Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2distance educationization"" "subject:"2distance education.action""
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Multicultural Competency in Online Counseling Courses: Before and After a Multicultural Counseling CourseAttilee, Sheryl 01 January 2019 (has links)
The importance of multicultural counseling training received much attention for decades, however, studies on effective training focused on multicultural counseling training in a face-to-face environment with minimal focus on online training environments. These studies found that face-to-face interactions had the most impact on multicultural training. Therefore, the current study was an evaluation of online master's counseling students' and graduates' multicultural attitudes to determine the effectiveness of online multicultural training using Banks' transformative approach. The research questions focused on the significant difference in participants' recalled multicultural attitude scores (know, care, and act) before an online multicultural counseling course as compared to recalled multicultural attitude scores after an online multicultural counseling course as measured by the Multicultural Attitude Scale Questionnaire (MASQUE). A quantitative survey design was used with a convenience sample of 129 students enrolled in online counselor education programs to measure their multicultural attitude changes before and after a multicultural counseling course. Results were analyzed using MANCOVA with group designs and interpreted using a one-tailed F-test to determine if there were statistically significant differences in the multicultural attitude scores of students before and after completing an online multicultural counseling course. The results indicated a statistically significant difference in Knowledge scores (F(1, 112) = 59.23, p < .001) and Care scores (F(1, 112) = 73.57, p < .001) from before as compared to after taking the course. Ultimately, the results established the effectiveness and reputation of online counselor education programs and multicultural counseling training.
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The Relationship of Online Communication Modes on Counselor Educator Job SatisfactionNelson, John-Mike 01 January 2019 (has links)
With the increase in pressures related to teaching online, counselor educators are experiencing greater amounts of burnout. The purpose of this quantitative causal-comparative survey study was to assess for significant differences and correlations between synchronous and asynchronous communication modes on online counselor educators' job satisfaction levels as measured by the Online Instructor Satisfaction Measure, and levels of burnout, as measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory Educators Survey. The researcher used Moore's theory of transactional distance as the theoretical framework to answer 2 research questions: (a) Is there a significant difference in faculty satisfaction and burnout levels based on communication modes?; and (b) Is there a relationship between satisfaction and burnout for faculty members depending on their use of synchronous and asynchronous communication modes? The researcher solicited participants for the study through the CESNET listserv and the CACREP graduate program database. A total of 125 participants completed surveys and 2 data analysis techniques were used. Results of the t test indicated that counselor educators had significantly higher levels of satisfaction, higher levels of personal accomplishment and significantly lower levels of emotional exhaustion when using synchronous communications. The Pearson correlation analysis results indicated significant correlations between satisfaction, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment depending on the type of communications. The study will potentially contribute to social change by providing information useful for the implementation of teaching methods that improve overall faculty satisfaction and decrease burnout.
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Investigating Employer Support as a Predictor of Online Master's Student RetentionLenio, James 01 January 2019 (has links)
Enrollment in master level programs has been increasing nationwide, particularly in online programs which tend to enroll older and more ethnically diverse students who are likely to be balancing work, finances, and family responsibilities with their educational pursuits. The challenges related to this balance has resulted in higher attrition rates and lower completion rates. In this quantitative study, the relationship between employer support and first-year retention for master's students enrolled in online programs at a for-profit university was examined. Bean and Metzner's model of nontraditional student attrition was used as the theoretical foundation. Archival data from the online institution were examined to determine the extent that 1st year retention is predicted by employer support when controlling for demographics, student background, external factors, integration/socialization, and intent to graduate. Findings from the logistic regression analysis showed 4 variables that significantly predict 1st year retention, employer support, household income, overall satisfaction, and importance of graduating from the institution. Students who received employer support were almost 2 times more likely to be retained at 1-year. Positive social change can result from having educational institutions encourage students to seek employee educational benefits. Having students seek these employer benefits may lead to higher graduation rates, higher pay, and job satisfaction for employees.
