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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virtualus mokymasis: tradicinių studijų ir nuotolinio mokymo metodų integracija / Virtual learning: integration of the traditional studies and distance learning methods

Tamošiūnaitė, Ieva 31 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe iškeliamos pagrindinės idėjos, kaip integruoti į virtualųjį mokymąsi tradicinių ir nuotolinių studijų metodus. Tobulėjant informacinėms technologijoms, jos veržiasi į besimokančiųjų gyvenimą ir užima gana svarbią vietą. Todėl švietimo įstaigose skatinama išnaudoti visas IKT galimybes tobulinti mokymosi metodus ir mokymosi kokybę. Pirmajame skyriuje supažindinama, kas tai yra tradicinis mokymasis bei kaip keitėsi mokymosi metodika, kai buvo pradėtos naudoti informacinės komunikacinės technologijos. Antrasis skyrius skirtas projektinės dalies aprašymui. Sukurta lietuvių kalbos kurso dalis, skirta amerikiečių lietuvių kalbos žinioms tobulinti. Kurso kūrimui pasirinkta „Moodle“ virtuali mokymosi aplinka, nes ji yra paprasta, atviro kodo bei turi daug kitų privalumų. Trečioji dalis skirta kurso kokybės vertinimui. / This master thesis discusses the integration of the traditional and distance learning approaches into the virtual learning. The rapid development of information technologies made huge impact on the learning technologies, as well as changed the way of the students’ learning. Therefore, learning institutions are encouraged to employ all the possibilities provided by information and communication technologies in order to improve learning methods, as well as the quality of learning. The first chapter introduces traditional learning approach and presents how learning methods developed with the rise of information and communication technologies. The project part is described in the second chapter. The Lithuanian language course was designed to provide American students with the required material and improve their language skills. The course was created using “Moodle”, an Open Source Course Management System. The third chapter discusses the evaluation of the course quality.

Daugiakalbystės galimybių realizavimo moodle aplinkoje modeliavimas / The modelling of the multilingualism capabilities in moodle

Lašinis, Darius 29 July 2013 (has links)
Magistriniu darbu „Daugiakalbystės galimybių realizavimo MOODLE aplinkoje modeliavimas“ buvo siekiama sukurti daugiakalbystės realizavimo modelius virtualiai mokymosi aplinkai (toliau – VMA) Moodle. Daugiakalbystė yra vienas iš svarbiausių prioritetų, renkantis virtualią mokymosi aplinką tarptautiniam bendradarbiavimui. Šiame darbe yra nagrinėjamos virtualios mokymosi aplinkos Moodle 2.3 daugiakalbystės realizavimo galimybės. Daugiakalbystės realizavimas nėra apibrėžtas Moodle aplinkos dokumentacijoje, todėl bus aptariami svarbiausi jo realizavimo modeliai. Aptariami Moodle 2.3 aplinkos kalbų pritaikymo būdai, vartotojų galimybės kiekvienu realizavimo atveju. Sukurti du daugiakalbystės realizavimo būdai. Pirmasis nereikalauja programavimo žinių, modeliu gali naudoti ir paprasti vartotojai. Antrajam daugiakalbystės įgyvendinimo būdui buvo sukurtas atskiras modulis skirtas Moodle 2.3 versijai. / The goal of Master thesis „The modeling of the multilingualism capabilities in Moodle“ is to create a multilingual realization models for virtual learning environment (hereinafter - VLE) Moodle. Multilingualism is a top priority when choosing a virtual learning environment in order to implement international cooperation. Possibilities of multilingualism realization in virtual learning environment Moodle 2.3 are analyzed in this thesis. The realization of multilingualism is not defined in Moodle documentation thus the most important models of its realization will discussed. The application techniques of languages in Moodle 2.3 environment will be discussed, as well as consumer outlets in each case. Two methods of realization of multilingualism have been designed. The first one does not require knowledge of programming and the model can be used by ordinary users. The second method of implementing multilingualism has been developed in a separate module for Moodle 2.3 version.

