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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O mercado interno como patrimônio nacional

Nascimento, Cecilia Franco Sisternas Fiorenzo do 07 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T21:06:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Cecilia Franco S Fiorenzo do Nascimento1.pdf: 40132 bytes, checksum: 23db0d6bce3de05fe54a6be00dab3f80 (MD5) Cecilia Franco S Fiorenzo do Nascimento2.pdf: 875971 bytes, checksum: e6c16ffeaefc3ad6f7ec9fd66db27089 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-07 / Result of the special interest for Constitucional law and the curiosity for the deep existing relation between Law, Economy and Society, the work was idealized and developed as instrument of reflection on the domestic market, an institution that keeps elements of the three areas and makes possible the harmonic coexistence between the rules and the interests of all them, capable to carry through in its core the common objectives and the specific ones of each one. The objective of the research was, from the notion of domestic market, to interpret article 219 of the Federal Constitution, by means of the analysis of the reasons, meanings and consequences of its upholding for the constitutional recognition and its integration on the national patrimony, in order to recognize the pretension of the Constituent and gauge the effectiveness, in the fact and legal plans, of this rule that congregates two disposals of high importance for the State. / Resultado do especial interesse por Direito Constitucional e da curiosidade pela profunda relação existente entre Direito, Economia e Sociedade, o trabalho foi idealizado e desenvolvido como instrumento de reflexão sobre o mercado interno, uma instituição que guarda elementos das três áreas e possibilita a convivência harmônica entre as regras e os interesses de todas elas, capaz de realizar em seu bojo os objetivos comuns e os específicos de cada uma. O objetivo da pesquisa foi, a partir da noção de mercado interno, interpretar o artigo 219 da Constituição Federal, por meio da análise das razões, significados e conseqüências da sua consagração pelo reconhecimento constitucional e da sua integração ao patrimônio nacional, de modo a reconhecer a pretensão do Constituinte e aferir a efetividade, nos planos fático e jurídico, dessa norma que congrega duas disposições de elevada importância para o Estado.

Competition and market integration : the case of China's auto industry

TIAN, Xi 01 January 2007 (has links)
The “special treatments” of automobile industry in China, especially in the forms of local protectionism, have been criticized as evidences of domestic market fragmentation for long. Whether these “special treatments” have stunted the integration of a national auto market in China remains a question. This paper seeks to examine the degree of market integration in the automobile markets in China by using tests of cointegration between prices of spatial markets. Several econometric approaches for spatial price analysis, including the ADF unit root test, Maddala-Wu’s Fisher type panel unit root test and more restrictive Dufour-Torres panel unit root test are applied to monthly average retail prices for the main models sold across 36 cities from 1994-2006. Besides the above conventional linear methods, the author also applies the newly developed nonlinear unit root method proposed by Kapetanios et al. (2003). Test results indicate that the nonlinear test support convergence more often than the conventional linear unit root tests. Moreover, they also reveal that price convergence and hence market integration hold for majority of models and markets. The paper also investigates possible explanatory factors in price disparities of auto markets among cities. As the evidence shows, the geographic distance between markets, difference of per capital income, and the existence of local production play important roles in the absolute price differentials as well as the volatility of price differentials among cities.

Análise econômica de sistemas alternativos de produção de tilápias em tanques rede para diferentes mercados. / Economic analysis of alternative sistems of tilapia production in cage for differents markets.

