Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2distance educationization"" "subject:"2distance education.action""
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Nuotolinio matematikos mokymosi kursų išplėtimo naujomis mokymo metodikomis galimybių tyrimas / Research of possibilities how to extand distance mathematical courses using new methodsMačionienė, Laura 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami įvairūs metodai, tinkami mokyti(s) matematikos nuotoliniu būdu. Išnagrinėjus ŠMM dokumentus ir pedagoginę literatūrą, daroma išvada, jog nuotoliniam matematikos dalyko mokymui yra tinkamas mišrusis dalyko mokymas,kuomet tarpusavyje derinami programuotas mokymas (įgūdžių įtvirtinimui, turinio diferencijavimui) bei tradiciniai metodai (naujos medžiagos aiškinimui, konsultavimui). / In teaching mathematics it is not enough to realize the only one method. The analysis of scientific literature has opened, that for distance learning of mathematics it would be effective to realize composite method there programmed learning would be combined with traditional methods.
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Pažangių technologijų, taikomų nuotoliniame švietime, tyrimas / Research of modern technologies applied in distance educationŽižienė, Vida 10 July 2008 (has links)
Pažangių technologijų taikymas nuotoliniame švietime sudaro galimybes pagerinti interaktyvų bendravimą tarp moksleivių bei mokytojų. Visame kame vyksta kaita, ir mes privalome keistis. Keičiantis pasaulio taisyklėms, net be kieno nors valingų pastangų ima trupėti senoji ir kilti nauja, atnaujinta principais, aktualiomis vertybėmis ir siekiamybėmis, švietimo sistema. Švietimo sistema – tai sistema, kuri teikia būtinus įgūdžius, kad mūsų tauta savo vertybes ir dinamiką įvertintų multinacionalinėje arenoje, į kurią žengiame.
Šiuolaikinė visuomenė yra priversta vis didesnį dėmesį skirti kiekvieno nario savarankiškam mokymuisi. Mokymasis naudojant naujas informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijas įgyvendina informacinės visuomenės poreik��� mokytis visiems, visada ir visur.
Moksleivių tarpe populiarūs tapo mobilūs telefonai. Tinkamai išnaudojus mobiliųjų telefonų galimybes, derinant jas su pažangiomis informacinėmis technologijomis, galima pagerinti bendravimą ir bendradarbiavimą tarp moksleivių bei pedagogų, siekiant gauti geresnių mokymosi rezultatų.
Darbe atlikta pažangių technologijų taikymo nuotoliniame švietime analizė, sukurtas internetinis puslapis, į kurį, panaudojant Google galimybes, integruotas įrankis SMS žinučių pasiuntimui prieš įvykį (trumpas priminimas moksleiviams, kad nepamirštų atlikti nurodytų namų darbų, pasiruoštų pamokai ir kt.) į nurodytus mobiliųjų telefonų numerius, siekiant pagerinti moksleivių ir mokytojų interaktyviam bendravimui, bei parengtas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Modern and fast developing information and communication technologies directly influence the development of the information society. They create the assumption to the space electronic to integrate to all the fields of society life: economics, business, culture and education. The society is changing and we must to change too. The education system is renewed by new principles, relevant values and objectives. The education system is the system which provides necessary skills that our nation could appreciate its values and dynamics in the multinational arena. The concept of lifelong learning is one of the assumptions of the development of modern Society. This concept appeal to the attitude that the biggest value of contemporary person is knowledge and constant perfection, and without fear of changes in life.
The new method of learning is distance education based on the innovation of information and communication technologies. The virtual environment and mobile technologies are used in the process of learning. These technologies became available for all people independently from living place, the sphere of activity or age. In consideration of the requirement the foundation of virtual university is planned in Lithuania.