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Dislexia e a formação de docentes: elaboração de um curso à distância para professores do ensino regular / Pini, Wanessa Cavaglieri Santos 26 February 2019 (has links)
Em meio às diversidades existentes nas salas de aula, destacam-se os alunos com Transtornos de Aprendizagem e Dislexia, uma população com necessidades específicas de aprendizagem. O desenvolvimento integral destes estudantes possibilita o aprendizado e o estabelecimento de relações de convivência em sociedade. Para isso, os professores devem ser capazes de reconhecer, identificar precocemente a presença destas alterações e, juntamente com uma equipe multidisciplinar, trabalhar em estratégias que contemplem um ensino adaptado e ajustado às crianças disléxicas. Entretanto, a literatura revela que muitos professores possuem conhecimento superficial sobre a dislexia e os aspectos que envolvem a aprendizagem, devido ao pouco conhecimento ofertado nos cursos de formação básica e dificuldade de acesso aos cursos de formação continuada. Diante disso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo elaborar e avaliar um curso online de capacitação e educação continuada na modalidade de Educação a Distância (EAD) sobre Dislexia para professores do Ensino Fundamental. O curso online de capacitação e educação continuada de professores: Dislexia: definição, contexto e diálogo foi organizado com o intuito de auxiliar, fornecer informações e possibilitar a formação continuada e progressão profissional a professores quanto ao tema Transtornos de aprendizagem: Dislexia. A tecnologia selecionada para a disponibilização do curso foi uma plataforma de modalidade de Educação a Distância. De acordo com as avaliações dos juízes, conclui-se que, a elaboração do curso voltado a dislexia cumpriu os objetivos propostos no estudo, contribuindo de forma relevante e adequada para a formação continuada de professores atuantes no ensino regular como uma estratégia tecnológica, efetiva e consistente para a complementação do aprendizado dos educadores. / Amidst the diversity of classrooms, students with Learning Disorders and Dyslexia, a population with specific learning needs, stand out. The integral development of these students makes possible the learning and the establishment of relations of coexistence in society. For this, teachers should be able to recognize, identify early on the presence of these changes and, together with a multidisciplinary team, work on strategies that contemplate adapted and adjusted education for dyslexic children. However, the literature reveals that many teachers have superficial knowledge about dyslexia and aspects that involve learning due to the lack of knowledge offered in basic training courses and difficulty in accessing continuing education courses. Therefore, the present study aims to elaborate and evaluate an online course of training and continuing education in the modality of Distance Education (EAD) on Dyslexia for elementary school teachers. The online course for the training and continuing education of teachers: \"Dyslexia: definition, context and dialogue\" was organized with the purpose of assisting, providing information and enabling continuing education and professional progression to teachers on the topic of Learning Disorders: Dyslexia. The technology selected for the provision of the course was a platform of distance education modality. According to the judges\' evaluations, it was concluded that the preparation of the course for dyslexia fulfilled the objectives proposed in the study, contributing in a relevant and adequate way for the continuing education of teachers working in regular education as a technological strategy, effective and to complement the learning of educators.
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A survey of preK-12, university and adult online language educators’ background, experiences, training and challengesPlummer, Elizabeth 01 May 2018 (has links)
This study focused on investigating the background, experiences, challenges and training of current online language teachers. An online survey was sent and completed by a total of 264 current online language teachers consisting of a total of 40 questions. Findings show online language teachers are highly experienced in face-to-face classrooms as reported by their years of experience and level of their advanced degrees but typically have less than five years of experience teaching online. They also teach in a variety of contexts including grade levels from early childhood education to adult education; in twenty different countries around the world; as well as twenty languages from commonly taught to less-commonly taught languages. The majority of respondents reported participation in some form of training for teaching online with just over half indicating they had participated in training focused on teaching language online. The area respondents reported having the most training in was technology with assistive technology and professional practice as areas where they report the least amount of training. The most common provider of training was an employer with formats that ranged from a one-time session to ongoing training. Data suggest the practice areas current online language teachers struggle with most in teaching language online are: technology, student autonomy and online language pedagogy. Preferences for professional development in meeting challenges were primarily dependent on if a respondent expressed having a challenge ‘to a great extent’ or ‘to some extent’ with respondents in the former generally preferring structured and the latter unstructured professional development. In suggesting recommendations for training individuals to teach language online, respondents reported that online pedagogy and online language pedagogy should be covered in formal teacher preparation programs in addition to the typically covered areas of technology and facilitation. Relationships across grade levels and languages taught are presented using chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests of significance, independent sample t-tests as well as binary linear regression are utilized in exploring the strength of the relationships among the variables in the present study. The study concludes with a discussion of the educational and theoretical implications and directions for future research.
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A Case Study of Learner Support Services in the Turkish Open Education SystemOzoglu, Murat 01 May 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine and identify support service needs and preferences of distance learners studying at the Turkish Open Education System (OES). In order to fulfill this purpose, views and perceptions of OES students on importance and accessibility of student support services at the OES were investigated through a mixed-method approach that uses both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods.