Sonoda, Daniel Yokoyama 29 November 2002 (has links)
Os dados referentes ao setor pesqueiro no Brasil e no mundo mostram que tal recurso natural está bem próximo do limite máximo de exploração. A produção mundial de peixes, no entanto, continua apresentando contínuo crescimento. Este aumento tem sido obtido graças ao crescimento da aqüicultura que vem se mostrando a melhor alternativa para suprir a estagnação da produção pesqueira de captura. No Brasil, o quadro é bastante semelhante, pois nos últimos 20 anos a produção pesqueira nacional reduz sensivelmente. A redução só não é maior, graças ao crescimento gradativo da aqüicultura no País. Atualmente ela é responsável por 19% da produção nacional de pescados. A Região Sul e o Estado de São Paulo respondem por 71% dessa produção. Nestes Estados a criação de peixes de água doce, desenvolveu-se em função de uma atividade de lazer relacionada à pesca esportiva denominada pesque pague. Nos últimos anos, porém, a concorrência entre os piscicultores tem trazido dificuldades na comercialização junto a estes estabelecimentos. Dentre as principais dificuldades estão a redução dos preços pagos aos peixes e excessiva demora na colocação do produto no mercado. Estes fatos estão fazendo com que os piscicultores busquem alternativas para a colocação de seus peixes. Uma alternativa de mercado para este caso seria o mercados de peixes para alimentação. Porém nesse mercado existe a concorrência com os peixes da pesca extrativa. Ele é predominantemente dominado pela pesca extrativa que além de possuir maior dimensão, possui um número muito maior de espécies e já possui mercado cativo. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral estudar a viabilidade econômica, do sistema atual de produção da tilápia, visando mercados alternativos à comercialização junto a pesque-pagues e de produtos processados. A partir dos resultados obtidos, são analisadas algumas alternativas tecnológicas no sistema de produção atual, buscando identificar aquela que proporciona maior rentabilidade. Além das adaptações dentro do sistema produtivo atual, o trabalho estuda o no sistema agroindustrial (SAG) da tilápia em um novo conceito de sistema de produção. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a biomassa econômica para a densidade de 236,3 peixes/m 3 foi de 173,66 kg/m 3 o que equivale a uma média de peso de 735 g/peixe. Observou-se também o peso inicial que maximiza a rentabilidade é de 280g ao preço de R$2,00/kg. Em seguida foram feitas análises de risco para três situações distintas: venda de peixes com peso médio superior ao indicado pela biomassa econômica; pesos de alevinos/juvenis distintos; e, simulação de uma situação de exportação. No primeiro caso verificou-se que, ao se trabalhar com uma biomassa superior a da econômica, os riscos de insucesso do projeto se elevam mais do que quando se trabalha com uma biomassa inferior à econômica. No segundo, ao se iniciar o ciclo de produção com peixes de 280 g, a probabilidade de se elevar a rentabilidade do projeto são superiores aos de se iniciar com peixes de 10 g. Finalmente, o estudo indica que no mercado internacional os riscos de insucesso são bastante semelhantes ao do mercado interno. / Recent data about the situation of fisheries in the World and in Brazil indicate some evidences that this resource is near to its maximum level of extraction capacity. However, the World fish production is in continuously increasing. Its growth has been supported by the increasing by aquaculture production, which seems to be the best alternative to the stagnation of fishery production. In Brazil, in the last 20 year, the situation has been very similar. The increase in aquaculture has compensated the reduction of fishery production, which is now responsible for 20% of the national fish production. The South Region and São Paulo State concentrate 71% of the national aquatic organisms production. The fresh water aquaculture in these States developed to attend the demand of live fish from the sportive fishing activity denominated "catch-and-pay". Recently, the increase in production and the competition between the fish farmers created some commercial troubles. Low prices and lack of demand are some of them. These kinds of obstacles have motivated the fish farmer to look for other market alternatives. The first one is the food market. However, the competition here is very hard from commercial fishing industry. They have large volumes and number of species and the consumers are used to them. Thus, this studies objectives is to economically evaluate the production of tilápia for market alternatives like the "catch-and-pay" and the processing industry. Also, analyze it some technological alternatives to the actual system of tilapia production looking for one that gives the highest profit. The proposal of the study is to suggest news concepts of tilapias production systems. The results show that for the system that uses 236,3 fish/m 3 , the economic biomass was 176,66 kg/m 3, with a medium weight of 735 g per fish. After that, different sizes of fingerlings were analyzed. It was found that the size that maximized the profit is 280 g per fish. The risk was estimated for 3 different cases: production until the biomass higher than highest profit; start the production with different sizes of fingerlings; and finally tilapias for exportation. In the first case, if the production is kept until biomass becomes higher than the economic one, the risk of loses is higher than if the farmer sell the fish at biomass lower than the economic. The probability of obtain higher profits is greater if the production starts with larger fingerlings (280 g versus 10 g). And, the probabilities of losses in the international market are similar to the domestic "catch-and-pay" market.