The use of progressive technologies in distance education creates the possibilities to improve interactive communication between teachers and students. These technologies are used more and more often in secondary schools and the learners improve their... [to full text]
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Virtualus mokymasis: tradicinių studijų ir nuotolinio mokymo metodų integracija / Virtual learning: integration of the traditional studies and distance learning methodsTamošiūnaitė, Ieva 31 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe iškeliamos pagrindinės idėjos, kaip integruoti į virtualųjį mokymąsi tradicinių ir nuotolinių studijų metodus. Tobulėjant informacinėms technologijoms, jos veržiasi į besimokančiųjų gyvenimą ir užima gana svarbią vietą. Todėl švietimo įstaigose skatinama išnaudoti visas IKT galimybes tobulinti mokymosi metodus ir mokymosi kokybę. Pirmajame skyriuje supažindinama, kas tai yra tradicinis mokymasis bei kaip keitėsi mokymosi metodika, kai buvo pradėtos naudoti informacinės komunikacinės technologijos. Antrasis skyrius skirtas projektinės dalies aprašymui. Sukurta lietuvių kalbos kurso dalis, skirta amerikiečių lietuvių kalbos žinioms tobulinti. Kurso kūrimui pasirinkta „Moodle“ virtuali mokymosi aplinka, nes ji yra paprasta, atviro kodo bei turi daug kitų privalumų. Trečioji dalis skirta kurso kokybės vertinimui. / This master thesis discusses the integration of the traditional and distance learning approaches into the virtual learning. The rapid development of information technologies made huge impact on the learning technologies, as well as changed the way of the students’ learning. Therefore, learning institutions are encouraged to employ all the possibilities provided by information and communication technologies in order to improve learning methods, as well as the quality of learning. The first chapter introduces traditional learning approach and presents how learning methods developed with the rise of information and communication technologies. The project part is described in the second chapter. The Lithuanian language course was designed to provide American students with the required material and improve their language skills. The course was created using “Moodle”, an Open Source Course Management System. The third chapter discusses the evaluation of the course quality.
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Social presence impacting cognitive learning of adults in distanced education (DE)Lane, Carol-Ann 09 May 2011 (has links)
This study examines evidence that supports the assertion of social presence (sp) theory impacting the community of inquiry for cognitive learning in distance education (DE). This study tested the validity of social presence assertions with respect to developing deep meaningful learning (dml) from the perspective of students engaged in distance education Master’s studies. This study employed a convenient sample of students enrolled at the graduate level; due to limited participation generalizations cannot be made to any population. The mixed method study involved both a quantitative online survey with 36 questions and qualitative follow-up telephone interviews conducted with 4 participants. A target population of 290 participants was obtained resulting in 25 returned surveys. Findings concluded no significant relationship exists between social presence and deep meaningful learning, cognitive learning and building a community of inquiry for deep meaningful learning. Findings strongly suggest social presence acts as a hindrance to deep meaningful learning. The results of the study justify further investigation and future studies are strongly recommended. / 2011-06
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Using Simulation-based Practice Labs to Promote Instructional Effectiveness and Community Cohesion in a Blended Distance Nursing ProgramWalker, Debra 10 May 2012 (has links)
An on-site simulation-based practice lab was conducted with 42 students enrolled in a blended distance practical nursing diploma program at the end of their first year of study, prior to their clinical placements. The six-hour practice lab involved an orientation, small group activities involving three obstetric-related scenarios using the moderate fidelity simulator Noelle®, and a debriefing activity. An evening social activity was also provided. The study used a mixed method research design involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, a 20-item pre-test/post-test knowledge quiz, and three National League for Nursing (NLN) instruments — the Simulation Design Scale, the Educational Practices in Simulation Scale, and the Learner Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale — as well as a pre- and post-lab administration of Rovai’s (2002b) Classroom Community Scale. The qualitative component of the study involved semi-structured interviews with 25 students, three lab facilitators, and five clinical placement instructors. Analysis of data collected before and after the simulation-based lab revealed a significant increase in knowledge and sense of community in the group as a whole. Analysis of the results of the NLN instruments indicated that the simulation-based practice lab was instructionally effective. Students were highly positive in their ratings of the design elements and implementation of the simulation-based practice lab, satisfied with the simulation-based learning activities, and confident in their ability to provide patient care. The qualitative analysis added a rich, descriptive understanding of how the simulation-based practice lab promoted instructional effectiveness (i.e., skills and knowledge, confidence, and learner satisfaction), preparation for clinical placement, and community cohesion. Thematic analysis of the interview data identified the following major themes: benefits to distance learners, nurse-patient interaction, theory to practice, positive experience, sense of community, and supportive learning (student interviews); benefits of simulation experience, facilitator role, and technology (facilitator interviews); and theory to practice, positive experience, and sense of community (clinical instructor interviews). This research supports the use of on-site simulation-based practice labs as a means to provide greater readiness for clinical practice and strengthen the sense of community among distance learners. / 2012-06