Nuotolinio mokymosi paramos sistema kompiuterinio raštingumo kvalifikacijai palaikyti / He distance learning support system to support the computer literacy qualification

Veiverys, Žygimantas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Fast development of information technologies, growth in competition regarding working places and changes in working conditions and measures are the main features of current information society. More detail, nowadays staff in every company and institution must not even ensure high level of their qualification but improve their professional skills all the time in order to maintain a working position. In the final thesis needs and qualification support options of refresher courses participants are analyzed and presented as well as measures and benefits of sharing experience and knowledge are evaluated. Moreover, Distance Learning Support System model based on inter-cooperation is introduced as a basis of creation and testing the Distance Learning Support System of computer literacy issues. As a result of qualitative assessment, Distance Learning Support System based on inter-cooperation was identified as a good support for students after their refresher courses and also some problematic and improvable cases were discussed. / Fast development of information technologies, growth in competition regarding working places and changes in working conditions and measures are the main features of current information society. More detail, nowadays staff in every company and institution must not even ensure high level of their qualification but improve their professional skills all the time in order to maintain a working position. In the final thesis needs and qualification support options of refresher courses participants are analyzed and presented as well as measures and benefits of sharing experience and knowledge are evaluated. Moreover, Distance Learning Support System model based on inter-cooperation is introduced as a basis of creation and testing the Distance Learning Support System of computer literacy issues. As a result of qualitative assessment, Distance Learning Support System based on inter-cooperation was identified as a good support for students after their refresher courses and also some problematic and improvable cases were discussed.

Nuotolinio mokymosi metodų taikymo matematikos dalykui mokyti galimybių tyrimas / The research of possibilities of distance learning methods application in teaching of mathematics subject

Butkutė, Lina 18 August 2014 (has links)
Šiandieninėje bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje labai svarbu ugdyti sąmoningą, naujoms technologijoms atvirą, žinias su praktika gebantį sieti žmogų. Tam neabejotinai prireiks matematinių žinių ir įgūdžių. Matematika – svarbus gamtos mokslų ir technologijų įrankis. Visi mokiniai, nepriklausomai nuo jų gabumų, polinkių ar mokymosi ypatumų turėtų pajusti matematikos praktinę naudą. Mokydamasis matematikos kiekvienas mokinys turi patirti sėkmę, o pačios matematikos ugdymo turinys, jo perteikimo būdai ir tam naudojami metodai turi padėti mokiniui susikoncentruoti į mokymosi sėkmę. Taigi vienas iš svarbiausių mokytojo uždavinių yra surasti tokius mokymo metodus ir priemones, kurie būtų įdomūs, tikslingi įvairių gebėjimų bei poreikių mokiniams ir leistų visiems pasiekti gerų mokymosi rezultatų. Vienas iš tokių būdų galėtų būti nuotolinis mokymasis. Nuotolinis mokymasis – tai nuo laiko ir erdvės apribojimo, mokytoją ir mokinį, išlaisvinanti mokymosi forma. Pasitelkiant kompiuterį ir interneto ryšį, įvairių poreikių, bei skirtingų gabumų mokiniai nevaržomi vietos ir laiko gali mokytis savarankiškai – pakartoti, pagilinti, pritaikyti ar pasitikrinti savo žinias ne tik per pamokas, bet ir po pamokų. Vis dėlto, nuotolinis mokymasis daugiau įprastas suaugusiųjų mokymesi. Daugeliu atvejų mokymuisi naudojami informacijos perdavimą užtikrinantys mokymosi metodai. O matematikos dalykui įsisavinti reikia ne tik teorinių žinių, bet ir praktinių įgūdžių. Šiame darbe tiriamos nuotolinio mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In today's secondary school it is very essential to develop a conscious, open to new technologies person, who will be capable to link knowledge and practices. This will undoubtedly require mathematical knowledge and skills. Mathematics - an important science and technology tool. All students, regardless of their abilities, aptitudes and learning features should feel mathematics practical benefits. Learning mathematics each student has to experience success in mathematics education and the content of the rendering techniques and the methods should help the student to concentrate on learning success. So one of the most important tasks of the teacher is to find such teaching methods and tools that are interesting, targeted to different abilities and needs of students and to enable them to attain academic success. One such way could be distance learning. Distance learning - this is the unlocking form that helps to separate the teacher and the pupil from time and space limitation. With the help of a computer and an Internet connection, students with different needs and different abilities can learn self without the restrictions to place and time - repeat, deepen, adapt, or test their knowledge not only in the classroom but also after school. However, remote learning is more common in adult learning. In most cases, the transfer of learning is used to ensure learning methods. In order to master the things of math it is essential to have not only theoretical but also practical... [to full text]