Data collection took place in three distinct phases. In the first phase, available learner support services were identified through review of the literature, investigation of institutional artifacts, and interviews with the institutional representatives. In the second phase, a questionnaire was administered to OES students in order to collect data about demographic information, students' goals and motivations for participating in the distance education program, their perceptions about the importance and accessibility of support services, and types of support services they needed at different stages of their study. It also included open-ended questions to allow participants to comment on factors that are most assistive and most impeding in their distance learning experience, and also to allow them to offer suggestions for improving and/or expanding the existing learner support services. Out of 450 questionnaires distributed, 311 usable questionnaires were returned. In the third phase, individual and group follow-up interviews were performed with OES students to gain an in-depth understanding of participants' distance learning experience and to triangulate questionnaire data.
The results of this study revealed that affective support needs of OES students are largely unmet. A large needs gap was identified for five of the six affective support services included in the questionnaire. The largest needs gap was for the counseling services to promote student motivation. Moreover, a large needs gap was identified for two of the ten cognitive support services included in the questionnaire. These were face-to-face academic counseling and communication with course instructor. In addition to affective and cognitive support services, a greater needs gap was identified for one of the six systemic support services, which is orientation to the course media/delivery format. Statistical tests (t test and ANOVA) revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) in importance and accessibility ratings of several support services based on gender, employment status, and study time.
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Evaluating the efficacy of a hybrid nutrition course offered to on-campus and distance education studentsDimmick, Mary Anne 01 May 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research endeavor was to identify and apply effective strategies to evaluate the efficacy of a university-level general education hybrid nutrition course offered to distance education and on-campus students. A review of relevant literature indicated that student engagement levels, student characteristics, and the use of instructional technology are important to consider when evaluating postsecondary learning environments. Furthermore, the balance of asynchronous and synchronous learning activities within hybrid learning environments should be deemed suitable for the subject matter as well as the receiving student population. Finally, student perceptions and learning outcomes should also be assessed by hybrid course evaluations. The study described in this work established that a standardized general education hybrid nutrition course offered by Utah State University can effectively facilitate learning while generating positive student perceptions from the majority of enrolled distance education and on-campus cohorts alike. All course materials were available online, and were supplemented with weekly, synchronous recitation sessions. Interestingly, the learning outcomes and satisfaction rates of the two student cohorts were similar. However, notable differences in learning preference and performance were identified based on student age alone. Modifications to subsequent versions of the evaluated hybrid course were made based on the findings of the study. Other instructors and course design teams involved in postsecondary nutrition education may view this project as an outline for their own hybrid course development and evaluation efforts, although, limitations did exist and should be acknowledged. An experimental design exhibiting more control over potential extraneous variables, such as instructor, could offer more concrete evidence than the observational nature of the present study. Also, it appears that students' success levels in a given learning environment are not only influenced by instructional measures, but also by the personal and contextual factors of each individual student. Future evaluative efforts should place a greater emphasis on exhibited learning patterns, educational background, and academic discipline of students within the hybrid learning environment. Ultimately, the primary challenge of a modern-day hybrid course is to offer a cohesive and effective blend of uniformity, customization, flexibility, and instructional guidance based on anticipated needs of students.
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Measuring Transactional Distance in Online Courses: The Structure ComponentSandoe, Cheryl 16 May 2005 (has links)
Online or web-based courses have become prolific in our educational environment over the past several years. The development of these courses can be guided by systematic design models to ensure quality instructional design. Transactional distance, the theory that claims the distance an online student feels is more of a pedagogical distance than a geographic one, consists of three factors: structure, dialogue, and learner autonomy. Accurate measurement of these three factors is needed in order to substantiate its claims and to best determine the delivery implications. This study produced an instrument that measures the structure component of the transactional distance theory as it pertains to the online environment. A total of 20 online courses were evaluated using the Structure Component Evaluation Tool (SCET). Experts in the field validated the instrument and reliability was determined by calculating Cronbachs alpha as well as examining inter-rater reliability. The SCET also excelled in a comparison to other instruments in the field in terms of its ability to produce rich, valid information about the structure of online courses.