Constituição e desenvolvimento: o mercado interno na constituição de 1988 / Constitution and development: the domestic market on the Brazilian constitution of 1988

Salgado, Rodrigo Oliveira 21 May 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação procura analisar o artigo 219 da Constituição Brasileira sob a ótica das políticas econômicas do desenvolvimento. Em seu texto, o referido artigo garante como parte integrante do patrimônio nacional o mercado interno, prescrevendo seu incentivo a fim de proporcionar o desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural, bem como a autonomia tecnológica e o bem-estar de toda a população. Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos da Constituição Federal de 1988 como sendo uma constituição dirigente, esta dissertação foca-se sobre o referido dispositivo encarando-o como artigo pertencente à chamada constituição econômica formal. Assim, esta pesquisa se propõe a estudar os três principais discursos nacionais sobre o desenvolvimento econômico, ao mesmo tempo em que busca na literatura econômico-constitucional as melhores análises sobre o referido artigo. / This study intends to analyze the article 219 of the Brazilian Constitution, under the view of the policies for economic development. In its text, the referred article grants the Brazilian internal market as part of the national patrimony. Further, the article prescribes its economic stimulus, intending to provide cultural, social and economic development, as well as social welfare and technological independence. Assuming that the Brazilian Constitution is a typical José Canotilhos directive constitution model, this study focuses on the referred article, facing it as a part of the Brazilian economic constitution. Thereby, proposes to study the three main national thesis about economic development, as the same time as it searches on the Brazilian constitutional and economic literature the best analysis on the cited article.

Les entreprises et les frontières fiscales dans l'Union européenne / Companies and tax frontiers in the European Union

Allouard, Ophélie 17 December 2014 (has links)
Délimitant les souverainetés fiscales étatiques, les frontières fiscales sont au cœur des préoccupations de l’Union, des Etats membres et des entreprises. L’Union souhaite un marché intérieur sans frontières. Les Etats membres veulent préserver leurs frontières fiscales. L’opposition des volontés de l’Union et des Etats membres conduit à s’interroger sur la situation actuelle et pour l’avenir des frontières fiscales. La confrontation de ces volontés a engendré une dévaluation des frontières fiscales. L’intégration positive et négative prévue par le droit de l’Union a permis de rapprocher ou d’encadrer les législations fiscales des Etats membres. Toutefois, les Etats membres continuent de s’opposer à leur suppression. Mais l’Union change progressivement de position sur les frontières fiscales. Le marché intérieur doit se construire en tenant compte de ces frontières. La permanence des frontières fiscales est donc assurée, d’autant qu’elles savent s’adapter aux changements de la société. / In delimiting the tax sovereignty of the states apparatus, tax frontiers are at the heart of the Union’s, the State Members’ and also Companies’. The Union wants an internal market without frontiers. The State Members would like to maintain their tax frontiers. This opposition between the Union and the State Members therefore questions the present and future situation of the tax frontiers. This confrontation between the Union and the State Members has lead to a devaluation of tax frontiers. The positive and negative integration determined by the right of the Union has enabled the tax laws of the State Members to be linked closer together or be supervised. On the other hand, the State Members continue to refuse their suppression. But the Union is changing progressively its position regarding tax frontiers. The internal market must be built taking into account these frontiers. The permanence of fiscal frontiers is therefore ensured, especially since they can adapt to changes in society.

Constituição e desenvolvimento: o mercado interno na constituição de 1988 / Constitution and development: the domestic market on the Brazilian constitution of 1988