Internetinės bendravimo technologijos, jų taikymas ugdymo proceso efektyvinimui / Internet communication technologies, their application to the effectiveness of the educational process

Stuglienė, Rasa 30 May 2005 (has links)
The European Board in March of the year 2000 in Lisbon was a determinant moment in the politics and actions of the European Union. Its conclusions confirm that Europe entered the century of knowledge. Information and communication technologies’ integration into school is the keystone of part of the education reform of the country on which success depends on the education of a new society citizen of knowledge, as well as, the success of the whole educational reform, the social and economic progress. By educating the member of the society of knowledge, a school pays special attention to the personal characteristics which are very important in modern life- initiative, responsibility, independency, ability to communicate, work with others and solve problems. Students have to be able to use information and communication technology in collaboration, spreading information, in communication with students of the same age, with teachers and other individuals, with social and state organizations. By spreading new technologies into education, an exceptional attention should be paid to the pedagogues’ professional development and their social universality. It is important for teachers to gain some elementary knowledge and skills about the technology of information and to constantly improve their qualification and to renew their knowledge. However the teacher training system still is not in line with the changes made at schools in the latter decade. This system is not ready to... [to full text]

Informacinių komunikacijos technologijų įtaka nuotolinio švietimo plėtrai Panevėžio regione / Influence of information communication technologies on the development of distance education in Panevežys region

Končiuvienė, Deimantė 30 May 2005 (has links)
In Lithuania, the Life Long Learning process is realized through universities, colleges, vocational schools, adult education centers and other relevant institutions. Thus a Life Long Learning system should be established at all education levels - vocational, tertiary, etc. There is a widespread consensus in the Government and non-governmental educational sector institutions that Distance Education and training has enormous potential to tackle the new challenges. Significant policy groundwork has been laid for the development of an advanced and comprehensive distance education system. The major initiatives fostering Distance Education development are: The Government investment project „LieDM (Development of Distance Education in Lithuania 1998-2005)“, the „ITMiS -Information Technologies for Science and Studies“ program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science, and Phare2000 projects for the development of Regional Distance Professional Training Infrastructures in Klaipeda, Taurage, Marijampole and Utena regions. The goal of this Master thesis is according the analysis of the experience of European countries in development distance education and investigation of main tools of distance courses design, to promote the development of distance education in Panevezys region.

Sinchroninių ir asinchroninių informacinių komunikacinių technologijų lyginamoji analizė medicinos specialistų tęstinio mokymo Lietuvoje procese / Synchronous and Asynchronous information communication technologies comparative analysis in process of continuous medical education in Lithuania