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Massive open online courses: possibilidades para a formação continuada de professores em educação ambiental / Massive open online courses: possibilities for the continuing education of teachers in environmental educationBarreto, Lívia Moreira de Camargo 31 July 2019 (has links)
A educação ambiental (EA) foi reconhecida como um elemento importante para combater a crise socioambiental global, devendo estar presente em todos os níveis de ensino brasileiro desde 1981. Sua inserção na formação inicial dos professores, porém, parece estar ainda pouco consolidada e sua abordagem pela formação continuada está circundada de problemas. Assim, este trabalho partiu da hipótese de que os MOOCs (massive open online courses) - uma recente modalidade de educação a distância - de modo geral, podem ser considerados como uma alternativa viável para a realização da formação continuada em EA pelos docentes e que muitos dos MOOCs relacionados com a temática socioambiental já existentes possuem potencial para tal tipo de formação, mesmo que apenas em caráter complementar. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetiva: (1) identificar os assuntos relacionados à temática socioambiental que estão sendo abordados pelos MOOCs disponíveis em diferentes plataformas online e, também, a maneira como estes cursos estão estruturados; (2) analisar se estes cursos possuem potencial (ou não) para a formação continuada de professores na área de educação ambiental; e (3) investigar junto aos professores as possibilidades, limitações e perspectivas acerca da utilização dos MOOCs para a formação continuada em EA. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório de abordagem quanti e qualitativa, com coleta de dados por meio de levantamentos, questionário e formação de um grupo focal com professores da E. E. \"Professor Hélio Nehring\" do município de Piracicaba/SP. A análise de resultados se deu através de estabelecimento de categorias e tabulação dos dados, análise documental e análise de conteúdo. Dos 161 MOOCs analisados, 4% apresentaram seus títulos e descrições (e/ou vídeos introdutórios, quando estes estavam disponíveis) relacionados com a temática socioambiental. Apesar da variação dos assuntos tratados nesses cursos, o enfoque parece tender levemente às ideias de sustentável e sustentabilidade. Apenas três cursos relacionados com a temática socioambiental apresentaram características favoráveis a formação continuada na área de EA, como forma de ampliação e aprofundamento de saberes socioambientais, e foram selecionados para serem utilizados nos encontros com o grupo focal de professores: As Alterações Climáticas nas Mídias Escolares, da plataforma Miríada X; Liderando o Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Cidades, da plataforma edX; e Introdução à Sustentabilidade, da plataforma Coursera. Das falas dos professores participantes desta pesquisa, emergiram 48 categorias iniciais, 14 intermediárias e quatro finais. Como principais resultados, evidenciou-se que os professores acreditam que os MOOCs poderiam ser utilizados para a formação continuada em EA (e para a formação continuada de modo geral) como forma de enriquecimento da formação, mas fazem considerações quanto aos meios de valorização profissional e sobre a estrutura dos MOOCs, que na opinião dos docentes deveria sofrer alguns ajustes para um melhor aproveitamento do curso, e ressalvas quanto essa utilização pelo medo da substituição do professor e da massificação da formação continuada. A relevância deste estudo é justificada pela rápida e crescente popularização dos MOOCs e pela necessidade de novos modelos para a formação continuada de professores em EA, visto a carência dessa temática na formação inicial dos educadores, as dificuldades encontradas para supri-la na formação continuada e sobretudo, dada sua importância para contornar a crise socioambiental global. Espera-se que a presente pesquisa introduza perspectivas no campo da formação continuada de professores em EA pelo ensino a distância, ao reconhecer MOOCs já existentes que poderiam ser utilizados nesse tipo de formação e ao mostrar a opinião dos professores acerca dessa alternativa. Espera-se também que os resultados obtidos neste estudo possam contribuir com futuros trabalhos que objetivem a criação de MOOCs direcionados, especificamente, para a formação continuada de professores em EA. / Environmental education (EE) has been recognized as an important element when seeking solutions to the global socio-environmental crisis, having been present in all levels of the Brazilian education since 1981. Its insertion in the initial formation of teachers, however, still seems to be not consolidated, while its approach to continuing education is also surrounded by problems. Thus, this work was based on the hypothesis that MOOCs (massive open online courses) - a new modality of distance education - can generally be used as a viable alternative for the continuing education of teachers in EE, and that many of the existing MOOCs related to socio-environmental issues have the potential for such education modality, even if only in a complementary way. Therefore, the present study aims to: (1) identify the subjects related to the socio-environmental theme that are being addressed by the MOOCs available in different online platforms and also the way these courses are structured; (2) analyze whether these courses have the potential (or not) for the continuing education of teachers in the area of environmental education; and (3) investigate together with teachers the possibilities, limitations and perspectives about the use of MOOCs for the continuing education in EE. This is a descriptive-exploratory study of both quantitative and qualitative approach, with data collection through surveys, questionnaire and formation of a focus group with teachers from the E. E. \"Professor Hélio Nehring\" school in