Rodrigo Oliveira Salgado 21 May 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação procura analisar o artigo 219 da Constituição Brasileira sob a ótica das políticas econômicas do desenvolvimento. Em seu texto, o referido artigo garante como parte integrante do patrimônio nacional o mercado interno, prescrevendo seu incentivo a fim de proporcionar o desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural, bem como a autonomia tecnológica e o bem-estar de toda a população. Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos da Constituição Federal de 1988 como sendo uma constituição dirigente, esta dissertação foca-se sobre o referido dispositivo encarando-o como artigo pertencente à chamada constituição econômica formal. Assim, esta pesquisa se propõe a estudar os três principais discursos nacionais sobre o desenvolvimento econômico, ao mesmo tempo em que busca na literatura econômico-constitucional as melhores análises sobre o referido artigo. / This study intends to analyze the article 219 of the Brazilian Constitution, under the view of the policies for economic development. In its text, the referred article grants the Brazilian internal market as part of the national patrimony. Further, the article prescribes its economic stimulus, intending to provide cultural, social and economic development, as well as social welfare and technological independence. Assuming that the Brazilian Constitution is a typical José Canotilhos directive constitution model, this study focuses on the referred article, facing it as a part of the Brazilian economic constitution. Thereby, proposes to study the three main national thesis about economic development, as the same time as it searches on the Brazilian constitutional and economic literature the best analysis on the cited article.

Análise econômica de sistemas alternativos de produção de tilápias em tanques rede para diferentes mercados. / Economic analysis of alternative sistems of tilapia production in cage for differents markets.

Daniel Yokoyama Sonoda 29 November 2002 (has links)
Os dados referentes ao setor pesqueiro no Brasil e no mundo mostram que tal recurso natural está bem próximo do limite máximo de exploração. A produção mundial de peixes, no entanto, continua apresentando contínuo crescimento. Este aumento tem sido obtido graças ao crescimento da aqüicultura que vem se mostrando a melhor alternativa para suprir a estagnação da produção pesqueira de captura. No Brasil, o quadro é bastante semelhante, pois nos últimos 20 anos a produção pesqueira nacional reduz sensivelmente. A redução só não é maior, graças ao crescimento gradativo da aqüicultura no País. Atualmente ela é responsável por 19% da produção nacional de pescados. A Região Sul e o Estado de São Paulo respondem por 71% dessa produção. Nestes Estados a criação de peixes de água doce, desenvolveu-se em função de uma atividade de lazer relacionada à pesca esportiva denominada pesque pague. Nos últimos anos, porém, a concorrência entre os piscicultores tem trazido dificuldades na comercialização junto a estes estabelecimentos. Dentre as principais dificuldades estão a redução dos preços pagos aos peixes e excessiva demora na colocação do produto no mercado. Estes fatos estão fazendo com que os piscicultores busquem alternativas para a colocação de seus peixes. Uma alternativa de mercado para este caso seria o mercados de peixes para alimentação. Porém nesse mercado existe a concorrência com os peixes da pesca extrativa. Ele é predominantemente dominado pela pesca extrativa que além de possuir maior dimensão, possui um número muito maior de espécies e já possui mercado cativo. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral estudar a viabilidade econômica, do sistema atual de produção da tilápia, visando mercados alternativos à comercialização junto a pesque-pagues e de produtos processados. A partir dos resultados obtidos, são analisadas algumas alternativas tecnológicas no sistema de produção atual, buscando identificar aquela que proporciona maior rentabilidade. Além das adaptações dentro do sistema produtivo atual, o trabalho estuda o no sistema agroindustrial (SAG) da tilápia em um novo conceito de sistema de produção. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a biomassa econômica para a densidade de 236,3 peixes/m 3 foi de 173,66 kg/m 3 o que equivale a uma média de peso de 735 g/peixe. Observou-se também o peso inicial que maximiza a rentabilidade é de 280g ao preço de R$2,00/kg. Em seguida foram feitas análises de risco para três situações distintas: venda de peixes com peso médio superior ao indicado pela biomassa econômica; pesos de alevinos/juvenis distintos; e, simulação de uma situação de exportação. No primeiro caso verificou-se que, ao se trabalhar com uma biomassa superior a da econômica, os riscos de insucesso do projeto se elevam mais do que quando se trabalha com uma biomassa inferior à econômica. No segundo, ao se iniciar o ciclo de produção com peixes de 280 g, a probabilidade de se elevar a rentabilidade do projeto são superiores aos de se iniciar com peixes de 10 g. Finalmente, o estudo indica que no mercado internacional os riscos de insucesso são bastante semelhantes ao do mercado interno. / Recent data about the situation of fisheries in the World and in Brazil indicate some evidences that this resource is near to its maximum level of extraction capacity. However, the World fish production is in continuously increasing. Its growth has been supported by the increasing by aquaculture production, which seems to be the best alternative to the stagnation of fishery production. In Brazil, in the last 20 year, the situation has been very similar. The increase in aquaculture has compensated the reduction of fishery production, which is now responsible for 20% of the national fish production. The South Region and São Paulo State concentrate 71% of the national aquatic organisms production. The fresh water aquaculture in these States developed to attend the demand of live fish from the sportive fishing activity denominated "catch-and-pay". Recently, the increase in production and the competition between the fish farmers created some commercial troubles. Low prices and lack of demand are some of them. These kinds of obstacles have motivated the fish farmer to look for other market alternatives. The first one is the food market. However, the competition here is very hard from commercial fishing industry. They have large volumes and number of species and the consumers are used to them. Thus, this studies objectives is to economically evaluate the production of tilápia for market alternatives like the "catch-and-pay" and the processing industry. Also, analyze it some technological alternatives to the actual system of tilapia production looking for one that gives the highest profit. The proposal of the study is to suggest news concepts of tilapias production systems. The results show that for the system that uses 236,3 fish/m 3 , the economic biomass was 176,66 kg/m 3, with a medium weight of 735 g per fish. After that, different sizes of fingerlings were analyzed. It was found that the size that maximized the profit is 280 g per fish. The risk was estimated for 3 different cases: production until the biomass higher than highest profit; start the production with different sizes of fingerlings; and finally tilapias for exportation. In the first case, if the production is kept until biomass becomes higher than the economic one, the risk of loses is higher than if the farmer sell the fish at biomass lower than the economic. The probability of obtain higher profits is greater if the production starts with larger fingerlings (280 g versus 10 g). And, the probabilities of losses in the international market are similar to the domestic "catch-and-pay" market.

