a two-decade hiatus, the English church courts were revived by an act of Parliament on 27 July 1661, to resume their traditional task of correcting spiritual and moral misdemeanours. Soon thereafter, parishioners across England's dioceses once more faced admonition, fines, excommunication, and even imprisonment if they failed to conform to the laws of the restored Church of England. Whether they were successful or not in maintaining orthodoxy has been the principal question guiding historians interested in these tribunals, and most have concluded that, at least compared to their antebellum predecessors, the restored church courts constituted little more than a paper tiger, whose censures did little to halt the spread of dissent, partial conformity and immoral behaviour. This thesis will, in part, question such conclusions. Its main purpose, however, is to make a methodological intervention in the study of ecclesiastical court records. Rejecting Geoffrey Elton's assertion that these records represent 'the most strikingly repulsive relics of the past', it argues that a closer, more creative study of the bureaucratic processes maintaining the church courts can considerably enhance not only our understanding of these rather enigmatic tribunals but also of the individuals and communities who interacted with them. Studying those in charge of the courts, the first half of this thesis will explore the considerable friction between the Church's ministry and the salaried bureaucrats and lawyers permanently staffing the courts. This, it argues, has important ramifications for our understanding of early modern office-holding, but it also sheds new light on the theological disposition of the Restoration Church. Using the same sources, coupled with substantial consultation of contemporary polemic, letters and diaries, the fourth and fifth chapters will argue that the sanctions of the restored church courts were often far from the 'empty threat' historians have tended to assume. Excommunication in particular could be profoundly distressing even for such radical dissenters as the Quakers, and this should cause us to reconsider how individuals and communities from various hues of the denominational spectrum related to the established Church.

Les difficultés de l'arrangement statutaire de la L.c.Q. et l'utilisation croissante de celui de la L.c.s.a.

Couture, Philippe 04 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire analyse les dispositions sur l'arrangement ou compromis avec actionnaires prévues aux articles 192 de la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions et 49 de la Loi sur les compagnies du Québec. Dans un premier temps, l'étude de la genèse des dispositions sur l'arrangement dans les lois canadiennes fait ressortir que ces dispositions ont une origine commune et qu'elles partagent une même philosophie, caractérisée par une dualité entre la permissivité des transactions et la protection des épargnants. L'étude des fondements juridiques des mécanismes prévus dans la loi fédérale et provinciale permet ensuite de réaliser que, alors qu'à l'origine, la disposition québécoise était en quelque sorte le calque de la disposition fédérale, cette dernière a été modifiée postérieurement à la réforme de la loi fédérale, de sorte que plusieurs différences distinguent aujourd'hui ces deux lois au chapitre de l'arrangement. Dans un contexte où des démarches ont été entamées afin de réformer la loi provinciale, la question à laquelle ce mémoire tente de répondre peut se poser en ces termes: La « nouvelle disposition» d'arrangement adoptée par le législateur fédéral rencontre-t-elle mieux les objectifs de permissivité des transactions et de protection des épargnants que la disposition québécoise qui, pour sa part, est demeurée pratiquement inchangée depuis son adoption? L'étude parallèle de ces dispositions permet de constater que la «nouvelle disposition» d'arrangement de la L.c.s.a. semble davantage rencontrer ces objectifs. / This thesis studies the arrangement procedure under section 192 of the Canada business corporations Act and the arrangement or compromise with shareholders procedure under section 49 of the Quebec's Companies Act. At the very beginning of this work, the study of the history of the arrangement procedure and its arrival in the canadian laws demonstrates that these provisions have a common origin and that they share the same philosophy, caracterized by a duality between the permissiveness of the transactions and the protection of investors. This history of this mechanism also emphasizes that, despite the fact that the provincial provisions were at the beginning a copy of the federal provisions, we find several differences between them today. In a context in which the legislator has already taken some steps in order to reform the Quebec's Company Act, this thesis endeavours to answer the following question: Does the "new arrangement procedure" under section 192 of the Canada business corporations Act meets the objectives of permissiveness and protection better than the arrangement procedure under section 49 of the Quebec's Companies Act, which has remained practically unchanged since its adoption? The comparison between the two arrangement procedures suggests an affirmative answer to this question.

My Way or the Highway: Depictions of Society in the Travel Songs of B. Okudzhava, Yu. Vizbor, and V. Vysotsky

Bakker, Ardelle O Unknown Date
No description available.

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