Gedgaudienė, Dina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Siekiant išspręsti didelio studijuojančiųjų bei norinčių studijuoti geografinio išsibarstymo bei laiko, galimo skirti studijoms, stokos problemas Kauno medicinos universitete įsteigtas nuotolinių studijų centras. Tačiau, pradėjus rengti nuotolines studijas, susidurta su Studentų bei dėstytojų kompiuterinio raštingumo stokos, mažo studentų aktyvumo paskaitose bei atliekant užduotis, nuolatinio vėlavimo atsiskaityti bei nepakankamo studijų dalyvių tarpusavio bendravimo problemomis. Atlikus sinchroninių ir asinchroninių informacinių komunikacinių technologijų lyginamąją analizę medicinos specialistų tęstinio mokymo nuotoliniu būdu aspektu įvertinta, jog asinchroninės komunikacinės priemonės studentams yra daug priimtinesnės ir tinkamesnės mokymosi procesui. Dažniausiai ir efektyviausiai naudojama priemonė yra elektroninis paštas. Siekiant bent dalinai išspręsti kursų organizaciniame etape kylančias problemas bei tokiu būdu užtikrinti teikiamų kursų kokybę, sukurta studentų savalaikio informavimo sistema, kurios pagrindinė funkcija yra laiku informuoti studentus apie artėjančius atsiskaitymus, paskaitas ar kitus įvykius elektroninio pašto žinute. Tyrimas rodo, kad studentų savalaikio informavimo sistemos veiksmingumas pasiteisino, todėl tikėtina, kad ši sistema bus plačiai naudojama ateityje rengiant medicinos specialistų nuotolinio mokymo programas. / Distance learning center was established in Kaunas medical university trying to solve the problems of large distribution of students and lack of time, that could be spent on learning,. When distance education was started, new problems were encountered: weak computer knowledge of students and teachers; low activity in video lectures and performance of tasks; permanent lateness with performing task or taking tests; not enough of communication between participants of studies. Synchronous and Asynchronous information communication technologies comparative analyses in aspect of continuous medical distance education showed, that asynchronous communication technologies are more suitable and preferable for the process of studying. Most frequently and most effectively used asynchronous communication technology is e-mail. Trying to solve problems occurring in the stage of presenting distance courses and thereby to ensure the quality of courses, well-timed information system for students was constructed. Main function of the system is to inform students about the forthcoming events – tests, videoconferences, group discussions and etc., by sending e-mail messages. The investigation shows that well-timed information system for students is effective, so, most probably, it will be used in future distance courses in Kaunas medical university.

Virtualus mokymasis: tradicinių studijų ir nuotolinio mokymo metodų integracija / Virtual Education: Integration of Traditional Studies and Distance Education methods

Narožnij, Vadim 14 June 2005 (has links)
In this paper we analyze development problems and tendencies of virtual education. Separately it’s emphasized the situation with distance education (DE) in Lithuania. The structure, principles and facilities of LieDM network are briefly described. In the first part of the paper main attention is paid to the technological aspect. Examples of different methodologies are overviewed as well as existing norms and standards. In detail we overview the requirements of recorded video presentations and solutions using different media formats and software products. In the second part the specific situation of DE application in Klaipeda University is analyzed. We make the requirement specification and the description of application area. Finally we make a design of the virtual learning management system using procedures of system engineering.

Nuotolinio mokymosi intelektualizavimas naudojant testus atvirojo kodo sistemoje / Intellectualization of remote learning with tests in open source system

Ričkutė, Laima 20 June 2005 (has links)
For effective remote learning realization we need the complex intelligent remote system, which would keep special and structured material for learning and tests of knowledge. Feedback is the most important thing for learning. In the usual way feedback takes a lot of teacher time, therefore it is very useful to practice electronic system functions for control of feedback and reduction of teachers work time. Creation of complex intelligent eLearning system needs profound knowledge of programming, pedagogical and strategic knowledge, therefore this work would be impossible for one person. The knowledge of study is very important too. Therefore we could use made-up open source remote learning system and readjust for our interests. We use remote learning open source system Moodle and use this system in practice. From practice in lessons of informatics and ECDL learning planning we could propose that this system is really very flexible and useful in learning processes. The suggestion of new well-tried remote learning method – learning with tests show that it is very effective method in learning processes.

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