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“Greater Access to Higher Education through Communication Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: E-Learning Readiness of Distance Education Students in Nigeria”Fakinlede, Charity Onovughakpo 15 May 2012 (has links)
This concurrent mixed methods study sought to determine e-learning readiness by distance education students in Nigeria based on their level of communication technology usage and perceptions of distance education delivery methods, and comparing learning experiences via the Internet and via study centre methods in Nigeria. This exploratory study using quantitative survey instrument measured the current levels of students’ technology usage, while qualitative interview instrument was used to examine students’ perceptions, attitudes and experiences of communication technology by distance education students in Nigeria. The results of this study reported high communication technology usage based on the high level of smart phone ownership and Internet browsing, high level of personal computer usage, high level of internet social networking, and high positive response for online learning, among other positive indicators. Consequently, the research findings seemed to indicate that distance education students surveyed are highly enthusiastic and are ready for e-learning in Nigeria. / 2012 - June
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Development and evaluation of a pedagogical model for an open university in Nepal based on geographical, regional, and linguistic factorsBainbridge, Susan 11 October 2013 (has links)
This thesis researched characteristics and success rates of Nepali participants in a series of online courses in order to develop a pedagogical model designed for an open university in Nepal, based on the geographical, regional and linguistic diversity of Nepali learners. The original contribution to knowledge is the examination of geographic, regional and linguistic backgrounds of Nepali learners and a determination as to whether these factors influence the online learning of Nepali students. It is expected that the resulting model may serve as a construct for open university initiatives in Nepal and in other developing countries. A mixed methods, descriptive, multiple case study approach using surveys, 4 short pilot courses, interviews and observations was used to provide data that would generate a pedagogical model. The results determined the design of the pedagogical model based on the needs of students in developing countries and in particular Nepali open university students. A study of Nepal’s history and diversity, existing open university models worldwide, and educational theory formed the foundation of this study. Combining the aforementioned review, with the information gained through the surveys, short pilot courses, interviews, observations during extensive travel throughout Nepal, and using inductive analysis, the framework for a pedagogical model for an open university in Nepal emerged. Although limited to a small group of volunteers, the original contribution to scholarship was the creation of the first pedagogical model for an open university in Nepal. / 2013-10
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Nuotolinio mokymosi kursų rengimo sistemų lyginamoji analizė / The analysis of distance education course development systemsGudonienė, Daina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamos Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo institucijose naudojamos nuotolinio mokymo(si) (NM) kursų kūrimo sistemos ir jų technologiniai aspektai, galimos perspektyvos bei naujų technologinių idėjų, siekiant efektyvesnio kursų kūrimo sistemų panaudojimo įgyvendinant specifinius besimokančiųjų poreikius, realizacijos galimybės. Darbe supažindinama kas tai yra NM kursų rengimo sistema, kuri leidžia sukurti ir studijuoti mokymosi medžiagą, tokiu laiku ir tokia sparta, kurie besimokančiajam yra patogūs ir atitinka jo galimybes ir poreikius. Aptariama, kokios atsiveria naujos edukacinės galimybės, įvaldžius tam tikros kursų kūrimo sistemos įrankius. Reikia pažymėti, kad NM šiuo metu yra viena iš prioritetinių kiekvienos šalies švietimo sistemos plėtros krypčių. Darbe išsamiai apžvelgiamos priemonės, naudojamos NM kursų kūrime. / This work will present the analysis of Distance Education (DE) course development systems used in Lithuania and their technological aspects, as well as possible perspectives of realization of new ideas. The first chapter includes definition of DE course development system, which comprises the system that allows development of learning material, participation in learning process and study the material within the preferred time, pace and place that suite the needs of individual learners‘ needs and expectations. New possibilities that are opened with the help of course development systems are also discussed. It is worth noticing that DE is the prioritable development area in Education system in every country. Four main tools will be presented in this work, which are the key tools for DE course development. The second chapter deals with the course development system technological aspects, shortcomings and possibilities. Two types of criteria – educational and technological – are emphasized, and course development systems are analyzed and compared on the basis of these criteria groups.