Trade liberalization, labor allocation and income dynamics in Vietnam / Libéralisation commerciale, allocation du travail et dynamique des revenus au Vietnam

Vu, Hoang dat 30 November 2018 (has links)
Les objectifs de notre thèse sont d'étudier les évolutions du marché du travail depuis Doï Moï (la réforme économique au VN en 1986) et les impacts de l'intégration internationale de l'économie du Vietnam, en mettant l'accent sur une distinction des secteurs formel et informel. Dans notre thèse, nous étudions les impacts de la libéralisation commerciale et l'augmentation des salaires minimums dans les secteurs domestiques. Ce dernier peut également être considéré comme un facteur relatif à l'intégration internationale puisqu'il a suivi les engagements du Vietnam dans le cadre de l'adhésion à WTO. Pour les impacts de la libéralisation commerciale, nous examinons les effets sur les allocations de main-d'œuvre entre différents types d'emplois, y compris le travail salarié dans les secteurs formels et les entreprises ménagères, ainsi que les emplois autonomes dans les secteurs manufacturiers. Les impacts sur les écarts de revenus dans les différents types d'emplois sont également exploités. Pour les impacts de l'augmentation des salaires minimums, nous exploitons les effets sur le total des emplois, les mouvements entre les secteurs formels et les autres types d'emplois, la répartition des salaires dans les secteurs formel et informel et les écarts de salaire entre les deux secteurs à différents centiles. Chapitre 1. Libéralisation commerciale, allocation du travail et dynamique des revenus au Vietnam Abstrait Cette étude vise à répondre à deux questions inter-liées au Viet Nam: (i) comment la libéralisation commerciale influence l'allocation des travailleurs, entre travail indépendant, travail salarié dans les entreprises familiales et le travail salarié dans le secteur formel (entreprises privées, étrangères et publiques); et (ii) les écarts de revenus entre ces types d'emplois. Une extension du modèle « deux étapes » de Goldberg et Pavcnik (2003) et sa modification sont utilisées pour répondre aux questions. Les données proviennent de cinq enquêtes traditionnelles sur le vieillissement du ménage du Viet Nam de 2002 à 2010 et des mesures disponibles de la libéralisation commerciale au Viet Nam. Les résultats indiquent que la libéralisation commerciale n'a pas d'impact significatif sur les écarts de revenus entre les types d'emplois. Parallèlement, les augmentations de l'exposition au commerce international réduisent les salaires dans les entreprises familiales, par rapport à celles des secteurs formels. L'augmentation de la libéralisation commerciale a également des répercussions sur les emplois autonomes, mais il semble que les orientations des impacts dépendent des statuts de l'importation nette ou de l'exportation nette d'industries du Viet Nam. Chapitre 2. Impacts de l'unification des salaires minimum entre les secteurs sur les allocations de travail et la dynamique des revenus au Vietnam Abstrait Les taux de salaire minimum au Viet Nam ont augmenté considérablement depuis 2009 en tant qu'engagements d'unification entre les IDE et les secteurs domestiques dans le cadre de l'adhésion à WTO. Cette croissance a été considérée comme supérieure à la croissance de la productivité de l'économie. En utilisant les données des Enquêtes sur la population active du Vietnam et les enquêtes sur le niveau de vie des ménages de 2010 à 2014, le document actuel examine les répercussions des salaires minimum sur les statuts de l'emploi, la répartition des salaires dans les secteurs formel et informel ainsi que les écarts de salaire entre les deux secteurs. Les résultats impliquent que le salaire minimum n'a pas d’effet significatif sur l'ensemble des emplois de l'ensemble de la population. Ce résultat est quelque peu différent de ceux rapportés dans des