the city of Piracicaba/SP. The results analysis was done through the establishment of categories and data tabulation, document analysis and content analysis. Of the 161 MOOCs analyzed, 4% presented their titles and descriptions (and / or introductory videos, when they were available) related to the socio-environmental theme. Despite the variation of the subjects dealt within these courses, the approach seems to tend to the ideas of sustainability. Only three courses related to the socio-environmental theme presented characteristics favorable to continuing education in the area of EE, as a way of amplifying and deepening socio-environmental knowledge, and were selected to be used in meetings with the teachers\' focal group: Climate Change in School Media, of the Miríada X platform; Leading the Sustainable Development of Cities, of the edX platform; and Introduction to Sustainability, of the Coursera platform. From the statements of the teachers participating in this research, 48 initial categories emerged, 14 intermediate and four final. The main results showed that teachers believe that MOOCs could be used for continuing education in EE (and for continuing education in general) as a way of enriching the education, but they make considerations as to the means of professional appreciation and the structure of MOOCs, which in their opinion should be adjusted for a better use of the course, and stresses such use because of the fear of the replacement of teacher and the massification of continuing education. The relevance of this study is justified by the rapid and growing popularization of MOOCs and the need for new models for the continuing education of teachers in EE, given the lack of this theme in the initial formation of educators, the difficulties encountered in providing it in continuing education, and especially given its importance in circumventing the global socio-environmental crisis. It is hoped that the present research will introduce perspectives in the field of continuing education of teachers in EE by distance learning, by recognizing existing MOOCs that could be used in this type of training and by showing teachers\' opinions about this alternative. It is also hoped that the results obtained in this study may contribute to future work that could target the creation of MOOCs with a focus on the continuing education of teachers in EE.
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Presentation of Civic Identity in Online High School Social Studies Discussion ForumsMcbride, Holly 23 May 2014 (has links)
Twenty-first century high school students' learning experience in an online setting is no longer limited by a time-constrained schedule, lack of resources, teachers' formalities, and restrictions affecting learning progressions. The list of benefits to the virtual learning experience is vast, however, there are substantial pitfalls and ambiguities that must be resolved. One of the pitfalls for social studies educators is their ability to properly measure whether or not students are gaining prudent civic competences, skills, and dispositions. The mission of social studies education is the acquisition of civic knowledge, but more importantly, the overall development of a lifelong caring, active, and educated citizenry. Yet, online high school social studies instructors are faced with a quandary when attempting to find optimal and indirect techniques toward achieving this end.
Through a review of literature, fostering effective discussions in online courses allows students to indirectly learn and practice democratic processes authentically. This current qualitative research study is a discourse analysis that attempts to understand how students' civic identities are constructed and presented through structured, weekly asynchronous discussion forums in five online high school social studies courses in Florida. The examination of students' language-in-use in relation to civic identity construction and/or exhibition is a crucial element for virtual social studies instructors to consider when attempting to understand how young people are civically (and politically) connected to their communities in a digital age; in present times and in the future.
This study's four major findings were: (1) students revealed utilitarian and social justice elements within their civic identities; (2) students' showed an eagerness to question and analyze society and the government; (3) the data revealed concrete instances of civic identity exhibition along with civic engagement testimonies; and (4) the interactions that transpired within the discussion forums were a vehicle for civic identity development. The majority of these students did not display an achieved civic identity status due to their lack of an advanced historical and political knowledge base; however, knowledge and skills only comprise a portion of one's civic identity. In addition, results showed that students need to engage in more self-reflection or self-discovery activities, more opportunities to experience an authentic connection with their community through activities like service-learning projects, and more time spent on developing sound 21st century democratic skills.
Attention to civic identity construction and enactment as a goal of virtual high school social studies instruction could be a promising target so educators can understand how students see themselves as important members of their communities. Thus, a high school virtual social studies curriculum and course must be empowering; focused on students' self-development while maintaining a rigorous, meaningful, open, and flexible design. Virtual social studies teachers should use numerous pedagogical strategies to empower students to discover and achieve their talents and purposes in life as a tool for accomplishing democratic goals and commitments necessary for our nation's advancement.
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