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Daugialypės terpės naudojimo nuotolinėse studijose analizė / Analysis of multimedia used in distance educationVavulo, Anatolij 11 August 2008 (has links)
Daugialypės terpės sąvoka yra plačiai paplitusi šiuolaikinėse informacinėse technologijose. Norėdami vaizdžiai ir aiškiai papasakoti apie vieną ar kitą dalyką, mes noriai naudojame multimedijos elementus. Ši sąvoka, ko gero, yra neatsiejama nuo interneto apibrėžimo. Vis dažniau ir efektyviau daugialypės terpės priemonės naudojamos tradiciniame mokyme. Iš viso aukščiau paminėto akivaizdu, kad nuotolinis mokymas tikrai neapseitų be įvairialypės terpės. Mes naudojame multimedijos elementus: pavyzdžiui kai paspaudžiame nuorodą, skaitome tekstą arba žiūrime į paveikslėlį. Multimedija – tai nuostabi priemonė perteikti įvairią informaciją besimokančiajam: būtų tai garsas ar vaizdas, atmosfera ar nuotaika. Panaudojimo ribų nėra. Tačiau iškyla klausimas - ar visada mes išnaudojame daugialypės informacijos privalumus? Ar nepiktnaudžiaujame multimedijos elementais? Ar visada daugialypė terpė atneša naudą? Į visus šiuos bei daugybę kitų klausimų bus stengiamasi atsakyti šiame darbe. Teiginiai ir hipotezės bus įrodomi ir tikrinami praktikoje. Tam bus sukurta virtuali mokymosi terpė, atitinkanti iškeltus reikalavimus. Tiriamojo darbo objektas: daugialypė terpė nuotolinėse studijose. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti daugialypės terpės naudojimo galimybes nuotolinėse studijose ir sukurti virtualią mokymo aplinką daugialypės terpės panaudojimo demonstravimui ir palyginimui. / The concept of multimedia is widely widespread in modern information technologies. To tell evidently and clearly about one or the other thing, we are using the elements of multimedia. It is a concept, apparently, indivisibly with a term the Internet. Multimedia is often using in traditional education. So it means, that teaching in distance cannot be using without multimedia. Even when we do not suspect, we are using elements of multimedia, for example: when we press the hyperlink, read the text or look at a picture. Multimedia is an excellent way to transfer various information to the student: the sound, an image or the mood. There is no limit for using it. But the question is: are we always using advantages of the multimedia information? Is the using of multimedia is useful? I will try to answer to these and to the other questions in my job. Statements and hypotheses will be proved and checked up in practice. The virtual learning environment system, which responds the request, will be created for this purpose. Object of research: multimedia in distance education. The purpose of work: to analyze use of multimedia in distance education and to create a virtual learning system for comparison and demonstrations of Multimedia.
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Student-teacher rapport in video-conferencingDe Clercq, Loya Marie, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Education January 1996 (has links)
Education and delivery methods of this education to students are always chaning. To teach students in geographically separated locations, many technologies are being used and one of these technologies is video-conferencing. However, the human element of education must neither be lost nor forgotten as we continue with new ways of educating students of the future. That is, the value of the student-instructor relationship and the critical role it plays in effective teaching and learning must be retained by distance educators. To develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between instructors and students of a video-conferenced classroom is the goal of this study. This case of student-teacher rapport in video-conferencing was conducted over a six-week summer course. Data were collected by questionnaire, student and instructor interviews, and class observations from both sites. From these primarily qualitative research techniques, several recurring themes emerged. All of these were central to the establishment and perceptions of an instructor-student rapport. Some of these areas were crucial to this video-conferencing case study and will serve to assist futre educators. The primary result of this case study was that very little rapport was established between the instructor and his students and it was perceived by the instructor and the students that this scant
amount of rapport was sufficient. The paramount themes which were revealed include: the lack of name knowledge on the part of the instructor and the students' perception that this was acceptable; the technological problems; the question-asking procedures; and the amount of side-chatter and other off-task behaviours. All of these factors compounded to suppress the existence of an instructor-student rapport in this course. Recommendations for distance educators are included. / xiii, 223 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm.
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