Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mmn"" "subject:"nmn""
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A recent model of Parkinson’s disease (PD) suggests that the neuropathological, behavioural and cognitive symptoms progress in stages. There is substantial evidence for a prodromal stage of PD, during which time pre-motor symptoms develop. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) is a risk factor for developing PD and may be part of the pre-motor stage. In both disorders, neuropathological α-synuclein aggregates are thought to be a direct cause of the resulting symptoms. One model has shown that in rats, proteasome inhibition produced by systemic exposure to environmental toxins results in α-synuclein pathology and motor behaviour dysfunction that mimics the progression of PD in humans. The present study examined the hypothesis that the systemic proteasome inhibition model would produce pre-Parkinsonian RBD-like pathology in rats. It was expected that sleep disturbances would be seen prior to behavioural disturbances in rats treated systemically with PSI (a proteasome inhibitor). Following baseline sleep recording and training on the inclined beam-traverse task, rats were injected with PSI (a proteasome inhibitor) or ethanol (control), 6 times over 2 wk. Sleep recording over 8 wk and behavioural testing over 16 wk provided no evidence of sleep disturbances or motor dysfunction. Post-mortem immunohistochemical analyses of brain tissue provided no evidence of PSI-associated α-synuclein aggregates in the locus coeruleus, subcoeruleus (dorsal part), or substantia nigra (areas involved in RBD and/or PD). These results did not provide support for RBD as a prodromal phase of PD within the systemic proteasome inhibitor-based model and add to a growing body of research reporting inconsistent findings using this model. We suggest that systemic PSI exposure in rats does not produce a viable model of RBD or PD. Whether RBD is an early symptom in the progression of PD remains to be established. / Thesis (Master, Neuroscience Studies) -- Queen's University, 2010-04-28 12:04:50.613
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Resting state brain networks in young people with familial risk for psychosisJukuri, T. (Tuomas) 16 February 2016 (has links)
Neuropsychiatric illnesses usually become overtly manifest in adolescence and early adulthood. A critical long-term aim is to be able to prevent the development of such illnesses, which requires instruments to identify subjects at high risk of illness and to offer them effective interventions. There is an indisputable need for more sophisticated methods to enable more precise detection of adolescents and young adults who are at high risk of developing psychosis.
Abnormal function in brain networks has been reported in people with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Similar abnormalities have been found also in people at risk for developing psychosis, but it is not known whether this applies also to spontaneous resting state activity in young people with a familial risk for psychosis.
We conducted resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI) in 72 (29 male) young adults with a history of psychosis in one or both parents (FR) but without psychosis themselves, and 72 (29 male) similarly healthy control subjects without familial risk for psychosis. Both groups in the Oulu Brain and Mind study were drawn from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986. All volunteers were 20–25 years old. Parental psychosis was established using the Care Register for Health Care. R-fMRI data was pre-processed using independent component analysis (ICA). A dual regression technique was used to detect between-group differences with p < 0.05 threshold corrected for multiple comparisons at voxel level.
FR subjects demonstrated significantly decreased activity compared to control subjects in the default mode network and in the central executive network and increased activity in the cerebellum.
The findings clarify previously controversial literature on the subject. The finding suggests that abnormal activity in these brain networks in rest may be associated with increased vulnerability to psychosis. The findings maybe helpful in developing more precise methods for detecting young people at highest risk for developing psychosis. / Tiivistelmä
Psykoottisiin häiriöihin sairastutaan yleensä nuoruudessa tai varhaisaikuisuudessa. Psykoositutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää uusia menetelmiä, joiden avulla kyettäisiin tunnistamaan suurimmassa psykoosiriskissä olevat nuoret, jotta heille voitaisiin tarjota sairautta ennaltaehkäiseviä hoitokeinoja.
Skitsofreniaan ja muihin psykoottisiin häiriöihin sairastuneilla on havaittu aivotoiminnan poikkeavuuksia. Samankaltaisia aivotoiminnan poikkeavuuksia on havaittu myös nuorilla, jotka ovat vaarassa sairastua psykoosiin. Toistaiseksi on ollut epäselvää, onko psykoosiin sairastuneiden henkilöiden lapsilla aivohermoverkkojen toiminnan poikkeavuuksia lepotilassa.
Suoritimme aivojen lepotilan MRI-tutkimuksen (R-fMRI) 72:lle (29 miestä) nuorelle aikuiselle, joiden jompikumpi vanhempi oli sairastunut psykoosin sekä 72:lle (29 miestä) nuorelle aikuiselle, joiden vanhemmat eivät olleet sairastaneet psykoosia. Molemmat tutkimusryhmät tässä Oulu Brain and Mind -tutkimuksessa olivat Pohjois-Suomen 1986 syntymäkohortin jäseniä. Tutkittavat olivat 20–25 vuoden iässä. Lepotilan toiminnallinen magneettikuvaus suoritettiin 1.5 Teslan Siemensin magneettikuvantamislaitteella. Tutkimuskohteiksi valittiin lepotilan toiminnallinen aivohermoverkko, toiminnan ohjauksesta vastaava aivohermoverkko ja pikkuaivot. Kuvantamisdataan sovellettiin itsenäisten komponenttien analyysia aivohermoverkkojen määrittämistä varten. Ryhmien välisen eron havaitsemiseen käytettiin ei-parametristä permutaatiotestiä, joka kynnystettiin tilastollisesti merkitsevään tasoon (p < 0.05).
Lepotilan oletushermoverkossa ja toiminnanohjauksesta vastaavassa aivohermoverkoissa havaittiin vähäisempää aktiivisuutta ja pikkuaivoissa kohonnutta aktiivisuutta perinnöllisessä psykoosiriskissä olevilla nuorilla aikuisilla verrattuna verrokkeihin.
Tutkimustulokset selkeyttivät aiempaa ristiriitaista kirjallisuutta tutkimusaiheesta. Tutkimuksessa havaittujen aivoalueiden poikkeava toiminta lepotilassa voi liittyä kohonneeseen psykoosin puhkeamisriskiin. Tutkimuslöydösten avulla voidaan todennäköisesti edesauttaa parempien kuvantamismenetelmien kehittämistä suurimmassa psykoosiriskissä olevien nuorten tunnistamiseen.
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