études antérieures pour le Viet Nam. / The objectives of the current thesis are to investigate evolutions of the labor market since Doi Moi and impacts from the international integration of Vietnam’s economy, with focuses on a distinction of formal and informal sectors. In the current state of the thesis, the impacts of the trade liberalization and the increases in the minimum wages of the domestic sectors are studied. Indeed, the latter factor, the increase in the minimum wages, can be also considered as a factor relating to the international integration as it followed Viet Nam’s commitments under the WTO accession. For the impacts of the trade liberalization, the thesis investigates the impacts on labor allocations between different types of employments including wage work in the formal sectors and household businesses as well as self-employments in manufacturing sectors. The impacts on income differentials across the types of employments are also exploited. For the impacts of the increases in the minimum wages, the thesis exploits the effects on the total employments, movements between the formal sectors and other types of employments, wage distributions within the formal and informal sectors and wage gaps between the two sectors at different percentiles. Chapter 1. Trade liberalization, labor allocation and income dynamics in Vietnam Abstract This study seeks to answer two inter-related questions for Viet Nam: (i) how trade liberalization affects the allocation of workers across self-employment, wage work in household businesses and wage work in the formal sector (private, foreign invested and state enterprises); and (ii) income differentials between these kinds of employment. An extension of the two-step model in Goldberg and Pavcnik (2003) and its modification are employed to answer the questions. Data is sourced from five Viet Nam Household Living Standard Surveys from 2002 to 2010 and available measures of the trade liberalization in Viet Nam. The results indicate that the trade liberalization does not have significant impacts on income differentials between types of employments. Meanwhile, increases in exposing to the international trade reduce wage works in household businesses, compared with that in the formal sectors. The increase in the trade liberalization also has impacts on self-employments but it seems that the directions of impacts depend on statues of net import or net export of industries of Viet Nam. Chapter 2. Impacts of unification of minimum wages across sectors on labor allocations and income dynamics in Vietnam Abstract Rates of minimum wages in Viet Nam have increased drastically since 2009 as commitments of unification between those in FDI and domestic sectors under the WTO accession. This growth has been considered as being higher to productivity growth of the economy. Employing data of Vietnam Labor Force Surveys and Household Living Standard Surveys from 2010 to 2014, the current paper investigates impacts of the minimum wages on employment statues, wage distributions in formal and informal sectors as well as wage gap between the two sectors. The results imply that the minimum wages do not have significant impacts on the total employments of the whole population. This result is somewhat different from those reported in previous studies for Viet Nam. Our different specifications detect that the differences in the results are attributed to inclusions of trends in studying. Similar to the work of Hansen et al. (2015), the results indicates that that the minimum wages positively affects the wage distribution in the formal sectors. However, we find that the effects do not stop at the median as the result of Hansen et al. but also on higher percentiles. Finally, the minimum wages increases the wage gap between the formal and informal sectors with stronger effects at higher percentiles of the wage distribution.

台日商策略聯盟中國大陸內需市場開拓--上海地區服務業案例研究 / Taiwanese and Japanese Strategic Alliance to Develop the Market in Mainland China--Shanghai Area Services Case Studies

林金珍, LIN, CHIN CHEN Unknown Date (has links)
基於語言、歷史、文化與政治因素,台日商策略聯盟具備進軍中國大陸市場的優勢。「十二五規劃」發展服務業與城市化,台商與日商攜手進軍中國大陸市場,可為雙方帶來綜效。 本研究整理與分析策略聯盟理論與相關文獻,並對台日商策略聯盟解析。依本文台日商策略聯盟服務業分析,以品牌授權為最佳模式。筆者赴上海田野調查一月,訪談十七位台商與學者,其中發現:採用授權合作模式,台日雙方可保有最大自主性,亦可充分發揮雙方競爭優勢,在中國大陸市場應可獲得最大利益。 台日商服務業策略聯盟,具有以下綜效意義與價值:(1)技術共 享與策略協調。理解並善用雙方優勢與清楚定位,提高技術與成本綜效。(2)有形資源共享。台日商就產品設計、創新、行銷、品牌以及服務,清楚分工,並達成共識,選擇中國大陸優良廠商製造,發揮本土化與降低成本等天時、地利,及人和效益。(3)垂直功能整合。台商著重行銷服務,與日商負責研發創新的垂直分工,創造高附加價值績效。(4)談判能力的結合。臺日結盟,產生規模經濟的合作型態尚未出現。隨著臺灣中小企業在中國大陸市場逐漸大型化,期望與日本企業形成談判能力,突破成本困境。(5)創新事業的整合。善用雙方策略性互補與深厚的信賴關係,擴大合作綜效與機會。 臺日雙方以開放、分享的態度,減少反綜效發生,強化技術、資源、以及成本與整合等優勢,始能發揮最大效果。在兩岸ECFA簽訂後,台日商,特別是中小企業如何在信任基礎上,建立有效合作模式,結合優勢、相容性、產業價值鏈之互補性,策略運用,以及合作思維調整,以因應市場變化,應為重要課題。 / The “12th Five-Year Plan” focuses on the development of the service industry and urbanization. With mainland China’s immature services development, the alliance among Taiwanese and Japanese entrepreneurs has the advantage to enter the market. This study systematically organizes and analyzes the theories of international strategic alliances, as well as the relevant literature review. The author who spent a month of fieldwork in Shanghai interviewed 17 entrepreneurs and scholars to find that licensing model could maintain maximum autonomy between Taiwanese and Japanese companies, and at the same time, give full competitive advantage to both sides, which allows complete access to the best interests in mainland China. The Taiwan-Japan strategic alliance in the service sector has the following meaning and value of synergy: (1) to understand and take advantage of strengths and clear positioning to both sides by technology sharing and policy coordination to improve the technical and cost synergies, (2) to reach a consensus on tangible resource sharing, such as product design, innovation, marketing , branding, services and choice of excellent manufacturers in mainland China to localize and reduce costs, (3) to be responsible for marketing by the Taiwanese, and research as well as innovation by the Japanese to create high value-added performance, (4) to look forward to combine bargaining power by generating economies of scale with Taiwan’s SMEs large-scaled formation in mainland China to break through the cost dilemma, (5) to use strategic complementarity and deep relations of trust of both sides to expand business cooperation synergy and opportunities. Strategic alliance between Taiwanese and Japanese entrepreneurs achieves maximum results with an open attitude to reduce the occurrence of anti-synergy and enhance technology, resources, cost and integration. Developing the domestic market is the government policy of mainland China. After the signing of the cross-strait ECFA, Taiwanese and Japanese entrepreneurs should establish an effective and a systematic evaluation criteria based on trust from both sides, exploiting superiority, compatibility and complementarities of industry value chain to work on the maximum benefit.

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